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>Fight literally the entire world
>It was still a close match
And people say fascism is weak, lmao
Depends on the people, Italians were kinda shit kek
it wasnt really that close, it just took time for the world to mobilize, they were doomed from the start because they simply did not have the industrial output
>close match
oh please. he was never able to fight the royal navy, all he could do was submarine raids on shipping. if he couldnt beat the uk alone with no one else involved, it wasnt close.
>break the NAP and attack Russia
>complain Russia went to war with you
It wasn't that close, within a year of Americans landing in France your entire army collapsed. You also didn't fight alone, you had japan tying up half the US army, had Italy tying up half the royal navy, one of the biggest oil suppliers in the world was your military ally, the Spanish facists didn't allow the western allies to use their territory to attack you, half of France was your military ally, Finland joined you as a co-belligerent in the the north, the Hungarians were your military ally, Austria willingly joined with you, the Swedish also willingly provided you with high quality iron ore. Germany didn't really stand alone, it was more like a conglomerate of middle powers tried to test the great powers to become the new great powers.
Nothing close when you don't have oil or food
Without italian fascismo, no german natsoc, you faggot. Also fascism is an ideology, being a rich country who can substain a world war has nothing to do with it. But why am i talking about fascism with an american degenerate. Go kys.
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Maybe russians should have become the nazis, they had all sorts of resources like oil and shit
>starts a second front in the east when it wasn't necessary

all this nigga had to do was not be greedy and history would have totally changed
Based magnifique
I didn’t say they weren’t awesome
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Finnish nazi planes are kino
This cope again
>fought le world le alone
>Tripartite pact: Japan, Italy, Germany, Austria, Hungary, Bulgaria, Slovakia, Worst Croatia
>Plus Finland
>Norwegian shilling for Nazis
They raped you like you don't matter, faggot
if it's meant to be it will
Pirates are evil? The Marines are righteous? These terms have always changed throughout the course of history! Kids who have never seen peace and kids who have never seen war have different values! Those who stand at the top determine what's wrong and what's right! This very place is neutral ground! Justice will prevail, you say? But of course it will! Whoever wins this war becomes justice!
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Hello? Ustaše? Yea, I found a jew rat.
Yes... yea, in Croatia. Yea. Okay. Thanks. Love you too, bye.
wikipedia level understanding of history and the world
germans have the worst war record on the planet, they need to cope somehow.
germany as a combined nation is one of the most peaceful nations out there, having the least wars.
pretty sure that the Z nation has more wars since 1990 than a united germany
not really, the german/germanoid list of wars they started and fought in is huge - almost all of them are defeats.
its pretty damn crazy that an austrian painter managed to convince a country with the worst war record on the planet that they are super-men.
well then name this list of wars from a combined germany. you do know germany united in 1871?
It wasn't. They had a much better chance in WWI.
Fascism held us back btw. While the USA were building dams and useful infrastructure after the Great Depression we were throwing money away invading some African shithole. Money that could have been used building Universities, railroads, highways...

If fascism never existed we would have had the economic miracle 2 decades early.
Germany had no wars since 1945 because to this day it's occupied by Americans and it serves the will of the Americans and consequently Jews to the point where Judeo Americans can destroy your main pipe line while telling you they are your ally and you have to pretend you don't understand it was them who did it.
You're peaceful because you're cucked and chained
why do you only want to count the last 100+ years? (its almost exclusively defeats, too).
why cut out the HRE? (which is also, ironically, almost all defeats).
Italy was his most useless ally. More trouble than they were worth, constantly having to move troops and material to save their asses.
the worst thing wasnt mussollini, it was mussollini agreeing to talk to adolf.
italians hated the germans they wanted nothing to do with german wars. benito begged adolf to shut the fuck up for years but he didnt listen.
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Mein fren.
>close match

They had no problem arresting, imprisoning, killing and robbing innocent and unarmed civilians who could not resist.

Rolling into neighboring countries with little to no resistance, reaping something for nothing and expecting no consequence.

They ran into problems when facing people who could actually fight back, when they actually had to fight a war and pay for their crimes.
Jews, weak willed faggots and niggers call it weak. It reminds me of /fit tons of fatties larping and shitting on all the fat people.

Hitler breeds jealousy because he was a success.

You mean they were so butthurt they fictionalized muh hollo hoax of 6 gazillion when the real number was around 250,000 in labor camps.
2 million white Germans died needlessly because of this turbo autist
So why get involved? Spain avoided wwii and Germany helped them prior. Germany would have been better off without Italy or even Japan.
because the HRE included the netherlands, belgium, Italy, austria/habsburg and the czech republic.

You can count all those wars but then every country listed is automatically german territory/soil

Germany fought a 3 front war against 4 world super powers and almost won.
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nice headcanon, very kosher
because its retroactive Italian cope. They wanted all in, Mussolini dreaming about a new roman empire from the atlantic to the middle east.
But then he failed at the first country he invaded (greece) and begged uncle Adolpho for help
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It wasn't close at all. A close war is WWI, WWII only took as long as the other great powers took to gear up.
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The world is still in fear of Hitler and the Nazi even today
>Maybe a population with negligible cultural cohesion and organizational ability should have adopted an ideology which requires a huge excess of both
Pure pipe dream, not only are Russians likely biologically incapable of such sophisticated racial organization, not even Anglos or French are capable of it. Disorganized peoples with weak cultures end up being ruled by kikes as a rule.
italy didnt want to get involved, they got dragged into it.
thats why italians switched sides at the first possible opportunity to the Allies - they wanted NOTHING to do with german wars.
Benito *begged* adolf to shut the fuck up and just wait, but the austrian painter didnt give a shit.
its not like adding those tiny little meme states will ruin the war record much further. Its already pretty damn bad as it is.
They stomped France in under a month. Without the US joining they would've kept air superiority and eventually stomped Britain. The U-boats did more than sink shipping. And let's not forget that Hitler didn't want the war in the first place, he was simply trying to make a good state for the German people to be free from Kike bankers and he succeeded until the U.S. came in to fight a war they didn't understand at the behest of Roosevelt and his kike advisors.

