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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Post your best redpills on the white people's greatest ally.
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let me get started with this one:
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not the nose!
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what a cohencidence!
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they're clearly the true master race!
the chosen people!
created as perfect images of the divine!
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jewish political tactics 101:
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bioleninism, look it up!
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off comes the foreskin
in comes the LIFELONG herpes infection!
Ich bumpe mal einen guten Thread (von denen es hier leider zu wenig gibt)
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this is a real account, I took the screenshots myself
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lies upon lies upon LIES
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Sieg Heil zurück, Kamerad
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debt and immigration
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just an average mossad family
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Just leaving this one right here
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thread soundtrack:
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just a cohencidence goy
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so many jewish books on white privilege... how many on jewish privilege?
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never loyal, except to other jews or messianic communist bullshit
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cultural marxism 101
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>Unsourced, percentage based statistics
A 4150% increase among hollywood's studio executives isn't NEARLY as crazy as it sounds with a bit of context and logic:
1. You're conflating two definitions of 'jew'. 2.4% identify as jewish, while twice that, around 4.5% are part of what is considered the enlarged population which counts jewish grandparents. Further back lineage is often also used.
2. Jews have traditionally lived in cities, and didn't end up in washed up dead cities and rural areas. Land ownership was overwhelmingly racist and whites grabbed it first, then it turned out land isn't nearly as valuable as the advent of mass media. So it's less they're overrepresented, and more simply that more jews live in hollywood in the first place without the curve being lowered by random hillbillies in west virginia or something.
3. 4000% of like 10 people isn't a lot of people
4. Part of it has to do with past discrimination against jews. Hollywood was specifically founded because jews couldn't get a job in the new movie industry in new jersey, so they moved to California where they could. After it was established, prospective jews all flocked to there because they weren't turned down at the door like they would for most other established industries.
5. Numbers are a complete asspull anyway
How is the weather in Tel Aviv, today?
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shut the fuck up liar
I'm the liar and yet you fail to mention any sort of context or nuance to your catch-all racism?

Go ahead and try the 'slavery was all the jews fault' or 'holocaust doesn't exist' next yeah? That's about your tier of argumentation.
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always scheming against everything natural, always pushing for schizophrenic and damaging ideologies!
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the holocaust didn't happen as propagandized by kikes... but it should have and it will happen for real in the future.
but wait!
what about the german genocide advocated by
theodore kaufman in 1941, before alleged shower gassings started?
oh noo
kikes were not allowed to keep christian slaves!
how antisemitic!
>They helped give women rights
>Immigration rights
>Blatant lie
>Blatant lie
>I circled a chart that says thing bad just because I said so

I thought pol liked russia?

You're not making jews look very terrible dude
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forgot pic
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time to spit on some jews
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you don't want to be defying (((science)))!
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Jews refuse to eat bugs, so Kosher certification actually is a way to make sure there aren't fucking crickets in your food. Thank you based Jews!
good to know

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