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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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>President Trump Office
>Liz Harrington (Trump Spox) https://twitter.com/realLizUSA
>Donald J Trump Presidential Library
@realDonaldTrump @TeamTrump @TrumpWarRoom
>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!
ARCHIVED LINKS https://pastebin.com/eAhgNyeX

>Pres Trump Holds Rally, Philadelphia, PA 6/22/2024
https://rumble.com/v51ty4u-live-president-trump-holds-a-maga-rally-in-philadelphia-62224.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump Keynotes Faith and Freedom Coalition, Washington, DC 6/22/2024
https://rumble.com/v52yh29-live-president-trump-keynotes-the-faith-and-freedom-coalitions-road-to-majo.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump Delivers Remarks, Racine, WI 6/18/2024
https://rumble.com/v51twti-live-president-trump-delivers-remarks-in-racine-wisconsin-61824.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump Speaks at The People's Convention, Detroit, MI 6/15/2024
https://rumble.com/v50qmoe-live-president-trump-speaks-at-the-peoples-convention-in-detroit-61524.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump Birthday Speech, West Palm Beach, FL 6/14/2024
https://rumble.com/v51nwy3-full-speech-president-trump-celebrates-his-birthday-at-club-47-61424.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump Interviewed by Logan Paul, 6/13/2024
>Pres Trump Interviewed by Dr. Phil, 6/12/2024
>TrumpVideo: WE WILL WIN 6/19/23
>God Bless the USA (Donald J Trump) 10/20/16

OP pastebin: http://pastebin.com/X4KiALfh
prev >>472324236
Ultra MAGA.
one more case left to go!
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There's no way the SCOTUS would rule on Trump's immunity being valid or the jan 6 detention being unlawful before the debate.
also first to okuu on this Burdsday
and it’s another from Roberts, gonna big one I bet
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Took some ideas from last thread.

should i add "bidenflation"? any chance someone says that?
also thinking of putting in a Fauci name drop, and maybe biden mentioning he is from scranton/PA
furries are the new emo kids
Actually yes since your twin isn't goofing.
lmao gorsuch eviscerates the liberals in his concurrence of the SEC case
if only he didn't simp for indians
it could also be related to the leaked abortion case
>Sotomayor writes that "Today, for the very first time, this Court holds that Congress violated the Constitution by authorizing a federal agency to adjudicate a statutory right that inheres in the Government in its sovereign capacity, known as a public right."
This spic never misses an opportunity to write complete nonsense.
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Trumps mic cutoff, Biden allowed to ramble
you should read gorsuch's concurrence it's great
I'd expect to see Biden falsely claim to have gotten the border under control. That's close to taking credit for something that Trump did, but it's also just blatantly false.
If someone here ever meets Gorsuch they need to ask why he trans hearts the red man.
>no audience at the debate
Very cringe
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thought he could handle it himself
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I'm sure when I'm not around he gets up to hijinx.
maybe Dances With Wolves is his favorite movie and it really touched him
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sotomayor is SEETHING about the court's decision in the SEC case
she should resign since they're so gosh darn mean
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last case is the abortion case
dismissed for lack of standing
>We have the order in Moyle v. US, as expected.
So no j6, no pres immunity, and no chevron today. tomorrow is gonna be wild brehs.
That movie was anti-White btw.
Why can't Sotomayor understand that "fraud" is a crime, not a "violation of statutory obligations," and crimes require trials instead of civil penalties?
Moyle is up, Per Curiam. looks like we're getting Fischer, Trump, etc. Tomorrow or into July
What was her opinion on the osha vaccine mandate again?
Oh wait here it is
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Here is hoping President Trump just say plainly during the debate, "I will end the Federal Reserve and IRS and replace them with nothing, also, the FBI and other intel agencies have to go".
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alito highlights why the decision in the abortion case is dumb
>Today’s decision is puzzling. Having taken the unusual step of granting certiorari before Idaho’s appeal could be heard by the Ninth Circuit, the Court decides it does not want to tackle this case after all and thus returns the appeal to the Ninth Circuit, which will have to decide the issue that this Court now ducks. What is more, the Court vacates the stay it issued earlier this year even though the majority fails to provide any facially plausible explanation for doing so.
She said being forced to take experimental drugs in order to not lose your job was the same thing as being asked to wear gloves when serving food. Spending any amount of time considering what that retard says, has ever said, or will ever say will give you an aneurysm. Perhaps, probably, the biggest disgrace to scrotus in history.
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Would be a shame if we got Zionist Moderators trending during the debate to make the left mad at Tapper and Bash
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okay so today was mostly MAGA (it's always a good day when the SEC gets btfo)
tomorrow is going to be so much fun as well
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I hope so!
at this point it has to go into july, right? i cannot imagine them releasing all (i think seven) opinions on friday
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there are three (3) cases I'm interested in that haven't been decided on these past >2 weeks. I'm not holding my breath.
Trump needs to ask b*den
>Where have you been? You weren't at the White House for a week. You're never there on the weekends. Why do you stay away from your dream job, Joe? Is your wife behind this?
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It's just not the same in this repeat of the last 2 times. I can't post my staring frog collection.
how about Junko posting? Will that make you happier?
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What about the Sex though
my girlfriend is having me play these games. we watched danganrompa 1 on crunchyroll and are now 2 episodes into danganrompa 2 (xbox one)

