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Wake up goy, new science dropped.
>fossil fuels are bad because they're warming the planet but also cooling them so now we can't stop because we need them to cool the planet and prevent global warming
AGW golems won't question this. Either way, they're gonna start slowly backpedaling from the Green Scam in various ways because Russia and China aren't playing along with it.
its the sun
Not really new at all aerosols contribute to a few degrees of cooling and if your government wasn’t spraying chemtrails the ocean would be boiling and the world completely uninhabitable with the exception of Antarctica.
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So obviously you didn't read the article and fell for a clickbait headline.
What flavour of schizo is this
How old were you when you stopped paying attention to clickbait "science" articles and realized AGW just isn't real?
I think we could solve all of this with free helicopter rides.
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It's a really warm cold; that's the problem. It- the air makes me wheeze.
Predictive power is the test of a good theory and their predictions of the future have been consistently inaccurate. We really know very little about what's really going on with the weather/climate.
hes generally right he just got confused by weaving in some sensationalist exaggerations
>because Russia and China aren't playing along with it
More co2 accelerates photosynthesis, which is also useful given that the world population is expanding fairly rapidly. You have to pay for ammonia.
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It's not anything new, except for you I guess, it's been a well-known fact that aerosols released in the athmosphere block ou a part of the sunlight and have a cooling effect.
this is true, we should still put effort into cooling the planet though because it is getting hotter
this is why i am for experimental scientific horrors. gotta take risks to see the big gains
I think there's more going on with space weather and our magnetosphere than they are accounting for, and that they ignore that aspect on purpose because they can't tax the sun.
>(((we))) should put effort into fucking with things we don't understand on a scale that may have catastrophic global consequences
Technotroons are mental.
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>they can't tax the sun.
They have previously. They will do again once the majority of people have solar panels fitted.
>choofin' poofin' stealin' electric from the sky! Need to get serious about tackling it.
they already steal everything they can anyway they can
there is no peacefull solution to jewish problem
"Carbon Dioxide
Plants use carbon dioxide (CO2 ), water, and sunlight to produce sugar in the process of photosynthesis. Increasing the CO2 concentrations above ambient (naturally occurring) levels can improve plant growth, promote earlier flowering, increase the number of flowers, and result in higher yields.4 On sunny days, increasing the CO2 concentration to 1,000 ppm can increase the rate of photosynthesis by approximately 50% over the rate at ambient levels (340 ppm). The level of CO2 can drop to 200 ppm as it is consumed by plants, and the use of supplemental CO2 is needed to keep the levels in the ambient range or above. Under low-light conditions, the optimal CO2 concentration is between 400 and 600 ppm.1 CO2 applications are most beneficial early and late in the day during daylight hours. For tomato seedlings CO2 concentrations of 800 to 1,000 ppm are recommended after seedlings are established when using high quality CO2 . Contaminants in flue gasses can damage young plants.4 "
>cooled the planet while warming it
So it's staying lukewarm then?
That thing that delivers a large space heater's worth of energy to every m^2 in the upper atmosphere?
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wonder if her email address is still the smae
Meanwhile stoners have been C02 flooding for generations.
>climate reporter
Those little yeasties can make beer or wine and help your plant grow at the same time!
>science is real
>after covid
Indeed. Osram have even started copying some of the lighting strategies of stones. They started talking about IR and UV augmented lighting on rollitup years ago, and then it started appearing in Osrams horticultural range of leds.
Schrodinger's fossil fuel
They're not even trying any more. Imagine how little respect they have for the layperson.
>journalists misrepresenting science = science
Cool or hot is good, better than the lame earth we have now.
Proof of your standard-issue corporate talking point?
This is because they always only present the worst case scenarios their models calculate, not the most likely or average.
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>This is because they always only present the worst case scenarios their models calculate
They do that, too, but the actual predictions they make, not "worst case" predictions, are also always way off.
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>Wake up goy, new science dropped.

Got to add the punchline if you are going to tell the joke.

