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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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>NOoooo I need my based outsider maverick to interrupt and act like a clown so my army of anime avatars can meme
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>already making excuses for donald trump before it even begins
i wish trump would get shot
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>why couldn’t he just molest her like joe biden did to his daughter
The authorities in Finland have been notified. You will be jailed today.
Come again?
So do most of the elite, but they know that if that happened, everything would unravel and, crucially, they would lose power, with perhaps a headstart in the post-apocalypse scene. So... be careful what you wish for : )
don't care
still voting for Trump
voting matters
only jews say voting doesn't matter because they want their third world goblins to vote
the gayest thing you can possibly do is do nothing and clap like a fat american as your country disintegrates while your mothers get raped by pedro and jayquandarius
knock knock
>the gayest thing you can possibly do is do nothing and clap like a fat american as your country disintegrates while your mothers get raped by pedro and jayquandarius
but that is what YOU'RE doing by voting, lmao. funny stuff. yeah bud, vote the rape away.
Trump agreed to that format. Biden got ‘em by the nuts.
Trump should walk on and just scream abuse at Biden the whole time. Ignore the questions, hosts and Biden. Just open up and rattle through everything Biden fucked up
Opsec is hanging there Sven expect a knock at your door sad fecker !
It will be a shit-show if they do. People will get mad and riled. They better just let the based guy talk. And not Joey either.
post nose
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he stands no chance against the drugged one.
you forgot to say in minecraft
The crowd will boo and jeer if they cannot hear Trump speak.
Sounds reasonable. Otherwise in a debate one asshole contestant can yell and talk over the other. How can you win a debate if the other person is interrupting you and yelling over what you say?
By letting each other finish saying what they want instead of putting a time limit like some gay fox news segment. Nigger you faggots have to deal with 1 old casket dodger one way or another for 4 years but now nobody gives a fuck to hear their full debate? Nah let’s just have a biased moderator because uuuuuuuuuuh democracy?

>2 cnn anchors
>no audience
>strict rules to allow Biden to spew false claims without challenge

uh.. yeah kid. sure. Tell us all how great Joe Biden is. I'm seeing many lefties distance themselves and stick to the ol "i'd vote for anyone but Trump" line.

No intelligent person defends Joe Biden.
There is no crowd, kek
Lol they are going to use it to cut off Joe’s mic when he starts babbling
It’s not for Trump
You're some spic from Spain. Why are you talking about American politics, nigger. No one cares what your opinion is... you don't even live in the USA.

Anyway, I wouldn't want some fuckin' fag interuptting me during a debate. It's a debate, not a "Yell over the other person so they can't make a single point".

That's entirely on the table at this point. I also agree w\ Alex Jones' statement that it may be the other way around.

They may take out Biden to try to blame "maga" and then suspend elections, and put people in camps. And you faggots will still think you're morally superior while you re run concentration camps.
Can't believe Trump the cuck agreed to this. Proof he hasn't learned a thing
Good idea. Does it apply to the moderators mics as well?
Trump should just walk over and start beating the shit out of Biden on live TV. Fuck the "debate".
Trump certainly doesnt like to talk over joe, he would never do such a thing.
I will be massively surprised if the moderators can keep their mouths shut

Drinking game- everytime someone interrupts trump, take a shot
They’re so stupid. Don’t they know when they cut Trump’s mic people will see that they did so and will sympathize with Trump over it. Just like when they convict him with bullshit charges. Do they think people will just think, “hug I wonder why Trump’s lips are moving but I can’t hear him. Oh well, I’m sure it has nothing to do with CNN”?
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Trump wanted to bang his daughter, and he actually did. Too bad she forgave him for it to keep his secret, we need Drumpf gone. There is no way someone is that rich and powerful & not fucking their daughter
>a simple status LED
I want off
Stop the ride
I want off I want off I want off I want off I want off I want off I want off I want off I want off I want off I want off I want off I want off I want off I want off I want off I want off I want off I want off I want off
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>they will cut trumps mic
actual intellectuals:
>they will cut biden's mic when he starts rambling like a lunatic
Joe Biden is going to win this debate and Donald Trump is going to lose.
In the way that Joe Biden is going to do better than people anticipated and Trump is going to do worse than people expected.
>how to die of alcohol poisoning in under one hour
checked. Aryan Joe needs to get the job DONE
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I will not be watching this gay shit. I will be at the bar trying to mack on some babies and drinking vodka.
I've seen a shitty thread made by a Finland flag a few days ago and he said it was a vpn and he was in Vermont. It's probably him. Finns can be retarded but in their very own way and there is in almost every thread a fin flag writting with the same american faggot style of speech and it's hard to not notice.
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Could make a kino happening.
This is going to be so boring. The only interactions any watches for are the candidates landing zingers while the other speaks
A debate is about carefully explaining your points and why your points are good, then your opponent lays out his points why they are good and why yours are bad and it goes from there. Yelling shouldn’t be involved, nor should it be a popularity contest, only the merit of your words should count. Should anyways.

