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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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which pres will free my peeps?
Unironically, I think Trump is the best bet for peace.
some leftist liberal faggot
President Omar.
your peeps don't deserve to be free
Neither. But Biden has to at least do small gestures to his base against israel
Only you can do that. You better start now. I pay for your ticket. No Joke. Hit me up.
Free them from this mortal coil called life? Take your pick
Free Palestine of Arabs and Jews.
I don't think the jews want a free palestine, fren.
my vote won't help you.
Fuck everyone in the Middle East. Sand people are disgusting retards.
brown cute!
Okay jew.
they imprison themselves by worshiping a pedophile. fuck off back to the desert haji
Go trade your goats for some beans sandnigger skydaddy slave
Cant free something that never existed
Free my beaches from Palestinians overstayers
gas urself kike
Quiet Mohammad, go live on your own shitholes and stop bothering other countries.
Unironically kill yourself
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>Captcha: GASA
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I think Europeans will wake up to your invasion before we're even close to getting erased. Every race gets their turn in genocide.
See? Jews always react to antisemitism by calling others Muslims now. You kikes called me and Whiteness an antisemitic threat my entire life up to Oct 7th, and suddenly deny White antisemitism.
You're losing, idiot
I'm White you fucking bagel nigger
Moron. White people woke up to YOU sending them. To YOU standing in the way of every deportation effort. Your ideology and brainwashing for goyim. Your Epstien blackmail of ZOG collaborators. You used every race you could import as a proxy bioweapon against us. Fuck you.
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1) Israel = colonial satellite state for the crown/rothschild bankers. read the first Balfour Declaration

2) W. Churchill wrote a propaganda article titled "Zionism vs Bolshevism" to manufacture consent for the creation of Israel with distinctions between "good zionist" jews vs "bad communist" jews

3) Hamas was created by Israel to counter the PLO which had leftist tendencies

4) Israel laundered money to Hamas through the Palestinian Authority

5) Israeli intel was given information about oct 7 attack from egypt and isreal did nothing

6) “if you take out saddam hussein that there would be positive reverbations in the region” -Netanyahu

7) no rapes happened at the rave near a concentration camp

8) recent events will be used for Netanyahu's re-re-re-election

9) 20th century history of the middle east is just colonialism. the partition of India and Pakistan was courtesy of the crown. and the u.s. was there right away to influence Pakistan

10) Operation Ajax

11) CIA helped Saddam Hussein gain power. Reigle report. Kamasiyah weapons bunker. the U.S. sold weapons to both sides of the Iraq / Iran War in the 80s, on top of Iran Contra Scandal

12) Operation Cyclone

13) 9/11 was an inside job

14) mcmahon-hussein correspondence

15) U.S. armed and funded the "rebels" who became ISIS. first beheading video that came out was straight up fake as fuck

16) ask yourself why Netanyahu incited Yitzhak Rabin's assassination

17) Hannibal Directive kills civilians

18) Apollo Affair

19) Isreal supported ISIS

20) CIA involved in “truce diplomacy” between Israel and Hamas

21) Israel found out Hamas finances in 2018 and did nothing

22) Zionists poisoned Palestinian wells in 1948

23) USS Liberty

24) https://www.reddit.com/r/list_palestine/comments/l43xgk/megalist_israels_crimes_controversies_full/?rdt=46704
zoomalian married a jew btw
i am nu4shit user u have to be joo aplogist or u have to be muzzyloving mudshark these r only options i am very base and replied
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Take your own advice Moshe. I love to see israeli flags posting here because 2 things are certain with you:

1. You are a low caste kike, that’s why you’re on here in the first place, jidf is all low caste kikes.
2. As a low caste kike you are a good candidate to be used as sacrifice in the next hamas false flag, so there is a decent chance of you being murdered by your own government. Be careful out there Moshe.
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why cant we be friends
If the Arabs aren't rescuing them, nobody is.
Gazans ate Egyptians, West Bankers are Jordanians. But Egypt and Jordan don't even want them.
It's not looking good. They should probably all flee.
except the stick figure on the right wouldn't be friends with the nazi because israel is the same as the 3rd reich. nazis and zionists are literally the fucking same. israeli settler colonialism is doing lebensraum
no its not, israel is full of jews. Israel settler colonialism is different because they are JEWS they are more dangerous to everyone than the nazis ever were. Nazis and Palestinians have the same goal which is why i like palestine because i hate the jews and they are the bigger threat.
Jews cause immigration, immigration destroys white race, goyims get easily controlled. We wont have immigration issues if TKD is achieved
Israel is everything they falsely accused Nazis of being. The holocaust was as real as 40 beheaded babies
1. I'm not JIDF
2. I finished my service as an operator of a defense system, so no "sacrifice"
3. The Hamas false flag was there to initiate the conflict to solve the Gaza problem, literally an excuse in my opinion.

I Believe there's no real threats to Israel currently.
How would you solve this conflict?
You can live under Palestinian rule. Also every jew everywhere in the West has to fucking leave.
Good luck with that one, bud. Sure it's gonna work out any day now. You are just an intellectual giant. Why haven't we deployed you to sort this whole mess out??
I read your conspiracy earlier, "everyone that calls me a muslim is a jew," but you really sound like a muslim. Can you say that muhammad is a false prophet?
Fuck Palestine.

