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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Plot twist: the CIA are the good guys

Let's face it. The CIA was created to balance the equation made unstable by the KGB. Okhrana, the secret police of the Tsar, became the NKVD, which became the KGB. It was never good. Their primary objective was always to destroy their political opponents using any means necessary. They would have kept doing this forever, if the CIA wasn't there to stop them. Sure the CIA broke the law. But you need a bad cop to stop the bad criminal. That criminal in question wasn't going to stop on its own.

Yeah molesting me in a GATE program and then funneling drugs into my community seems to be what good guys do
> Their primary objective was always to destroy their political opponents using any means necessary
I get that but why are they all pedophiles and stuff? America couldn’t find one non pervert to do the job?
Nice copypasta faggot
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China rekt the CIA
glowniggers have never recovered
Hilary got those people killed by selling their names to the chinamen
>Hilary got those people killed by selling their names to the chinamen
i'll take dead glowniggers however it can be achieved
>hurr durr the evil death squad liar people are the good guys

kill yourself

“I never would have agreed to the formulation of the Central Intelligence Agency back in forty-seven, if I had known it would become the American Gestapo“

-Harry S. Truman
I like how they kill our spies, but we just arrest and send their spies home like pussies. If there are no consequences, why would they stop?
Everyone calls them glowniggers because they stand out like complete retards. CIA is a meme.
>meme flag
>"plot twist"
>no source, argumemt, or context
>apologizing for the illegitimate regime
OP is not only a faggot, he's an ineffective faggot.
So where did this nignogs went, I know they died, I mean they would argue and contradict each other on anything but some days there is a coordinated death scene
Globohomo would get completely wrecked in a total war with Russia and China. Those faggots created millions of MAGA terrorists who unironically fantasize about torturing and eating them.
>Everyone calls them glowniggers because they stand out
Hi newfriend
American “spies” in China are SOURCES, not CIA officers. China doesn’t touch CIA officers, they just kill the chinks they work with.
Does it look to anyone else like they're making a pyramid?

For Rone and Glen.
I think the CIA has created more problems than its solved
China is globohom. It is a false dialectic. The west is meant to lose. That is why we are being over extended and ammunition and fuel reserves are being depleted. China is the model for where we are all headed. The fastest way to get rid of the constitution and adopt the China model, is for us to lose a war to them.
Ok I'm on board as long as they stop hiring women
Need more stars on that fucking wall.
>American “spies” in China are SOURCES
I know there were some chinks in there, but I am pretty sure some of the were American born CIA also. At least according to the reporting of the time.
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>Does it look to anyone else like they're making a pyramid?
Everything is intentional.
Everything means something.
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>the CIA are the good guys
You realize your job is to blend in, right? I can’t believe our tax dollars fund your retirement for glowing like a big bright faggot.
China is the model they want to impose, not a country the glowniggers want controlling them.
No one is going to work for you guys because what you do is coming to light.
lol. lmao even.
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Hamas and Hezbollah are the good guys for killing jews
Wonder when these two photos were taken. The one with less stars is around 90 and the one with more stars is around 140. If that count is from the inception of the CIA until now then glowniggers must be getting savaged in Ukraine. To have their casualties increase that quick in such a short time is pretty insane. That chink article with 90 stars could have used a really old photo, but I doubt it.
Arrest them and send them home?

Democrats sleep with them and work with them wtf are you talking about look up swallwell or whatever that gay fags name is
You are so fucking new it hurts bro. Lurk moar

glowniggers aren't calling the shots
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Disgusting. Fuck Israel.
Also Dianne Feinstein using one as a driver for 10 years. So, yeah I guess we don't even arrest them and send them home sometimes. We deserve whatever happens to us.
wait until the Levant heats up some more
>we're gonna need a bigger wall

I miss the CIA that helped keep America commie free this CIA is exactly like this reality satire
Where is your family right now?
Are they safe asleep in their beds
Is your mission helping them.
And what about tomorrow.
I can't help but wonder
GLOWNIGGER glownigger
CIA to FSB budget is 10 to 1 if we exclude allies like mossad and MI6
CIA to KGB was like 2 to 1

Russia has just always managed to achieve a lot with very limited resources
He was lying, he knew full well what he was doing, he's not going to tell a goy that he wanted to harm white americans
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No they aren't they cleaned house of people who don't worship jews and israel after Scheuer and only have diversity hires and other scums of the earth now
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These threads are posted by NAFO trannies.
those discords are run by literal glowies + military personnel
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You helped murder a sitting president. You are the enemy of the people ever since. Also NONE of your action have made anyone think differently especially now.
I hope you all get black bagged.
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>Plot twist: the CIA are the good guys

exactly.. just look how well they defend USA from foreign occupation!!
Whether they're good or bad is a side question.
The real issue is that they're completely incompetent.
You’re going to die screaming.
lol Mike Pompeo belongs in jail
Man you got diddled, all I got was a pink drink.
the CIA and KGB is just jewish mitosis, shut up.
what's worse, the glownigger, or the glownigger's paymaster?
No they are not. CIA Gang of 5 are the primary reason everything is fucked with Eagle 2 and the global expansion of the Golden Triangle of human, guns, and drug trafficking.

They are also the main reason outside of mossad why almost all of Congress are state captured with blackmail. OP, is a fucking retard who hasn't been paying attention for decades..
Can you tell us of any instances where the CIA hasn't been objectively evil? I'm sure running the Finders child trafficking racket was great for freedom.

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