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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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The Asian officer said he would tell every one back at the station Chauvin liked boys if he didn’t do it
To subdue the suspect so he could be arrested peacefully.
all he had to do was get up
Political theater
in order to fulfill his duty as a PO
Because he was trained to do it that way, by the book.
That's the funniest thing about the whole trial.
Do what? Arrest a piece of shit subhuman criminal who committed suicide by ingesting a fatal dose of fentynal? All cops should do the same.
Elliot Stabler was always unhinged
Another person complained Chauvin left his knee on him with his bodyweight behind it. Chauvin was doing it as a punitive measure. If you pissed him off or resisted arrest he would throw you to the ground, handcuff you, and put his knee on your back or neck, causing you discomfort and unable to draw adequate breath.

I'd like to point out that Floyd was handcuffed when Chauvin had his knee on his neck. There was absolutely no need for it. Chauvin did it as punishment.
Because fentanyl Floyd was resisting arrest.
And all Floyd had to do was not OD on fent, some things are much easier with hindsight
>I'd like to point out that Floyd was handcuffed when Chauvin had his knee on his neck. There was absolutely no need for it. Chauvin did it as punishment.
non sequitur. even with handcuffs floyd was much larger than chauvin or any of the officers present and clearly still capable of putting up considerable resistance as is very clearly shown on the video

>Chauvin was doing it as a punitive measure. If you pissed him off or resisted arrest he would throw you to the ground, handcuff you, and put his knee on your back or neck, causing you discomfort and unable to draw adequate breath.
empty speculation, one claim does establish a fact, and especially not a pattern.

floyd claimed he couldnt breathe long before he ever touched the ground. regardless of whether or not chauvins actions were the cause for his death, chauvin had no reason to think they would be, and no reasonable better alternative course of action

Shut up. White people are talking.
Because the people on the street were trying to order him around. If they had told him to kill the nigger he would have gotten him medical treatment right away.
EV fag
jews arent white
He was hot tired and sweaty, Pretty sure he had multiple run ins and thought of Floyd as an absolute monkey. He just ran out of fucks to give and when he got that dude under his knee he could get away with it since he knew Floyd was probably way over the lethal limit for hair-on.
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>Hurr is Chauvin bad guy
Who gives a fuck? Chauvin was stupid, arrogant pig who never contributed a fucking thing to society. Good fucking riddance.

Didn't this faggot work at a nightclub and have an Asian gf?

One stupid pig off the streets and a fent junkie criminal off the streets as well. Win-win.
hey I didnt get me YOU...
hey why didnt I get me YOU
Just implementing Mossad taught police tactics.
Simple as.
For the same reason most cops do the same and generally get away with it:

They are power-tripping pieces of shit that do nothing of value except enforce the will of the state through violence or the threat of violence. They do not serve anyone except their Jewish masters (which is evident by the former IDF soldiers that train them) or their unions. They view everyone, even their neighbors and their own families, as the enemy. They LARP as soliders and spit on the constitution. They act unprofessionally, they lie, they cheat on their taxes, they hide evidence, they bribe politicians, they steal from innocent people, and they molest innocent children.

And they get away with it all.

If you don't agree, you are a bootlicking retard and I hope that one day soon you find yourself on the business end of the police's wrath so you can join the rest of us that wish to hold the state accountable for the violence they perpetuate against us on a daily basis.
all georgey had to do was breath in lmao, stupid niggers can't even inhale
so you’re saying he can scream “I can’t breathe” over and over at the top of his lungs while not being able to breathe?
NIGGER. I'm not normally one to side with the pigs, but Chauvin did exactly what he was trained to do. George Groid died of an overdose. The only thing Chauvin did wrong was having compassion on that fucking street ape and letting him out of the back of the car in the first place. He should have left that fucking monkey handcuffed in the fucking monkey cage. Then the world would see the truth--fentanyl Floyd died from an overdose--and Chauvin did nothing wrong.
didn't he have some personal beef with floyd? it wasn't only about race
Trained that it was "okay" to do by the idf
The american society of magical negros
cops have no obligation to arrest anyone
he should have let that niggerape run around living his best chimp life
as a former bouncer I know we always prodded each other out to see how bad people we worked with was, he prolly know Saint Floyd was a beast and if he got his adrenaline going he'd beat his ass

