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How do we go back?
a.i. lmao
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Is this the world's fair?
We can't. The only way is forward.
What's the point of living in a time without internet porn?
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What good is internet porn?
It's only there to distract and keep men occupied while they fry their brains.
eradicate all parasites
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we accelerate past c
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daily reminder that 1000 year rule of christ is over and we live in satan's little season
ai is a satanic technology. It's literally the enemy of truth.
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We will get there. You have to remember that most of western civilization from antiquity through the Industrial Revolution was the single light of human excellence in a dark sea of barbarism. All other “civilizations” were typically a single ziggurat ruled by one inbred family that had managed to conquer the cannibal tribes in the surrounding countryside. White people will close ranks and establish redoubts and by absorbing lessons of the past never allow unchecked immigration and (((social engineering))) again. Don’t get me wrong there will be a great deal of suffering between now and then but we will get there.
Steampunk AI generated fantasy
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What's the QRD on Tartaria frens? What was it and how the fuck did they supposedly cover it up so well?
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ai slop
It never existed but it is like it existed so far away the Jews have pushed us from our real civilization.
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Deport all the shitskins and Jews.
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This is what the 1893 world's fair train really looked like:
Based tachyon enjoyer
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>what happened?
>how do we go back?
Exterminating jews
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None of these have been AI.
Sounds like something an AI would say
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They destroy the classical architecture as often as they can because just looking at it has such a powerful effect on people.
a.i my ass, i bet thats an experimental tram/train from a world faire. During a better time, it used to be common to show off cool technological concepts and share them with others
Those pictures are from the World's fairs. Almost everything was built with cheap materials like plaster.
Niggers have held back our society. If not for them, we would have cured cancer decades ago and colonized Mars by now. We can fix the nigger problem now or let it continue to hold us back.
You never go back. You can only move forward. If you keep looking back all the time you'll keep walking into shit and risk dying.
Take inspiration from the memory of the past, but look ahead
They'll tell you that it's over but they won't tell you why it's over...
That's pretty cool ngl
There’s something inside of me, an instinct before I even saw these pictures that wants this aesthetic in the world, especially when I’m in cement hellscapes like mall parking lots and government buildings.
>cheap materials
They can never explain these photos because they completely destroy the historical narrative.
I think world’s fairs used this style to symbolically destroy it. Imagine how dignified everyone would feel with this level of artistry and sophistication surrounding them. It would be too moralizing for the people that it would threaten jewish power.
Rich people used to show off their money, and power by having competitions on things like
Who can build a better city
Who can give the most jobs
Who can pay the best wages
Who can build the longest lasting items
Who can offer quality at the lowest prices
Who can build the cooler skyscraper
Who can build the most fountains
It's almost like rich people from the past cared more about their fellow man, and leaving a legacy behind than they did money.
Rich people today mostly just have a charity to dump money into and wash some of it for tax reasons.
Greetings from bavaria
The late 19th century was the high water mark for European civilization. It was all downhill from there.
>The late 19th century was the high water mark for European civilization. It was all downhill from there.
So you believe that all of this was essentially built and destroyed within the span of 150 years or so? This architecture is found on every continent, but America was supposedly undeveloped land only a few centuries ago.
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Jews, Zyklon-B
>White people will close ranks and establish redoubts and by absorbing lessons of the past
yeah, but the time travel police is making sure the current timeline is protected, so they whites of the future with 5-25% garbage genes from the immigrants happens.
It obviously AI you brain dead turbo niggers
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>I think world’s fairs used this style to symbolically destroy it.
holy Christ, the level of ignorance on this board....
100% wrong, 180 degrees opposite of accurate
read, you fool
start with "How the Victorians Took us to the Moon" by Morus
lengthy descriptions of these fairs and why they were held
along with dozens of other, smaller exhibitions
Mel Gibson looking trimmed and zesty.
the two world wars smashed the shit out of the remains of tartaria
I fucking love Ai slop. Most of it is garbage, but occasionally you still see something cool. That's more than can be said for most media. *cough*tranime*cough*
We have to start by either eradicating all the browns or containing them on some isolated island far away from us humans.
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t/y anon
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>What happened?
Something melted most of the buildings of the previous civilization.


