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Note: this is the same girl as in the photo on the right taken a few years earlier, this is the proof how easy to fool the far right on twitter
If the right pic is your idea of traditional dressing and behaviour, then you're a faggot.
>Live with young virgin (before me) 21 yo slightly autistic qt
>Submissive and shuts the fuck up
>Talk with 25 yo roastie who's better looking and has bigger tits, also more seductive
>Going to cheat on gf with roastie
What the fuck is wrong with me ? I know all of this, yet I'm still going for it.
Right has the lips of a whore. You're right about conservatives being retarded though
Only WOMEN can choose their partners
You missed the point entirely!
99% of american women are:

Run through

Its literally over
>and has bigger tits, also more seductive
It's a jew, avoid avoid avoid
>What the fuck is wrong with me ? I know all of this, yet I'm still going for it.
Self-sabotage like that is a sign that you need to align with God.
Don't do it dude. You know youll just feel like shit afterwards.
Nah. Modern women have nothing at all to offer me, maybe the niggers could ass rape them both. I don't even care about women at all anymore. I don't hate them I will never see them as valid human beings ever again so I leave them alone. When ever I am FORCED by our vaginal pussy sniffing society to interact with one, I keep it short and sweet and I am polite, they do no deserve to know me or anything about me. I don't want kids anyway since I can't stand the little bastards. I'm content living this way until Death, I am having tons of fun nowadays and a woman would ruin that.
It is not the same girl because 5 years passed not without a mark on her. If she was married up in time and protected then she would not become a roastie but a appreciatable wife.
Unless you're planning on leaving your gf then don't do it you retard.
You have been tricked. It is easy to fall into the trap of "if I just try a little harder I can get an even better one". Success breeds success, grass is always greener, and other cliches.
This is the same trap roasties fall for. They are always holding out for better, until the options all dry up. Just make sure when the music stops, you have a chair bro.
I'm planning on fucking the roastie and staying with the gf. I mean, nothing is planned but I know that's going to happen.
Damn those pretzels are fucking scam. After 2 masscrugs those bitches taste like my ex's asshole tho.
>worships a jew
Ill pass
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>nothing is planned but I know that's going to happen.
Based determinist. You believe you have no agency.
>Presents false choice
>Claims it proves something
Bait and switch much?
I'll take the slut on the left. Would coom in every hole. >>472345764
Who's the quietest?
A man of refined tastes.
True. You can choose how you live your life, but you can't choose whether a woman (or any woman) will want to be part of it. The shitty thing is, life is short and there are biological restrictions that have to be considered.
if you see the right one at oktoberfest you can be 100% sure she doesnt have 0 sexual partners
The woman on the right has the "I exclusively fuck niggers" face. She isn't a virgin, I guarantee it.
Whoever thinking she looks "trad" is a mentally ill retard. She looks like a fucking inflated sex doll.
Touch grass you niggers, real trad women don't look like that.
>FORCED by our vaginal pussy sniffing society to interact with one

You are a faggot if you don't throw every ounce of energy just to get the chance to eat a girls pussy out. Real men eat pussy, faggot incels cry about it because they are scared of smells or periods. Most boys...(yes, boys, you aren't men if you do this) think a longer labia is "roast beef curtains", when it occurs naturally in many women and not from over - sexual activity.

