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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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>one shot in life
>born hungarian
>in detroit michigan
checked, at least you can grow such an aesthetic mustaches
You're about as Hungarian as an Italian from New Jersey.
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Make it count, sucker.
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you are an american or nothing at all, fucking disgusting mutt
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I’m not a nigger and I don’t suck cocks or worship Jews.
I am definitely not an American
Do you speak hungarian?
Egy kicsit
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Hey, fixed that for you. Puskás is not not the most famous hungarian anymore
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o/ digits
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mijn is beter belge
Nope. Time to kill that mindset and destroy the American identity forever. It's anti-eugenic.
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>>one shot in life
>>born hungarian
>>in detroit michigan
I was born Hungarian in Nashville, TN. I even have an unpronounceable name (ends in zs, nobody has even been able to say it the first time unless they know Hungarian). It’s not so bad friend. Women love exotic foreigners, so if you play into your Eastern Euro background (think Dončić) you will go far. Learn the language. Your parents likely passed down citizenship rights so go visit the homeland and claim it. Two passports is an incredible flex to most Americans who don’t even have one. Hungarians are a little taller than the average American so hopefully you got some good genes in that department. I personally can’t grow facial hair yet but as a previous anon said, grow it out if you can because we can do quite well there too. Also get the fuck out of Detroit.
Come down and visit sometime bájtars, and always remember: akkor a kurva anyádat ott van a baszmeg
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Wait… you are a full blooded gypsy, aren’t you?
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Detroit is still better than to be born in Hungary.
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Move to Ditró, picrel.
> 98% Hungarian
> fewer Romanians than Detroit
> no Niggers (unless you count Romanians)
> equally bad job prospects
> beautiful surroundings, good weather
>> 98% Hungarian

100% gypsie
Shut up serboid or I will call Biden and tell him NATO needs to bomb Belgrade again
at least you're not living in hungary to be butthurt about transylvania

Anon why are you still in Detroit for fuck sake.
Go back in Hungary.

Less money much more quality of life.
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>Shut up serboid or I will call Biden and tell him NATO needs to bomb Belgrade again
he lives in Vojvodina
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Artistic reconstruction of detroit anon
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>Anon why are you still in Detroit for fuck sake.

he is pic related
another high iq magyar cygany?
help is here for you alike
Picrel is my dad leave him alone
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this you?
Hello fellow Detroit guy. I'm truck repair tech in the metro area
serbo shlomo at it again
butthurt, but
Hungary will not support the orkrainains
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Yes, now why did you dad shove a bottle up his ass? Are all Serbians just gay russians?
Yes, I worked in a shoe factory. And now I'm in charge.
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bye, high iq judeo magyar cygany!
hey atleast you're not in detroi-
I love Croatia
I love Albania
I love Kosovo
Serbs go back to India
We will keep the one good see. ever born Luka Dončić thank you
>I worked in a shoe factory

shoes are free in Judapest!
Are you white?
>I love Croatia
>I love Albania
>I love Kosovo
>Serbs go back to India
>We will keep the one good see. ever born Luka Dončić thank you
Every Hungarian I've met so far both irl and online has been a software engineer
No OP is a gypsy he was LARPing as a Hungarian this whole time
Don’t pretend like Serbia isn’t loaded with Jews, that’s why Hitler rightfully gave your land to Croatia in 1941
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>Every Hungarian I've met so far both irl and online has been a software engineer

that was you! at this software ingineers meeting!
serbia was first judenfrei country in europe in ww2
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or this software engineer who took a leak?
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Let me just shave your moldy unibrow, it will be quick and only hurt a little I promise
>See notable figure who is Hungarian
>they're Jewish
Every time
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All serbs are fat like Tito and ugly like this guy
Go shove another glass bottle up your ass
The one on the right body structure is intriguing. The one with the black shirt.

Secret message, just for you:

>"Huge boobs are fucking hot."

Agent, out.
Yugoslavia had only one good leader, his name was Tito
of course he was not a Serb but Croatian
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will they be like at this fine hungarian PM gentleman?
All Croatians are based, just like Tesla?
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>All serbs are fat like Tito and ugly like this guy
>Go shove another glass bottle up your ass
Am I ever going to stop hearing about these fucking jews?

