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Post the best troon meltdowns and webms
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>retards learns the concept of NIMBY when he comes out to his "very liberal" wife
I'd say hopefully he learns a lesson about people who loudly proclaim what a good person they are, but seeing how he fell for the troon shit, he's clearly too retarded to learn any lessons
>becoming a man for attention
kek she accidentally turned herself invisible
the one positive thing about these social contagions is it weeds out weak impressionable retards.
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>become dickless gigamanlet
kek they really enabled hard mode
kek, pretty much. it's why mtf trannies are a huge problem, whereas ftm trannies are completely irrelevant.
the former is a mentally ill man with tits, and men have the capacity to get shit done.
the latter is a mentally ill woman who chopped her tits off, and women are weak and useless at their best already. the only damage they could ever cause is to a guy who got distracted too much by the tits and left himself wide open, but the tits are gone.
lmfao what a faggot
>Egg cracked Tuesday
Why do they always say this? It sounds so disgusting every time they say it, holy shit
degenerate fetishes are often very creepy to those who aren’t into them
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Don't miss the Gucci commercial where they tried to make Ellen's manlet somehow a hottie:
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This one's more laughing at tranny fetishists but it's a classic nonetheless
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Asian male Asian books?
Cult codewords are the norm with these fetish based internet communities.
"amab" is wokespeak for "male."
"afab" is wokespeak for "female."
Assigned male at birth, i think?
>promised lifetime "support"
>surgeon retires
>surgery place now suddenly stops taking the client
how can that be legal?

i think everyone just needs more pills
liberals' support for their own is as fragile as a paper towel
In fairness, lifetime support for a tranny typically is only about 2 years.
this is what my sister is going through lol.
shes super progressive but her husband has come out as trans and now her tune has changed and hates niggers and kikes.
> No HECKIN Sephora coupons so I can learn to apply makeup like an 9 year old at a summer party
Its so over sisters our eggs are so cracked n shit
You know what's crazy is that his thread on KF was basically inactive until he offed himself because nobody gave a shit about him, he was just a weird emulator guy who trooned out. Most of the "harassment" he received was from other weird emulator guys who didn't like him for reasons completely unrelated to being a tranny. Then he tried to blackmail Null to delete his inactive thread, Null replied that he was trying to sleep and he would negotiate with him in the morning with lawyers, and the guy killed himself before he woke up, and no one knew for like two years because he had no friends in Japan and the paperwork was all fucked up. Crazy story.
>emulator guy
like ps2, n64 emulator?
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Fucking hell
If you're going to transition do it before puberty so we can at least fuck you on the side from our wives
If youre trying to transition after puberty you're just a mega retard with a fetish for wearing panties
i hope trannies all die for saying something as gay as "my egg cracked"
Good on the wife, don't enable these morons. "Trans" is fake and gay.
He was a big Nintendo emulator he was a genius-level programmer. He had enough money to offer Null 100k to delete his thread, so he obviously was pretty minted from tech work. He moved to Japan, as a socially isolated tranny though, and somehow thought his life would improve.
I met a woman who cut her breasts off and regret it, before I met her. She was actually really cool and I enjoyed hanging out with her
We ended up banging and it was going nice until she took her shirt off. I instantly felt like a homo having sex with a man.
I had to stop talking to her. I regret that too but I couldn't handle it

The people responsible for this need to be strung up by piano wire
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>guy killed himself before he woke up,
The number one rule is that
You Shall Pass!
There are too many freaks as it is.
That's what you get for selfishly acting on your daydreams instead of putting the family that you created and wanted, first.
lol jesus christ lmao
I was actually gonna have eggs for tea but now I think I’ll get something else.
>how can that be legal?
There's a reason most of the clinics that offer such guarantees are in south east asia and south america. Western law is not universal nor are foreign courts kind to dumbass westerners that let themselves get scammed.
What that faggot realizes, hopefully, is that identity is NOT something you can make internally and project into the world.
Your identity is defined by your relationships with other people: husband, father, son, brother, etc.
Now imagine trying to cast off your prescribed, immutable identity to become some fucking abomination that no one else can figure out. That's not an identity.
The other day some fucking tranny came in the shop while my wife and daughter were visiting. Tattoos, piercings, HRT mantits, broad shoulders, adam's apple.
My wife said something to the effect her being worried I'd say something because my eyes are "like daggers," it never occurs to me that I do that, but one can't help but feel repulsed and want freaks far away from your children.
Thanks for reading the blog.
Unsurprisingly, this sort of shit led to the 'LGB without T' movement. That and trannies trying to claim 'Akshually, trans are what go you gay rights!!1'
>>has wife and kids
>>fucks it all up and decides he's a she
Meanwhile I've never had a gf and its an anathema to me to screw something like that up, no matter how "bad" it could be.