You see anything missing with that picture? Oh yeah, niggers, pajeets and various sub-humans are NOT in the picture.
nice ai image
also those things don't exist anymore because they aren't self sustainable economically

just like the concorde



Instead of this you will have niggers degeneracy and other subhumans.
so why did you get them out of their homelands and brought them into your countries then?

we never wanted to be close to you, you came to us
>soon you will be able to plug into your very own fever dream, forever
I dunno bros..
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>>>472324963 (OP)



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>How do we go back?
Badly worded question
>What do you mean by "go back", and what would happen if it were implemented into the current reality.
>tfw you will never take a saunter down by the river after Sunday mass, hoping for a chance to talk to the curvy flower girl
feels bad
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Man I remember photos of electric trams in bumfuck nowhere rural Russia before the revolution.
Apparently the tracks were removed by commies once they took over for some reason.
You can probably find some pictures here
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Anything with that many windows is gonna be hot as fuck. Looks old enough to not have a/c either. Fuck that shit. Retarded design. Nothing pisses me off than form over function.
what happened then is being paid for by you, now
Find the nearest sharp object and slash your fucking throat open
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Nobody will read the book. Why dont you just say it.
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Still no explanation for the existence of these buildings, much less their state of melt.
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it's amazing what they took from us. never forget
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Those were made of plasters for the show, this practice however was widely adopted in America's civil engineering industry, which led to mass production of MDF houses. In recent years the entire house was made of pure foam.
>Most of the buildings of the fair were designed in the neoclassical architecture style. The area at the Court of Honor was known as The White City. Façades were made not of stone, but of a mixture of plaster, cement, and jute fiber called staff, which was painted white, giving the buildings their "gleam". Architecture critics derided the structures as "decorated sheds.” The buildings were clad in white stucco, which, in comparison to the tenements of Chicago, seemed illuminated. It was also called the White City because of the extensive use of street lights, which made the boulevards and buildings usable at night.
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We have the power to trigger a new Renaissance, you just gotta get rid of the disruptors.
Woah, new antisemitic dogwhistle just dropped.
Posting photos of pre Jewish white society is antisemitic, take this down immediately
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I need more photos of the previous civilization's technology. Beneficial technology from that time such as streetcars, passenger trains, bells, steamboats, and zeppelins gets destroyed and replaced with something worse just as often as the infrastructure.
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Does this look like a good foundation for a building?
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checked. the electric vehicles alone were incredible. why were they memoryholed?
Read the ads you dum nigger
a 40 mile range with top speeds of 14 miles an hour
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so you are saying they were better than the ones we have now. yeah I guess they wouldn't want us knowing that
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That's such a retarded "theory". Cobblestone looks like surrounding rock cause the surrounding area was used to create the cobblestone from.
Then erosion did its thing.
What even is the premise of this "theory"? That erosion does not exist or that people are too stupid to use local materials for construction?
>I love useless and ugly looking flourish in architecture
>What happened?
People didn't like being cooked alive.
Lots of racism
>useless and ugly looking flourish
Environmental degradation, weathering, freeze-thaw cycles, and so on.
Do you not know that things are getting negatively affected by weather and time?
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Environmental degradation?
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More environmental degradation?
This is okay
I was talking about the strange looking pics you posted at first.
Looks like Final Fantasy.
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No the ones we have now are a lot better in terms of max speed and range
its not a theory
its settled science

du dumme sau
Jenga champion
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Are you too retarded to make a proper argument to defend your stupid nonsense?
Why do you poison the well?
No, paki, it's real.
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>its not a theory
>its settled science
That time and weather damage buildings? Yes. That's settled science.
But what exactly is OP rambling about "melting" and "Tartaria"?
Damn Chicago looked like that?
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Looks like Dishonored 2
You don't know what weather means?
your mom is real
What kind of weather do you imagine could produce this?
>anti-ai luddites have been buck-broken so deeply that any historical photo showing something unusual is "AI" to them
lmao even
What do you even mean "produce this"?
Which part of the image do you find so incomprehensible that you think the building is "melting"?
What even is your actual argument?
Because he doesn't even know/understand what he's referencing, and wants to appear learned
i think one of the best and most realistic visions of a non-dystopian future is one that draws inspiration from things that have worked well in the past, all eras of the past