honestly really like the series but dont know if its a red flag shes into all that
Moderators cut off Trump stating that they can’t “knowingly broadcast misinformation” MSNBC already says this every time he speaks
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I moved my azur lane folder to the external hard drive I got for Christmas so I can EH.
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I don't remember saving this pic
he said he prefers Junko posting
(the danganropa girl, not the SLUT from Touhou)
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Trump is planning to flood the USA with pajeets like Trudeau did to Canada. good luck. he wants to give greencards to pajeets who do a college course in the US turning the college's in pajeet mills. please wake the fuck up he is not going to save you he only cares about isreal, all his kids are married to jews and the one kid who isn't is the one he hates.
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I don't know >>472331716
I think he likes the sex more.
the last couple of terms all ended on the 30th of June, 2020 term (2020-21) ended all the way towards the end of August, with 2019-2020 ending in mid-July, but both years can be chalked up to coof BS
>can't knowingly broadcast misinformation
Do you fuck after/during?
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Women are into weird shit, true crime is one of the most popular genres, rape is the most popular fetish, etc. all because of women. This is why women shouldn't have rights. But don't worry, women are basically mirrors and will reflect whatever is the biggest influence in their life. If she likes kike shit it's because the biggest influence is modern media, if she's based it's because the biggest influence is you. Just be her biggest influence and she'll become based like you.
Good things the supreme court will likely back MSNBCs actions.
The pajeets have increased in my half-cousin on my uncle twice removed side's college town.
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lmao, even
Oy wankers!
that surely won't backfire and piss people off driving them closer to Trump
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mmmm tomboys! You wanna get pegged by these ladies don't you?
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Christ is King.
Trump is Antichrist.