I guess somethings are just the way they are, and must be that way in these modern times until the food supply collapses or the electricity goes off.
>"When will you be moving out?"

Perfectly reasonable question for the wife to ask. Did this fag really think he could troon out and have his marriage continue like nothing happened?
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"Pinkpilling" makes my skin fucking crawl.
Hell. You can go to hell. Plenty of trannies there for you, faggot
Shit bro, I guess everywhere is like fucking California full of spics.
Proximity is hell of a bias and his anecdotes mean absolute dick.
>trans people are fine when they’re other people
That’s honestly the best response
topkek what the utter fuck was that all about?
Nigger just walk away from the screen!
Hang yourself. What a pathetic attempt at normalizing this sodomy.
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I watch it around once a month because it's so surreal. You can see the production crew/writer pulled out the stops to desperately pull it off. But there IS no way, it's not possible.
>we need mexicans to keep salaries down for these shitty jobs
No wonder he killed himself.
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based and redpilled JQ Anon Fren greentext migatard troon topkek tits or btfo
>white chick looks at nigger with barely hidden disgust and tears in her eyes

What did they mean by this?
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>a nigger, a jewess, and a tranny walk into a commercial
Mother of God. Who the fuck buys Gucci? Who is the target audience?
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Ooooh Asigned Male At Birth, man trannies are fuckin retarded
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>Who is the target audience?

Target audience?
Many such cases! Dumb bitch.
>white chick
She's Jewish.

>guys who didn't like him for reasons completely unrelated to being a tranny
When you get right down to it, I guess I don't have any problems with a dude who puts on a dress and wants to act like some stereotypical bimbo

It's just all the behavior that goes with it. Like I could tolerate a troon who just wants to chill at home and listen to Slayer and not do any obnoxious attention-whore shit or chomo fetish crap.

But you really can't have one without the other, can you?
A crazy faggot is "atai" - assigned tranny at insanity
b-b-b-b-based. But now who will the judge let divorce rape who now that they are both women.
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Glad this faggot is dead.
>Mexicans keep wages down
>This is a good thing
>I'm an insane faggot who's going to pretend to be a woman from now on
>What do you mean you don't want to be married to me anymore?
What is this demented commercial lmao
>makeup buddy
trannies are truly mentally ill
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I dunno man no one gives a fuck about gucci unless they can afford to buy it or they’re niggers and niggers just steal it anyway
>Apparently I'm not feminine enough to be a women
Honestly this shit is just sad.

I dunno how one can be gay but these ppl have been poisioned, chemically altered, psyopped,. Fuck knows how many ways.

I still dont understand a thing about it. Like if u wanna be a ladyboy go whore yrself out or smth but why legit go so homo you try to become a girl like? So what, a guy can fuck your wounds? Thats demonic

Actually its not sad. Fuck these homos
Like how much meth do you need to smoke??
Actually wtf?!

Like it's sad but how do they be homo like its just they weaker than sjaytain
>Has a wife and kid, troons out

What a dumb ass!
Legitimately laughing my ass off in bed, just watched this twice. Thanks bro.
Holy moly what were they thinking. The first time I saw it I was just confused but the second time has me in hysterics. Good lord.
This. It is a baptism of fire and nothing of value is lost. Unfortunately these people are going nowhere and their minds are in the hands of those who want us dead.
Kek I read this guys posts before he deleted. He was a complete fetish perv with AGP. Imagine being a woman who hears this from your husband. It’s life shattering.
Its sad desu

But like, of u get bullied into suicide or something thats one thing,
But.. you try to become a girl?
sry but then the bullyers were rightioues

for normal ppl homo its not possible (!)
Gucci appeals to the poor and lower middle class. They can't afford it but they save money or borrow money to buy it so they can signal to fellow poors that they 'have money.' Actual wealthy people don't buy that crap.
He’s right, but he’s mistaking cause and effect. American kids don’t apply for the jobs because Mexicans took them over. Like what is a kid gonna talk to his coworkers about when they don’t speak English? I know of what I speak, from experience.

When I was in Greece, I noticed that the workers in restaurants were Greek. Now maybe it’s different now and they’re flooded with Africans but I’m pretty sure Americans can cook food and clean up tables.
>assuming they're all Mexicans
Uh oh. This dude would be canceled in modern times and that's hilarious
what's going on here?
Can't tolerate that behavior regardless of whether it's inseparable from other intolerable behaviors.
Trooning out is borne out of a god complex whereby they craft their own identity internally and foist it upon their families like the disgusting narcissist they are. Dissatisfied, mentally unwell individuals find a community of troons reassuring and supportive, easy to fall victim when nothing in life has worked before.
It's damaging and it proliferates entirely socially. There may be genes that predispose one to trooning out, but there are there aren't any that make one a troon.
Prison, prison is also an acceptable place for a partner.
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>what's going on here?