Why am I talking about american politics? For one this is a political board. Second american politics essentially matter more than most elections because whether we like it or not our fates have been forcefully tied to america in many aspects. The dollar debt system is a good example of how all the worlds economies have been connected to the american one which means that your countries funny money business (every country does this) is our business too. Does this help?
the less people watch, the easier it is for the media to spin things however they want

your participation (beyond paying taxes on everything) is not required anymore. have you not been paying attention?
im sure youre great guy but im still voting joe
A private news corporation has no place in the democratic process. They need to be barred from managing anything to do with elections.

This shit should be televised live on CSPAN
checked. this would be a critical blow to israel
As if there aren't deaf people that can just interpret what is being said by reading lips and put the text on screen, hell you don't even have to be deaf
>jews want trump and now voting matters.
>Noooooooo you're not allowed to talk about the other candidate!!!
Would unironically be his most powerful and effective political move at this point.
more like in reality it will be a hilarious disaster for joe biden as he forgets his lines or freezes or loses track of what he's saying but the media will still lie and say it was an absolute loss for Trump.
trump should wear his own microphone and then just release the audio after the debate and sync it with the video feed
If Trump just whipped out his dick and jacked off the entire time it would be more intellectually stimulating than anything else that could possibly be said during this “debate.”
>jews want trump
>that's why they're trying their hardest to silence him
is this how leftists unironically think?
Since when did the left become antisemetic? Both the left and the right suck jew balls but the left does the left bollock and the right bollock at the same time
im sure hands typed this
>Why am I talking about american politics? For one this is a political board. Second american politics essentially matter more than most elections because whether we like it or not our fates have been forcefully tied to america in many aspects. The dollar debt system is a good example of how all the worlds economies have been connected to the american one which means that your countries funny money business (every country does this) is our business too. Does this help?

Cool. But you don't live in America, and therefore no one cares about your opinion on American politics. Would you place much stake in what someone with an American flag on /pol/ is saying about elections in Spain? You probably wouldn't. The person doesn't even live in your country.

You're speaking into the wind, nigger. No one cares about your opinion, no one respects your opinion.
Choose between these two shitheads who will ruin your life.
>one LED won't even register in the vision of the geriatric men
>have to make it two, large, soft lights
>No one cares about your opinion, no one respects your opinion.
Thats rich coming from a mutt. Dont you have niggers to worship?
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damn who will be able to get in the most jew dick sucking in their time given - SO EXCITED!!!!
Why are you defending pedophilia?
>theres gonna be tons of biden talking when his mic is off
>Cool. But you don't live in America, and therefore no one cares about your opinion on American politics.

On one hand, you're right. I used to say this shit too. On the other, America's Jews largely control the entire world. He therefore has every right to chime in with his opinion because this huge homo trans child touching shitshow affects him as well.
Pedophilia doesnt exist ur just a whore
Or a cuck simp
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Can he do that? That'd be hilarious
I wish ALL of them would get shot.
>potential next president presidents debate
>only CNN can publish it
>CNN controls the questions and the microphones
>no other live streams only CNN
>not held in public, held in CNN studio
>mfw idgaf about CNN
everyone just pretends this is normal
I was watching I think Newsmax or something, whatever boomer stuff my mom watches, and they were showing CNN's little infomercial about these microphones. My mom became highly agitated, and started bitching about it. She wanted to know what was wrong with these people. Why were they acting like they were talking to children? Why was this like one of those short educational videos you show the kiddos in class? And she was right. It was exactly as though they were talking to children. That network shouldn't have so much power over a presidential debate, even if the candidates agreed to it. It just reduces it all to some ridiculous high-school debate. They won't even have a live audience for it should the little kiddy audience members speak without raising their hands. It is all incredibly parent-to-child, very infantile and degrading.
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heres what will happen
>cnn gives a stern warning to contestants prior to debate, like mommy would
>cnn immediately cuts of trump in the first question
>trump knew they would
>he keeps talking and commanding the room without the need of a voice amplification device
i actually would bet on like...1:20 odds of trump just walking over to biden's mic, totally ignoring biden, and just finish his topic speech on biden's mic like nothing happened.

trump ain't gonna play with this shit, and we like it. he knows his voters like antics that show just how buffoonish judeo-media outlets are lmao
i dont see why not
the problem is is everyone he surrounds himself with is a bunch of boomers that would never think of something like that
kys redditor
it's not 2004 anymore, let people other than Cocks News Net stream it
You're not fooling anyone, nigger.
This trump should just start acting like a schizo methhead on live tv. Will win the votes of middle america
This guy gets it
It exists due to brain damaged freaks. Simple as.
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The left is supposed to be in favor of socialist policies but they never deliver them. The right is supposed to be racist, christian and nationalistic but they never deliver on any of those policies either.

