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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Ursula Haverbeck Imprisoned for Holocuast Denial Again - the 95 year old will serve 16 months.
she's definitely /pol/s grandma
She should have raped a child she’d get less time
haha based
does she just immediately say "it didn't happen" when they release her
if the rightwing was an actual threat they'd free her and lynch the people involved in her arrest and sentencing
In June 2009, the District Court of Bad Oeynhausen found Haverbeck-Wetzel guilty of offending Charlotte Knobloch, president of the Central Council of Jews in Germany, who had earlier publicly advocated censorship of the Collegium Humanum Holocaust-deniers tools.[1][12]
>According to a 1 July 2009 newspaper article in Mindener Tageblatt [de], Haverbeck-Wetzel wrote in her open letter response for the attention of Knobloch, among other things, Knobloch should not "interfere in German domestic affairs", if Knobloch does not like it in Germany, then she could "return to her origin in Inner Asia", and: "You do not have to live in Germany—in this evil land, where, as you say, six million of you were gassed."[1][12] Her open letter also contained hostility such as "Prepare yourself for the day of truth [... it] is near and unstoppable", as well as "I warn you [... if] you continue as before, then a new pogrom could result, which would be horrific"
Based Großmutter
An event so true it's illegal to say otherwise.
She lived through it. So in her case it's
>an event so true it's illegal to remember otherwise
Holy Mother of Based Christ
jews are so petty
Bad Oeyenhausen is the town where that one school kid got killed just 2 days ago by a sandnigger (he came here with money from jewish NGOs)
>*basedjack with big nose crying*
Sounds like a good hack to NEETdom. If I come to germany and deny the holocaust will they send me to one of their comfy jails or just send me back to jeetland?
Imagine living in a society where you imprison women almost 100 years old for wrong think.. the last 100 years were a mistake

>Captcha 3KKK
I imagine bad goys get thrown into a pen with feral niggers and muslims.
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Would wife
If you are comfortable being in close spaces with 20 arabs/muzzies and other niggers at all times, then yes
can't they just send me to white collar prison? what do I have to do for that?
white europeans arent in prison in germany

Granny bring slamming down the heat before 99% of 4chan users became trapped in this place.

Wood wifi her, just to take care of her in her last years
when you send elderly people to prison for having the wrong opinions
bottom text
damn, bros...
Germany is the prison, paypig
if I say that the sky isn't blue will I go to prison as well?
No. But if you say "alles für Deutschland" or other arbitrary lines.
Or if you raise your arm in a forbidden angle.
/pol/: the holocaust didn’t happen
also /pol: I want the holocaust to happen again
So which one is it?
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why not both?
Look at those ears, she can hear signals from outer space
people who got memed into holocaust denial are all incel basement dwellers
>Wood wifi her, just to take care of her in her last years
The what o_O ??
>Look at those ears
So she can hear the kikes kvetching better
>be poor, homeless and lonely
>commit le crime of speaking
>go to comfy jail
>free heating, free tv, free food and free entertainment
>can chat for free to guards and other inmates
>share your truths while you sit with them
>I’m not here with you, you are here with me!
but she remembered it correctly >>472340552
>then a new pogrom could result,
she just names it differently or doesn't agree about the scale
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When it's so true, you have to make it illegal to claim otherwise.

The truth does not fear scrutiny.

Holy shit, german granny is based af.
She must make them absolutely fucking livid.
This is the kind of shit that makes me think the whole thing is a myth.

Real events do not require laws to protect them from scrutiny.
>I’m not here with you, you are here with me!
Top fucking kek
The Holocaust is the ultimate npc test. Believing in the Holocaust means you are susceptible to believing things not based on real evidence and investigation, but on repetition and shock value.
Silencing the last eyewitness.
believing in /pol/ memes and fabrication created in the last 10 years are not real evidence and investigation
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>keep breaking law
>keep getting thrown in jail

The Nazi judicial system she so passionately defends would probably have sentenced her to death by now.
>Why did you send a 95 year old grandma to prison?
>I was just following orders.
HBD + some variant of WW2/Holocaust is the NPC test.
Good morning.
What's great about this angle is that you can even use it as a weapon against npcs.

