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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Turkey is food.

imagine squatting in greek ruins like some feral african in the burnt out ghettos of Baltimore and being "proud"
Byzantium was a mess.
Byzantium was glorious
Constantinople - Jewish poison began seeping in
Istanbul - final form
Ottomans actually made Turkey better
Byzantium was the best thing that ever happened to the savages of Anatolia. And ofc then the mudslims fucked everything up.
Kys mutt scumbag
Better at what? Being stuck in the 1100s?
kill yourself turko cock worshipper
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why? so israel has more land?
Hola Jaurez make sure the mow my lawn in 15 minutes when your cerveza break is over. You can take your 5th ciesta later amigo!
so go to turkey larping christfaggot
reminder that spain has been under moorish occupation for longer than constantinople has been under the turks
what was, may come again and one of these days we are bound to push the heathens out
never because christcucks cuck, its what they do
>he thinks all christians are like the money worshippers/faggot enablers that try to pass as christian in america
Americans just need to kill 6 million Jew kikes to atone for our sins.
>not real christians
i dont see any non american christians doing anything but cucking either
give me some more cope christnigger
All of North Africa is technically Grecia
To any americans reading this thread, stop idolizing christian orthodoxy, it's not some exotic occult version of christianity. Orthodox people worship objects and corpses and their priests are closet homos who steal property from the elderly.
Byzantium was a backwards aggressive empire nobody liked. Exactly like the Ottomans.
The 4th Crusade was the reason Byzantium collapsed
I've been saying this for years, it's ours.
>Byzantium was a mess.
A bigger mess now under muslim misrule.
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fuck off, mutt.
Yeah I learned yesterday that these Christian inquisition faggots used to kill, maim and torture artists, scientist, poets, thinkers, knowers, noticers and baseds. Not nice.
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how's muttland doing under matriarchial christcuck rule?

waiting for thread #587 of the day, moaning about "roasties" who've seen more pricks than a secondhand dart board. guzzled gallons of gorilla milk, from tyrone and his gang.

enjoy your beat out, cavernous, and aids infested fuckholes, plapjacking faggots.
youll never convince the browngoloid mutants who have bought $600 worth of icons off of amazon
I don't see the Christians of Romania doing anything other than having the most prostitutes in Europe right next to Hungary
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christcucks will never enjoy the cleanest, best pleasure of a virgin hijabi.
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Make Constantinople Great Again !
All re-legion (what military order you belong to) is dungeon slave programming.
Whatever you experience through your 5 senses god has direct access to alongside you. God is within.
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come to Allah, faggots. this is the only way. i guarantee you chuds can't disprove a word from Mufti Menk, the goat.
>5 posts and baited nobody award
i made a beautiful white looking lebanese girl do haram things for me on a facetime goon sesh with the hijab on and it was oddly hot as fuck
>All re-legion (what military order you belong to) is dungeon slave programming.
>Whatever you experience through your 5 senses god has direct access to alongside you. God is within.

no, it provides a strong foundation for a good society/populace.
Allah fags are literally the battery charger for Jew demon god and used as their attack dogs for centuries. Pff
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>Mufti Menk
he lost a debate to his hairline
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>>5 posts and baited nobody award

aside from the bruce resorting to chang fucking, since his own sheilas are shite.

Islam: 1
christcucks 0
aren't christcucks the ones pushing for greater israel
She looks Polish
digits don't lie
Yeah because when millions adhere to one system it entails a much lower energy expenditure to program their existence/reality.
Breaking free, unique, authentic life, unbound, means a whole lot more energy expenditure for just one person.
Mass programming is energy efficient.
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then call it anatolia
Yes all religions have a central axis and serve the same purpose.
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Mandate bloodshed and easily ensnare large populations to conform and obey.
You mean Anatolia
>this is somehow le bad
it's obscure and unknown to them, so they can lie and pretend it's based
Anatolia is a region, it's like talking about Macedonia
>She looks Polish
The Poles that look like that have Germanic / Scandinavian blood in them
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Anatolia is rightful Cybelene fertility worshippers clay. Long live Pontus. Kek.

The city of Byzantium proper was an Ionian greek “colony” which is a term I use loosely because Ionians really played a part in regional politics since the 1600’s BC. They took the land from The thracians/Ordysians because they allied with a seperate city-state league during the Pelopenesian War.

Kind of. Libya had a huge concentration of Achean colonies. In fact the Acheans (Spartan aligned Greeks) are usually the most colonial of Greeks which is ironic because it’s actually the Ionian Greeks (Athenian Greeks) that generally had the better navies. Acheans founded Syracuse and reached as far west as Spain. The Greco-Bactrians were originally island greeks however (Minoan Greeks) that settled in Libya and were then deported by the Persians into Bactria. However by the time of Bactrian autonomy (circa 100 BC) Bactria had all kinds of Greeks.

