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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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>when does it start
9pm Eastern Time
>where to watch
CNN.com or USA Today’s YouTube Livestream: https://www.youtube.com/live/vqSSEZQMHSs?si=pW6uuE7-lP1DMAyx

This is going to be a shit show.
Retard kino incoming
Well at least I'm not a felon.

Well at least my son is not a felon.

Well at least I'm not a racist.

Well at least I'm not a pedo.

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is it really happening? wow I can't believe it is actually happening!
This is all CGI. Biden and Trump both died of covid 3 years ago.
This version of Biden, intellectually, analytically, is the best Biden ever. Not a close second. Biden will mop the stage with Trump's combover.
I hope it devolves into a shoe fight like on memri tv
I’m watching for the laughs. Can’t wait to see two boomers struggle through forming coherent thoughts, stumbling over their words. It’s gonna be a laugher
Meaningless contrived Drivel
I hate the fact that RFK jr wasn’t able to attend the debate, even if he is a faggot.
>CNN plans to copyright strike any independent commentators commenting on their stream
>CNN has already disabled chat on their stream
I guess I just have to sit there and believe everything CNN's jewish factcheckers say.
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I hope this is an entertaining shitshow.
Will CSPAN air this too?
>In the next debate, CNN is just going to tell us what was said, and how we should feel about it. Anyone that records the debate will be copyright striked to the fullest extent of the law.
Check out their key fact updates

>If Biden wins, he will defend rights and "protect America's image"
>If Trump wins he will "go after Biden and his family"
Debate jannies have written the rules so it's essentially impossible for any independent candidate to even get up there
Whether or not you think he's a fag for being wishy-washy on guns and as pro-israel as the other two, he should be there instead of having to do a weird cope livestream with Dr. Phil
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>Looks at the page
>It's real
Holy Moly what a fucking shitshow this is going to be.
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Does anyone have a bingo card made up? I want to play during the live thread tonight.
brandon will mog drumpf
Kennedys invest all the time, money, effort, and blood into American politics
Watch it descend into hellscape of mobs and mafias and cartels cheating votes to run the human trafficking and drug trafficking rings
>Ya, we will sit this one on the side but send lend a political opinion with educated historical insight

Love the Kennedy's and
Oil your firearms
POTUS45 and whatever constitual military apparatus that is backing him verse the globochomo that subjugated America via a ruthless and monolithic conspiracy to enslave every man, woman, and child
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I dont but have an old one for the memories
There are some other gems on that page.
>Bernie Sanders says Biden needs to "make it clear" who is on working families' side on debate stage.
No, Bernie, Biden loses if he does that.
>Jew S Presedential debate bingo card
>its just "Isreal is our greatest ally" printed on a card nine times

according to /pol/ covid is fake, however they surely died from the vaccine
No, I think it was made in a lab and was released for companies to make money.
>By Elise Hammond, Maureen Chowdhury, Shania Shelton, Aditi Sangal, Tori B. Powell and Piper Hudspeth Blackburn, CNN

So now it takes 6 diversity hires to write a few paragraphs?
it was probably made in an american bioweapons lab and probably released accidentally by a DEI hire. the pharma companies just did what every company does, tried to maximize the profit from the situation.
>"Isreal is our greatest ally" printed on a card nine times

I think it's rebranded influenza, and most people were literally hypnotized into believing it was the black death 2.0
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Trump is walking into the lion's den.
God speed to him.
Biden's campaign explicitly said he would not attend if RFK was there. If CNN let him on, they'd just get accused of giving Biden an excuse to bail.
Gay debate between two geriatrics.
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my money is on it not happening due to fuckery by the Biden team
Pestilence vs. Cholera
why the fuck is it only debates on CNN
why the fuck can't they debate somewhere more neutral?
why must it be corporate media?
the goal is to control the message, and silence anyone who isn't spouting propaganda.
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let's hope both sides have fun
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I have a feeling this will be Joe's last public appearance for quite a while
Just cool it with the anti-Semitism.
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please let this debate be meme worthy
The real debate