Therefore it is time for a third party.

also trump and biden are both jew puppets who do not and will never give a fuck about white americans
im just here to watch biden poop his pants live on the debate and nothing else
>Designed to help Biden
Pretty stupid if true, letting Trump rant and interrupt and talk over Biden will help Biden way more than letting him talk. Voters didn't like when Trump did that in the debates in 2020 and Biden is a much weaker speaker now.

If they wanted to really help Biden they would just let Trump talk and dig his own grave.

Also I'm not saying CNN isn't trying to help Biden, just that they are stupid about how they are doing it.
>trump pulls a tiny megaphone out of his jacket and continues talking
would be kino
Biden will forget what the green light means after the first question
This is 2024 vaccine-promoter Trump we're talking about here, not 2016 "other countries, Joe!" Trump.
Can't win a third term anyway, unlike what Bolton said.
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Workers set up a massive fence Thursday around the perimeter of the presidential debate site at CNN's Atlanta headquarters.

Protesters are expected to descend on Georgia's capital city to demonstrate outside the first showdown between President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump.

One shirtless man braved the muggy heat to show up early Thursday morning to protest Biden ahead of his arrival in Atlanta.

His signs read: 'Lock up Biden' and 'Biden betrayed America and Israel.'
Nigger why do you care about American politics?
My bet is Biden dies on air, 5 snarf dollars redeamable on the moon
This is so that Biden can talk to the person in his earpiece without viewers hearing.
You're somewhat right but remember expats.
Trump can't lose. CNN is incapable of being unbiased, so Biden will look like he was carried.
All because Biden is a dementia ridden old man who can't handle Trump's banter, fuckin lel.
Nah this is actually really good for Trump. He loves a crowd and gets more energetic when speaking before one. The type of swing voters that Trump needs to win don't like it when he gets worked up so keeping him calm by getting rid of the crowd will help his image with those types of voters.
What was his name again
It's crazy sometimes how far technology has advanced
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>Nigger why do you care about American politics?

because you kikes kill this planet but cant get rid of criminals and foreign tribes ruling you like a golem?
Checked and reported to the Internet police
Extradite this snow monkey
Uhhh, you do know the candidates AGREE to this, right? Like they don't have to do a debate at all. Either one could have disagreed, but didn't.
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that would be some gangster shit. like a mel brooks movie. trump just pulls out a fuckin spit-shined gold megaphone and starts a fuckin riot just because a few jews clicked mute
And despite all the games CNN will play, Trump will dominate.
I was over at my dads house the other day helping with some household chores. He lives in a very rural area of a very red state. At the end of the day we went to one of the nearby country bars. It’s the kind of place that farmers, truckers, legit cowboy boot wearers and the working class go to unwind with a cold one.

President Biden was on the TV and the local gun store owner said to his auto mechanic (friends since high school),

“You know what? He ain’t so bad. The economy is recovering, nobody’s rioting, and we’re standing up on the world stage again. Can’t believe I’m saying this but Ol’ Scranton Joe’s got my vote this year.”

I looked around and all I saw were heads nodding in agreement. I heard a few calls of “Yes sir” and “Damn Straight” from the men around me. Even saw the lonely ball cap wearing farmer in the corner raise his drink with a nod.
Moderator: Mr. Trump. First of all, thank you for being here. And on to our first question.

Ahem. As we stand at the intersection of history and geopolitics, the United States has played a pivotal role that spans the spectrum from profound altruism to controversial interventions. Reflecting on America's global influence, how do you navigate the complexities of our nation's historical actions, acknowledging both the achievements that have shaped global stability and the interventions that have sparked geopolitical tensions? In your response, consider: the legacy of post-World War II reconstruction and alliances that have bolstered international order; the ethical dimensions of military interventions and nation-building efforts that have yielded mixed outcomes; and the evolving landscape of international relations where economic dominance, cultural influence, and ideological clashes intersect. How does America position itself in today's multipolar world, balancing leadership responsibilities with the imperative to respect sovereign rights and promote global cooperation? Please provide a nuanced perspective that integrates lessons from history with forward-looking strategies to uphold America's principles while fostering a more stable and inclusive global community.