In terms of the most “colonial” greeks it goes

Ionians and Minioans

Aeolian (Theban) Greeks are not really colonial. They’re usually considered to be the most “provincial” of the greeks. Kind of like Greek rednecks or country bumpkins. They never really moved out of Aeolia but some may have ended up on the Italian penninsula. So…
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>>this is somehow le bad

what will become of bogan "culture", after you create hordes of mystery meat mutts?

'murica 2.0, you degenerate faggot. 'straya no more.
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Turkey needs to obtain nuclear weapons so you losers don't start a war
Get over it already
hey lithuanianon pill me on "macedonia, federal republic of" is it like a greek transnistra
WW3 messini “prophecy” (first 2 already happened exactly as written”
The next one is western (Zionist) nations back in the Middle East.
Greece is preparing iron dome garbage like firebase hell has.
Idiot. Orthodox priests are the least gay because they can marry and have families. Everything else you right is what some people do, not what the Church stands for.
nuclear weapons led to harry jewmans doctrine of limited war in which jewman believing that red china and red russia were jewish states refused to win the korean war. later on russia and china got nukes and limited warfare became founded on mutual assured destruction in which the way for the jews to win was to destroy the americans and europeans with cultural subversion and mass immigration so that the american and european nukes would be irrelevant. today a few jews realize that the americans and europeans are the only jew controlled peoples and only restored american and european militarism can preserve the jewish world order, thus the modern right wing of hillary clinton and donald trump
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stealing property from the elderly has been a Christian tradition ever since Christ gave this instruction for His clergy
> love to go in long clothing, and love salutations in the marketplaces, 39And the chief seats in the synagogues, and the uppermost rooms at feasts: 40Which devour widows' houses, and for a pretence make long prayers
>Christianity is a fear cult omg!!!
Prove yourself then, go stand in the middle of the highway without fear to prove your unbounded nature, idou i Rodos.
lithuania looks like little africa and their flag is unwashed. Macedonia is a Bulgarian territory twisted by the Comintern into a crude mockery of nature's perfection
Jesus is based.
Just the whole fake blood shedding story that was repeated about 17 times with different characters of virgin births is their shtick.
Jesus sayings are based.
This realm is of death and vampirism.
As soon as you get here, you begin to die. And must kill other things whether plant or animal to stay alive.
This is the mirror reality of a real reality.
Where was it repeated with different characters and virgin births? If you are talking about those Dionysus - Christ associations it's a meme which started from a movie by Kakogiannis, just a very liberal artistic expression.
I don’t remember all the historic characters and even though I have a few names I don’t want o mess up. Werent some Egyptian mythologies synonymous with modern Christian belief of the details of Jesus life and death? Multiple cultures over vast periods of time have identical stories like that of modern Christianity.
Jesus was a based /pol/ bro they used to scam their ancient adherence system of religion with the use of his name and life.
Remember, the proto-kikes bastardized everything the tribes Jesus came from had documented.
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No it doesn't, you fucking christkike. None of your jew cults belong there. Fuck off and go back to the desert.
Turkey should be redistributed between the Greeks, Armenians, and Assyrians.
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The bible says russia takes back the conquered constantinople with an african alliance before losing to israel.
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>imagine squatting in greek ruins
spoiler: today turks are former greeks..
calling Roman empire byzantium is latin cope
Greeks had the tendency of comparing other deities with their own and trying to find similarities, for example they used to associate Yahweh with Typhon the destroyer god because as per the Jews their messiah was coming to destroy everyone else and thus he fit the profile. So those equivalencies were based on their own expectations and when the deity did not fit their preferred forms perfectly they'd reform them to their liking, just like some animals gods were given human form. So it's a methodology but not without flaws because you are at risk of imposing your biases on the analysis and making poor choices.
>Interpretatio graeca (Latin for 'Greek translation'), or "interpretation by means of Greek [models]", refers to the tendency of the ancient Greeks to identify foreign deities with their own gods.[1][2] It is a discourse[3] used to interpret or attempt to understand the mythology and religion of other cultures; a comparative methodology using ancient Greek religious concepts and practices, deities, and myths, equivalencies, and shared characteristics.

