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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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I hope so just so we can see the "fact-checkers" do damage control for our entertainment.
he's desperate enough that he probably will
Why would that be “desperate”?
Millions of Americans don’t know the story because they’ve been brainwashed by CNN
lol, you sound more desperate than Trump would.
I'm just hoping for a total shit show, I don't really care what sets it off, desu.
I hope he wears a shirt that says it’s shower time
Biden is going to literally die on stage after Trump baits the fuck out of him.
Trump will be arrested and charged with murder of a President. no bail. no more secret service.
he'll get to find out the Epstein mystery while incarcerated.
>his daughter
You can't rape your own daughter, what the fuck are you on about? That's like saying you can steal your own car, it doesn't make sense. She's your daughter, you own her, she's yours to fuck.
Most Biden voters are probably paedophiles anyway.
that didn't happen
No I think he stays away from the unprovable conspiratorial stuff, he has enough smoking guns to go without

Besides, dems said they plan to trigger him into sounding unhinged so it'll be best not to play into that
its going to be deepfake ai generated slop, thats why they put all the shit about no audience, muted mics, etc
the reason joe was locked away all week was to record the voice lines. it took over 100 takes to get him to sound coherent and not ramble about ice cream.
biden groped kids right after obama's re-election for politican photo shoots and it was recorded on C-SPAN

trump would be a fucking fool not to mention it

>he stays away from unprovable conspiratorial

1) AHAHAHAHAHA no trump doesn't
2) biden groping people is a known fact that can be verified, it's not a "conspiracy".
Biden will say convicted felon 3 times in one sentence.
Trump will say so is your son.
Biden gets mad, strokes out, goes to see Cornpops in that great swimming pool in the sky.
Trump leaves in handcuffs.
If he doesnt then hes NOT our guy.
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/pol/ is kind of like an 80yr old Alzheimer's chomo, because you have to keep explaining the same basic shit to it every day
Ashley Biden only confirmed that it was her diary. not that the contents are hers.
>I steal your diary
>I write that you stole my car
That doesn't mean you stole my car though just because it's in the diary.
Ok, why would Trump go along with that?
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damn, Biden pinched her nipple so hard she grew up to be a lesbian
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hope so
Trump was too much of a pussy to mention it in the 2020 debates, let's hope that MIGAtard faggot actually grew a pair in the last 4 years.
because he's going to prison
trump had epstein killed. you smoothbrains just don't see it because he's your orange jesus.
It'd be great if Biden's evil behavior was called out by such a powerful human being.

Convinced that Biden's first wife offed herself because she caught Joe molesting one of the boys.
You are genetic trash.
Every human being has a right to not be raped by anyone, including parents.
Eat shit and die, faggot.
if he molested one daughter you know he molested the new leer one that died
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Are you really suggesting someone else wrote in Ashley's diary that Joe raped her?
Bidencultists really are this brainwashed.
i didn't say shit about any diaries, i said joe biden groped kids and it was recorded on c-span. you can look it up. you're trying to debunk something i never brought up
God I hope so
Hey, this newfag actually thinks Jeffrey Epstein is dead! lol. lmao even
>Somebody's doing the raping, Joe!
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No, but he should. If the uniparty wasn't real, he would. But it is, so he won't.
Trump will eat him alive.
Trump is a faggot. He'll probably talk about how much he loves niggers and jew dick
>unprovable conspiratorial stuff
It’s actually recorded as a matter of law now.
The only unproven conspiratorial stuff is you pretending to be a woman.
It's true you pervert rapist apologist faggot.

I expect the most retarded debate in the history of debates tonight. Shit flinging, Biden may even shit himself, Tapper and Trump will shit out their mouths. Just shit everywhere.
I saw a female human that looked like this today, i would fatten her up.
yes, the diary is real. doesn't mean the contents haven't been doctored.
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Yeah the FBI raided O'Keefe looking for a diary that had nothing in it fuck off
Russians right. The Russians altered Ashley Bidens diary to frame pedo Peter (his family's nickname for him) for raping his daughter. I can believe that you fucking freak sicko.
>yes it's my diary, that's why I am prosecuting
>everything in it is still fake though
we're reaching a stratum of cope never before seen
Trump doesn't have the balls to debate Biden, much less the brains. Tonight will be the end of this Trump nonsense when Trump won;'t even show up for the debate.
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Biden will never go to prison over this you retard.
It's not true that he raped his daughter. You people are sick.
Trump is literally fighting for his freedom. If he fails, he goes to jail and ZOG wins. If he succeeds, he will pardon himself and have his revenge arc.

Now tell me, what exactly is Biden fighting for? An ice cream cone? The scent of little girl's hair?
He should. Joe will start jerking off right there.
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Trump is ZOG you stupid faggot
they're all playing on the same team. don't be a dum dum.
Bros can I watch this on CNNs youtube channel? I am not going to pay for a subscription
kek. I just had an imagine of uncle joe going into his frozen grinning rictus while mashing at his crotch like a misbehaving carehome resident, while the cameras quickly pan and the CNN droids bustle to distract
No. But Musk said it will be on x.
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every chudcaster will be livestreaming it
>CNN has 29 fact checkers for this.
They will all say that Joe loves children, that's all, and it's criminal to suggest otherwise.
He should but I doubt he will.
I don't have that and wanted to watch on the tv with a bigger screen

Will they be quiet during or do I have to listen to their gay commentary?
more fun to watch with trannies and raise hell in whatever twitch chats and discords you may be embedded.
>ashley biden diary = REAL
>hunter laptop = REAL
>hunter = NIECE FUCKER
>joe = just loves the smell of his daughter's shampoo, more evidence needed
I doubt it but I'd be happy to be proven wrong.
when is it happening I might look it up through some commentary channel
here its, this is one of many

-puts hand on her chest
-thumb and forefinger
-behind the hair
-distracts the parents by chatting them up
-girls steps away from biden because she's made uncomfortable

there were multiple instances in this photo taking event where he was saying unnecessary things about girls dating
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wtf is his problem
>why yes this is totally my outlook when I’m shilling elsewhere
what if she consented?
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No, stalker child. It is you who are going to prison for being an insufferable ball-licker.
who says that he is? they might already have replaced trump with a double.
A media corporation sanitizes the entire process so two old men in front of nobody can talk to whom? Weird. Won't watch. The greatest media constructed controlled event this nation has ever been beaten over the head with, so overly controlled the president himself had a stage built so he could practice on it beforehand. This is a studio production brought to you by the media, corporate ad buys and unelected aides. Exact representation of what this country is- a fake set with a mute button.
Farage was absolutely correct on capitalism dying because of media banks corpos and complicit govt.
9pm est. Also another thread mentioned cnn is going to issue dmca takedowns so commentary channels may be pulled down from youtube.

How is cnn's website going to handle the traffic?
Joe Biden is worse than doctor disrespect when it comes to touching kids. I’ve never seen doc touch them in public but joe sure has.
Would it be a criminal offense for a father to punch someone doing this into a coma?

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