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Race isn't real
Communism failed
Niggers are inferior
Only two genders
>Shill thread


Facts don't care about your feelings
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National socialism lost to communism and never came back. Also gender isn't real lmao
It is
Prove it
Why do race anti-realists bitch about race all the time, then?
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communism failed
you will never be a woman
join the 41%
>why do atheists complain about the made-up sky man that delusional retards worship that has negative ramifications for the rest of society. Checkm8

Truly powerful minds at work on the right
Homosexuals were rounded up, sent to the gulag, tortured and murdered under Stalin. The men in your photo Would have eviscerated you and strangled you with your intestines if you had lived during their time.
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Why do you want my to be gay so badly? Fr*nch sexuality is weird
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race is real
niggers are inferior
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>DNA doesn't change over time

Natsoc can't into biology
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>no argument
you lost
join the 41% tranny nigger
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I hate the content of their character.
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Kek of course the natsoc doesn't understand the point

Keep believing in your fairytales loser
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It is very niggerish to resort to violent ideation when challenged with words, fren.
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>no rebuttal
you lost
you will kys
41% troon
More proof race isn't real, huh?
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You received one but were too stupid to recognize it lmfao
it is very naive to think communists and niggers understand any other language than violence
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I love hurting fragile nazi feelings kek
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>communist brainlet thinks anti mudshit is offensive to me
you just exposed yourself as jew
109 times and counting kike rat
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ywnbaw 41%
109 kike rat
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Lmfao there's over a 50% chance that any given 4chan nazi isn't even "white"
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lmao there's a 41% chance you will kill yourself
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>jew talking about pedophilia
checks out
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Whatever you do, do NOT look up the suicide rate of "caucasian" males lmao
rape isnt real
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you must feel pretty stupid now, huh?
You said that gender doesn't exist. No straight person believs that.
You are a fag who will be tortured and murdered if a communist revolution happens in your country, fortunately for you it probably won't.
"Late stage capitalism" is the only type of society that tolerates freaks like you. The billionaires that you so hate are your only safeguard.
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subhuman retard bingo
I can define rape, you can't define race. Cope ;)
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cope pedo tranny go back to your grooming discord and kys kike
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Please stop raping kids
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back to your pedo discord 41% corpse
Op is a nigger.
Death to all non-Whites
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oink oink
Then I guess racism isn't real too.

If race wasn't real you wouldn't be anti-white.
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You should probably know I'm not pro-ukranian, just anti-chauvinist but keep seething it's funny
If the commies would look like this it would be a waste.
I can't be anti-white because "whiteness" isn't real. Are you dense?
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first and foremost you are a jewish pedo tranny who kill itself
you went out of your way to make this shitty thread and post in it to new replies every minute. it's not anyone else that's seething, just you, faggot.
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You guys really aren't a creative bunch, huh?
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Looks like we got another seething imbecile kek

Deal with it ;)
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Leave the children alone, freak.
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So I can change my skin color or face structure at will?
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>c-cope :'(

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ywnbaw pedo tranny
I'm not a racist btw
That's your definition of "race?" Well buddy, you're already off to a bad start
And yet you are a communist because you hate people who are better than you.
Hard Labour
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>Off to a bad start
You were born, so you led the way on that front.
>usa didn't want to fight nazis
>holocaust not mentioned until 60s
>no one knows who built the camps (probably soviets)
>Race doesn't exist
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Why are there so many pedophiles among your ranks?
rules of 3 are fun!
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>Television is real life
How many Jews did they catch?
>Race isn't real
Oh yeah? Have you ever heard of something called burden of proof? Also YWABAN.
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She also has black skin. Race confirmed real
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back to your pedo groomer discord 41%er
Yes I'm waiting for you to provide it
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hey man, that's racist!
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>he's still going

LMAO poor emotional regulation got you down again, huh guy?
>Race isn't real
Race is not only real but race is the basis for civilization.

Interesting how you're a Communist, Communism is Jewish and anti-White and you want Whites to ignore their race.
You didn't answer me, coward. How does it feel to follow an ideology that you know will murder you the second it takes power?
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>goes to /pol/ to create this seethe thread
dilate and kys; you will
You're still an anti-White Jew supporting White genocide via the Jewish creation of Communism.

P.S. The Jews aren't God's Chosen People and the Holocaust literally did not happen.
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>an ideology

Supreme idiot. Sorry, just having a difficult time taking you seriously
Marx, Lenin and Trotsky were Jews.

Stalin, Engels and Mao were Jew lovers.