And what a great outcome, huh? Now the U.S. is drowning in debt and inflation, people can't by groceries, and the country is awash with niggers and beaners. Frankly, those WW2 vets are ultimately getting what they deserve by being beat to death from their nigger nurses. It's what they fought for, after all.
Mussolini wanted a later war (1942) but he didn't beg Hitler for it. As long as Germany covered Italy's deficiencies in coal (which they did) he was perfectly willing to join. And while he didn't want to be second party to what he felt were solely German affairs he was perfectly willing to join in combined action c.f. the Battle of France or the Eastern Front against Communism. He wasn't some punished ideologue but the Duce of Italy and if he didn't want to do something he just wouldn't have had to. It was the monarchy and the factions around them which wanted nothing to do with Germany but the King was perfectly willing to let Mussolini and the Fascist Council rule due to their peacetime successes as long as they didn't ruin Italy later on.
>Without the US joining they would've kept air superiority
The Battle of Britain was lost October 1940 over a year before the US joined. Never mind that Hitler is starting Barbarossa 1941 no matter what so most of the Luftwaffe is getting diverted east even before the US joins as well.
They declared war when they didn’t have to in June 1940, only because Benito didn’t want to be left out and thought that the war would soon be over after Germany crushed France. It was opportunistic. Germany should have let them fold in North Africa.
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you just stole that from Norm McDonald. You've never had an original thought in your life and you never will.
yes and no.
italian participation in the French campaign in 1940 was only the Battle of the Alps (40 dead french soldiers), and italian participation in the eastern front was.... 3 divisions.
He literally handed you your ass. maybe european hours aren't good for you.
The RAF was hanging by a thread. If the Luftwaffe kept the pressure on for a couple more months it would've been over.
And let's not forget that Hitler could've massacred British and French forces when they were trapped at Dunkirk but let them go, that was the mistake. Should have just mowed the ungrateful bastards down then.

Let them go only for the British to turn around and start bombing civilian centers in Berlin BEFORE the Luftwaffe bombed London.
>Germany should have let them fold in North Africa.
Retarded. Once the North African front was opened then any failures there just opens the Mediterranean from the Pyrenees to Greece to Allied landings. Once Italy joins the British are always going to seek an in into Libya so it's either Italy doesn't join WW2 at all (something unlikely to happen and what neither Hitler to Mussolini wanted) or Germany backs them full hilt (which they did and is what the point of having allies is for) in return Italy sent an entire field army to the eastern front and they conducted themselves well before getting destroyed after Stalingrad.
who told you that?
the battle of britain was a disaster for the luftwaffe, the influx of foreign aid (pilots, war materiel) to the UK was already gaining momentum, too.
>le troon force zigger flaggot
Take that shit off rabbi or you can piss off.
>yes and no.
You're not actually saying anything. Just trying to present amenability while still being wrong.
> italian participation in the French campaign in 1940 was only the Battle of the Alps (40 dead french soldiers)
And an entire Army group (Gruppo d'Armate Ovest)
>and italian participation in the eastern front was.... 3 divisions.
Which rose to 10 divisions to form an entire field army and an air force to support them. To say Mussolini wasn't willing to fight as part of the Axis for Axis combined goals is brain rot.
>And let's not forget that Hitler could've massacred British and French forces when they were trapped at Dunkirk but let them go
no he didnt, who told you that?
the french army was activelly defending the beaches - 20,000 french soldiers gave their lives defending Dunkirk from the germans while the british sat on their asses and looked at the sea.
Thank you schitler for ensuring israel exists.
stop posting imaginary dogshit, then.
i said "yes and no". italian participation in the french campaign was useless, and their 3 and then later 10 divisions in the eastern front did pretty much nothing.
zero willingless to fight, they routed at the first opportunity, and then changed sides to the Allies.
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Not only did Nazi Germany probably have the best military and fitness training at that time but they were all methed to hell on pervitin as well, basically drugged up super soldiers, you combine all that with the element of suprise and it was like some bullshit cheese strategy straight out of an RTS game. Seriously, anybody who has ever done a strong precription stimulant like methamphetamine or cocaine before will tell you that shit makes you completely unstoppable for awhile. You think that blitzkrieg day and night 24/7 shit at the start of the war was just normal human behavior? I mean they literally did not stop for certain periods of time lmao, it was just constant advancement and bombardment.
There is always something off when americans talk history
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>>Fight literally the entire world
Italy should have pulled back from Africa. That should have been the directive: to protect the underbelly of the Europe. Instead, because of Italian losses, Germany had to divert troops and material to Africa. Italians failed at protecting the German flanks in Eastern Europe. In the end, Italy did more harm than good.
There was no other choice it was going to happen anyway.