Other people have been genocide too yknow. They weren't white enough or rich enough to get their own country it of it though.
Imagine being born in a European country and looking like that.
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that is hungarian software engineers boss!

and this white supremacist member, incognito!
Michigan is really not bad if you can get out of the cancerous southeast quadrant of the LP.
well in Hungarian threads there is a rat jew with serb flag speaking about them all the time
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That's true. Blood is irrelevant, only nationality matters.
Must be Spaniard, Arab and Jeet admixtures
you're not hungarian, you're american, you dont speak hungarian, you never set foot in hungary
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1999 was the best year of my life
Let stealth bombers roar over the skies of Belgrade once again
that is quiet success in hungary, they are all gypsie mutts
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naah, pure hungarian!
ruling elite!
That's great!

That's sad...
>Hungary will not support the orkrainains
Hungary is already supporting the ukranians:
- with weapons via EPF
- with funding via UF
- with military personnel training at the NATO MILMED COE
not to mention all the EU sanctions, etc
the fuck?
this thread is truly blessed
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Daily reminder that the only thing keeping h*ngary from being wiped off the map is the fact that Dorka Molnar is from there. We must preserve and maintain the beauty of h*ngarian women.
My whole life I had the pleasure of never meeting a Serb IRL. Until this year I finally met one in a gym. Nice guy but I towered over him by more than 30 cm. He couldn’t stop complimenting my height and broad shoulders. He then asked me if I could shove a glass bottle up his ass. Are all Serbs just naturally gay?
You are fat and balding Hungarian women want nothing to do with you
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Sounds like a normal American to me, have nothing against Hungary.

Though this man might bring up the Ottoman Empire.

Least patriotic man in Turkey.
her name really is Dorka??????
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I have a full head of hair
very betiful american boy! you gonna make great yenicer for ottoman master!
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Patchy beard doesn’t count Pablo
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OH NO NO NO we got too cocky magyarszisztersz...
serbs are ugly manlets with iq less than 90
Have any Niggers stolen your goulash yet?
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>serbs are ugly manlets with iq less than 90
taj video je cista madjarska sizofrenija
This nigga livin in the 13th century.
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>one shot in life
>born macedonian
>in macedonia
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First you cried about balding, now you're crying about beards. Make up your mind nigger, I've got both.
Dorka, yes!
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Is this your reply to everything? Are there too many roving Turkish and Albanian bandits attacking your schools so they sent you home to be stupid forever?>>472362146
As long as Sultan gives me a stealth bomber so I can finish the job over the skies of Belgrade. I’ll drop not only bombs but also glass bottles so the surviving Serbs can sodomize each other, as is Serbian culture
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you are fucking judeo magyar cygany, you don't deserve answer!
You and that glass bottle doesn’t deserve to be rammed up your asshole yet here we are
if you're hungry then go eat food
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>he did as I bade him
Good gypsy.
10th century was peak Magyarország.
too bad that loser is not smart enough to understand
otherwise he would be angry at you
He just spams pictures of cigányok as if he didn’t take these pictures on his walk to work at the glass bottle factory (he walks to work because the wheel technology has not yet reached serbia, Croatians won’t let them have it)
Serb autist I have a challenge for you, try to go one day without seething about Hungary
I don’t blame him, go to serbia (don’t actually) and you will see there’s a lot to seethe about
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he is ultra butthurt over Hungary is not willing to help orkraine with everything we have
Which I don’t understand because neither is serbia, both countries are either neutral or favor Russia. So why must he mald at his brothers so much?
At least we are not serb, bájtars.
>Which I don’t understand because neither is serbia, both countries are either neutral or favor Russia.
Haha, here do you think the ammo of the "czech initiative" coming from?
Doesn't Serbia hate Ukraine more bcuz muh Russian Slavic Brotha-hood
"he" is a bot
without fail he always appears within an hour, always shits up a thread with dozens of the same replies and he has been on it for YEARS
i refuse to believe he is an actual human

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