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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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rolling for TKD!
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They will gather in Lebanon in TWO WEEKS
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May I see them?
Utter nonsense.
Based Iran.
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>NoooOOOooO! the arabs can't heckin' work together like that!
>How heckin' dare you iranian goy! stop arming them!!! anudda shoah!!!!
Good good. If we can just get all the bad guys to gather in one spot. It makes our job a lot easier.
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>lining up to get airstriked by jews

What did iran mean by this?
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>19.30 PM

>bum rushed by Egypt and Iran at the same time from the north and the south, while Assad is about to swing in from the east just like Nassar planned it 60 years ago.
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are they going to nuke Beirut again?
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>Israel invades Lebanon
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>Iran has ordered its hundreds of various islamic groups into another country to destroy it from within, hoping to model beirut after their success in Syria. Each fighter has been given a night to spend with their goat before shipping out.
o7 christian lebanons
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>Israeli security cabinet will meet at 19:30pm this evening

Oy fucking vey! Iran is not fucking around anymore.
Lol semites backing up other semites in a war against another group of semites. Based?
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I was more commenting on the issue of using 24 hour time and PM, in addition to using a decimal instead of a colon.
Israel changed the structure of their war cabinet recently to lesser people involved in the decision making process.

TLDR: Bibi is the decision maker
I didn’t catch that
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>More dead muslims
Fighting the largest Islamic force ever assembled since the times of the Rashidun Caliphate, armed to the teeth and ready for martyrdom.
Lol, good luck kikeshits.
lol. no.
Can’t wait to raise the British flag over Tehran
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Muslim countries aren’t supposed to go to war with each other
iranians aren't semitic
No more bbc threads for a while
Israel changed the structure of the War Cabinet to exclude Israeli Leftists who were collaborating with enemies of the Country, a tale as old as Leftism.
Mashallah. Jihad will win.
Try that shit nigga, see what happens. Perhaps more trains carrying toxic chemicals may coincidencely derail.
Kek people don’t realize how actually true this is. There were zero bbc threads during their Gaza invasion.
Why are the shias involving themselves in the affairs of sunnis? I thought they hated each other.
They hate Jews more than themselves
USrael doing their damnedest to unite them against a common enemy
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You know it's a good day when they whip out the Bone
>”foreign reports”
>engagement farming for twitter bucks confirmed
People still follow this tranny?

God Speed Israel, kill them all. No prisoners. No mercy. Scorched Earth
A delegation of U.S. Democrats asked Iran to intervene.
U.S. Democrats stand to lose far more operatives in a Lebanon war than they have lost in Gaza, Rafah, and WB operations combined.
Did Uktra C Jews FF 10 7?
They lost some Leftist trash and gained a Casus B to clean house, inside and out, and their neighbors houses and yards as well.
Not for or against, just stating facts.
I remember lol
They haven't hated each other as much as they used to lately. They fight each other off and on like Catholics and Protistans or Catholics with Orthodox. They can put aside their differences at times to go after a mutual threat.
Is this source legit?
>orbiting Salton
"We" have operatives down there who may need air.
Posted pictures of them going in on I-8 in white buses with Texas plates.
Watch to see if anything registers on USGS
It's an X screen cap so it must be
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The source is not legit, but the report is.
How come these armies line up nicely along borders and don't infiltrate and sabotage/terrorize each other?