Russia would attack because the western nations would've compelled them.
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better yet, the western front didnt even exist for 99% of the whole war.
pic related, is how the eastern front looked like when western Allies came with with the idea of D-day.
It was pretty much Russia vs Germany, and Russia won, everybody else can get a participation trophy.
No. Germany is occupied by niggers and sand niggers
>Fight literally the entire world
Lol. Started with backstabbing neutral countries and attacking Poland from two sides with commie jews.
Lost in the same way when allies attacked him from both sides.
To this day sore losers nazi larpers make it fight against the whole world, while it was just retarded idiot ruining Europe and attacking country by country from two sides.
When the tides changed he lost.
If fucking French faggots did attack him in 39' the war would be over before Poland surrendered and only thing left would be destroying USSR.
Germany basically lost to the jew bolshevik red commie Soviet union. Everything else was a side show as the yanks swooped in to prevent the USSR from taking all of Germany.
Red Army did the heavy lifting. Nazis lost more men in 1941 on the Eastern Front then they did during the whole war on the Western Front. Eastern Front is where all of the action was and is the deadliest military confrontation in history. Once Operation Barbarossa came to a halt and the Soviets lifted the Siege of Stalingrad in February 1943, the writing was on the wall and the Axis pretty much lost. The Japanese surrendered within a week once the Red Army invaded Japan in August, 1945. Red Army literally speed ran defeating the Kwantung Army, the elite Japanese army in Manchuria within a week.
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>If fucking French faggots did attack him in 39' the war would be over
At the Nuremberg trials, German military commander Alfred Jodl said that "if we did not collapse already in the year 1939 that was due only to the fact that during the Polish campaign, the approximately 110 French and British divisions in the West were held completely inactive against the 23 German divisions."[18] General Siegfried Westphal stated that if the French had attacked in force in September 1939 the German army "could only have held out for one or two weeks."[19]
if there are alternate universes, WW2 didnt exist in most of them and 1939 was a tiny war that lasted 2 weeks.
D-day took over a year to plan, so the Ostfront was at the Battle of Kursk stage when the idea was working out.
Controlled opposition.
He was a puppet and all those men died to create Israel.
you realize you little soviets would have absolutely lost without 'western help', the very people you are hesitant to piss off today
All the british had to do was redeploy their fighters to the north out of range of the german bomber, which they did. It was never really that close.
Maybe but based off the combined RAF and Luftwaffe records the British were overestimating the number of planes the Luftwaffe had and were still committed to at least another month of aerial fighting. While on the other hand, the Luftwaffe was already forming the air groups for Barbarossa and Operation Sealion, which is what the Battle of Britain was for, was practically shelved by that point due to resource diversions elsewhere. There's also the fact that in the event of a loss the British plan was just to eat the bombs on the cities and evacuate the RAF north for any German landing fleet.
Dunkirk was meaningless even in the medium term. The biggest gain in regard to the survivors was the evacuated 100k Frenchmen who would be shipped back in to defend Paris and the south but France would still fall anyway. At the same time as the evacuation, the BEF sent another 200k men to support the south who would later be withdrawn as well later on.
Oops forgot to attach image. Yup, Nazis lost more men in 1941 on the Eastern Front then they did during the whole war on the Western Front which really only opened in the last year of the war and was comparatively minuscule. Red Army lost millions of men and were somehow stronger at the end of the war then they were at the beginning of the war. USA and Commonwealth saw the Red Army start to steamroll Europe and wanted to jump in finally to get a participation trophy and not let Russia take the whole of Europe. Hitler invaded the USSR at the perfect possible time, with the Wehrmacht and company having numerical superiority over the Soviets in Operation Barbarossa, after getting all the military aide and supplies from the USSR, and with Stalin purging the officer class, and they still got bitch slapped back to Berlin. The rest of Europe basically rolled over for the Axis.
>entire world crippled by the Naval treaty
>the German fleet can't beat the benefactors of it
Germans suck!
The Germans and Japanese lost against thr Allies on every single front
After 1942 it was already over and a continuous steamroll throughout all the way to Berlin
The only country Germany successfully defeated in a 1v1 was France
Even against Pooland they had to jump from both sides
Greece was a 2v1 with Italy fighting majority of the real war and Germany coming to break the stalemate
They couldn't win an air battle against Britain and started getting bombed back immediately after 1941
Nazi Germany as a superpower had only a couple of years of steam, using everything they had and their casualties were massive compared to the Allies
the kriegsmarine getting mogged pretty much 24/7 was also pretty funny.
i guess the germans did sunk the Hood but it pissed of the brits so much they sank the Bismark 3 days later.
After the fall of france they should have gone with goerings plan to roll through africa annexing a strip stretching from gibraltar to the oil fields of persia, discovered pre world war 1.

All the while giving heisenberg's nucleur program highest priority.

Ideally the soviet union isn't a war goal but if it has to be one invade the caucuses from iran, depriving the soviets of their oil instantly.

Hitler could have won world war 2
If Germany would've blitzed the beach, like they'd done in France previously, the almost pure infantry non-meched group would've been blown to fuck. End of story.
>Italy should have pulled back from Africa.
I actually agree but such doesn't make sense in 1941. Pull back why? To let yourself be attacked while it seems you're winning on all fronts. It's conceding the initiative and that's something none of the powers post-WW1 wanted to do. Defending Italy would have no real end goal while getting Mussolini destroyed politically at home while forcing the maintenance of a large garrison force all along the coasts of southern Europe anyway.
>italy didnt want to get involved, they got dragged into it.
This was your original point. That point is bunk as while you can say the actual results were unsatisfactory they did present a large amount of effort. Far more than being "dragged into it" would ever glean. And once Mussolini wanted to join the war and the king was perfectly happy to let him. They didn't flip sides at the first opportunity only once the Duce had completely fallen from grace after the landings in Southern Italy.
I want to be the woman on the right
the british had total control of the med sea, anon.
the germans couldnt do jack shit with africa.
You're a retard. Africa was central to the axis winning the war
they did blitz the beaches, it cost 20,000 french lives to defend it from the blitz.
Wrong. the italian navy was the one arm of their armed forces that was actually competent.

Capturing gibraltar and the suez would cripple britain's power in the med
the italian navy got mogged at taranto and didnt leave the naval port until the war ended.
are you conjuring all this fucking nonsense up on the go or do you have a source for all that imaginary shit?
If they could take the Suez sure but I honestly doubt the Africakorps could have even taken Alexandria even if Rommel wins at El Alamein.
Just take a moment and imagine every single german uboat, the bismarck and tirpitz as well as every other battleship they had in the med. Imagine it.

I got the italian navy being their most modern and up to date branch of their armed forces (which it was) from watching youtube.
Your phraseology reminds me of the ww1 generals that scoffed at the blitzkrieg and saw it as impossible science fiction.

In this scenario the africakorps is ten times the size because barbarossa is cancelled.
Wrong, the halt order was given by Rundstedt and approved by high command. For three days the Brits and French were given the opportunity to essentially fortify while there was occasional Arial bombardment.

If Rundstedt hadn't halted for 3 days the British and French would've been completely and utterly fucked.