if the stranglehold of financial, tech, military, corporate monopolies/syndicates on mankind's economic and political systems are broken, we could realistically see a rebirth, a new dawn, a new golden epoch in human history.
Says the braindead turbo nigger
You think the first image is not AI?
What kind of dogs are next to the woman in the center?
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How is weather this discriminating?
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>What happened?
Picrel says it all
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Was this also caused by weather in your understanding?
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More indoor weather or steps each melting down to the step lower?
very cool pictures, thank you robot overlords
idk if steampunk is realistic but solarpunk with belle epoque/art noveau characteristics sounds fucking dope desu. an art noveau arcology or an earthship city with tiffany-esque opalescent stained glass windows and a transportation system built around trams and bicycles would be super cool

imagine a human architecture centered on the commons instead of petroleum companies and maximum value extraction. viewing people as humans instead of consumers. valuing beauty and human spirit over profit and surveillance. neighborhoods with everything you need, centered around an urban core that is a cultural and political center, a hub of a wheel...mycelial strands and webs instead of straight lines and grids. spaces designed for connection and creativity and flow instead of constant attacks by advertising and efficient throughput for work and productivity. and all helping the environment instead of hurting it, by building technology in balance with nature. a win-win-win-win for the system and all participants, benefiting the collective and every individual in it while respecting individual autonomy, liberty and initiative.

life on this planet could be so beautiful! it would be so easy! in just a few decades we would look back on this era as a bad dream, a nightmare forced on us by the 1% that evaporated as soon as we woke up as a species and realized the possibilities inherent to life.
ignorant comment but that's ok, they don't teach this stuff in schools
Remove jews from power and put them back into ghettos
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Lol. Are you running away already?
You were spamming all the outdoors cobblestone buildings and as soon as you are asked why it isn't weather you immediately switch the topic and post pictures of some ancient stairs that isn't even cobblestone.
I guess you know that your position is utterly ridiculous and can't be properly defended, so you don't even try. What a pathetic, dishonest asshole you are.
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are you suggesting a geological upheaval disrupted an advanced worldwide civilization and our history is a lie?
tartaria and mudflood stuff is interesting but, much like flat earth, it is just too far out and would require too much of a reorientation in my worldview for me to accept it or consider it deeply. in my opinion the level of evidence provided does not justify the creation of such a wide-ranging theory, and most of the media associated with these theories makes very broad assertions without backing them up sufficiently in my opinion. so i guess i will remain a normie and i'm okay with that.

your pics are cool though. are you suggesting these are holdovers from a cataclysm 12k years ago or that our historical narrative is fake, or both?
also what's with the atmospheric power generation part of the theory- you're suggesting this global civilization powered their constructions via atmospheric power incorporated in their architecture?
these pictures are cool but it would be helpful if you could say what you think is true instead of being cryptic, so we could have a discussion
I would call this genre Jule-Verne SciFi. Ya'll should check out the anime Blue Water who took this concept and made it into one of the best animes of all time.
yea just goes to show. americans became car slaves long before ww2. and they have been slaves ever since and thats why nobody here has any good clean beautiful cities all our cities east to west north to south are trashy and full of crime.
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Go on, tell me the wikipedia version of how weather and time produced this.

This is melted brick architecture from a previous civilization. The current historical narrative most likely starts close to the time of the many World's Fairs, where this advanced architecture was showcased and the new public was first told what to think about it.
So, now it's about strange rock formations?
Have you given up already on gaslighting people about cobblestones?
Have you already dropped your desperate attempt to lie to people by pointing at some ancient limestone stairs?
Now it's random rock formations?

Why don't you start first and explain wtf you even think your picture shows "in reality"? Do you think this was a building that "melted"?

It's so sad to see assholes like you try to misinform curios people here with your dishonest tricks.
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You, if you're White, simply need to thrive.
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Everything got buried after the black rock hit Xinjiang
Look at the site today. You cant even tell there was a civilzation here.
The impact was so bad that caused the largest basin lake ever to spill towards the middle east and north Africa, transforming everything into a desert

That's why Jews and Muslims adore the black cube
The force of the black rock hitting earth dislodged a whole continent, Lemuria, south of India

We can clearly measure the missing mass and hence gravity in the area
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Is that supposed to be the Earth?
The water buried Turkey, where we found 60 underground cities, hosting thousands of people each

The weirdest part is the timeline

We have found Byzantine buildings under 20 feet of sudden mud, then the soil above undisturbed for 400 years