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Think Joe is even awake yet?
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Fixed that for ya'
I love how 95% of /pol/ is supporting Biden and /ptg/ can’t cope with that fact
genuinely have no idea why either of them agreed to this beyond ego but i'm glad we get to watch some geriatric retards fight
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AI is dum
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It starts at 3AM here.
Should I bother to stay awake?
I did during the 2016 campaign because it was very entertaining, but not during the last campaign since it was a snorefest.
Do it, I'm staying up and want more people to suffer with me.
>want more people to suffer with me
We already have the EU for that.
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What was this?
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cheers hombre
love how 99% of 1pbtid raiding faggots and bots "support" Biden and every normal person in the world sees him as a mumbling corpse in a stiff suit
How are people supposed to debate in complete sentences when microphones are muted at the key parts!? It’s mind control I tell you.
Let’s dump footage in 360p on Vidlii. Videos rarely disappear from there.
Undecided voter here, so I'm looking forward to see how both candidates answer the questions tonight.
Bro memes are illegal now.
Don’t worry. Obama woke him up and fed him this morning.
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or this
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serious question: How is statement even possible?
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Is that my nigga Jones?
This shit is goyslop and /pol/ is going to eat it up
lots of true blue, red-blooded Americans do it
you have to have been born here though
FYI: One of the moderators for tonight's debate, Dana Bash, was married to one of active intelligence agents who helped put together the "51 Intelligence Officials" letter to give Biden a talking point to discredit the laptop in the 2020 debate.

>Morell revealed that one of the goals in releasing the letter two days later “was to help then-Vice President Biden in the debate,” according to an April 20, 2023, letter House investigators sent to Blinken. The day after speaking with the Biden campaign, Morell blasted out an email to former intelligence officials to recruit them to sign the Oct. 19 intel letter. “We want to give the VP a talking point to use in response” to Trump in the event he attacks Biden over the laptop revelations during the upcoming debate, Morell wrote his colleagues. After the Oct. 22 debate, Morell testified that Biden campaign chairman Steve Ricchetti called him to thank him “for putting the statement out.” Morell said former CIA chief of staff Jeremy Bash was also involved in the coordination effort. Bash happens to be the ex-husband of Dana Bash, who will be one of the CNN moderators questioning Trump and Biden at Thursday night’s debate in Atlanta.
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fo sho
They love to serve these dumb conspiracies to republicans each time.
Dumping future headlines:

>Trump the statesman, Biden the shitpissing geriatric trainwreck: A tale of two debates

>Biden pretends microphone is ice cream cone, in one of debate's few light moments

>What was that smell? Debate attendees haggle over which candidate "cut the cheese"
>serve these dumb conspiracies to
how do I know that this isn't proper language and you don't?
digits and one of the two shits itself so much that they have to interrupt the whole thing.
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rowling for them both to get a bad case of hiccups that lasts the entire master-debate
Will they both know the questions before they're asked?
Will they both know even if they're not supposed to?
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yep, CNN wrestling scene
Bingo for Biden forgetting what he was talking about at some point.
Jokes aside, is this seriously the best the US has to offer? A 34 times wannabe dictator convicted felon and a relict that doesn't even understand anymore where to go? Jesus what a let down.
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>how do I know that this isn't proper language and you don't?
Your English is lacking. Even that sentence you served me is off.
Drumpf is good and Biden is bad
That's all that matters
#!/bin/dana bash

while [ $i -le 5 ]
sleep 1
echo "$i Second"
i=$(( $i+1 ))
>This is going to be a shit show.
Isn't CNN fake news? Why does any believe anything they broadcast?
I can't believe Biden agreed to face President Trump again. Trump absolutely destroyed him 4 years ago
>Middle of the fucking night
Fucking mutts
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What are the candidates opinions on baxxid?
>Drumpf is good
I hope that you are being ironic, Trump 2024 is probably the worst ticket in the span of 50 years.
What happens if he gets sentenced to months or even years of prison and then gets elected? Does he do state visits with an ankle monitor? Should an head of state visit him in prison during official ceremonies? To not speak about the fact that they are supposed to give a person that was charged with mishandling classified documents a security clearance.
Sorry, but for me it is Uruguay vs Bolivia tonight. Still voting for Trump though.
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with the 1-2 minute delay..
they can use AI voice over for each canidate

