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but there is something wrong with her now

Christina Applegate was a TV star 20 years ago but she ran into bad streak of luck. She lost both of her breasts.

Miraculously though she gave a birth to a daughter eventhough she had no breasts.

But now there is something wrong with the girl.


Sadie Applegate, 13, has said she now suffers from POSTAL syndrome. There as no sign of it 4 years ago when she was 9 years old.

Her autonomous nervous system is breaking down, her heart will eventually give up. She might live 20 more years though but it will not be pleasant ride.
Dude, god hates her.
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man she used to be so fucking Hot
That's what she gets for being a liberal.
hottest woman on TV
they're all quadra boosted vaxxies now
I love and admire Christina it makes me so sad she destroyed herself with Fauci ouchies.
Her daughter too.
Accelerated death and disease comes for the vaxxoids
We never had a chance to save them because Zuckerfucker and Demon Dorsey gagged the communication lines between families and friends.
So hot men wrote songs about her.

wierd how the girl looks like the older version of her mother instead of the younger...
>Miraculously though she gave a birth to a daughter even though she had no breasts
I heard of a man with one arm who fathered a child, so anything is possible
meh song, the one from this niggerinos I think is better

she had already had problems with multiplesclerosis before the pandemic
Clone daughter. Reese witherspoons got a cloaughter too
she had breast cancer
She was prone to comorbidity complications
from ANY mrna exposure as we have witnessed.
some body types just don't make it.
EndGame was CIA OpMockBird predictive programming ya know....
13 year olds always died of degenerative chronic heath conditions. It's just a coincidence you filthy chuds. Stop noticing!
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she was my first TV crush, my goddess
Depending on which arm, it might actually increase the odds of having children.
no refunds
I mean, she did play a whore on a popular television show that was beamed into every American home on Sunday nights. How many young and old men fapped to her? Maybe God is angry with her.
Let's be honest: Women should be executed on their 30th birthday unless they're mothers.

Talentless Hollywood eye candy publicly suffers from a made-up disease and/or social injustice to generate publicity in a futile attempt to resurrect a post wall non-career

Many such cases. #harveyweinsteindidnothingwrong
based and Muslimpilled
When she was on the Conan O'Brien show, she talked about using Preparation H to tighten the skin under her eyes to get rid of bags. That probably pissed off some Hollywood types.
the dumb blond bombshell each of us wanted to call his girlfriend...
but never would have married.
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it's because they're both inbred jews
Seems like one of the more normal professional pretenders but they do a lot of colonics and even have their young children do them, the Jackson's did weekly. Wash out all the vital things you need in your digestive system and wonder why you have stiff person, lose your mind like Peterson, and unfortunately this woman and her kid.

Yeah, good times.
MWC cast her as Kelly before she even had the big tits. They either got lucky or someone really knew what they were doing when they chose her over all the other girls auditioning for the role.
A flat chested Kelly would have had a major negative impact on the shows popularity and likely would have shortened it's run by a few years. Her tits were the difference for not just her making millions, but had a significant impact on the earnings of the rest of the cast, crew and production team. Her tits paid the bills.
Whoever had the foresight to cast her deserves all the credit in the world.

Why would she vaxx her own daughter??? Was she scared she might catch a cold?
>Chinky eyed goblina
Who's the father, Genghis Khan?
God must really hate men. Why else would he make women age like milk?
Because you're supposed to get one younger than you are.
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For me it was always prime Nikki
No, women age perfectly. They're extraordinarily attractive when they're worth something to a man, otherwise they're repulsive.
People who have received the covid vaccine, and people who have long covid experience symptoms of POTS.
it's the other way around. God allows these inflictions to help bring people to repentance through humility.
How the fuck did she feed the baby when it was an infant if she didn’t have breasts?!?
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Loterally a typical 90s white chicago girl

They were everywhere then, chicago was like 90% white then
what happened to Chicago in 2010s?
>love me or ill make u suffer
shitty desert god
that fat bitch is only 13?
that sucks.
it has nothing to do with chicago retard
Frens, i feel so bad for Kelly... i know she's been into shit lately, i am big fan of the show. Now, i won't deny, Kelly is the BOMB, but hear me out... Peggy is not to be thrown out too. That aside, i am sorry Miss Applegate and sorry to your daughter too. Hope everything will be fine with you.
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I think she also suffers from high cholesterol.
>It started with dizzy spells and a bout of uncontrollable diarrhea.
>“I couldn’t eat. I couldn’t anything,” Applegate said, so she took a stool test. “You poop into a receptacle, and then you have to scoop your own poop into vials. And it was so gross, I started vomiting whilst doing this.”
>The test told her she had contracted sapovirus, which occurs when one person ingests another’s fecal matter, most often via contaminated food. According to the National Institutes of Health, “Sapovirus infections are responsible for both sporadic cases and occasional outbreaks of acute gastroenteritis.”

The fuck is going on?
What happens after eating at an Indian restaurant
Fuck! She's been eating at Indian restaurants!
Nigger invasion and white flight


I grew up in chicago it absolutely did. White girls like her with a shitload of makeup where everyone. Guys walking around with punk gear and chains. Her styles was exactly the style of that time. And she was only special and hot to people in flyover country
I liked it when she said daddy
>Sadie Applegate, 13, has said she now suffers from POSTAL syndrome. There as no sign of it 4 years ago when she was 9 years old.
Ah the little white haired girl.
Black population is much higher than 13%. We've been lied to and they breed like locus. Government handouts must stop immediately or they will just keep breeding.
Why do women let themselves go this badly? All they have to do is stay slim. It's not a big ask.
>nigger invasion
They were always there, it’s you fucking spic goblins that invaded and turned it to garbage
she looks like a slampig to me
Nikki is the warning Starlight was supposed to heed.
>Breasts cut off
>Daughter dying
The Jews did this
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Delete this.
Peggy's dad got his head lopped off in a helicopter rotor. Celebrities are subject to the same pain as civilians.
Everyone always checks each others digits but never does it with mine. Is everyone else a bot.
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Nigger what the fuck is "POSTAL" syndrome.

This does not exist.

T. Pharmafag with an autonomic disorder.
Correct, I believe they meant POTS.

I contracted POTS a year before COVID from a virus of some sort. Was bed ridden for 6 months.

Made a full recovery but once in awhile have strange, transient symptoms.

Autonomic dysfunction affects women much more severely than men. Men tend to recover from non neurodegenerative related dysautonomia without much issue.

A lot of women who get it end up having to be bed ridden for years and care that involves home infusion (IV fluids).
>Miraculously though she gave a birth to a daughter eventhough she had no breasts.
Women don't need tits to have kids.
are you learning german or why do always have german memes, screenshots with german
I'll check your digits fren
>Men tend to recover from non neurodegenerative related dysautonomia without much issue.
Never heard of this. Why is that?
This is the reason I'm extremely pro-abortion. They absolutely will not stop getting pregnant.
>Dude, god hates her.

She was balls deep in the satanic circles in pedowood is my best guess.
>A lot of women who get it end up having to be
...showered with 24/7 attention and donations
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>it's because they're both inbred jews
Muslims are cucks who would just take the 30yo hag as a fourth pity wife.

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