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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Whites tend to make cheap copies of Indian culture.
Whites have no fucking original thoughts. Just copy + paste like a stupid AI robot.
Ok Ramjeet,it's your turn to do it right. Full speed
You can always copy something from the west.
I suggest starting with waste managment and sewer systems :)
It's funny how Indians tend to believe that theirs is the only culture that ever used a swastika.
I've actually personally showed evidence of this falsehood to Indians. They accepted it somewhat begrudgingly.
Poo status = REKT
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Found a picture of the OP.
Show canada flag now, dicklet LMAO
How come swastikas are found in ancient European archaeological sites? Why are Germanic languages more closely related to Sanskrit than they are to Celtic languages?
I hope you know that OP is fishing for (You)s.
Could be, but as I said I've had personal experience with this. Indians really do tend to believe what OP says.
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Except, you don't even have a word for it. Swastika is a Sanskrit word, not European. If it was a part of your culture, then you wouldn't need to go around calling it by the Indian name.
I know. I live next to them. They are as much ignorant as Americans on various issues. They think they are the real Aryans and their religion is the oldest on the planet which give them supreme authority over other people.
Poos need to fucking leave this planet. They are like jews but worst.
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>t. pic related

ITT we BTFO pajeet dicklets by posting pictures of what they actually look like.
There are other words for it, but I'll let you look them up. Possibly you already have and are just playing dumb, but in case you're not then I reserve the surprise.
whitoids are fucking coping bro. its a tale as old as... wait our culture is even older than theirs LOL
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You're fucking moronic with this cope.
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Imagine being on the outskirts of a city and claiming your shitty suburb is the original city when all facts and history and documents say the city center was the origin point.
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Even if they were, you still call it by the Indian name, thereby proving it's not a part of your culture. The only reason you even use that symbol is because the jews keep guilt tripping you about the Nazis.

>muh Aryan invasion
Never happened. Imagine believing the long debunked colonial cope fantasy invented to give validity to the barbarian occupation of a civilization far older than theirs.
>we wuz the aryanz brownboi so we have the right to rule over you
its a part of chinese culture
i just cant understand the urge to claim everything as indian culture
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>Never happened
Explain why your culture worships cattle then.
You don't eat them. You're genetically lactose intolerant.
shut up pooojet
The swastika came to india from europeans that came and put you swarthy niggers in check and ruled over you
I still don't get why Indians are so stuck on believing the origin was brown shitturds instead of white aryan superhumans.

Doesn't your ancient scripts literally describe and worship whites? You should be honoured to descend from us.
>Explain why your culture worships cattle then
>low iq
>rather eat cow shit than cow
low protein diet and have 50% of starving kids in entire world ...
when nuke?
Indians originated from Africa. You whitoids got plapped into extinction cause yt girls can't resist melanin.
>Even if they were
That's what we call an admission. IDK if you confirmed it for yourself but clearly you feel very confident that I'm telling the truth, and well you should.
As I said, I've dealt with your type before. I have serval very dear Indian friends. None of them were so prideful as to deny obvious truths when presented. Perhaps their intellectual honesty is part of why they chose to leave India.
>ITT whitoids get destroyed by Indian bvlls
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Cattle are native to India. And we are not lactose intolerant to our native breeds of cattle and buffalo.
Yea I don't get the whitoid cope that we're lactose intolerant. A lot of South Asian dishes use milk and butter.
Whites are fucking retarded. You're not special for drinking milk Timmy.
Indian, not "muh south Asian". Everything in the Indian subcontinent is a result of the Indian civilization.
I know but I wanna remind these Timmies that we're an Asian country. They love to lump us in with sandnigger countries because their education system is laughable.
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The only parts of India that have any lactose tolerance are the areas where the most Vedic culture settlers ended up but it's being quickly bred out of your people because of how many South Indians there are and the end of caste based assortative mating.
lol don't care I'm literally drinking coffee rn. Coffee with milk.
It’s almost as if the entire country lacks any actual identity because it’s a chaotic hellhole filled with mental constructions and horrible poverty filled with too many people who fucking hate eachother based on cast, religion, region, income etc trying to jew eachother and justifying it in their head as karma from a previous life being repaid or whatever.

Hence the desperate clinging to ANYTHING that gives a shred of identity so they can muse about the glorious aryan indian empire while wading through chemical waste and feces on the way to their job to shill online. Their fragile psyche rests on cognitive dissonance and projection which manifests itself outwardly as arrogant narcissism and a misplaced superiority based on a nihilistic view that originates from a misunderstood spirituality.

Instead of admitting any of this it’s just far easier for the average indian to say we wuz aryans and cry about the brits while ignoring the actual reality and taking any responsibility for their fellow indians behaving like a mixture of kikes and niggers.
>Picture of a Japanese temple
VPN bitch, wanna take a guess where East Asian culture originated from? It starts with the letter I
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All the JAPANESE culture you love is FROM INDIA
>Shinto Temples
>Steel creation (Katana) from India
>Buddhism which influenced the traditions there.
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Either thank us for the LCT gene your ancestors inherited from us or enjoy spending the ensuing time on the toilet, if you have one.
>thank us
>said the nigger ghetto country that is America
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>white aryan superhumans.
Most of Europeans were half naked savages living in mud huts when Buddhism was created in Indian cities in 500 BC. And that was 1000's of years after the Harappan and Vedic age. It's the Romans who came long after the Indian civilization, that civilized Europe. Your entire culture and history is Roman and Greek in origin, who are far more recent compared to India, the only continuously surviving civilization and culture in the world since antiquity.
>worship whites
More we wuz niggery.
Aryans were white and sanksrit is aryan language related to Lithuanian. Your culture is shitting on the streets aboriginal style. You have barely any aryan admixture left. Actual aryans live mainly in the northern Europe.
you are an albinoid. You sickly pale-skinned genetic trash. Our ancestors kicked you out and now you live like a nigger in some permafrost shithole.

