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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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so far only Denmark suffers


you must pay 100 USD for every cow you own in the form of "carbon tax"

scientist says cows fart gases that contain carbon, it rises up into the atmosphere and causes global warming

100 USD = 676 Cronenbergs

Denmark is a major dairy and pork exporter, they dont have religious issue with any kind of farm animal, and agriculture is the country's biggest source of emissions.

The coalition agreement is aimed at helping the country meet its climate goals by 2035.

"With today's agreement, we are investing billions in the biggest transformation of the Danish landscape in recent times," Foreign Minister Lars Lokke Rasmussen said in a statement Tuesday.

"At the same time, we will be the first country in the world with a (carbon) tax on agriculture." The Danish dairy industry broadly welcomed the agreement and its goals, but it has angered some farmers.

On average, Danish dairy cows, which account for much of the cattle population (only male bulls are eaten), emit 5.6 tons of CO2-equivalent per year, according to Conchito, a green think tank in Denmark.

"The whole purpose of the tax is to get the sector to look for solutions to reduce emissions," Conchito's chief economist Torsten Hasforth told CNN. For example, farmers could change the feed they use.
Complete insanity, but notice they don't apply that logic to the bottomless pit of 3rd world migrants?

Indians produce carbon. I think we need to lower the carbon Canada produces, and I know, I know... it's just sad, but I think we're going to have to cut off the immigration. It's harsh, but we've gotta reduce that carbon.
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I wonder how much there are cows in India + China

Nobody is taxing them

Denmark has 5 million people, just like Finland
How does a paying money to the government help achieve climate goals?
This was not revealed
The shills derail relevant political threads.
>Denmark is a major dairy and pork exporter, they dont have religious issue with any kind of farm animal
give em a few decades inshallah
why are they so insistent in completely collapsing western civilisation??
My cow my land.
You won't do shit.
kill, marry, fuck
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Any anon here skilled enough to switch the SS guy with a cow ??
wasn't this proven to be bullshit
yes but governments doesnt have to believe a research paper which say its bullshit
>get fined for seeding atmosphere with precious life sustaining anus gas

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