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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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I quit going to work after I realized 90% of the time I'm just wasting my time doing pointless shit nobody cares about and not getting ahead in life.
I worked there a lot over the past 12 years and the wagie community was a major factor in my decision to not work anymore. NEETs did it to an extent as well but WAGIES are far worse.
Someone could give a long drawn out and factually accurate explanation of what would have to happen for me to even be able to one day buy a home and have a family and why working was fraudulent. The post would get a dozen responses of
>when you know you know
>economic collapse is coming
>stack metals the end is nigh
>keep waging faggot
>100% eoy silver will reach 5k an ounce
Or some equally long schizo post explaining numerology, using bible scripture and random posts here explaining how by the end of the year billions will be unemployed because of the AI.
Here we are.
After seeing the nothingburger today I came here just to watch the seething and suicide letters. It’s beyond EOY, the jobs didn't disappear, the banks didn't collapse (unfortunately), no more use cases and all the dirty laundry is out in the air now.
It’s not going to be Millennial's Economic Paradise, it will not be the Roaring 20's all over again. The world will not be descending into hyper deflation and prosperity (as was obsessed over for months/years) it will be going on as usual with no major gains or rewards.
I will enjoy watching wagies burn every step along the way.
Because those fucking idiots deserve it all.
dear diary, I am a colossal whiny faggot and a failure
Find your true calling.

It's the end times. It's going to get worse. You are likely the 144,000/true remnant.



I pray fire upon all evil forces working against me in Jesus's name. I pray fire upon reptilian, Satanic, demonic, and all evil forces in Jesus's name. All rude and evil replies will be met with spiritual fire in Jesus's name.
seconded. may Allah guide us
But I am currently getting back into wagecucking just to replace my laptop
I quit because my reward for doing a good job was 7 day work weeks with ten hour shifts
I will be putting a conscious effort into half assing my job and skipping a day here and there so they don't eat up my time. My hobbies are more productive than scrubbing floors anyway.
I will give you a potential explanation.
The current narrative is designed to fuck with your head and prevent you from engaging in working towards growing towards what you want because wages are designed to keep you poor as possible so you can't move up.
The system is designed to favor people who have more money, and it requires you to be able to produce or provide a service that would render it near impossible for someone else to do it themselves satisfactorily in the near future.
What this means, is to live within your means as cheaply as possible, while collecting enough resources and friends and connections to be able to pull yourself up and out of your current shitpile.
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All true
>wages were designed to keep you as poor as possible
Thats not working then thats slavery or indentured servitude something your ancestors wouldve fought with their lives also literally everything is taxed and those taxes go to soft genociding me in my own birth place while also funding institutions that act against my interests. I will not participate in a society that wants me replaced or dead. I will continue to be self sufficient with hunting, gardening, and crafting. Ill just leech off the system and continue to be burden on the government that wants me gone
You should consider part time employment. That way you won't go crazy and will have some money for basic needs. Full time job is a fucking unbearable hell that I will never do again.
ayo, uh, checked
So how exactly are you sustaining and housing yourself?
You should be aware buck broken wagies have no way to know how to niggrify the system until it's too late and they're on either the street or lying to mental health facilities to have a bed to lie on.
Why not get a cool job? My wife and I talk about how we should have just gone into forestry. We make plenty of money, but I think I’m going to start a small business because these computer jobs can be pretty lame.

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