It's no wonder why India's economy MOGS Finland's
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Cope, seethe and dilate, nordcuck.
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Show me a single study that suggests the aryan peoples originated in india.
>Show me a single study mostly written by anglokikes to bury the truth
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Swaztika is representation of the stars rotating around the north star .

Northern Europeans have used this for 20 000 years to tell time of night and time of year.

Ayrian invasion brought it to India but you don't even know what it means
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>. Everything in the Indian subcontinent is a result of the Indian civilization
too many poojets here so let me pull out the pajeet copedex
you realize a pakistani incel made that pic right? You fucking muslim nigger
> Mirror-image swastikas (clockwise and counter-clockwise) have been found on ceramic pottery in the Devetashka cave, Bulgaria, dated to 6,000 BCE. Some of the earliest archaeological evidence of the swastika in the Indian subcontinent can be dated to 3,000 BCE.
> Indian culture
> ?????
The truth would shatter 99% of people’s world view.
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Fucking retard, the big dipper (and Polaris) is one of the most recognizable constellations in the night sky. And India is in the northern hemisphere. We can see it here as well. Every civilization in the northern hemisphere has been using them for navigation for millennia. It's not some genius invention of whites.
fk muslim , do you think i am muslim? fk that 9 year old rapist god
i was born in your stupid religion but i am not gonna preach your bs ..
this race , culture and this country need to be purged
aqueducts became lost technology after rome fell just like nasa spacecraft today
western europe isn't shit
Sure, filthy ricebag christkike.
Good morning.
pajeet i dont believe in any god
check the cope index you are really reading the lines
>poo color
>poo smell
>poo brains
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this is more of a self own than anything and won't work on /pol/ because we're more discerning than normalfags and know that india literally smells like shit. the moment you step off the plane you're blasted with a waft of shit smell. you're here trying to claim ownership of some kind of patrician, advanced and aristocratic society but if that were ever the case (it wasn't, european aryans invaded from the north which is why you still have a caste system where the whiter indians are superior) then you've regressed horribly in that 1000 year timespan. indians have an average iq around 70, can't even figure out waste disposal, have chronically recurring diseases and environmental issues from shitting in the street and rape like they change clothes. no matter how many meme images you save to use against "the whitoids" in retaliation when they make fun of you and no matter how much explaining away you do on here, you will always be a laughing stock and a nation of savage retards who can't even figure out how to use a fuckin toilet. all the effort you spend coping on here could be better spent actually doing something for your shithole (lol) rapidly deteriorating country.
what is a toilet
check mate
*street shitting intensifies*
so true. arabs introduced math and science to their shit countries which ended the dark ages and then they plagiarize all of it and pretended that they created all of it. now they're trying to wipe out arabs to modify history.
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It's the other way around dumbass.
kek truth hurts, nigger
and then the fucking shit goblins claim anyone else was "we wuzzing," how sad
Why are you so butthurt about the aryan invasion? The same thing happened in Europe. Are you butthurt about the first farmers settling in India, who came from Elam?
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The reason India is in this state today is because your filthy parasitic country. Not to mention, there were no Euros invading and living in India. Stop we wuzzing as Indians like a bunch of niggers. It's getting embarrassing to watch you people. Not even your own historians believe that. You'd know that if you read actual history, instead of regurgitating neo-Nazi memes. The "caste system" was never race based nor hereditary. That, again, was introduced by your anglokike country to divide and conquer Indians.
No kidding, I learned today that shampoo is a word borrowed from Hindi. Sham. Poo. I’m literally not joking
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Man I sure do love how the Hindoo supremacists have hit the internet in stride and have gone against all their other actual historians who agreed that the Aryan Invasion did occur because they're cannot get over the fact their ancestors got their asses handed to them by the steppe folk from the North Caucuses, who also are some of their ancestors.

Literally everyone that has any semblance of academic knowledge that isn't a raving lunatic leftist and is outside of your dumbass communities knows the Aryan invasion occurred, literally every form of science confirms this outside of your bullshit that you fuckers push. Get over it your ancestor got conquered and raped by your other ancestors who came from the Eurasian steppe, you're mutts like practically every other group of people on the planet.
yea we fucking invented shampoo. whitoids literally had insect-infested hair before we taught you basic hygiene.
Farming evolved indigenously in multiple places, India included.
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Do your head-thing, sanjeep.
nigger be respectful when you talk to white people
They are the reason why you were even born.
or this country would be another african country
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>before we taught you basic hygiene
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>we taught you basic hygiene
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>taught you basic hygiene
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>Whites tend to make cheap copies of Indian culture.
the oldest indo european tradition in india is less than 3000 years old
the oldest indo european tradition in europe is 5000 years old
the oldest swastika is european
the oldest wheel is european
the oldest wagon is european
the oldest chariot is european
the oldest domesticated horse is european
the indo european homeland is european
the oldest aryan and indo european paternal lineages are originated from europe
the physical appearance of ancient aryans was european
the autosomal DNA of the ancient aryans is european and the closest modern people are europeans
>aryan invasion ever happened
archeology and genetics prove it happened
that and common sense, even your oldest tradition rigveda has clear parallels with the iranian avesta and other indoeuropean traditions proving the aryans were foreigners from the north and waged war with the locals
non aryan
different breed of cattle, we have the evidence for that too
also notice how there were no domesticated horses in the indian subcontinent before the aryan invasion
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>basic hygiene
>we taught you basic hygiene
>using sustainable materials is bad
>I wanna coat my house in mass produced chinese plastic paint
whites are pathetic
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You're hysterical my man
Hitler just copied it from fingolic turanoids
Lol why are streetshitters such insufferable faggots?
You can go suck their dick, you filthy rootless self-loathing rat. I bet you'll even sell your mother if it means you can live as a slave in a white man's house.
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>poo boasting about smearing shit on its house
Oh you got me this time, Ramdeep!
Ok go build more crap out of cheap chinese materials. Boeing planes falling out of the sky like flies. LMAO
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India invented gay pride marches.
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At least we can do a successful moon mission.
Meanwhile the west:
> iranian avesta
Iranian avesta came after the Rig Veda. It's language is closer to the 10th Mandala of the Rig Veda, the newest one, than the earlier portions of it. You have no idea what you're talking about.
Yes, because it was Indian. It was the bronze age period of the Indian civilization and was Vedic.
i rather be a white man slave than living under the current indian government and surrounded by you pajeets
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>successful moon mission
You do you, india.
lol the celt one looks like a laineyball
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>Ok go build more crap out of cheap chinese materials. Boeing planes falling out of the sky like flies. LMAO
Then get out of here. We don't need traitorous rats like you. Go sell your house or even your mother and suck a white cock. You can even easily transition into a tranny in white countries, so that you can pleasure white men better.
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cope. your Chinesium-Tier boeing "Starliner" got launched despite having LEAKS.
Fucking retarded whites. You make things like the Chinese. Cheap and unreliable.
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White Europeans unironically invented everything. Our genetic mutation to perfection was ordained by God. We invented language, astronomy, science, metallurgy, architecture, religion and developed the concept of economies of scale. The greatest revival of the Antient empires was Scythia et Tartaria.