I bet their clits are bigger than an Asian penis
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Please stop posting sex. This is a Christian board.
Since all the excitement with SCOTUS is gone I can go walking.
I had a funny anti-trump tds patient earlier today.
I told them they have tds and should go home and drink 8oz of orange juice and take a benzo.
Yes Christians only like sex with little boys.
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This is what I have so far. Maybe you're better at editing it into the photo, or maybe you want to make some more charts
>Election Fraud Claims
>Hunter Biden's Laptop
>Sleepy Joe
>Trump's Tax Returns
>Border Wall
>Fake News
>Trade War
>Jan. 6
>Biden's Age
>Trump's Impeachments
>Climate Change Denial
>Affordable Care Act
>Supreme Court Appointments
>Social Media Bans
>Kamala Harris
>Crooked Hillary
>Trump's Friendliness with Putin
>Gun Control
>Green New Deal
>Afghanistan Withdrawal
>Trump's Capitol Venture Failures
>"Believe me"
>"Come on, man"
>"Law and Order"
>"Build Back Better"
>"Witch Hunt"
>"No Joke"
>"Here's the deal"
>"Trump's Hair/Tan"
>Scranton Roots
>Trump interrupts moderater
>Biden laughing or shaking head in disbelief
Please stop just before injecting testosterone ladies.
That is not the look we want.
Working out is fine.
Can even deal with a vein.
But please.
Don't up your t.
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OHIO! Is that Annieposter?
I haven't seen you for ages. I just wanted to tell you that I watched the whole post-timeskip anime in its entirety a few days ago.
I am reaffirmed that Eren did nothing wrong except not going 100%.
You forgot "Biden randomly starts yelling."
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Are you chinese? Or just a normal lefty?
Where can I watch the geriatrics debate my fellow shabbos goy? For free, I dont pay for american entertainment.
Interesting, go on.
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>wake up
>no covfefe in house
>three for free from /biz/ for participating in a nigger-tower
>scootus being dumb and gay again
At least Jarkesy was properly decided.
he'll continue any second: before that, please post your electrical outlet
Oh my God these are the most beautiful tomboys I've ever seen. Please post more tomboys!
That's the entire story.
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why kagney lynn karter killed herself?
>is Chang Zhao living in Australia on a green card Chinese
Anon, I...
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He's a chink.
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No idea who this "Annieposter" person is, but they sound extremely handsome and intelligent for someone living in Baltimore.
That’s a musrat and jewtoid thing.
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So what's the SCOTUS done in total on the past month desu?
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She realized that once she hit the wall she had zero value left to anyone including herself after a young adulthood of drugs and degeneracy
jebem ti bosanska bebo
The conversation was "ASSANGE HATE TRUMP" "ORANGE MAN BAD"
Someone who got him out of ecuador voted biden?
Idk was pretty funny.
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Wait a minute... You can't fool me! I see you!
Should have kept a space for Charlottesville/fine people. They got that into Joe's head back in 2020 and he keeps saying it in every speech.
Biden Shits Pants isn't on there
Or Biden Wandering Off
I'm an Aryan, I'm a National Socialist and I hate Zion Don.
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Also, Eren DID do something wrong.
He didn't pass the power of the Founder on to pic related.
And "convicted felon"
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friendly reminder Utah freemason mormons support child genital mutilation and child hormone blockers. freemasonry not even once. put them all in the democrat deportation camps.
Thats a lot of sex
Biden randomly itching his nose again. Pretty sure that's a signal to his handlers, he does it a lot
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she lost her attractiveness.
the bitch out of unprovoked spite took it into her head to sour my gooning sessions by making me feel unease
come back tomorrow
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added more of the recommendations
not too many spaces left now.

trying to take the "best of" from all the boards out there. any big ones im missing?
israel should be the free space
нихyя нe пoнял чтo ты нaпиcaл
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When women live fast lives of alcohol and drugs and their connections are shit skins, Jews, and whores then by the time they hit middle age they have lost almost everything usually. I've seen people run up bills for tens of thousands in drugs and partying in weeks.
I wouldn't expect a national socialist to love a superior leader from a foreign land.
That would make your entire belief system oxymoronic.
yeah, by gaining 20 pounds
uchi anglyusik more diligently then
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>why kagney lynn karter killed herself?
Did she? I guess she was just tired of doing "real work."
They surely told Biden not to mention it
They just updated this on June 21 because Tapper is on record saying that Trump denounced the white suprematists. They’re afraid it’s going to get called out as BS in front of everyone
He хoчy
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she wasn't so bad bitch
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>He didn't pass the power of the Founder on to pic related.
Actually now that I think about it... Did the Jeagerists have the serum shots to do such a thing? I thought that was only the Paradis guys.
Imagine Floch becoming the Founding Titan. But he'd still have to touch someone with royal blood to activate it. The only candidate was Zook and I don't think Zook would trust Floch.
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oн cкaзaл, чтo злитcя, чтo caмoyбийcтвo yхyдшилo eгo мacтypбaцию.
пoнял, cпacибo
Yeah she blew her head off with a shotgun.
Have you guys realized that Trump would be handicapped by the same limitations as the first term when Republicans don’t get a sufficient majority that will overcome the filibuster?
crackhead son
brother's secret deals
Anti-Maga Intifada
All he knows how to do is fight,
bring the temperature down
must've been lame parties
tens of thousands is an hourly rate
>haha lol things might be bad
>why are you not despairing
no thanks lol
Ju naopako.
Goofy isn't a dog
Biden smiling like a frozen wax figure
Boli nas pizdurina
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CNN sure as fuck isn't going to bring up the laptop, and they'll cut off Trump if he does. Ditto with bidenflation. Ditto with fauci. Ditto with biden's age.
CNN will mention biden's age only to ask, "How does it make you feel that far-right conspiracy theorists have been spreading false information about your health?"
So, you haven’t?
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What's an assange?
Vidi lekara.
Have you biden shills realized that after the election, regardless of outcome, you're all getting fired by jidf?
They won't need you anymore, and they don't give the slightest shit about you. That's who you're serving right now.
>Christian board
2016newfags fucking suck.
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what is a leppo?
I loved her back then, when she looked like this:
Alas, this earthly kind of love evaporates easily, like morning mist.
no because i'm not a fucking loser lol
Where did you get that from?
1 post by this ID
they are all too busy raping their children to notice anon
I thought we were pro-Palestinian “turd worlders”?
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It's literally a 4chan official banner.
Stay mad, heathen.
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They had completely taken over the island by the time the Rumbling began so any shots that the previous regime had should have been in their possession.
The Zeke thing would have been a problem, but he was an idiot and Floch was the most motivated man in the world, so I have confidence that Floch could have usurped the power from him somehow.
DAMN, she wasn't playing around. Usually women who attempt suicide use some ineffective method and survive because they actually just want sympathy and attention.
I can kind of respect her going all in.
old /pol/ would raid christian stations for fun, all of you are just newfags/paid shills
kys christcuck
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I wanna knooooooow
is that the one with sasha grey?
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Jake Tapper:

