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So they both had casualties in hundreds of thousands just to go back to basically status quo ante bellum ? How worthless is the life of man
He didn't say that
I can’t believe nick fuentes didn’t lead the Aryan race to victory
Just in time to blur out the push for crypto and cbdc what a cohencidence.
laughing at all you shills who actually believe shit off of /pol
Undrafted hohol cope
So Ruddia fucking lost lmao
This was posted yesterday. No source was ever provided or found and this starkly contradicts the statements of all parties. This is NAFO well-poisoning. Options field.
>just to recognize Crimea
Anon everyone and their mother by this point knew that shit was Russia and Ukraine wasn't about to offensively attack for it.

The only peace agreement would be Russia gets everything east of Dnipro River
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>reposting fake tweet
So Russia fought all the way only for crimea to be recognized (which they had) and lifting of sanctions (which still wont be lifted) because they were imposed by the west and not ukraine?
And shills told me russia was winning
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That would be a major victory for Ukraine.
Either things domestical is not going well for Russia, or Putin (being a quasi absolute ruler) is tired of war and just want to get out.

I also think Putin's popularity will suffer greatly if such a peace where to be signed.
when will y'all get tired of reposting the same fake Twitter thread
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They just need to hold out a little longer. Russia only has like two weeks of bullets and bombs left, plus Putin is dying and their economy is in shambles. It would be a shame if all the people that were killed and all the destruction and suffering caused over the last couple of years WAS ALL FOR NOTHING ECXEPT PROFITEERING, CORRUPTION, AND BLOODLUST. Surely if that were true then some people would HAVE TO be held accountable.
>Posting fake twitter shit
Maybe you should do something useful and go in a trench and fight for your master instead
Three days until kyiv. Where have I heard this before?

b8 thread
When will you get tired of lying to yourself?
Jewkraine never had a chance, they stole your money to launder it and you're still rooting for them.
Fake the link doesn't work
This would be nothing but defeat for Russia. It also contradicts Zelensky's promise of getting Crimea back. Nobody on either side would accept this
I thought y'all were fighting the Nazis not being them? provide a source like an actual news source not from Twitter or either government
Withdraw from Ukraine doesn't include the Donbass, which Russia recognizes as annexed into Russia.
Fake ass twitter?
also I just scrolled through 1 month of Kyiv post twitter posts, nothing about Zelenskyy surrending. stop worshiping Putin and worship Christ or some shit
No way Russia withdraws from Donetsk. Fake

Works just fine.
to be honest thats what it was always going to be. the entire war was retarded. and russia now has to deal with fact ukraine got forced into camp of eu etc so they've lost all contact with them. i will never understand what went through putins mind when he authorised the invasion. there were so many options available.
top fucking kek if true. that will be a devastating result for russia. 500,000 dead and injured for nothing kek.
So Putin lost.

pls, you're worshipping a kike that's stealing your money.
Bullshit. Russia is not giving up the Donbass.
And rightly so. Remember 2014?
Putin should take half of the Pigkraine, all the way to Kyiover.

Give us the billions of dollars back.
Did you forget that Russia also "annexed" three other oblasts of Ukraine? 3 of which they don't even fully control
they dont control the donbass, and theyve failed after years of war to achieve that. putin also appointed an actual con artist and fraudster to run the place so its falling to pieces. i think hes probably just going to cut and run.
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>our source
Pinochet's back in power!?
It’s obviously not you retard it’s a twitter goypost
>complete withdrawal of Russian forces from Ukraine for the recognition of Crimea and the end of sanctions
i highly doubt Russia is going to let the Jewish regime in Kiev go back to slaughtering ethnic Russians in the east, and also let NATO continue to make inroads in the country. It would just be kicking the can down the road.
please let this happen it would confirm nothing ever happens, slaves lose again.
is it surprising though? ukraine tried a counter offensive it didnt work. russia tried another offensive it didnt work. putin just had to go to north korea to beg for help. its been years and neither side failed to achieve anything.
And, dare I say, Right So! Ukraine independence from the Motherland was incumbent upon,NOT JOINING NATO! All things being equal.....
they're joining nato now its inevitable due to putin launching an invasion and proving that if you arent in nato you are exposed to potential russian invasion. this is why i think putin will not be remembered as a good leader, no matter how much emotional investment you put into him
>my ass
You do know you are next? No way america is letting the ponzi scheme die off.
They need another shithole to take up the meatbag mantle, ukraine is too battered it is only rightful for you poles to take up where Zelensky left off and finish off Russia.
To the last Poletard
Northrop Grumman stock is up 35% over the past 5 years. At least there's that.
next? russia could not even maintain a proper front line against ukraine which is the poorest most corrupt country in ukraine. they arent going to attack a nato country and start ww3. the war is coming to an end. no matter how much you cry, no matter how much you seethe, the ussr died in less than 100 years and is never coming back. it's over.
>Withdrawal of Russian forces from Ukraine
You know Putin cant do that. After bleeding on the battlefield for over 2 years and achieving nothing particular he cant withdraw. Not only Ukraine will regain territory,maybe even join NATO,but it would also nullify any gain since war begun and will be a suicide for Russian leadership. At best we can expect frozen conflicts and no territorial changes from this point on.
>they're joining nato now
sorry hungary vetoes!
> no matter how much emotional investment you put into him
the irony of this
including 2 (or 3 with Ukraine) countries into NATO