> corn pop starts to stutter or fucks up
> cut his mic
> pan to Trump or Zoom out on Biden
> play Biden AI voice over
> while at it
> have Trump AI voice over as well

since its it'll be a close set and only CNN will have the actual recording.
everyone in the world will get the 1-2min. doctored delay.. no way to verify what was really said by each candidate.
it will be 2 after midnight in pooland
i guess i will not be watching
I fully anticipate CNN AI fuckery. It's too obvious what they're doing
Not gonna lie, former Trump voter here. This is fucking hilarious watching Trump crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let this guy get the nuclear codes.
You can try to ad hominem me with all the strawmen you want, that just proves i am right and you don't have any argument.
Again, why should the security services give a security clearance to someone that was charged with mishandling classified documents?
Reminder this is going to be 100% kike approved programming from both candidates for the sole purpose of concealing the fact that they are controlled opposition.
It's just going to be a borefest. 2 CNN niggerfaggots and Biden vs Trump. It's going to be cringier than the Wallace debate in 2020.
dead men walking vs dead men walking
what a show this will be
anyone has official confirmation of the 1-3 minute delay?

every time they pan out on Biden or cut to Trump while Biden is talking
will be AI Biden Voice. 100%
Removing the jews is the only solution to our problems

This debate is pure entertainment and will resolve nothing.
god I hope they bring up bitcoin tonight
Still should have been Andrew Yang
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Wake up and take a streetshit. You can watch the debate through someone's window while you go
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ok dumbo. You believe that "conspiracies" are the ideas put forth that run counter to the main stream narrative, and that's where you have it backwards. You know you're full of shit and so does everyone else.
Biden isn't a boomer, jack. He's as old as my grandfather who knows full well he's not sharp enough to be an effective politican.
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Former Biden voter here. I hate to do it but i cant take another 4 years of inflation under joe so im gonna vote for the lesser of two evils.
You may not like it, but Biden is the true savior of mankind. Trump is just an irrelevant speed bump.
You're just a selfish idiot if you don't see how important Joe's re-election is important. It is no longer a matter of intern politics, the world is going to watch very closely because the outcome will have planetary consequences.
Of course not, but the page has several 'updates' of collated articles, each likely has a separate author. This is how journos build their resume.
>x bylines with CNN
same goes for Trump silly
Migger vs Rigger
Whoever wins, Americans lose
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And it's a bad thing...?
I would but CNN was already allowed a broadcast lead time that's as long as the allowed responses so they'll just cut anything they don't like
> where watch
The three major networks (ABC, CBS, NBC) are also broadcasting it
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For generations these kinds of stupid conspiracy-type things have been used to corral conservatives into impotency.

An interesting facet of this is that the newer, dumber population who has been replacing Whites in America are typical, and will continue to be, the most ardent believers in stupid conspiracy shit, due to the fact of their idiocy.

All those 90IQ mestizos, all those 70 IQ nigerians, etc, will all be led around by the nose by Jews just as White conservatives have been for so long, only they'll be so much easier to con that their power will be never be threatened like it was with Whites.
Of course the devil's digits are posting where to watch this drivel
I hear you but im struggling rn. My landlord raised the rent $200 last january and food at the grocery store has nearly doubled. Even my cat's food has gone up significantly.
If you're a delusional tyrannical satanic Jewish pedophile that wants to destroy America I would understand why you think it's not a bad thing. You don't have long left on this Earth btw, just saying.
The public ones are good, but any ai voice I've heard either speaks to fast or something is off about the cadence. Like a construction from genuine audio made of many small cuts and edits.
1 am uk time ukbros
Trump is a boomer, though, memeflaggot kike.
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She dodged the kiss on the lips and breast touch like she’s done it a thousand times before.