>The phrase may describe Greek efforts to explain others' beliefs and myths, as when Herodotus describes Egyptian religion in terms of perceived Greek analogues, or when Dionysius of Halicarnassus and Plutarch document Roman cults, temples, and practices under the names of equivalent Greek deities. Interpretatio graeca may also describe non-Greeks' interpretation of their own belief systems by comparison or assimilation with Greek models, as when Romans adapt Greek myths and iconography under the names of their own gods.
Oh. And Jesus spoke Greek not Yiddish K3K
yiddish is a new language, according to the current consensus, he spoke Arameic
From what I understand, might be mistaken but Typhon might be the counter to yhwh. So they were mistaken. Typhon is a benefactor algorithm to stop the progression of yhwh total destruction and captivity of humanity.
Wrong, Wikipedia bro
It was Greek he spoke.
What was the New Testament written in?
Remember, yhwh wants these niggas to kill their first born sons, kill everybody that doesn’t agree, chop everyone’s dick off. Etc etc. yhwh is whack, homie
Everything belongs to Christ
>What was the New Testament written in?
the new testament was written quite a while after jesus' time, not much to do with what language he spoke
But his words were written in Greek.
The people that wrote the New Testament are Jesus brothers… he was one of them. Not what Jews try to claim today that they were the tribes of fame from the North. They were 4 foot tall dark haired dark eyed rats. The proto kikes.
From the south.
So when you see a hot jewess with light coloured eyes and fairly tall and light haired. Her grandpapi just joined the club on a whim.
Christ's kingdom is not of this world.
to be honest, turkey isn't ruining christian heritage. in the west the churches are being forced into a hegelian dialectic where people are led to a synthesis where they abandon christianity as their heritage.
it doesn't matter what christianity is or is not, what matters to jews is the power to define it, and you, and future generations (if any) of your people.
in turkey the churches are just christian and orthodox. turkey isn't destroying christianity, if anything they're preserving it, the kikes in your own backyard are destroying the christianity that is within your reach.
turkey is not.
>if anything they're preserving it
turkey belongs to HERCULES
>looks polish
so...Varangian, fucking dumbass
Hagia Sophia predates Islam.

That's a hard blow on muslims feelings, I bet.
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Jesus Christ conquered Rome. Saint Peter's basilica is in Rome. The gates of hades will not prevail. Matthew 16:18
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I recently changed planes in Constantinople international airport, it was pretty hectic. Next time I'll probably take a 24-hour layer so I can get out and survey the mohammedan defenses.
It's the jesuits
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Muslims conquered Constantinople. Saint Peter's basilica is in Rome. The only thing the jesuit fears is traditional Catholicism
It’s actually Italian (Greek) niggers from Iran that are running all these kikes and christcucks in circles while they laugh and play and go underground every so often to wait it out while the flock fleeces itself and is ready to make the progression from landlines to iPhones in several decades again from the beginning. Every 100 odd years.
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You streetshitters always sucking up to the kikes. Maybe one of them will make you the help desk supervisor eventually.

Found the LGBT Greek who doesn't understand his own religion and worships American faggotry. Saw so many gays today in Thessaloniki I wanted to vomit.

Found the Jew
Ah yes, the roach colonies of the old world.
Underground to hide from what?
Typhon. Watchout yhwh cunt
Self check.
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No one is cucking to you revolting heathens. This is a religious Christian holy war and the enemy is you. Jesus Christ is the son of God
Sikhs are the solution. Sikhs will dispatch the Hindu menace. Hindus work for freemasonry and support zionism. Sikhs back Palestine
Only white Americans support modern jews and Israel. Some things haven't changed. Hail Mary mother of Christ
Anything which opposes islam is my friend


>religious Christian holy war
This sounds like the re~legion thing i commented about military order. Hmmm
I share the same rare blood type as Jesus. Less than 4% of whole earth pop.
Funfact : there are way less than 8 billion out here.
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Your race doesn't matter. You deny the divinity of Jesus so you are the enemy. It's always about religion and never about race. Christ is king
Johnsthon ADL JIDF (((Canadian))) homie makes good banter
Jesus Christ is not in a build nor is He on some piece of clay...Jesus Christ belongs in your heart mind body and soul
Do not worry about jews. Christians are your main enemy. We hate you more than jews do. Christ is king of the Jews
Why your harnit sajscam take care of his towelheads instead of authentic Canadians he represents the military of? Because lost kikes like you don’t k ow how nature works, only when preaching to your victims?
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Because Sikhs are still religious. The enemy is Whites who betrayed Jesus not other religions or races. Send more Sikhs please
Christ is the number 1 enemy of the Jews you filthy kike.
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Jews were never baptized so thus did not betray Jesus. The enemy is European gentiles who lack faith in Jesus. I hate you not jews. It's that simple
You see Canadians. This is the dude that gets his ass licked by all Canada boomers and Jews( your government) EVACUATE
You are the biggest nastiest most distasteful troll on all of /pol/ johnathon, for many years.
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>muh jews
Jews can't even beat hamas. You need Jesus to win. Christ is king
Kek. Yeah I k ow buddy. And he does not believe in you.
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You are worse than jews.
I love Jesus. Christ is king
For your sake. I hope Jesus doesn’t find you.
In the flesh
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Step out of the Sikhs way or get served with the Sikh blade
“Oh my lord” And a laugh came out irl
>>our clay
>>degenerated breed of all kinds of races

