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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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The Palestinians danced in the streets to celebrate the 9/11 terrorist attacks?

I remember. Thats why I couldn't care less about ANYONE genociding them.

Genocide only applies to humans. Ain't no humans in that area of the world. Let them all die.
More Palestinians celebrating 9/11

Bet those little sand niggers finally grew up. Time to genocide their islamic asses.
More Palestinians dancing in the streets celebrating 9/11

Why not kill them all? No one likes them, even other muslims hate them
At least they danced in the streets of Palestine unlike the Jews who were literally dancing in New York as the towers fell. Also Palestine isn't the reason you lost your foreskin and have to pay extra taxes.
Ya huh, got any evidence of this?

I managed to find evidence of the Palestinians being assholes on 9/11. Why can't you find any evidence of your BS claim?
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So much links Israel to 9/11 – Only a public confession is missing, e.g.

Many key Bush Administration officials came from PNAC (Project for a New American Century). All were Zionists (Israeli partisans). They wrote about the need for a “catalytic event” to mobilize the American people.
Eight months after coming into office, they got their catalytic event on 9/11, followed by the wars their agenda required.
The company providing 24/7 electronic & personal security to the WTC, Kroll Associates, was owned & operated by Zionists, as was the WTC itself as of July 2001.
The owners and their immediate relatives seem to have been uncharacteristically absent on the morning of 9/11. Hundreds of American Jews died at the WTC & the Pentagon, but as best as can be determined, only 3 Israelis out of some 4,000 normally there, plus 2 more on the planes.
The senior fatality among WTC personnel was a retired Irish-American FBI agent in his first days on his job as Director of Security.
A private Israeli-owned security company called ICTS, registered in the Netherlands, provided security services (sometimes through a wholly owned subsidiary) to all three airports from which the four hijacked planes departed.
ICTS also provided security at the airports in Paris & Amsterdam, from which the so-called “shoe” & “underwear” bombers respectively departed.
Bergen, NJ residents saw five people on a white van filming the attacks and visibly celebrating. They had set up their cameras before the first plane hit. Police arrested them. All were Israelis. Bomb-sniffing dogs reacted as if they had detected explosives, although officers were unable to find anything. The FBI seized the van for further testing.
All 5 were later released at the instigation of Israeli & American Jewish leaders, some in the US Government. Details are still classified.

Remember when the Israelis danced in front of the Twin Towers on Sept. 11th 2001?

I remember. That's why I couldn't care less about ANYONE genociding them.
Some days we just know who is the target

Specially cause they make us think about guy in particular, back in the day we just asked

So who's cock was that?
Death to Israel.
Death to Palestine.
Death to America.
Here's the fbi report moshe
When the dancing israelis were arrested filming 9/11 they also said the Palestinians are the problem lol.
>newfag doesn't know about the dancing Israelis
This board has truly gone to shit.
who gives a fuck?
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>the enemy of my enemy is my friend, kill all kikes.

kill yourself too while you are at it divide and conquer nigger faggot

here in /pol/ we call for Total Jew Erradication, reddit is down the hall to the left
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>palis celebrated the attack (inside job actually) on their eternal oppressors
h-how dare they???
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ok and?

still hate kikes...
Like the 5 dancing isrealis in New York caught with a van full of recording equipment?
Wonder how many kikes danced when USS liberty was getting fucked up, both in pissrael and in US.
>Palistineans hate your nation of niggerworshipping jew cut slave demons
Makes perfect sense
yes, it was so funny when the kikes striked back
This is a very bold claim to make, I took it seriously and looked into it.


>Those images, recorded by Reuters in East Jerusalem immediately after the attacks, showed a small number of Palestinians cheering on a street. The footage was provided by the news agency to clients including Fox News, CNN and NBC, who included it in their rolling coverage of the attacks in the United States.

>The recorded footage was broadcast later on an extended version of NBC’s “Today” show at 11:58 a.m., just after a live report from Lower Manhattan, where the second tower had collapsed 90 minutes earlier.

>Although the images of children dancing in the streets in Jerusalem had been recorded earlier in the day, and the size of the crowd was not large, in the chaos of the day it seems possible that some viewers might have mistaken what they saw for a live reaction to the collapse of the towers.