Trump: Well you see... *BRRRT*

Moderator: I'm sorry, you are out of time.

President Biden. Thank you, Mr. President, for joining us tonight and sharing your insights on these critical global issues.

So what's your favorite flavor of ice cream? We heard you are rather fond of chocolate. But Rocky Road is seeing a resurgence lately. Your response?
I dont understand the problem with this? keeps people from interrupting and talking over each other. whats the problem?
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ok and? you told him they want to draft females?
I heard all networks can air it if they keep the cnn Logo on screen
>you told him they want to draft females?
I can't think of anything that any reasonable person cares less about than this.
So it's a theatrical stage production and not an actual debate?
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>I dont understand the problem with this?

me neither. why should someone get some fucking education how to debate and negotiate things in civil way when you have a jew hitting a button as soon he hears words, which can upset AIPAC?.
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thanks for explaining why US are ruled by kikes..
This is a non-sequitur. Read the prior post that I replied to. The OP objected to CNN 'controlling' everything, yet the candidates did not have to participate in this. They both agreed to the terms of the debate.
This is a huge and deeply gay stretch. It just says that your mic is on.
Yes, Biden team set out a list of favorable requirements hoping Trump would refuse so they could get off the hook,
Typical NATO troon.
Why do they need 2 lights to let them know that their microphone is on? Surely 1 light is enough?


I don't know what you people want. Shouldn't Trump be considered so mighty that he can easily bowl over Biden in a debate? I thought Biden had crippling dementia? Wouldn't Trump easily swab the debate floor with him?
Are you saying it's like two actors on a stage and CNN is the producer or what?
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Did agree and that's sick. An extremely media controlled event not for the people at all brought to you by corporate ad revenue. Disgusting bastardization of the spirit of debate and Trump was a fool for agreeing to this. Joe had no choice because this is his stay or go on the ticket. Definitely not voting for either one that agreed to this farce. It's censorship on display paid for by sponsors. This is America now.
Nigger you are stupid and only keep proving with every reply you make. Stop, you dumb, lumpy headed nigger.
He said shot, not killed, learn to read glowniggers.
No, I'm saying if either Trump or Biden thought the debate was objectionable, they could have said no. Since they said yes, they are both willing participants.
say that to Barron's face and get your cranium cracked
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Of course not. What gets fed to the TV viewer of Biden will be pre-recorded answers they filmed in a mock-up studio. What's what they been doing at camp David all week. That's why they don't want a live audience and they don't want Trump to able to interupt.
Theyre gonna snip the magic wire
That’s the only way Biden would win
So they both are willing participants in CNN's theatrical performance entitled 'Debate 2024'?
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>ask question based on false premise
>try to address the false premise
>cut the mic
Please just answer the question
>tries to explain the question is misleading
>cut the mic
If you won't answer the question, we'll have to move on.
Does anyone think this debate is going to be anything but a clown show?
I don't give a shit what some foreign simp thinks.
Oh no I can lip read.
Says more about that you assume everyone is fucking their own daughters you Oedipus complex jew.
>CNN will cut the feed to Trump's mic
Trump had an extremely inappropriate relationship with Yael Kushner.
Yeah what about the sitting president?
I have no fucking clue what point you are trying to make. Are CNN, Trump, Biden all part of some grand conspiracy?
I actually really don't mind this. "Deabtes" where people yell over each other sucks. And Biden speaking with being interrupted just makes it more likely he gets confused on his own and stumbles with no excuses.
If they cut your mic in the middle of your time that's shit.
If they just cut either persons mic when they are done speaking, that's totally fine.
How many more debates will there be before November and are they all by CNN?
I cannot wait to torture these people to death.
Barron is a literal autistic retard. He's who Trump was talking about in the "many such cases" vaccine tweet - before he went on to shill for vaccines himself.
NATO forces are on the way to black bag you queer, how anti semitic of you
>Pretends to be on your side
>Spreads divide and conquer ideas
>Ideology exposed
Sad! Many such cases!
I'm saying two candidates competing for this job should be totally public and not controlled by CNN. They both agreed to participate in CNN's show, it's a real debate but rather a performance
If he shouts loud enough not only can he be heard on every microphone in the auditorium Biden might shit himself live
Yep. They'll ask those absurd word-salad questions. Might even interrupt him when he won't allow himself to get tangled up or baited.