>what? no, don't be ridiculous.
>there weren't even that many jewish people in germany
>you're pushing this awfully hard, sounds like you just have GDS (german derangement syndrome)
I'm positive 90% of IDs in this thread are bots and unironic shills. From basic text comprehension a human should be able to understand she doesn't even stand by her denial>>472340552
and yet everyone itt just posts their one sentence upvotes like bots
Based Oma. God bless her.
the evil jews and their masonigger lackeys won't win.
It's mostly zoomers, so IQ, attention and lateral thinking wise something akin to bots (albeit worse)
I'm positive 90% of your foreskin is removed
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The only fabrication is the Holocaust itself. The idea that the Germans collected, transported, tattooed, deloused, housed and fed Jews only to gas them to death and engage in the expensive and time consuming process of cremation is utterly retarded. Firstly, mass executions are almost always accomplished with guns, not gas. Secondly, one wonders why any Jews were found at all if the purpose was to kill them. Thirdly most if not all of the so called "death camps" were found by the Soviets - a remarkably unreliable source for everything including their own mass crimes.
These are not pol memes. They are just a few facts which utterly demolish the Holohoax narrative so quickly and effortlessly that the opposition had to make stating them illegal in certain countries.
There is very strong evidence for the deportation and imprisonment of Jews - particularly communist Jews. But it was no more brutal than the detainment of Japanese in the us. With most of the carnage occuring through starvation as supply lines were bombed over the course of the war. Terrible, yes. But not as terrible as a communist insurrection in the middle of the war.
The purpose of the holohoax narrative is multifaceted and a separate conversation. And a much more interesting one because unlike the holohoax, each theory of its purpose has evidence.
you're an NPC
All replies are updoots to my thread, shekelstein
>/pol/ memes and fabrication created in the last 10 years
That have been talking points for decades? She only started doing this since /pol/ became a thing? Give your head a wobble m8.
What do you get sent to jail for for just saying the hall of costs is fake news? How is that a crime?
You forgot the masturbation machine, bear cage, machine-gunning babies, rollercoaster into the oven and the spike traps.
How can you be convicted multiple times for one crime?
Jesus isn't a middle aged Chinese woman in NYC
jewish tricks
>Tell me more about Dachau furnaces, mośku
This. Current events make it even easier.

Point out that hitlers top soldier (Luz long) was literally best friends with Jesse owens

Point out that kikes are committing genocide on camera and bragging about it on Twitter.

What is more likely , that all germans are evil or kikes lied.
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Imagine having blasphemy laws lol
No, because it is. That's also how I know the moon landing was real. If you say it didn't happen and was faked and post that online, nothing will happen to you.
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This is her now
And flat earth?
You could have just shut up and never visit this thread. But instead you choose to visit it to complain about /pol/. What is your intention? Why did you choose to reply here?
>insults super-jew
So is she being tried for denying the holocaust or the more serious charge of insulting one of the new German aristocracy ie the jewish Queen of Germany Charlotte Cockgobbler?
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>she doesn't even stand by her denial
>literally goes to prison because she refuses to drop it
What? Why are poles so fucking stupid? Pogroms aren't exclusively genocides, she's talking about kikes getting expelled again forcibly which undeniably happened. The "holocaust" isn't real, violent resistors and rebel rioters funded by foreign nations were killed but most jews were left untouched. How the fuck else did Israel have multiple millions of illegal kike immigrants after the war? Fuck off and die, retard.