That means the dark ages are a cover up for the mud flood
Hahaha! OP is utterly broken by being called out on his bullshit and now he hides.
It is
That's a gravitational anomaly map, measuring mass

Every major city has huge underground tunnels and chambers
there it is
i was waiting on this dumb fuckin picture as a signal to nope out of this dogshit
>Classical architecture was the architecture of Rome
>Rome exterminated the Jews (based)
>Classical architecture is antisemitic
Goyim must not have classical architecture
interesting. i wish you could meet my friend, he's super into this stuff on an even bigger level, basically looking at geological formations and their alignments with the position of sun and stars at different calendrical points (ie, the shaft of the great pyramid was aligned with Sirius on the winter or summer solstice at different points in history)

basically it suggests that at some point in humanity's past, there was some kind of technology capable of generating enough energy to terraform large geological formations as well as do things to stone that we can't even really conceive. your pic is a good example. i have personally seen things in Peru, India and Egypt that there's simply no explanation for.

i think it's hard for people to conceive because when you look at these things, we don't really have any frame of reference for how they could possibly be created. we just think, "hey that rock wall looks like it's made of bricks, but the bricks would have to be 250 tons each. i wonder how it got like that" and go on to think about sandwiches or football instead of imagining what kind of tech would be able to cut and place 250 ton blocks so that a piece of paper couldn't be inserted between them centuries later

the vitrified forts are my personal favorite. what exactly would be capable of melting that stone? scalar waves of some kind? tesla death ray type stuff?
who knows what's buried underneath the Gobi
i recommend you read Against the Day by Thomas Pynchon, a lot of the stuff in this thread gets referenced in there. he was a technical writer for Lockheed Martin before he got into writing schizo-lit and Against the Day is all about the physics underlying stuff like this. it involves airships, alternate dimensions, tesla tech, and an expedition under the sands of the Gobi in search of lost citadels. also the Tunguska explosion plays a big role in it. you'd dig it.
does Velikovsky talk about this? The catastrophism angle reminds me of Ignatius Donnelly and Velikovsky
Looks pretty cool.
We are technologically dead in the water. When was the last time you saw tech that felt like it was actually gonna forward humanity and not just be some social media toy?
ehhh i still think subterranean stuff is more likely to be the result of local processes instead of one big global one, and the various mud flood collages are intentionally misleading. cities build up over time and natural disasters bury stuff sometimes. over centuries these things accumulate

either that, or the Jesuits really, really, REALLY succeeded at their quest to rewrite history. and there is a conspiracy bigger than we can even conceive of underlying our current understanding of the world. possibly involving the suppression of huge amounts of knowledge, and corresponding falsification of entire historical records, capable of maintaining consistency across large amounts of cross-referencing

it's not impossible but the complexity of such a task and the difficulty of carrying out such an enormous conspiracy without even one whistleblower would make it very, very, very, very difficult. Occam's Razor is a flawed heuristic- the simplest answer is often not the correct one- but in this case i think it applies.
Yeah standards.
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since ww2 the national patent administration has really kept a stranglehold on mankind's technological process. the euros, russians and chinese have their equivalent as well, and all other countries are subordinate to one of the great powers.
literally every patent is screened for "national interest" and anything capable of moving humanity forward is immediately classified for national security reasons.
the NSA has complete preemptive control of any developments related to computer tech and the Department of Energy have complete preemptive control over anything related to energy.
>the suppression of huge amounts of knowledge

I mean i go with the flow or on a hunch here but not every smidge of knowledge should be immediatelly transfered into some form of action, that disrupts certain processes. It is like hum and haw and basically virtue signaling, that doesnt mean there isnt any "virtue" it is just mindless. What triggers me is that bot shit, that really triggers me, like more than triggering.
What the fuck is going on itt? I expected appreciation of classical architecture or interesting AI pics, not for OP to start pushing one of the most hilariously retarded conspiracy theories I've heard yet.
>people built on natural stone foundations out of the same kind of stone
>this means natural stone is melted buildings
we about to ENTER 1000 year rule of christ
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Are you saying you can't see the bricks in this arch?
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Hahaha! This OP. Even just asking him wtf his argument is makes him run away and ignore the question, pretending that his nonsense wasn't put into question.
OP, you are such a dishonest piece of shit!
I hope you are sufficiently ashamed of yourself for lying to people.
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no, it's an actual castle named Schloss Neuschwanstein. Adolf Hitler has even painted this castle.