what a loser
NATO is going to make a false flag and attack Belarus.
Don’t try to think so hard, stick to cleaning toilets.
why not? russians already proved they won't do anything so if government says they're leaving then they're leaving, similar to russian retreat from afghanistan.
hungary likely wouldn't veto it, although ukraine would need serious restructing before they could be considered especially in terms of corruption levels. but in either case, it's inevitable as putin proved russia is not a reliable neighbour.
no they're not. belarusian and polish border guards are to busy fighting landless afghanis hiding in the woods. nobody is going to start ww3, it's over i'm sorry to tell you.
Lmao, Russia would never accept those terms.
They will keep Lugansk and Donbass at the very least, and they'll demand Ukraine abstain from joining Nato forever.
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>leading the Aryan race to victory
that's just code for getting your dingus penetrated by a black bull

they dont control either luhansk or donbass, so there's nothing for them to negoitate there.
Just be glad it's over. No more useless european deaths.
Not rly my guy.
anyone with a brain understands that Ukraine never had a chance.

USA are just using them
The S&P is up 86% in the past 5 years. That means Northrup Grumman stock is shit.
Putin will deal with Ukraine the very same way NATO did, Subterfuge. They'll cause an uprising who'll remove the status quo, like NATO et al, did 2014.
Half a million dead Russian men, complete humiliation, destroyed all semblance of diplomatic relations with most countries that matter at all, fucked their own economy, NATOs eastward expansion, all Nordic countries in NATO and everyone, and I do mean EVERYONE left of Russia's western border is now going to prepare in case they're the next Ukraine. Russia properly fucked itself for the rest of the 21st century just for Crimea. Hope it was worth it.
So in two days?
I know that. NAFO shills don't and this is all a big surprise to them
>hungary likely wouldn't veto it
hmm i wouldn't be too sure of that? after all your government and the EU allude that they're authoritarian and russian puppets!
so either that means
1. they will vetoe because orban bows down to putin
2. they'll only allow ukraine to join if it benefits them in some way, and how does ukraine joining benefit them>
oh you're just a butthurt pol, nvm them
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Insider here...
That's not what's gonna happen. Putin's gonna be taking the entirety of the 4 territories he annexed. And he's gonna also need to take Odessa as reparations for what NATO + the Jewbank warpiggies have done to Mother Russia.
Looks like ukrainian victory to me… especially if they actually gain control of luhansk and doneck cities
Ukraine will probably dam up the fresh water source to Crimea again too.
The Russians know Trump is coming back and won't be able to get away with it anymore
well putin stared the war much earleir as you say through various agents as admitted by his leading agent that started the war girkin (strelkov) but he's now in a russian prison so i doubt there's going to be many willing fsb volunteers when they know the end result is assassination or jail.
poland has very good ties with hungary, you are speaking from position of a lot of ignorance. americans always assume they know everything but in reality you know very little about world. especially europe.
he gon lose tho
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> complete withdrawal of Russian forces from Ukraine
What is "Ukraine" here? Donetsk? Luhansk? Out of the question, they are already part of the RF.