Hitler let them go.
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>well ok i was dead wrong on the italian navy doing something in WW2 but uhh....
>just use your imagination super hard ok
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it was insanely close only because of kikehill refusing 2 dozen peace treaties.
i unironically think america would have supported a german invasion of communist russia
we're in the worst timeline because one obese philosemitic faggot couldn't take the L
facism is weak but now in combination with germany.
I never said I was wrong, I just said where I got my source from retard.
Holy fucking COPE
But they didn't know this at the time. People today really underestimate how bleak things really looked like to the average Briton at the time. Germany just conquered the majority of Europe with only the UK left standing. Constant battles over the skies, bombing, rationing, people really were on the brink of defeat.
With modern hindsight you can say with confidence that the UK was nowhere near defeat, but the RAF command and Churchill didn't know that. Luftwaffe was overestimated, the people were tired and the the government didn't know what to do. The UK was really close to surrender and if the Luftwaffe kept the pressure up for a few more months, then who knows, maybe Churchill would've thrown in the towel.
Fascism is an exercise in self destruction
>my source was my imagination
ok i guess.
>Every German ally was an occupied puppet state
>Every ZOG ally were free nations
The fact is that Germany was a small country the size of Texsas which made the last stand of Western Civilization against multiple Jew-ruled global empires.
Kristallnacht and the Night of the Long Knives combined have a death toll equivalent to barely 3 hours of the 2 years the Stalin purges lasted. "Muh killing opponents" is complete bs, national socialism is one if not the most peaceful serious regime to have ever existed.
And in these alternative realities it is more probable that Prussia would still exist to this day and Poland would lose a lot of land in the east to USSR without compensation from the Germany. Which would be Neonazi wet dream come true.
But they are too stupid to see that it all failed because Hitler was retarded zionist puppet.
>thread about WW2
>a bunch of illiterate retards who have never read anything argue about bullshit memes
Every time

First rule of talking to a coping ally rat on the internet: Never show them the casualties. Despite a total numerical and materiel advantage, you were still slaughtered like animals kek
Go from smelly peasents to united wat machine.
People say communism doesn't work.
Kikes had to appeal for zerg rush in the east and sneak attack on the west on defenseless soil.
Expect nothing less from parasites.
I see this word used in a nonstandard way on the internet. Is it autocorrect or a 4chan filter? Or does it have some other meaning? I gotta know the etymology
And West would lose without Russia
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yes we were not alone but blitzkrieg stunned the world and the combined arms approach was revolutionary and executed beautifully
NATO has studied german war efforts for decades and to this day german military strategies and tactics are the basis of western warfare
Yes I always wondered why did the Krauts stop there, RAF was down to 200 planes
>to this day german military strategies and tactics are the basis of western warfare
You mean like losing to rice farmers and goat herders kek
>other countries didnt have casualties
because they literally didnt do anything in WW2.
western front didnt exist up until we pretty much started shelling berlin, so where exactly were Allied soldiers supposed to get killed?
in america, 6000 miles west?
poor comparison youre either dishonest or dumb
It was weak. Fascism died with Hitler's suicide.
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>Bro the enemy has captured our capital, planted their flag at the top of the Reichstag, and our leader had a rage fit and ACK'd himself
>We should negotiate with them and tell them to surrender because look at our k/d ratio lol
>We won
>Ignore the fact that we had numerical superiority at the start of the war
>Ignore the fact that we deliberately killed off millions of POW and civilians to stat pad and for insane Lebensraum ideology
Can't read a basic chart. Relates with losers. Sad. You will never be master race.
>le past. oh, le past
Wake the fuck up, would you?!
>send afrikakorps immediatly instead of waiting for italy to get btfo, takes egypt and suez
>bongs btfo
>ignore stalingrad and go straight for caspian sea and baku
>soviets btfo
>japan doesn't take fdr's bait and go straight for indonesian oil
>china btfo
>manage to cross the small strait between calais and dover
>bongs btfo

They were much closer than you think. No wonder the allies have to continue shilling all the way to an anonymous anime imageboard to control dissent 80 years after their supposed total victory. Very insecure victors right there
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nothing but love
Lol good one portugal
Allied had 2,7 times more people, then what Axis had.
>barbarossa is cancelled.
Then the soviets invade Germany in the fall of 41'
It was impossible for them to win. The Kali Yuga cannot be halted, not even by a man against time. The Aryan race deserves to be punished under a cosmic reign of blood and terror for 10,000 years until the last traces of our contemptible weakness are flensed away from our souls like smoke escaping from a burning fire. Only then can we enter into a new golden age of truth and honour, only to repeat the cycle of decline once again.
>>ignore stalingrad and go straight for caspian sea and baku
Ok you've got the oil fields, now how do you transport the oil out of there? They needed stalingrad due to the rail transportation network. Without it, having control of Baku is pointless. That was the reason for the Reich to attack Stalingrad. Thumbing it was "Hitlers obsession with taking Stalins city" that's just history channel brain
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There were other railroads. More efficient in fact
sounds like youve never done coke, coke sucks and is weak as fuck compared to meth
yet the only thing the uk dared to do was sitting on their island and talking shit. only after the us had come to the rescue and ussr had decimated 85% manpower of the reich that the britishs dared stepping foot on mainland europe again
>Ignore the fact that we deliberately killed off millions of POW and civilians to stat pad and for insane Lebensraum ideology
The only wrong thing you said but it's so wildly wrong it discredits you completely
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Without Stalingrad that leaves a very thin stretch where you could transport the oil out of, it would be extremely vulnerable to air and land attacks
Adorable cope. Did you make that spreadsheet, yourself, commie? Next time try to put at least slightly more effort into your lies. Kek
And zigger flag, you do know that vast majority airborne warfare and practically all naval combat took place in the west... right?
thats the whole point of the thread retard
>In this scenario the africakorps is ten times the size because barbarossa is cancelled.
That would rape supply in North Africa. Even leaving aside the unlikeliness of a cancelled Barbarossa to Hitler, Rommel's supply plan by the later stages of the Egypt campaign was to win and then use British supply dumps captured after a win to win the next battle.
I literally did point that out
>Maybe but based off the combined RAF and Luftwaffe records the British were overestimating the number of planes the Luftwaffe had and were still committed to at least another month of aerial fighting.
Despite the overestimation fighter command was still committed to over a month more of fighting no matter what before an evacuation north in the worst case. IRL that month never came as the overestimates never materialised.
Newfag. https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/punished-snake
More copium. Securing a very large corridor without taking Stalingrad was possible considering that a lot of men and supplies wouldn't be thrown in it. Also the italian alpine units could (and should) have been swapped for german units and sent to the caucasus where they would have been more useful
>kill millions of Europeans
>kill barely any arabs, africans or asians
wow, so this is the power of fascism
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Both of you are wrong desu. The reason an attempt on Stalingrad was made was that it'd be easier to defend along the river line of the Volga than just plunging into the Caucauses but leaving the eastern flank open. Such gets you Operation Little Saturn. The Germans didn't have enough manpower to cover the entirety of any Caucasus land front especially as it's literally all just plains and steppe. Pic related. The entire gap between the German 1st Army and Romanian 4th Army is held by one fast Panzer division driving up and down the line. That's untenable longterm especially if no attempt is made to pressure the Soviets elsewhere i.e. Stalingrad.
We get it you are a zogbot, now do us a favor and end yourself.
domestic policy is what makes it appealing in the first place
>lebenraum ideology
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statistically highly likely
>the last deaths in Afghanistan
I'd be pissed
Italian pizza < American pizza
805k in greece of which about 80-90% was civilians due to a famine.
You mountain monkeys really are retarded
That wasnt italy, it was mussolini
See the effectiveness of italian forces when commanded by Rommel
Two sides of the same Bank, fighting each other.
I've read
mein kampf
inside the third reich
panzer leader