I really got to get gearmaxxed out, prolonged it for too long
Not everyone has porous borders controlled by U.S. Democrats.
I gearmaxxwd too much, now I need to build another bunker to store it.
Neither are legit.
Are “we” ever going to gain control of the border and stop the invasion meant to flood conservative areas with illegals to breed them into idiots and/or run them out and give a cloak to hide why all the mail in ballots for Dems keep pouring into conservative regions
Okay, that's the *start* of an happening, not bad.
Still inconsequential until those troops actually kill a JIDF tho.
>No more bbc threads for a while
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R. Added to Rotation.
God please could this actually, really, literally, possibly be a potential future happening and real war? My long-dead lifeless husk of a soul that has died and decayed waiting for anything to happen just felt a tiny spark from deep within its desiccated corpse.
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Technically you are correct.
The report implies these are Regular IRGC.
They are Irregular forcea from a wide array of Arab (and other) countries under direction of Iran.
while the rainbow flag raises in Britain.
>The report implies these are Regular IRGC.
They are Irregular forcea from a wide array of Arab (and other) countries under direction of Iran.
That's not happening, either.
yeah they're called hezbollah
I am converting them all in to Patriots whilst encouraging them to hold steadfast to thier own Traditions and People.
I have demonstrated how short lived thier usefulness will be to Leftist.
Oh look Pink Numbskull spewing fucking gibberish again.
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Advertising Bj's now I see.
>I am converting them all in to Patriots whilst encouraging them to hold steadfast to thier own Traditions and People.
>All your Mocha Drones are belong to /us/?
Bankrupted, dying of thirst and a lot more worried about internal instability than what the jews are doing.

>while Assad
Is still not in total control of his country after over a decade of war with an exhausted army. Whatever Iran is planning in the region they will have to solo it.
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hey fren.
More dead Jews.
They are too casualty averse to ever try to keep it.
I've been on night ops.
Time to grab a cat nap. By the time I wake up there should be a Boom.
Very good, J.
>thier own Traditions and People.
Those traditions is bringing in more of their family while murdering yours. You can't sleep next to a rabid dog.
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Rest well.
That would be glorious
Egypt is in cahoots with Israel.
>Can't wait to raise the Montenegro flag over Teheran.
A sentence just as logical and grounded in reality as yours. We live in 2024, not 1824.
I've seen no sources confirming this. and I've checked Iran, Lebanese, Israeli news... There are troops from Afghan coming though.

Dont get too excited. :D
Sad but true.
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>10 months into the war
>Only do troop movements now

Why are Muslims so extremely fucking bad at war? Best time to attack would have been 5 months ago when Israel was getting rekt in Gaza but now when Israel is winning they're gonna START moving some troops around.
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Dear Israel: FAFO
Why aren't you in Israel fighting for "your" "homeland"?
Are you too big of a pussy?
Sweet if true
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Wooo hoo
War this weekend
>houthi veterans in lebanon
if i were israel would be kissing my ass goodbye, it's fucking over
> when Israel is winning
Nigga, they have lost so many kippa in Gaza their army already warned semi-wealthy jewish kids wouldn't get a frontline exemption anymore and only the highest castes would still get invite in the safe "elite" backline units.
men jude, åk hem och kriga då. ser fram emot kino som 2006.
That's an AI video. KEK

I'm not a jew and the Jews are winning.

But I am running a Sweden Club that's strengthening Swedish resistance to Muslim immigration. We shut down a local mosque.
>red skullcap playing point defense for yidsrahell as usual
die already, you fucking absolute faggot
In Sviden vi häv a klabb får Svides...

Retarded farmer country
not until after zog dies and all kikes are eliminated
>trust the plan, the patriots in control are being converted
yeah converted to total kike servitude
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Israel has only one military option. That's to drop its trousers bend over and take the dicks of nearly every country on earth. And as its colon brims to capacity with cum it will die in a series of civil wars and ethnic uprisings.