What the FUCK nigger?? This was European claim. It was whites claim, the claim the holy church, the claim of old countries, the claim white religious fighters. Not FAT FUCKERS.
YOU KNOW... “the old continent". Not "the misbreed country"
A shame you even talk about it like you would have something to do with it.
Claim your sheboons as a state own culture. That's OK. McDonalds. Niggers shooting spics. And vice versa. That's your history.
Stop talking about countries you don't have any idea of its history dumb crackhead nigger.
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To be clear. THE church, not hillbilly smt smt churches, THE church, is in Europe. The fighter, knights of the church, fought for it. NOT incestuous fat pervert north-american us guys with a Netflix Abo. Fuck you dumb nigger.
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Everyone is smug and full of confidence until the Sikh Saber slips right into them
Bro. This is top notch comedy.
*tips hat*
You have to be below 18 to reply on this thread
Fuck arm leg leg arm head
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Hindus are soft like butter ready for the Sikh spear to slide right through them
Tsk tsk
Good afternoon, Jonathan.
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Brits took Constantinople at the end of WWI and occupied they city.
They they gave it back to roaches for some reason.
Also during Gallipoli naval battle, evidence that was internally sabotaged by dark forces within the Anglo Empire
(Not sweeping for mines in a known mined area.) A basic thing that was missed on purposes because (((reasons))).
The mines hit some ships and that let the turkroaches win. jews and muslims have always been allies. It was kikes within Britain.
Jews and Christians are heirs to the same civilization. We are one blood, one people.
We are Judeo-Christians. The civilized world. The free world. The modern world.
No. Jews want to take over and erase who raised them. Who allowed them to reach so far. It’s like the son you wants to take over daddy’s business. But daddy isn’t done. And In case of this realm. Daddy won’t be done. You’re his most valuable slave.
Only individually you can come here. But as a whole. Never.
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> later on russia and china got nukes
>then poos got nukes
>of all people, poos got nukes
jews in America gave nuclear technology away to chinks and poos for sake of parity.
They didn't want Whites walking all over those subhumans.
Chinks and poos couldn't figure out how to make the detonators.
That will be declassified in the future. To further justify TKD.
Schizo rant aside, Judeo-Christians are those who stand with Israel. We all know which side of this map we'd rather be on.
There is only one place we want to be close. That’s the great pyramid. Always has been.
Where did Jonathan disappear?
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>israeli flag
>says "we" twice
>refers to "jews and Christians" like it's them
The closest thing to any real jews leftover today are White Europeans.
You khazar kikes larping in pissrael are not.
You are talmudists and not part of the same civilization.
Fuck johnsthon. Getting gangbanged by Calcuttans
This is meaningless. We fight together now. We die together now. Your wars are our wars. Our wars are your wars. One struggle.
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Seethe and dilate
Jesus Christ is Lord of Heaven and Earth already.

The Lord has planned all things, He knows all things.