Find a girl at the bar, a club, have some game or rizz. Its not fucking hard to get your dick wet, how much of a social recluse are you? Also, if a girl wants her pussy ate, return the favor if she blew you. Nothing better than a juicy pussy in your mouth, you are homosexual if you think its gross. Be less judgy & less picky, adjust your unrealistic standards and I can't promise you'll be swimming in sex, but you will at least not be a virgin
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I choose HER.
You’re destined to ngmi and you’re too much of a pussy to take control of your own destiny
>Suck on a vagina that another man has inserted his penis into at one point
ew no wtf?
Left. Not a fan of sluts, tattoos or women with children, but I'll take one with all of them rather than a religious nut.
You don't deserve her.
The left one has more experience in bed and that's a good thing incel.
>it's easy to fool people if you lie
Wow you just blew my mind.
fun fact
OPs pic rels is a troon and you are indeed a faggot
Both shouldn't have rights anyways
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I choose this one
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>age 20
>sexual partners 0
If the left pic is your idea of an ideal wife to marry, then you're the biggest cuck.
Yeah, just as I thought and expected.
Real Christian women slut around anyway.
if she loves you she'll understand
The woman at the right would have had a highschool sweet heat at the minimum please stop the cope
Note: this is a photo of shit, not food, this is the proof how easy to fool all leftists on twitter
that was not his implication. are you disingenuous, or very stupid?
no fucking thanks
doesn't fool me, still wearing mascara, blouse is open.
marry a low self worth 5-6/10..support and encourage her and slowly turn her into whatever you want..it works!
I've been married to both. It's 6 of 1 half a dozen of the other, trust me.
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Is that a man in a dress in back or typical german phenotype for a woman?
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>I can't read
put on our glasses, nigger.
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these girls just hang out and get paid. it's amazing
Sorry I don't date goys
When you don't notice the man in the background... sitting down (in a dress).
You will lose your right to complain about whores for the rest of your life btw
left assuming she will actually honor her promise to God
Those lace bros just do it for me.
the "welcome" across her torso is really something
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>proof how easy to fool the far right
>missing the real message that you just need to get them as early on as possible
i think it's you that might not get it, anon
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Now make the decision on hard mode
Are you actually so retarded you cant tell what a woman is? Get the fuck out of your moms basement go outside, and talk to real women.
you deserve the roastie then forever
And what exactly are you fooling them with.

Whores aren't born with tats and 100 sex lovers. They turn. Every whore was one a nice virgin girl.

So what the fuck is the point of your thread?
>0 sexual partners
Anon, I...
Whats wrong with you? You're a fucking retard you should kill yourself immediately
The bitch on the right is just the same as the bitch on the left except she's pretending to be the bitch on the right
left has a better face, though.
You're going to give yourself a very hard time for the next 18 months minimum. Just have a wank then think with a clear head. Do not cheat on your girl.
You should kill yourself instead
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>degrading yourself into a shameful whore to fool the right
Op is a faggot. Sage
You forgot to add has herpes and hpv.
What's with the virgin rage ? I asked for advice not cum-stained underwear
left she'd probably be willing to suck my dick and do well which is all that matters in a marriage if you think about it
Nigga I just want the pretzel
The 20 year old will be my wife. The whore will be my mistress I fuck every Friday night.
They both have had over 100 dicks
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You are a sinner, in need of a Savior.
I literally made this exact same mistake. The roastie wants a relationship too (at least that was the case for me. You have to just lock one down and roll with it. If you try to have both you will end up with none. All the people who are upset with your conundrum are either jealous virgins or ugly girls...
Would have killed and died for the one on the right.
Is her bra blocking the word "Refugees"?
Careful with your head, frogboi
Former whore vs future whore. Neither
>age 20
>zero sexual partners
Lmao, who wrote this?
>tattoos: 0
so she was born that way?
either way, left
Pic is hilarious because girl on the right is clearly just another hoe
tu es une merde
>zero sexual partners
lmao, good one chuddy.
I'll take the whore

I'm here for a good time not a long time
Women are followers, your views will become hers in 5 years.
The left only because she isn’t a retarded Christ cuck
its like a roastie fucking a nigger drug dealer theyre just less boring
Nigger behavior
Oh never mind carry on :/
I wish somebody had told my younger self you're only supposed to lick the clit and not tongue the hole.
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Why not a mature, settled woman? All of these beautiful women are single, accomplished, and ready for commitment.
Picture Left:
>Obvious adulterated whore
>Displays mental illness on her skin
Picture Right:
>Obvious adulterated whore
>Attempts to whoredom by dressing in modernized "tradition"
What a strange game.
The only winning move is not to play.
Unfortunately the days where men used to chose are long gone. Now it s like applying for a job, you send hundreds of application hoping to get a call back
most loyal and chaste frenchman
Honestly I've denounced this behavior up until I was the one having it. I don't know what happened, man.
Think of bitches like cars.
You have an amazing Lotus and you’re going to swap it for a Kia.
Stupid retard
I've been with my first ever bf who I lost my virginity to and we've dated for 4 years.
This shit is retarded. She broke away from the roles that were forced on her.
Atheism doesn't make someone a whore, whores are their own being and break out of any religion or box they're put into.