This is going to be an example for everyone of what life under another 4 years of joe setting the rules will be like.
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hope he knows the proper way to slice garlic
Why won't he bring his own microphone so they can't cut him off
Trump will do "ok" until they ask him about Israel where he will then proceed to suck of Bibi for 5 minutes straight. They will also ask him about him dining with Fuentes and Kanye and he will disavow both of them indirectly. Screencap this.
If he's elected, he's the president. That's why. State crimes are not sufficient to bar presidency and 'the classified documents!' that every single politican is guilty of will not go forward before the election and the case will be dropped.
Microphones don't work by themselves, you need speakers.
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Should I watch this or Uruguay v Bolivia
A microphone is just an inverted speaker, russbro. Plus
>America's choices of who leads us are an arrogant retard and a decrepit retard who is going to die and leave a manipulative cunt in charge
>Choice doesn't matter because they're both Israel's bitches and are going to force citizens to die for a war that doesn't have to do with us
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the one good thing about Trump getting in more gun pro judges in all courts
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How in the fuck can anyone still be undecided? Both men have been president, what more do you fucking need?
>The White House Correspondents' Association says it's "deeply concerned" that CNN "has rejected our repeated requests to include the White House travel pool inside the studio.
lmao. CNN has completely locked down the venue. No independent observers
Fuckery is afoot
Americabros the entire world is going to be laughing at us tonight.

The only thing that could save the debate would be a swerve where Trump introduces the REAL Republican candidate for President - Doug Burger, or Biden saying it's now Hillary's turn and Hillary does the debate.
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They are based
Kek you’re a gay nigger you stupid niggerfaggot. You type like a troon you freak, 41% yourself
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> ?si=pW6uuE7-lP1DMAyx

Delete the joogle tracker ID's before posting again next time.
All Anons: Delete the TRACKER ID portion of the URL before clicking

>Tied to the sender's google account. Now knows the sender posts on /pol./ Knows anyone clicking it is a /pol/ user.
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>Niche bets are also on fire: Will Biden freeze for 5 seconds and lose his footing, or will Trump say "bing bong" and hit 5 sniffs in one response?

If Biden says "yids rape kids" he has my vote.
many Americans who have been tuned out of politics until now are going to turn on the debate tonight and just see how deranged and demented Donald Trump is.
President Biden will see massive poll gains after this.
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>-400 for Drumpf to lie 16+ times
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Like this massive gaining president?
Pointless just like the 2020 debates.
Only the 2016 debates were worth watching.
>there's a 2 minute tape delay and the debate won't be live
?????????? AHHHHHHHHHHHHH what the fuck is this shit? That's plenty of time to edit anything cool that happens so that no one ever sees it.
Nevermind then its gonna be trash
It's going to be fun watching CNN splice in AI Joe clips to cover up for when he shits himself and brain farts on stage
these psychotic retards are meaningless now that we have Bitcoin. the only power they ever had was to fuck with your money.
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Great millions of jeets imported to put band aids on a dysfunctional shithole vs millions of jeets imported to put band aids or a dysfunctional shithole.

How ever will I decide
>9pm Eastern Time
What kind of bullshit is this? So, the thing airs at midnight on the west coast? I ain't staying up for this cringefest.
It's only an hour long. The old fogies can't stay up past 11pm EDT anyhow.
burger education
you've got it backwards anon...
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Now do this one shill
Trump 2024
Don't care, voting trump.
>Two old men
>Too old for the job
>Debating who is too old for job
>jew dick sucking contest
Will watch to see leaders of the mutts be a comedy show for the rest of the world. point and laugh
based and Adolf Hitler pilled
Any bingo cards?
If Biden can stay awake for 90 min and give answers that have something to do with the questions he will get around a 4% boost in the polls from voters that hate Trump but were expecting Biden to be a complete vegetable. That would be enough to sweep WI, MI, PA and take the election.
rolling for biden shitting his pants on stage
Don't even watch this radical liberal debate. it won't be fair because Trump can not get his plans out in 2 minutes at a time. Trump's true genius is when he takes over and starts insulting everyone in the room. This debate would only be fair if Joe Biden had to keep it under 2 minutes and his mic was muted so Trump could talk the whole time.
I wish Trump knew ASL as he could shitpost using gestures regardless of the mic muting.

Is this the one by The Quartering?
But if they were to stage a killing or bombing and he were to die then I would want to watch it live
This debate would be fare if RKF could shit on Trump & Biden over the COOF19 fiasco.
>only CNN
>no audience
>2min delay
Is this a joke?
Fair* fuck I’m a retard
So any good comfy alt streams with chat?
Dear Sirs, a very important classified video will be leaked before Full Alien Disclosure Occurs in the Months July 2024 Official Global Arrival Date please review attached Transcripts
I'm Formerly employee in MJ12 DEEPSTATE Government Best Regards Goodluck.