When it comes to buildings humanity has made incredible masterpieces. And humanity has always been more advanced than what we today give them credit for. All around the world we have beautiful castles, manors, towers and all kinds of crazy just stunning stuff.
Easy! Start getting rid of NIGGERS and JEWS.
Allow the white people to continue their superior
civilization. This is not rocket science. It is plain fact. For everyone to CLEARLY SEE.
insane that we cannot build that today. would not be economically viable and would take 100 years to plan and break ground
Isn’t it funny whites gladly gave up all of this to cater to niggers and jews? Not happy with how things turned out? Then exterminate them. Otherwise, enjoy your faggy dysoptian hellhole.
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What's your explanation for this photo? My explanation can be inferred from the other photos in the thread.
Nah bro we’re post-millennial. The 1000 year reign of Christ ended roughly 200 years ago
Pinche indigenista basura.
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jewish shills. or literal nonwhites with room temperature IQs
time machine to the 1400s + weapons + canary islands
>thinks a temporary world's fair is reality
How retarded are you?
Many of those types of exhibitions were rapidly dismantled. They were far to expensive to maintain.
Now neck yourself, you retarded nigger.
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picrel btw fully lit up in 1893 lol imagine believing the fanfics they tell us about our history when its obviously full of lies
What even is it that you do not understand?
You are not even saying what you think is so strange.
of course, why do you think they try so hard to brownwash us? putting different groups of people together is a control tool to prevent an uprising because they are less likely to co-operate with one another to overthrow the system
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Personally I find China's bullet train more appealing.
Holy fuck you preddit niggers are braindead.
Streetcars worked when the population was 99% White
Just think. The Jews let all of that come to fruition just to tear it down with niggers and indian subhumans. Really makes you wonder what's wrong with them. Death and despair is all they really desire.
I've road on China's high speed rail before. It sucks.
You go 150 KPH for ten minutes, then pulls over to siding to allow on coming freight train by. Do it again for 20 minutes but then stop at random station that no one gets off or on at.
Go again to 200 KPH for 20 minutes, pull to siding to allow another oncoming train again.
Does those for three hours.
China's high speed trains are a joke.
They also shut down a bunch of lines and stations because nobody was using them. It's just easier to fly than to take a train in China.
bro, are you retarded?
You realize that over centuries people's footsteps or sitting will abrade stone to this degree?
But I understand. You are American. You have no history.
Pretty much everybody in the northern hemisphere of the Old World is aware that centuries or millennia old stone staircases will be worn to fuck, because we see it everywhere on historic buildings. Smooth stone? Someone rubbed against it.
Entire statues have been worn away by people touching them.
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The scale is much easier to see when in motion.
>Streetcars worked when the population was 99% White
What if you don't want to be a city nigger?
And they were meant for a temporary, not permanent basis. The buildings for those fairs and expositions were often poorly and cheaply made because they were meant to be temporary.
They were temporary structures, you retard nigger.
I mean purely judging from looks, not how it functions.