> and the end of sanctions
Fake and gay! Zelensky has no authority to negotiate this. Are we supposed to be THAT stupid?
Military Summary channel reported yesterday that the Russian minister of defense and the American counterpart Lloyd Austin established direct communications and had a conversation and then air traffic showed a single Russian government jet flew from Moscow to Washington DC.

So it does appear that something is happening. What I don't know but the DNC brain trust is definitely pulling back from nuclear war insanity.
They tried but riot police was able to stop any protests. Retreat from Afghanistan was different because it wasnt as costly and it happened right around the time when USSR collapsed. It is natural move to focus on rebuilding the country over keeping hold of another country (also it is very hard to conquer Afghanistan).
This time it is different because Russia practically went all in on Ukraine gamble and they cant lose. Firstly,this was is incredibly costly for both sides. Secondly, reason for the war was to prevent NATO expansion which happened regardless. Probably most importantly, finally declaring war on Ukraine was overwhelmingly seen as a good thing by Russians, therefore Putin's rating increased to all time high. Pulling out everything from Ukraine would make that rating nosedive and it would cause mass protests and potentially balkanisation of already ethnically diverse country.
Either way,its better not to do anything that drastic from their point of view.
to claim they are par of russia russia would first need to control them, they do not.
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hey so if they have good ties why do they seethe when hungary meets with russia and aligns with them in most issues regarding NATO and EU expansion?
and i love how you ignored the rest of the post you replied to, so i'll accept your concession!
Does Putin think Zelensky can put an end to EU sanctions?
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> Odessa as reparations

Oh, i thought you meant that i was on Suicide watch.
My bad haha
>Death of the petro dollar
>India, China and even the Saudis now challenge the petro dollar
>Proof that sanctions are worthless and that Russia stands strong
>Domestic proof that the western powers are enemies of the Russian people, which has solidifies Putin's popularity
>Germany still buying Russian gas, despite american (and possibly Norwegian) glownigger zogbots blowing up their "ally's" infrastructure
I don't know, Anon. Looks like Russia takes this proxy.
russian society isn't like yours or mine. if the government tells them it's over, the people will comply. if they protest, they'll disappear.
EU and NATO don't "expand", these are member states and hungary is member of both EU and NATO. and nobody in poland seethes over hungary, we have very good ties. please stop trying to lecture europeans about europe, you barely know anything about your own country.
Did they fly over Biden's debate drug cocktail? What is it the Vodkgibium?
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Hebraization of Ukraine had started already, details leaking out.
So its known that peace deal was coming soon.
Jews can now take over the lands from the dead.
Its fake though. No peace for vatniggers. Only death.
As I said, NATO removed a government voted in via democracy, replacing it with a farce that culminated with Zelenski.How many agents did NATO et al employ? Probably a great many. And how many innocence did they kill to facilitate the force that culminated in Zelenski? Remember Donbass!
>hey so if they have good ties why do they seethe when hungary meets with russia and aligns with them in most issues regarding NATO and EU expansion?
Russia does not get a say in either because its not part of either. End of conversation.
>implying tte jewish "european" media doesn't seethe every single time Hungary does anything at all
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>multi-year 3 day special operation
>just two more weeks!
>muh nato cope
this will never cease to be hilarious
When i think about it this is happening everywhere. Protests are rarely successful nowadays. It would create some instability nonetheless,but how bad would it be is questionable.
NATO did not remove a government. you talk about yanukovych who was voted out by his own political party following maidan, and maidan was started because putin interfered in ukrainian affairs and threatened yanukovych to pull out of EU trade deal as putin did not want ukraine to maintain neutrality. americans are something else really.
i don't watch the european media because nothing they say is relevant or matters. the european parliament are a bunch of morons who have no actual authority as proven by both Poland and Hungary who routinely tell them to piss off.
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OP be lying as usual
*farce that culminated with Zelenski
there already is instability as we saw from putins execution of navalny and prigozhin. putin is also not a young man anymore and they need to seriously start thinking about succession if they want to avoid actual chaos.
>sources says
Implying jew obsessed brown turd worlders on this voice of putin and the brown world board posters like you matter a fuck on the Internets or anywhere else. This board stopped mattering when it stopped being white.
Source: "Trust me, bro"
Only Hungary tells EU to piss off. You're their goddamned lapdogs, just like Norway, despite not even being a full member state.
And I was talking about "your" media, retard.
Nice jewflag, you jewish jew.
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>a thread appears
>a pshek with 15 posts is already trying to correct the record
why are they like this?
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>contradicts statements
Yea nah. Staments got changed.
Sure, sure, NATO had nothing to do with any of it. The very same way the U.N. et al had nothing to do with the assassination of the Haitian president, that was totally his wife and brother.

