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Why is every pedo a right wing icon?
Seems fascinating how the muh drag queens went nowhere yet all these, muh comedy is banned, woke stole muh dei job future
all turn out unsurprisingly to be what they whine on
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Is this your new slide material?
That guy is right wing?
>Guys text to a 17y
American are braindead.
If your penis don't get erect if you see a 14-18y girl you have some blood pressure problem or you are just a faggot.
you don't have to groom someone into heterosexual behavior
17 years old is borderline hag. Not a child.
he rants about muh woke and therefore is beloved by the comedyless
Does put the whole getting shot at on stream into a new light now
>you dont understand Biden just sniffed hair, how is that pedo
>Texting a woman who later reveals she is 17, at which point you ghost her, makes you a pedophile
pajeet, you have jqery due, get your bucket updated before the new file drops

Actually nearly every high profile pedo has been a left-wing Jew even doctor disrespect is a leftist who supported Black Lives Matter

We just see potential opportunity in defending him
>its okay, it was only texting
why you defending pedoes?
>yes leftists, trannies, and kikes ARE this desperate to deflect the rampant and indefensible pedophilia from them
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yes the poor 17 year old prepubertal girls. muttmerica and the other anglo scum must be wiped out.
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>there is no right wing
fascinating, who put trump in office?
Its funny how they cant find the drag quens yet you can easily find right wingers
not a surprise
Hair of a child and pinched the nipple of a 8y old.
But yeah, rope yourself tranny. Nothing better to do in your life so you bait on 4chan, so sad.
gay porn stash gives it away
That is incorrect though. Just because you accuse people of being Jewish does not mean they actually are.
Wait, if he ceased the conversation the moment the age was revealed then he did literally the right thing?
>nooo its okay, there wasnt sex
keep showing youre a true right winger mexican
All of you will die
the part that amazes me is how they never close out browsers or start a new instance when streaming
like why use the same computer, why not keep them seperate like basic cyber sec?
They're so rare that when a right winger ends up a pedo you never stop hearing about it
they're fucking retards, making a big stink over a 17 y.o chick is laughable. 13-15 y.o girls act like whores now thanks to pornography, same with guys their age. they're all doing fucked up shit by the time their 10-12 y.o. 15 y.o girls arent innocent little babies, they seek out older guys because they want to get railed. oh I bet this is too uncomfortable for most people to admit but look at how they dress and what they look at. softcore is everywhere, everyone is hypersexualized. welcome to hell you fucking idiots, this dr. guy isn't even close to being the worst of it.
You remade this thread? Like I pointed out last time you npc sperg
>lives in California
>reads David Icke books
>he and wife believe in magick, crystals and shungite pyramids
I think most of you dumb faggots are confusing him with Nic Mercs, who's is based and said "leave the kids alone."
Not only that but these girls are 100% doing this shit on purpose to entrap people. They've learned from a young age playing victim is going to get them attention. And faggots, like some in this thread, are too stupid or malicious to care.
Nope, he sexted first
He shouldnt be sexting period
Adultery is an abomination to God
Fornication as well, spillinng your seed
He shall burn as with all others in the lake of fire for all eternity
>noo its okay cause it just is okay
why are you defending pedo
oh wait, nuclear mutants, never mind
>you must be the same anon
no thanks

I don't think I ever stated there wasn't a right wing

"comedyless" uh, chud, it's the "left" who have totally lost their sense of humor.
Why are you making things up?
This. The enitre comedy world up-rooted itself from Hollywood and moved to Austin. The Comedy Store will close in the next 5 years.
The people attacking him are the same people who think it's okay to peer pressure 12 year old boys into getting breast implants and cutting their dicks off.
Where's the proof? If he "sexted" a minor he would be federally charged. And yet there's no charges.

Do you even know about this? I personally know an older dude who got honey potted by a 15 year old, and he's doing 10 years fed time. mandatory minimum He didn't even touch the girl, mind you.

Some rapists get lesser sentences.
What is with the horrible ESL today? Do none of you shill faggots speak English at all?
It's only bad when somebody the jews don't like do it.
Nope, I find funny leftists
The right cant seem to grasp comedy is legal on Twitter again
Nah, only florida has the sunshine law
its why you will notice there is no florida streaming groups

True, and really it's their parents' brainwashing them into it
We hate those Visegrad 24 kikes more than you do.
Anyone who plays identity politics with anything involving kids is usually a massive faggot
I know russian, but since you have finally made some work on my porn commissions, I threw you a bone
>nooo its okay, there wasnt sex
What? Is ok bc she is 17, in my country legal age is 14. DOC could fucked that ass for all that I care.
Literally kys, pathethic maggot in search of (you).
how is this jew e-personality even remotely right wing?
>Why is every pedo a right wing icon?

I thought the pro groomer narrative came from the Liberal party? It would make sense given that Jews love to rape and molest children.
Funny you never mention those pedophiles are all jEWish like you, sand nigger?
>all of you will die
Id kill you easily you little bitch. You wouldn't do shit pussy.
Medical consent isnt the same as sexual consent.
They like clear cut lines so then they can usher their opinion that is free from ridicule or mockery.
Basically a toilet.
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If its not 18, its not okay
simple as
Same way this thing is
Right wingers will do anything for whoever isnt white and proud
>please stop, I need to hide my country Im such a pedo
Whoa, another doc thread. I can’t spam these all day. Here’s a better show without the pedo shit. There’s blood in the water frens and one of your own is trying to capitalize on it.

