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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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If Russia invaded Ukraine because of NATO then why is Putin leaving his country undefended from NATO?
WOW. NATO is winning so hard they should just invade r*zzia. Dont worry about nukes. Who needs Berlin, Paris, London, and the butthurt belt anyways
nato won't do shit except watch slavniggers kill each other
It;s funny how you retards forget that NATO has nukes as well and they actaully work.
>If Russia invaded Ukraine because of NATO then why is Putin leaving his country undefended from NATO?

lmfao, what are the fin-/k/ikes going to do? walk on water? fucking some kind of goofy airlift?
its a fucking impassable water-swamp maze between the border of Russia and finland

this thread is fucking retarded
not sure if just a retarded american or a sophisticated troll
>It;s funny how you retards forget that NATO has nukes as well and they actaully work.
may we see proof?
Because Ukraine is unstable, and can't even be trusted with a sharpened spoon.
You could on the other hand five Finland all the nukes, biological and chemical weapons in the world, with the systems to deliver them anywhere in the world. And no one would loose sleep over it (other than the Finn's). Finland will never make a false flag operation, or outright start bombing civilians (not even in war).

Comparing NATOs threat by comparing Finland and Ukraine is like comparing the threats to USA if china gave a nuke to Canada or some Mexican cartel. And you know it, but playing naive suits the "narrative" better.
>track finnish soldier movements
>move soldiers back to border if necessary
>not sure if just a retarded american or a sophisticated troll
do you think Russia sees any threat what so ever in your joke country?

the moment Russian satellites started seeing you mass troops, your shit would get caved in over your head, that fast
It's not 1942 anymore you fucking retard.
>your shit would get caved in over your head, that fast
Ah yes, Russia will be shooting down Finnish F-35s with their MT-LBs armed with 50s ship guns.
Yeah as if that happens in an instant
ah yes the slowest moving plane since the 60's that relies on a small radar signature tech that has never been proven in a battlefield , what could go wrong??
cause Finland won't do shit and Putin knows it
Because they are dumb mongoloids with mongoloid heads
The time for the Finns to retake Karelia. Putin would understand since there's more justification for that than there is for him trying to take Ukraine. Pervitin fueled shock troopers are being deployed now.
So nato does nothing and wins?
Finland won't do shit. No reason to worry.
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>Ah yes, Russia will be shooting down Finnish F-35
lmfao, less than 16% of f35s are even combat capable, and bet fucking ZERO of the f35s in finland are anything more than glorified trainers or parts donkeys for israels fleet
This is a tired and bad argument. The answer is that Russia knows Finland was already de facto NATO number one and number two he knows that Finns won’t act like niggers and ever invade Russia to trigger article 5 unlike Ukraine.

Ukraine on the other hand planned on causing provocations in Crimea that Russia would have been forced to respond to, and by them responding would trigger article 5 in of itself. That is why Russia escalated the war (that has been going on since 2014), because they knew it’s now or never. By 2035 Ukraine would have been much more heavily armed and already in NATO.
And needs a shitty computer update for it's cannon to work.
Because real life isn’t HOI4 you NAFaggot
>And needs a shitty computer update for it's cannon to work.
its cant go supersonic or else its coating falls off,
and none of the new software upgrades work, and will takes month, if not years to fix
oh and there are literally no spare parts for the plane, because they all got diverted to israel, so basically f35's world wide are 'grounded' for lack of parts

lol, its so bad pilots cannot even train on them IRL
Yeah, because the original russians are all dead. In case you haven't been noticing.
fake news

there barealy were any troops near Finland, there will be now however since a whole new army is being formed to be stationed here with over 2500 vechicles and 4-10 brigades of stuff

recruitment already going as are infrastructure building and gear supply intended completion by end of 2024

They don't have to worry about border....WE keep it closed.
>The Russian marine base in Murmansk is virtually empty
>This is a good thing for Norway
Absolute retards in this country. The Russian army is bigger now than before the war and those marines are off in Kherson getting real combat experience bombing and droning Ukrainians while Norwegian soldiers for the first time this year started training with winged recon drones at the local military airfield.
Is NATO massing troops in Finland? You'd imagine it would've been caught by satellites if that was the case. Also, have NATO countries rebuilt their munitions stockpiles yet?

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