The new Weimar
So, is Null really dead or did it fake it?
I'm asking because people were still debating the lack of evidence last year.
fucking kek
>My progressive wife.
They all are until it hits home then they turn conservative faster than you can say "I'm a faggot tranny."
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It's how it is for all leftist issues, not just trannies.
Don't use Alcest for your fucking sob story, disgusting troon.
dick or gtfo
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You are men in costumes.
What happens when you go from Club Penguin straight into Dark Souls 2 Prepare to Die Edition
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>signal to fellow poors that they 'have money.'
AKA Nigger rich.
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I don't get why people keep posting him
I assume he didn't think he looked like a greasy metal head and was laughed out?
Would explain why it is always the same pictures.
if this person is 18+ then post her dick
Kiwi farms people always apologize and downplay the terrible things they do. You're scum, never forget it you faggot.
you sure aren't
let's test the chromosomes then
oh - xy, that's male
says the fucking diaperfag
Yeah until you pop the hood and see what you got wasn't a six cylinder engine but a piece of paper with a drawing of an engine.
And that's how hate crimes are born.
tbhdesu neige is kind of a tranny
>uhm sorry no chud but i transitioned out of willingly associating with Peste Noire
>Aryan Supremacy ? uhm that's my deadname
What was posted?
Everything's deleted.
So let me get this straight (heh), this girl went to a party of gay men and was genuinely surprised that those gay men were not attracted to tits and pussy? I know these people are mental, but this is another level of delusion.
Blessed Mod I give you thanks
Hope is not lost while you remain.
What does it mean? I thought cracking eggs was like grooming kids or something but I don’t know what he’s referring to here?
>”my egg cracked”
>everyone is disgusted because it’s rotten
Seems fitting.
In these cases I support alimony and I hope she takes him for everything he owns.
Why do you post pics of yourself on this board?
I don't care if people wanna troon out but what bothers me is the attention seeking shit
if you wanna get butchered and walk around in an unfitted dress with 5 o clock shadow then fine, I truly do not care and will not try to stop you or harm you
but it's when these freaks start threatening me if I don't say they're a woman and worship the ground they walk in that I start to get a little annoyed
or when they want to do highly sexualized drag shows in front of children and all me a bigot for calling that inappropriate
it's like, as a population, trannies have to be as fucking annoying as possible
>lost it in five minutes
Threw it away for a weird fetish more like. After spending four days apparently struggling with the decision to throw your life away for a weird fetish.

Weird fetish >>>> family of sixteen years
It means a troon manages to convince a "friend" to also turn troon. Like Muslims they think everyone is a troon that just doesn't realize it so they push and harass and abuse vulnerable people to troon out and thereby validate their own miserable existence.
Literally misery loving company for narcissistic faggots.
she used to be somewhat beautiful... now she's Gollum
Oh, how propaganda can destroy
She used to be someone that 60% of men would die for. Now exactly 0% of men would die for her. LMAO
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The fact they convinced her that going from a petite hottie to a pathetic manlet was the best move she could ever make says a lot about the crazy influence these Jews have over people in Hollywood.
Yeah she wasn't that bad when she was a normal woman.
I’ve been thinking about this too and the one thing that gets me is these trannies have turned their identity into consumer. They have to buy the meds, buy the surgery, buy the clothes, buy buy buy to construct their fake identity as a woman, or man. It’s sick. Leftists used to be against consumerism.
It's hilarious how if men complain about being judged for height its just like "lol shut up manlet quit being so insecure", and then one of these ftm troons transitions and realizes it and oh NOW suddenly there's rampant heightism towards men, NOW it's not fair.