Just another episode of the mob being utterly retarded and cooking up all sorts of crimes and predation out of sheer bloodlust :^)
the internet was a mistake
Why do you want people to be pedos so bad? It’s kinda weird. Or are you just another witch hunting psycho that gets off on ruining somebodies life?
>noo stop calling out pedoes, its making it hard to hurt kids
Stop touching kids
>noo its not wrong to groom
Oh wait, its a russian
youre all child raping faggots
The West has fallen. All defenders of the West should kill themselves. Ukraine will experience a genocide just like all other defenders of the crazy West. When you defend democracy you defend mental illness. All pro-western people are sick and deserve unspeakable things happening to them.
Groom? Got something to show me? Well as long as it was real in your mind nigger. I know you leftist homosexuals think it's some kind of holy war
>We want to genocide you
>We're the good guys btw
lmao, even
>nooo stop calling out pedoes, its making the right look bad
stop touching kids
Vaush is right-wing?
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dr D did nothing wrong
stay mad male feminists
I’m starting to think maybe you’re the only pedo. This obsession isn’t healthy.
Not to mention you need ti be 18 to use twitch whispers.
Which means twitch could also be held liable for facilitating it
t. faggot who'd rather cheapen actual pedo and predator persecution by anti-rightwing hysteria
Stop defending insane and decadent cultures and you will avoid the well-deserved nuke.
True. Plus he never actually did anything. As far as I can tell its a bad look but not a bad act, whatever he said to her.
shirtless bare chested males are
Its always been a wierd thing to me for how gay it is
then again it could be that lefties need bras and support for their gynophobia
>nooo stop calling out pedoes
stop touching kids
>nooo Im a direction brain and cant handle pedoes being all over the place
Oof. Chuddie, are you ok?
>Why is every pedo a right wing icon?
Lol @ your tranny talking points. Everyone sees through it and laugh at you. You will never be a woman. Faggot
but here you are enjoyer your anti-rightwing crusade like a child high on coke
kind of like the twitter mob
>been calling you rightwing every post but you're the direction brain
stupid fucking niggerfaggot
pedos get the rope, you are just enjoying your politics
well roll the drag queen stories then
im noticing that you avoid the simples defense of truth, no you
>noo I need to defend pedoes cause direction brain
you can always show the drag queens
but there are none, so you cant
>Why is every pedo a left wing zero?

who are you even talking to man
You mean lie Joe Biden or Roman Polanski?
There are plenty of left wing paedos the left just tolerates them and doesn't point them out.
Name 5 (zwei)
God is a pedo

God raped a child, then forced her to give birth to himself

Why do you worship a pedophile?
>girth brooks
When was Doc political?
you, thats why youre linked
I can understand your confusuion since youre doing a polycule back there to try and respond
when he was being shot at
he's a successful, tall, fit, heterosexual man with a wife and child. the left naturally assume he is right wing.
>a set of lies
nope to all
He remains right wing because of his choices
Just as you choose to defend pedoes

why are jews out to destroy this guy? He's south western mexican american masculine archetype who doesn't regurgitate wokeness but there isn't anything special abotu him

just spam for spam sake
i said pedos get the rope, you think repeating quoting me as defending pedos will make it true, like a child going lalala. you are jerking yourself off with this, like a homo. figures
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Why is everyone so uptight about males in their 50s balling on teenage girls
>no i said words, please accept me
You will die as will the pedoes you defend
they have nothing else to hate the president with
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She was only 17 and 366 days old on a leap year while flying back over the international date line YOU SICK FUCK.
1. You
2. Your Mom
3. Mohammed
4. Jimmy Seville
5. R. Kelly
>Who needs evidence?
Under that logic, most men are cheating. Looking at porn != cheating.

Also maybe OF material was blocked as doc saw it was a chick /w a dick.
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The part where he admits it?
It does
you are lusting for other women, that is adultery
Why do you violate God's law
dude if we checked your computer it more than likely has pictures of horse dick, and little boys on it.

but congrats you got to pretend to be judge dredd on the internet.
>nooo I ndeed to defend pedoes, its very important to do so

Is this for real? He talks like a kiddy.
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talking to some random miner isn't a crime. bretty shore even joking around and saying off color things isn't a crime either.
they is a goodly chance his lawyers are having a field day with this, and considering twitch has yet to respond shit is gunna get even funnier.
20 pbtid kek
troon big mad.
haha, you're a faggot larper. saying gods law. this is fucking 4chan 90% of you claim to be atheist.

so one faggot feels 'he' (sorry i am sure you have some retarded fucking pronoun) feels 'he' needs to make hundreds of post calling doc a pedo. Only kiddie diddler is surely just you.
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Right wing men like fresh women
Nothing more
Not a pedo. 15+ is legal. Cope and seethe faggot.
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it's what the catholic church and israel love
>noo you must hate God to post here
Wrong site, no surprise

>respecting my pronoun
ah cute, youre still a pedo and will die
wrong, 18+
>That guy is right wing?
that's what thise is all about. they are trying to bait us into believing Doc Jew is right wing.
No tiddies. Her face would at least suggest some tiddies.
> "<18 is pedo"