Question 1: President Biden why are you smart but also so quick witted and funny? How do you maintain both at such a high level while also being the best president we've had since Obama?

this is probably how it will go
a true angel of porn
After this site was sold, yes.
I can envision that happening.
nah, roxy raye got hit by a car right as she was taking off.
Denying the obvious is probably what losers do.
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your question gets a lot more value if asked tomorrow
many of the consequential cases are about to be decided tomorrow or early next week
Hey guys. I know we like to have fun here and joke around with the piratebeard shill, retard shills, kikes and in some cases, glowniggers. But I genuinely mean it when I say that all evil kikes, illegals/niggers who rape, murder, steal and traitorous glowniggers, all who enable and are responsible for the problems the world is facing today should face justice. They all need to hang in a public forum for the world to see.
Don't forget to volunteer when operation deport Dora the explorer kicks in when Trump enters his third term.

Have a nice day! MAGA!
If they are too harsh with him they look bad and if they are too nice he looks good

Bit of a win win imo
The phony Christianity of the kosher online right is just one more reason to hate them.
sorry i'm not a shitskin like you lol
>dude! don't do X because it might turn out bad!
cope :)
trump 2024 :)
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If only there were a data graphic that showed us why (((shills))) hate Christianity so much!
Oh wait, there is!
Then, you’re defying the odds.
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Good MAGA morning, frens.
Anything happen already? What's this I hear about SEC seething?
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They are 100% going to show footage of January 6th.
They are 100% not going to show footage of the chaos at the border.
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>I hate drumpf and also christianity!
What are the odds?
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Okay this is the bingo card i came up with, bros. added a few more from the recommendations in this thread.