>that Americans probably won't do

That last sentence negates all the bullshit above. Also this fag hanged himself on a doorknob lmao
oh fuck...I own gucci shit. I'm gonna go pawn it.
Fucking kill yourself you faggot cheating negroid adjacent faggot nigger
This. It makes my skin crawl

old but gold
If she isn't the only owner of the house, she should't be able to kick him out, you simp or woman.
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>I never knew how bad heightism was
There is very little you can do to overcome it. Even Tom Cruise got mocked by Nicole Kidman because she couldn't wear heals when she was with him. Tom Fucking Cruise. Even a 5'1" woman will reject a 5'5" man. It's ridiculous. I feel for short dudes.
they need constant euphemisms and baby words because to speak of their crimes plainly would be to reveal them to the otherwise unaware
She's a NIMBY for troons lmao
Love from Kazakhstan I hate women
Imagine being an attractive woman becoming a transman. From getting tons of attention and being praised for existing to.... a manlet without a penis who at most gets pity points
I have to feel a bit sorry for her, I mean any child actor in Hollywood has obviously been passed around from an early age by the pedos who run the place, probably with their own parents’ knowledge and consent because they only care about money and fame and are more than willing to sell their kids for it. You can tell just by their dead eyed expressions.
Why is WTSnacks in this one?
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>any child actor in Hollywood has obviously been passed around from an early age by the pedos who run the place, probably with their own parents’ knowledge and consent
The only one that comes to mind that made it out seemingly intact is Brooke Shields.
>all i did was be weird online, nothing real, not a big deal
>people need to understand that online is a big deal and it is real
41% of trannies find their partner in the obituaries.
I rely on nobody for any of those things.
>The overpriced dogshit communal kitchens in the bughives couldn't function without them
Such a loss.
does some one has the post of that guy dressing up his dick as a pirate before chopping itoff?
literal descriptor
acronym paired with abbreviation, arguable codeword
slur, arguably a codeword
nonsense slang
widely accepted slang for body part

i mean i can see where you were trying to go with this but your scorecard looks rough
>the big MAN hands and broad shoulders
You are not a woman.
The phrase has been approved by their collective. Until some thouht leader gets triggered and makes up that cracking eggs is a euphemism for misogyny they will use it.
He’s got a sex fetish and is a danger to himself and their kids. She has a duty to kick him out.
So it only took him 4 days from realizing it to him deciding to ruin his life? He didn't even spend the weekend thinking on it.
>woman thinking she will get any attention after turning into a man
My sides
in one of her post op interviews she does the thing abused people do where they laugh off trauma and then are instantly so consumed by the thought of it that they stare into the distance and go slackjawed
None of these people ever acknowledge the fact that you would have to accept living like a sardine crammed into a 2 bedroom apartment with like 5 other people in order to live off of the amount of money these jobs pay. This shit is not sustainable.
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Heckin saved.

My ultra lineral lesbian friend in NYC hates them (and effeminate histrionic gays).
>describing most disgusting degeneracy imaginable
>I was drinking (don't worry I am 21)
Zero self-awareness
lost it
it is for indians
my country is consumed by indians living like livestock and our leadership saying "if they can manage it, why can't you?"
this is really confusing
>100% of the men there were cis
>cis gay men
but its only gay dudes disgusted by a girl?
why is the word cis so often in there or does cis not mean straight anymore?
How do troons do in divorce court, anyway? I'm assuming most judges still side with the actual woman.
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> very progressive wife
kek. what a faggot.
it never meant 'straight'
it means "not mentally ill enough to think that they were put in the wrong body or assigned the wrong gender at birth". Literally "not a tranny of any kind, or a self-mutilator, or anything like that"

It's one of those words used to demonize normality.
YOU are the bad robots from star wars. Trannies are delicate, bountiful "eggs" waiting to be cracked and share their delicious ovum with the world
In fairness, she was never hot as Ellen, either.
>Trans people are fine when they're other people
I like how this also applies to blacks. Progressives love to exalt blacks but would never willingly choose to live near them.
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> remove the only thing that you had going for you
> life is now hard :(
Asian Men Are Based.
> at shit pay
he should just admit that he wants mexo slaves.
cis means not trans, it doesn't mean straight
It's a psyop anon, if you haven't figured it out yet a bunch of anti-natalist malthusian cultists run the planet and this is the perfect meme for thoroughly demoralized and disenfranchised narcissistic 1st worlders to make themselves eunuchs. There is a bunch of satanism involved but it mostly works by psychologically appealing to the fractured and emasculated egos of children raised in broken and degenerate homes supplemented by heavy government oversight and corporate media education.