Show us the source of op's picture then. And also tell us why are there a bunch of fucked up looking dogs in a row?
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>temporary structures
Temporary canals? This is from The Official Photographic Views of the Universal Exposition held in Saint Louis, 1904, by Walter B. Stevens. You can find the pdf online, it's full of gems.
>I mean purely judging from looks, not how it functions.
This is child like thinking. You like pretty pictures.
However, riding on it sucks. It is financially bankrupting those state run rail lines. It's why they shut many routes and stations down. China is big. It's easier to fly.
Going through a chink train station is like going through TSA at a US airport. Why? Because of muslims that want to go stabby at the infidel.
I have taken the trains in Korea and Japan, but China has police with submachine guns to put the knives of peace at bay.
Hey, OP, why do you even shill your retarded theory when you can't even defend the most basic thing about it?
Why are you utterly incapable?
Google false houses. London is full of them. Its fast and cheap to build just the exterior. I don't understand what is the conspiracy that you guys wanna believe in so bad.
>This is child like thinking. You like pretty pictures.
The entire thread is mostly about aesthetics. (And that weird "mountains are melted buildings" schizo posting)
So, yeah, it's about what's pretty and I prefer the look of Chinese bullet trains to that art deco American train.
Talk about goal post moving.
When here the canals made? Were these improvments to already established canals?
I don't see any canals from the St. Louis exposition from your previous post. It is off the Miss. River.
Where is this canal or South Lagoon? Was it designed as temporary?
You're just finding random shit.
You dumb nigger, the more search about the subject, the more I learn it was meant to a short term vanity project.
Whites wasted a bunch of money for a shitty exposition. All that is bullshit temporary structures that serve no purpose once it was over.
It's like the current day Olympics that bankrupt cities and countries for a bullshit event.
>How do we go back?
Removing the jew and then exporting all the browns to central africa
look at the country population on that year.
Overpopulation fucked everything biggly
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>When here the canals made?
According to you, these were only temporary, and according to the historical narrative, built in less than 3 years..
Why does the speed of temporary structure built equal to longetivity.
Onces the exposition is over, what purpose does it serve?
The structurs are built, once it is over then what?
What the fuck do you do with them?
It's like all those Olympic stadiums that get built and then bankrupt the local area.
Jew developers and builders profit. But everyone else suffers once it is over, you nigger.
How do you not understand this?
Can you imagine the massive waste to build canals and filter the water from the Missisippi River for a two week exposition?
After that, what purpose does it serve?
Oh...you must be Jewish. You want wants to pay for structures that serve no purpose but to get more coins and gold from them.
Fuck you.
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>temporary structure
Here is the location of the 1904 St. Louis World's Fair, where some of the remaining buildings can still be seen today.
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The canals were not temporary.
They are still there as a simply search would reveal.
Why are you lying, yet again, OP?

inb4 "All satellite images are fake hur dur"
Do not mess with my tranime

There is no money to be made in human happiness. There was a brief victory lap of "human progress," followed by two devastating world wars, and then on to the illusion of indefinite exponential gains.
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One structure exists. Wow! What happened to the rest!?

Wow! Digusting green scum pond! Thanks for affirming the extreme waste.
All those other structures knocked down confirming it was only temporary.
Surprised to see a golf course next to it.

You retards have trolled yourselfs and proved it was temporary and jewish. Yes, the jew lloves tricking the white man to have world fairs, expositions and then shitty olympics.
this. sadly true.
maybe the whole tartaria conspiracy thing is just retards slowly figuring out that the past was way better than the current depressing present and that the modern "experts" are lying about it to keep their power.
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Notice the similarity:
very nice
It invigorates the spirit of people and reminds them they belong to something greater than their immediate material needs. That's why both capitalists and communists try to destroy it; on both sides they want the average person blindly enslaved to short term material interests, not to higher ideals, not to God, not to their culture, etc. Reason being the second people get too attached to those things the sooner they start rooting out the parasites.
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>You retards have trolled yourselfs and proved it was temporary
Where did I say something else?

>Yes, the jew lloves tricking the white man to have world fairs, expositions and then shitty olympics.
What do you think is the nature of Aryan, if you think radiating the glory of all your culture and civilization for all world to see, and having the greatest athletics competition in the world is not in his nature?
>it's muh real life
kike demoralization team identified
mfw i know about single rail tramways