what have you read faggot
Churchill was the OG boomer. He went bankrupt TWICE only because he couldn't stop himself from playing the stock market despite being an ignorant retard, he lost all his money doing this, fucking twice, and both times he got saved from ruin by his jewish banker friend in exchange for preventing peace in Europe at any cost.
Even FDR who was just as much of a shill for kikes as him hated him and described him as a "drunken bum", he was an obese genuinely retarded alcoholic who sold his nation, empire, history, people and the whole of Europe to the jews for just a few more tries at the bingo machine. At least Stalin went from being a poor dirtbag to one of the most powerful people in the world, he gained things by working hard for evil, Churchill doesn't even have that.
National Socialism, actually.
Damn snow niggers are mad
Uncle addy proved you people to be sub human in both your violation of civilians and with how they slaughtered you fucks in the millions with ease
>close match
The Germans technically lost the war in December 1941 when the attack on Moscow failed and the US entered the war. Everything after that point was just attrition and prolonging the inevitable.
no they didnt. they were fucked supply line wise oil was a major issue
They would have won if Hitler didn't have humility
>let the English go at Dunkirk
>try to plead with the people of England instead of attacking
Fascism = Ukraine under Zelensky. As many (outside Reddit) can see, it isn't going well.
It was close. It was only because of the scum russians. And the war industrial might of the USA. That's a fuck of a lot to take on. The fully industrialize USA, with the whole nation mobilized towards defense industrial production. Imagine the might of the US war/defence industrial capacity before the de-industrialization.
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Niggers forget it took the entire Soviet, British, and American empires to stop three countries smaller than most US states.
Germans would've eventually be nuked to oblivion by America.
Luckely the Russians defeated them first with the old war tactics.
They never stood a chance because they never had nukes.
And those countries didn't even fight fair, they had the advantages of dirty tricks against an extremely honorable Germany in comparison. The UK immediately went for civilian bombing for months before Hitler started to retaliate, during all that time he was sending peace offers that any leader of their people would have accepted.

Germany may have lost militarily, but they would never have if they weren't fighting 100% zogged governments full of kikeshills. There was nothing to gain for the UK and US in that conflict, no reason to fight, and the jews had to murder Huey Long because he knew that.
They're the ones who discovered fission and led nulear research projects first.
lmao RESPEEK THE ZOGBOTS that literally kill themselves en masse like rats

what a pathetic gathering of degenerates
Holy mega cope

>uhhh germany only won because their enemies sucked
Yeah retard that’s what we’re saying; germany was better than all them
Germany had no wars at all between 1871-1914. Realistically thr world wars were its only wars as a unified country.
>italian participation in the eastern front was.... 3 divisions.
Why do you people post the most retarded yahoo answers tier garbage and strut around like you’re proud of it? Did you graduate from highschool?
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>Just subjugate the north african coast, develop and maintain oilfields there during war where you had to implement a draft, develop the atom bomb before amerika, reneg on taking soviet territory and apologize and just win WW2.
American touring Paris or what
>Nazis betray their allies and pretend that they didn't exist.
Who would have guessed.
This isn’t true. The RAF was gaining more aircraft every week and losing fewer pilots than the Germans were. They were going to win either way. Only way to stop this was for Germany to constrict British resources further, which means it needs more successful sub campaign starting a bit earlier over the summer.
this is just ignorant. The war was over the moment he lost his good troops in the east. It was over before that but I'm being kind.

If Hitler hadn't been a retard he might have built a strong foundation for his successors to attempt to take over the world, but he was a loon and accelerated the timeline way beyond the ability of the dumbest race of europe, the germans, to ever have a chance at.

Imagine being taking in by Hitlers staged photo ops and thinking that shit was real. Germany couldn't produce fucking butter in the 30's my dude. Read a book.
>Italy should have pulled back from Africa.
Idiotic proposition. The loss of Africa and any Allied touchdown on Italian homesoil meant Mussolini would be overthrown, and the Italian government would go over to the Allies. That’s actually exactly what ended up happening. OKW knew this, which is why the DAK was deployed in thr first place to prevent the loss of Africa.
>In this scenario the africakorps is ten times the size because barbarossa is cancelled.
Ludicrous trash theory. Libyan infrastructure can’t support a force ten times the size of the DAK. As it was, supplies kept piling up in Tripoli because much of it couldn’t be moved to the front via that single shit dirt coastal road Lobya had.
Plus fascists are stupid and don't like to admit their own faults and tend to fuck up other populations which plant the seed of their own downfall like downplaying the holocaust of entire populations (Nanking and Soviet pows).
> Germany couldn't produce butter in the 30s

> Doesn't mention the societal devastation caused by Jewish ursury and Bolshevism during that era, doesn't mention Weimar at all....all Jewish constructs designed to destroy and humiliate the Germans