Yup every time I get the urge to go out and enjoy the weekend in the party section of Montreal I then remember that 90% of Canadian women have taken the vax and boosters. Not happening. Sad.
do it. I want that stupid bitch to kill you.
The one on the right is wearing a ton of makeup and wearing revealing clothes, and has an expensice hairdo. You are implying she became a whore, but she clearly always was one.
The thing is, you are not entirely wrong. People on /pol/ often have contradicting ideas on what a woman should be, and what men should be and do to get them.
There is plenty of detail to go into, but simply put, the idea most people have of women here is... childish. Or inbittered teenage virgin to be more precise.
Not to be dismissive or say there is anything wrong with that, i was an angry teen virgin at one time. Just to say, none of these beliefes are related to reality.
Shh, no need to find excuses for it, felipe
we understand, its part of your nature
I take the Brezel, thank you.
Don't do it you moron.
You have not done anything wrong anon, it’s natural for a man to spread his seed. Your virgin wife is for babies, and whores are for leisure, simple as. Any anon saying otherwise is a faggot.
Left Are 98% of modern women - Right Dont EXIST ANYMORE
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A 16 year old who might go to traditional local events. Certainly not one who plays sexy dress up at a big commercial event famouse for massive drinking, coke use and whoring.
People like you are a breath of fresh air. I am so sick of these pedo austists.
Tattooed empty egg carton with shitty bleach blonde highlights in a sundress walking into hobby lobby energy.
What difference does it make? You're already in fornication. Behold, this is """""love""""" without Christ in your heart.
nobody would be fooled here, default position of this board is that all women are whores, which I disagree with.
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Niggers like you are just as bad as the roasties that you probably turn around and complain about too. You have something people here would literally kill for, and you're gonna throw it away because "muh dick", just like a filthy nigger. I understand that it's ultimately on the woman to decide who she opens her legs for, but men shouldn't sleep around either, because when men sleep around they're at best enabling whores, and at worst pumping and dumping virgins and making more whores. I also understand that men are far more biologically inclined to have multiple women than vice versa, but just because you can doesn't mean you should.
Might aswell be more true than OPs picture.
or you know no wife at all; mgtow(but involuntarely due to society)
fuck the whore on the right retard!
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sexual partners don't matter. not like they would even tell you the real number anyways. and even if they did, they would see you asking as a red flag. you better learn that or you will remain blackpilled forever and never find anyone. most girls aren't as whorish as you think anyways, it only seems that way because you fixate on the better looking girls who get attention all the time. of course they're going to have had more sex. your average intelligent or somewhat normal 5/10 girl might have only had a couple by the time she's 30, because they usually are in a couple of long-term relationships that just fuzzke out eventually, and see hookup culture almost as nasty as you do. your expectations for a woman to have never had sex are unrealistic, and it's only your life experience that makes you come to this conclusion. if you were good looking and outgoing in your 20s, you would have had sex plenty of times too, thus you wouldn't care. andrew tate and all these larping chad youtubers are frauds, dispensing nothing but blackpills to further fuck your mind into giving up completely. say you dine a 19 year old virgin... there is just a high of a probability that it will never work out either, because she's immature and even if she dated you, she would just use you as a stepping stone. you would just be the first in her journey to find the one she settles down with. sometimes a girl your age who has only ever been in serious relationships is the far better prospect, because she actually has aspirations for a serious committment and just hasn't found the right guy yet. don't ever be a sucker or desperate, but you don't have to immitate these chad fraudsters either. being a corny badass is just as much a red flag as being desperate. reject all black pills. the vocal minority astroturfs itself, like lgbt movement. most women don't hate lgbt, but also don't praise it. and once they have children, most will start to hate it because it attempts to corrupt them.
There's nothing hotter than another pussy, a story as old as time.