it's AI fake as fuck
you fucking thick brain stupid jews
The cabal took over and destroyed the previous God loving civilization. We need God's help now more than ever.
They weren't temporary. They were there before. But that gave them an excuse to destroy them.
This. Plaster and particle board mad up the majority of the structures. 1,000 skilled labor white men working in unison can build incredible things incredibly fast.
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most of those are from the world expo, some of them were built with plaster and whatnot but some of the buildings are still standing and in use. At the time it was used as an art gallery, today this is the museum of science and industry.
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More temporary buildings at World's Fairs?
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by design its the pandoras box, everything is comp'd now, return to monkee
Hahaha! This dude.
Gets BTFO'd one point after the other immediately and simply runs to the next different point and then the next one.
Why do you even keep going if you can't defend a SINGLE point?
Oh yeah I'm sure they'd be going into absolute intricate minute detail on the fake stone statues and carvings. We don't even have to argue because stone structures of this magnitude still exist. Problem is the claim is either they were built hundreds and hundreds of years ago in the case of the massive cathedrals, or hundreds of years ago still for all the Greco/Roman style buildings in the US—almost all of which are attached to some narrative about being built in one year by a group of people no one has ever heard of.
Based big brain anon
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Are these also temporary? And the whole world just copying the same style?
>possibly involving the suppression of huge amounts of knowledge, and corresponding falsification of entire historical records, capable of maintaining consistency across large amounts of cross-referencing
It's absolutely this. We barely have any historical records from the time when we look at what they've accomplished and what buildings we can still uncover. The records are mostly trashed. Probably 99%+ of the records of the time are absolutely gone. It would be much easier to make the records sound consistent if they're cherry picked while the rest are destroyed.
Ok, I hadn’t run into this particular conspiracy before but I think I’m getting the gist now and it’s starting to seem more sinister than stupid. This feels like an attempt to claim the past is fake and with the added use of AI images, which really ARE fake, an attempt to convince people not to believe history. If you destroy people’s belief in their history and connection to the past, all that is left is a perpetual present. That’s some actual 1984 shit Anons, be very wary.
The conspiracy is that the past is fake but it has nothing to do with AI. It has to do with all the old buildings that stand around us in every city in the world today which we are not capable of replicating despite supposedly advancing technologically since they were allegedly built in the 1800s and earlier.
Basically is masonic reproduction, what fails is local labor, meaning skilled builders
>Are these also temporary?
You have not presented a simply argument why you think they were not temporary.
Just like you have not presented a single argument why you think cobblestone buildings are melting.
You are just schizo spamming all night.

>And the whole world just copying the same style?
It's inspired by Roman architecture and was a very dominant trend among Europeans, the places that Europeans conquered, colonized and places who were aspiring to Westernize. (Yes, this list is nearly all of the world.)
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Say the line, Bart!
The whole fair was some solid things and some that were used as facade, you figure out what's solid by the function, like the torch from the statue of liberty
Purge the jew
>It's inspired by Roman architecture and was a very dominant trend among Europeans, the places that Europeans conquered, colonized and places who were aspiring to Westernize. (Yes, this list is nearly all of the world.)
Ah yes a European "trend".... or a civilization that spanned the entire globe. Try looking into who supposedly built the most grand buildings in the US from the time period 1850-1910 and tell me these stories somehow check out.
Instead of hiding behind vagueness and insinuations why don't you make an actual argument?
(Because you can't. And everyone knows it that you guys' retarded theory falls apart as soon as it goes beyond the "I don't get it, so it has to be le conspiracy")

This entire Tartaria shit is nothing but a psyop to cause hatred against Aryans by dismissing their history and accomplishments as fake.
Stop looking and treating companies and corporations as living entities with human rights.
Also why do you even doubt that this was temporary construction?
What use do you think some giant, empty wood space will serve?
You can't put machinery in there cause the wood is an utter fire hazard. So it's not a factory.
It is in some remote, yet desirable location, so it's stupid to use that position as a warehouse.
Also the wood seems untreated so it will start to fall apart within 10 years.

