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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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File: BBQ.webm (329 KB, 640x360)
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Nigger accidently sets house on fire
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look what YT ppl made that innocent negro man do!!!? can some YT woman go suck his dick as reparations or something?
vandalism is #1 nigger trait
With stealing at least you retain some part of wealth within "the community" but with vandalism you just impoverish it for zero gain of your own.
Part of me thinks this is accidental since he is wearing a hi-viz vest.
Accidents happen.
Nigger was told if he wears the vest, he is invisible and indestructible.
He was just doing an accident. Things happen.
look at the hand movements, the jug was probably drenched in gas and he was searching for fresh trace of combustible fluid with lighter
and nigs arent the smartest when it comes to crime. They livestream themselves comitting crimes all the time so highvis vest really isn't that bad compared to that, although still retarded but thats niggers for you.
These doorbell cameras are starting to seem awfully racist.
Theyre probably wearing the hiviz jacket so that they can pretend to be maintenance worker if theyre caught trespassing
That's prank fire. It doesn't burn hot enough to ignite houses.
"""someone""", lol, add this to the List :DD
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Of course it's an accident, why else would he wear a reflective vest and not cover his face? It's the perfect defense!
>If I can't have a house, no one can
This is what happens when you make homes cost 8 times median household income
This should be an movement. But start with billionaire homes.
>"ARSONISTS could be here" he thought
Imagine living in America, lol lmao even.
>Muh guns
Your guns wont do shit when you are sleeping.
Well, if it's not benevolence then what is it?
Negro could break into his home and kill him but chose not to. Instead, all he did was a little prank with matches. Proving that he actually cares.
Benevolence it is.
Succinctly worded and perfectly argued. Bailiff, free that nigger immediately! - Signed, Judge Xim Xir.
If you caught the nigger in the act could you shoot him and be good?
they're learning
I can get anywhere with a high-viz and have
I've done IT work on westfield malls, walk right into security, say the facility managers name, and ask for assistance to open up closets
this is like at 10pm at night and no one ever calls anyone or questions me, just follows me around and opens up IDF's
I'm glad you enjoy our suffering for our crime of not being brown or black. Very based if I say so myself.
Clipboard and hard hat are good. If appropriate a tie.
If only the masses knew how common it is for niggers to have schizophrenia. If only they knew how high narcissism rates are in the nigger population. If only they knew the sociopath rates are higher for niggers than any other race.
Wouldn’t work. It’s a mall with a high IDF you won’t have access unless you have a scissor lift. Next the hard hat will expose an idiot “electricians wear different types of hard hats” your high vis vest better have a company name on or badge and usually they have an access list to sign before you start work plus they require ID which will get verified by IT.

I would catch someone so fucking fast

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shut up fag muffin, im trying to spread awareness to actual happenings

The niggers are the accident.

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