My team has deciphered the Vinca script and obtained artifacts bearing additional Vinca script. They won’t publish our paper. The occupants of Bulgaria in 5,400 BC predated the scripts of Sumer and Ur by thousands of years. Their script also happens to be identical.

Unfortunately, we accidentally nuked ourselves while engaging in alchemy and flooded a good portion of the planet and created a nuclear winter that lasted for several thousand years.
>At least we can do a successful moon mission.
>Meanwhile the west:
west landed humans on moon when our country got independence
they focus of important stuff instead of sending rocket to moon which will achieve nothing
The only real reason india ever launched a rocket because they are full of ignorance
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>Then get out of here. We don't need traitorous rats like you
ok so get me a visa , i will get out rn
>You can even easily transition into a tranny in white countries
atleast theres freedom to do so
>admits he wants to be a tranny
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> sending rocket to moon which will achieve nothing
LMAO this is an "educated" Indian nigger for you.
never admitted , but white countries allows you to do .. thats the beauty of white countries that your brown nigger mind will never understand
lol what a white cocksucker. you're the most pathetic poster ITT.
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An Indian schooling others about basic hygiene.
aight tell me what did you achieve by that ?
did it solved the 46% of world child hunger coming from india?
or did it solve the unemployment
what problem did it solve? go ahead pajeet , i am all ears
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FUCK u bloody. fucking bloody bastard u can go to hell and go down if u want to go fucking benchod fuck u bloody
told ya , i will not stand for a pajeet or any brown mfs ..
doesnt matter if the white man hates me or not , but my hatred towards brown people is much larger than any white folks out there
ok then give us back all our inventions.
You whites don't deserve Indian technology

Mechanical-based calculation, so no more computers
medicinal properties, so no more medicine
Metallurgy, so no more skyscrapers and infrastructure
shampoo, so no more hair soap.
Almost everything around you was invented by an Indian.

go back to your disgusting insect hair ways, you albino chimp.
>ok then give us back all our inventions.
what invention pajeet?
your whatsapp chats claiming every inventions are not real , wake up
Here’s a pet theory of mine. You can’t do any accent in America (in public) of non white people, except Indian. Women are the gatekeepers to this kind of shit. Men want pussy and women always have a shit fit when you do some African accent or Chinese, Mexican, whatever. But Indian? Literally nobody ever takes offense to it. Glean from this theory of mine whatever you prefer
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We shouldn't have that "freedom" though, trannies are abominations and it's existence as we know it today is a result of jews sexualizing our culture in an attempt to debase and demoralize people. The obsession with sexuality in western national discourse is disgusting. Tranny and faggot shit should not be encouraged in media.
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>I suggest starting with waste managment and sewer systems :)
Damn, that's Brutal.
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India could have built sewers for its cities with the money wasted on COPYING WESTERN GENIUS WHO WENT TO THE MOON FIRST.
>vanity projects by indian crooks
I'll never understand why india wants to do something we did decades ago instead of something they really fucking need, like cities that aren't filled with turds or more trains without extra handles on the outside.
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>Almost everything around you was invented by an Indian
Ok lets see
>the language i am talking is invented by white man
>the monitor, mouse, keyboard, phone i am using was invented by white man
>the medicine that i am going to buy was invented by white man
> the dress i am wearing was invented by a white man
>literally every invention was done by white man
they dont need to brag because empty utensils make more noise pajeet
No more flushing toilets for you, curry-nigger.
yea because we are not crybabies that need constant Jew protection. Why are you inferior races so sensitive?
If you don't get it, then you're a stupid nigger who needs to go back to school.
The Hindu numerals and most of fundamental mathematics itself. So no more mathematics, science and modern technological world.
>If you don't get it, then you're a stupid nigger
then tell me dude , why not reply me what did it achieve instead of just insulting
funny you mention that. Toilets were literally invented in India. We simply ditched it.
Also, why are whites allowed to poo in the forest when camping but when we do it it's bad.

