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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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There's a reason ancient Greeks were obsessed with male beauty. Unlike females who are most often beautiful, a really pretty man is scarce. And even if you find one it requires effort to create a beautiful body as well. Male beauty hides intellectualism behind it. Women on the other hand just need to breathe to be pretty.

If you lack the ability to admire male beauty you are indeed a faggot
10 minutes ago when I stopped jerking off.
Is that why you got btfo by Rome? Too busy obsessing over bussy?
I am cartoonishly handsome and Nordic and I shit you not: in a big city in Germany this makes you a target.
Checkem niggas
other men will try to put you down instead of admiring
It's true. But it it happens way more frequently now. I guess because hating whites has been pushed so much.
>makes you a target
For what? Go on..
Not even wanna boast. Nowadays I try to be a "grey man". Kinda sucks.
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Every time I look in the mirror.
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Yeah Jews are pushing that shit and also bringing in shitskins
BTFO all of them from white societies
Very simple: the handsome Nordic type has become rare here. This has two effects: getting women is easy but deteriorates to a drug and all the dudes hate you. Some larp as friends, but there is never true kindship.
Not gay but what a chad
migrate to southern europe where you'll be appreciated, lots of your people are doing that anyway
Oh and it gets worse: when you are still 22 you can easily convince yourself getting drowned in pussy is what is life about. It's not.
This one hits hard at about 30.
waaaay too old
Oh shit I am a roastie.
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Aryan beauty
When I was a kid I thought admiring other guys was gay. Now that I'm an adult I see other guys and think to myself "man I wish I had arms like that" or "it must have taken a lot of effort to get abs like that. Respect".
I'm not super handsome but a Chadlite on a good day. Northwestern European, high trust looking, 6'2, toned, been approached by high school and uni girls randomly in public a few times pre covid. IME both high-tier normie and dysgenic tier communist white guys will hate you. Chad/normal/nerdy white dudes are either positive or neutral. Indians kiss up to you. Black dudes are positive (to me at least). Young Arabs/somalis fucking seethe in your presence.
I always do. Is my goto cope to avoid coming iut as an homosexual.
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I wouldn't say I'm cartoonishly handsome but I'm pretty darn handsome and visibly jacked and what I notice is that white women who know they have no shot immediately go on the offensive. By that I mean they'll make a big show of going around you on the sidewalk, or make the fart face when they squeeze past you in an elevator, or go out of their way not to look in your direction, generally just project a negative vibe for no reason. They really go out of their way to let you know that you give them the ick, it's like some kind of little performance. I had one make a big dramatic circle to walk around me and stay like 5 ft away from me at the gym because I smiled and said hello as I walked by, which I tend to do to everybody. I'm like bitch do you really think you're so hot that I can't control myself and I'm going to try to grab you as you walk past me at the gym? And she was a 5. This almost never happens with minority women by the way, I flirt with ugly minority chicks on principle now just because they get so happy, especially black chicks. And good looking white women either flirt back or just professionally and politely blow me off with a smile like a woman should. With guys it can also trigger a strong reaction, and this time it's the minority guys that give it, especially blacks and especially at the gym. I get one of two reactions, either they're inappropriately friendly and want to compliment me on my physique and be my buddy, or they instantly start sucking their teeth and giving me the hairy eyeball. It's pretty funny I generally ignore them. That's my experience anyway. I used to look at other good looking white guys's competition but now that's usually the only type of guy I talk to at the gym for example.
Stereotypical nerds work for some reason that is right. But that's probably because I was one when I was a kid too. I was pretty much a virgin polchud until 22, then stumbled upon a wench and realized
>Holy shit I am actually really good at fucking
Aaand then I went on a decade long very very unhealthy fucking rampage. It became a fucking curse.

I am aware none of you will believe that.
Makes you a target everywhere. Minorities hate out of envy and women hate knowing you’re out of their league and don’t bend over backwards for them.
Yeah no I am not reading all of that bro. No offense.
I experience the same thing with ugly white women. It’s like you said, it’s a coping/defense mechanism because they know we’re out of their league. In their minds they think if they initiate the non-interest it means they still control the dynamic, but subconsciously they know that’s not the case and it makes them seethe like nothing else.
your gym behavior is fucking creepy and cringe. what kind of sad animal tries to forcibly create social interactions at the gym

>Holy shit I am actually really good at fucking
delusional. women are into you so the sex is hot. you could have a 1 inch penis and cum after 30 seconds and they would make you feel like you are a god of fucking if you're attractive enough
Twitter might be more your speed
I had quite the long day. Literally loading tons of lumber lmao.
Yup. Especially tatted pierced dyed hair white chicks hate good looking non degenerate white dudes. Probably because they know they aren't worthy. Black chicks are super nice to me as are most brown chicks. Asian chicks with Asian accents are nice, westernized ones are almost as cancer as white chicks.
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It's the basic say hi, nod your head and smile type of interaction, you socially awkward zoomer faggot. I rarely approach anybody to chat them up, but as you randomly move around a gym you tend to bump into other people from time to time and instead of pretending that they don't exist or at best irritate you, you can be polite. Give it a shot.
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I love white men
That's pretty much my experience. We have a lot of mexicans here too obviously and beaner women are generally pretty reserved when other beaner males are around (I actually admire the relatively higher loyalty of minority women as opposed to white women), but if there aren't any future gardeners around it's all smiles and I would they tend to flirt with me the most. They're itching for more conquistador genes, I bet. It's probably the same for you guys with the pajeetas.
i have been going to gyms for ~20 years at this point and i have luckily never once encountered a single person who goes around greeting strangers in his path. nor have i run into the problem that people bump into each other at the gym. whats socially awkward is forcing social interaction on people in a public space and clearly you are carefully memorizing, gauging and measuring everyones reaction to you and trying to find little patterns. seek help
If nobody says hi to you or makes eye contact with you in public it’s because you’re ugly.
True. More trouble than it is worth, in 99% of scenarios. The monks were right
if you read my post again carefully you will find that i did not talk only about myself
My bad, I didn't notice your faggot flag and for a minute there I thought you might be Romanian and actually know what you are talking about. RDLs ftw. Opinion discarded.
I got a new mirror yesterday
it's lonely at the top brother
Literally every day, the spirit of the Greeks moves me
I'm not that handsome, but I got the tall man with feminine face and big blue eyes look, and yeah men are trying to backstab all the time. I thought it was just narcissist behavior infecting society, which it might be since narcissism is based on jealousy.
Fellow attractive anon here. Women usually keep a healthy distance, complimenting or asking if i'm free. Men on the other hand will straight up touch me physically, a few even longed for my dick. I feel like a walking fag detector. Fucking kill me.
kek this, fags are the most brazen, they'll go and try to cup your balls and shit. But never women
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I like being a gross and ugly beast. Everyone wants beauty especially faggots. I want tk be like a savage animal deformed and covered in the blood of my prey. Some kind of grotesque abomination. I want to be hated and loathed by my enemies.
This morning when I saw myself in the mirror.
>Golem posts a golem about loving to be a golem
May such golems
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I am the bear. I am the wolf. You are a rodent festing on the carrion. Knownyour culture.
Kids think this is a sedentary guy now. What they don't know is for most people, that's about the max you can get to without steroids. There's even some idiots here that think Sam Sulek is natty

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