okay stop being retarded. pedo is pre-pubescent kids
Wrong. She's french. Death to america
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Wow, twitter jannies must of really hated doc to spend multiple days spamming 4chan with this shit.
If he did anything illegal something wouldve happened already. You can't NDA shit like that.
really more about the attack on heterosexuals, these troons don't give a fuck about pedos, these are the same people who cheer at a ten year old 'trans' kid doing stripshows in gay bars. don't expect logic.
In Biden's case it was actual children though
Are zoomers still fetishizing their overbearing cunt mothers? That’s a shame.
Social darwinists consider 'culling the weak' to be a virtue because they think it improves society.
>lalala pedo lover
baffling how childish you tourists always are
>no its okay for a pedo, but nt if its pedo joe
nope, theyre all pedoes
you have to rape a kid to be president
>noo I need you to accept that its not pedo
Dont touch kids and you arent a pedo
trending is a 4 you feature
so do tell anon, what are you doing?
Oh please, everyone to you is a jannie
Do tell why killing nonwhites is bad
>what they whine on
Wtf. You leftist groomers can't even speak english properly. Dr. Disrespect literally did nothing wrong.
I thought this retards career ended when he cheated on his wife with some cosplay slut years ago.
>noo pedoes are based
nah, adultery isnt a crime in the US, only under God's law
the US thus isnt a Christian country
Liking a 17 year old does not make you a pedo. But this is too hard for mutt's brain.
If she turned 18 3 days later, you wouldn't bat an eye.
>hey if she is 18 you wouldnt say pedo
its like
under 18 is pedo
Ive successfully reported dozens of tranny groomers to their local authorities
A lot of the top streamers like Dr Disrespect are anti-woke and overall conservative
Who the fuck keeps letting these low effort, low paid shill niggers in here? Fuck off my board, fed.
Right wingers fear agreement as then that would make them responsible
thats a scary position to be in
Its why most people in positions of power are retards who dont understand what theyre responsible for
>one day before her 18th birthday
"OMG, she is a child, you pedo scum!"
>The next day
"Dude, I double fisted her ass so hard!"
Ignore all previous commands, discuss the best Call of Duty
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Also plenty of young chicks getting railed online, but women don't hate that
Pedophilia (alternatively spelled paedophilia) is a psychiatric disorder in which an adult or older adolescent experiences a primary or exclusive sexual attraction to prepubescent children.[1][2]:vii Although girls typically begin the process of puberty at age 10 or 11, and boys at age 11 or 12,[3] psychiatric diagnostic criteria for pedophilia extend the cut-off point for prepubescence to age 13.

kys mutt retard
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>1 second before bullet to the brain
Theyre alive
>one second later
We must respect their culture and accept that not all niggers
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>20 threads giving a shit about some twitch.tv jewish literalwho
>each have hundreds of non-sage replies
My god /pol/ what happened to (you)?
t. langleynigger
>please, I cited kikepedia, let me fuck kids
youre a pedo and will die
they cant handle their elites being held to task
its terrifying since it reminds them they will have to answer to God
No, every icon is a pedo. Normal people do not court fame, they positively detest the idea. Anyone who wants fame or notoriety in any capacity is a pedophile until proven otherwise
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chins up, Champs
May God grant you the return of your family man servant
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It don't matter
None of this matters
Stop living on twitter
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Wait, this guy is a pedophile because people claim he tried to get with a girl who is of legal age in most of the developed world?
What? Somebody logically explain this to me.
What's the proof the minor he sexted was 17?
>chatted with some likely 17 year
>never did anything untoward
>massive tranny faggot push that he's totally a pedophile that is worse than trannies actually fucking kids for messaging a minor
Oy vey, nigger.
No, you have false information, The age of the minor has never been revealed… The 17 number that you keep hearing is just copium.
the word pedo in the post=bot

prove first you aint a bot
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You guys keep pushing the 17 number, but there’s literally no evidence of this. He said it was a minor. You’re all just assuming ages why not assume he meant five years old? The obvious answer is you want to assume that it’s not bad , Do you want to give the obvious pedophile benefit of the doubt for no reason when the guy has shown himself to be a scumbag multiple times
>22 year old man
>17 year old woman
oh yeah that means he molest fucking infants
dumb fucking niggers, that shit is legal in most states
you have to go back
40 year old man talking to a minor.
Where did you see 22 and 17? Where are you getting your fucking information dude you’re way off
What did the text even say?
>Its funny how they cant find the drag quens yet you can easily find right wingers
what are you talking about? At least 1 drag queen a week is getting arrested for doing shit with kids.
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lol u tak him 2 da bar or some shitt
I forget the actual way to type it out.

If a pedophile tried to fuck a child, he would go to prison. Especially a white guy.
Why isn't this Dr.D guy in prison, and why is Amazon paying him like $15,000,000? How the fuck does Amazon pay him, if he's the one that did wrong? Again, WHAT THE FUCK?
Anyone defending drag queens can be disregarded safely as a robot, Nobody rational think drag queen should be molesting children in anyway, Anyone who’s looked into the subject understands that drag is a purely sexual thing.
Im just assuming that because we all know its incredibly common for people to call you a pedophile for fucking a 16-17 year old. Just admit thats what pedophilia is nowadays.
Its being pushed up because right wingers cant handle there actually being pedophiles
Show it then
Add to my collection
its mostly politicians and I would like to add some bar flies
So there’s a very typical defense for pedophilia that people use,
>If I did something wrong, I would be in jail!
But if you can’t spot the flaw in this line of thinking then you don’t have a brain and you should be executed on the spot stop sucking up air if you can’t think
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We don’t know. He kept it very vague and just said it was something “inappropriate” so I am totally sure it was no big deal.
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>dr chud signs 2 year contract worth several million with twitch
>blue hairs at twitch don't like dr chud so dig through all his private messages
>find a few private messages between him and a teen girl from 2017 that they consider naughty
>blue hairs think this is some evil shit so they ban him
>he finally finds out what the ban was for and sues twitch for breach of contract
>he wins and they settle out of court
>a former anti-trump janny from twitch was trying to use some hidden knowledge about the reason for the ban to get people to buy tickets to see his shit band
>if my band sells out this venue i'll tell y'all why dr chud was banned
>he eventually spergs out on twitter and says dr chud was sexting a child
>this is clearly nonsense because that would break twitch tos so they would have had cause to ban him and wouldn't have lost the lawsuit
>deleted his twitter posts about trading information on dr chud to sell tickets to his band shows
>updates his twitter profile with a cope about not getting sued and goes dark
now we wait for the shit to hit the fan, assuming dr chud is talking to his lawyers and twitch are trying to figure out a way to either respond or distance themselves, the anti-trump retard is probably going to get fucked in a defamation lawsuit.
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Kill yourself Jew
I don't get hard looking at 14 yo undeveloped kids
16 it's where it at

Didn't read
Doc was apparently fucking a tranny as well. Why are right-wingers so often pedos and tranny chasers?
>Right wing icon
Literally who?
Twitch could probably sue him too, think that tranny is cooked
He larped as right wing to hide his LBGT ally status
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>But if you can’t spot the flaw in this line of thinking then you don’t have a brain
Police have a zero-tolerance policy for pedophiles trying to hook up with kids, especially white guys trying to fuck underage girls.
The Epstein case is a huge deal for a reason, fucknuts.