When Papa H started putting (((scientists))) into funcamps I wonder if this kind of shit brought it on.
>its not real, cause I wanna burn the coal

Nah its hilarious of the whine over muh china polluting, is now, oh no China bad for not polluting
show me any prediction of man that has been accurate
I wont be waiting
They're now testing to see how absolutely dumb the mark is in regards to the scam.

if the mark still buys into this blatant contradictory nonsense, then the brainwashing is complete and the mark is hooked.
>its a test
ah you mean like trump saying green cards for foreigners over jobs for americans?
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>in the upper atmosphere
You can feel it all the way on the surface too if you come down from your ivory tower.
The whole greenhouse gas model doesn't hold up to scrutiny and is nothing but a conflation of correlation and causation.
C02 and Methane levels rise with populations no matter what kind of life it is.
They grow in numbers with rising temperature because with it their food sources grow be they arable land for humans, grazing land for animals or plankton in the seas.
There is no reason to believe its the other way around.
Technology is incredibly resource intensive and those resources and the reason we see such a rise in C02 levels is because massive amounts of trees usually binding it for growth were converted into energy to fuel the industrial revolution.

Every ice age ends with a growth period which degenerates very rapidly into a new ice age marked in the geological records with a new black mat.
Something periodically vaporizes most life on the earth and we are now seeing increased solar activity in our own and other solar systems our age.
>Those little yeasties
That is actually a pretty nice idea. Ill give it a try.
I wonder if bioluminescence could be tweaked in its frequency or even be used to grow something like shade tolerant plants.
>and those resources and the reason
stroking out already.
We need more "climate engineers"
Imagine being so brainwashed that when you're faced with the fact that all of your AGW predictions are always wrong, your only defense is to pretend that actual science is equally fake and makes nothing but wrong predictions.
>noo you gotta beleive
Post booster card
The sun has nothing to do with it that is why none of the global warming models take it into account!
And now you've devolved into full-blown psychosis shitting out completely incoherent replies.
>you have solar and because of that you aren't buying electricity
>you will have to pay a tax for not paying for electricity
It won't take long for this to happen
>Gee i dunno let's just ignore data we have about major volcanic activity and just attribute everything to humans
-these dumb grifters and their retarded followers.
>nooo trust the sicence, the science is god
Also notice the terrence howard shilling.
Its beyond cringe inducing but he is clearly putting on an act.
What is it they are trying to frame by guilt through association with this clown?
A couple of the longest minutes of my life later while sitting through that dogshit he says it.
He is citing the electric universe theory.
So I went to look that up and it turns out its literally
>what if our model of the universe that cant even predict our own solar system without crutches like dark matter and invisible planets is wrong about the sun
He is coherent and you just dont understand the lingo because you are a new.
CO2 is plant food and plants cool the air by evaporating water. Urban cities causes warming.
>paying for amonia
nigger behavior
People misconstrue an attempted description as truth all too commonly
>ge me the thingie
>the thing that you put screws in with
>get me a screw driver
>a star screwdriver
>a #2 posidrive, bout 4 inch long max, not a stubby, I need at aleast a 2 inch shank

All accurate and would be used in work, but only the last one actually gets anywhere near the reality of what you need
Science is about observation, not about truth
Very little is truth, and the systems where we have truth we have constrained and created
> a computer will do exactly what you say, unless youre a mario speedrunner, then one of you will have it change outside your control
>It's cold because it's hot.
These people are a waste of space.
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so global warming is fake now?
we've been cooling it while warming it?
what the fauci?
She couldn’t bare saying “mankind’s”
It would be neat if we could open a hole in the ozone layer to let some green house gasses out and then seal it back up again
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It's an actual real article
What the fuck.
Fuck the ministry of science, I will have them on my belly to feast on!
>cooled the planet while warming the planet
What a braindead retard. There are no words to dsscribe how titanically stupid she is.
in 1992
Wait, they want to argue that sulfur and co2 from oil is bad, but that's what olants crave. They need sulfur and co2 to thrive. What are they even doing?
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>a #2 posidrive, bout 4 inch long max, not a stubby, I need at aleast a 2 inch shank
You may not like it but this is what peak efficiency looks like.
>Science is about observation, not about truth
Its about finding a prediction model. We want to be able to calculate planetary movements to slingshot ect.
>a computer will do exactly what you say, unless youre a mario speedrunner, then one of you will have it change outside your control
Breaking the tool doesn't break reality tho unless the tool is an accurate representation of reality hence the need for a working model of the universe.
No more hadron colliders and mass surveillance masked as measurement devices on satellites. Everything could then be simulated and things brute forced that would be simply too dangerous or expensive to do in reality.