Reoffending =/= Double jeopardy
>you're in jail for your opinion
>now you're free, has your opinion changed?
>it hasn't?? oy vey that's a reoffense!!
the absolute chutzpah
She also worked in a KZ, she has first hand experience. The judge is a total soilord.
how many times do we have to teach you this lesson old woman
Sour kraut

she literally said 'holocaust didn't happen but it should happen again' as if she's repeating /pol/ meme
imagine taking that person seriously as if she's a martyr for your incel alt-history movement
top kek
I could have converted her to worshiping my cock instead of their demon book...
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Lying kike, your pilpul is weak and you can't even cite her saying it. Here's her own words: “the Holocaust is the biggest and most sustained lie in history.”
Jews have been progromed in any decent country, kike. The deathcamp lie is unrelated.
what angle?
Roman salute angle
what angle tho?
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Being jailed for a crime and then committing it again after release is reoffending.

Being tried for the same offense multiple times is double jeopardy and that's illegal in every civilized country (and even a fair number of uncivilized ones).


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>Convicted AGAIN
She remember the good times, before niggers were roaming the streets. She knows she'll be dead soon either way and is just giving it to the kikes, based grandma. Live a good rest of your life and then be greeted in heaven by Hitler
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She should write a book.
That laugh in OP image tells that she is defiant againts jewish bullshit and will never surrender to them, she is a true Übermensch of a lost generation, God bless her
She didn't say that, but she should have.

And Dirlewanger should have done everything you niggers accused him of.
not all heroes wear caps
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Kikes think chasing down 95 year old ladies telling the truth about their scams is 'justice', boy howdy they are in for a surprise in the years ahead.

Anti-White crimes range from severe to capital, and there is no statute of limitations.
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it doesn't make sense that a people that survived an ethnic cleansing would immediately and shamelessly perpetrate ethnic cleansing in their own country and cultural extermination of their saviors in their own countries.
museum of tolerance is more and more looking like it'll be the mausoleum of tolerance for jews before long.
That's crazy man, no way.
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revenge makes perfect sense in jewish moral code
eye for an eye and all that
the mausoleum of tolerance
its insane that these people bullshitted something likes this for 70+ years.
total chutzpahmaxxing
if you've ever actually had a true kike for a friend/acquaintance you'd know how plausible it really is for people to lie through their teeth like this. they're like lizards, they mime human behavior, but underneath their dramatic emotional displays is the cold blood of a fucking race of reptiles.
>heil hitla
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Nothin new pic related Himmlers daughter was voting for the NPD until her death in 2018 and was loyal to the end
unless someone's gauging your eye out for your people have done, then jews are all about forgiveness, tolerance, and mercy.
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>pssst psssssssst
>it never happened but it should have
getting hot under the collar eh moshe

Been doing this in random Wasrael YouTube comment section and watching Zoggies tear their own hair out
But herr politzei! I was just heiling, I uh, mean, hailing a cab!!
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You know this guy's got jokes!
Holy shit you aren't joking
oma nein!!!
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when did she ever deny holocaust? direct quote please
Wow. Broad's gonna outlast every "holocaust survivor" and keep on shouting the truth.
They're turning her into a martyr.
unbent, unbroken
godspeed /ourgranny/
that's an insult to Giulia Wylde, she's based
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no one cares what you think jew
you are pathetic liar and criminal and holocaust was made up
pic rel
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holy fuck these fucking jews just wont let up.
never let them take your smile
She was probably there laughing and holding a rifle at my family members as they were forced to make human sized pickle jars and then forced into the pickle jars and salt water was then dumped in. My great grandfather escaped 17 pickle jars and told me they even through bread crumbs in as flavoring.
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Somebody needs to send her /pol/ tier memes so she could post them during trials.
>she's definitely /pol/s grandma

no she is not. stop larping you kike shit on us..
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dress rental made huge money that day..
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>you can deny WW2 happened
>but you can not deny the jew gassing
This is just sad. DEI hit mossad hard
That's what happens when you drink your own flavor aid
Well, she'd live in a hospice anyway, so what difference does it make? In fact now she probably gets her personal caregivers and live in luxury (for a geriatric).
I wanna see the conditions she's kept in
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Former Waffen-SS General who in 1981 predicted what the kikes would do to Europe.
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