Curious double standard.
Go cry more.
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First the arabs claimed they invented math once they started mingling with the west, now that jeets have internet access they're telling the world they invented math, I can't wait until the niggers in Africa get internet access on the level of jeets and they're telling us THEY invented math, shut the fuck up you absolute fucking retard shiteating streetshitter lmfao you are such a fucking faggot
No matter how many white virtual cocks you suck, you'll still be a filthy shitskin to them. But seems like you enjoy that and being pleasured by white cocks in your trannified axe wound. So, instead of seething on 4chan, get busy selling your house and move to a white country, so that you can live your dream of being a house slave of a white homosexual.
>Except, you don't even have a word for it
Hakenkreuz - the hooked cross.
Go back to shitting in the street; leave the history to the race that actually makes it.
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>constant Jew protection
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>Toilets were literally invented in India. We simply ditched it.
Wow, what's this Indian symbol doing all over a 5th century Anglo-Saxon urn?
Black run white run poo run everyone run
Not my problem if your retarded American education system didn't teach you something as basic as that.
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>you'll still be a filthy shitskin to them.
Self aware shitskins always get love from whitoids, vermin like you deserve to be killed on sight.
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>Not my problem if your retarded American education system didn't teach you something as basic as that.
Cope harder Kumar.
He bounced rather well.
I give it a RomanNumeral IV out of X.
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Saar you mean Hindu Numeral.... Correct?
the indian flag you're replying to is just realistic. he's not an unreasonably defensive retard pretending he comes from high civilization and gave the world technology. indians have a 70 iq on average and shit in the street, do you expect us to coddle you about it and treat you with kid gloves? "it's okay little ranjeet, THEY'RE the ones in the wrong for making fun of you for polluting your own country with human faeces :(" india smells like shit. a WHOLE NATION that smells like fucking shit. sort your fucking race out. sort your nation out. sort your life out. nothing is to be gained from entertaining your delusions that you are "the true aryans" or that india's state of affairs is just dandy, you fucking child. you're like a kicking and screaming baby upset that you're not getting your way. fix your shit.
>saar it's a swastika
It's a gammadion you mongrel
Are you claiming algebra was invented by somebody else?
>get busy selling your house and move to a white country
I am not like you , i will not steal a job from any american , theres nothing i can add to any white country thats why i wont move there ...
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Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. :)
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Only the lucky ones become prostitutes.
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>now that jeets have internet access they're telling the world they invented math
No Jeet has answered this yet.
If you can change your caste and Dalits revive better opportunities in education and government jobs why is no-one changing to dalit?
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Yeah and the niggers will pull out some sticks and stones and say they've had it for 10 thousand years lmfao
India invents time-travel.
>British train knocked that cunt into the middle of next week
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ok then why are we CEOs everywhere from the East to the West. Asia to America. We are owning you all.
We are the top caste of the world now and whitoids are seething.
Do all the european cultures actually call it swastika, or is it just a generic descriptor picked by leftist jurnos?
In latvian culture its called ugunskrusts or firecross. Also latvian culture has the most variations of the symbol.
Indians have puny muscles given their diet of poop and weeds.
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>We are the top caste of the world now and whitoids are seething.
hahahah i knew this one was coming ...
Cope code G_1S1
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True and The main thing is Swastika can be used by followers of Dharma not random commodification of it for spreading hate and larping as Nazis online, they have no idea of true swastika and its origins
>Swastika is Eternal like Dharma signifying the Universal laws and motions of Universe
A japnese buddhist shinto has more of a claim to swastika than these random Abrahamic nazis who just use it as a LARP with no connection to its real meaning and significance
> the old Euro gods and rome, greek goods have more of a claim to use swastika than the current Abrahamic nazi larpers who use it more as a hate symbol instead of a symbol of Dharma and Nobility of soul and Karma
cow dung has antimicrobial properties that prevent fungal growth and skin decay. they have nutrients from the aryan vedic cow digestive system.
Whiteys projecting their scat fetish for actual medicinal properties.

Not everything is a weird fetish Timmy.
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>Iranian avesta came after the Rig Veda
written tradition =\= oral tradition
we know that the rigveda wasn't even first developed in indian land but orally transmitted as the early indo aryans kept moving from the north to south as they passed through the BMAC and IVC, both of which collapsed right around the same time
the actual aryans left no texts, but even your oldest written tradition shows that the vedic aryans weren't native to india and worshipped different gods, had different customs and cultural norms and described themselves as different from the locals racially
>Yes, because it was Indian
therefore not vedic aryan
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>cow dung has antimicrobial properties......
hello memeflag that has never watched an Asha Logos video
we were everywhere and that is our symbol. our legacy in your country continues to this day with the shittiest shitskin on the bottom rung of your caste system and the lightest shitskin at the top. we abandoned your country because you refused to evolve basic sanitation and personal hygiene.
now go shit in the street and wipe your ass with your hand.
This. Japanese culture is 200 times more "Indo Aryan" than some American mutt will ever be.
That's because they ACTUALLY adopted Indian teachings.

Meanwhile whitoids larp as some failed painter. LOL.
>cow dung has antimicrobial properties that prevent fungal growth and skin decay. they have nutrients from the aryan vedic cow digestive system.
i cant believe this pajeet is actually saying it
>shit eating
Does dogshit have useful properties, Sanjay?
You can come round to my neighbour's yard for a snack anytime you want.
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>This. Japanese culture is 200 times more "Indo Aryan" than some American mutt will ever be.
>That's because they're ACTUALLY Indian
The delusion of the jeet never ceases to entertain
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Yes. The "Islamic golden age" is a meme. Most of the works of the Arabs were nothing more than commentaries on Indian, Persian and Greek mathematics and science. Algebra wasn't invented by Arabs. Same with the "Arabic numerals". They came from India. There's a reason why this "Islamic golden age" started after the Islamic invasion of India.
Algebra is an arabic word...
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Once the niggers in africa have access to the internet on the level of the jeets they'll be making the same exact claims just like the arabs make the same exact claims, shitskins are so fucking funny
To be fair the original indian word for it was likely unpronounceable and involved eating a turd while doing it.
I never said Japanese were Indian. I said their culture is HEAVILY influenced by Indian teachings.
You claim to love Japanese shinto temples and all that but guess where it came from?

