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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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about the new debate system even though it's objectively better.
Trump getting his mic cut will ironically be better for him. The more he interrupts, the more people become annoyed with him
Apparently this is why spacex cancelled their moon mission, to shift their budget towards this instead. America is trully a technological wonder.
They're scared to death of Trump, holy shit
Seems like a gamble to me, biden slurs so much and loses track that it will be just as much a detriment to him. Ballsey move.
I think they are more scared about Biden to be honest either way Israel wins
>watching staged Wrestling matches.
>Amerimutts do really
Why would CNN want a system in place where his mic can be cut if it makes him look worst?

Literally this system only exist to make Biden look better.
Imagine in real time Biden having one of his dementia episodes while Trump is over there loud and proud talking shit about the guy.
Imagine the deadgloss stare as he dead zones while Trump loudly and proudly just ass rapes Biden.

This system is to stop Biden from making an ass out of the Dems.
You know i'm right if you give it any thought.
not really

it's for shutting up obnoxious trump

get real
This speaks volumes to the absolute stare of the 1st amendment these days
Why do you want people interrupting? Are you a Kike? Watch any debate with "Rabbi" Schmuley.
CNN isnts as smart as you think. They are the ones who gave trump free non-stop air time on their channel in 2016 because they thought he would lose to Hillary so they propped him up artificially
>it's for shutting up obnoxious trump
>CNN wants Trump to look good
kek the cope is real here, I know your country is pro transexuality, but nigga you gotta dilate. like nice balls nigga, but you gotta accept reality.

CNN would never want to censor Trump.
Trump always makes an ass out of himself.
Censoring Trump is the absolute worst fucking plan anyone has ever made.
Trump is literally the only thing giving them ratings so it's no wonder why their air him saying almost anything
If I was Trump i'd want them to censor me.
I'd love it.

Imagine censoring me and on life access I call out a news station from trying to stop The American people from hearing the truth.
That the democrats are purposefully in real time stopping your right to information.

This would be a Jews worst nightmare.
hundreds of millions of people finding out that they really are a totalitarian government.
goyim would go ape shit on their kike overlords.
>goyim would go ape shit on their kike overlords.
lol too many movies for you bud.
>someone slips a tape to the media and they all immediately turn on their overlords and run the tape
pure fantasy
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It'd be fucking hilarious if they constantly shut Trump down to the point he goes fuck it, rolls a piece of paper up into a shitty version of pic related and starts talking towards Biden's mic so he can be heard again.
The media would seethe and yet everyone would want to hear what he has to say even more.
Bonus points if he pulls out a modern electric megaphone at the very end to let us know he could have done so the entire time and says "I'm just going to use my 1st amendment right to say vote Trump 2024" and then hands it to Biden as he walks off the stage.
The event is embedded with symbolism. The lights and new rules have zero functionality. It's literally a movie set. The high score will be doubled. A Steven Spielberg film.
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It speaks about the state of the jewish media, not the 1st amendment.
No you use the cut off mic to say the worst shit and you wear a mask while doing it “covid mask” . Watch the dems seethe at him for doing it and then later own themselves when they try and blame Covid masks on Trump. They won’t be able to use the cameras to show what he says and he can say it’s AI voice shit if they do manage to catch him.
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Two kikes tag teaming and running interference and no audience. The fucking state of America ffs.
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>the debate between two puppets pe selected should be fair and square in order for our goys to feel accomplished
Reddit spacing, what a retarded nigger. Take the nigger dildo outta your ass and learn to at least try to hide your faggotry.
Trumps best strategy would be to 'have an unfortunate delay' Biden has a seriously limited window and will be juiced for the expected start of the debate. Even 30 mins should be enough to fuck up his meds.
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Pur government engages in censorship and election rigging, among a fucking list of other bullshit the size of a fucking dictionary. When are we doing that whole using the second amendment thing?
Just the fact that the Biden camp demanded no audience to be present is the biggest red flag that they're planning a whole lot of shenanigans they don't want the plebs to know about. I mean it's not even enough the debate is organized and moderated by left extremists that demonized and made up lies about Trump for the last 8 years.
Trump should've put his foot down on the having no public thing.
Kek this. Imagine Biden coming down from an amphetamine rush on live television with his nemesis present
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>people think it's to mute trump when in reality it's to mute out biden's incoherent ramblings
Not true! If Biden wins some of the weapons headed to Israel will take a day or two longer to get there.
>trump is such a blubbering retard that they need a mute button for him

based, mute that fucking zionist nigger lover the second he starts sucking jew dick
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It will be an hilarious shitshow in any case.
No jeb :(
Trump doesn't have to interrupt biden using words, he can just make stupid faces
Much more memeworthy and they cannot keep him from doing that
Wahhahh, it's unfair that Trump can't spam the debate with incoherency!
it's 100% to shut trump up
if trump can interrupt as much as he wants, it will make biden look weak, even if trump just yells "GOOGOO GAGA" over and over
they don't want another "because you'd be in jail" moment
That's all right wingers do is complain. The complain while Left wingers win and make the rules they complain about.
This is a good thing if they keep Trump from rambling like a retard. If they cut his mic way too much it'll seem like obvious persecution. Either way it helps his campaign, although in the former case it'll be against his will.
No live audience and Biden will most likely be some ai shit. Its either that or he is given some super drug only kikes have access to
>The more he interrupts, the more people become annoyed with him
I think just about everyone is locked in on whether he annoys/doesnt annoy you. I think pretty much everybody is locked in on their vote for that matter, since a long time. The only purpose of this debate is to dab on and humiliate the opposition and cutting Trumps mic will inhibit that. No potential trump voter is going to be annoyed because just like the last two elections, they literally just dont care.
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When is the debate and where can I watch it?
>they don't want another "because you'd be in jail" moment
This. They're trying to strictly control the optics of the entire debate. They can't afford for biden to start rambling or trump dropping some rhetorical bomb live. They're desperately trying to prevent the lib base from becoming demoralized and voting engagement waning, or the conservatives being galvanized by a dominant performance. It honestly wouldn't surprise me if the entire show gets run on a 10s delay and those modules exist so if either of them go off the rails in any way they can cut the specific mic after the fact, retroactively scrubbing the last statement and force the moderator to quickly move on.
they have a new body double with 8GB of RAM
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The ONLY thing made better since 1990 has been the govts methods of brainwashing & manipulating the NPCs.
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If Trump can remain calm, it's over for the dems.
There's only one party in America: Old People. And they keep winning. Young people GTFO and enjoy worse lives.

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