Pole, Remember, we're safely a million walking steps from you, Russia is literally right there
No proof
I wish, I don't see this war ending for a while, and eventually there may be 3 fronts, Israel-Palestine, Ukraine-Russia, China-Taiwan
Sanctions work chud
you sound very emotional. Poland is still under EU sanctions because we refuse to comply with the migrant quotas. you are to emotional to have a conversation with.
so if they arent americans what are they? i can't assume everyone has a memeflag.
generally on /pol/ threads have discussion where people discussing current events/politics. if thats too much for you there is always discord/reddit etc.
he's a butthurt pole coping btw, his own media were telling him that russians have over 5million casualties and they were being pushed backed
now that the narrative is slowly shifting all they have is cope and denial, sad!
no, they dont because ukraine is not a NATO member and did not qualify for NATO membership. putin was furious when yanukovych tried to make a deal with the european union, which is when putin began operations against yanukovych, then there was maidan, etc.
please find the source that said 5 million russians have been killed or wounded. and please point out a single "butthurt" phrase. i am cooking dinner so i have some time. you seem really emotionally invested in this.
Oh yeah lol I forgot that, they're fucked without the water, it's gonna be really fucking expensive to bring it from elsewhere. Well, if Ukraine agrees to losing Crimea, they can literally add in a clause that Russia has to buy water from them. Just make it cost only 90% of what building a huge fucking pipeline from the mainland would cost.
>south korean troops expected to fight in ukraine
>ukraine surrenders
Honestly this. Just stop the White men dying in a useless brother war.
Why the FUCK aren't we joining forces to run the shitskins out of here?
>meme flag

If only it were that easy

>NATO et al wanted nothing to do with Ukraine

You have to be 18 to post here by the way!

See picrel
>what is exaggeration
lol you're trying so hard here, oh and
>y-you're emotionally invested in this
projection! you sound very invested in this yourself!
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Here it is, heres the nato/us/uk approved '10pt ukrainian peace plan":

"Russia can sit with its hands folded quietly, while nato and ukraine (the winners) decide its fate,
and when decided, Russia will accept the decision, bow, and exit the room in silence"
and now, for the decision:
>restoration of ukrain to 1991 borders
>Putin is arrested, tried, then executed at the hague for 'war crimes'
>Russia is de-militarized, balkanized and divided into small adminstrative zones under nato command
>assets of former Russian federation are redistributed across europe as reparations
>Russian people are collectively punished for 'voting for Putin"
this^ is the literal, actual (((10 step plan for peace))) ukraine and nato have stated are THE STARTING POINT for even considering the first word of negotiation with Russia

>You have to be 18 to post here by the way!
so you don't have an actual argument just phrases. this board used to have at least 1 or 2 people who would have actual conversation instead of just acting like offended redditors.
so you are just exaggerating and offering nothing to any kind of conversation, very high IQ /r/the_donald must have been such a great place
Hey, if my boy Louis is saying it it must be true. Trust the twitter screenshots, guys
Based. Fundamental.
hey for claiming to be emotionally detached from the convo you sure are butthurt about my exaggeration!
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>Ignores all the prewar amble spewed from the mouth of the whores of the Industrial Military Complex before and especially after NATO et al reduced Ukraine into its bitch
>source: literal who on twitter
Holy fucking shit finally this bullshit will end. Crimea is a good bag, but honestly I'd take that deal, mother of God, a lot of lives paid for that place, it better be awesome.
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You don't lose men when you bomb some subhumans from afar and we have more than 10x advantage in artillery and bombs like FABs not even existing on ukraninan side. This is why we lost about 15 times less than the ukraninans. Saying casualties are equal is like saying what US lost the same as arabs the bombed. Idiotic.
to join NATO you need approval from all members and before you even get to that part you have to meet some qualifications which ukraine did not possess. you dont just walk in. and yanukovych trying to sign a trade deal with EU was when putin began operations against ukraine. this is what led to maidan etc.
plus in the initial wave you guys were sending central asian mongoloids and inmates from moscow, literally the dredges of russian society
you guys really got the better deal out of all this
i accept your concession ;)
Did you forget about the denazification and the demilitarization of the fascist neo-nazi ukrainian state?
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>NATO depends on its members and not the say so of the Industrial Military Complex
yes, it does matter about the say so of its members. americans dont even know how NATO works and yet you try to all talk like you are some kind of unviersity professor on every topic when in reality i rarely talk with american who knows anything
i can get fully invested in the jeet mails this shit to israeli women arc of the story... but i can't believe someone lady would print it out and pose with it for a picture.
Remember how the NATO et al controlled "government" murdered hundreds of civilians in Donbass!