I have a prediction that they're going to keep the camera OFF of Trump as much as possible. Because he's going to stand there and smirk, roll his eyes, etc., while Biden speaks. The man won't even need a microphone to say what he wants, lul.
Because of who controls the buttons. They are going to randomly shut off Trump's mic whenever he has something important to say.
>i wont do shit but seethe
While I don't want that to happen, it would be the shot heard around the world, again.
It would show to everyone supports him that peace is no longer an option, and when peaceful revolution becomes impossible...
And I'm sure I'm still fucking your wife and your daughter and your dog
Who the fuck is gonna stop him?
>Babby Mode: Take a drink every time the moderator tells someone to shut the fuck up
>Normal Mode: Take a drink every time Trump makes a personal attack
>Hard Mode: Take a drink every time the phrase “the American people” is said
>Nightmare Mode: Take a drink every time Biden says “Come on” and every time Trump says “Excuse me”
>Suicidal Mode: Take a drink every time Biden stutters
>Oh Shit Nigger What Are You Doing Mode: Take a drink every time someone tries to interrupt or talk over someone and every time someone goes past their allotted time
Well, I'm not watching it then. I was kind of hoping to see a circus of a debate with interruptions and the crowd jeering like it's Jerry Springer. A real fucking trainwreck to showcase how fucking retarded our country is. Now it's just going to be some boring shit showcasing two senile pedophiles arguing over who wants to give more money to the jews. I'm going to play Project Wingman tonight instead.
one of the lights is used as a warning that the candidate is saying something objectionable to zog and better stop or he will be replaced by an AI deepfake for the rest of the performance
They're saving Trump from another "will you shut up, man?"
>Waking Up the Next Morning Behind a Wendy's Dumpster Missing Your Underwear Mode: Take a drink every time Trump says China. Take a drink every time Biden says Russia.
i always noticed they're assholes to him during these debates. they will ask 1-2 questions that have some nuance in there , and then slip in 1 other sly comment about something controversial, things that maybe trump wants to dispel any rumors about like calling him a dictator after asking him a question about the economy or some shit. and as he's answering any side of those questions, they tell him he's out of time or shouldn't talk about those things, or how he's out of order. then ask democrat candidates some hot button issue so that they can throw out a scripted response, something like "People. Listen here. Everyone... Look at your TV... Right now. I hear you. I feel you. I see you. Together, we are strong. Together we can do anything! Heh! That is the strength and beauty of our nation. One love! And peace to all! I will save the planet!!!!!!!!!!" then they move on to being an asshole to trump again kek.
>They're saving Trump
typical CNN
It should be held in public with open mics, with questions from the citizens, maybe screen the questions but same time to answer, free to film and upload it.
Instead you have CNN studio, CNN cameras, CNN questions, CNN dicks on the microphone button, editors, publishing rights and so on
Wtf kind of shit is that
If your identity is ever revealed, you will face the consequences of your sophmoric words faggot.
that was a pasta from a faggot
Just like who counts the votes
Crooked mother fuckers
yeah watch they give 1 red 1 green to fuck around, they’re gay and retarded is the answer
Post -covid and we still have 2020 candidates on a network that garners 350k viewers during prime time tightly controlling the entire narrative, one participant being the leader of the free world, and censorship by this failing cable tv co is right out in the open and corporations are paying for the tv time. What is wrong with America? This.
Trump was never going to talk about all of the controversial shit you all hope for anyway, all of this muting bullshit is just there to fool you into thinking he's being prevented.
>thanks for explaining why US are ruled by kikes
Say that again with your real flag showing. Also unless it's my mutt flag then I care not for your opinion.
Trump should force them to do all the talking and give Biden all the time to ramble.
We really couldn't get fancier podiums than this Ikea tier plywood shit?
Take a drink every time Biden says convicted felon
Predictable. Most propoganda is ommission.
I mean, good? Im tired of debates where other people talk over the other, its fucking annoying
Let me guess, you believe Joe actually won 2020
>Or you'd be in jail
We won't have that under this fghjdormat
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glowniggers en route

just an FYI fuckhead, presidential candidates are protected by the secret service

yuor alraedy daed!
>lower Trump's volume out of his turn so he can't interrupt
>Trump will just say "faggot" when Joe is speaking and everyone will understand it
See would of been a great response.....had he actually done it
>I will be at the bar trying to mack on some babies
Rabbis' drinking night?
Ironically it should have been this way a long time ago. Plain stage, no audience, no interrupting, no flash and dance. But now they’re claiming it’s all due to the need to control trump.
For the nth time... the candidates AGREED to take part. CNN only has "control" because they agreed to participate. I would only be on your side if participation was MANDATORY.
Why do so many think this is to cut off trump, and not save Biden when he goes on one of his bumbling, kids love my leg hair, twitches
I'm glad your retardation is safely contained in Canada. We have enough down here already.
I would die if he walked over to Joes podium and started yelling over his shoulder into the other mic. Or just whipped out a megaphone a la Cartmen style.
Listen, Fatso. Cornpop had some hairy legs.
no. blumpf following hilary around on stage at their debate was kino
Leftist copy pastas are wild.
It doesn't make it less retarded because they agreed to it you muppet, that makes it worse. They're both cucks.
Understand that it is a television program bot two potential presidents arguing.
You work for CNN and you should be ashamed
She claimed she felt afraid he was going to assault her. So fucking funny.
Trump will say crooked Hillary twice, and it'll be cut. Trump easily recalls every namesake insult he has for every person he meets. He will be using his chosen nicknames the entire time.

