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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Hungary just formulated official territorial claims towards Ukraine
Based. Reconquorista
We literally have territorial claim toward EVERY neighbouring country, and some toward some that we don't even neighbour at the moment. If we'd really flex we have claim for entire Eurasia, if not the entire world, better claim than anyone else have.
sadly not true
but it will bait the serbo shlomo
Russia belongs to the Rus people who are Scandinavian Vikings.
they should just make oinkraine a clay ffree for all.
based, with border disputes, they cant enter the EU
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>Scandinavian Vikings.
are you sure about that?
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still no link for the fake news
I dont know about that. Zelinski made hungarians second class citizens.


BEREHOVE, UKRAINE - Under the watchful eye of their teacher, a group of students in western Ukraine used a scalpel and forceps to dissect a pig's heart during a weekend biology class. The lesson was taking place in Hungarian: the students, members of a sizable ethnic Hungarian minority, have become a focal point of souring relations between Hungary and Ukraine that threaten to derail key financial support for Kyiv as it fights to defeat Russia's invasion.
Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban has long alleged that Ukraine's government is infringing upon the rights of those students -- and of the roughly 75,000 ethnic Hungarians residing in the Ukrainian region of Zakarpattia -- to speak their native language in education and public administration.
Average gypsy behavior, claiming ownership like a thief.
this faggot is always talking about how he is going to block some NATO of some EU decision and in the end he never does anything. he has no integrity, he only does this to beg for more money.
He buys time. Also plays hard to get to receive bribes from both Russians and NATO.
Very gypsy indeed. You can't even fathom their mind tricks.
but woth this move he just blocked it. Ukraine cant enter the EU until this dispute is resolved.
the dispute will be resolved as soon as the next check clears
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Surprise, goy!
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>wants to share a border with Poland
Is he trying to devalue his nation?
they fucked around
now they finding out
Hungarians are know the ruskies and the ukis too well
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Can NATO finally bomb this retard?
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reject soviet fight return soviet gains. simple as.
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Back to bunkerchan
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Sure, start a world war, go on : )
Only the elites lose : D
Go on anon : )
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Based Pole baiting the Slovak Jewish gypsy into malding 24/7 in containment threads.
It's a pre-existing condition
jews are kwenching overtime because or us
Globohomo wants to destroy culture and teaching in the native tounge is how hungarians, greeks, excetera have maintained close family ties for centuries.
Here was the letter that got the ban on hungarian overturned


In a May 26 letter to the president, the head of the Hungarian Teachers Association of Subcarpathia, Ildikó Orosz, appealed to Zelensky to equally apply the ILO Convention 169 (1989) definition of “indigenous people”[1] to the Hungarian minority and not just the Crimean Tatar, Karaite, and Krymchak peoples. The bill justifies excluding the Hungarian minority because they have an outside co-national state (“kin state”) to support their cultural development. Once again the Ukrainian leadership has rejected Venice Commission recommendations specifically stating “that it is unacceptable to establish different levels and degrees of the rights of persons belonging to national minorities versus indigenous peoples based on whether the group has a kin state, and/or whether the kin state is a member of particular international alliances,” notes Orosz.

Far from being a semantic fine point, the definition and application of the term “indigenous peoples” has real-time impact on whether or not, and to what extent the members of the Hungarian minority can use and study in their native language. Key laws have been adopted in recent years without defining the concept and ignoring international obligations in the area of minority rights. For example, in 2017 and 2019, the Venice Commission criticized the Law on Education as noted above[2] , and the Law Supporting the Functioning of the Ukrainian Language as the State Language,” calling on Ukraine to repeal discriminatory provisions in the latter. [3]
Except it's not even a border dispute though. Orbán is having his usual tantrum over something and this time it's "rights protections" for ethnic Hungarians in Ukraine. No where does it mention anything about borders.
Daily reminder, orban literally buses citizens from foreign countries into hungary to rig his elections. Those ukrinians vote in hungarian elections
Good work, keep the pressure up
Ywah I don't know about this situation at all. I was just clarifying the NATO joining part.
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Love some organic anti-Orbán /pol/tardation.
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You have to go back jewlover. Israel is only half the problem and youre the other half.
So, how much did Hungary help Ukraine... compared to let's say Norway?
there is no such thing as hungary or hungarian
This is in regards to the EU, not NATO. Orbán is just trying to blackmail Ukraine since the number of ethnic Hungarians living in Transcarpathia has been declining year after year so he "has" to throw some shit to see if it sticks.
The great cocksucking wars
>We literally have territorial claim toward EVERY neighbouring country

nobody care about you, we all just wasnt sea
>cocksucking wars

that one magyars won!
>bomb this retard
>picture of EW-recce drone
Not he is the retard, my friend, but you!
Swimming in the tears of Hungarians.
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I wouldn't want to fuck with hohols anymore desu. They'll just drone your ass.
>Zelinski made hungarians second class citizens.


everyone should do it to magyar cyganys!
Poland, Hungary, and Moldova should press their territorial claims on Ukraine.
Transcarpathia is rightful czechoslovak clay
It's all rightful Varangian clay.
The Koryukivka tragedy is the mass murder of 6,700[1] residents of the village of Koryukivka (now a city in the Chernihiv region of Ukraine), carried out on March 1-2, 1943 by units of the Hungarian military gendarmerie during the Second World War.