Aliens UFO DID 911 TRUTH
When 9/11 happened, news in Australia initially reported that the US was attacked by aliens. There used to be videos of metal orbs flying right through the buildings coming from above instead of directly towards., RESEARCH THE FLAT EARTH.
it's not a joke. no outside observers allowed in the venue whatsoever
whatever it is CNN plans on doing is going to be a shit show
>old man yells at old man

bet this will be the most underwhelming shit in existance and not a single voter will even change their mind
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Just found out CNN is exclusively covering the debate, meaning everyone watching will hear their shit takes. How is this allowed in the land of the free? This seems so super overlooked and fucked.. What the fuck USA?
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i have this
>9pm Eastern Time
im gonna be too drunk by then.
>crying pepe.jpg
for some reason, both candidates rejected the presidential commission on debates arranging things this year and agreed to do this shit on CNN under CNN's rules terms and conditions
It's a controlled environment.
It's an unsanctioned debate.
God damn, kid! pace yourself!
>CNN USA Today slop


>captcha : VAXX0
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elon already checked with his attorneys and they said it is absolutely fair use as long as there is commentary. it will be streamed on X per Elon
both at once
pretend the crowd is cheering for the debate

See : >>472375479
Wack af.
>this a joke
I think it is >>472353180

compared to YouTube?
what TF is Breakroom's problem
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>compared to YouTube?
Yes. It's unusable on mobile.
>what TF is Breakroom's problem
I just want shit that works.
>unusable on mobile

get Brave
Sorry I need something that works.
Mods Sticky
You are correct. It's because Boomers are due to die as they are all reaching that age
fucking cursed
RFK bros... have we lost?
/ptg/ is literally 90% Russian bots you fucking retard
anons beware to delete the "si=" in the link before you paste and go
if (You) use a mobile device and are *not* using Brave (You) are by default a retard.

what the fuck 'mobile browser' do (You) use?
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>oh yes goy, watch two senile shabbos goy talk about how much they have done for the black community, and how best to unconditionally serve globohomo and Israels agenda
Yeah nah, im playing dota tonight fuck that shit.
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Should be funny
Big White Cock vs tiny orange penis kino incoming
kek post moar
I'm the age of technology a president and former president are on a failing CNN set with mics that have lights nearby to show when the human can speak. Who gave this power to CNN? Let's hope it absolutely ruins CNN reputation and you can find set pieces in the dumpster out back and make a faux debate set in your living room.
That’s why we’re here anon. We can laugh about it together on here
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>watch CNN
Chrome? Only on mobile though. Use FF on my pc.
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Trump will win regardless of any CNN jewish tricks. He's gonna throw verbal haymakers.
I hope when they cut his mic he walks over to Biden to finish his sentence. It's not live though so they'll cut out all the good parts. 2min delay
k den

switch to Brave on (You)r mobile devices

Thx anon
It'll be a difficult migration.
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Oberstein for President 2024
Based. Thanks anon
The new debate stage looks like crap.What was wrong with the old big one with the eagle? CNN put their giant logo on the wall twice and a giant one on the floor like it's a fucking Las Vegas casino or some reality show.
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digits and dementia joe audibly and brutally sharts himself live
why does this shit always start so late
like nigger make it at fuckin 8pm fuck california
I was gonna stay up anyway but still
Trump has been walking around like a fuckin DOG campaigning his dick off, got fuckin banned by the tranny jannies on 134 counts, said fuck ya niggers and kept rolling like the shit didnt even happen
now my boi got 200 milli to play with
fuck ya mean skeeter