Israel is a failed state that was once glued together and made prosperous by the Pax Americana. The US is done fighting for global free trade only to be demonized at every turn. Perhaps we will like it better going back to an age of competing imperial powers. First casualty of that will be Israel. Israel is a cheesy whore moaning as she is plundered by a thousand cheap dirty Johns. Watch as it is erased from history in under a decade. Bye Israel. Bye bye now.
This thread last night, supposedly by a Canadian AF pilot:
He said there would be no debate tonight. Something is planned to intervene.
Wouldn't be surprising. WH knows pedo can't handle it.
Anons have talked about potential martial law if something big comes off.
My understanding is that the WH can call for that, but the individual state governors don't have to cooperate.
If that's the case, keep it in mind.
Their plans for another lockdown don't have to prevail.
Then again, the Q plan has stated that the military would take control at some point. So there is that.
picrel from this site, countdown ends July 4, 2pm central time. Then darkness? Military control?
Interesting date and time. I will be out of the city and in a rural area that is self sufficient with all my gear. Will be watching.
>>" Basically today I was flying over a remote northern military airbase that is joint with the Americans. We have special radios on board especially since the aircraft is a lot newer and they are preparing for something tomorrow. I know they were doing exercises but I’m not sure for what exactly."
Complete and utter nonsense.
>butthoy egypt doing anything
lol just lmao
Hezbollah are shia. Lebanon was shia/christian before the palestinian expulsion
This is why Ukraine wants peace now. Israel has let Joe know that they can no longer afford to keep Russia out of Ukraine when Lebanon is banging on their own back door. All of this, every bit of it could have been avoided. Despite all the chickens choked, Karma still managed to find it's way back to the offending parties.
no, this is different. They waited for Israel to sortie and now they can play defense. Nasser failed in any case, sadat succeeded but he was a cuck so who cares.
It was the best of times.
Ashkenazis are 99% slavic and 1% semitic in every DNA test they do. You fell for a meme like most retards
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Good. Kill the jews.
I guess this explains why IDF are thinking twice about their next operation in Lebanon.

Must have grown a yellow line down their backs.
Fake news I haven’t seen any Iranians!
Nigga are you retarded? There are signs of an invasion occurring you can spot with satellites. There were no such signs before this month and the Iranian probably saw something that worried them.
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semites killing each other?
What does /pol/ think about Iran and Iranians? I think they're pretty based. They were also the first Aryans so giga based.
Waiting for taliCHADS to join the party
Yeah here's how that has panned out for the last 1k years: mudslimes will come crying to europe after you get BTFO
npcs unironically believe this kek
Kanker jij maar lekker op. Back to the desert cave where your ancestors fucked children and goats
how would they get there logistically? If they were flying in by Il-76 you would literally hear and see it. Also sounds very dangerous. I suppose they could drive a huge convoy but that would take a week.
>What does /pol/ think about Iran and Iranians?
brown turd worlders
Why would they send more corpses?
No one has cared up till now they will continue not caring. Even when Israel bombed Iran twice no one cared. Now Iran is sending meat shields that Israel has no issue with murdering.

Seems like a weird decision. Iran is all bark and no bite
Through Syria and Iraq. The tweet makes it sound like Iran is flying them in on C-130s by the hundreds like they’re Burgerland in the Gulf War, but they have actually been smuggling them into Lebanon in small groups for months now.
>the desert cave where your ancestors
Persians had been living in great cities for a millennium at the time you were sleeping with your sisters and sheep in your bog, sit down
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>great cities
<---- the cities
PH x 100 - a quake that takes out Los Angeles, would cause a tsunami that would overtake Hawaii, even head towards Japan. If the ripple effects move up the west coast.
And if it sets of the Cascadia fault too.
Very important meeting postponed 4 times lmfao
>reading comprehension
Hi fren
If you’re still around ITT I just want to tell you I hope you have a good day, have a full belly, and rest well.
pieces are moving, we are going to have three csg's in the region soon
thread theme
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two more weeks
trust le plan
Yet you "fled" those "great cities" because they're shitholes. I wouldn't bring up fucking ruminants and inbreeding because arabs are definitely over represented there.
I'm not from there, I just find it distasteful when some swamp faggot talks about things he doesn't know shit about
>arabs >>472332814
people here are infected with burgerism - proudly ignorant
they never had "great cities". never
persans are not arabs,
>t. arab
What will the US do if Israel, Ukraine and Taiwan are blitzed all at once?
C'mon, c'mon, what are they waiting for? I wanna see Israel get its ass whupped so bad for the acts of war it has committed against the US. I wanna see new maps of the area with that sliver of shit gone from the eastern Med.
sure, if that makes you sleep better at night
Seethe. Then Shaniqua will crash another naval ship into a commercial vessel on the way to either front.
subtract Ukraine from the equation first, that monkey Putin has lost the war already
Please anon dont play with my feelings... Tell me its real this time. Allahu akbar
This its going to be your tomb mutt. Look at the UK thats your future
>israel invades Lebanon and gets slaughtered like they did in 2006
Imagine the smell.
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You can do it muslim warriors you can defeat the great whore of babilon.
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He is really going for it...
>This is madness!!! scream the kikes
Lebanon prepares to have its socks knocked off by Iran's gym shoe brigade, imagine the smell.
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trust me goym...
kikes seethe at the new reality

i would rather they don't bullshit about it, so i wake up one day and shitrael is just gone
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Slavs fighting slavs
Kikes and Mudslimes fighting