While I do think that there was undue extra-judicial factors at play in the resulting murder conviction, I do think a manslaughter conviction is supported. The guy had a record, if I recall correctly (I don't obsess over this case or anything), of previous police brutality or instances of inappropriately egregious conduct.
All he had to do was just keep him in the back of he squad car like he was supposed to. But he let him out of the car to lie on the ground because Floyd claimed he was uncomfortable and he wanted to get out of the car and do that. Chauvin didn't have to let him. Floyd would have just ODd in the back of the car while waiting for the paramedics and Chauvin would be a free man.
He was having an OD freak out. Chauvin wanted to be sure he wasn't going to get up and try to run off or attack him.
No, you're wrong. The police aren't trained to leave their knee on someone's body with their bodyweight as punishment. He was doing that to punish Floyd. Kinda like how those cops beat Rodney King's ass in the 90s. The police were acting like they can punish people physically outside of the courtroom when that is not their fuckin' job. Their job is to arrest people, not hurt people because in their estimation the person deserves it.

Imagine if you got falsely accused of some fucked up crime, like a messed up sexual crime, and it's completely bogus, you did NOT do it, but the cop elbows you in the face during the arrest. Because he thinks you're scum and you deserve it. He's giving you outside punishment from the courtroom. Don't you think he should disallowed from doing that?

Chauvin was a retard. I dislike all white men with Asian wives. They're all fuckin' bad. Fuck that dork cocksucker Chauvin.
Literally just doing his job, but leftists have sentenced him to death because progressivism demands human sacrifice.
Democrats are the party of death.
Do what? Post proof or fuck yourself.
You could argue the training was bad, which I would agree with.
But no, liberalism is a cult that demands blood, so I stead they turned it into a spectacle where they strongly implied racist motivation s without ever actually claiming them.
They sacrificed this man as an effigy for racism itself.
What was done to him is one of the greatest miscarriages of justice in history.
explain why he was on that ape 7 minutes after he stopped moving and foaming at the mouth
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I actually thought Chauvin would get off based on this and sue the city and win because of it.
out of spite for the crowd harassing him
So the crowd wouldn’t rush him. So he wouldn’t be on camera getting up and doing an oh shit he died moment. And why not? If he’s dead what would it matter if he’s on him or not? To kill him more?
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floyd was a piece of shit
i expect police officers to behave professionally and with sufficient prudence
it's amazing how "this team or that team" this entire discussion has become
This is what blackpilled me the most. Even if you think Chauvin killed him (he didn't), you'd have to at least agree that the training would mostly be at fault then. But that wasn't the conclusion. The police instructors just went "Uhhh... well... we never taught him that", and that was enough to fully 100% vindicate them. People still celebrated the jailing of every cop within a 20 mile radius of the scene. Most disgusting thing I've seen in a while
>What was done to him is one of the greatest miscarriages of justice in history.
That is an overstatement.
>If I don't kill him someone else will
>Jewish Proverb
i dont believe he did anything wrong but it was kind of stupid to stay on top of floyd for that long. if he held him down for like 2 minutes he probably wouldnt be in prison.
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Full Floyd video

Just look at him. He's a rube and a plant.
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Why would he let him out of the car for his sake but then "punish" him in the lamest way possible? The way he positioned his knee on Floyd wasn't even enough to choke him. It doesn't matter if he left it there 7 minutes or 20. Chauvin called an ambulance and the operator fucked up so it showed up later. If he got off, Chauvin could have just tried to run off like they always do
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>Chauvin could have tried to run off
Never forget what Judas and the Roman people did to Jesus of Nazareth. Even if the story is fake, the tale and lesson are real. Never underestimate the power of a Jew over the dumb goyim.
jury trial? i have no idea why he did something so stupid. would have gotten 6 months with a bench trial
This. Even though it was clearly over when flloyd pissed and shit himself. Ironically may have tried to help him without the baying crowd of retards but the ambos taking lunch instead of showing up is never mentioned
He did what their manual said to do. They said "oh fuck... um Judge we need to suppress this Minneapolis training manual for being racist" "Sustained" wink nod
Very probable these cops were all glowies as well as the hyper-vocal witnesses. It was a hit on a well known black mental patient. Why else would the store accept obvious fake money?
Because America is a degenerate scumbag place and just snapped and George lucky didn't snap his neck
He froze. Simple as. No intent to harm. No hate.
>So the crowd wouldn’t rush him

>So he wouldn’t be on camera getting up and doing an oh shit he died moment.

>And why not?
that's the only valid answer. he is a psycho.
he would've done the same to you,too.

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