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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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post em'

>if it's not funny your mother will die in sleep tonight

sorry i don't make the rules
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Lets go
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Incel thread.
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ok pigger
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>be me
>two leading parties are PISS and POO
>koko dzambo i do przodu
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ja pieeeeerdole
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is this funny?
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ah scheisse
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i ain't reading all that burger bro
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strange how you call Polin
it fits our trade
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at least we dont have niggers yet
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trueee Piotrek
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socialism is strictly for niggers
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mild kek at booba
I didn't even know there's ongoing chamipionship until well into it, when I've learned from the internet that our representation sucks balls, as they always do
we didn't even have nukes
hohols had them
we were always unwanted rowdy child of soviet union
"sayuz, rushimy..."
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it ain't that bad
imagine being Anglo
>create the sport
>first world cup winner: Uruguay
>no cups for hundred years
>"best" league "best" players
>5 million pounds/year manager who's only achievement was relegation from top league
>squad full of 99 rated players in FIFA
>can't fucking win with Slovenia or Denmark ranked 50 places below in rankings
>always losing in semi finals
>team plays like shit
>goalkeeper is their main playmaker
it's funny image meant to make laugh not analyze Kamil
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Is this /pol/ack humour thread or is it polack humour thread?
it's poo lax humor bread
I hate how much this image reminds me of my ex, minus the niggrums obviously
me in front obv
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you mean she was from Polonia?
haraszo szybki
maybe some pollack blood, some german and italian too, very common in the south of Brazil, but the main thing is she was blonde and fat, very fat, still is actually, the woman weighs now 120kg, when I met her she had 70kg
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damn your sperm has to be very caloric Macaco bro
kek maybe, my now wife gained some 10kg since marriage too
but my poor ex suffer from some thyroid malfunction, the weight never bothered me really, I would be a happy plapjak if she hadn't a insufferable personality
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When the monke soup too nutritious
been in like every humor thread this year
gimme something fresh
somethin new
kno im sayin
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oh we doing reposts now?
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I got the fattest reposts bro
maybe I should call her
Im glad i dont attach my ego to a game, especially a fake gay one like sportsball
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This inorganic based spic shit has never been funny. Invaders since Hart-Cellar need to get out. Bar none.
>implying that browns are human
it's this awkward moment when the amount of goyslop chicken wasn't even number so now they are in standstill because they don't want to be the one who's fat and always hungry
i only did fat girl once after she out drank me, i woke up and last think i remembered was buying 0,5 of vodka around 3AM
what an learning experience it was to never drink with ugly people, they just want to fuck you
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I like how the AI even knew to generate a fake jewish name for the producers.
>2nd name from the right
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nigger memes and smuggies are my favs JUST FYI NIGGER
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ola amigo bro

>when he said he is Spaniard from Erasmus, but then you see Accordion in his backpack
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Anyone else got the sudden urge to play Wolf ET?
ayyy wazzzup my shizzaa

