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The last gasp of WASP America
We Are Sexual People?
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bro why are you thinking about sexo immediately
We Assess Small Penises
that's what wasp is supposedly to mean
Tucker ain’t WASP, he’s an agent of Chabad Lubavitch.


isnt his last name swedish though?
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His father was adopted by affluent Swedes
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That Jeff Bezos is a massive pedophile and his "wife" brings her underage friends onboard his super yacht to have sex with him...

Jeff Bezos is the new Jeffrey Epstein
More like last gasp of the kosher buttgoy
The accusation is supposed to be that he’s some Anglo-Norman spastic who unironically expects the South to rise and vote harder.

But the guy clearly has a t.h.o. for Populism as an interim political ideology. He’s essentially in thrall to the Eurasianists. Sadly, I think, the Eurasianists/Nazbols also work for Swissyland. Politics is some stupid shit when scientists make all societal decisions based on data analytics.
Never in history has an elite just folded and given their country away. The Rockefellers are the ultimate traitorous WASPs, but why didn't all the other WASP families fight (((them)))? They tried, but they were constrained by a sense of fair play and American meritocracy, and they ultimately gave up, hoping for a possible piece of the (((future))).
The CIA began as the WASP mafia. Allen Dulles was a WASP. Again, the WASPs ceded the country.
Tucker is the most WASPy person you'll see in media.
No one here still needs a history lesson in order to spot a grabbler.
i fucking despise anglo saxons almost as much as i despise protestants. they're lower than niggers.
He certainly was raised in the wasp life, attended wasp institutions
They never had a country of their own. Haym Salomon owned every last browneye of providence in the new world. Furthermore America hasn’t even existed since 1871.
>The last gasp of WASP America
A boomer, male feminist and space man believer. Makes sense.

A bloated cuck that wants White people to smilingly accept their ethnic cleansing? Fitting.
He never said that. H's said the opposite.
Civic nationalism is white genocide doing the speed limit.
I don’t believe anyone in this thread has listened to any of his podcasts
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Pic related is pretty WASPy, but also evil like the Rockefellers. What happened to the elite nationalist WASPs?
Is Jeff a WASP? I thought he was a spic
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Picrel is a wasp
Today I learned Don Jr is fucking Gavin Newsom's sloppy seconds. LMAO.
I know a Carlson that is Jewish
Is he really? I just remember people here mentioning how she is uglier than trumps wife which is just sad
We're not going to go extinct you assclown. You act like every white woman is gonna fuck a mudshit and we're just gonna disappear.
The most crafty and skilled people, tyhe smartest people on earth, are gonna go extinct. That's not how this works and the jews are not some godly power that can resist the forces of nature. They're greedy smelly stupid little trolls, stop lionizing them.

Yeah, no kidding.
WASP America.
Tucker is pro-White and knows what the kikes are up to, but he's savvy enough not to go full fash publicly because it would wreck his career. But if you read between the lines of the things he says, it's clear he knows the score.
The Ellis Islander fears The WASP
I had a wasp GF with a house on an island of the coast of the Atlantic kek
>We're not going to go extinct
What happens when whites are a powerless minority in their own countres? Many Scottish were sold into servitude and their descendants live in the Carribean today, politically powerless.
The good whites will never have to worry about that, and the bad whites are already a powerless minority and they're doing OKish.
Here's a twofer: Michelle Phillips a WASP and a look back to California before it became a third world shithole
Its Tim Applewhite
Interesting thing he says at the end
>are a powerless minority
We'll never be powerless. We're too goddamn good to be powerless.
In human beings, power is a combination of IQ and craftiness. Basically, MacGyver. Ingenuity. We are by far the most adaptive and inventive people on earth. We ALWAYS find a way around solvable problems. We conquered the world in wooden ships for a reason my friend. Nobody stands a chance against us, and our empathy only exists when we're comfy.

Don't be a doomer about this. Tucker knows these facts too. He's well-read on history. He knows what Europeans are.
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> square that circle
Exactly, he loves dropping little nuggets like that. IYKYK.

FUCK protestant heretics
I don’t think it’s that clear at all. I think he might be saying exactly what he means: this is a spiritual war between good humans and otherworldly demons (and their human thralls).

Also there is literally nothing wrong with treating all races the same, as reality itself is racist and things will sort out as they should. The problem is treating races different. When people got out of line in the past they were corrected, now only in-group “correction” occurs, and it is spiraling out of control.
t. Every Jew ever

This anon literally supports importing the third world into white countries, because he prefers them.
I don’t get it.
>I think he might be saying exactly what he means: this is a spiritual war between good humans and otherworldly demons (and their human thralls).