He sends armies upon the nations, He judges righteously.
Cross shaped drones and bombs when?
This looks like a gathering of accountants. Turks should go back to the fez. Looks cooler.
Mmmm nope. Our people despise war, despise bloodshed. Despise petty faggotry. But our faggot countries will surely support and halp you. I don’t k ow about the actual mobilization. I’d personally rather hang myself than help a kike fight.
You're defending Europe.
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Agreed. I would like to wear an onion hat like Soleiman
Sorry kike. Defending Europe meant never allowing you to step foot in. Once that happened it’s game over.
Only white people are allowed in Europe. Jews are white.
How come amongst themselves they say they are the furthest from white and must destroy Europe and Christianity for their moschiach to take reign. Like abu ch of delusional retards. Receiving their 2800 goyim slaves each.
Do you have any idea how lost these kikes are?
Some crazy rabbis say that sort of thing for attention. They have to convince you that their fake prophecies are real.
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Sikhs finna burn modi. Khalistan in Punjab and Canada
Do you have any idea that a good guy that hates kikes has stopped them at every turn? Hmmm
Someone don’t like parasite virus kikes and their mentality. And he’s better than them. Every step of the way.
May God bless you in Jesus name. Christ is king of the Jews and Gentiles
Yeah. Rabbis say you idiots are aliens here to enslave and destroy humanity. We got the footage nigga you ain’t dealing f with no regulars
Singh is king in India
? Who’s this guy.
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Mr. Singh is his name
Those rabbis have audiences in the low hundreds. They have more Christian viewers than Jewish viewers.
Johnathon, I hope your microchip is comfortable Canadian faggot
Protestants are disobedient satanic heretics not Christians
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Catholics look at protestants the way Sikhs look at Hindus
Obviously. Normal Jews are the coolest people in the world. I used to party and date pretty much only Jews. But the overseers are heavy bro and they have sway.
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Top jews are servants of the jesuits. Jesuits are clearly pulling the plug on zionism. Robots can do lawyer work now. Thanks for the memories jews
99% of Noahide are Americans. Americans have a fascination with Judaism regardless of what denomination of Christianity they follow.
Elite Jews care more about their local bullshit than about Jewish causes. They go along with whatever the people around them want. Maximizing agreeability is how they stay elite.
What the people want is what their programmed to want. That is major issue. Whole populations can be moved by popular opinion and lead somewhere maybe that should be rethought.
It's kinda ironic how one peninsula got taken over by Muslims, but then slowly ejected them while on the other side of Europe, another peninsula succumbed to Islamic invaders around the same time. The 11th century was when the Caliphate of Cordoba fragmented and the Christian monarchs managed to slowly chip away at the divided taifa states so much that Alfonso VI managed to reconquer Toledo, the historic Visigoth capital in 1085. Unfortunately, the Byzantine bulwark against the Rashidun, Umayyad, and Abbasid Caliphates fell to Turkoman and Seljuk invaders in 1073.
True. However, it isn't Jews doing the programming. Media Jews go along with popular demand. If you want nudity, we'll give you nudity. If you want modesty, we'll give you modesty. We're merchants. We're salespeople. We're businesspeople. We want to close the sale, make the deal, bring in profit.
Based. While we’re at it can we kill all niggers too?
Understood completely. The driving force which garners animosity is something metaphysical and a lot of you guys belong on this side. Not that one. Profit is cool. But when it destroys others, no longer necessary.
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Oh look it's Conrad Black's retarded kid who got raped in jail. Again
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You're amoral and to you the concept of being a good shepherd to others is laughable, we get it. It's part of the uncanny valley between us and one of the many ways we can spot you.
The image you posted contains the parts of Hagia Sophia which were upgraded after the city changed hands. The building wasn't as structurally sound in its original form, and it was heavily damaged after two earthquakes. That's why it has buttresses and extensions all around it, giving it a pyramidal shape.
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Not far off the mark but they're not 100% Greeks either. Many of them are mutts with ancestry from other parts of the Mediterranean (mainly Greece, Balkans, and North Africa) and the Middle East.

pic related Turk has more Central Asian Turkic ancestry than the average Turk:
>32% Greek
>31% West Asian
>22% Central Asian
>11.9% North African.
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Cope USApe shitskin xD

PLANETÜRKİYE is real and you will be TURK or DEAD! Chose wisely you TerrorCHRist insect.
Someone was allowed to sell too many kebabs
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Oink Oink TerrorCHRist EURoaches got such a hard asskick that even their grand grand grand grand grand children's butts still hurt xD

Imagine getting an asskick so hard that it affected your DNA xD

Hope you TerrorCHRist insects get nuke genocided before you insects die out naturally.
Literally get the fuck out you rotting piece of shit.
Or you will rot.
It's ok, Vladimir will get it and give it back to us in a couple of weeks as has been prophesied
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Imagine still larping as a "greek".

We ruled you losers over 400 YEARS! We fucked all your women up and down while we enslaved your men to clean our boots and toilets. There is nothing "greek" left today. You are a Turk.
Turks in turkey hate diasporaniggers like you
He doesn’t know when open arms people get upset the exact opposite happens.
No longer welcome dirty rat boy.
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Cope larper xD

We owned you as slaves for over 400 years and fucked all your women up and down xD

You are a Turk.
You are in a happy place, Mohammad the 15 year old drowning victim…. I mean unfortunate tourist.
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Gayreek remover.

Fuck off from our islands. Only warning.
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I should find a new name for so called "Athens"...
Do you retards see what we have to deal with. All your bad decisions Jesus.
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500 million Turks will invade the subhuman EURoachUnion!

Cope LGBT mutants! XD
Send the sexy ones first
there's no such thing as judeo-christians.
there are europeans and there are non-europeans.
jews are non-europeans.
the religious overlap/relation points don't matter at all, your people are the offspring of the pharisees that had the founder of the church executed.
fuck you.
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What does the lil gay crybaby mean by this? xD

You will leave ZE islands, you will live like a Ukrainian in ZE German asylum camp while we give "greek" cities their rightful Turkish names.
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The problem is the American constitution. The constitution says Judaism is equal to Christianity. The only valid religion is Christianity. You never win with freemasonry
Bro. Your mama and papa shou,d have never shag you out around here. Learn another language. You hostile lil fsggot.
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This is true. Hollywood jews back Palestine and are servants for the jesuits. The only thing the jesuit fears is traditional Catholicism and orthodox Christianity
"Greek" women love long hard Turkish rockets... just like their ancestors who got fucked by Turks for over 400 years.
Show evidence for your allegations. You need Jesus to win. Christ is king
How brown are you exactly?
Anglo americans slaughtered 50m Europeans last century. George Patton and Douglas MacArthur were not jews. You are much worse than jews. Hail Mary mother of Christ
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Cooooope xD
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That's not the own you think it is. Turks are now running things in Germany. You need Jesus to win. Christ is king
Topkek, meanwhile I was fucking a turkish woman for sometime and she still begs me to get back together after three years
Ahhh. Abo. Got it
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Whiter than you Yorgo. "Greece" is not a real country. Shitskinned Amerigolems and USApe Niggers stationed there fuck and breed all your women xD

