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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Is there any defense for the practice of the draft in a democracy?
>People elect you to be a representative for them
>Force those same people you're meant to be representing to fight a war even if they don't want to fight it
If you don't have enough people signing up for your war, you simply don't have a war. People can vote with their enlistment.
The only Draft I care about right now is the NBA draft
>Inb4 niggerball
Well they can try it if they want but I will go full traitor to the United States. It would be foolish not to do so. Traitors are the only ones in America who have any honor or nobility to them left.
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> imagine being yelled at by niggers for 4 years
military is a humiliation ritual.
>is there any defense for the system of democracy

Imagine joining the military just to be screamed at by a nigger who doesn't even want your country to survive another ten years but enjoys the gibs of GI benefits
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or having Colonel Troon yelling at you and ordering you to your death for jewish interests
the gubbbbment can't do shit
>the top prospects are mostly white, or lightskin
>the top players are also either white or lightskin
White boy summer is officially on.
good thing we dont have a draft in the US. leafs will die for faggotry in ukraine.
When voluntary organization of militias was outlawed.

>All 50 states have laws that prohibit private, unauthorized groups from engaging in activities reserved for the state militia, including law enforcement activities.

This effectively neuters the purpose of a militia. You can play with guns but you will not be able to do shit.

>Private militias, which are not affiliated with the government, are generally considered illegal

>Federal Law: The federal government has not explicitly banned the formation of militias, but it has established laws that regulate the activities of private paramilitary organizations. The Posse Comitatus Act of 1878 prohibits the use of the US military for domestic law enforcement, and the Militia Act of 1792 requires states to maintain a militia, but does not provide a framework for private militias.

So basically ... some stuff needs to be cleared up... by you kids that can do something about it.

>I can only show you the door...
For USA niggers here is a how to thread:
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there is no draft in the US. Congress would have to ammend the MSS act, which is never going ro happen.
stay mad, chang.
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i know that nigger in the OP he was funny
w*men being allowed to be officers is just as degrading
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The draft enables the government to treat troops like shit. People don't wanna join because of moldy barracks, less pay than a McDonalds worker, the inability to smoke weed or grow your hair/beard out, waking up at 5 A.M. to sit around and wait, not getting paid by the hour with OT, having to pay for mandatory items like fucking uniforms/haircuts in boot, being subject to the UCMJ, and fighting wars where the only point is a pointy jewish nose?
Fuck it, just force them! And hire illegals / obese retards for the all-volunteer force in the mean time. If nobody wants to fight a war, then maybe it's a gay ass fucking war that shouldn't be fought.
there is no draft dumbass
I want to extend an invitation for the government to hand me a weapon and ammunition
There's no defense for a draft. If citizens aren't willing to defend their country then their country fucking sucks anyway.

In Rome the senators literally lead armies into war. Sometimes if they got clapped you literally had dead senators. They also had no draft during the golden years.
If you are a government (ukraine) trying to genocide a specific group (those seen as "ethnically russian") then sure there is a need for a "general" (trust me it's non specific) "draft" to the front lines.
>Be fellow leaf.
>Draftpost on /pol/ because I know full well if a draft kicks off the Frenchie's flip out again and it's happening.

You vill go into Ze Canada Post van kicking and screaming and you will die for boomers and Raytheon stock.
None of Ze new Canadians will serve, and niezer vill Chad or Stacy.
no shit, retard
Are you allowed to challenge your drill sergeant to a duel? Army jail might be better than the front line meat grinder.
Yeah citizenship comes with responsibility.

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