I think he does genuinely believe that. Hell, I believe that, too. He may not explicitly say who these (((otherworldly demons))) are, but if you listen closely to what he says, I'm pretty sure he knows.
not every white person is anglo saxon
WASPs bent over and took it in the ass gleefully from the jews you retarded bitch
No im pretty sure he ACTUALLY thinks they are demons. Not “I’m going to call these people I don’t like demons”, literally non-human spiritual beings.
>Tucker is pro-White and knows what the kikes are up to
It is exactly the opposite. Tucker is working for the kikes by gathering in potential white nationalists and turning them into colorblind conservatives who love America (aka ZOG). His Jewish writers steal white nationalist talking-points, makes them sanitized and Jew-safe and then presents them to the dumb goys like you who lap it up. He even drops hints so retards like you think you've got a friend on the inside. There is nothing more pathetic than a pro-white idiot who thinks Tucker Carlson is their guy.
So did you, faggot.

Do something or sh
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You know this kind of stuff makes me happy. You idiots are often self reporting and this is no different. Tonight your leader will shit his pants again and CNN will try its best to hide it.
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> steal white nationalist talking-points, makes them sanitized and Jew-safe and then presents them to the dumb goys
Seems like a rather dangerous and desperate tactic.
That would be Nixon. Reagan wanted gun control/bailouts/aipac/no fault divorce/abortions etc.

The concepts of wasps generally exist because jews are offended by whites leading countries they live in.
I don’t get it, but even more now.
Yes, (((they))) are actually demons in the flesh.

Why did Fox Jews fire him?
There were 3 Americas:
>antebellum America, ruled by the Southern aristocracy
>postbellum America, ruled by the WASPs
>post WW2 America, (because WW2 is a convenient milestone) ruled by (((them)))
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He's CIA and comes from a deep CIA family, you fucking morons.
Which would be the last gasp of America itself. It’s over bros.
Teddy being owned by the Trusts makes allows me to skip the wasp discussion. I know that if somebody thinks people are hired due to religion in the fed they are retarded/vocal bottom 1%.
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Btw I’m just making shit up
>Why did Fox Jews fire him?
Why did The ultra-Zionists at Fox hire him is a better question? Do you think they just accidentally hired a quasi white nationalist and paid him millions of dollars to promote a wolrd view that is against their agenda? Do you really think that's what was going on? Or are the Jews manipulating people with kosher right wing content to keep them from finding out the truth?
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>White nationalist
>rather dangerous
Dumb newfag
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In 2012 the jews hadn't committed fully to demographic replacement yet so there wasn't any reason anybody would question them.
Jews have been plotting to overthrow white America since they got off the boat 120 years ago.
Sheriff Shitwood is going to arrest you haterz.
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Not really, WASP aristocracy didn’t like Russia even without communism
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>Why did The ultra-Zionists at Fox hire him is a better question?

Tucker's views have evolved over the years. When he worked for CNN doing Crossfire, for example, he was a staunch supporter of the Iraq War, which he now admits was a grave mistake. When he was hired by Fox in 2009, he wasn't nearly as racially aware is he is today. He started dropping hints of his racial awakening around Trump's first campaign in 2016, and he's continued noticing things ever since.

So I ask again: Why did Fox Jews fire him if he was doing their bidding? Certainly it wasn't a financial decision because Tucker was by far their most popular on-air personality. So what was it?
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The age of WASP America is over.
Time of WIC America has come.
doesn't mean anything, they steal surnames
half of the jewish kids i went to school with had irish surnames
Why aren't there more threads about these wasps who always manage to stay behind the scenes?
The sad thing is that he's a puppet for Nancy Pelosi and Kamala Harris
honestly catholics already destroyed the country awhile ago and jews
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Biden is 25% English btw
Tucker isn't even a blue blood. His dad married into a wasp family. His real mother was a jewish hippy whore.
If that's so, the why does specifying anything about Whites trigger the faggot so much?
das rite
t. Catholic Italian Guy
lel you just learned that today? I still remember when she was the first lady of San Francisco. He cheated on her so much she became a right wing schizo.
Not really. When he was on Fox he had script writers who were obvious /pol/tards, but that's about the extent of his "fascism." If you've read his private texts or watched some of his interviews, then you should instantly realize he's a paid actor.
No you fucking retard, he believe in NON MATERIAL entities.
I’m quoting another anon you stupid kike.
one track mind eh. one note.... kinda cringe... There is more to life. Touch grass
So what? Demonic entities can exist in material and non-material forms.
Megyn Kelly is the biggest wasp in the media.