I wish they were just homos anon, I know a bunch of cool fags but they are unfortunately not, they're mentally fractured nearly beyond repair and the ones that seek repair are often ostracized and further persecuted. I hate the antichrist.
based wife and also remarriage material since the husband is effectively dead to her
Brooklyn is full of white hipsters though
Eh she was pretty when she was like 19. The further she got in her 20s, she started looking rough. Had a terrible hairline, bad complexion, started looking like goebbels, the troonout was inevitable.
I support putting female trannies in male prisons. They're so heckin valid
Shut up, manlet!! Bahahahahha
They sing the praises of the colored folk, but then say that voter ID laws are raciat because niggers don't know how to use the internet to find the DMV to get a drivers license
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>made it out seemingly intact
Not a fucking chance
Why the fuck can't trannies just cross dress and be gay like normal people.
Yeah I'm sure they choose to get robbed on a weekly basis by choice. I'm sure they make enough money to move a few blocks over but choose not to because they fucking love diversity.
ah thanks anons makes sense, somehow I didnt know that but I guess thats a good thing
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Yeah Byuu / Near is really dead. There was confusion because the JP gov didn't report the death of a US citizen in their statistics, but it was eventually updated. This is his Death certificate acquired by a kiwi:
I still think about the dyke who transitioned to get some of that sweet white male privilege and then killed herself after trying to live a male existence for a few months

God she was fucking hot. Whyyyyy???
He's a huge faggot, but the wife sounds like a complete cunt. She'd divorce a cancer patient in a hospital ward.
"Cis" means the person identifies as their biological sex, not that they are straight. "Cis" and "Trans" are derived from old Latin words that basically mean "on this side" and "on the other side" respectively.
because she figured if she wasn't hot, she'd stop being raped and the pain would end forever.

she's right but she didn't know that trannies have an extra final step to take before the pain ends.
Brooklyn was black before the white hipsters moved in. Would you rather move 3 blocks down from a Brooklyn ghetto or just not move to Brooklyn at all?
if the cancer patient said "i don't want to be your husband, I don't want to be my kids' dad, I want to spend my time playing pretend and I need you to change your life to accommodate that", yeah, I imagine she would
Looney Troons always inadvertently prove right wing talking points correct lmao. Kill troons.
You mean normal, faggot?
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demons. jews are demons that can only corrupt.They're offspring from Cain.
I hope the jew troon worms eat your brain into swiss cheese fucking degenerate
I thought, and kinda hoped, he faked for pity points.
Now I feel bad about it, damn.
You guys are hilarious. It's more believable that all this lgbt thing is a chinese intelligence psyop to weaken the western youngsters than cultist thing you're talking about.
Imagine a few decades from now in ww3 china invaded with an army of brainwashed masculine soldiers while us army struggles to find recruits with normal hormones because most teens have consuming estrogen pills.
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when will the new Wehrmacht show up?
>be me
>have 3 children
>my youngest daughter tells me she's transgender and identifies as a man
>suddenly my skin becomes pale, so pale im actually clear
>i can actually see through my skin and see my organs and bones
>mfw i became a transparent
Retarded idiot, I vividly remember in fucking 2008 in Denver specifically looking for a dishwashing job (wanted as little responsibility as possible) and, SHOCK, they were literally, every single one, taken by one type of 50 IQ spic or another
Absolutely braindead kike
no because you can be a "cis" faggot and there is nothing normal about that

on one hand, fuck the newspeak, on the other hand, it's nice that we can say "a faggot that's not a tranny" with a bit more conciseness
>Trans people are fine when they're other people
Bingo. Progressives love the superiority and prestige that being a progrssive gets them as long as progressivism doesn't infect their gated community.
LGBT thing is straight out of the Authoritarian Personality. Jews think that the nuclear, European family where parents invest lots of resources into raising children leads to them getting turned into lampshades. So they sought out to destroy it and the best way to do that is sexual liberation.
What's causing that
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that was dark souls 1, dark souls 2 was Scholar of The First Sin. but the point still stands
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>'LGB without T' movement
I wonder which came first...
Based wife.
she unfortunately fell under the influence of that "personal trainer" who threatened to have Kanye medicated into zombietown forever, the one who before becoming a Hollywood trainer was a psychological warfare officer in our leaf special forces
>have fat bisexual friend
>a "pansexual" chick ends up in his discord chat
>he asks "what exactly are you fucking that I'm not"
>in response he gets a bunch of nonsense cope about how people identify and this and that
How can anyone watch this and not laugh, the retarded 50IQ groid, the blonde jew, and the skinny tranny. I ain't gucci senpai.
I think it means they announced that they were trans.
"Seeking therapy for dysmorphia" is not the same as, "Hi, honey! I'm a woman now! Can I wear your makeup while you suck my feminine benis? Oh and let's be seen together in public holding hands!"
Howdy, middle aged straight white oldfag here. I get the picture. Here we all are on 4chan, we're all edgelords, let's go beat up some trannies, ha ha ha.

What I'm waiting for, is for one of you to let slip this sort of hate irl. Just say it aloud at the bar, or on your social media feed, or some other way where you think is anonymous, that I can trace back to you.