if you legit believe right girl is a virgin then u deserve to die as an incel.
5 mins into the first dinner conversation and even your sub-80 IQ jew felching ass could figure out she's a lieing whore.
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I added some relevant details
The girl on the left has been tried and tested and she stands up to the darwinian demands of our time. Not gonna take chances with a rookie virgin. Boys, I'm going in.
And you get aids and die
Satan is trying on you
Then again we can't expect much from frogs can we
tldr plz can I get qrd
I am not in the top 10% of men and I fucked off loads of bitches before I found my Croatian based bitch who maybe isn't as hot as I'd like but she gets it and I can't say and do what I want with her.
I guess what I am trying to say is cope harder faggot
Lgo to b bit with the same schizoid shilling spewing bile and shit
It's a virgin wife or nothing for me.
What you're saying is reasonable and makes sense given the state of things, but I just can't and won't compromise on this. It's not like I hate women or think all nonvirgins are completely unworthy or undeserving of love. I just personally couldn't deal with knowing at LEAST one other dude fucked my wife and mother of my kids when she was younger and hotter, and shared all these intimate moments and memories with her. It's one thing if I were a guy who sleeps around and she's just another wet hole to fuck for a night, but it's another thing entirely if it's somebody I actually love and care about, somebody who I'm going to swear lifelong love, loyalty, and commitment to. I realize probably 95% of dudes these day don't feel this way, and I do agree that what you're saying is practical and again I wouldn't blame somebody for following what you say given the state of the world today. Although, maybe things could change if more men held this standard again, idk
Bigger tits sounds like the better argument.
Another liar and then it's far left nat and fascism are far left european is jit an ideology tranny bot simp talmudic imbecilic satanic frothing asswipe or stupid fucking rpk self assassin go sperg you sage tier shit on other boards impotent swine
Yep labotomies a d the. You do not Nik notice the satanic dudgeon headed say far riahhgggaghhtttt language and false labelling
I would bang sharkira though.
I'm not trying to be rude to man, but yo girl is Slav.
dont let satan trick you bro, you were given a giant gift
Advice would be to recognize what you have and what you truly value and to not let your lizard brain win this one. Anyone can tame some strange but if you let the one that matters slip through your fingers, you may never get such a chance.
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read book of Job dude, that will be you for a long time after you repent
So has anyone ever met a 0 body count christcuck female like the one on the left, or is this just christcuck propaganda to get people to worship a dead kike on a stick?
the bavarian thot surely does not have a bodycount of 0, anyway. no one wants angloid whores.
they might turn our women into bbc worshipping whores, too. its just a matter of time. women do what theyre told.
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>bigger boobs
>better looking
I think we both know what you need to do Anon
I'm just here for the Bretzel.
Fuck bitches, get Bretzel. Und Butter.
Why even post this ? Every man on the face of this earth would choose right.
That looks like a tranny in the background of the right pic. Can't quite tell though. Could be a woman with masculine facial features.
why do i think this is the same chick
Talk to her bro. Maybe she likes girls too? If she does, see if she is down for picking out a girl she likes, and then she can show the girl to you, and you can both decide if you want to play with her or not. Don't fuckin cheat on her if she's not down though and don't be pushy.

May be a solution
Don't fucking do it anon. The roastie will sell you out. She will spill the beans just to destroy your relationship. Come up with some bullshit excuse about her conscience.
>you're a faggot
Show tits femoid
you can do it. just believe in yourself
He who chases two rabbits captures neither.
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pic related is what i want
Neither of them are asian.
You can keep them roasties
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The greatest female ever conceived is fictional thus I do not care
Fuck off were full
Sauce on both girls? I'm betting at least the one on the left has an onlyfans.
Do you live terminally online? How is she supposed to fool someone irl? I can tell a whore when I see one. Do you base all your beliefs on photos? Get a life and find a hobby. Also head back to plebbit, faggot.
Why would any sane man want to get married in 2024? It's an obsolete tradition with no real benefits but several potential downsides.
That said, I would fuck both versions of that chick.
>talking about blackpills, but peddling bluepills

>not like they would even tell you the real number anyways
I'm in my 20s and I've had sex with a couple women.
I still don't want a preused wife. Amongst it exactly for this reason.
One basicly has to assume that she was a massive whore in the past.
I imagine If I become older I'd consider settling for a virgin married divorcee or widow.
But still it would be settling. I would be defeated.