Be sure to share yours in the inevitable gamethread/sticky.
if only you defied the odds and left your poor shithole of a country and made something out of yourself lol
turns out you failed and a result you are
1. poor
2. fat
3. brown
4. groyper
sucks to suck lol!
I'm glad I contributed
They're going to pull out every dirty trick they have. Its going to be special.
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Wow, really makes you think.
>admits to being a paid shill.
Well done
yes today was mostly MAGA
the painkiller jews got btfo, the EPA got btfo, and the SEC got completely BTFO
Yep Christianity is Jewish and so is Trump.
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>Posts the graphic I have debunked 800 times before.
Quick, while you're spamming from your jidf-assigned folder, go ahead and put that one with that single rabbi saying he supports Trump.
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And so are (((You))) lol.
Ooh, or post the one where he met with some jews at the White House. That's sure to convince us!
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>so I have confidence that Floch could have usurped the power from him somehow.
I dunno man. The only way Eren touched Zook was because a of a false pretense of cooperation. If Zook really wanted to kill Eren in Shiganshina, he could have. Imagine Floch with the Founding Titan but not able to shift. How would he be able to touch him, let alone convince Ymir to unleash the Founding powers?
I guess a big hypothetical alternate is before Eren dies to the Cringevengers, he passes it on to Floch and Floch goes and touches Historia to resume the Rumbling to 100%. That actually would have been kino.
No. The one that literally says "You can't post that on a Christian board!"
>After this site was sold, yes.
>newfag shill doesn't know that the banner in question has been here since before he was born
You're so cute in your ignorance.
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I can't wait to not watch the debate and listen to the highlights tomorrow.
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Trump’s lack of support from Jews doesn’t negate his support for them.
Only one debate?
How long have we been at one debate?
Three years? Four years?
i fucking kneel
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>I can't wait to not watch the debate
That is me as well. I'm not giving CNN one second of my time or even a single updoot to save their failing network.
except the conflation of a secular state with a religion is stale as fuck.
Israelis have a right to be free of the jew, too.
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Sorry faggot but one random survey of half a dozen kikes does not invalidate the TRUTH that orthodox kikes love Trump.
It’s law via the current definition of antisemitism.
There is nothing that could be said that will change my mind. Im DJT till I die and watching leftists lie and cheat only induces massive rage within me..
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Christ is King.
Trump is Antichrist.


How many times will Brandon mention Beau?
I thought you're musliman what is your ethinicty? hrvatska, bosanska, srpska?
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All of them.
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If I was a Jew I'd be with you shilling for Zion Don and the MIGA movement.
The balfour agreement is over.
The jews are losing controll.
Let the kikes and ragheads kill each other in the desert.
That's what they both want anyway
Siena released a new poll today, showing Trump doing better 1v1 Biden than including 3 other (leftist) candidates. That is to say, biden does worse when there are no other liberals on the ballot like RFK Jr. This is something I've noticed recently- RFK has been falling in the polls, but whenever he gets a bump it always comes at Trump's expense. This is bad for biden because it indicates even if RFK dropped out tomorrow, he wouldn't win those voters back. He has nowhere to siphon voters from, he just has to hope RFK steals enough potential Trump voters. Democrats have closed ranks, but a lot of Republicans are still up in the air.

But also Wash Poo put out an article showing that out of 3500 undecided swingstate voters polled (Georgia, Pennsylvania, Arizona, Nevada) about 2500 said Biden may have stolen the 2020 election and that Biden sucks at the economy. Generally speaking because Trump is leading in those 4 swing states already, it indicates that swing voters will probably go for Trump by a 2-1 margin. So again, Biden is kind of fucked.

But I always caveat my posts with "if they don't print 50 million ballots at 2 AM to cheat again".
There were concrete actions like keeping American troops in harm’s way in service to Israel.
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Same. I'll be comfy following the debate in /ptg/ and ESPECIALLY waiting for the shitstorm that will follow the Trump VP announcement.
Did you move to austrailia to escape the Lathe?
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dude, have you seen leftoids try to play off the kid sniffing as being his own grand children? Like, they actually seem to think it's a 1 off type deal. Not to mention the girl he titty twistered.
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Srbin pravoslavac.
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Trump has more Jews voting for him than any Republican president in the last 30 years. His campaigns are entirely funded by Zionist Jews many of them literal Israelis.
got it srpska beba
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>There was a troop thingy for israel. I can't remember what it was or when it was, but it proves drumpf man bad. Just believe me, goyim.
I’m old enough to be your father, kiddo.
So you should remember the banner too.
It was America Second, subservient to another country.
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>If I was a Jew
>so if X do you it turns out great?
Inb4 the Anon who likes to come in and cherry pick a problem.
>N-n-no that's not Biden you're face blind
Becareful gamers. We're under heavy surveillance by glowniggers. Be sure to be on your best behavior.