Yea. India.
That's because Europeans thought it's Arabic. They also called the Hindu numerals "Arabic numerals", when the Arabs themselves called them Hindu numerals (even to this day).
Is this your cousin? https://youtu.be/vDAfVCX1ljs?si=hx4z57vTUPdNDJrP
>their culture is HEAVILY influenced by Indian teachings
Which ones?
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ok poojesh
go eat shit
Retard, I literally posted sources. You should be able to read it if you're not a bot.
>I said their culture is HEAVILY influenced by Indian teachings
yeah everythign is influnced by indian culture correct pajeet?
this cow shit head is filled by indian propaganda
Oh boy Timmy where do I even start?

Japan strongly built its foundation of virtuous existence and adopted the philosophy of Buddhism through some time-tested principles of the art of living in the Japanese context which holds good for all cultures and humanity.

The following principles have been incorporated into the Japanese way of life:

Ikigai – Finding the purpose of life. Defining your personal meaning of life in relation to your talents, passion, and profession, as well as what you can give to the wider world.

Shikita ga nai – Let go of what you can’t change. This mindset is pre-loaded in Japanese people when faced with adversaries. It means accepting what you cannot change.

Wabi-Sabi – Find peace in imperfection. It means wisdom in natural simplicity and flawed beauty.

Gaman – Preserve your dignity through tough times. Enduring the seemingly unbearable with patience and dignity.

Oubaitori– Don’t compare yourself to others. We all grow and bloom at our own pace. Everyone has their own journey through life.

Kaizen – Always seek to improve in all areas of your life. Kaizen has come to mean ‘continuous improvement’ through its association with lean methodology and principles.

Mottainai – Concept of not being wasteful. It conveys a sense of regret over waste.

Kintsugi – The art of golden repair. It literally means ‘to join with gold’ and a reminder to stay optimistic when things fall apart and to celebrate the flaws and missteps of life.

Yuugen – Beholding beauty in the unseen. It means ‘mysterious profundity’ and refers to the profound awareness of the beauty of the universe that surpasses explanation with words.

Mono no aware – Pathos of things. Translated as having empathy towards things and ephemera.

Shu Ha Ri – Learn the basics, start experimenting, learn from masters, and focus on innovation. Concept of Martial Arts.
India has been coming up with excuses for itself since it ever met any civilized people.
Excuses are a jeet's superpower.
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Siddharta Gautama was a Mongoloid. The Sakya still thrive in Northern Nepal though they were once present all over Nepal. Ancient Nepal was not populated by Indo Aryans. Greco- Buddhist statues depict him and other Buddhas and Boddhisattva with Mongoloid features. He was from northern nepal from the Sakya clan, the Tharu people are the descendants of that, picrel.
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Very cool sources. Can I interest you in a glass of piss?
why do you people worship toilets but not use them?
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>Oh boy Timmy where do I even start?
>jeet rambling and delusion
Where do you think Buddhism came from, sweatie? And half of Shinto gods are also Indian.
yea u realize that India is not just ONE ethnicity right? We have mongol admixture in the east of India.

Since you ""think"" India is one ethnicity, I will think America is one ethnicity. Black Niggers. No whites whatsoever.
Must admit that's interesting. Thank You.
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Hindu numerals aren't the same as arabic numerals. 123 are arabic numerals, while arabs use another system today which is originally indian.
>That's because Europeans thought it's Arabic
No it's because the inventor was a muslim from central asia who named it algebra.
no you are all shit skins, all the same to me
the islamic golden age is indeed a meme
it was all persians, hellenics, indians, egyptians and even some iberians under the umayyad that carried the muslims
yes the word is arabic but the practise was not
>jeet rambling and delusion
>literal foundations of East Asian Japanese culture
nice cope. Mutt.
oh? then what was that about a mongol in India going to Japan.
The white contradicts himself every 5 seconds it's fucking insane how retarded whites are.
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We wuzzin Pajeets are always a sad sight
>the islamic golden age
It never existed and was a meme created to refer to a time before the stranglehold of the anti-education/book-burning period of intense islam that followed a short period of academic liberty.
muslims talk a good game about 'education' but only mean reading the qur'an and 'studying' the hilarious and illogical nonsense in it.
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you know what you wuz? the swarthy Germanics. The very swarthoids that collapsed the Roman empire.
You larp as Aryans and yet you're albino genetic trash that our ancestors abandoned.
>Ranjeet poo'd too hard and lost an arm, so complains to his rabbi
Do you even know what swarthy means?
Yeah. You're a swarthoid.
Your entire country is some arab rape baby abomination. Stupid pasta nigger.
He only heard it today and will be using it in every conversation this week.
shut up anglokike. You had the nerve to steal everything from us and now that we're taking over UK you cry about it?

Fucking hissy fit temper tantrum whites.
Sunwheel and countless variants in all the European languages. You are retarded and also close-minded.
>How come swastikas are found in ancient European archaeological sites? Why are Germanic languages more closely related to Sanskrit than they are to Celtic languages?
germanics and celtics/gaelics are aryan people. white indo-european aryan people, whose ancestors created one of the first high civilizations of the world - india, formerly braharat.

germanics and celtics/gaelics (white indo-eruopean aryans) trace their roots to ancient atlantis that was extensively described in numerous writings and books in ancient greece and ancient egypt - of which both have also been created by white aryan indo-eruopean germanic-celtic race.

in essence tho, germanic-celtics are indian hindu people by origin highly attuned to ancient sanksrit writings that hold secrets to universe brahamarbamatarivishnubuda.
Q. Does anyone have that GIF of that massive blue elephant statue falling over onto and killing a dozen worshipers?
Not seen that in years.
>whites love to larp as us and yet they hate us
there's a word for this. Jealousy.
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I already knew what swarthy meant.
No excuses now.
>tfw we didn't 'steal'... we TOOK because we owned you, only giving you to the thrift store when we'd done with you
And look at the success story you have become since.
>there's a word for this. Jealousy.
archeology and ancient hidden knowledge preserved by irish druids
The way he called germans swarthy and albino at the same time made me kek.
Why are you ashamed of showing your flag?
Look at this shit brown nigger-adjacent subhuman animal doing the

Absolutely hysterical.
Stay in your filthy containment country.
>"We took subjects from different centers including Lucknow and Bengaluru and found that over 74% were lactose mal-absorbers which means they cannot digest milk
We're aryan!
>While 82% people in southern states were affected
We worship cattle!
>66% north Indians complained of the problem
Aryan conquerors is a myth!
I know. It's like baby's new word.
You gotta love jeets. They make great pets.
>tfw reminds me of that time I taught my little baby brother to say 'ARSE' and my mother slapped my legs... fckin' worth it
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And your word for soap literally comes for our half naked Whitoid ancestors.
Do we need to teach you how to use it too you stinky Jeet?