Is this that white privilege they were talking about
I love how we're literally going to WW3 because of fucking Israel. Seriously fuck jews
it's a great privilege to die for israel, enjoy
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>a single dirt bag /k/ike has a moment of conscience about the genocide he perpetrated, and the dozens of lives he took out of jewish bloodlust
Check’t kek’t wreck’t
Uh oh... Time for stinky poopy :3
>You can do it muslim warriors you can defeat the great whore of babilon.

* the great Satan
Hal Turner just reported this:

Article is behind a pay wall. But start lining up to donate blood, guys.
>Iran pools together troops from countries that were already BTFO
To me it's all clear with Iran after they fired 200 flying lawnmovers somewhere towards the direction of Israel and whined how they'll never do this again. Turbo cucks.
See you in a few months with the "Muh genocide" threads lol.
Is OPs picrel actually happening? You never know here
Why do Muslims lie so much?
No lies, they got their DNA results from 23&Me.
Salta nel forno, giudeo.
Every semite lies, you should already know that
Muslims are only good at raping and dying.
I finished extended service 2 months ago, and I was set on the northern part against Lebanon but no I haven't heard anything yet from my friends who are still there.

Lebanon can't really afford to fuck with us.
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1) Israel = colonial satellite state for the crown/rothschild bankers. read the first Balfour Declaration

2) W. Churchill wrote a propaganda article titled "Zionism vs Bolshevism" to manufacture consent for the creation of Israel with distinctions between "good zionist" jews vs "bad communist" jews

3) Hamas was created by Israel to counter the PLO which had leftist tendencies

4) Israel laundered money to Hamas through the Palestinian Authority

5) Israeli intel was given information about oct 7 attack from egypt and isreal did nothing

6) “if you take out saddam hussein that there would be positive reverbations in the region” -Netanyahu

7) no rapes happened at the rave near a concentration camp

8) recent events will be used for Netanyahu's re-re-re-election

9) 20th century history of the middle east is just colonialism. the partition of India and Pakistan was courtesy of the crown. and the u.s. was there right away to influence Pakistan

10) Operation Ajax

11) CIA helped Saddam Hussein gain power. Reigle report. Kamasiyah weapons bunker. the U.S. sold weapons to both sides of the Iraq / Iran War in the 80s, on top of Iran Contra Scandal

12) Operation Cyclone

13) 9/11 was an inside job

14) mcmahon-hussein correspondence

15) U.S. armed and funded the "rebels" who became ISIS. first beheading video that came out was straight up fake as fuck

16) ask yourself why Netanyahu incited Yitzhak Rabin's assassination

17) Hannibal Directive kills civilians

18) Apollo Affair

19) Isreal supported ISIS

20) CIA involved in “truce diplomacy” between Israel and Hamas

21) Israel found out Hamas finances in 2018 and did nothing

22) Zionists poisoned Palestinian wells in 1948

23) USS Liberty

24) https://www.reddit.com/r/list_palestine/comments/l43xgk/megalist_israels_crimes_controversies_full/?rdt=46704
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Who knows

there are 10 genetic haplogroups that make up "caucasian". ashkenazi jews are caucaisan.
Ancient Scythians. Later on, from the region around Ukraine.
I'd throw in the stans too.
You're reduced to drafting religious wack-jobs lol You can't afford to fuck with anyone.
>our job

If you think its your job, why don't you make a faggot trip (Ayliah) to Israel and enlist? Oh that's right moshe, you don't fight your own wars
I was outside. Thank you.
It's more about taking away their money rather than drafting them. But you keep informing me about what's happening over here.
hail satan
Shia Houthi attacks and American War against Shia Houthis are fake.