Good thing were not in such a simulation. Gee that would fucking suck.
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The issue is that the hydrocarbons have been locked away for a few million years to forever since most is abiogenic
thus, no, the plants did not have this stuff
Plus plants are icky to the nondruid
They hate them and clear cutt ehm for infinite subdivisions
WHy yes they just did this too me and now I will be surrounded by niggers and made to stare at slate grey siding
But hey,
>He is coherent and you just dont understand the lingo because you are a new.
Imagine overcompensating so fucking hard over being a redditor who came here two days ago with the rest of your infestation. He's completely incoherent and so are the rest of your buttbuddies.
That's retarded and gay, no wonder nuscience is full of faggots.
>what is sulfur dioxide
Everything is nuscience
take your pick of when it started and you will be wrong
that thing people make when their guts arent wet enough
Yeah, that definitelly sounds like something Osaka would say. I bet that reporter doesn't know the difference between escalator and elevator, too.
one eats americans, the other moves their fat asses
I don't believe in science or religion (kikes)
I member when the ozone layer disappearing was the big awful thing affecting the climate
No he very coherently called you a vaxmaxxed cretin after you got ancy for being called out claiming an accurate prediction model would exist.
No escalator with a bit of self respect would eat an American, that results in clogged gears and such. What they need is steady diet of chinese people.
>people buy a home
>they're no longer a first time homebuyer
Nope, a group of 3 got eaten in near me in Springfield
Their sandal got stuck, the top hatch popped off and they tumbled in until the 4th used their backs to get to safety
Its more surprsing witht he lack of maintnence it doesnt happen more often, but then we eke out china by .8 per capita
>needing a second house
Heading for an ice age?
>thinking that makes the chart better
Are you retarded
No, that was completely incoherent. It would have been coherent if it had anything whatsoever to do with my posts or with this thread, but it doesn't. He just glitched out and you're a redditor.
>noo youre buzzword, you hafta be new
Ah, are you confusing new with underaged now in the hopes of getting your rocks off groomer?
You have yet to show a prediction model nor your pureblood status
>They do that, too, but the actual predictions they make, not "worst case" predictions, are also always way off.
To which >>472321181 replied with:
>show me any prediction of man that has been accurate
To which you replied with your ongoing tangent about everyone else being brainwashed but you never coughed up a single prediction.
>He just glitched out and you're a redditor.
You dont know the lingo because you are a braindead summerfag.
We see your kind here every year. Its holidays so all the schoolchildren are traveling with their families so you cant rape them and because you have no friends in your military base you impotently argue with people on /pol/.

> ... has cooled the planet while warming it.
the sheer idiocy of this statement is the best representation of leftist "intelligence" i've seen to date. it's astounding people this stupid even know how to breathe.
this. the sun needs to tighten it's boot straps
Also cause verizon is shitting the bed here in the DC NOVA area so doing work is hard for anyone
Thus leaving only the disconcerted shill attempts here as they try and find something to do as they now really cant move paperwork
Wait til you hear about the people who think that three in one spirits are such an impossible thing to comprehend they come up with special words for it
People love to make profound statements that arent wirth the paper misouri became a state on, yet think it makes them worthy of oxford
really its just the difference of someone who knows a more accurate word for the scenario and someone desperate to not be known as fir for the fields as fertilizer and no higher, and certainly not lower as a miner
>You pay double tax for warming and freezing the planet
Please DO IT. Apex clownworld
at that speed it's like the same as hitting concrete
Give the sun a pronounced bit of butt lift and make its core squish a little
not a lot, take a million off its life so its easier to kickstart terraforming mars and venus gets a bit more offgassy from solar wind strippage
then we have two very acceptable nonsatelite locations to move to
After all, the three body problem shills sure shutup fast about it when the predictive programming part was postulated and the need to get out of the system
We should open the hole in the ozone over India or Africa. Hell, I'd take central America or even south China.
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cloud seeding has been done for maybe 20 plus years right now.