Ahem. Fuck niggers and chikes. Hang all traitorous glowniggers in a public forum.
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E čuj bebo.
Y'all ready for Trump to embarrass wittle baby Biden in the debate tonight? Get ur popcorn out cause Trump is gonna be spitting the hard truth while Biden struggles to read coherently from a teleprompter. And you just know all the questions are gonna be heavily rigged in Biden's favor but the truth is on Trump's side.
You are seriously overthinking a shitpost, my dude.
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That's what more cards are for
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the US state department strongly advises against travelling to lebanon
Souper glow engage!!
>continues with hot soup
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Reminder that LITERALLY 100% of glowniggers are low T sissyqueers who have to wear diapers because their anuses are so stretched out from their gay nigger boyfriends that they can no longer control their bowel movements.
Protip: Namefaggotry and tripfaggorty are permanent filters luckily.
What hijinx did Israel get into now?
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I'm sorry. I'm really autistic when it comes to SnK lore and potential "future memory" outcomes. I like to hash out how the Rumbling would become 100% if Eren didn't just do it. Still no idea why he bitched out. He's literally me and I'm still upset.
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You know what we really need to calm things down in the Middle East? A turbo-Zionist kike-lover like Trump in the White House! Maybe he will make his Chabad-Lubavitch son in law in charge of Middle East policy again! What could go wrong?!
I'm ready to watch buden struggle like metapod who can no longer harden
>no pp
he wanted hot sister sex and he got it
it's the impending israeli invasion of lebanon that will be happening sometime in july
Surely you have statistics to back up this map? You wouldn't just take a red map and add a new title to it
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oh, for sure. Zion Don will do far more for israel than Biden and his merry band of zionists have already done.

I really have no desire to watch, desu. I'm sure I'll see all the clips in due time. And I'm certainly not going to turn it on at the house and let Joe Biden try to gaslight my family.
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Nice. filtering me. Well it shows who runs these threads. So much for knowing who I am. I'll always just be a nobody

Reminder literally 100% of people rebuke me and I've done nothing but try to help us. Fine. You want it like that. Your loss. I'm out..
>you don't get another chance.
John Stewart is forever BTFO'd
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What time will be the debate in the UK? I want to participate at the Steam sale too and don't want to play vidya and miss Biden having his heart explode by the drugs he will take.
it sure does seem like NASA is holding Boeing's starliner in orbit until it can accomplish a July 4 landing. Rolling for chute failure
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Self important tripfags are faggots. If only you knew who I really am and what I've done for this site.
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It's funny, but when you to a search for Trump and jews, 99.999% of the articles are about how he's an antisemite, the next Hitler, basically.
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>Still no idea why he bitched out.
Because none of his character development was actually real and he was still the exact same little bitch he was in chapter/episode 1.
>and he got it
He didn't though. He canonically died a virgin.
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lmao why would you even publicly admit this?
Holy feckin' cozy.

You just need to add a comforter and a little shelf for mugs of warm beverages.
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All those bodies snatched off the street in broad daylight and sent into a minefield all for naught.
Fool me once
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I should change this meme to show one of the shills being a ching-chong-ling-long-ping-pong wearing an Aussi flag.
Reminder that I am still baking.
Are you still arguing with the brown filth named Chang?
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we post bingo cards for the debate
yes, I am recycling some ideas
Uh, why did you reply to me?
And then everybody clapped.
They're going to try to wrap this shit up before Trumps gets in lmao.
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Yeah, good luck with that.
A bit, but not very intently. I just like reminding him that everyone knows he's an inbred sandnigger.
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>Because none of his character development was actually real and he was still the exact same little bitch he was in chapter/episode 1.
I still hate it. It makes no sense. Just kiss the girl if you want her so bad. She's been lusting after your dick since you were kids.
I'll give Isayama credit though. He did the best character assassination in history in one chapter. Good on him. I don't think anyone can top that.
Youre the one who shows up and refuses to follow board culture and expects to be taken seriously.
Namefagging & tripfagging has always been cause for ignoring retards. This is an anonymous board, no one needs to know who you are because your words need to stand on their own.
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LMAO this miga kike is losing his shit
I still say "Biden randomly starts yelling" is a strong bet.
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>They're going to try to wrap this shit up before Trumps gets in lmao.
If Trump manages to keep the Deep State from rigging this election, we are definitly going to see some roaches scrambling to get out of sight in the last days of this year.
If you really want to make him seethe point out how muzzies suck and are total degenerates. Something like 9 to ten muzzie immigrants or their children become openly gay faggots.
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>This is an anonymous board
But I can easily identify the half dozen paid Trump shills who work here on a rotating roster.
No, you can lie and say that though.
You would have already doxxed everyone you could by now.
Think hard, chang!
Trump being Hitler was the most astroturfed lie on record.
> How to destroy your story in one easy step.
Such a fag.
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I know! With every single democrat media outlet pushing the "antisemitic drumpf" lie, they clearly want biden to lose!
I'm confused. Isn't Trump literally Hitler?
Nigger, we hate kikes but there is literally 0, zer0, no, non, none, no un-kiked candidate. Shut the fuck up, no one is getting paid to shill Trump on a Mongolian basket-weaving forum, we like him because he says he will deport the spics and make life for white people somewhat better.
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Aussiebro you must understand that they are counting on him.