There are Ahlul Sunnah Real Mucahids in Yemen;Government and Media of kuffar ignore and censor Ahlul Sunnah Real Mucahids in Yemen in the narrative that they are telling and are falsely portraying the War against Ahlul Sunnah Real Mucahids in Yemen as War against Shia Houthis in The Government and Media of them.

America,Russia,Saudi Arabia,Iran,Germany,France,England,Turkey,Israel and other taghut Countries are already fighting against Ahlul Sunnah Real Mucahids in Yemen for years and do everything they can to destroy them and they can not defeat Ahlul Sunnah Real Mucahids in Yemen Alhamdulillah;They are using the fake narrative that they have made up to have Iran and Shias falsely portrayed as having fighting against America and Israel.

There is,was and will be no War between America,Israel,Iran and Shias.

America,Israel,Iran and Shias are friends.
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American soldiers that got slaughtered by Ahlul Sunnah Real Mucahids.
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Shias are kuffar;Shias are not Muslims.

Examples of Shia kufur itikad from Shia sources:

"Mix with them(non Shias) outwardly but oppose them inwardly."
(Source:Al Kafi,Vol. 9,P. 116)

"9 out of 10 of Din is taqiyyah."
(Source:Usool-e Kafi,part 2,kitaabul imaan wal kufr,babut taqiyyah,line 5)

"The Imam has mentioned that the most beloved thing on the surface of Earth is taqiyyah."
(Source:Usool-e Kafi,Part 2,kitaabul imaan wal kufr,babut taqiyyah,line 12,Riwayah 4, P. 217)

"Those who does not do taqiyyah have no Iman."
(Source:Tafseer-e Safi,Part 1,Faiz Kashani,P. 253)
Shiism has roots in Khawarijism which was created by a crypto Jew Abduttaghut Ibn Saba.

Here is an example from a Shia Book for how they view Abduttaghut Ibn Saba.

Book is Firaq Al Shia by Al Nawbakhti Volume 1 From Page 22

Quote:"Abdullah Ibn Saba was a Jew and then became Muslim and followed Ali(AS).
During his Jewish days,He would say that Yusha Bin Nun(AS) was The Wasi of Musa(AS);He was the first person who announced in public that it is Farz to believe in The Imamet of Ali(AS) and He did Tabarrah on His(Ali's) enemies and exposed his opponents"
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Khomeini lived in France before the so called "Revolution" in Iran and he came to Iran from France for the so called "Revolution" and The Government of France allowed it to happen.
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They are slowly starting to prepare us for war here as well...
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>Jews are white Europeans, trust me
This would put me on their side. Pretty retarded strategy for Muslims.
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Synagogues in Tehran according to Wikipedia
Names of Synagogues in Tehran according to that list:Abdollah Zadeh Synagogue
Abrishami Synagogue
Aziz-Khan Synagogue
Bagh-e Saba Synagogue (fa)
Danial Synagogue (Polish)
Darvazeh Dowlat Synagogue
Ettefagh Synagogue (Iraqi)
Ettehad Synagogue
Ezra Yaghoub Synagogue
Fakhrabad Synagogue
Gisha Synagogue
Gorgan Synagogue
Haim Synagogue
Hakim Asher Synagogue
HaRambam Synagogue (Rambam Synagogue)
Kohan Synagogue
Kourosh Synagogue
Khorasaniha Synagogue (Mashhadi)
Levian Synagogue
Mahariv Synagogue
Molla Hanina Synagogue
Nosrat Synagogue
Orsharga Synagogue
Pol-e Choobi Synagogue
Rafi-Nia Synagogue
Rah-e Danesh Synagogue
Seyed-Khandan Synagogue
Tafian (Hakim) (Pesyan) Synagogue (fa)
Tarasht Synagogue
Yousefabad Synagogue
Yousefzadeh Synagogue
Zargarian Synagogue[2]
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I am so scorched from misinfo. Is this real?
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Synagogue in Iran.

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>>houthi veterans in lebanon
>if i were israel would be kissing my ass goodbye, it's fucking over

They keep trying to reassure it's just an exercise.
Remember, 911 was also a day of practice exercises.
Except it wasn't. It was real.