Verification not required
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Two shabbos goys are going to debate each other .
>Two shabbos goys are going to debate each other
>What was that smell? Debate attendees haggle over which candidate "cut the cheese"
Hard kek. You should write headlines for a living.
digits and one of them will not appear
understand that there are some sites where their default setting is Chrome (<--need to keep it for rare usage instances)
but trust me the Brave migration is worth it for smartphones+tablets
why do you think they have the delay and microphone cutoffs?
>captcha: VAXMD
Nothing says your government isn't about your sorry ass anymore you deplorable shits like giant CNN branding and corporate sponsors and not a single everyday American allowed in because the POTUS said no audience. Trump was a fool agreeing to this slap in the face to us all and anyone voting for a man- good ol down to earth Scranton Joe- that thinks this is the way to connect with the people has no connection to reality just like this staged event.
We the American people weren't invited to a god-damned presidential debate.
Fuck both those guys.
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>many Americans who have been tuned out of politics until now are going to turn on the debate tonight and just see how deranged and demented Donald Trump is.
>President Biden will see massive poll gains after this.
I was over at my dad's house the other day helping with some household chores. He lives in a pretty rural area of a very red state. At the end of the day we went to one of the nearby country bars. It's the kind of place that farmers, truckers, and the working class go to unwind.

Joe Biden was on the TV and the local gun store owner said,

"You know what? He ain't so bad. The economy is recovering, nobody's rioting, and we're standing up on the world stage again. Can't believe I'm saying this but Joe Cool has got my vote next year."

I looked around and all I saw were heads nodding in agreement. I ever heard a few calls of "Yessir" and "Damn straight" from the men around me.
>understand that there are some sites where their default setting is Chrome
I remember keeping IE around because nothing else worked with Chinese streaming sites circa 2007(?).
Between the two of them they've probably taken a Fall Weiss's worth of Amphetamines
how long left?
>I love jews more
>no no, I do!
All /pol/cels, latrinos, and wignats will always be weak retarded cucks.
1 hour
1 hour (uno hora in shitalian)
2 weeks
President Joe, here's a question for you...what's your favorite flavor of ice cream?

President Trump, here's your question. Did you attempt to start an insurrection?
that's spanish Adolf
You cut out some of the best parts, anon.

I was over at my dads house the other day helping with some household chores. He lives in a very rural area of a very red state. At the end of the day we went to one of the nearby country bars. It’s the kind of place that farmers, truckers, legit cowboy boot wearers and the working class go to unwind with a cold one.

President Biden was on the TV and the local gun store owner said to his auto mechanic (friends since high school),

“You know what? He ain’t so bad. The economy is recovering, nobody’s rioting, and we’re standing up on the world stage again. Can’t believe I’m saying this but Ol’ Scranton Joe’s got my vote this year.”

I looked around and all I saw were heads nodding in agreement. I heard a few calls of “Yes sir” and “Damn Straight” from the men around me. Even saw the lonely ball cap wearing farmer in the corner raise his drink with a nod.
I think Biden will go out there and pull a fred sanford. Pretending hes having a serious medical emergency and then they can replace him with sympathy and energy.
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>9pm Eastern Time
>So, the thing airs at midnight on the west coast?
Kennedys came from the mafia, that family is no different from the rest of the crooks in Washington
If they are dumb enough to let him debate then Trump has probably already studied how to freeze senile people with trigger words or phrases. It could get awkward real quick for Bidens Marxist handlers.
when Trump's microphone is off, he can just go "neener neener" the whole time, breaking Joe's concentration
Biden is going to get assfucked tonight, I'm sure Trumps team has found some way to get around the mic fuckery
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You are in the metaverse.
biden will win lol
trump = dead Ukraine

maga tards cant explain how letting russia and china win will make america great

how does letting america lose to china and russia make america great, if russia and china become no1 and no2 on the global order, the US dollar fails

such retards, the only people wanting trump are the incel types who want collapse, and commies who want total anarchy, because thats what will happen
I don't give a shit about Yakutsk or whatever you're rambling about, pajeet.
So you want to make russia and china great and let the USA be non-significant on the world stage