Also the sun was yellow when I was growing up.
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The sun is deeply problematic!
All that free energy is very anti semitic.
It needs to be blotted out and taxmaxxed.
Lmao send in the diversity hires!
>cloud seeding
>20 plus years right now.
Probably longer.
It blows my mind how people still think its a conspiracy theory.
When I was in China for the parades they also did this to make sure they didn't have rain in Beijing.
How does my pointing supporting the idea that legitimate science needs to make accurate and testable predictions justify this delusional redditor screeching about clotshots? It doesn't. You and your assbuddies have been spamming this board nonstop for days now, you can't fit in so you devolve into these clownish cycles of overcompensation.
Nah, its not muh buzzword for losers
the simple issue is that too many of our systems rely on stopgaps and crackfills over actual design, so changing anything will break it
theyre busy trying to upgrade to 5g here and likely plucked boxes that some engineer 2 decades ago made dedicated but didnt note
And so now service is spotty because of the extra hops
AT&T had this happen when they moved to anew building
what should have just been a relocation turned into a nationwide outage because they accidentalied the east coast backbone because that center actually was never supposed to move as some engineer back in 1994 saw fit when it was built
Somewhat not a surprise since it was a dusal sat comms and gsm facility
>the simple issue is that too many of our systems rely on stopgaps and crackfills over actual design, so changing anything will break it
If it aint broke dont ACK
>what should have just been a relocation turned into a nationwide outage because they accidentalied the east coast backbone because that center actually was never supposed to move as some engineer back in 1994 saw fit when it was built
>Somewhat not a surprise since it was a dusal sat comms and gsm facility
well thats the thing, it is broke and thus the need for the upgrade
the issue is those old white male saintly engineers have the same documenting habits as everyone else when its not a breakfast on twitter or something relating to showing an actual female and not anime tiddies in a comic
So where it never should have been, things hsould have been written properly the first time, they chose to get clever
And I know this well, getting clever is something I have to remind myself not to be
just as I am probably the dumbest in the room, not the smartest
>send tips
Ask her how much for a titty flash
The biggest lie about the competency crisis is that its new.
America has been aggressively going downhill for longer than most people have been alive.
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Lets get rid of it
Id say its a lot to do with how little systems can be understood by one person and how many things now are one person does a part and only they know how it works
like how thers only like 7 austisc people who can make new cpus and intel and amd trade them back and forth
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our war against global warming is over.
Yeah I recall sun being yellow as fuck, its fucking white now
The whole point of this green ideology being promoted in the West was to allow less developed countries to catch up to the USA. WE need to cut back while they go hogwild and pollute global systems with frivolous products produced with slave labor. Cut a green and reveal the red underneath, its just Marxism with extra steps. Still leads to lower quality of life, poverty, and mass death.
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Hold on, just so I have this straight:
>Emissions actually COOLED the planet
>By cutting emissions, we're letting the planet get warmer
Do I have this right?
Banana flavor
I live in a very foresty northeast state and the most obvious thing I notice that I don't remember growing up is all the leaves being shimmery silver in the sunlight. It can be beautiful, but it looks artificial and strange.
you got it wrong
China made emissions of soot, these acted to create rain
China isnt burning coal now, so countries are now drying out due to lack of rain
Its just more China bad
>china you pollute so much with so many people, fix it
>nooo im drying out, this is your fault for not burning coal
smartest nigga on /pol/
did you read Micheal Crichton's article comparing environmentalists to commies? I did and that dude was right. RIP based author.
already happened with hybrid and elec cars, added a tax at purchase equal to the use of gas engines
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Global warming is dead!
Long live global warming!
Same in coding. Once you made a system you are invaluable to the company because trying to find someone who can decipher your mess will cost more than just giving you raise after raise.
Send it.
>what is sulfur dioxide
50iq boomers need to die already
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Dick tip pics incoming!
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Btw an ac130 just flew over my house with an escort of 4 fighter jets.
Yeah I'm in Berlin laugh it up.
When I was a kid the sky was often deep blue, now it's like watching it through a white filter
This shit literally says “cooled the planet while warming it.”
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My bad it was a c130 with a tanker and two jets escorting a fake callsign masquerading as a swiss liner.
>>still hasnt described WHAT lingo IT is talking about...