never played it
have you play Age of History 2 by mr Jakowski?
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Never heard of it, sell it to me like I'm a jew
imagine a game where you can destroy all the goyims and rape all the babies
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Sounds kind of interesting but I'm seeing some negativity with UI problems etc. Are the later ones any good or has he lost his SOVL?
>opinions made by niggers who need to be spoon fed with tips and tricks and can't even beat singe mission in Morrowind because it doesn't have minimap mark
reject those, game is neat if you have brain there is no issues whatsoever
haven't try 3rd yet but I suppose its similar as Crusader Kings, 2nd was the peak strategy gaming
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IT meme I understand
gotta upload the O.G
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Old greentexts make the best memes
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true. true.
Hey guys im looking for a meme with incel and chad side by side on bedroom in ome image one is masturbating and one is fucking some wman
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this one so old the world wasn't as fucked as it is
...Michal, it was your bathroom yesterday evening
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positive projection
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if you don't remember, it never happened
lost hard, i'm at work damnit kek
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damn /pol/ has like 20 real people posting at most
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Why did booba make me lol?
La una delicia
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Life imitates art
That whore deserved it lmao
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today seems especially barren for some reason
a pajeet, germoid and swede walked into a bar. after leaving they were the only survivors of a mass suicide
Kek, you changed it.
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OMG it is real!!!
Shit thread
delete this
My thought exactly
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based and blarneknek pilled
Do they really...?
Timmy doesn't realize every time his mom sends him over to Tyrone's house to play, Tyrone's dad is at his house playing with his mommy.
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That could little be anywhere in the western world.
Only a fucking pollak is too proud and stupid to not acknowledge the existence of white trash all over the western world.
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Sadly true. In fact they're not wearing socks so it couldn't be eastern europe. Nonetheless, you're either a jeet or buttmad russian on a VPN.
Gf's mom used to work at a bank and brought her in when she was a kid on a weekend while doing some charity work. Gf didn't know what those white buttons under the tables were and pushed it. Took the police like an hour to pick up the phone.
I'm a Grindeldore shipper so I guess I"ll go with Wizard Fascism, what's the blue square?
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> I iz a muthafucka
always makes me laugh.
thanks for brightening my morning.
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Yeah, that's it.
Not that you're an arrogant fool, but that I'm a jeet/Russian bot.
Fuck Poland did not fair well after the fall.
> eyes are 1/2" higher
whoever made that pic is a retard.
Nigger, you ruined the thread. Everyone hates you.
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>if it's not funny your mother will die in sleep tonight
My condolences
Good stuff regardless
Bad font
Still doesn't offer a rational explanation for the Treblinbka investigation cover-up. That's what originally alerted me to ZOG being serious business.
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Black nigger skin makes me feel a bit disgusted looking at it. What's wrong with me?
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Just imagine that beast being in a bunch of your wedding photos. Or marrying someone who demanded the monster be included.
neither would happen because:
1. basement dwelling nerdvirgin
2. wouldnt want to know one of these farts
3. wouldnt want to marry a woman that supports anything of a kind

