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>has had a explanation for male homosexuality since the 90s
>nobody cares
Ron Jeremys brother solved faggotry?
>Prosopagnosia aka face-blindness
There’s a slight resemblance
Is it butt worms?
Homosexuality comes from a dude's mom. The mom intentionally influences the kid into being gay. Proof is that most gay men you meet have weird names. This means the mom gave him a weird name before he was even born, she was trying to get him to be weird/different/gay all along.

I recently saw a flamboyant gay dude on TV, he spoke with the gay voice, and his name was Zavon. I laughed when he said his name. It's always like that. They all have weird names. Because the person's mom intentionally tried to get them to be gay.
Nicolosi says that it begins with a failure to bond with the father in infancy. The mother becomes dominant and suppresses the boy's maleness. The boy becomes overly familiar with women and is usually rejected by other males
attachment theory is all the rage now in child and developmental psychology and that idea would fit with it
Bot posts.
Go suck a dick, nigger
>freddy mercury
>elton john
>george michael
i dont think your theory rings true
its a hormonal difference, one that shapes brains during infancy
lol the average person could easily figure this out if they asked a dozen honest homosexuals how their early life unfolded.
Freddie Mercury is a stage name, nigger. That guy was some fucking towelhead with a durka durka name.

Elton John. He sticks to the theory. Elton is a gay weird name. You never meet a gay dude and he's like "Hi my name is Hank." in a normal voice. They're fucking gay with stupid weird names and it's due to their mom.
theories like yours are weird because it implies you could make someone like sucking cock by naming him something weird or his mom treating him weird

how does that make him like sucking a dudes dick? why doesnt it just give him issues with his mom or make him change his name?
From what I've seen it has a loooot to do with the mother being an insane hysterical caricature of a woman that the father unyieldingly submits to. Oversharing womens issues you shouldn't talk about around your young sons etc. or just being horribly abusive.
Sexual self harm. Individuals feel so sexually inadequate and worthless they do the most sexually defiling things. Similar to suicide or any other form of self-harm. It is merely the sexual pathology of this. It’s not like everyone else think it’s gross and they actually like it. They do it BECAUSE it is gross
he would have to be about 50lbs heavier
homosexuality is a psychotic disorder.
faggots are disproportionately victims of child sexual abuse
>faggots cannot reproduce so they have to recruit
homosexuality comes from modern effeminization. It's the result of the effects of jewish controlled media as well as modern institutions.
>don't let your children watch TalmudVision. Any jewish media in fact.
>don't let your children have access to internet until they are no longer children and already have a solid mindset.
>teach your children to be independent and not rely on others or the system
>teach your children to guard their honor, dignity and masculinity to death
>teach your children to not be cucks and teach them if someone hurt they must hurt them back 10x worse
>teach your children to not be delusional and keep them . Teach them about the natural realities of the world. Teach your sons that they are men, warriors, fighters, leaders and fathers. Teach them about natural order. natural selection. that they must reproduce and spread their seed and race and culture and dominate all others. That white bloodline must be at the top of the pyramid.
>teach your children to be self and family and oriented.
>teach your children that they must workout and lift weights and always be ready for the worst
>teach your children to be leaders and be ambitious and be competitive type A personalities. Don't let your son stay in your shadow for too long. When he comes of age, that is 15 years of age, make him realize that he is a leader not a follower.
boom. faggotry solved.
>tldr don't be a faggot. be a chad. if your son turns out a fag it's 100% your fault and you're 100% a faggot as well
Also some sort of misplaced bonding wirh older male figures. Usually a trauma bond of some kind from inappropriate sexual contact from older male to younger. If the advancement is not immiediately repulsed then the older male (or female) continues, and the recipient is now trauma bonded with the behavior and the sex of that perpatrator.
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>has had a explanation for male homosexuality since the 90s
im listening
Elton John and George Michael are stage names too. George's real first name is still George, but Elton's is Reginald.
Homosexuality is about draining the cum of competing males so they can't breed.
Yes plus estrogen mimikers.
Cunthead feminists don't help.
The vice of sodomy is a punishment for pride.
>muh old fairytale book
>fairy tales
Yet your behavior substantiates them.

Its butt worms. They get there from other faggot penises aka rape/molestation. As another anon has said faggots cannot reproduce so they have to recruit. Taking feb or ivermectin kills these worms and therefore cures faggotry.
Bond how?
I know a guy who has an only boy. He adores him always makes time to be with his family and is always there for him, yet the kid:
-talks like a fag
-is a Swifty
-has only girl-friends

Yeah, this is some personal experience bias but I need to know what bond and also what happens with daughters?
Cat feces
There must be some unironic fags on here somewhere who we could get to test this out.
sorry we're not as great as differentiating semites as jews are
I thought it was ron jeremy at first too
Huh weird. Did some pretty gay shit as a kid but dislike homosexuals now.
But yeah honestly those events are a direct result of just that
>face blindness
>not pairbonded to father (too busy with work)
>suppressed maleness

Now I just don’t really want sex or care about it anymore after being a degenerate coomer. Also explains why I self-inserted as the guy with a big penis because my self-image is all whacked out. The industrial revolution has ruined my life before it even began lol.
>it begins with a failure to bond with the father in infancy

Brother, have you any idea how men were raised up until the 60s?
Gay is probably caused by multiple things. Classic faggotry is psychological, caused by the mother from when before the infant has an ego. Her own psychopathology warps the infants ego into the gay. Psychiatrists figured this out over 100 years ago. Modern psychiatry because of politics pretends that they didn't.

>The term narcissism is derived from clinical description and was chosen by
Paul Näcke in 1899 to denote the attitude of a person who treats his own body
in the same way in which the body of a sexual object is ordinarily treated—who
looks at it, that is to say, strokes it and fondles it till he obtains complete
satisfaction through these activities. Developed to this degree, narcissism has
the significance of a perversion that has absorbed the whole of the subject's
sexual life, and it will consequently exhibit the characteristics which we expect
to meet with in the study of all perversions.

>Psycho-analytic observers were subsequently struck by the fact that
individual features of the narcissistic attitude are found in many people who
suffer from other disorders—for instance, as Sadger has pointed out, in
homosexuals—and finally it seemed probable that an allocation of the libido
such as deserved to be described as narcissism might be present far more
extensively, and that it might claim a place in the regular course of human sexual

>Freud, On Narcissism

This paper spawns entire bodies of study, like Ego Development and Object Relations theory
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We actually do know what causes it, a behavior-altering brain parasite spread by childhood sexual molestation, dissident scientists have been talking about it for years.
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