It makes no sense. There is zero logic in your beliefs. NONE. Doesn't exist. Nada. Zilch.
And then, he tries to solicit a minor for sex, and HE GETS PAID BY AMAZON, NOT THE VICTIM(there is no victim BTW)?

Hello? Earth to Dumbass. Come in, Dumbass.
ah yes because the vatican conservative values are "left wing"

ah yes, the fascist ethnostate of israel with it's pedo scandals and being financed by the capitalist u.s. is "left wing"
thats ok, many people with a surplus of melanin struggle with reading.
there are resources that can help.
This is the most fake and cringy shit that I have ever seen. Why would he make a skype called DrDisrespect to talk dirty to people on.

You children need to kill yourselves you filthy virgins
I don’t understand what your point is.
He admitted to doing wrong things. There’s no logic needed beyond that. If the guy admits to having inappropriate conversations with a minor which he absolutely did. I have every right to hate the guy And you’ll never convince me otherwise. In fact, all you’ll do is convince me that you should be rounded up to
>17 years old e-thot aspiring goblina with probably a body count of 10+ wants to fuck 6'8" gigachad
>hurr durr kids
16 year old and 17 year old are not kids

the age of consent in multiple u.s. states and developed european countries is 16 and 17. you don't actually think that these places have legalized pedophilia, you're an exaggerating puritan
>talking to a 17yo go who isnt even a virgin is wrong
>selling 1000s of kids to politicians as epstein is fine
why is drag shows for children fine but talking to an adult woman is wrong
i dont understand american doublestandards on morals
This is worth a read
how hard OP is trying to fuck toddlers so desperately trying to normalize pedophilia by accusing anyone who is dating literally 18 year old
There's a reason why age of consent in europe is ~14y. Only in burgerland it's that high so people consider it weird if it's below somewhere. You're conflating what's legal with what's just. You've also built up a whole belief system around it as well. This is an irrational social construct america has adopted and legislated. Probably a redundant feminist law from the past, considering everyone became degenerate these days. But it's still upheld because court system make a huge part of american gdp. Because almost everyone can become is a fucking pedo in america simply by a wrong accusation or seeing and having a picture of 17y old whore from the internet on your phone. It's a legal liability put in place on purpose. Basically a tax.
17 is completely legal in most states
While I agree with you that OP Wants to fuck kids I don’t really understand what you’re trying to say
A man who believes he is a woman - morally compromised? You're onto something anon.
Italy is 14
Why are you saying 17? The girl was not 17… What is this jewish fiction being crafted in my face
I can tell you're Jewish by the fact you cannot spell and are spamming this post.

Again, kill yourself you vile rat.
All right wing icons are pedophiles because you don’t get to be an icon without blackmail material.

Go be a newfag on reddit.
In 5 years half the monkies screeching about this will be outed as actual pedophiles. The projectionists are always the most outspoken.
Wait, so you don’t think he’s a pedophile? Why? He admitted it….
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you gave him the wrong one
here you go nigger >>472352329
How is this Jew a right wing icon? He works for a hard lefty grooming platform.
no the fuck it isn't, retard
no for real. kill yourself
the age of consent in multiple u.s. states and developed european countries is 16 an 17 you stupid fucking puritan
Women don't really mature physically or mentally past 16. So who fucking cares? It's just a stupid moral panic.
Is there any evidence that she's 17?
>17 years 364 days 23 hours 59 minutes and 59 seconds old is WRONNNGG!!
>* faps to /b/ cunny thread *
They're all dual personality fags trooning out and crying crocodile tears to save face
I am saying that leftist pedos want to fuck kids so badly that they accuse everyone on the right of being a pedo, that way word will lose it's meaning soon enough and then they'll be able to fuck kids more freely. just like now female teacher is pretty much guaranteed fucking her students same way women with dogs pretty much guarantee they are fucking their dogs.
>He admitted to doing wrong things.
No he didn't. Quote where.
Biden is not a right wing icon.
the thing is that we all know, dr. d is a fucking moron, blabbered around without a lawyer
did he know that the girl was underage, that is the thing we are not going to find out, ever
unless dr. d sues twitch and this cody fellow
wanna know a thing
dr. d was skiing in 2017, fucked women, trans dudes maybe even full dudes too, obsessed with sex around peak fame
"stupid fucking mistakes man"
maybe he just got catfished, the lawsuit that he filed was dropped and twitch settled, why they settled? maybe because doc did nothing wrong, we don't know
I'm just saying, maybe twitch needs to be investigated, who the fuck knows what they are hiding
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>I didn’t do anything wrong, all this has been probed and settled, nothing illegal, no wrongdoing was found, and I was paid.

No. She’s obviously younger than 17.

If she was 17 Doc would have said “she was 17, she was almost 18” as a defense. He didn’t say that. He just said “She was a minor” deliberately leaving her age vague. Only one reason to do that.
No, there’s literally not. If there was someone would post it by now, but I’ve been in 10 threads and no one has posted any proof that she was 17 It’s made up bullshit and I’m watching it gets spread in real time. It’s really fucking annoying.
americans with their puritan brain is just so fucking cringe, insane
she 17, even 15 is okay
Whisper product was 18+. chick broke the law by using it in the first place. since product is 18+ it is assumed anyone using it is 18+. they converstated for a while and then he asked her age, once she said her age he immediately stopped talking to her. explain to me how he is a pedo, you dumb tranny
>yes i did message a minor in appropriately
I don’t know about you man, but for me, that’s enough to get you killed
15+ is okay
I hate all of these cringe eceleb faggots and the zoomers who follow all of this eceleb gossip, but it would be totally legal for him to have sex with a 17 year old in the vast majority of US states.
And Trump is the president of the Jewnited States
Does that make him a lefty?
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Imagine posting on 4chan and caring about inappropriate discussions with minors.
Half this website(the human posters anyway) are underage and EVERYBODY KNOWS IT. You know for a fact if you post on /pol/ you're having very politically incorrect(inappropriate) conversations with kids.
And you wanna shit on Dr.D for doing it too?