İmagine fearing the TURK so much that you enjoy your women getting fucked by USApe Niggers xD
There are still christians?
Omg bros this lost little Mohammed is so precious
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Oink oink we wuz Economy Kangz n Military shieeet, but now RuZZia and CHINA make crispy nuke grilled bacon of us. xD
>thinks he's a white turk
>thinks the turks bred the greeks out
my sides bro, just stop.
It's like "Canadian" flags here, you just know when you're dealing with a poo (which is almost always).
"German" flag is obvious roach. Vienna's that way, get to the other side of it plz
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OTTOMAN EMPİRE 2.0 loading...
Projecting, rabbi. We are not dieing for ypu
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Don't mind me taking the subhuman USApe Niggertrash out of the thread....
First Jesuralem, Damascus, Antiochia, Cairo and Alexandria then we can talk about Byzantium since its more important to orthos and im a cath. These are the cities i prefer in a crusade but im open to discussion.
Push the Muslim out of Europe, push him back past the gates of Vienna, push him back out of Constantinople, push him back out of the Levant. Retake the Holy Lands.
9th great Crusade when?
middle east was way cooler with aladdin pants
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Portonigger.... delusional Arab rapebaby xD
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Anyone can be saved with a good confession. Find Jesus and Mary through the blessed sacraments of the Roman Catholic Church
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Bongloid island cockroach xD

Noone takes you island inbreds seriously anymore. Sad. Kill yourself.
So Mehmet in Berlin being ultra nationalist is not a meme?
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Cucknadians= Streetshitting cowpiss drinkers
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The Hindu menace needs to be flushed into the sewers and the Sikhs are the solution. Sikhs finna burn modi. More Sikhs please. Khalistan in Punjab and Canada. Hindus out now
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*In Munich
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Say that to the Sikhs face and get served with the Sikh blade
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Destabilise Poojeetistan!
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Hindus are soft like butter ready for the Sikh dagger to slide right through them
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Sorry for your sickness man. What medical issue is it?
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1 portuguese is worth 10 turks, Mehemt
They told me to Sikh help and I found it.
your feet are on german clay. your actions are to choose germany but your words choose turkey -- so which is true your actions or your words?
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Yet you all want to come here, spread your filth and open "barbershops"
I fear you not Mohammedan, for I am clad in the armour of God and you are but another heathen zealot to push back from our homes.
They aren't sending their best.
Did you think you were in the company of otherwise moderate people in this board? Well, at least now you know.
Where did all the greek rats went??

My based Turkish Fighter Drone pics totally buckbroke them i guess!? xD
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It's time to Sikh and destroy the Hindu and Muslim menace.
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>he doesn't know there's 4 times as many US soldiers stationed in Turkey than in Greece and 100 times as many in Germany (pic related)

>Greece 402
>Turkey 1,690

>Germany 35,068
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Deutschland ist Türkiye, so wie Türkiye Deutschland ist. Heil Hitler!
My friend. Whatever. You. Believe.
Europe. Europe.
No jew. No Muhammad.
Back to basics.
Automatic ejection into Sea. With life raft.
Here's you rifle christnigger. Why are you still here?
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Difference is, we can kill them all in a instant whenever we want.
Hail Mary mother of Christ. All real nazis are good Catholics now
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Praise be to Jesus and Mary
Fuck you, yhwh and Muhammad faggot Canadian Jew
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He shit himself fearing the ]]] TVRK [[[