Were you here for it, on /pol/ I mean?

After the feds took down silk road and a few other things became suspect, so burned every device in had sticking to mobile thereon. Lost all by donbsss stuff.
>Nu /k/ lost
>Nafo faggots lost
>NATO lost
>Virtuesignalling lefties lost

>Putin Won
>Russia Won
>NK won

This day should be remembered and celebrated.
>Remember how the NATO et al controlled "government" murdered hundreds of civilians in Donbass!
no lmao
But Anon, Ukraine hadn't joined NATO when Putin attacked because if they had it'd be too late. Which is why the war is where it is, and why it is.
Yeah bro why not just let Washington control the country on your border like who even cares, maaaan
slav life is basically worth nothing
No fucking way faggot
NATO et al did the same thing in Libya.
Go be a fsggot elsewhere!!!
putin invaded in respones to yanukovych trying to sign an eu deal which started protests in ukraine. putin used the chaos he manufactured to send russian intelligence agents, like strelkov into ukraine along with tanks, artillery, ammo, guns, soldiers, etc. this then began combat in east which putin then used to prepare the coup of crimea and from there fortified the border over last few years preparing to invade ukraine fully.
washington was not "control" of any country. how does yanukovych signing an EU trade deal = USA controls ukraine
theyre just countering putins offer and itll be rejected as well.
It’s called blood sacrifice for Khazaria goyim, where do you think Israeli Jews are going? It’s free real estate.
Let me guess - metal stacking meme faggot who should have just been buying bitcoin? Kek
wow so it's only 1 week this time?
He's talking about giving the Russians the chance to conform to the 'peace deal' which was made without Russia's involvement.
Insider info on the Ukrainian Gov told me that their surrender is imminent. They are trying to get other countries to fight with boots on the ground and if none step up they are surrendering. Screencap this you heard it here first. Either NATO puts skin in the game or the Ukrainians bow out.
Now you're just shilling for NATO et al! No seriously!

Let's ignore all the warmongers from the west! It's all Putin's fault!
lmfao, the ukrainian people dont want the war to end, they simply dont want to be the one drafted that is all
what did he say?
because the war wasn't started by """the west""", which conveniently keeps changing to fit whatever talking point arises. like hungary and poland are now suddenly "the west" when its convenient. its absurd.
Highly unlikely.
Nobody wants to admit that the conscripted in Russia were undesirables and they decided in Russia that if you are not needed or useless they will make use of you. Any loses on the Russian side were to simply pin down positions and call in artillery
Because monke unironically thought the ukies would give up instantly (or join them lmao)
this guy is a sociopath scumbag piece of shit and I definitely wouldn't believe a thing he says ever
Ukraine was lost a decade ago when the Cia started building bases. Russia managed to get the pro Russian pieces of it before they could get a long term brain washing program going.
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>the war wasn't started by the west

How much are they paying you? You're a bloody bot aren't you?
>21 posts by this ID
jfc is it always the same polish retard seething in every one of these threads?
maybe, i think its position of arrogance as well. i also recall that russian was claiming that Poland was plotting some massive military invasion of ukraine and belarus before this, which now that i think about it seems like the usual finger pointing they do before doing the actual thing they accuse others of.
its not "lost" at any time, and now your narrative makes no sense because yanukovych who is portrayed by pro russia propangidsts as some victim is apparently now pro-cia. i dont think you have coherent talking point. after 90s ended, ukraine made the dumb decision of trusting russia at their word and theyre paying the price for this now.
>has nothing to say
>decides to post bullshit
you really just expect to post nonsense and then you get all emotional because you cant argue against other people. reddit is the other way.
point to 1 post of so called "seething". i just finished my dinner but i want to do some sketching and reading before bed so i wont be around much longer.
by the end of the month Zelenski will present to Putin HIS "peace deal" as agreed upon on recent conference, which indeed will be listed condition.