Because I have literally nothing better to do with my life right now, other than to go after those who fantasize about attacking the weak. I take no greater pleasure in my life than hunting bullies -- either by beating them physically, or by using my significant pile of money to sue their asses off, or both.

Seriously, to see a bully of trans or homosexual people, snivelling and begging for mercy... Well that just properly makes me feel like I have a purpose in life. Like my life has been well spent.

So y'all, just keep on posting and keep on threatening trans people. Keep on with your interstate transmission of threatening messages.

Just do me one favor. Make one mistake. Leak an IP somewhere, or drop a picture with metadata in it, or leave something where I can find you and come to you.

I'll be waiting.
I say it in real life with my friends, coworkers, and GF. Every normal person does, btw. We all mock you behind your backs, tranny. Nobody supports you except other fetishists.
How have people not figured out yet that maybe 90% of liberals are liberals who don't like to drink their own poison, and just hold their views because of virtue signalling?
>killed herself after trying to live a male existence for a few months
she only waited like another 20 years of womanhood to 41%
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>t. Troonvenger
>Because I have literally nothing better to do with my life right now, other than to go after those who fantasize about attacking the weak
hence why i make it my prime directive to harm the trannies that push ideas like schools hiding shit from parents to "protect" "trans kids"
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I invite trannies onto my boat under the guise of a date and send them seaworthy. What have YOU done?
Total Oldfag Death
>Leak an IP somewhere
Pfft. As if that means something.
This is a weird comic. I know she's supposed to be the bad guy here according to the artist but she's entirely 100% right and doesn't deserve to be inconvenienced by that trash.
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Another trannoid larping. No one is gonna fuck you dude.
picrel's kids need a father. No one else can be their father. If the mother is forced to divorce and find another man, he will not be the father, and may even be abusive to them. Thus she'll either have to leave them fatherless, or risk them being harmed in other ways.

He is a selfish pervert, and values his own sexual gratification more than he does his own children. He is, somehow, even more degenerate than other trannies who are childless and harm people more indirectly. His life should be forfeit.
Sheeeeit nigga more like Doom Eternal Ultra Nightmare mode
He was a retarded faggot.
they literally think there is nothing wrong with invading your schools, nothing wrong with complaining when you invade their neighbourhoods, nothing wrong with blocking people's access to work but everything wrong about someone else blocking your access to having a house party.

This self serving hypocritical bullshit all needs to end because i can't take it anymore
Holy shit, that's a good one anon, I'm saving it.
Tolkein understood. Only good could create, so those who chose evil were only able to corrupt what good had already created. Elves = orcs, dwarves = goblins, Ents = trolls, Hobbits = Smeagol, etc.

After the last of Tolkein's true heirs died, the forces of (((Mordor))) started their corruption with that fucking TV show.
>Without niggers who'll pick the cotton?
She had great bone structure when she was young but the wall hit that bitch fucking HARD. I assume that's what made her lose her mind. Well, that and being passed around like a joint by hollywood kikes as a child.
>when they're other people
I forget the name but there was a movie in the 1970s about this. A progressive woman and her chud husband. But then one day Chuddie got bitten by a radioactive black man and woke up as a black man. Suddenly her adoration of black cock turned to horror when the local KKK started telling her to get out of town and her now-black husband moved to the ghetto to run an apartment building, being the only nigger in town with an above-average IQ.

White women love liberalism until it goes horribly wrong for them.
It sucks because there’s literally nothing that a guy can do to change his height other than having a surgical procedure that involves getting both of his legs broken and getting a lifetime of pain and the inability to walk in 10 years in exchange for a few inches at best. There’s no way to hide it and it’s as obvious as looking at someone’s face. At least women can work out, wear makeup, wear all kinds of flattering clothes, get their tits done, or get their ass lifted.

You can be a man and have the musculature of an absolute Chad but it will hardly make a difference if you’re incredibly short. A woman’s reaction to a man who is shorter or as tall as her is downright instinctually visceral to the point of it being hardwired into her.
most of us know by now, the problem is they continue to support all these policies.

If AWFL women voted the way they lived we would not be in this mess.
Cry more discord troon.
>Twitch Speedrunners
Just what the fuck is the connection between troons and video games? I had a Sega Genesis as a kid but I never got the urge to chop of my own dick.

White women went overwhelmingly for Trump in 2016 and 2020 though
When the government collapses, trannies will be hunted.
Kek, he watched a day without a mexican.
You can literally go and look at byuu's thread, he necroed it back from inactivity.
If MtF are coomers being posseded by their fetish, FtM is just pure unfiltered stupidity.
Not 0%. I give a 41% chance that Eliot Page will die for her.
This is why Karens are good, actually. Fuck niggers and trannies.
This must be a very old meme. There have been hundreds by now, surely.
You have been on /pol/ too long, kek. I also thought of something similar. Thought it was asian males are bad.
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills.