Nothing is happening, oil and gold prices haven't changed.
>Marc Rich (born Marcell David Reich; December 18, 1934 – June 26, 2013) was an international commodities trader, financier, and businessman.
>Rich was born in 1934 to a Jewish family in Antwerp, Belgium.[2][3]
>following the overthrow of Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, the Shah of Iran, during the Iranian Revolution in 1979, Rich used his special relationship with Ayatollah Khomeini, the leader of the revolution, to buy oil from Iran despite the American embargo. According to Forbes Magazine, Asadollah Asgaroladi was also the secret business partner of Rich in helping bypass U.S. sanctions against Iran after the Iranian revolution.[15] Iran would become Rich's most important supplier of crude oil for more than 15 years. Rich sold Iranian oil to Israel through a secret pipeline.[16][17][18] Due to his good relationship with Iran and Ayatollah Khomeini, Rich helped give Mossad's agents contacts in Iran.[19]
>Rich had helped finance the Mossad's operations and had supplied Israel with strategic amounts of Iranian oil through a secret oil pipeline.[2]
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Israel fucked around
they're about to find out
>Lebanon can't really afford to fuck with us.
If you didn’t have Daddy JewNited States of JewMerica standing at your shoulder to protect you like a big bad dawg, you would be steam rolled instantly. The only reason 100+ countries don’t dog pile on your sliver of degeneracy is because the USA has your back and keeps the wolves off you. If the JewSA ever actually broke ties with you, Israel would be leveled and turned to rubble within days.
No we'd just finish this quickly, since there are people profiting off of this.
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>That's an AI video. KEK
Still kino AF.

sounds similar to

>the Hebrew word for "priest"

but that's only coincidence, I'm sure
May the mutt jewish slave air craft carrier ship be sunk in the mediterranean.
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Mahmoud Ahmadinejad admits Iran have worked together with America against Mucahids in Iraq and Central Asia.

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad:We have helped America in Afghanistan and then also helped them(America) in Iraq despite that Bush gets arrogant and blames us for being source of the bads.
Why protest for a ceasefire if the Arabs can wipe Israel out?
The only chance they have at taking Israel down is to convince Jordan to stop being Zionists. So never.
Two weeks!
Bashar Assad admitted that America pretended to be against him and unofficially supported him and collaborated with him against Islamic State

Starting at 18:37
Assad:"We don't have problem with The United States they are not our enemy" "We have cooperation with The United States we are not against this cooperation" until 19:17

Starting at 22:54
Assad:"Actually;This is double standard of The West:They attack us Politically and they send us their officials to deal with us under the table especially the security" until 23:38
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Israel vs Iran
USA vs Russian
South Korea/Japan and other slants vs China
Very Interdasting times
George Bush doing seytani hand symbol.
This meme flag is an israel terrorist jew larping as muslim. May you be Shaheed’d in your sleep, inshallah.
Reality: in London the flags of every Muslim country are flown
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad doing seytani hand symbol.
provide proof it was a nuke or GTFO
>countries conquered and named by the British
>now they go to the UK to beg for gibs
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Some of them are, that’s the catch with generalizations
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>the molik
Openly Jewish Rabbis can also pretend to dislike Israel not just the crypto Jews like Ali Khamenei,Tayyip Erdogan and Mahmoud Abbas.
>your average Eastern European
Beirut explosion from 940 angles

I don’t know if it was nuke but this is related if anyone interested
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when they point it at you - it means they're calling you a cuck

when the backside of your hand faces someone, it's a blessing

obviously these two aren't blessing anyone

this is why the ONLY phrase with the prefix
that has ANY historical fact
>and there's a LOT
is and should only be


>jews are carthaginians/vice versa
Crypto Jewish Shia Priest meeting with Jewish Rabbi of Vatican.
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wow what a surprise

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i don't think you have to be judeo-punic to touch the wall

just being a shabbos goy is good enough lel
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Yeah but we still had the "get vaccinated" threads which probably come from india or something because their creativity and wording is really lacking. And their use of 20 year old pictures of DemoniusX is strange also
Texas longhorns
>But you keep informing me about what's happening over here.
AKA making shit up
Things that every jew does badly
Fucking hypocrite
Dead meme little roach faggot
It is unironically happening, and has been since Oct 7. You're a retarded faggot for thinking things just change in the matter of a day. This is a slow drip to catastrophe, something a retard cant comprehend.