Everyone with a brain will realize that it is a good idea to simply deconstruct the shit and sell the resources off. Or burn it down, if the logistics are too much trouble to be worth it. (Like asshole unions or asshole regulators.)
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You keep running away and running away. Can you defend a single of your shitty claims?
>nothing to do with AI
>thumbnail for the video is AI
lol. What architecture can we not replicate? Architectural methods and styles have changed a lot over the centuries. We could build entirely in stone, but steel frame construction became easier and more cost effective, and neoclassical architecture fell out of style. The World's Fair buildings, you can find images of their construction and demolition, it was mostly constructed like a movie set or theme park with the exception of certain buildings which were intended to be permanent.
>If you destroy people’s belief in their history and connection to the past, all that is left is a perpetual present. That’s some actual 1984 shit Anons, be very wary.
If you look deeper into it you'll notice that this is an anti-white psyop.
It is basically "Do you see what the White man built? He simply stole it, in ReALiTy it was built by Tartarians."
Then you dig deeper and they'll start talking about how Tartaria was some lost tribe of Israel that went around giving culture and tech to various people of the earth. But then the evil white man came and stole everything and destroyed all evidence.
In short it's: White man bad, Jews awesome, everyone should join them against le evil White man.
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That's particularly funny, they took a ton of pictures of the building of the Salt Lake City Temple, enough to compile a year-by-year 33 image slideshow of it going up:
What was your point again?
Again anon the statue of liberty torch is a big thing and it was partially there, they can take things away and place them anywhere, else, now missing parts of it must be somewhere
First photo from your link: they have a pile of broken stones in the bottom left to show you that they were just faking the construction photo on top of the previous civilization's destruction.
>a pile of stone on a construction site
>proof that the written history and photographic proof of every old building being built is fake
Ok, this is too retarded for me, I'm out. This might actually be even more retarded than flat earth for the sheer number of people and man hours that would need to be put into this conspiracy for it to work. It would easily require more time and effort to create and maintain than actually building the buildings.
>There are no photos! Show me photos!
>Not these photos! They are all fake!
The levels of dishonesty in you.
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What are you ranting about? The race of the remaining classical statues is self-evident.
I guess you are on the level of "useful idiot", i.e. you lead the gullible towards the psyop without realizing what the fuck it is about.
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They still try make the public believe the classical statues were hand-carved.
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And by people with no concept of electricity.
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The further back you go in time the more ridiculous the construction narratives.
is the dog ok?
bronze castings, the inside is hollow, can be done today too, but expensive and the kikes have taken over and funnel the money to their degenerated architecture and art
the original Disney castle
the cement monsters we build today are 3-10 times more expensive
i wish i was joking
>bridge in yellow
that's a pedestrian option to get to the station
>no nowhere
"all what the foto didn't catch, is not there"
i bet you think you are invisible if you close your eyes
>people in red
maybe for the foto session?
>tracks to nowhere in pink
some trains need to be parked
please, only lurk
Too obviously fake.

Entertaining thread tho.
looks like Rohan but dry
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i honestly cant believe how stupid this baord is sometimes. most of that shit is cheap ass framing covered in plaster to make it look nice

>Walking to the local cinema theater
You have to be a literal idiot if you think that image is anything other than AI generated
>tens of people stands right over the railway, on the side where they could fall down the bridge, for some imaginary photo session
>that bumpy railroad is for parking the train
>lazy AI didn't even bother to generate more than 5 wagons
> that asymmetrical Ferris wheel
All the retro future stuff the people of the past envisioned the future would look like is so much cooler than what it actually became. Everything is so gay and soulless.
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Dont act like you didnt ask for this
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is that real?
Maybe in leaf land where a 10 story pine framed building is something to marvel at. Most of the construction from that time still stands over here. A casual walk im the ruins on the east coast and you can find buildings with marble and green serpentine façades. Some old completely iron facades on 10 story buildings still poke around. Most of them with structural framing of old growth heart timbers that are 2ftx2ftx50ft and so dense you cant hammer a nail into them.
aside from your retardation which has been called out, luddites were right.
100 people making clothes -> 10 people making clothes + 90 people making porn/music/comics.
Since 1 of the 10 people now making clothes is the boss and making more money, the TOTAL sum of produced value has increase, but 99 people are making the same exact amount as before. Only the 1 in 100 is getting rich. Little problem: society now has to produce that excess to feed the machine owner out of thin air, since the other 99 need jobs. Uh Oh! Spread this, no one fucking uses their brain cells
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>What happened?
>How do we go back?
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>nobody is going to believe you johuan
>dude its a clean fucking slice. Whoever denies this in the future is a total d'jew, one with a big nose.
>alright dude whatever lets just cut some more rocks in half, youre obsessed
>uhm dont you know that the d'jews to oral dick biting rituals to younglings that they kidnap
>woah really ? Wtf i hate d'jews now
>bassed and maroon pilled frendie bassed and maroon pilled frendie
i now know what it feels like to be the zoomer who doesn't know what he lost
it's almost as if every time we rise, there's a jew at our ankles dragging us back down
we wuz kangz once...
Daily reminder that all pro-Israeli threads are made by bunkerchan trannies in cooperation with Valent Projects and iDrama fags, a group of pseudo-academic leftist losers who advertise themselves as "researchers" although they're actually paid shills that hold janny positions, raid /pol/ and spam BBC, trannies, pro-vaxx, feminist threads and retarded globohomo generals like /cvg/ and /uhg/.
>Anonymous user (((RU8plr+3)))
I found the jew thread booster
>76 turbo posts
Just get in the over faggot you need to end yourself

Is that John Goodman?
They wuzn‘t, but somebody else was onto something
The Des Peres river is buried under the park. The lake and the lagoon are side effects of the river flowing under the park.

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