Russian official responce to the deal will be - Go fuck yourself, you either capitulate or we`ll walk over your corpse. Zelenski is on timer and each day adds % of how much more Ukraine will lose.
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We were on /pol/ and saw these demons in real time! Go back into the past and see the endless threads before all this bullshit! That's why I say you're either a troll or you're a bloody bot or you're a shill! Ain't no way you're not a Johnny come lately!
now THAT^^^ is what "disinformation" looks like.
Ukraine will lose some land that already had Russians living on it, an entire generation of men, and will join NATO. Russia gets more Black Sea coastline but at the cost of NATO expansion in to Ukraine and likely Georgia.

Ukraine loses, Russia loses and NATO marches us closer to WWIII. Yippee.
what "demons". you just recite very old propaganda from russian government which they themselves dont even use anymore. also some of the creators of that propaganda like strelkov who worked for FSB as one of the architects of the war admitted it was just fabrication and hes now slowly dying in a russian state prison. also mussolini is not very popular in russia so not a bright guy to post
You don't withdraw if the enemy has surrendered. Russia will annex and keep what they choose.
You never played any Paradox games in which you were waging a pointless war for a years then finally decide to make some gains only to make "status quo ante bellum" peace?
It is basically real life equivalent.
Also imagine being zogobot.
They are lost or just bots written by a loser virgin.
Shillary et al opened their own damn mouths and spouted this shit! Are you saying Fsb wrote shillary speech?
>Russia only has like two weeks of bullets and bombs left,
Oh stop. They do not. They fought a 100x war 80 years ago and never ran out.
hillary (clinton?) et al (???) did not "say this". and even funnier when you look into many of the original agents deployed to cause the war, guys like valery bolotov who the fsb took out in his moscow apartment.
LOL! By the end of this month, Best Korea will be invading ukraine in human wave attacks.
they cannot since the 4 new oblasts are now written in the constitution, he needs all of them, he basically chained himself to the endless war
It is true what they say about Poles. Dumb as fucking rocks
He said nothing. Go to his twitter
and another one enters the thread with absolutely nothing to say kek
>there were so many options available.
Minsk 3?
I'm not saying Russia didn't have its own share of warmongers, I'm simply saying shillary were chief among them!

ET AL means, and others

When citing sources you'd be there all day listing every source on the same paper so you'd say, ET AL!
go and fight faggot, or go back to your containment thread you dopey deluded cunt
Thank God. At least Europe can remain peaceful for now. And I'll be able to travel to Ukraine to rent a womb at discount price
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Even if the oinkraine surrendered tomorrow my terror campaign against hohol refugees continues
minsk was never a serious treaty as russia was just stockpiling more troops on border and sending supply convoys of weapons, tanks, artillery, ammo etc. russia made 0 steps to demilitarise and withdraw from border.
if putin had not forced yanukovych to scrap the EU trade deal then there would be no maidan and no war. but putin saw a chance to make chaos and used that to try and break up ukraine in order to federalise that. that was the plan on paper anyway, it didnt work that way in real life.
you getting mad isn't really my problem to be honest
After first two months of turmoil no conscripts are were seething battle field, its all prof military and mech who specifically chose to be in stormtroopers. I know two conscripts and all they do is dig trenches never seeing any action for more than a year. Our real casualties are legit comically low for such big scale warfare.
bwahahaha delusional faggots, July is month of Cancer which is time for war/blood/death
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You don't know anything!
Thats funny I was just thinking this yesterday. Besides that a "ceasefire" which is the word theyre using - is temporary and worthless, an actual peace deal would never involve Putin keeping all the land he currently occupies. You never just get all the land youre on in a peace deal, you justified keeping a small portion of that.
Like just Crimea I said. They could ask for just Crimea based on what they hold, and here we are. I have ESP so its no surprise, I could actually see this happening. Reasonable demands, although still cause for a future war to reclaim it later.
this is good, as zion miganald has been dropped from the roster and i've finally gotten putin on board with total hohol death, make "peace" until after dementia pedo wins or the kikes hoist up miga zionald and then immediately liberate every last inch of hoholistan
it's all coming together
Maybe Zekenski should have kept his mouth shut about joining NATO? You think if Zelenski kept his mouth shut about joining NATO Putin wouldn't have an excuse to invade?
This isn't a war, it's White Genocide for Jews. And all sides are in on it. Wake the fuck up.
Putin never had an excuse to invade, the point in joining nato is it prevents him invading. Hes the aggressor, Nato was never going to invade Russia.
the war started before zelensky was elected president. as i wrote, the war began when yanukovych tried to sign a trade deal with EU and putin began operations to shut it down
But their very independence remained legal so as long as they didn't join NATO. Its not catch-22, anon
Being constantly surrounded by your ideological enemies is not an act of aggression?
Nukes can be deployed in any NATO member
Their independence is legal regardless the Russians dont set international law, everyone has a right to self determination. Ukraine is full of nazis and they have in fact - a right to be. Russia is trying to denazify its neighbor for being anti-communist. Thats on them, bad guys, wrong side of history yet again commie.
>Three replies saying that it's fake
I'm confused.
And the EU is?????