It'll be cut, and we will chuckle
There's no metal shark in the water bro, jaws isn't real it's just the magic of television
Go lick a maple leaf. Have fun watching the debate.
This. Finland is a common VPN flag on here.
>Only 2 lights
I'm sure Biden won't try to answer his phone when one lights up.
I'm sure Trump will completely disregard them.

The US is done. It's a shitshow being put on for idiots by Oligarchs fighting for 'ad clicks and views', and as is usual, it's the very best they can do.
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>charges over to bidens podium and uses his microphone to talk
If trump does this he will win guaranteed
>white guy plays the villain while the good guy nigger is the hero
tired of this shitty world
I can't watch it, I don't have tv and since it's a show produced by CNN and published exclusively on their channel I can't watch it. Didn't pay the CNN sub so who may rule the free world is not for me lol
Would be best for the cause. When he's elected he will do nothing again except put more kikes in charge of things
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>RFK Jr. hosting ‘The Real Debate’ in LA while Joe Biden, Donald Trump spar in Atlanta
>Kennedy will answer the same questions that Biden and Trump are asked.
look at me!
So you spent all this time fighting about a debate you can't watch between two candidates you don't care about in a country you don't live in? Dang, things must be slow in Canada.
Oh yeah, and the delay in broadcast being as long as the candidates have to respond totally won't be weaponized.
Take your meds
And Biden will do a shit job anyway. Wanna bet?
Cant believe that this thread has turned in such a schizo mess

doktor meds plzz
yep. spent my whole life wating around for the third world war. bunch of faggots. never even kicked off.
>the example
Okay this is really fucking weird and my schizo brain KNOWS something important was just revealed here.

I need to think about this.
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When they cut his mic early he should just walk over and continue talking into Biden's mic. Then his Secret Service agents can get into a fistfight with Biden's Secret Service agents WWF style.
Lol holy fuck you kikes are freaking the fuck out
Theatre. They both support jewish central banks. Uniparty shit
>I don't know what you people want. Shouldn't Trump be considered so mighty that he can easily bowl over Biden in a debate? I thought Biden had crippling dementia? Wouldn't Trump easily swab the debate floor with him?

a normal debate
he would
he does
he would, and has, in a normal debate
They are going to deepfake the faces. The audio will maybe be the real audio (or part of it at least) but they are going to deepfake Biden’s (and probably trumps) face.

This is why they are so controlling over the video feed. Biden having appropriate facial expressions to what is going on around him would go a long way to making him seem coherent, and potentially inappropriate facial reactions from trump could be spun against him.

Yes I know I’m schizo but I’m trying to put all these pieces together and this is the only real PLANNED advantage (as oppossed to just trying to bandaid mistakes) I can come up with for this format, that is also really hard for trump to argue against.

With no video available of their original facial expressions, the deepfake becomes the only re-witnessable “reality”
either they let Trump run roughshod over Biden and he wins that way, or they cut his mic and pull a bunch of shit and Trump wins THAT way. to beat Trump, they need platforms that are better than his, and a more eloquent candidate to get that message across. they have nothing. in fact if they had a single good brain in their campaign they would have just dealt with it and not agreed to this debate at all.
First of all; LMAO at "high tech"

Second; every news outlet will hire a lip reader to interpret what the muted candidate is saying
Trump hasn't had a good moment on the mic in years.
nervous? you should be.
>normal debate

Define 'normal'

and... if any of the stuff you propose is so critical to Trump... why didn't he ask for it? Why is he just riding along with evil CNN and Biden?
his best moments are sparring with others.
if nobody has been willing to spar with him, (aside from in court), what are we supposed to get moments from
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Trump will just walk over, push Biden down and use his microphone.
Anything slightly technical is like magic to niggers. A nigger wrote that copy.
normal means no technological barriers blocking people from being heard. it means an audience. it means not preparing the candidates with questions beforehand. it means not having a company known to support one side more than the other being the biggest organizer of these events.