In some universe the debate stage gets blown up by secret Russian operatives, that is wot i am hoping for so we can finally have some new entertainment and conspiracy theory era again
faggot leaf. nobody cares about any of that bullshit
yeah, whatever you say. the funnel of my tax dollars to kikes in the intelligence and military production industries doesn't do anything for me.
you have provided unsatisfactory technical support, soheb.
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Reporting in from /smg/
I refuse to believe you're this retardrd
im planning on streaming the debate and the live thread at the same time, something i wish i did when the republican and presidential debate was going on back in 2016
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I have a half a million € in bitcoin mining stocks. What im up for?
You're responding to the wrong anon, anon.
link? are you live right now? im doing a VR event with my buddies and want to test the links beforehand
my backup is just the official stream though in case it doesn't work
martin shkrelli is streaming the debate
My name is Nostradamus and I have predicted that Biden is going to wipe the floor on Trump's ass.
no sticky
feds run this board
i remember 2016 there was streams of anons just doing meme shit on the screen, i dont want a eceleb fag
I'll report your ass to the CNN gestapo
its scheduled from 9-11:30 est
Just like we drew it up
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Dark Brandon Rising
>Watches debate for a little bit
>Changes he channel to something else.
How much will this happen?

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Kek there a janny sweeping up by the mods
Why are 2 80 year old men our only hope? Think about this
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who ever wins
everyone wins
The younger
generations suck
where is teh fookin sticky
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Debate starts
Trump grabs mic
>I have an important announcement
"My fellow Americans, the Storm is upon us......."
"in 336 more hours"
Elders of the tribe and all that.

Besides, Obama was young and he was a fucking nightmare.
Why do people type verification not required? Like yeah, if you have a pass or have been active you don't need to type capcha. But what is the point of announcing it?
the thread is a nice touch desu
are you guys in a discord call or something?

I was, they are degenerates from /vg/
I'll check you out anon.
which thread? maybe we already are the same area
Gavin NewScum

>At least I was deemed competent enough to stand trial.
Seriously, all Trump has to say and Joe's career ends.
/eftg/, highly doubt it unless you are that loser Icarus but hes from pooland
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>Trump is walking into the lion's den.
>God speed to him.
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Because fuck you little faggot
Did I hurt your little fee fees?
Gonna go cry in your gaming chair?
You will never be a woman.

checked and keked
based masochist
/vrg/ here (if it wasn't obvious already from >VR)
based, looking forward to vr with msfs 2024
Something crazy is going to happen.
I have a feeling bros

all the networks are simulcasting it.
Biden will be on so many drugs it'll be boring
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Captcha: ST4TAP
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Sticky threads suck. Maybe the mods are feeling cute and might sticky your thread later. idk
same. I need to fly through the grand canyon with my fighter jet in HD
>Turns music on waiting
>Fucking Land Of Confusion plays
they are laggy and go by fast, i had an easier chance of reading threads and rewatching the republican debates when they were numbered
can't wait to see the first pants shitting and the endless off topic side quests he goes on.
Or even just the 5minute reboot
Shits gonna be epic
i wish it was medieval weapons and no time limit till the death, winner takes all.
Then throw all the other politicians in there to do the same.
World wide political cage matches, winner takes all.
Do it to them before they are trying to do it to us.
Half hour from now:

ill take a pic of all the fags wearing anime avatars for you xoxo
Do we even need a president? Why can't we just do without one?
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At this very moment, there are disgusting jew claws scheming schemes to completely fuck your white childrens future for the benefit of alllll the earths scum.
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Manchurian Candidate level psychopathy incoming.
just fucking download it when you wake up dummy
Cringe lord fag tard
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looks like they made a sticky
missing out on official american politics?
Trump: "You are anti-semite"

Biden: "No, you are anti-semite"

Trump: "I love jews"

Biden: "I love jews more"

Trump: "Israel First"

Biden: "Israel First"
>Give all the American tax dollars to Israel

>Give all the American tax dollars to Ukraine
shut up palestine shitoid loving nerd fag
this is our democracy not urs south american slave and spaniard inbred mutt.
This is a cash grab. Democracy/ or an experiment of something close to it. Is dying before are eyes like a plant. It’s not about the best ideas shared by candidates. The candidates are meant to divide and generate media attention on tv. Whatever side you support, you can find, sources that say, “youre right”. Now that the pit is so deep, the media can make a frenzy to both sides. Money, money, money.oh by the way, it’s likely you wouldn’t notice if either was or wasn’t president. It’s entertaining, top theatre. It will put you against your neighbor. It’s a side show
postan in da stickeh
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Nigger what are you talking about nothing you have said has upset me I'm just asking.
Rumble is down

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