Boo hoo poor communists who committed the holodomor on Ukraine, now Ukraine is anti-communist so you get to genocide them again. Retarded beaner take desu.
NATO is not the same as EU. there are EU countries not in NATO and NATO countries not in EU
The country who had the holodomor perpetrated on them by communists has every right to go extreme right nationalist and oppose the former leader of both the KGB and FSB yes.
what a depressing fpbp
>self determination

Which came after Russia approved of them leaving after they agreed to Never Join NATO!

You think if they joined the EU they wouldn't have fallen under NATO?
This is bullshit cope. Russia can't withdraw because the Donbass is legally part of Russia now and they have a mandate to defend it. Ukraine also can not promise an end to sanctions since they are not the ones who created the sanctions. Typical Twitter retardation.
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Here in America we support our hohol fugees
And there are Allies of Ukraine who are literal heads of NATO and, AND, would see Russia's eventual invasion as an act of Aggression! Leading to an escalation. All Zelenski had to do was to say, "Mr Putin, we're perusing The EU, not NATO!"

But none of them did, Because, NATO was the point all along!
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Russia should also throw in a demand that every press gang recruiter and drone operator should be sent to Russia to face trial.

Could see Jewlenskyy shrugging his shoulders and agreeing to that.
ukraine is not a NATO member so what "allies" do you talk about here.
>casualties in hundreds of thousands
Yes. Mission accomplished for the so-called elites. Sacrifice a bunch of goyim
Then say, We, the government of Ukraine will never join NATO!

And then put it in writing!!!
You know why they didn't? Because NATO is literally the resson!
Yes, if the US never got involved then there wouldn't be so many deaths on both sides
>How worthless is the life of White man
To Jews, just read the Talmud, Whites to them are less than the animals.
You are a rootless Jewish bastard in Israel using VPN of America.

Khazars were not Jewish bastards this is a lie made up by rootless Jewish bastards like you.

You have nothing to do with Khazars.

Rootless Jewish bastard.
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>Our sources in the intelligence community have confirmed that by the end of this month US president Biden will negotiate peace with Mexico. The peace deal will be the complete withdrawal of US troops from Mexico for the recognition of Baja and the end of sanctions

Can you imagine?
NO REFUNDS FOR Z-NIGGERS AND HOLOLS. At least both sides culled the numbers of slavs in the planet and made the jews richer.