I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words.

You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands.

Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue.

But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it.

You’re fucking dead, kiddo.
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it's years old, yes
Oh boy! I havent clicked it yet but I'm goin in hot. Wish me luck!
I don't understand this "problem." I am a "manlet," yet I have never had trouble getting laid or have had any perceived problems due to my height.
ah yes when i get mad about trannies it's a personal obsession and has nothing to do with childless freaks trying to control how i raise my children in this hellish nightmarescape.

You have so totally won against me, sister, go celebrate.
>FtM is just pure unfiltered stupidity
They're just dumb women who feel uncomfortable in their own bodies because they either:
1. Were sexually molested by a man and no longer ever want male sexual attention; or
2. Were mid-level attractive and never got any Chad attention so they decided to become lesbians. Eventually this was no longer unique enough and decided that they were actually men.

That pretty much sums it up.
> surely my life as a weak manlet will get me sex!
you don't walk around with your shoulders puffed out to the side, shades perched on a backwards baseball cap, and chin jutted out.
I assume, that is. The closest I feel I've been to getting in a fight was simply being near a manlet wearing a wifebeater, holding his arms out to the side like he's sporting invisible muscles, challenging someone, anyone to speak ill so he can prove his might.

I don't get that energy from your post at all
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Hey, it's the Metroid tranny!
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Hey anon, I just wanted to let you in on one important fact. You won’t do shit.

>>472363037 giga based
I agree that I do not do these things. Those who do these things sound like they have a bad case of assholism. I have been in fights, but I don't go around looking for them. Sometimes, shit happens. I try to respect people until they cease to be worthy of respect, but I usually just cut those types of people out of my life. I am too old for stupid drama.
>Trans people are fine when its other people
Brought to you from the same people of niggers are fine in other neighborhoods
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I know very little about Tolkein or his works, but I do know that what Christ our Lord said about corrupted trees do not yield good fruit.

Edomite Jews "family tree" that history has shown to not yield anything good, but corrupting that which someone else produced. All of their endeavors and inventions always turn out to be something corrupt that ruin or destroy lives and families.
Come on, I can't see shit,
Where’s dr disrespect
He's cute here.
I have been on this website since I was 12 years old. I have seen an underageb& tripfag be doxed and have a grown man come to their house with the intention of beating them simply because of how annoying they are. I have seen people like Quentin have their lives destroyed by Anons and be run off of this website because they were so hated. I have seen boards be split in two because two groups of posters hated each other so much that the board couldn't function. And yet somehow, trannies think that if they post their edited selfies enough and cry enough about how bad they have it, they will be accepted. Good luck lol.
Heh, neefag doesn't know about the archive off site. Just a little cute blonde faggot who thinks he passed as a woman.
kek true, those stupid niggers will see two poltards who agree on jews, race, IQ, and masonry but wish each other death over Christianity yet think ANYONE will accept them posting their hairy, male-bone-structured bodies online and call them “valid”
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That's the fucking dumbest shit I ever heard. I don't "demand" Mexicans cook my food or clean my house. I go to a restaurant and there are Mexicans cooking there, I had nothing to do with it. I call a cleaning service or landscaping service and a truckload of Mexicans show up, I had nothing to do with that. Business owners, like pole smoker supreme Mr. Cutmylifeintopieces Bourdain went looking for Mexicans to exploit, not me.
Man, haven't heard that name in years, somehow.
leftists are in a perpetual state of thinking that whites could wake up in a spic-less country and our immediate thought would be, “w-WHAT ABOUT THE TACOS????”
What a dumb bitch lol. Imagine willingly becoming a 5'2 manlet. You were living life on tutorial mode with cheat codes as a cute girl but you decided that you wanted to play on nightmare mode.
But you can get your post removed and get "ban" on a blue 4chan board for a n-nigger-word and faggot (?), its already has begun

its all part of the full mental illness package
nevermind its called cultural appropriation in other areas of mental illness