We don't know what shithole you're from because of your memeflag
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>I'm confused. Isn't Trump literally Hitler?
It's Schroedinger's Drumpf!
Trump is whatever the left thinks will lose him votes in a given venue.
I'ts almost as if the biden shills would literally say ANYTHING they thought might help their failing geriatric candidate!
>We don't know what shithole you're from because of your memeflag
He's israeli.
You support Trump for as long as the money keeps flowing.
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clear out all the hurt and pain guys
Team Creme reigns supreme
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I mean, look at this senile retard!
stand with these words then
>Fuck your culture
>fuck your board
>i was here long before most of you
>ask trump about me you stupid fucking clowns.




>yeah im gettings sick of the stupid fucking games

>wanna play a REAL GAME?

Says the guy who has been shilling impotently here for 8-12 hours a day every single day for almost a decade now.
I really hope you get paid well lol.
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Oh you're so right anon! It is my duty as an antisemitic white man to support the most pro-kike traitor in American history.
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>The next bread is pre-baking. They better not fake out and do less important cases today.

Based Julie poster!!
>Isn't Trump literally Hitler?
According to retarded liberals yeah. Are you saying they are correct?
See there you go, now youre outed as the plebbit faggot everyone already knew you were!
>We liberals are retards.
Finally some truth from you!
He does it for free because no one not even David Brock would hire such an unpleasant third world biotrash.
I still think there is a lot more to the story behind the scenes that we will probably never know.
Who should I vote for?
>we like him because he says he will deport the spics and make life for white people somewhat better.
We've seen him as president and he was a neocon faggot. Anyone still supporting him is either a retard or a kike.
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>he was a neocon faggot
Objectively false, keep coping sandnigger XD
Because no one’s to the right of Trump.
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>He still thinks Trump supporters are conservative republicans
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I'm going to post cessna plane identification numbers. and license plates of subhumans and women with go pro cameras
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Hard to be more pro-kike than this creep, and this was AFTER he said he was going to halt support for israel's war on Gaza!
‘Don’t do it front of the cameras’ isn’t a sufficient criticism at all.
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Did Trump ever claim to be a Zionist?
Not hard at all. Trump makes it look easy.
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>mfw even the pariah realm turns face
>the yelling spot
Nah they've just killed every last Ukranian man and a good chunk of the women. Now it can be a proper jew haven in Europe with the remaining few surviving Ukranians being treated like slaves and niggers in their own homeland.

Meanwhile the $1T given to Ukraine flawlessly lined all the right pockets and Zkyllynsktllyly can now disappear into either Southeast Asia or Israel, his job of exterminating Ukranians fulfilled per requirements.

Don't worry though, the Ukranian Method will be coming to all European nations soon enough.

Actually Charles Evans Hughes set the record with 45% of the Jewish vote in 1916. The record in the 21st century is Romney with 30% in 2012. Trump got 24% in '16 and matched Romney with 30% in '20.

Source: the Jews https://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/jewish-voting-record-in-u-s-presidential-elections
“Liberals” and “Leftists” roll off the tongue of people that clearly identify as such.
I don't see how Ai deep fakes are even bad. it's not real just close your eyes.

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