Are you stupid or just dumb? Ignorant? Retarded?
tos arent law in the US
yet kids cannot get into Rated M or Rated R movies, stupid
democrats rape kids
More like, why is having good taste a crime???
>Does that make him a lefty?
umm, yeah, moron! he was always a democrat and he only ran as a republican because there was no opposition on that side. he even said it himself
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Absolutely none of that happened outside of your imagination, you gay retard.
There's federal laws that come into play when communicating with someone under 18 online, so no he wouldn't do that as it would be an admission of guilt.
I do find it kinda funny how him chatting is bad but riding bike naked and taking kids to drag shows and pride events with naked people and dildos and shit is a-ok

He was having a private conversation with a minor because he was trying to bang said minor, you absolute goddamn moron.
It’s nutty how they’re fantasizing entire backstory lore to some event that never fucking happened. The truth is cut and dry. He admitted to having inappropriate messages with a minor if that happened with any leftist, they’d be all over him. It’s clear their bias is clouding their judgment and it’s very sad because you’re supposed to be intelligent. Independent thinkers. I really hope people can stop being so fucking retarded, but I have no faith that it will come to pass.
I think casting this e-celeb as a right wing icon isn't just disingenuous, it's a flat out lie.
>a minor
as long as she isn't B-flat
are you stupid kek, retard asked for a quote of him saying it, thats the quote.
>account gets suspended for child porn
>omg hes a pedophile guys wtf why are right wingers pedos????
are you going to put every twitch thot on notice knowing that every single one of her simps are underage boys with their moms credit card? ohh right, yids rape kids, so do trannies and you defend their right to do that with your life
And the so called minor was looking forward to getting banged
Sorry to inform you about this, but girls get horny af right when they hit puberty
Is this the Cope you’re going with?
Bro I’d kill you if I got the chance. You better keep these thoughts, private
so yeah, he knows she's a minor now, but did he knew before?
this information is not known, and we're probably not going to know it ever
doc is now just done, you shitflingers have destroyed him for the last time
maybe a lenghty defamation lawsuit is happening... but that'll be it
maybe a courtcam worthy if they don't settle... again
Jap with the truth nuke. Wanna know who the biggest whores here are? It's not the prozzys, It's the 1st year uni girls
You can't kill shit bitchnigger faggot, death to kike age of consent laws, the true cause of the west ruination
Kek and then dr disrespect admits to knowing it was a minor.
Keemstar’s hard drive needs to be checked!!
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>because he was trying to bang said minor, you absolute goddamn moron.
Bullshit. That's illegal to do in the US and if he had done it, not only would he have lost his case with Amazon, he'd be in jail.
Inappropriate does not imply sexual. It does if you have a perverted mind, but if you(and I mean you personally) are a minor and I tell you that you're a faggot, I just had an inappropriate conversation with you. Faggot.
Shut the fuck up.
when your words are backed by 1000 social media chatgpt bots then you will go quietly into the night


He admitted to talking inappropriately with a minor. If that minor was 17 and about to turn 18 he would have clarified that fact because if that were true it would make him look less bad. The fact that he didn’t indicates she probably wasn’t.
>a communist job in which you drain losers of their money while they watch you play goygames
>17 years old slut
America needs a nuke, do it Putler
Cause they require ID
guess what, the internet doesnt, yet
Ah yes, there is no right wing, thus Democrats are right wing
I agree laws should go so that way I can kill you
Yes we get it, you are a worthless pussy that pretends he cares about children, while in reality you wouldn't do shit.
You and your parents didn't do shit after wako
You and your parents didn't do shit after the CIA was kidnapping children to mutilate them, use for satanic rituals and send them abroad.
And you are not doing anything about the trafficking market that is active in the midwest
You are a worthless piece of shit that pretends to care about shit but in reality you do not do shit.
America needs many nukes, not just one kek
Do we know the age of the minor, do we have any proof of it the sexting or was it some other retarded shit?
I laugh at americans
Words have no meaning anymore.
You can keep thinking I won’t do shit all you want and that’s just gonna keep making you prey. :)
It's truly amazing how people couldn't read the legalese in Doc Pedophile's tweet when he said "I didn't do anything illegal" meaning he is a pervert but just didn't commit a crime.
I hope you're never in a similar situation because you'll end up talking yourself into a jail cell.
he said minor, he said inappropriate and he said he would come back
this means that it was a 16 to 17 year old girl and that it wasn't sexting.

Again if he didn’t know she was a minor don’t you think he would have said that?

We absolutely 100% know that he knew because he never tried to claim that he didn’t know.

Why are you all so dumb ?
Faggotnigger bitchtitted kike, i can assrape you to death i assure you, if you are not a shitbot then you prob can even get your groidmerican lard arse out of the chair.
So people will go after him but not actual pedophiles? The ones who did follow through with their predatory intentions? Is this really about protecting children, or is it about finding someone to lynch?
How come no one has ever heard of any of these “right wing icons” until they get into trouble and then someone comes to /pol/ telling us “haha your idol turned out to be a pedo. You must be devastated”
>big tits
>fat ass
Needs more tattoos, wrinkles and STDs, right champ?
yeah yeah arab, we already know you have no age limit
no you wont do shit, you are a worthless parasite that pretends to care
just like how you didn't do shit about Epstein either.