Read a book, my guy.
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All nazi planes are kino
>send afrikakorps immediatly instead of waiting for italy to get btfo, takes egypt and suez
Would never happen, OKW didn’t know Italy’s weakness. Not even Italy itself did.
>ignore stalingrad and go straight for caspian sea and baku
Congratulations, now the Soviet counteroffensive can buildup and proceed months earlier than it historically did, and because you lef the front directly adjacent to Rostov, the Soviets take it. AGS(A) is now completely cut off. What next, commander?
>japan doesn't take fdr's bait and go straight for indonesian oil
The US enters the war against Japan anyway by manufacturing another fake Gulf of Tonkin or USS Maine incident. Philippines are reinforced and US forces are close enough to supply routes to cut them off. What now, commander?
>manage to cross the small strait between calais and dover
In river barges, without air or naval superiority?
God I hope all these faggots have died of cringe since doing this.
Probably a half-american international rich person living in france. Met lots of them while I was there. They tend to be idiotic and raised off r/history like that guy.
Never happened
Japan wasn’t fascist. ‘Fascism’ doesn’t mean “group I don’t like”.
Hitler’s greatest historical error was trying to befriend Perfidious Albion. It’s ironic, if he had a mor ideological opposition to them (their inherent liberalism) vs a racialist view, perhaps he wouldve been less naive and acted very differently.
You should stop watching kiketube brainrot and go read some history books. The Royal Navy was leagues larger and better equipped than Italy’s navy. Did you forget about the battle of Cape Matapan? Taranto? Italy lacked the fuel to even sustain proper operations for its navy; every action had to be calculated and immaculate or else it would terribly affect operations elsewhere. That’s why it was hardly used.
If Rommel somehow wins at Alamein then yes they can take Alexandria and likely the rest of Egypt. However, Rommel can’t win at Alamein, due to the strength and impassibility of British fortifications.

How did France get so weak? Napoleon wasn't that ancient back then. Was the congress of Vienna similar to the treaty of versailles?
>Italians failed at protecting the German flanks in Eastern Europe.
Thats because the soviets specifically targeted their forces with the spearheads of their offensive. It was a political move to deliberately crush all Axis minors on the eastern front so that their governments would retract their armies and isolate Germany. It was planned in connunction with Operation Torch, to pin Italy in Africa as well and get them to withdraw.

Shills and traitors in the German command structure gave information to the Allies about what positions within the German lines that the Axis minor’s units held, so that they could be specifically targeted.
None of the British dominions or territories were truly defacto independent. That’s just for image. They were forced into war as soon as it was declared.
Imagine how much more advanced and better off the white race would be if we weren't busy babysitting and providing for a bunch of third world shitskins
The point you're missing is that Germany was the world's laughingstock under weinmar jewry. Literally mothers and daughters selling themselves as tag team prostitutes for a day's food. gay and trans cafes on every block in Berlin, that was the world's sec tourism capital. Workers insisting on being paid at lunch so their wives could take the wheelbarrow if cash to market before prices went up again in the afternoon. Etc., etc.

Then Hitler came to power and started addressing Germany's jew infestation problem in a positive manner.

Germany blossomed overnight into world's strongest economy, world's strongest military. The lives of every German improved.

Irrefutable evidence the jews WERE THE PROBLEM.

Hate or love Hitler, THE JEWS WERE THE PROBLEM. He proved that beyond any shadow of a doubt.
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>George Lincoln Rockwell @ Brown University
Your map literally is dated to 3 weeks after Operation Overlord commenced. Are you a native English speaker? Do you have problems skipping past the words when you read sometimes?
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I think the biggest problem is that they were in an era where it was still possible to have better tech than the US.
It just got used poorly and a little too late to matter when dealing with the numbers the US was throwing at them.
If he had waited a year and built up more weapons first, and maybe not attack Russia before securing the other front, the world would be a very different place.
Nowadays before you got anywhere near "US Levels" the CIA would send people after you, or they'd just drone you.

In order do achieve this again, you'd need to topple the US, which would require something extremely bad that couldn't be ignored coming from the kikes getting exposed.
lolbert sperg detected
Dreyfus affair shows that we were controlled by jews already before WW1, and we simply lost too many men in that war, our country was traumatized by the losses so we never wanted to put up a fight. Basically 98% of the French didn't care about the Germans "occupying", 1% collaborated, and 1% weren't French but just kikes and polish commies or freemasons.
What the French did hate however were the Americans, because we knew you were degenerates genuinely wanting to colonize us unlike the Germans, and you sent herds of retards and niggers to rape our women, and you had to burn to the ground some villages where the locals resisted you.

Pétain's France was also a pretty good for the circumstances attempt at establishing some form of NS and resuscitating France, the motto was "Work, Family, Country" for a reason. He was the widely recognized greatest hero of the first war, and he saw there was no point in fighting there. His success came from the fact he wasn't some kike sending young whites to their death while sitting behind a comfy desk, but an actual man trying to find the best way to keep his troops alive and well. He's hated for saving lives, while Churchill is loved for sacrificing them to Moloch.
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>11 camps
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>6 million jews
>Nazis lost more men in 1941 on the Eastern Front then they did during the whole war on the Western Front
This is very bad reddit history right here. The Axis lost over 300,000 people in the summer of 1944 alone, when the Western Front was at its smallest.
>was comparatively minuscule
More German forces faced the Allies in 1945 than faced the Soviets. More reddit history.
>USA and Commonwealth saw the Red Army start to steamroll Europe and wanted to jump in finally to get a participation trophy and not let Russia take the whole of Europe.
As you can see from your transgender friends map here >>472321959, Russia had not even begun to recover its pre-Barbarossa borders until months later after D-Day. Some parts of its territory in the Baltics took until the very end of 1945 to recover.

Stop taking estrogen, you’re poisoning yourself and you don’t look like a woman.
>What the French did hate however were the Americans, because we knew you were degenerates genuinely wanting to colonize us unlike the Germans, and you sent herds of retards and niggers to rape our women, and you had to burn to the ground some villages where the locals resisted you.
feels accurate
Excellent post. A rare sight in nu/pol/.
Hitler is also very dangerous because he destroys the jewish game of "muh credentials" gatekeeping who should be in charge. Hitler proved that a dirtpoor uneducated common man could achieve economic miracles by just realizing "it's the fucking jews". Anybody can understand and practice what Hitler did, it doesn't require any high IQ, just ban the kikes, ban usury, have your economy based on the work of the people and your resources rather than infinitely printed worthless paper, and ban central banking as we know it to be under jews.