in summary its the total jew madness that isn't supposed to make any sense or logic whatsoever
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Zion Don had a full term and still didn't change ANYTHING. He puts on his stupid little jew hat and went to doing Satan's bidding. If anything, women overwhelmingly voted for one thing: For you to have a fucking ruler that will enslave you to the Edomite Jews. The jews bank on the fact that women have to follow the heard, that's why there will always be 2 Edomite puppets for the heard to pick from. The illusion of choice comes from women.
not with any degree of regularity.
I racismpost constantly on blue boards and i get a 3-day vacation maybe once every 3 months
>when will you be moving out
incredibly based. the species is healing.
She wasn't transitioning, it was going undercover as a man, making a great friend group of male buddies and being rejected by women. Norah Vincent.
Macho Ma’am Randy Transvage
Because she was mentally vulnerable and desperate to improve her profile. So she listened to the devil worshipping pedophiles in charge and paid the price. I do feel sympathy for her, but she brought it on herself.
"You know me too well, dear. You see that stubble? It's like a grindstone for me eye daggers."
>you really can't have one without the other, can you?
Idk, I straddle the line pretty well and have a good amount of conservatives as friends. If I had to guess it's the fact I'm just myself still and the only differences past looking like I'm still a teenage emo kid is I wear skirts in public weather permitting then have my hair tied in a ponytail with some makeup on.
Don't pronoun police or do the "amagawd we should watch a musicaaaal!" shit and it's chill, happier with life from a personal level but it's not for everyone, most involved are people it's not meant for. Most of "my kind" aren't even fully individuals before trying to transition into a new one entirely.>>472351799
Fine print. Do you really think people dumb enough to cut off their cocks actually read terms of service?
This. There are literally only 4sexualities
That's literally it, and any suggestions otherwise is attention seeking and cope of the highest order.
Jeez, being short is a disadvantage but it isn't the end of the world on the dating scene. I am 5'7" and have plenty of success with women as long as I don't sperg out and talk about the jews
This, my brothers are manlets (about 5'5) and not only did they both get pushy, but the slightly shorter one got big tiddy bitches and a lot of them were taller than him. They're both married with 3 boys, and all of their boys are hella taller than them.
lmao welcome to the patriarchy, it fucking sucks.
Assuredly Male At Birth (and Death).
I’m an alchemist and I discovered the cure for homosexuality
Not cool
That's more like an example for virtue signaling wokes falling for their own shit. Poetic.
So when are you shooting up a school, faggot?
Sure thing faggot. You need to be 18 to post here.

It's bizarre. On god, it would seem less gay to fuck a mtf than a ftm. This shit is all so bizarre to me and its hard to imagine they pushed this psyop so widely.
It’s basically a tomboy hetero woman looking for sex at a party full of gay men. Like “he” would have a much better time at a gangbang full of straight dudes assuming one of those gross Frankenstein sausage links isn’t stitched on.
t. bourdain's girlfriend
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I have openly hated loony troons at work several times.
One of the plus sides of being surrounded by niggers is that they fucking hate faggots like you.
I can also tell them we are ruled by jews and the jews want us fighting each other while the synagogue of satan rules from on high.
>post the best troon meltdowns
>nobody posts it. it's just a bunch of dumb fucks replying
Everything went to shit.
When a progressive has to live in a community that’s under 90% white it’s funny how quickly they drop the superiority complex
They think nothing of it because it's not going to happen to them. It's okay for you. This is what upper-middle class liberal whites do. They get into positions of safety and financial security, then they bomb the rest of the economy so you can't even get near the ladder they just pulled up, let alone climb up after them.
>bumps the thread with no contribution to the subject matter
ok newflaggot
How the fuck do you have something other than tea “for tea” god you people are fucking stupid, I wish we could have another revolutionary war
>The jews bank on the fact that women have to follow the heard, that's why there will always be 2 Edomite puppets for the heard to pick from.
Not saying you're wrong but are you saying they all follow Amber Heard, the celeb that shit on Depp's bed... or that they are following the HERD? Hope you meant the latter. Embrace literacy, anon.
That dyke never trooned, she disguised herself as a man to hang out in male spaces and prove they had it easy in order to validate her hyper-feminist views. She naturally got massively redpilled on male existence and spent the next 20 years of her life depressed as fuck before becoming an hero.
Oh God I fucking died.

Hey post that one about that guy who decided to be a 4channer because he got turned down by a nigger after he trooned out and scared the nigger away so he became racist.
Imagine cracking eggs into a coffee mug and then drinking them, Englishmen are retarded.
lol we should start asking anyone with pics of gucci if they're trans
>so brave
Bring Snacks back
yikes, zamn I thought /pol/ understood that trans is a feeling of identity. However your teacher, or head passive-aggressive tiktoker, or bully in your peer group feels it should be, is your trans identity.
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Sue her
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I realized my mistake when I sent it, but it's not like I can change it. Fuck off for being a cunt about it, though.
Yeah, sorry man... I knew I shouldn't have gone the grammar police route but I had an Amber Heard joke brewing and couldn't resist. It wasn't even a good joke.

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