And you asked what we want, and I answered. You'll have to look elsewhere to find out what trump is thinking and what he wants.
My best guess is he knows the media will go crazy with "CONVICTED FELON TRUMP REFUSES TO ENGAGE IN DEBATE IN HISTORICAL FIRST" and would prefer the alternative, instead.
because ALL Trump needs to do is square up with Biden. that's it. that's how bad Biden actually is, and al it will take is having them compete together, side by side, even with CNN. why acquiesce? because Biden's team would NEVER agree to interact if they couldn't sit a 700lb gorilla on the scale. too bad it won't help.
> My best guess is he knows the media will go crazy with "CONVICTED FELON TRUMP REFUSES TO ENGAGE IN DEBATE IN HISTORICAL FIRST" and would prefer the alternative, instead.

Wow, Biden really is in control.
I sure hate it when I'm just walking down the sidewalk and I shrink to a third of my actual height
So Trump agrees to participate in a rigged debate?? How does that make any sense?
what makes you think it's rigged?
I think it's unironically more likely they'll cut Joe's mic when the adderall starts wearing off so he can get his double dose. Can't have him debating richard nixon on stage.
Is there only this one debate, or will there be a 2nd and third round?
Next one at Fox with MAGA audience, open mic and no script? Third one somewhere in the South with a black / latino gangbanger audience, awkwardly translating live audience questions from spanish?
I don't... OP mentioned a 700 lb gorilla.
Look if jews love trump then trump should win this election with 65% of the vote. In fact he should have won 2020, and should win enough senate seats to amend the constitution to get a 3rd term. But he won't because jews hate bad goyim who don't want to kill all the whites immediately.
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Seriously, is it so they can direct Biden during his answers? Left light being on means appeal to the left, right one being on means appeal to the right, both being on means appeal to moderates? What fucking game are they playing with this retard shit?
No one cares what retarded faggots have to say either, but that doesn't make you stop posting.
>people against trump are in control of the media and you guys seem to have a real problem with it
uh, yes?
so why wonder about a rigged debate?
Reported to Sheriff Chitwood.
Redundancy because the event is so important. Like having two computers on a plane.
... another aviation accident... somebody important...
i think they originally installed it so they could see the status of both microphones

and that proved to be too complicated for the old men that are supposed to be running the country
I was gonna comment on that, glad to see someone else already did.
No studio audience allowed.



USA voters are fun
If it's so unfair... why did he choose to proceed with no objections at all? He could be on Truth social gladly crooning about how he wasn't forced to participate in a farce. Instead poor cucked Trump is dancing to the tune that ol Joe is playing.
it's like One Poker from Kaiji and if you lose the debate you die
No shit retard, what’s your point?
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sorry drunk didn't read properly
Did you read literally every single word wrong?
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ah so you were in the room when he said "yes i will do all of that with no changes"?
They will cut trumps mic while showing him a green light.
No, I assume since he's a savvy businessman and used to reviewing contracts and negotiating terms that he would be quite accustomed to this type of negotiation.

I guess when Biden asked for a debate, poor ol' Trump just had to ride along with whatever Biden and CNN could come up with.
again, you were there? you personally witnessed the complete lack of pushback and negotiation? Because you seem pretty sure of it.
You're right, Trump is a total pushover that has no ability to negotiate and just has to do whatever CNN says.
Mics will be on the whole time. Green light is not visible to the audience. They will "mute" (muffle) mics during the two minute period before airing.
doesnt that mean trump can distract biden with shit talk and the audience wont know?

Was thinking the exact same thing. Just bring up handing Afghanistan to the taliban after 20 years of blood spilling in the Middle East. Ukraine, Gaza, Mortgage rates, gas prices etc. Easy Nights work.
This is possible now. A few years ago even Adobe Suite debuted an AI that could alter facial expressions in video, making it appear for example that they were smiling at a birthday party instead of scowling. If it's just a short snippet they could render it in under 7 minutes. Hmmm. Sounds kinda schizo but entirely doable and I wouldn't put anything past these people at this point.
Happy national amphetamine day everyone!
>CNN will cut the feed to Trump's mic
Do it too much and people will surely notice and become even more enraged at our clown show.
They already are involving the sham trials which is also surely what Biden will blabber about and little else.
Combine that with shutting off Trump's mic constantly.
Holy fuck. You guys must be secretly desperate for Trump to win.
This will be the highest ratings CNN will get in years.
I'm not the one making that assertion, you are. My claim is that he tried his damnedest to make it more fair behind the scenes and the only reason you think he didn't push back was because you didn't see CNN report on him pushing back.
>Do it too much and people will surely notice and become even more enraged at our clown show.