When you start with this kind of bullshit and pulpil, you have already lost in a battle with Anon.
Anon sees you.
You are not behind cover any longer.
You have been exposed.
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based niggers right here
Waxy coating on the leaves due to decreased humidity levels.
Have you noticed that people sweat much less than they used to?
That the outdoors is more comfortable in warm weather?

Did you know that CERN has a major project that is examining how high energy partilces coming from deep space into the earths atmosphere create rainclouds???
Literally studying innovations for more accurate weather modification.
>still hasnt described WHAT lingo
>When you start with this kind of bullshit and pulpil
Okay here is a crash course to get you up to speed.
No it's absolutely real. The problem is that it requires a Malthusian solution and most green-minded people are too afraid of nuclear power or killing off chinks, pajeets, durkas, and africans.
it's the same people who say having a dick can mean you're a woman
Remember: propaganda is meant to demoralize you, not convince you.
>No it's absolutely real
Then how come every aspect of climate science is demosntrably fake? If AGW was real, why do they need fake data, fake models, fake theories, fake consensus, fake experts, fake peer review, neo-Lysenkoist demonization of critics and fake mainstream coverage?
Don't burn the coal and pay the toll?
new study proves that white supremacy has damaging cooling effect on climate
If someone built an enclosed backpack that housed plant/s and your breathing output inputted into it with additional water if required then that would help destroy all the climate/over population garbage. Along with not enough food to feed them nonsense.
Coal is great for nuclear material
gas, no
and obviously not the rest
Part of the whole fun of nuuu climate change isnt real is the people not checking into any of the history
just abjectly going, yuppers its like las month
like forgetting that the 2nd largest crop in the US until WW1 was ice, and that many ice farms now cant make any
They dont realize the shift because to them ice isnt an essential item
these retards don't have a fucking clue about literally anything

it's all just lies
>her inbox unmanageable
Isn't that all women?
theoretically there's a risk of runaway photysntehsis in the oceans which would consume all the CO2 and turn the Earth into ice ball
but I don't think we're nowhere near that
there were times in Earth history (if you want to believe it) that atmosphere had 10x the CO2 it has now. Nothing bad happened and the flora was thriving. Though it wasn't conjoined with deforestation, so that might be a factor

either way, as much as I'm not convinced about global warming, I don't think we should pollute unnecessarily
ofc none of the retards here will read the article, but the logic is perfectly reasonable. sulfur pollution from burning coal is reflective and reduce the amount of light that reaches the earth. we have eliminated most of this pollution, but co2 emissions continue. as a result, the rate of global warming is increasing. really, is that so hard to understand?
There have not been any stratospheric aerosol injection airplanes so far this summer. So it has been hot but with brezzes rather than humid to cause blood clots in the elderly and obese. I bet it's because America is going broke.
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>Russia and China aren't playing along with it.
China funded most eco marxism in the EU and USA and the UN to cripple European and American industry. Russia and China and India are not based, they are fucking cancer
Why let them catch up? What does that benefit? That takes time, why not just expedite our progress
I had a buddy that used to make cider wine inside his grow room for this exact reason. The guys that grow no-till will inoculate their soil with fungus and bacteria cultures. If it’s in a sealed environment they usually have to vent the room because the soil microbes produce enough co2 that it will eventually burn the plants.
>Humans' fossil fuel burning has cooled the planet while warming

I don't read horseshit anon, especially with subheadings like
>Humans' fossil fuel burning has cooled the planet while warming it

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