Best he can do is going on a shopping tour in Istanbul malls with all the other westoid faggots xD
LOL! More made up cuck shit. Himmler HATED the Christians. So did Hitler, though Hitler kind of waffled. Himmler kicked out all christians that were in the SS. He said that christians had weakened Germany. He and Hitler worshipped to old German pagan gods. Hence, the Black Sun.
fucking shit that picrel is awful
those goofy ass fuckers were probably just trying to enjoy a beer with the boys, not become "the new face of Deutschland" in a ragebait headline for some kike newsie to gaslight germans.
its going to work too. the great expulsion is guaranteed at this point, its just a matter of when, not if.
those that don't want to go, if they make it easier to bury them than deport them, the worms will feast. its not as big a deal as people think it would be.
shits happening all the time, just hasn't happened in europe for a long time.
whiter than pizzrael
And that's the priest worshiping Hitler, not the other way around.
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Laugh at them! XD
Your innocent momma is getting tossed first and he thinks we’re kidding. Book the flights. NOw.
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We will come for all of you. Only warning.
It’s over fsggot Auslander raus
Your mom says not even filthy US niggers want to fuck her. Just her retarded son.
It’s over
Nigger shut your brown mongoloid ass up
True true.
Muhammed is an Uber driver. Jesus Christ is the son of God. You don't send your best to the front lines. You send Muslims
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Himmler was satanic pagan working with jews against Christians and is why Germany lost. Christ is king
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TerrorCHRists fucked in the ass like their moms once again... better go look for another board. 4chan is Christcuck free zone.
Jesus is the tightest homeboy and you’re a fag
muhummad was a jew, you will always be an abrahamic
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Can you make a post without being a deranged sex obsessed pervert? This is a religious Christian holy war and the enemy is you. Jesus Christ is the son of God
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The end is near.
Leave our islands.
Only white Americans and their Hindu cronies support modern jews and Israel. Some things haven't changed. Hail Mary mother of Christ
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America pays for zelenskys cocaine. He only does the pure stuff
Sorry deranged relgio crypto jew. We’ve moved passed this. You haven’t gained ANY knowledge the past years and it shows.
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Do not worry about jews. Christians are your main enemy. We hate you more than jews do. I love Jesus. Christ is king of the Jews
Turkey is the country where the Antichrist will arise in revelations.
Its is the earthly seat of Satan.
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Jews do not hate me. I fuck them and they kiss my hand.
You mean modern greeks, the turk empire is basically the mongol empire, send them back to Mongolia.
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OK. Fear us! :P

Hakan Fidan is the Antichrist!
Is right

Is retarded

"Of that Byzantine empire, the universal verdict of history is that it constitutes, without a single exception, the most thoroughly base and despicable form that civilization has yet assumed. There has been no other enduring civilization so absolutely destitute of all forms and elements of greatness, and none to which the epithet "mean" may be so emphatically applied ... The history of the empire is a monotonous story of the intrigues of priests, eunuchs, and women, of poisonings, of conspiracies, of uniform ingratitude."
—William Lecky

"Its [Byzantium's] general aspect presents a disgusting picture of imbecility: wretched, nay, insane passions, stifles the growth of all that is noble in thoughts, deeds, and persons. Rebellion on the part of generals, depositions of the Emperors by means or through the intrigues of the courtiers, assassinations or poisoning of the Emperors by their own wives and sons, women surrendering themselves to lusts and abominations of all kinds."
—Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel

"The history of the Greek Empire is nothing but a tissue of revolts, seditions, and perfidies."
-- Montesquieu

"There exists another history, more absurd than the history of Rome since the time of Tacitus: it is the history of Byzantium. This worthless collection contains nothing but declamations and miracles. It is a disgrace to the human mind."
-- Voltaire

“Let us not follow the example of the Byzantine Empire, which, being pressed from all sides by the barbarians, became the laughing-stock of posterity because it was preoccupied with petty quarrels while the battering-ram was breaking through the city gates"

-- Napoleon
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Duuuude this thread started as Christcuck attack and ended up as a war between Christcucks and other Christcucks!!! xD

Kill each other!
>kebaber still seething
you're one funny motherfucker
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When leave islands?
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>deranged sex obsessed pervert
Jews copied our hats not the other way around
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Abortion is satanic child sacrifice
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Hey Poojeets and Christ0ids, wanna taste ColaTurka instead of cowpiss all the time?
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That's a Jew!
just call it what it is, murder. Normies will shut their ears off if you go that far.
You never win with freemasonry. How about picking your own cotton you lazy protestant hillbillies?
I have no affiliation to your demonic image
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You need Jesus to win. Christ is king of the Jews and Gentiles
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That's because you are a Godless heathen
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Normies are demon possessed and need to hear it.
Hmm. Wrong. God isn’t in an o!d pedo. God is within me.
When was the last time you confessed your sins? If it's been a while it's demons you are referring to not God
This pic is legit cool
My every bite of fajita is god experience. My every taste of German beer is god experience. My every listen to British supermodels is god experience nigga fuxk outta here.
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>Losing our own country that we're currently living in to the infinite brown hordes from the south
>Massive economy-ending inflation
>End of the petro-dollar (which would normally combat inflation)
>Involved in two foreign wars and looking for more despite little production capacity and terrible enlistment
>Native birth rate in the toilet
>Rampant crime and corruption

>Yeah it's totally time to try violently evicting 85 million people from a place they've been living for centuries because muh Crusades
Christianity is a brain disease. Here's some Christian doctrine on the subject for ya; before trying to remove the splinter from your neighbor's eye, first remove the beam from your own. Similarly, before complaining about Muslims on the other side of the planet, try removing the ones in your own country first.
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Very very few white American families ever owned slaves. Niggers sold other niggers to jews, who then brought them over and sold them to other jews and some Scots and Irish admittedly. I'm also pretty sure most of the slaves ended up in the Caribbean and Brazil, hence why they are so thoroughly fucked up to this day. But your point is taken, niggers are definitely one of the worst jewish bait that we've swallowed as a species.
Oh, so now you admit Himmler hated christians.
Lol, I hope ALL the abrahamic religions get wiped off the face of the Earth. They've brought nothing but death and misery.
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As i understand this derailed thread...

