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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Epstein was the good guy
>blackmailed Chink & Russian elites for US and Isreal
>this is somehow bad
He fought evil with evil to protect The West.
Using another human being in this manner is never acceptable
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Anon, never stop asking questions. What if?
When will /pol/ accept that Jews are the good guys and whites are the bad guys? All these copes and squirming, just cut to the fucking chase already.
Hello Glowie.
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You're not doing a very good job convincing me
Didn't know lebensraum could talk
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>he stole Chink & Russian secrets
>used Russian & Chink blackmail tactics
And somehow he's the bad guy?
Epstein the savior of the west… makes you ask out aloud
>are we the baddies
>>blackmailed Chink & Russian elites for US and Isreal
Who was he blackmailing US elites for?
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All elites need to be controlled, or they believe they're Gods and untouchable.
>Epstein controlled them because he had to
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>Elites hate being controlled
>Elites kill Epstein
And he was the bad guy?
Epstein was Q.
unfathomably based
How do you even get that much laundry in jail? I couldn't even get an extra towel
he was a little confused, and so is his bisexual ex-lover, donald j. trump.
Epstein was truly based
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>Save 10 million innocent people using kompromat
>But muh 10 prostitutes used in that kompromat is wrong
>So what's "morally" wrong?
He fought evil with evil. Incredibly based.
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Epstein was the good guy. He controlled elites. Then elites kill him.
>But he was a bad guy
He was a necessary evil to fight evil. He was the good shepherd.
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Russian and Chink gov shills avoid this thread because they know I'm right.
>Epstein compromised your Chink and Russian oligarchs
>He's the bad guy

You're not a billionaire kike... right?.......Right?
No. We didn't even get pillows. I had to strip down a sleeping mat from someone getting out and wrap the polyfoam with a t-shirt.
While that diddler could get in and out how he wanted the first time he got arrested.
sick world anon.
Why do you support the elites who killed Epstein?
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Death to the jews
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I don't? i hate the elites and the governments of the world.

They are all scum

and Epstein was SCUM too, he deserved to die
>Chinese and Russians are evil
Why exactly?
No Chinese ever called me "goy". No Russian ever took away my First Amendment rights.

Without israel, would the US have enemies? If so, why?
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>Gets blackmail on kike politicians
>Controls kike politicians so they don't get out of hand
>He had kike Prime Ministers compromised
>Kikes had Epstein killed
How's the kike/Israeli elite doing right now? They're in a war they're losing.

What if Epstein could've controlled the kike politicians he compromised? What if Gaza could've been stopped via blackmail. He can't.

>They killed him
>He was used by all the major Intel services to keep kike/Christian/Chink/Russian elites at bay

What if he was the good guy? Ask yourself: What if?
Then elites kill'd him and after his death the whole world has gone into complete shit. Rich wild dogs are finally released from their lashes.

You can't fuck kids and call yourself a good guy.
you sound like a pedo.
This is nonsensical.

You posit a scenario whereby Epstein and the israelis are the good guys. Go. Epstein is the good guy - and what? The American politicians and business leaders are still blackmailed, right? Are they acting on behalf of China and Russia now...or are they acting to benefit israel? What's your theory here?

The israelis bugged the Oval Office during Clinton. Is that the good guy move? Did China and Russia bug the Oval Office?

Which Chinese and Russian oligarchs did the Mossad blackmail? Name one.
Why are Russia and China supposed to be enemies of America?

The premise of your thesis is faulty.
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Please don't project the fact that all of your political, financial, academic and scientifical elites are pedophilic child traffickers on China and Russia.
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Shills try different narratives but fail to understand:
>Elites and billionaires are narcissistic
>Elites and billionaires are psychopaths
>Elites and billionaires can be self destructive to humanity
>Run Epstein_Hookers.exe
>Elites and billionaires now compromised with blackmail
>Now elites and billionaires can be controlled from doing extremely self destructive shit
Epstein kept the elite psychopaths under his foot
>Elites kill him
>2 wars break out
>Epstein had kompromat on all parties involved
>But they killed him
What if?
What if Epstein was a necessary evil?
What if?
What if Epstein was the good guy?
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>subverting our own poloticians with blackmail is good for the country
I hope you get to meet the bullheaded man on his island at night.
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>subverting our own poloticians with blackmail is good for the country
Somehow that is a bad thing?
What if one of those politicians is a sociopath who gets too uppity?

What if Epstein was the good guy? What if?

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