The footage was recorded earlier in the day, giving a false impression.

>some viewers might have mistaken what they saw for a live reaction to the collapse of the towers.

Trump thought it was footage of Muslims in New Jersey in one of his speeches, but no one corrected him.

Goes to show just how careful you have to be about the things you believe, look at OP calling for genocide.

Even if they had celebrated the attacks, like those "dancing Israelis" I would still forgive them.

They wanted to kill my dad, and deep in my soul, I forgive the people who carried out 9/11.

In the name of Lord Jesus Christ, King of Kings, Lord of Lords, Savior of Mankind.
Wow i guess we can nuke israel before evacuating palestinians after all
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>is pissreal's biggest golem
>shocked when they celebrate the friend of their enemy's misfortune
YOU are a dumb fucking faggot

we all did, retard, fuck you.
jews did 9/11 and you know it
thank you
Agree 100%. I love to see Muslims get splattered with bombs.

The planes hit at 8:46 am and 9:02 am.

That would be around 4:00 pm in Jerusalem.

The footage was form earlier in the day, apparently.

A Brazilian student was in hot water for contending the time zone differences.

In either case, if the footage is a reaction to the attacks, if there were Palestinians who celebrated 9/11:

I forgive them in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, for the sake of all the innocents who died that day, especially the little ones.
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Well they hate Jews as much as anyone.
Shouldn't host them in your, our, or anyone's lands and it'd be no problem anymore.
Sand people should left in sand lands, no sand people should step in our land as much as no our people should step in theirs.

Remember that Europeans have fought off Muslim invaders since 600AD and Jews have been expelled over 1000 times from our lands
Yet they keep crawling back
The simple solution to have no terrorist attack or gang rape of kids ever happen again on our soil, is total expulsion of everyone that is not of European ancestry from all European lands, which include North America, Australia and New Zealand.
Brown people already have their own lands, we should have ours too. And we did, until very recently when we looked away for just a second which was enough for the Jews to infiltrate into positions of power and start importing more Jews and other non-whites.
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Jews are no strangers of terrorism, the main terrorist of King David Hotel bombing became the PM of Israel. Of course people of today have largely forgotten all these things and the Jewish media aren't obviously making documentaries or articles about them, rather have them buried, but it's basically the same as if Osama Bin-Laden became the PM of Israel.
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The illegitimate state of occupied Palestine we call Israel was literally founded on deception, Zionists were terrorists against the Palestinians and then the Jewish bankers of City of London gave Jews the lands of Palestine.
No wonder that the Palestinians are mad at Anglos who gave their lands to the Jews.
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Even the historical claim the Jews supposedly have to Israel is complete bullshit.
They never had any claim to it WHATSOEVER
IDF went through that neighborhood passing out candy the likes of which those kids had never seen before and videoed them getting excited. Jews are so transparent in their deceit.
Yeah but the jews actually did 9/11. Not any of the mudshits who cackled about it.
israel did 911
The Palestinians and the other Muslims in Denmark celebrated 9/11 all night long - driving their expensive cars through our streets, honking the horns, shouting and cheering of sheer joy and pleasure.
This is horrible. I can't believe they'd do that. Anyone who danced in response to 9/11 is clearly an enemy of the people. We should deport anyone who dared to dance in response to 9/11.
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It's a good point.
>recorded by Reuters in East Jerusalem
Who were the camera crew who provided the video to Reuters, were they Jewish by any chance?
Highly likely, since the video was taken in illegitimate state of occupied Palestine now called Israel, after all.
I'm not saying that the Palestinians couldn't be legitimately happy of the Israel's golem USA being attacked, but it's just as likely that it's jews jewing and staging the scene.

9/11 was an Israeli false-flag operation after all so surely they'll want as much footage as possible to further enflame the American public to sell them the go to war on Jews behalf in the Middle-East.
one of the core tenets of islam is jewish circumcision, triple nigger
>along with kosher/halal food
>and with ritual washing before prayer
>along with taqiyyah/pilpul
>along with facing inanimate objects when they pray
>the people funding the people genociding you for the past century have their shit blown up
>cheer at this
I see no problems with this.
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It's as if both arabs and jews were semites or something...
>celebrate some brave guys fighting the terrorists

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