>Lebanon can't really afford to fuck with us.
Hezbollah legit have not stopped fucking with you since ye rolled into The Strip
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>ibn saba
lol, it's you again, i forgot what socotranon called you again, i wish he was here to post his ibn saba memes because i lost them when my old phone died
>jews are carthaginians/vice versa
well at least you got one thing right, finally
There's probably 4.5-5 million Jews left in Wasrael bruh.

7 million original number
1 million of those didn't even live in Israel
1-1.5 million have left since Oct 7
500k are crippled with PTSD or chicken nugget syndrome

Then what, 1-1.5 million are ultra-orthodox
That leaves about 1 million Religious Zionist types
2 million liberal fags with one foot out the door
And half of those people are kids
And half are women

No wonder IDF is 8,000 soldiers short even after re-mobilizing 300k soldiers...

You couldn't find 8,000 new soldiers for all the diamonds in the world bruh.
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when was i wrong?
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>I finished extended service 2 months ago, and I was set on the northern part against Lebanon but no I haven't heard anything yet from my friends who are still there.
>Lebanon can't really afford to fuck with us.

Were you Alexandroni Brigade, former Golani?
Or something even more gay?

Also tell us where you were, we probably have you on video somewhere...
oh, my bad, for some reason i thought you were the jew larping as a muslim because of his string of uninterrupted schizo hasbara which you suddenly combo broke, makes sense that it wasn't him who would admit that, which was why i was surprised
underrated post
you should spam the board with these factoids
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no probs
>Lebanon can't really afford to fuck with us.
You meant to say Israel can't afford to fuck with Lebanon, right?

Thanks. If you want to save and share here it is. I typed it in CHIP and pasted here but that's it
>It has been since October 7th
So you're telling me this is old news.
2 more years it is.
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schizo bullshit, that sign is traditional in italian culture
>just ignores the other posts

The thing that blows my mind is that they might save 99 children but they only need the 1 out of 100 and no one really notices or cares.
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>two different cultures can't have similar customs
Islam is the fastest dying religion due to the apostasy rate, now they want the believers to literally die.
>Whatever Iran is planning in the region they will have to solo it.

Public opinion in Turkey is strongly anti-Israel.
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wuh here there fren

YOU said

>schizo bullshit, that sign is traditional in italian culture

now all of a sudden

>>two different cultures can't have similar customs

i didn't say they couldn't

pay attention
The culminating events of the slow drip that started with October 7th will be upon us in just two more weeks.
Shriners are rooted in Islamic aesthetics and rituals. They wear a fez and their symbol is a crescent moon & star beneath a scimitar.
its no wonder all jews, and the fake kike shillbots itt are all schizos losing their grasp on reality and rely on meds 24/7
i can't imagine living a completely fake existence like jews and the state of israel does

having the constant feeling of awful foreboding forever tormenting your subconsious, being wracked with shame, anxiety and dread all the time at every moment of life

what a cursed existence
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>their symbol is a crescent moon & star

boy are you new
Nah. Israel is untouchable both in war and sanctions as they control JewSA. They have steady supply of weapons and international support because of their grip firmly on America’s balls. Real shit happens when Israel and Saudi fight. Now that’s real happening.
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>Shriners are rooted in Islamic aesthetics and ritual

here's more
>"islamic" star and crescent symbolism
that all predate the dawn of islamd by at LEAST 600-800 years
israel will lose war in lebanon and USA will be forced to intervene

they could not erase even Gaza lol

We all hate arab muslims and want them to burn even if its done by jews, but that is reality (dont understand me wrong way)

Now they're sending Unit 8200 IDF computer hackers and spies to the front lines, due to lack of soldiers.
So you can be sure that some of our low level JIDF shills we've talked to for the last 8 months have quietly been sent to the front lines as well.
I never get sick of this meme/gif thank you for posting
>boy are you new
the pictures of these tophet stele