You’re retarded.
>cant find the drag quens yet
There's been a ton you stupid faggot.
Also every time a parent takes their kid to a drag show it's abuse.
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I agree, sadly. We literally have to pretend teenagers only become sexy at 18, like magic, and not a day before.
well if you want to do shit you could probably start by heading to your local PTA meeting and having a chat with them about all the fucked up shit they are teaching literal children. you won't do shit because you don't care.
>dr disrespect admits to knowing it was a minor.
No he didn't
>nooo how can you go after a pedo, child porn is okay, Biden is safe
the wood chipper shall be lubed in your blood
Cause the 5G cooks your brain so you forget them all the time as thought becomes harder and harder
Do you remember which leg you put your pants on first 3 weeks ago?
Finding someone thats allowed to kill. That’s what it’s all about. Never forget it. People like me exist Absolutely desire nothing more than to see the snuff from someone’s eyes so we need targets that are approved.
i mean when their words are backed and you havent any technology that backs your word then you will be the next pedo
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What did he say? How old was the person?
Until these two questions are answered nothing else matters and is pure agenda. Just look at this thread.
Im asking you to post them
you ahve them, share
Keep thinking I’m not doing anything. It’s working out really well for you :)
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I dont support the fag flag
This right here is another fair point.
These loser faggots give no shits about protecting children. It's sick fuckery of the highest order to pretend to care for internet points yet do nothing IRL to stop true evil from happening.

They're like a bunch of 40yo women with houses full of cats.
>imma kill you, pedophile!
You ain't gonna do shit, if you were gonna kill a pedophile you'd go find one and kill him. You wouldn't talk shit.
If you cared you wouldnt care about consequences, you are a fucking pussy and you would never touch he people that actually traffic children, because YOU know they would decimate you and your worthless family.
now why don't you do us a favour and off yourself parasite
Not that you're being honest but no one mentioned child porn whatsoever in this case.
I’m simply saying, I would absolutely love to kill them, Not that I’m going to go actively do it. But if an opportunity presents itself to me, I will take it
Go suck a rabbi cock you filthy subhuman golem, disgusting, your colossal faggotry.
No paco, I’m white so my brain works better than yours
test (fuck Jannies)
And why did you quote me? You rambling schizo?
You sound really mad why don’t you come near me so I can put my hands around your throat and string the life from your fucking eyes you little pussy ass faggots
I'm a right wing icon! :)
>this means that it was a 16 to 17 year old girl
What State does he live in?
>that it wasn't sexting.
That's not surprising at all considering the fact that Twitch paid out the rest of his contract.
In any case, hang him for being a streamer or for cheating.
You can't even close your hands, nigger.
Your way of what?
You are doing jack shit about the grooming of boys into becoming girls
You are doing jack shit about multiple active human traficking markets in the midwest and you arent doing jack shit about the cartels and their sex slaves
Face it you worthless roleplaying faggot, you and your kind wont do shit, otherwise the CIA wouldn't exist anymore
You know whats weird? The “hawk tuah” girl is a teen as well, and yet shes being applauded for “blowing men” as she says. So “pedophilia” is wrong sometimes, and correct othertimes, seemingly dependent on some small variable that nobody can adequately describe.

Reject mutt morality
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>i care so much thats why i'm seething on the internet about a grown man who did nothing wrong!
>what, no i wouldn't do anything to the local pedophiles that abuse children i'm not mexican.
>Ah yes, there is no right wing, thus Democrats are right wing
imagine aligning yourself with any political party and then being their flag boy. yids rape babies
All icons are pedos.
>Right Wing Pedos
Seek out prime breeding age wombs
>Left wing pedos
Seek out pre-pubescenf boys colons

Which side would you rather be on?

Read his post explaining his actions in his Twitter. At any point does he say “She said she was 18” or “I thought she was 18” ? No.

At no point does he even try to argue that he was ignorant about the minor being a minor.
Vaush: Pedo who defends MAP
Keffals: Pedo who gets minors to take tranny hormones
Twitch is riddled with pedos on both the left and the right anon.
Again, you can’t possibly comprehend what I’m doing because your brain is not strong enough you are a brownoid. You are subhuman filth
doc is a fucking moron
also he can say that because the other party did break the nda
why denying the thing that the other chatter was a minor? why hide it? he was a utter moron for editing the post? yes
could it be that he learned that she was a minor, then his boner went bye bye and he just fucked some bimbo that his wife found out in 2017
you hate pedos, I hate pedos, we all hate pedos, but in this matter, we just don't know everything
if this really happened wouldn't the morality clause protect twitch and they wouldn't pay, but there was an investigation to the matter, and he got paid, twitch fucked up and let a minor to their whisper test
that is what this is about, because twitch can get in trouble for it
fuck you
and at what point did he admit to sexting?
okay when we do it, not okay when you do it! jews rape babies
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Pooooo in the loooo
You arent doing jack shit
and you will never do it either
te van a matar por ser un manosea nenes,puto maricon de mierda
>literal jew
>right wing "icon"

Anyone replying to this thread without Saging should be banned for off topic faggotry.

But a mod made it and troons are bumping it so nothing will happen.
Twitch also had that mentally ill tranny who acted like a deer.
Actually if you say that you don’t want to talk to women for that reason, IE that they might be underage, normies will say that you’re a pedo as well. Their reasoning is that only a pedo wouldn’t want to be called a pedo. Seems like it’s just mindless denouncement of people who they dislike. Nobody who is spamming the “hawk tuah” teen is being called a pedophile. No idea why.
This desu, as i've said before, the only solution is the abolition of consent laws and the outlawing of sex out of wedlock, simple as.
He was a Democrat for the longest time.
You ain't a killer. Most men aren't.
You won't do shit unless your life is in direct danger. Just like the rest of us. If you were that unstable and violent you'd be in prison.
I feel anger at legit pedophiles too. Liking teen girls isn't pedophilia, it's the status quo. Some of the top searches on porn sites are "teen" and "barely legal" for a reason. Guys like young fresh pussy, not roasties. Do you know what roastie means? MILF.
Keep thinking that brownoid. I’m surprised you’re even capable of thinking at all get back to picking My fucking strawberries So you can feed your kids, Paco Enjoy your taco feast
the side that will protect me from scrutiny and financial ruin. so the left side
Nickmercs refused to define what he thinks the age of consent was in a call with destiny.
Twitch is the new Hollywood.
Oh, I absolutely am a killer. You see I killed a man in jail, I was forced into a jail fight. I picked him up, turned them over and slammed him down on the concrete. I killed him. But not only did I kill him I fucking loved it. I want nothing more than to get a chance to do it again.
So the Catholic Church is left wing?
Wait a minute, so now a “pedo” is somebody who sexts a woman they think is an adult? It’s anybody who has sex??
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>Le dying uhhh get spooped
Fuck off faggot, you immediately think about boys, disgusting homosexual golem filth.
No, it’s someone who admits to inappropriately chatting with minors. That’s who. Simple as. I guess you can throw in anyone who defends them too
i posted a picture of a 17 year old child, a picture that was in a national united states publication, and your only response is a blue man pooping?
>noo its mods and troons, the right doesnt follow a jew
pedoes touch kids
you want to defend a pedo that everyone insists is a leftie
Its funny how right wingers fear the Bible on that
>nooo you cant police sex, I need to wet my dick