>it only seems that way because you fixate on the better looking girls
Exactly wrong. It's acctually the fat pigs and used up looking women who are the biggest whores. Mid girls are second to that.
Reasons are self esteem issues like having to get a bf in school to prove that they can get a guy or getting hit on by low confidence guys for a quick lay in the club.
Exceptionally beautiful girls often do not fall into this and tend to have a kind of choice paralysis.
In my opinion they are the demographics with the highest overage virgin share.
On the other hand there also seems to be the effect that girls become "used up" and start to look like it.
So if you meet an attractive youthfull looking mid 20s girl, the chance of her being low body count at least is also higher from this factor

>andrew tate and all these larping chad youtubers are frauds
Yes, but they take inspiration from guys just like us.

>because she's immature
female cope. I've heard women close to their 60s talk about their "immature past", which was the age range of 45-55. It's just one example of women externalizing blame for their bad choices.

>you would just be the first in her journey to find the one she settles down with
another feminist / female myth.
Women don't find "the one to settle down". They settle down as in being defeated.
They don't have a glorious journey to find their husband. Usually it's just the opposite. They fail and fail again and eventually lower their standards for a safe provider(being unhappy and secretly resentful of him)
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Your real choice is between:
Reddit quirk chungus who is a they/them. Also on a cocktail of prescriptions ssri's and antidepressants.
The Scott Pilgrim pixie gf who is just an overall awful person despite all the left wing signalling/activism on social media. Also addicted to prescription ssri's andn anti depressants.
Or the blackmaxxing Kim Kardashian wannabe who can't stop cheating because she's always fucking drug dealers. Also addicted to ssri's and antidepressants.
Those are the only real choices.
you are a piece of shit
Left married good Christian man
Right married trad Muslim man
Marry the right.
Pay the left $50 for a suck n fuck.
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>Literally the POINT is that most (90%) men CAN'T. FUCKING. CHOOSE.
No, you are just a weak, low value loser because you have this mindset.
You are thirsty and desperate and have a scarcity mindset. You think you are lucky to get any pussy at all, so you CHOOSE to CHOOSE the first, easiest, lowest quality pussy that you think you might have a shot at getting.
I am far from being a Chad, but I know that even that I am potentially improving a woman's life far more than she would be improving mine. Like oh wow, she has a pussy and tits and a cute face just like I could get from millions of other girls out there.
You need to realize that you are the real prize her, not her. And you need to realize that you have an abundance of high quality options to choose from.
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>people are innocent until they are guilty
>Wow far right retards btfo!

I wish I could leave this place, it gets worse every day but somehow there's still no place better to go.

This fucking GARBAGE is the pinnacle of discourse in 2024.
Left wins then

It’s about the hymen youth and if she’s a good homebody
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remember, laddie, nothing is free in this world, and someday you'll have to pay for it, full price. when time is up, recall my words and atleast take it with honor.
You French are not loyal , well Europeans or westerners in general but France takes it to another level
I'm not so hard on body count of 1, but how would that be proven? I have to assume a real count of 100 nowdays.

>It's one thing if I were a guy who sleeps around and she's just another wet hole to fuck for a night, but it's another thing entirely if it's somebody I actually love and care about, somebody who I'm going to swear lifelong love, loyalty, and commitment to.
Good explaination. Many women or lowiq pseudo-niggers think it's just about stds. While it is acctually not that at all. If a girl always practiced safe sex, she'd be just as much of a conceptually disgusting whore.