>absolutely revolting
Why tf it looks like a crossbread of momo with shit??
>Do you like chocolate milk
Fuckin predditors... They dont even hide that they are mentaly retarted
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seethe cope and dilate, not even the original anon
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no that's you russian trash
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yep, thanks for the suggestions, always nice to learn how to be more racist with krauts
lol, I can instantly think of a few examples from my college years. Multiple art and sociology electives for the left. Soil science, geology, spacial statistics for the right.
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Go back to your slide thread nigger
hi bros do you happen to have that meme of an increasingly intelligent person saying thing like
>hating hitler because he killed jews
>loving hitler because he didn't kill the jews
>loving hitler because he killed the jews
>hating hitler becuase he didn't kill the jews
literally 5 minutes in memegenerator
hey you leave Sasha alone he is welcomed in this thread
dafuq is this? looks like huge microwave, but it doesn't enrage me
me after 8th beer
fucking classic
>literally 5 minutes in memegenerator
nah because it wasn't exactly like I'm describing it, it was funnier
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I'm assuming everyone saw the squatter drama with Asian Andy and JSC last night? Holy shit it was great. But why the jannies move the thread to /bant/?
why russniggers open their mouths when they die?
>huge microwave
Yes that’s what it is. Applebee’s, Chilis, and other mega poo chains thru the states are known to microwave basically everything that’s served hot. They’ll toss it on the grill for like a minute to get marks/“flavor”
OP is a fag is my favorite meme genre
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>hohols had them
having nukes stationed on your territory is not the same as having nukes, ask t*rkey
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russniggers are the definition of yellow-white trash
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I haven't seen this one. Fucking kek.
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After all of this ends im going to travel to Russian ukraine and i am going to shit on your parents grave pigger
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they had enough control over those that returning them wasn't really that straightforward, as far as I understand it
would they maintain them to the present day? probably not. thermonuclear devices require a lot of maintenance to keep the operable.
but worst case scenario they would be left with a bunch of ballistic missile dirty bombs and no one would dare to touch them, if they didn't return them
Fuck off to r/uhg you fuckin pigger
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Your eyes are working. Also stop looking in the mirror.
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no, they zero control over them, where did you get that? The only reason returning them wasn't straightforward is that it was 1/3 of the entire soviet arsenal, can't just drive them down the road
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I recall some deals being made for them giving up those weapons
maybe it's an urban legend, idk
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they had to give them up but the entity that owned and placed them there didn't exist anymore, that's why they had to go through deals and shit. It's still a shitload of fissile material and delivery systems, they probably would've sold them for pennies to the first bidder. I'm not saying that as an insult, the 90s were a dark part of history
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Damn man, haven't seen Greenlandanon for a while. Thanks.
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It's also in Parmesan cheese. Speaking of disgusting foods, let's talk about Euro cheeses...
>Several other regional varieties of cheese with fly larvae are produced in the rest of Europe. For example, goat-milk cheese is left to the open air until P. casei eggs are naturally laid in the cheese.[9] Then it is aged in white wine, with grapes and honey, preventing the larvae from emerging, giving the cheese a strong flavour. In addition, other regions in Europe have traditional cheeses that rely on live arthropods for ageing and flavouring, such as the German Milbenkäse and French Mimolette, both of which rely on cheese mites.
>A similar kind of cheese, called "mish", is also produced in Egypt.
>An early printed reference to Stilton cheese points to a similar production technique. Daniel Defoe in his 1724 work A Tour thro' the Whole Island of Great Britain notes: "We pass'd Stilton, a town famous for cheese, which is call'd our English Parmesan, and is brought to table with the mites or maggots round it, so thick, that they bring a spoon with them for you to eat the mites with, as you do the cheese."[25]
>According to Rabbi Chaim Simons of the Orthodox Union, kosher casu martzu can be produced provided that all ingredients are kosher, the rennet comes from a kosher animal slaughtered in accordance with the laws of shechita, and that the cheese is "gevinat Yisrael" (made under Jewish supervision).[26]
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I'm affraid, we are living in Darwinian Idiocracy rn
All people that should eliminaded by natural selection because of their stupidity are allowed to thrive and sometimes are even elected to the high positions, but soon ca critical mass will be reached and Charles Darwin will do the job.
Unfortunately with a lot of collaterals
this is Amharic script, you racist Chud!
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but now, we are flooded by niggers!
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the Karen-looking white woman should be replaced with a nigger wearing a Christian Pastor collar with a $1000 purple suit
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> t. a nigger just flew over my head
Wish I had that jumpscare gif
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>stupid niggers can’t even put a groove around the edge to keep their retarded lip plates secure
I guess that’s just what you get when your average IQ is severely mentally retarded. Jesus Christ, imagine belonging to a group of people where being regular mentally retarded would make you one of above average intelligence. Fucking grim.
This man got to watch your wife get ready for the wedding with the rest of the "gals"
>Mexican cartel tier behavior
>you’re the nigger
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Anyone got any good golden oldies?
Fajnopolaki in a nutshell
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This picture kill 6 million zogbot
RIP Tiger Stadium. it was a dump, but I loved it
Anyone got the video of a guy doing a radio interview saying the white man's home is wherever he goes and that Africans were only brought as slaves and the red man was pushed aside? And the interviewer got triggered. I think it got deleted from wherever I saw it on twitter before I got around to saving it.
lol, nice catch
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well what did she tell him?
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RIP to the real ones
Chekt, wish I knew
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Thats why im carring for last 3 years
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Rate my OC
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These pictures look potentially misleading because the second Detroit pictures are just one building but if you look on google maps you can see entire neighborhoods that look like they were destroyed by bombing raids and never got rebuilt. Actually niggers go around literally destroying houses and the government clears the sites eventually.
Good, but many comma splices.
Pin fire 32 cal?
Gutsy and gusty
is this movie any good? heard about it years ago, but never got around to actually watch it.
.44 black powder cap and ball
You can buy it wihout any license and its not registered (also no casing)
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Just need a cavalry sabre (also legal) on top of your protest horse for when it's time for expedited voting. Wish our laws weren't so cucked but the politicians are wise enough to realise they couldn't fuck the country as hard if the laws weren't cucked.
No need
Sight of a gun in our no gun society makes everybody very calm and very nice :)
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Something cool you can do is go around Detroit in streetview and go back in time. Literally the first place I put the pin down just now turned out to have what looked like a serviceable home on it as recently as 2009 but was clearly wrecked by 2011.
That game was awesome when it launched too. Sad I never got to play with these Chads.
I actually didn't see it until I read the text
Meh. Kill em both.
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Better be ready to use it if you pull it out. How does that thing work though? "Normal" gunpowder ones you get a casing with a bullet + primer and powder. Do these work a similar way with less power? Or do you have to manually load powder then ball into each chamber?
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I like that this admits that something did in fact happen, instead of stating that they were living in luxury at auschwitz or something, their persecution was just greatly exaggerated.
Holy fuck though does the original author need spell check, you can't red pill normies while having as many grammar errors as a scam email.
He is aware of the demonic essence.
Actually that fat guy looks pretty buff here, i wonder if he went on trt after he couldnt get it up anymore.

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