We wuz Rajaz and sheeeit
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They spread like locusts upon the land. I'd never heard the Fiji story until earlier but we need to enact the same in our countries today.
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Checked, impressive digits
The Andronovo actually did not carry lactose tolerance genes, that seems to have developed after they split off from eastern Corded Ware
He literally just said the truth and your mad


You can't even argue with him, you just loose emotions like a muslims "but they call you a shitskin and hurts my feeeeelings" KEK!
V a i k u n t h a
India stole its art from the Greeks after Alexander's invasion.
Look up Greco-Buddhist Art
Why would they jealous about cow shit?
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Jeetas confirmed allies of the white man
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But... I like pogroms.
My company already designed some modular extermination camps (although they were designed to be modular mobile quickly constructed cattle shredding facilities in case of another foot-and-mouth outbreak in the UK... but a cow or pig is just a large jeet/jew/negro).
We already have the CAD designs and the cost-projections in the company safe.
>germans using 1930s tech
Pissing amateurs.
>British using 21st century tech
>upwards of 20,000 units per day per facility, arrives on site as three standard-sized shipping containers, residue leaves in tanker trucks after pulping
Barely an inconvenience.
Didn't the lactose tolerance gene come from the yamnaya culture?
>No matter how many white virtual cocks you suck, you'll still be a filthy shitskin to them.
Check your Y DNA kumar, we have a long record of adopting the women in the lands we conquered
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Can confirm.
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>My company already designed some modular extermination camps
The British empire caused this problem in the first place so get to it
No it evolved much later in Corded Ware
Yamnaya were also lactose intolerant
I worked on the design so it would be trivial to fill in gaps in my memory, design elements by other engineers.
Give me a week or two.
Not even an issue.
How soon do you need 100 facilities? Xmas?
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Shipping and installation may be an issue
Alternative solutions should be considered, we know trains are very effective
What the fuck is this shit map implying the Indo-Europeans hadn't reached France and Iberia in 1000bc?

Britain France and Iberia were all invaded and replaced by the Steppe-Herders between 2500 and 2000 bc.
Shit you're right.
> 2015 genome-wide scan for selection using DNA gathered from 230 ancient West Eurasians who lived between 6500 and 300 BCE found that the earliest appearance of the allele responsible for lactase persistence occurred in an individual who lived in central Europe between 2450 and 2140 BCE.
But this can still mean that andronovo carried the allele since sintashta came from corded ware in 2000 bc.
Except we do
Gammadion, fylfot, hooked cross

Dumb pajeet
Turnabout is fair play Rankesh. AI [An Indian] can copy/paste from the whites and shit in a toilet instead of your living room.
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>But this can still mean that andronovo carried the allele since sintashta came from corded ware in 2000 bc.
Yeah its possible though iirc the Andronovo samples studied so far don't carry it
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morning saars
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Don't worry bro, it's a concerted shill campaign from swarmfront, Muzzie Brotherhood and Wumao spreading this shit to create narratives on India because they told the West to fuck off when Russia Invaded Ukraine and Nato wanted universal condemnation. It's going to get much worse before the real global wars start up.
you know damn well you allowed poojeets to settle your country not me
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>Posting from white country instead of his glorious shithole
Why am I not surprised
>Canacuck whinging like his pom ancestor
Why am I not surprised? Also payback is a bitch and you won't do anything chickenshit. Go worship some jews.
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somebody told me indian men have the smallest penises in the world and it will never stop being funny, it explains so much.
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Too bad your lot are clogging up the mass Graves you dug for yourselves faggot.
you shit skins never learn from history do you
You will lose everything, Pajeet. In ten years, everybody you love, your friends, your family, will be dead in front of you. There will be a gun against the back of your head and you still won't understand the crimes you've committed against humanity just by being born.

Your mother? Chopped up into tiny pieces. She will be your last meal.
>you won't do anything chickenshit.
Your entire survival mechanism hinges on us choosing to not do anything
That's a really stupid strategy given our history
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Like you know how? Nigga you lost to Afghanis in flip flops AFTER loosing to rice farmers in Vietnam.
Indians used to be very proactive in associating themselves with the aryan caste. Since decolonization they've pivoted to appropriating the culture instead and claiming it's the British who perpetuated a racist myth to associate themselves with India for some reason. Whilst also arguing they treated and saw them as subhuman primitives.
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>somebody told me indian men have the smallest penises in the world
It was probably their women, I can't blame them desu
yep shit skin i personally did that while you raped a lizard the hindu dindu way
>Whites have no fucking original thoughts.
Pretty trippy when you think about the fact pretty much all modern technology that keeps India from outright collapsing comes from whites. I don't think a single computer component, or any of the associated technology such as telecommunication for internet comes from India. It might be cheaply produced there at most.
To be fair. You stupid fucks probably stumbled on using shit for fertilizing crops without being told, but it certainly wasn't through astute observation or science. Maybe you stupid apes think because shitting on crops worked for growth that if you shit in your cities they'll grow in prosperity as well.
>he wrote in english
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Don't care cause you'll be dead way before that cumskin and that ought to make you less useless than you are now.
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lmao, it also explains their forced marriages.
>indian women dont want tiny dicked indian men but they have no choice they get married by force
lmao what a fucking shithole.
why do you hate india so much? i know it smells the people are shit and they rape everything that moves but they are you
Yea given your history you will elect idiot jew worshippers and vote yourself self into extinction and that's much too late for you to do anything than be more impotent than you see now.
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>I don't think a single computer component, or any of the associated technology such as telecommunication for internet comes from India.
They tried, hoping to replicate China's success with outsourcing
Didn't work

Calling Western Europeans "Aryans" is incorrect, yet widespread. They had nothing to do with Aryans genetically. Aryans had mostly R1a Y-DNA. Atlanteans, the R1b Y-DNA carriers invaded North America, Western Europe and Mediterranean. Even Pharaoh TutAnkhAmun had R1b Y-DNA and today half of men in western Europe has it.