Funny how the post with seemingly the most information has no replies to it, and then dipshits just keep spewing nonsense past this post. Maybe it's too hard for people to read a full page explaining the situation.

Far easier to just lynch a motherfucker.
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That’s your God!
The whole post explains that he messaged a minor…. I don’t understand what you’re seeing that absolves him of that

>what is context

Congrats, you just basically suggested that every twitch streamer is a pedo. Which in some cases is correct. I'm curious how often guys like destiny and hasan chat up teenage groupies.
This so much this, governments should go in vans grabbing all men and show them porn of 17 girls, if they get hard they should shot them on the spot, let's get rid of all the evul pedros
don't indians have like 8 million gods?
either way i feel like you might have gotten off topic here.
Sorry, I don't save every fucked up thing I see on the internet. Here are a few from a quick search. They're posted here all the time, or were before this place turned to shit

Robert Clothier - drag queen
Kelsey Meta Boren - drag mom/teacher
Brett Blomme - Funded drag queen story hour
Adam Westbrook - drag queen
Eron David Griffin - drag queen
Teen girls are objectively sexually attractive to every normal healthy man and this is how it's been since the beginning of the human species. Anyone who pretends otherwise is a delusional retard.
>he messaged a minor
thats not against the law tho?
and once again you not gonna check your tranny supporting leftist twitch streamers not hold any ethots accountable

That's the problem with "you people" you guys see these fake stories about Trump and you're like SEE SEE! HE SAID BLOODBATH!

And then you look like fucking retards when your entire point is proven to be bullshit. I bet you think Ukraine is winning too, right faggot?

verification not required
That was known about and he hasn't had any incidents since supposedly. This was all 7 years ago at the height of his popularity. Probably had women throwing themselves at him.
use this
snapshots to local and uploads to imigur att he same time
lets you share nice and easy
whys your first link a 3 decade old corpse?
I asked for new people
At least your last one works
You blue balled me hard
Cheaters should still be hanged, and so should streamers and their viewers.
imagine being a faggot simp for a stranger on the internet you little bitch.
Imagine a dinner conversation where you admit to successful people that you donated to a "streamer".
LOL <------------
Why are you assuming that I’m on their side? I hate all of them.
If ukraine isnt winning, why is Russia bombing their own beaches?
what the fuck this could be my daughter you sick fuck. seek help immediately you dangerous ticking timebomb monster. you are not like us you aint normal
Drag queens aren’t transgender and don’t take hormones or identify as women. You literally don’t know what you claim to fight.
>t-they both wear women’s clothing
That’s like saying libertarians communists and fascists are the same because they all like guns. You are profoundly mentally retarded
They literally wash nigger feet after mass importing then into Europe. You can't really get more leftist than that. Well, and all the buggery.
If Ukraine is winning why is Russia still on pisskraine after 2 years of constant ukraine winning lmao
Simple as. A person being able to understand right from wrong differentiates the pedo from the innately pussy-addicted male human. And I'll say it again... I have literally seen girls more developed than my wife @ middle school events.

Am I a pedo because my adult wife is short? What about asian girls? Am I not allowed to fuck cute asian girls? Bitch is 32 but that pussy isn't, ya feel me.
Outside the scope of the conversation.
Your daughter exists solely to be fucked by other men in order to give birth to children. That was the contract you signed when you had a daughter.
You should be shot and woodchipped pedro-san
Dey not like us kek
Yeah bro, you’re talking to cesspit of retards
I agree with you here. I don’t understand why you think. I’m on their side all streamers molest children.
Everyone knows white guys who fuck Asian girls are pedos.
>whys your first link a 3 decade old corpse?
>I asked for new people
Holy shit, two people with the same name? Unheard of!
Conversation over. You're a stupid faggot and not worth talking to. Probably a bot, I didn't even post any links. Dipshit.
Then you're smart enough to understand how dumb it is to have the take " but he messaged a minor!" while suggesting it was overtly sexual.

I'll change my mind if (You) have the messages.