Just get rid of the jews, and you get art, prosperity, health, nature, happiness, employment... went from a shithole to the most impressive country on Earth in just a few years without the jews.

You can't gatekeep power when that becomes common knowledge, when people realize you don't need to come from X institution to be a good leader.
Let’s see Paul Allen’s lendlease
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I wonder if picrel is accurate
>had help from capitalists
>had help from monarchists and old money
>allied with catholic church
>deceitful surprise attacks after dozens of treaties
>was allowed to write a book in jail
>was allowed out of jail
>liberals capitulated to him because the only real opposition came from the german bolshevik party

hitler did everything he did because capitalists wanted him to defeat communism
Anglo-Saxons betrayed the German race.
Had they joined Hitler, we would not be in this sad predicament.
Italy was fascist, Germany was socialist.
Another excellent post from a based frog.
yeah... i want my country nuked
FDR was such a giga kike banana republic kingpin
If the Brits could take Europe they would. They have tried and failed for a few hundred years
Germany was quintessentially fascist
kek at all the /k/ muh Americuh trannies that think the US won the war
what dogshit faggot trash you all are
>I wonder if picrel is accurate
No it isn't
Huey Long was killed by his own bodyguards
It is. Huey Long was a brilliant lawyer and a vocal isolationist who hated the fact the US joined WW1. He had strong economic programs to solve the Great Depression, he knew who the culprits were, and wanted to basically do what Germany did economically.

With him at the lead, the US would not have waged war against Germany (and remember that the people were overwhelmingly against it too for a long while, even with the entire jewish media urging them for it), and he wanted to do the same as and was killed for the same reasons as Kennedy and Rockwell: he was against the feds, aka against jewry.
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>Let’s see Paul Allen’s lend-ACK
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But he wasn't a fascist, he was a racial socialist.
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Kek terrible bait. Germans lost 80-90% of their soldiers in the Eastern Front. Red Army did all the lifting. Also, Red Army curb stomped the Japs out of mainland Asia within a week in August of 1945. Red Army also got the Japs to surrender because the Soviets were ready to invade the Japanese mainland.
>Huey Long was killed by his own bodyguards
maybe on accident but the kike def tried to kill him
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The Lavochkin planes are sexy. Same with the Yaks and Ilyushins. Stuka mosquito dive bombing must of been terrifying though.
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Thanks for the info anon.
I find it funny to imagine how shit D-Day would've been if America faced even a fraction of the real Axis armies in the Eastern Front, they would've been steamrolled in a few weeks after landing.

The Soviets did all the heavy lifting, no amount of "MUH LEND-LEASED COCKS" can save the arguement.
there's no evidence proving Weiss even carried his gun inside, much less firing a shot
his crew obviously killed them both
his own bodyguards killed him, retard
norm was a pretty funny guy
The entire world still fears the Hakenkreuz
>And what a great outcome, huh?

Well said. It makes me puke that Boomers (I am one) have had 80 years to think about WWII, and it still has not occurred to most of them that handing eastern Europe to the fucking commies for several generations was not a great accomplishment. The Brits were hoorahed by that drunk Churchill who was deep in debt to the Jews, and America was hoorahed by that shit Roosevelt, whose name might as well have been Rosenfeld, and his gang of Jew advisors.

Murica should have stayed way the hell out of that war, let the European powers duke it out, settle it by right of conquest. The outcome could not have been worse than the aggrandizement of the USSR that was the result.
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Lol bitch ass we literally became a Superpower after WW2. We stayed out of the war until Japs attacked us in Pearl Harbor. If you're a neo-Nazi or Jap imperialist just say it. No need to come up with these cope excuses as to why we should have rolled over to the Japs or let Hitler continue expanding through Europe and slaughtering millions of civilians.
>It was pretty much Russia vs Germany, and Russia won, everybody else can get a participation trophy.

But it was America who got away unscathed and able to deliver a devestating punch.

So two jewish super powers were formed, and we're still waiting for one of them to fall.
>Hitler invaded the USSR at the perfect possible time

I have this idea Hitler was to advance over the jews sooner, but got fucked because Mussolini invaded the Balkans and needed help.

Other than that I holeheartedly agree with you.
>But it was America who got away unscathed
Not really... even Germany at it's weakest had a better k:d ratio than Cuckmerica
US just got the sweetheart postwar contracts
Shut up, nigger.
Read more on Kali Yuga.
Do not speak for a "we".
Speak only for yourself.
>acting like nazis had no allies
you're just a liar
You're simplifying things, leftist retard.
Why can't one single French pull it out, then?
You barely fought and found yourselves at the winning table with the most resources and military men (outside the Soviets).

And so you got to call the shots.
>If you're a neo-Nazi or Jap imperialist just say it
you must be new here, lurk before you post
WW1 Germany did better with worse allies and no downtime at all
Russia withdrew in WW1 and kick started their Judeo-Bolshevik Revolution. Did Germany in WW1 have to fight against a Soviet Union being supported by Americans and the British with their own Lend Lease Act?
low iq retard, you're basically saying the same god damn thing i am, kys
It wasn't close at all, Germany never stood a chance.
>privatized resources
>concentration camped ethnicities, which is idpol
>allied with catholic church, right wing traditional values
>allied with monarchists
>anschluss is a callback to an aristocracy, not a meritocracy
>hunted actual socialists, biggest political rival in rise to power was german bolshevik party
>was aided and abetted by capitalists
>started a war with soviet union