Even liberal would be mad. They want to hear Trump speak so they have material to take out of context. Them not letting Trump talk = they don't get that material they want = them being pissed at CNN too.
There is a difference between an hour of debate and an hour of alternating prescripted political ads.
>hehehe the viewers can't hear you mr trump
>good that way america can see live censoring
>oy vey
They have been able to do reasonably passing live renditions for multiple years, known to the public.

Even if the private tech isn’t any better, it will still be sufficient.
>Tonights CNN debate, with hosts Jacob Samuel and Ruth Shwartz.
Why won't they say that?
I think his argument is trump should have told them to just fuck off.

I disagree, it’s pretty much impossible for this to hurt trump in any way but physically.
exactly. if trump says "fuck off" the media has a field day blaming him for refusing to allow democracy to manifest.
If he says "fine, play your dumbass games if you're so keen on doing so" he gets a chance to have them shoot themselves in the foot while he says nothing
The way I think this is going to go is that Biden is going to pretty much attack Trump's recent trials, which Trump can't talk about because he's under a gag order. Unable to respond to some of the attacks they've prepared.
Under a gag order Trump will say out loud.
While they keep cutting his mic.
Do you have any idea how that would look?
They do that Trump won't even have to say much and will certainly win the election.
It's a fucking joke.
That's what they want him to do, Trump's best strategy is to make this uneventful.
>only jews say voting doesn't matter because they want their third world goblins to vote
Right... but Adelson's wife (ultra kike) supports Trump. And Trump said he may give all college goblins green cards.
Sounds like a bunch of ‘I’m blaming you for everything’ female type shit. Pussy
>euros obsessed with US politics take #72646284
You are right, fuck the dick riders. Also fuck expat niggers they are worse than boomers.
Checked and based. Trump makes a better martyr than president.
Even more based.
i bet he debates the moderators more than Biden. They'll talk over him because their mics won't be muted
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How is this V&able? There's no threat.
Do we have a bingo card for tonight?
He's not the one who caused the Maidan revolts in Ukraine, provoked Russia into invading Crimea, provoked Russian into invading Donbass, or got you fags into NATO
Just yell lmao
Would be such a Chad move
Biden wanted to bang his daughter, and he actually did. Too bad she forgave him for it to keep his secret, we need Joe gone. There is no way someone is that rich and powerful & not fucking their daughter
>I’m scared of you memeing!
That’s what I got from your post
Triggered bitch no one cares about your opinion on American politics, nigger
>muh made up faggot coping mechanism
Joe Biden fucking sucks
By letting him look foolish
Your future of the first amendment in biden's america
Remember the supreme court so far.
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>Walk over to joes mice
>pic related
>walk back
Every minute
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>He's not the one who caused the Maidan revolts in Ukraine, provoked Russia into invading Crimea, provoked Russian into invading Donbass, or got you fags into NATO
It’s on every channel moron
>semens production team
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but not Biden. His light will never go off.
This disadvantages trump.
A guy who talks over everyone else isn't necessarily the guy you want to have to dinner, but it's absolutely the guy you want to have representing you on the world stage.
but why are there two lights and not just one?
>A guy who talks over everyone else isn't necessarily the guy you want to have to dinner, but it's absolutely the guy you want to have representing you on the world stage.
Instead America gets the guy who is carefully stagemanaged and reads the instruction lines off of the teleprompter. How is that a President?
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>but why are there two lights and not just one?
two 80y old pedophile kikes will debate what exactly?
wtf, are they explaining it to retards?
This is how it always should have been to give a candidate their time uninterrupted. Only low IQ republicucks disagree, and they shouldn't be able to interrupt either.
Digits and Trump will be assassinated live on TV.
Remember that they're designing it to be used by 80 year olds. That is about their speed.
Trump screaming at him from across the stage would look pathetic.
>it's absolutely the guy you want to have representing you on the world stage.

No it isn't. Anyone who talks over others constantly is an ignorant buffoon full stop.
I'd vote Trump in a heartbeat if I was American but you really can't deny that Trump just doesn't shut up when he feels affronted. I hope he spends half the night shit talking the media.
Joe is going to win again watch and learn what happens when the country is none white
The Dem plan is to make Biden be the root of as much bad shit as possible then let him die in office, like that thing Jews do where they scream their sins at a chicken then kill it to absolve themselves.
What about the Jews? They Jew ya.
But only because Putin is not on the ballot.
enjoy your v&
DJ should bring his own speaker he can turn on when his mic cuts out and have it get picked up by biden's lmao
Art of deal no worky?

Still rent-free, faggot.


They would lose power, but only because it would escalate things faster than their plans call for.
Don't get me wrong, they're gonna try, but it's still a little too early to do so.
>> Nooo I need my precious marketing media figurehead to control the biased direction of my questions.

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