Thank you for being good goys! It's USA turn now.
>Then say, We, the government of Ukraine will never join NATO!
they even gave russia nuclear weapons years ago. theres not much larger sign than that to prove they dont want war. and joining NATO is irrelevant because russia borders NATO to begin with. its putin who keeps pushing countries to join NATO (e.g., Finland) by his own decisions and actions.
NATO exist to kill Russia! Simple as AND Putin, despite his many, many flaws, Had a legal right.
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That's why it's never gonna happen. Too many lives were lost, too much equipment blown away. Russia will never agree to peace unless:
1. all land that Russia conquered stays with Russia;
2. Ukraine will never join NATO.
Believing any other scenario will be on the table is plain stupid. Russia would rather nuke whole UPAine than let it join NATO and give away all those land.
ok i have lost interest in this and im going to go sketch and read
You speak english worse than I do VPN faggot.
ukraine is a prime example of the fact nobody will do shit no matter how bad things get
haha lmao no
Yes, please do. Leave the politics to /pol/. Go to/ic/ or whatever its cslled.
English is for arseholes, I speak American.
you are a nigger rat the equivalent of a yapping small dog.
americans kiss niggers feet for no reason but you should definitely kiss the russians
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I never went to war :)
I will never go to war :)
I am safe and sound with God Jesus Christ in his crib :)
Only God Jesus Christ loves me, cares about me and saves me.
Only God Jesus Christ sees me.
Only God Jesus Christ listens to me.
Only God Jesus Christ respects me.
Only God Jesus Christ loves me.
Only God Jesus Christ embraces me.
Only God Jesus Christ is real and true.
I am safe and sound with God Jesus Christ in his crib.
I do not die and live forever in paradise together forever with my God Jesus Christ!
I love only God Jesus Christ, and we stick together forever in love! :)
IMF and world bank and the demographic destruction in Ukraine will point otherwise. The point of these wars is not someone winning and someone losing, it's about a pantomime act whereby both* sides get insanely rich and the peasantry dies.

[It's an illusion]
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Nope, never going to happen

putin want all eastern Ukraine at minimum.
ze will never agree on it.
Not so fast, hohols have to fork over Odessa, Kharkov and Kherson at minimum, and Slovyansk and Kramatorsk as well. If Russians are not demanding this then this is bullshit those are their minimum objectives.
KEK surely Russia will surrender like 90% of their gains for nothing
It's not status quo for Russia to still take Crimea. Crimea is part of Ukraine.
Total bullshit
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> complete withdrawal of Russian forces
that obviously bullshit but if some how this tweet is accurate then putin would need to ready his neck for a execution, no way this happen and there isn't a coup or revolt against him
Cull off excess population, destabilize the region and send in help to "rebuild" it in your image. The usual suspects keep winning. Russia will stay as Russia and they might make some gains like the control over the canal, but I'm curious to see what happens to Ukraine now seeing how it was already used by the western elite before the conflict
Bro if it happens hahahah we all should go domestic terrorist who cares

About nations or anything after that just fucking kill
Officially recognising Crimea as Russian territory would be huge. International law still recognises it as a temporarily occupied part of Ukraine.
Fake news. Russia won’t accept any deal that doesn’t force Ukraine to surrender occupied land connecting mainland Russia to Crimea. Also Putin has to satisfy the vatniks so there must be some sort of anti-nazi provision
in plain sight:
Zelensky negotiating the end of American sanctions as a foreign political head
and also not only Putin would be fucked russia will also be probably even more fucked
>It's all Putin's fault!
Back to the CNN comment section you go pussy boy.
You will be tortured to death in front of the kids you rape.
Not status quo. They've shown that America/NATO has become impotent and they got BRICS going, Saudis dumped the petrodollar.

Definitely not status quo, honestly is more like a pivot point in history.

I'm deeply ashamed of what our country has become.
Did you eat whatever was in your diaper again Sven?
Greetings from Costa Rica Oblast, fellow comrade.
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It wasn't worthless. They died so that khazar zionists could syphon hundreds of billions of dollars from western tax payers. Now that they've gotten their riches and killed off an entire generation of ukrainian men they can enjoy ruling over a broken country with no opposition and endless supply of fertile young women. Oh and guess who's going to be paying to rebuild the country? That's right, the western tax payer.
This tweet is completely FAKE. Checked.
This blood sacrifice makes me sick to my stomach. I really want to see the ones responsible hang or maybe worse.
Remember to send more goyim

They might be distracted with kikes slaying sandniggers.
They don't even pretend to hide it. How are native Ukranians not absolutely livid?
Blackrock went on a shopping tour in ukraine too. And guesswhat: Just like in america they bought farming land..
From the US Pentagon.
That would be really nice. I just bought a house in Hamburg for an insanely low price because people are fleeing the country, afraid of Russian invasion. I'm not kidding.

I still need to sell my old house though, so it'd be nice if housing prices picked up again.

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