Fuck those people. Catholic immigrants 100-180 years ago for the win
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He's Swedish, not Anglo.
>Furthermore America hasn’t even existed since 1871.
>A bloated cuck that wants White people to smilingly accept their ethnic cleansing? Fitting.

Tucker Carlson showed how Russian supermarkets mog American ones


He says that Moscow looks much better than any city in the US, that the USA is a melting pot project shithole with no culture or history in comparison with Europe or Russia ("white" are rootless and is not an identity that existed in Europe prior to American cultural influence), he also says that California and Texas call Midwest states flyover shithole states, America's main export is death, death of culture, school shootings, race mixing, slavery, becoming a transgender, eating junk food all day and becoming fat, no family values, feminism, 9/11 was engineered by the Bushes and military contractors; it was all an inside job, circumcision, zionism, endless wars, Trump made the American public pay for the clot shot with Operation Warpspeed, trying to save White America is like trying to save White Brazil, the USA should give up its supreme position in the world peacefully without starting wars, and just accept that it lost the global competition game

Tucker Carlson says on a podcast that white people becoming a minority in America is “exciting,”

Tucker Carlson claims Moscow is ‘so much nicer’ than any US city

Tucker Carlson was amazed by when visiting a Russian supermarket
>you put a coin in the trolleys and it gives you the coin back when you return the trolley
>the trolleys wheels lock when you go up the escalator
>they sell freshly baked bread
And he believes they are non material you fuckwit. He says it over and over.

Why are you so desperate to put words I his mouth?
>glibly says “everyone is excited about it”

You people are so disgustingly Jewish it’s comical
Of course.
i'm 100% sure that AOC and Ilhan Omar don't have "AIPAC persons"


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His last name isn't carlson you dumb faggot.
Why ask stupid proposition
See, even the dog is White.

There is no america without the wasp.
Cukker is a gay civnat faggot. I stopped listening to Kabalah Bracelet Carlson almost 10 years ago - fuck him. Tucker is a goy handler, merely a pressure relief valve. Cukker never points the finger at the real enemy among us & abroad because he works for them
The last gasp of America
Ok turd-colored brownie
Make America Gape Again!
Probably talking about gop reps.
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Based AOC
based Gavin
Newsom '28
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Bezos is a known piece of shit. If you have evidence of said pedophilia, please post. Otherwise, there are plenty of documented shithead maneuvers for you to call him out on
shut your kike mouth
The fucked their families over the worst. I don't really feel bad, their pride killed them.
The 'elites' have always been the worst of us. The people who get to the top are, without exception, the people who screw over anyone and everyone they can get to get ahead.

The decent WASPs were always the middle class, and the Germanic phenomena that propelled all of Northern Europe ahead of everyone else was the middle class. These people who worked hard, who were pious, who were loyal, and whose entire life revolved around their faith-borne morality; they were ever the best of us. They saw success because they worked hard and try as you might, a decent person could not hate them; they were genuine, kind, loyal, smart, diligent and pious. They would never reach the top because they could never do the evil that was required to get there. Thus they were never the 'elite'.

... But they absolutely were the best of us, and they managed to change the world for the better, seeking to uplift their fellow man, seeking fairness and justice, wanting to ensure that hard work could lead to a good life, wanting to do the very will of God.

The elites have been waging a war on them for generations, and sadly the working class have often sided with the elites in their hateful scheme. We still see it today. The poorest in society think they are striking back at the richest, at their 'oppressors'; but instead they are killing small business owners, they are killing priests and nuns, they are killing the good men and women of the nation; all while the actual elites have been whisked away to safety, or else been proclaimed as the heroes of the proles.

The Yeoman must rise again.
WASPS are pests and it is always good to remove them from your property.
Not according to the people who invented it.
Get out of my country then, do us all a favor. Your people were miserable peasants in Europe just as you are here.
>Never in history has an elite just folded
Jews did the same in Russia , infiltrate, subvert, replace the elites. Murder rest.
Jews are the cuckoo's of our species
Cuckoos lay their eggs in other birds' nests. Cuckoos are between a blackbird and woodpigeon in size. Other birds are tricked into caring for the cuckoo's young

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