Aryans were ancestors of today's Slavs, also known as Eastern Europeans such as Poles, Ukrainians, Russians etc. as haplogroup frequency and it's history of migration proves. Before they migrated to Eastern Europe they lived in Iran / India (Aryan offshoot even founded China) and their migrations were forced by serious and abrupt climate / environmental changes.

Aryans eventually became Eastern Europeans and Aryans were less advanced than Western Europeans' ancestors from Atlantis, which was situated in Atlantic Ocean where today's Azores Islands were mountaintops of Atlantis.

Cro-Magnons from Atland invaded both sides of Atlantic (Windover Bog bodies are perfect example) and they managed to conquer entire western Europe and absorbed native Neanderthal-like populations. Clovis / Solutreans is a cover name for Cro-Magnon invaders from Atland. They even fought with the Greeks and lost, because they came as refugees in massive numbers and de-stabilized already chaotic society, which itself suffered due to tremendous sudden changes caused by climate change, which resulted in increase of water levels and famines, which in turn resulted in war.

There is a reason why in Americas some natives named things after Atland. Mayan texts Popol Vuh claims that ancestors sailed through eastern ocean to settle in Central America. Also, "atl" means water. Atlantoi, Atlantes, Atland, Aztlan etc. There is a reason why Mayan and Egyptian cultures were so similar. They were founded by Atlanteans.
My Uber Eats order is late no tip for your Pradheep.
> brahamarbamatarivishnubuda
I refuse to believe my ancestors were eating curries and worshipping elephant men like some goddamn savages.

>You can always copy something from the west.
Yeah, like swastikas...
aryans never even existed anon, its literally made up dogshit.
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Oh noo poor shart in mart is mad
well you shit on the floor and avoided answering the question like a good nigger mixed with chink shit skin
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Lol tl;Dr.
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>jeet under a tarp on the India Railway tracks
>the jeet is both alive and dead until the tarp is lifted
You're not special poonigger.
>says one of the most computer technically adept nations
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Nice lie there retard, but you can't help yourself. You are jus another white loser on his way to the pharmacy.
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As usual, you're all wrong.
>let the astronomers among us explain this to you
When you see it you cannot unsee it.
hey shit skin i am White you will never be like me
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Its only going to get worse for them as European cultural influence recedes, pity
>Snapshot of post WW2 kike insanity
We existed thousands of years before that and we will exist long after they are gone
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Its a bit more genetic than that
>We existed thousands of years before that and we will exist long after they are gone
So what? So have we. Your denial of it means nothing because that is your worth.
it also explains indian sexual frustration and non stop horniness.
nobody wants to have sex with indian men, so they just watch porn 24/7 and stroke their tiny little 2 cm long dicks.

i cant even imagine the horror of being born an indian.
>you smell
>no penis
Ah yes, jew science and sample biased stats, cool!
manlet my cock is bigger than you are tall
Long, long ago, a race of giants came down and kicked the shit out of everybody. They've been called many names, Elohim, Annunaki, Titans, etc.
This is one of their many remnants.
Aryans are their closest living relatives.
Any more questions?
The swastika is Indo-European and has direct links to European cultures, look at the Snoldelev Stone from Denmark or the Sæbø sword you filthy shitskin
We've gone through worse
Meanwhile you jeets had your entire continent ruled over by a muzzie minority for almost 1000 years
Its all a big conspiracy
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>i cant even imagine the horror of being born an indian.
Imagine being born an Indian woman and having picrel as your male counterpart
At least niggers are statistically retarded so they don't know any better
biggest cope pajjeet, dont you have any shame ?
Indian diets are shit(literally) , low in protein and high in carbs,
and now who rules Canada?
Oh yeah, Indians.
is that why you stand 500 deep to get a doordash job?
>it also explains indian sexual frustration
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Blackrock jews rules canada , they imported shitskinned to replace canadians ..
you have no power there shitskinned
>Verification not required.
show the flag
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>and now who rules Canada?
Interesting concept you have of "rule"
There are words for it you poo munching retard, just not English words because the symbol's use pre-dates English language by thousands of years. The Basques call it Lauburu, Greeks call it a Skelion (specifically Tetraskelion). The world doesn't revolve around you pooniggers, never has you subhuman retards.
lmao holy shit.
mmmmmmmmmm booga sugar
Because you're a rootless, jew brained christkiked golem.
>formerly braharat
It is still called Bharat in Indian languages. The ruling party is literally called Bharatiya Janata Party (Indian people's party).
Whites aren't the ones getting replaced kek. How do you think Aryans were made? Theres a reason if you don't know any better Aryan genes suddenly turn into Dravidian dark skinned Abos if you go back far enough. The giants raped Aryans into existence. Do you think there's any concern for right now? 50 years from now there will just be more Whites that's how it works kek.
i should have screenshoted the hindu's in the tent fucking each other all guys, with the hindu dindu's comment of least they are not incels
Just like we wuz nigs in Egypt you brown dumbs can’t comprehend whites are angelic hybrids created to rule over you beasts and all civilization originated from us
Checked, and they are bizarrely sex obsessed for such a testosterone challenged race
Jeetas will mention how much better our societies are for women than theirs and jeets immediately start shrieking that she wants white cock
Curious, very curious
>Just because you creates it and named it, doesn't make it your culture!