kill yourself
Russia withdrew because Germany kicked their ass militarily and exploited their political weakness
They were winning for a while.
But then when the war turned into a 3 front war against 4 word super powers, Germany had no chance and was destroyed.
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The most giga of all copes I've ever seen
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You realize Bolsheviks would put you into a labor camp, right?
>moves the goalposts
Jewish perosn detected. I debunked your original claim which is why you didn’t adress it. The eastern front was the crux of WWII and lasted over 4 years; the western front lasted 1 year. That’s why most German casualties occurred in the east. Furthermore, this chart you posted is fake and gay (has no source).
“National Socialism” is Fascism. They are one and the same.
It took all 3 of the major Allied powers to win against the Axis. Don’t be a tranny. Stop taking estrogen. You’re going to give yourself cancer.
Thread’s Raided by predditors.
>brings millions of shitskins into the country
US fought quite a bit, anon. 70 out of the 100 or so divisions that made up the western front at its peak were American.
Nope. Russia withdrew because of internal jewish revolution.
Fuck off with this Team Jew scumbag. You people are retards for falling for this shit.
Redditors. Fascism resulted in the greatest expansion of italian industry by that point in its history. It resulted in numerous public works, such as the draining of bogs to allow for more land for peasants. It resulted in artistic works, expansion of italian film, bold new architecture. The acquisition of ethiopia was good for italy. It would have led to domestic untaxed rubber production for italy, as well as the inclusion of other resources, had the embargo and war not constricted this creation.
The salient aspect of fascism, according to The Doctrine of Fascism, is the perpetuation of the state, whereas the salient aspect of NS is the perpetuation of the race/genetic info/blood/folk/ethnos, using the state as a mechanism. It's racial fascism, that's why it's better. Though, mussolini did become very based and racist later on, at least at some point and with regard to some policies. So there was/is so much confluence. But National Socialism is certainly specifically about race.
>t. retarded facebook truthseeker boomer
kill yourself with your lawnmower ASAP you fucking failure
That happens everywhere around the world your fatasses come by and leave scam traces to start problems around the world and litter everywhere, you're disgusting lazy extremely selfish and mostly unintelligent sorry excuses for human beings
Anybody know where that picture was taken and what is going on in it?

Might go pay the location a visit if it's not too far out of the way.
>That would rape supply in North Africa.
>Libyan infrastructure can’t support a force ten times the size of the DAK.

These are true, but it would be incorrect to say that there would have been no way to get more supplies to the front. Consider a portion of the trucks earmarked for the USSR being used to transport more supplies in North africa. Also, with manpower to spare, there could have been construction crews working 24/7 to establish better supply lines, roads, railroads, ports, airfields, you name it. Finally, with all the airforce not fighting in the USSR, you could grasp what has already been so close in reach: Danying Malta completely, i.e. cutting off their supply and then bombing the rest into submission. This gives another stringhold between sicily and Libya and blocks the british navy from air raiding axis convoy shipping to a considerable degree, allowing more to be shipped to north africa.

So, yes, you still wouldn't be able to field a fully-fledged Heeresgruppe along the Libyan and Egyptian coast, but that what rommel had to work with was at the logical limit would have been widely incorrect as well. And once you have accepted that, then you only need to wonder how much force would have been necessary to punch through the british fortifications. Double of what he had to spare would most likely do the trick already and beyond that, the next plausible barrier the british could make a stand at is either the nile or Suez itself and even that might not hold against such an assault.
Fascism (Mussolini) surrendered 2 years before Hitler did. It represented more problems than support. Hitler even had to save his ass out of a prison. So yes, fascism in its original form was weak af.
But they still lost.

Moreover, outside of the global fringe, fascism is literally an outsider ideology.

Fights aren't measured by how many blows you land, they're measured on if you keep standing.
>a portion of the trucks earmarked for the USSR being used to transport more supplies in North africa
They would need many, which would be limited by the sizes of the ports. The worst limiting feature in Libya wasn’t the ports. It was the roads. Like in ancient times, coastal Libyan infrastructure was better than internal infrastructure.
>there could have been construction crews working 24/7 to establish better supply lines, roads, railroads, ports, airfields, you name it.
Would (A) take years, (B) Germany doesn’t have the steel to spare unless it wants to downsize its Other wartime production (bad idea), and (C) without any access to the wider world markets. The UK had total access to the rest of the world, lots of labor from India and Egypt, and it still took 2 years to extend the single small military railway line to bring it slightly farther west. Building up a port edpecially would take a long, long time. What were Italian and German large crane production numbers? Very tiny I presume. Anon, It’s simply not a realtistic idea to think that ancient Medieval infrastructure in Libya could be upgraded that much in so little time. And coupled with a race against British infrastructure upgrades, the Axis would always lose.

take the historical lesson: Egypt has never been successfully conquered from marching out of the Western Desert. It has always been logistically impossible. In order to conquer Egypt from the direction of the west, one element has always been needed: naval supremacy in the Mediterranean. That is how Octavian conquered Egypt. That is how the Crusaders captured Alexandria and Cairo. That is how many others have won. Furthermore, another historical approach that has a precedent of success is the eastern approach to Egypt via Gaza. Historically, domination of the Levant has always opened the door to a successful followup conquest of Egypt. Persians, Caliphs, Turks, all did this.

North Africa is not a victory front. OKW knew this.
>Danying Malta completely, i.e. cutting off their supply and then bombing the rest into submission. This gives another stringhold between sicily and Libya and blocks the british navy from air raiding axis convoy shipping to a considerable degree
Remember that the British had cracked ENIGMA and controlled the German military intelligence (all German agents secretly worked for the British). All Axis convoys were ambushed by specifically knowing the route and time of their departures from Italy and arrivals in Libya. Some convoy leaders obsevred that the British would never show up if they deliberately hid their departure times from commanding officers. Few British subs and ships left Malta to do the convoy killing; most were based in Egypt and just prowled the Ionian Sea while on mission, waiting for orders. It is estimated that 15% of subs/ships that killed Axis vessels came from Malta.
>what rommel had to work with was at the logical limit would have been widely incorrect as well. And once you have accepted that, then you only need to wonder how much force would have been necessary to punch through the british fortifications. Double of what he had to spare
They couldnt make it to double, anon.
Mussolini’s Fascism absorbed and codified the exact same racial laws that Germany had made in the 30s. They were the same ideology, just Hitler developed it further and Mussolini added on all those later developments.
>3 v 4 fascism
>only the losers were fascist
>proceed to fight fellow fascists over world domination

It wasn't even close at the end of the day actually.
>>It was still a close match
no it wasn't
it was doomed since 1941 only war doesn't happen as quickly as in your video games
Stop making /pol/ threads based exclusively on my YouTube watch history. This is cyber stalking. I just watched that Norm video and me seeking it out wasn't prompted by anything here.
Russia was getting ready to attack and seize Romanian oil fields, iirc.

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