I hope the kikes wipe you out. I'm so sick of seeing that flag everywhere. You people are the most insufferable cunts on the planet.
Trump will put Netanyahu on a leash
Biden will talk about how bad Netanyahu is, but do nothing
Kek. Calm down fatty. Don't have a heart attack over it. Not my fault jews have burnt every bridge and can't be trusted by anyone.
Muhammad is a false prophet.
Now please deny the holocaust as a blood libel by jews against Whites in reciprocity.
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Join us in /FIG/:
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ashkenazi jews are literally caucasians. look up genetic haplogroups. israel is white settler colonialism, nazis are white supremacists. they're the fucking same

the holocaust happened, you dumb shit. the issue is where the 6 million number comes from, but you'd have to ask IBM because nazis recorded the information on punchcard tabulation machines. just because it wasn't 6 million doesn't mean people didn't die
fuck you
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Fuck off wagie
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>deny the holocaust as a blood libel
Not sure exactly what that means but I will try and appease you the best I can. I do think the something like the holocaust happened. I do think jews were targeted in that holocaust. I'm not so sure about the numbers. The holocaust has been used as a tool to stifle criticism of the state of israel and some jews.

What is a "Palestinian" doing in America? Why are you colonizing it?

>which pres will free my peeps?
fuck your raghead scum and their moscow/iran controllers
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Sand niggers are dying, their nations are being forever ruined and it's an absolutely fantastic thing, my guy.
Wholesale nuke lebanon and Iran next.
Of course people died. They died of things like typhus. There was no genocide attempt or gas chambers or any other parts that actually make the holocaust the holocaust.
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>my guy.
Man you tourists are something else. But that's progress for someone straight from reddit I guess
>Free Palestine
As if a Jew would give anything away for free.
fucking moron
Is he a slug or poo?
STFU nigger. I've been here longer than you. I'm just not a teenager like you.
Wow good post. Very informative and well put. I admire you.
Jews are also sandniggers. Why are you kikes so in denial about this?
Sometimes the Irish are ok
You're not exactly sure what denying the holocaust means but you've been here a long time?
Come on, buddy.
Kek. Jew.
I'm not sure what you mean by denying the holocaust. And yes I've been here longer than you and I've gone through that blame the jews for everything phase. If you've been here longer than 2 years you will grow out of it as well.
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this and wipe out Lebanon they are some of the worst scum in existence

Jews killing sandnigger is a good thing
you're retarded
>If you've been here longer than 2 years you will grow out of it as well.
Holy shit that's desperate, even for a jew
It's true. How long have you been here and how old are you?
wipe them the fuck out sandniggers don't deserve to breathe
I'm not giving you any data points. Besides, I could just lie or you could just call me a liar regardless of how truthful I am. What would be the point?
Just use your best judgment based on narratives and familiarity.
Awfully antisemitic thing to say, sandnigger jew.
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Where is your argument besides spouting insults?
It comes across like you are intellectually challenged.
Tell me one reason why bombing Lebanon and Iran is somehow a bad thing.
You probably can't do it. Go on be a known retard inside the thead.
>I'm not giving you any data points.
You don't have to. I think I can make my own judgement call on this. I've been on this site far too long and I know all the stages of the anons on this site. You're on the new arrival jew hate stage. If you're lucky you will progress pass this stage before it starts causing problems in your real life.

>Just use your best judgment
lol. Bless you.
The West spent over a billion dollars defending lunatic kikes last time Iran launched missiles.
Why the fuck would anyone White advocate for more destabilization and refugees?
Give me one good reason to hate the people causing jews problems while. Currently staying home. I don't want to change that situation. I want them to continue to force israel to be on a draining and demoralizing precarious situation until they lose all legitimacy and collapse. Or at least suffer as much long term economic and political damage as possible over a long and grueling period
Indulge me on the "next stage" please. And any following ones after that.
why don't you just leave and go back to pale- oh wait because it doesn't exist. Stop bitching about something that doesn't and never will exist Mr. Arab Shill #5233 on 4channels
Depends on the type of person you are. There is a good chance that you're real life isn't that great to begin with and the jew hate stuff is half cope to deal with a not so great life. If you work through your real world issues maturely then the next stage will be becoming a Christian. That's the normal progression on this site. If you persist in your irrational hate then you will most likely start thinking paganism, islam and transexuals are based.
Oh, I've been wasting my time with a religious nut who appearantly tracks anons lives somehow.
a mudslime
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you are some retard who bought into the anti israel hype
israel is actually important for destabilizing shitskin countries
what do you want the entire middle east to be at peace and prospering instead?
fucking retard
shitskins need to die
low test canadians wouldn't understand
if you don't dominate them they rise to dominate you
>religious nut
Not going to lie. I've been honest with you the whole time. I love me some Jesus. That is for sure. I'm a product of this site. Enjoy the tour fren.

> tracks anons lives somehow
Just yours.
Trump will let the Jews kill all the terrorists faster, Biden will also let the Jews kill the terrorists but he'll whine and throw temper tantrums and feel bad about it
Israel are terrorists. It was literally founded on terrorism.
>It was literally founded on terrorism.
I thought that was supposed to be based?
Based noticer
I disagree with whatever the fuck you're talking about
Is terrorism based or not?
No. Odd attempt to bait people into fedposting though.
What do you consider terrorism?
Let me ask this differently. What definition do you use for the term terrorism?

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