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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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>Immigrants from Mexico
>No real job skills, only can do menial labor
>Hispanics have highest crime rate in country aside from African-Americans
>Can't speak English
>Snuck into the U.S.
>Hispanics are 20% of the U.S. population, over 37,000,000 from Mexico alone - the immigrant group single-handedly responsible for 'browning' the southwest of the nation

>Immigrants from India
>College degree
>High-skilled workers
>Speak English
>Very low crime rate
>Follow the law and immigrated legally
>Fewer than five million currently in the U.S. today
most americans take service jobs and are educated those jobs are taken by poos, call centers all taken by poos, any office job is taken to poos if possible the only secure jobs are in defense.
>college degree
*fake degree
>speak english
>very low crime
>follow the law
>fewer then 5mil
5mil too many

why take any immigrants? we have plenty of people and can make more if needed
I hate both. I hate the fact that as a White Man I've seen my country become a shopping mall of Non Whites with sub 90 IQs and all the diabetic fatassness they could bring with them from their 3rd world shitholes.

I remember a "White" America. It was better. Life was better.
The greatest mistake we ever made was not keeping America majority White and I'll say it till I die.
I'm not really concerned with either of them much at all, I primarily concern myself with jews and the white hating segment of the black population
I am concerned with every "gimmegrant". We should shut the border down and expel the people who should not be here.
I am a Hispanic American (well, half) and don't want either in my country. Mexican immigrants target low wage blue collar work and Pajeets target white collar work. It's a kosher sandwich of ethnic replacement.
tell me how I know you've never worked with Indian people.
I will allow this as long as it's only pajeetas

#no more male migrants
>I'm not really concerned with either of them much at all

That's cool, your lack of "concern" is what Beaners count on to slowly take you out of society. But yeah, "Jews and stuff". We''ll get them one of these days, amirite??
>Trump shills now trying to convince /pol/ how based Indian Immigrants are
Fucking hell.
This is how you know he's going through with it.
Indians are nicer but uglier. Mexicans are dumb but cute.
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Pajeets eat shit and drink piss. Simple as.
>why do you hate street shitters more then wetbacks?

Im pretty sure this is self explanitory you streetshitting pajeet.
>Explain why you, as a non-Hispanic American, are more concerned with Indian than Mexican immigrants

Spics tend to stick to laborer roles that pose minimal risk, except those motherfuckers that work on road construction crews.

Indians come here and buy businesses or go into I.T. thereby fucking up the function of things they touch. They are absurdly arrogant and excessively stupid.
It's because Indians are disgusting and subhuman
Source - His ass
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You are a stupid nigger with no pattern recognition. This is how they bait and switched Canada; painstakingly select only the top 0.0001% for a few years to make you think these guys are alright, and as soon as you vote to let more in because “they haven’t been a problem so far”, BOOM. Millions of uneducated nigger tier villagers with 75IQ, the exact subhumans the last round of immigrants was working to avoid. Stupid fucking nigger.

We have literally watched this happen over and over all over the anglosphere and you niggers are still stupid enough to open your gates to the brown subhuman hoards.
>>Immigrants from India
>>College degree
>>High-skilled workers
>>Speak English
>>Very low crime rate
>>Follow the law and immigrated legally
>>Fewer than five million currently in the U.S. today
why would a American want a foreigner replacing them? Mexicans aren't a threat in that respect the Indians are according to your own claims.
This. Indians always aim for management positions as well. Never seen a more brown-nosing race.
Because there's like 10x more indians than Mexicans.
fuck all brown immigrants. go back to your brown shitholes niggers

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