Poo in the loo
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>>472309858 >>472310473 >>472310848 >>472310964 >>472311053 >>472311156 >>472311267 >>472311334 >>47231136 >>472311625 >>472312957 >>472313291 >>472313399 >>472313425 >>472313595 >>472313689 >>472313782 >>472313929



>funny you mention that. Toilets were literally invented in India. We simply ditched it.


>cow dung has antimicrobial properties that prevent fungal growth and skin decay.

>This. Japanese culture is 200 times more "Indo Aryan"





>So much seethe
bros I think we broke the whites.
>Cattle are native to pooland!
Look up Aurochs you retard
That's what I was saying about it at best being produced there. India didn't add or create any of it, they just are told to put pieces together and apparently can't even do that right.
When I meant telecommunications I was speaking to like, Alexander Graham Bell and how we go from him to the internet at large, as well as smartphones and computers as internet is what made these popular, India is nowhere in that pipeline of invention.

They're just modern chunks who will do factory jobs for super cheap with no dignity. India doesn't care if your factory rapes the women daily as long as you bring them money and jobs. Can't do that here. Also can't pay them 2 dollars an hour and get away with it because they're so desperate for pennies.
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These symbols predate sanskrit by several millenia.
this doesn't sound like a woman, in all honesty
Auto correct lmao. Go figure my phone is probably made in India so it defaults to "chunks" because that's how their brain thinks, in fecal matter.
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I keep telling you there's a reason Putins ass keeps screaming Nazis. I think I'm going to stop posting here for a while because I see there's more commie propaganda here than before but I'm going to end up driving the moralfags away.
Jews are our bitches and our scapegoats.
>They're just modern chunks who will do factory jobs for super cheap with no dignity.
That's giving them too much credit
Chinks are intelligent enough to industrialize, jeets are not, they'll never have even 1/5 the industrial capacity China has
This is why the chinks don't see them as a threat but just as a nuisance
>Stupid nigger caveman scratches
wowwww! omg wow!!!!!!
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>angelic hybrids
Keep your jew mythology to yourself, golem.
There aren’t even any surviving temples past the common era I don’t know what there is to get so excited about the possibility of some ancient Aryan civilization out of India. What civilization? At least the Aryan Egyptian larpers have something to point to as “proof” of past greatness.
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>>So much seethe
>bros I think we broke the whites.
If you can't tell the difference between someone having a lot fun mocking you for all the crazy shit you've said ITT that is mostly jut delusions, then you need a pair of glasses, but mor likely you're in denial.

You're a joke.
Your country is a joke.
Your culture is a joke.
Your language is a joke.
Your race is a joke : Very short in height and the smallest average penis size in the world.
Your "medicine" is a joke.
Your music is a joke.
Your cinema, Bollywood, is a joke.
The only thing I like about India is the food, but even then that becomes a massive joke considering YOU LITRALLY EAT COW SHT AND DRINK COW PISS.

Cope and seethe incel nigger poo.
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>f Indian culture.
Doesn't exist, street shitter. You tend to copy everything that whites created.

Oh, you are also so dumb (and such a scammer) that you made a religion out of our technological buildings.

>Indians originated from Africa.
Of course you are, nigger. You tiniest nigger brain wasn't even capable of coming out of stone age by yourselves.

It was a big mistake for us , whites, to bring you civilization and to give computers and smartphones that we created to retards.
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Because all the old ones were destroyed by invading mudslime savages.
>more nuggets of muttnigger education
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>Make stupid claim.
>Get deboonked using proof.
>"QUICK! Let's act retarded so that I don't have to argue the point!"

See, this is what we mean.
You get proven wrong using irrfutable proof that your claims were false so you resort to whatever bullshit cope tactic to deflect and avoid taking responsiblity for the fact that yu bullshit has been exposed.

I would tell you to kill yourself, but your life is so worthless it would be meanigless if you did kill yourself or not.
just so you know Timmy boy, Indians discovered radio telecommunication
>Jagadish Chandra Bose
before Britishniggers did.
So the Internet is an INDIAN invention.

You're welcome. Now get the fuck off OUR invention you useless white ape.
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>So the Internet is an INDIAN invention.
Many such cases
>Indians discovered radio telecommunication
>So the Internet is an INDIAN invention
i just cant guys ,i cant .. i am witnessing why our race is most hated
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Yes, radio communication is an Indian invention you're fucking welcome.
The fact that you can even send messages onto an Imageboard is all thanks to an INDIAN MAN.

stop pulling shit from sanskriticultureofindia
its an ecochamber , look at the fact shithead
>Worshipping and bathe in cow poo
>Working $300 wage for 80 hours a week, spending 8 hours a day on traffic because the trains got delayed again
>Going home exhausted only to get shit on by your family because your cousin earns more in the US
>Jagadish Chandra Bose invented radio wave
Is KJP propaganda that effective?
Og Aryans were proto-balts not slavs.
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This was another case of Tesla and Edison, you white cock sucker.
Sir, please. Don't you anything better to do beside huffing on Modi's copium?
Like playing video games, masturbate to big tiddies. Anything really.
The oldest swastikas ever found are from Ukraine. Adapted from the first language systems - which Europeans also created - Cave symbols. It is a european symbol represnting the light we can't see, hence it is a sun wheel or sun cross.

Your people along with all humanity wasoverrun and blessed with our wisdom tens of thousands of years ago, and evwery single tiem you speak you can thank those who came from Europe and created what we now know as the eurasian steppe, then spreading north and south.

We created everything. Anything else is just cope.
The celt one is not a swavastika swastika. Its one of the 3 arm ones. Like on the isle of man flag

It has to do with the celtic attack technique, running of a hill really fast and then hitting with something

Thats why western europe is into wheelersport

Biking etc. Thats celtic genetics mixed into germanics
The tri thing is related though

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