PREDATE the picture of that larping negro, sir
Lol I know enough retard, Europeans BTFO them to the stone age and they have never and will never recover. Bring on those sand niggers. USA alone can massacre the entire region.
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Nothing ever happens
do you understand that like 99% of all tophet stele were erected BEFORE the end of the BC era/before the birth of Christ?

wow it's like larping kikes recognized the symbolism and tried to link it to islam to take the heat off the fact that kikes and carthaginians are/were the same people

It's funny how I don't give a shit at all.
This is the founder of the Shriners, who started the group after meeting an Arab diplomat in France. None of the people involved were Jews. Mecca is named after Almaqah, an Arabian moon god. The Muslims go there to "orbit" a meteorite.
nothing is going to happen
so, i post numeroues pieces of proof that the eclipsing sun/moon symbolism is CLEARLY canaanite in origin - from thousands of years ago

your "proof" consists of PHOTOGRAPHS - that an invention from literally
>1,971 years after these stele were produced
which is
>1822 - photography invented
>149 years added on - since carthage was destroyed in 149 BC

and the final piece of proof you use is to SAY
>without proof
that some guy met an arab, and that was his inspiration

ok kike
this lol, iran holds the world record for nothingburgers
Something please just fucking happen I’m so bored it unreal.
More like CREAMIUM.

Don't trust Eric. He'll rape ya.
so they are just shitskin militias from the surrounding countries and not actually iranian soliders thanks for the clickbait faggot
Islam is based on the Arabian moon god. The crescent is only part of the symbol and one of many Islamic symbols the Shriners use.
BoredYacht nigger.
I think the whole Tim and Eric Movie was just a Jewish allegory making fun of the United States and it's degradation.
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>the Arabian moon god

does this arabian moon god have a name?

also - tanit
>like all other ancient "great mother" figures
is the GODDESS of the moon

the fact that you would assign a MALE god to the moon - which i'm almost certain NO culture has ever done

>literally because the cycle of the moon is tied with women's menstrual cycles

the next thing you post better be proof or you conceding - anything else i'm ignoring
>absolute pottery
yeah i figured this too.
that they're all the useless squealing fags and yentas who somehow avoided active field duty is hilarious
now the IDF are getting underage kike teens to be the new bunker trannys
the syntax posting of a teen jew, as obvious as it is from any kike female adult is getting much worse to date

the decline of shitrael is terminal
Almaqah (Makkah). Go back to the books, anon, you missed some chapters.
How're they going to take their money?
Also, the Muslim women used to wipe their menstrual rags on the Black Stone.
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>more talk
>no proof

and here's more bad news, kike

you're a lying canaanite scum bag, and a retard at pilpul

report to the tophet immediately and bury yourself among the other rejected jewish children where you belong

i see you have plenty of proof for that too

oh wait.. you don't have shit!

It's not just theatre- it's an age-old defense tactic meant to give the enemy an idea of what they would have to overcome in an effort to invade. It's meant to persuade the enemy into rethinking or abandoning its plans to invade.

The real trick is to mislead your enemy into their own defeat.

Am I wearing a gun? Am I bluffing? Did I bring all of my friends and their guns and they are just hiding? WANNA FIND OUT THE HARD WAY?
You don't know what you're talking about.
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>women used to wipe their menstrual rags on the Black Stone

>menstruating women were touching it

wow, not even what you said

also, whether or not tey actually did that, doesn't disprove all these posts


i don't see you with a shovel digging a hole outside jerusalem, kike

ignoring you for good now
this minimum wage third-worlder really do be posting facebook drivel here and he actually unironically believed his Langley handlers when they told him it'd work just as well here
You sound completely crazy, but those digits say otherwise.
I can provide the sauces if you make a thread. This one is past bump limit, so pressed on time. It's their blood that turned it black.

Good deduction. our new shills are learning so much from us about the world, and none of it's good...
Dr. Jawad Ali in his book "History of the Arabs before Islam" part 5, page 223
Here, Abdul.
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The Lancer is by far my favorite FlyBy. Those GE-102s sound like they're torturing the atomsphere

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