The scale of the tragedy is exceptional among the population centers of Ukraine, the USSR and Europe. In terms of the number of victims, the Koryukiv murders are almost 45 times higher than the Belarusian Khatyn, 41 times the Czech Lidice, and 12 times the French Oradur[2].

The mass killing of civilians was a punitive operation by Hungarian units in response to the actions of Soviet partisans led by the NKVD officer of the USSR Oleksiy Fedorov[1]. The fact that the partisan group of O. Fedorov's troops outnumbered the punishers by the number of soldiers by almost 10 times, but the partisans did nothing to save the residents of Koryukivka[2] adds a special tragedy to this event.

On the morning of March 1, 1943, a unit of the Hungarian Gendarmerie (105th Light Division of Lieutenant General Zoltan Johann Aldy-Papa) arrived in Koryukivka. At first, the Hungarians tried to drive all the inhabitants to the center of the village. When some residents, anticipating the impending murder, tried to escape, the executioners began to enter all the houses and shoot their inhabitants. Those who were driven to the center were shot in the large buildings of the village - the restaurant and the theater. About 500 people were killed in the restaurant [3]. Five managed to survive[3]. An order was issued to kill all the residents of Koryukivka who had fled to neighboring settlements[3].

According to the forensic medical examination conducted after the war, death was caused by shooting with automatic weapons and machine guns, blows with blunt objects and burning alive
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it is all set
On March 2, houses filled with corpses (more than 500 bodies in the restaurant alone) began to be set on fire, but the killings continued. Punishers combed the village, grabbed people and threw them alive into burning houses. Vira Silchenko, who hid in a haystack, saw how the inhumans threw her mother, sister and daughter-in-law into the fire. At the same time, large groups of people were killed with machine guns in the yard of the church, in the yard of the collective farm, in the pigsty. By the end of the day on March 2, Koryukivka was almost completely burned down.

The surviving Koryuk people hid or fled to the forest; some of them returned after a few days, mostly elderly people.

On March 9, the Hungarians returned to Koryukivka and burned them alive

According to Soviet documents, namely the act of the Chernihiv Regional Commission for the Establishment and Investigation of the Crimes of the Hungarian Invaders in Koryukivka (from December 17, 1943)[6], the mass murder was committed by soldiers of the 105th Light Division of Lieutenant General Zoltan Johan Aldy-Papa and the Russian division of the Schutzmannschaft
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>official territorial claim
yeah. that's not it.
He's going to bomb NATO first. As soon as he leaves, others will follow. Austria, Slovakia, maybe Albania. None of those countries will annihilate themselves over the jewkraine.
Ahh, if it isn’t the pride of Serbia. Did you really think hiding your flag would prevent people from knowing who you are, you mentally ill miserable retard?
So it means we will lose some territory to Ukraine, it's usually how it goes when a lunatic like Orbán or Horthy demanding shit from other countries.
i hope he asks for northern Serbia too
we have to be fair
Them or Romania were already giving free passports ten years ago, this caused to much ass hurt to hrukranians what they almost went to cease all diplomatic ties with them. In 30 years, i can guarantee what small part of ethnic minorities will join to a different state. It was already local 80% approval and after recent drafts the number will be close to 99% to secede.
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shalom fagrabbi!
As I expected ukraine is going to end up being the enemy lol
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Germany should get in on the game as well
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bye retard!
It started around Maidan.
Even muh russian oppressor Yanukovich made it so, that notable minorities can freely use their respective languages in their own region.
Basically the current news is about bringing that back, which was taken away.
Then just take it, sounds like a salvation still compared to that BlackRock'd shithole.
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Based Grifter Orban
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ungor is nothing more than a gypsy scammer.
all he has is empty rhetoric.

>viktor bozgor cares about culture, not race.
>This is not a race issue for us, this is a cultural issue

>viktor bozgor is fighting for homosexuals
>https://youtu.be/Gf8sCus56no?t=143 [Embed]
oh yeah, fags can't touch or teach kids
jews were kwenching loudly over that
sadly homosexuality cannot be punnished by eu law...

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