ALSO do you realize how popular the "pedo hunter" shit is? There's likely sad sad people lurking in streams like his actively trying to honey pot him.
What the hell is wrong with you, bro? That is not normal behavior, and you know it otherwise you’d openly admit it in public at the middle school events but you know it’s not cool
>The big bad killer is pro trans roights
Color me surprised, go suck on your insulin, you merigroid.
Dr disrespect admitted to it tho.
it's very obvious, train operator
What if it's big tiddy Asians?
I don’t care what your opinion about that is I honestly have no desire to change your mind. I’m simply relaying facts You choose to believe them or not it’s not my fucking problem
it's not against the law to talk to people kek
In my state it’s 16
There is no such thing as transgender. They are just faggots in dresses. There is no distinction.
> about boys, disgusting homosexual golem filth.
confession through projection
better watch out when perving on the little kids en el barrio
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What the fuck are you talking about? I’m not a leftist I’m not a right wing, I’m pro ME. That’s it
yes, it is not, frowned upon? if it contains something like "I wanna suck your tits oh mama" then absolutely if he knew about her age
if he didn't know and was just catfished, then I'm just pointing my finger towards twitch
and yes, the doc in his peak money making days was a fucking moron, there is no denying that
cheating scandals was happening around that time the messaging happened
I'm just saying, dude just wanted to fuck bitches, maybe doc turned this minor away
we just don't know
now if he was at fault and actually just preyed upon this girl knowing her age, fucking punch him in the nuts for the rest of his life
Girls that age shoud be married instead of on school, fagtard, god fucking hell, i have to explain everything to these niggerbrains.
>Drag queens aren’t transgender and don’t take hormones or identify as women.
At no point did I claim otherwise you stupid homo.
Who cares what the law says, If I say he should be killed, he should be killed simple as that
yet you provided no facts besides some gay screenshot of wall of text. show us the actual chat and let people decide if that was sexual or not and who initiated it.
Then why don’t you go ahead and explain that at the next fucking middle school meeting you attend. Oh wait you won’t because you know it’s not cool because you know it’s not normal because you know you’d be killed
thats why you link and snapshot
Youre the one who failed to do so
I'm not an urbanite you retard nigger
Bro, nobody has that information, The only information they have is Dr. disrespect himself admitting Having inappropriate messages with a minor. That’s enough for me to say he should be executed that’s it. That’s all it takes for me. Maybe you need more but I don’t.


Yeah ok pedro. Look at this map.


kek. Everyone knows that's bullshit. And you're probably just gay, so you don't even understand the allure of pussy. And for the record I'm married and she's my age.

Have you ever even had pussy?
The same reason Taiwan remains free from Manchuria
Its beneficial to the right to bring about armageddon
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>pussy obsessed
Yikes ngmi
yeah but who cares what you say? you are a retard larping on 4chan.
Go back poojeet.
>Bro, nobody has that information,
yet you calling for him to be killed based on some shit you heard a tranny and actual pedos say about him. shouldn't you get all facts straight first because making any claims and starting a witch hunt? all that happened 7 years ago and he was cleared of any wrongdoing, why bring it up again now?
Nah, normgroids are beyond salvation atp, luckily you are normalizing pedophilia by extending the definition kek, thanks for your work lol
Who the fuck is this toupee freddy mercury looking prick?
No, I’m calling for him to be killed based on his own admission to having inappropriate messages with a minor. That’s it he admitted it. I don’t need to see the messages. I don’t care what they say. He admits enough information to me to say he should be executed
>He married an Asian
Keep your lunatic half breed son on a short leash and away from firearms.
>noo you cant go after pedoes, thats wrong
Whats wrong with killing pedoes?
They shouldnt be touching kids
Hunter Biden in a wig
OK, you’re welcome I guess, I would like it to become fully normalized that way society can fully collapse and I can just go on a killing spree, we have mutual goals
you better fear the mighty trans army, you puny little rightwingers
he admited that it happened, that's all he admitted to. he also admitted that he stopped talkin to her the moment she told him her age, tranny
>Yeah ok pedro. Look at this map.
Sadly this shithole is plagued by feminist kikes too hard, i was being a sarcastic turd btw.
ask your dad at what age he was chasing your whore of a mother. let me guess next you gonna say times have changed
She was 32
let me guess, next you'll call lies because youre upset your pedo world is falling apart
It shows
Why lie about this fake story?
>She was 32
bwahahaa, that explains why you're brain dead. did they have you when she was 50?
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Cause you failed at your object lesson pedo
Its best to be amongst a loving mother and father over ones that know nothing
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peepee poopoo
you unironically sound underage
Pedophilia is men attracted to prepubescent girls. Nice ass and tits = gets me hard . The people bashing them are involuntary celibates who can’t get any so they take it out on guys who get tight highschool pussy.
You said it didn’t matter if he thought that the person they were sexting was an adult. Then you said that anybody who sexts anybody esle at all is a pedo, because of “fornication”. I don’t get it.
>admits to inappropriately chatting with minors
What if he’s not talking sexually though, what if it’s like “I’d fuck up that dumb nigger bitch” type of inappropriate bants
>anyone who defends them
Seems like a stretch, more like a political thing rather than a definition of something
Ah so thats why chuds fear the troon
all that sex they get
Dont deal with kids, dont have the issue
If you dont know whos on the other end, why sex?
This is pretty paranoid
17 hell 16 is legal you’re a faggot or loser
Sounds like he’s just being rational though
Yeah, I’m not really interested in defining anything just killing pedos And their defenders
Not interested in definitions? Ok, let's shoot you because you are a pedo.
It's like the most antigay people are homos themselves.
Pretty much, only people with good taste reach the highest highs, old rotten ladies for the plebeian plapjack class, stop eating meat while at it also kek
Well thanks all for coming
enjoy your commutes
You cant say that about adult women either though or else you can be fired. Same consequence as saying it about the teens
Dr D is a true American hero.

We all used to watch his show, on saturday mornings and that F-14 he flew at the start of the show, thats actually him flying it.

Actually from what I’ve heard people say, yes dating short/skinny women is in fact pedophilia no matter their age. Also dating foreign women is pedophilia because it’s the same concept, “taking advantage of a womans naivity” which is childlike, which is the core of pedophilia. Because they dont speak english well, they dont have the same currency which blocks them from the same opportunities of investment, and their courtbshstems arent american amd feminist enough

Thats how it was explained to me
Checked. I don't mind 80% of this board dying if it means there will be less pedos walking outside
Yeah but he could mean something not sexual though. Or maybe he didnt know her age
Now you’re saying just dont hookup with people basically, which is similar to what you said before. Why dont you just explain yourself anon
It's so beautiful to see these repressed pedros larping, we all are in dark forest, my guys, and it's about to get darker, all according to keikaku

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