Some sort of Christ0ids is waging a war against another sort of Christ0ids... and both say that the other side is not a real Christoid... i don't even know who is jewing who anymore... i go to sleep.
It's demons you are with not God
That you nigga. You’re the demon
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Do not worry about Abraham. Focus on Jesus. If you're not Catholic you don't count.
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End the white supremacy. We need a black Pope
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Yassou Patrida
I found the greek commie
Also, you are likely correct.
Justinian, who is considered a saint by the Orthodox church, was a terrible murderer.
This channel is high IQ ~120
Have at it plebs. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PehCn_3kyw4&list=PLJFVpyDn7XZewIDieZHDwCZHBkisBycxf&index=17
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We don’t care where they go but they can’t stay here in CONSTANTINOPLE.
So it is with gravitas that I pronounce the necessary EXTERMINATUS … the illegal occupiers of Constantinople are henceforth to be known as
>the hairy poos
until they surrender Constantinople back to it’s rightful masters. Us.
Also we demand the return of Antioch. AND the southern coast of the black sea for it’s entire length.
You hairypoo’s better give it up, you’ll be crying soon if you don’t. Snot ropes, squealing, hiccuping and farting you know what you get like. Hairypoos.
that entire region needs to be nuked, especially and specifically the Temple Mount. Turn that shit into a radioactive crater so NOBODY can build ANYTHING on it. It's appalling how people let religion become a tool for political bickering.
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Anyone can be saved with a good confession. Find a good priest and confess your sins for proof of Christ. Paul persecuted Christians before he turned around and became a saint. Moses was a murderer too.
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Hi Jonathan, what meds are you on currently? Is daddy still paying your rent or did he cut you off?
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Protestants are disobedient satanic heretics not Christians. That's the post. Protestants are judas. Jews are just pharisees and can be saved like Paul. Judas was not saved. Protestants are much worse than jews
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I do not take meds ever. Meds are satanic poison. I attend daily mass. Jesus heals. Christ is king
They told me to Sikh help and I found it. Sikhs will dispatch the Hindu menace. Sikh independence now
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Medieval Turks fought with and against Mongols at different points in their history. On occasion the Turks would make an alliance with the Mongols and then betray that alliance a few weeks later.

>send them back to Mongolia.
The Oghuz Turks that invaded Eastern Roman Empire were from Turkmenistan. They likely looked like pic related modern day Turkmen. Persian chroniclers mentioned they looked like Tibetans, pretty much what the average person from Turkmenistan looks like today.
I'll allow you guys a shot but only if you continue to spam the board with boomer-tier Sikh humor for the next 3 days. And also publicly execute at least three hindus in Toronto
We got one. Refer to my first post itt
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>You don’t FUCK with the Byzantine Blinders!
Got it on very hard plus I refuse to capture any rebel settlements until after another nation has seized them first. Total War Medieval 2 on iPhone 15.
I wish we’d backed these lads up and rammed our big steel toe-capped grieves down the woggy part of the world’s throat so hard that they are still polishing them for us every time they wipe (twice a year).
Greeks BTW - fucking brilliant. Today AND in history. I went out to the sacred Isle if Delos once, there’s only the temples, archeologists and the security detail there - wow, it’s like Atlantis it is fully unbelievable and is just yet more proof that what science observes - the OPPOSITE of evolution - is an absolute fact, we are lied to about everything. Creatures are losing genetic information (fact) and never gain any from any process ever (scientific fact) from these two ansolute facts the liars made up “Darwinian evolution” the same way the sane gang of globalists today made up climate hoaxing - by rehashing an old and silly theory, using money & power to push it on the oeople to weaken us and take more power for themselves - THEY ALL NEED TO BE PURGED.
I just got home from a non-Greek Med island party town and fuck me it just makes me long for greece and the GREEK SERVICE INDUSTRY more than normal. The greeks are wonderful at looking after you, they make it a real pleasure to visit their places, they hover around, smile and enjoy themselves, light peoples cig’s, watch your drinks and top them up, they close only when you are finished and you leave. … meanwhile the Spanish, oh geez they suck. Hissing their language at you they say “no” and they make up reasons to say “no”. They argue with you and extort money arrogantly like the
>tourist tax
as soon as you hit the hotel. Wankers.
I only went to save 2 hours flying time, spain is nearer.

This meme convinced me. Wait, no, christkikes are kikes and niggers who love a desert hippie kike.

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