>I wouldn't blame somebody for following what you say
I wouln't blame a guy choosing to reproduce. But I'd blame him for cucking out and sweet talking his situation and becoming part of the spreading evil.
Terrible idea. Girls like usually have the worst personalities. They are insecure about their own appearance, but still good looking enough that they can get lots of attention from thirsty men and deal with their insecurities by constantly having lots of friendzoned orbiters buzzing around her, obviously trying to get in her pants.
And if you take a low self worth girl and improve her confidence or value, that's going to make her realize that she can now get and thinks she deserves to have a much better quality guy than you, the guy who could only get the mediocre lower value older version of herself.
She will end up cheating on you or dumping you to be with some Chad.
Youre a weak and undisciplined man. Girls go crazy because they get burned by men they trust. Thank you for being part of the problem
First of all, you shouldn’t do it because it is wrong.
Secondly, treat others how you want to be treated. Do you want to be cucked by your significant other?
Neither. Women is the main source of misery and disgrace for men.
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Or she comes out as a they/them after finding some gay internet friends and forces you to hang out with them. And when you have a completely normal reaction to her retardation she tries to get you medicated.
Or she gets in to activism and when you fail to pass the latest purity test she turns in to a wailing banshee and tries to lecture down to you for not caring about (insert current thing) like all the other internet people do
Or she meets that one ratchet girl besty who turns her against you and before you know it she's left you for a drug dealer.
That is a pretty cool picture.
Charls Carol from MDE
>It's a virgin wife or nothing for me.
That's because you are a virgin with no actual experience with sex or women or relationships and have an extremely immature and inaccurate idea of what they are really like.
If you did have experience with those things, you would understand that marrying a virgin girl absolutely would not guarantee that she will be loyal or high quality or love you or emotionally bond with you deeply, if at all. If she's virgin when you marry her, it's not because she was your soulmate who was always saving her love for just you. It's really because she is either a religious nutjob, is extremely low libidio or asexual, and/or is absolutely hideous or has a screw loose in a bad enough way that no other guys wanted to have anything to do with her.
Your neurotic fear of her being fucked by another guy is due to your own insecurities about your lack of experience. You never fucked another girl when she was younger and hotter, you never shared intimate moments and memories with someone else, which is the only reason why it upsets you so much.
You incels really need to just go out and lose your own virginity and just get a gf instead of this obsessive quest to somehow go directly from level zero completely inexperienced to marrying a virgin tradwife. First of all, because let's be serious that's not ever really going to happen. And second so that you could realize how wrong you are about everything, and how prioritizing virginity over everything else is so ridiculously counterproductive. There are so many other traits and characteristics in girls that matter so much more.
I assume you wanted to say the right side.
Yes, but better and more youtful looking and that without makeup.

Yes, that's definitively some female power play. Some women are nasty like that and feel validation by "boyfriend stealing"

for religious reasons and to have children

I would consider a sexdoll mgtow life or founding a new state based on wife stealing.

better develop principles. The others are just hopping around with whores to find the "best whore". You don't need many options when leaving it is an option you are willing to take.

There were times and cultures where "cheating" on the wife or even having a second one was not a problem like it is in our current one. It is because the man is valued for his providing to the wife. In our current culture male cheating is a big problem due to his lack of provider value.

that behaviour is mostly a function of female domination in the relationship. It means she does not really respect and value you.
Dont do it idiot, your girl mind find out and its over, get your girl pregnant instead
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i choose snek
You are a dumb nigger. You are the blackest retard gorilla nigger I have ever seen.
Both is the only reasonable answer.
Or this.
I thought this goes without saying.
>this is the same girl as in the photo on the right taken a few years earlier,
This is incredibly sad if true.
The one on the right is more likely to leave you because she will want to experience other cocks before settling down.

Personally i wouldnt choose either coz i don't like blondes, whores, or religious people.
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>What the fuck is wrong with me ?
You're French.
>zero tattoos
Did left's skin just do that then?
I agree with you somewhat.
Virginity should not be the factor for choosing a girl.
You don't want to marry a girl just because she is a virgin of course.
My personal view is it being a baseline. I will not consider a non virgin for marriage at all. If a girl is a virgin I'd consider her, but that still means that she should be attractive and have positive attributes.
I don't have to marry. And there is a good chance it wont happen for a lack of options nowdays.

It is also true, that virginity alone does not guarantee loyality. Especially in countries, where virginity is still a traditional sociatal expectation. In this places you will find that some virgin girls will be married to a wealthy guy for gold digging reasons with the plan to use him for his money.

In our current society the baseline of virgin also implies a very young woman since unfortunately the reasons for virginity being based on negative attributes increases in probabillity with age.

knock her up and welfare leech, based.

Neither is the only reasonable answer.

>This is incredibly sad if true.
It's reasonable. From the earlier picture I get the vibe that the later is a possible path for her to take.
Really she is not some cute traditional girl. She is just a slag dressing up to a dress up party.
>better develop principles.
My principles are fine mountainjew.
>The others are just hopping around with whores to find the "best whore".
Why do you faggots not understand that just fucking around with whores or marrying a virgin are not the only two choices?
>You don't need many options when leaving it is an option you are willing to take.
A guy with options is much better off in pretty much every way than the guy who thinks he doesn't have any options and thinks he should settle for whatever he can get.
men are all whores
>If a girl is a virgin I'd consider her, but that still means that she should be attractive and have positive attributes.
So you want an attractive, high quality girl who is also a virgin? Good luck, I mean there are girls like that out there but I hope you realize are talking about a very rare thing. And not only that, but pretty much every other man on Earth also really wants that same kind of girl.
This top 0.1% type girl, who has literally billions of guys competing for her, why exactly would she choose you over all of the rest? Are you a top 0.1% guy that has all the right characteristics that all women really want?
If I could get right I would lie about being a Christian for the rest of my life.

I'm not the right man for the woman represented on the right.
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It's okay, bro, me neither. I keep telling myself I'm going to stop pig-slamming tomorrow, but tomorrow comes, and I can't stop thinking about the pigs I've slammed, and I've got to find another one.
would if snuggly and fuckable
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neither, take pagan bride

Can't I get an STD free girl that doesn't worship Jews?
You had 5 years to save her. All women end up as the left when given enough time

The clit is just an undeveloped penis, it's only purpose is to grow into a penis if the fetus had high testosterone (ie, male). Literally homosexual.
>if she loves you she'll understand
I respec the digits but you know you can save her anon. Reprogram the trad on jews unstead of tasting 1k dicks eveytime you kiss the meme
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>being heterosexual is gay
>t. faggot
massive incel vibes, shit's cringe
Are you really confused as to why men would prefer a young girl, virginity intact with no tattoos over a complete gutterslut?
>same girl
Yes but those 5 years have completely ruined her.
Either got 420noscoped by machine elf demons on an ayahuasca trip or got sexually abused
I'm christian and disavow the step of gassing before burning
>only two choices
No you could not marry and go MGTOW.
If you maintain "options" you are in danger of still choosing whatever best option of the bad options present.
It's basicly how we got here. Feminists said, they will still marry us anyway(there's litteraly a german quote in that sense)
The Redpill is you don't have to marry and play along the wests rules.

I agree. It's hard and maybe even unlikely to happen, but again I do not need to marry.
Also the attractive requirement is relative to my person. I don't need a hot model wife.
I'm mostly looking for positive attributes like good behavior, she doesn't need to be perfect tho.
I hope she finds out and dumps you, so you can be sorry forever. Cheating is the worst. If I became dictator, cheating should warrant death penalty.
Not so extreme but I get it. I just can't be assed to do all the church goings and pie sales and shit.
>same girl
When women die and are buried they're a poor choice for a wife as well. Same girl or not.
at least wear a condom and don't.five her your real phone number. set up a google phone number
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the christcuck is way more likely to have a 119 body count. dont you know how the dare program works?
Both are made up whores, clowns even doesn't matter kill yourself

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