The USSR was Jewish and the Chicoms were backed by Jews.
>hey, white ppl can't abuse their own kids however they want!
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Who's making the claim retard? Last time I checked it was you. You won't substantiate because you can't. Disconnect and dialate.
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He's so angry kek
You're so Jewish, kek.
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Your daddy Stalin wasn't shit and needed food, ammo, factories, trains, planes, radios, radar systems and trucks delivered from capitalist countries in order to even compete.
Lmao even
Patton was right. We fought the wrong enemy and we should have finished russia off when we had the chance.
Have fun dying in WWIII against russia.
Didn't say that, I don't care about races and I don't hate or intend to discriminate people of other "races".
But idk I would find it very cool to be able to change my face and body on a whim, better nose, cool beard, modify my genes etc.
ever notice how jews and niggers recoil whenever you point out the fact they are jews and niggers?
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>prove a negative

Oof sorry I didn't know I was arguing with a kid or mentally challenged adult. Actually your flag already gave that away lmao
>Oof sorry I didn't know I was arguing with a kid or mentally challenged adult. Actually your flag already gave that away lmao
You are a Jew and anti-White though.

Just like how Communism is Jewish and anti-White.
No you just implied it without realizing it because you're retarded
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you will kys kike and its beautiful
>because you're retarded
Said the Jew.
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Seeing how miserable you are right now, I'm pretty certain you're projecting. You're clearly in crisis. But not even that fact makes me feel even a little bit sorry for you to be honest
But you're still a Jew and you're still anti-White and you still support White Genocide.

Just like Marx.
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Sage this kike thread
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i bully you into suicide and you will suicide
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You're only bullying yourself. Your self-loathing and masochism is evident to all
lots o memeflags.
Let's be real, the only reason the age of consent exists is so elite/jews can have more clean virgins available
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>no you
kek jewish intellect
You trust the Jewish media just as much as you trust Jewish communists.
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Finally, an honest reactionary. First step to recovering from being a pedophile is admitting it. The second step is killing yourself
Feds want you to stay ignorant
>Feds want you to stay ignorant
you're a fed.
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No response?
The soviet union and by extension russia would not have amounted to jack shit without western aid.
you're a coward that refuses to even address the jewish nature of communism.
All the time.

Of course you can prove negative assertions. What saying you cannot prove negative assertions is a negative assertion dumbass. It just sounds like you are trying to say there is no evidence for what you're saying. Stupid nigger.
You have a bolshevist flag you stupid cunt. What do you think it is, a soccer team?
Damn, not a single argument, just seething. Should have figured that would be the outcome for stating an obvious fact to /pol/
Learn the difference between utopian and scientific socialism ya retard
are you recoiling right now? kek.
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>call out the jew
>jew suddenly really silent
every single time
Learn about actual, real socialism as it exists in the real world and not in the wet dreams of jewish "intellectuals", retard.
>ima faggot
The capitalists hire people like you,
to put them in the unions,
to discipline the white working class.
The capitalists figured out how to control the labor movement,
while Marx was still writing books no one reads.
Capitalism means you don't have a nation,
and the capitalists will flood in hordes and hordes of non-whites,
as cheap labor replacements.
And faggots like you will wonder why white workers hate them.
Learn literally the basics of marxism holy shit
>Damn, not a single argument, just seething. Should have figured that would be the outcome for stating an obvious fact to /pol/
You're absolutely insane. Take your meds. Jew.
It's just obvious the only thing you want is attention, sorry mommy didn't give it to you
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rare based twatter user.
>Learn literally the basics of marxism holy shit
Marxism is a Jewish lie meant to control the goyim.
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Clean it up, Jannie.
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I see you anon, you can calm down now
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>I see you anon, you can calm down now
You're still an anti-White Jew.
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>jew tranny pedo so btfo it's down to 'your mum'
kek unconditional surrender accepted
Communism lost to capitalism and now we're all suffering because Stalin was unwilling to share.
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Communist faggot ITT still remains silent on the fact that the soviet union was incapable of waging war without outside help.
Marx was a racist.
Trotsky was a homophobe.
Stalin murdered both jews and faggots.
Whe guevara put fags in forced labor camps and ascribed his failure in Congo to blacks.

All of your heroes despised and slaughtered people like you.
Species categorization is also a social construct LMAO
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>race isn't real!
Then why do albinos of each race look so different?
>he thinks communists believe in "Great Man Theory"

You know so little about marxism and yet are so opinionated, curious. Totally not brainwashed
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You can make up what ever you want but you will be gassed.
>You know so little about marxism
Marx is a Jew and that's all we need to know.
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I accept your concession
I accept yours.
>follows a jewish ideology rigidly and inflexibly
>calls anyone else brainwashed

again you're not perceiving yourself in this exchange. you are all the things you're accusing everyone else of.
No, because I'm not a kike or a nigger. I think you mean the malding marxist, anon. I simply pointed out that he will always be black and needs to properly substantiate his claims. He replied with skibidi toilet nonsense and I put him in his place for it. Again, saying you can't prove negative claims is a negative claim. You'd have to be very dense to say something as deluded as that.
niggers and whites aren't even as similar as lions and tigers.
Dude. Every single man who has theorized your ideology and/or put it into application literally slaughtered people like you. Do you not see the problem?
If its real in your mind
next you'll be claiming White nations shouldn't exist and jews belong in white nations.
What is this supposed to prove? That race doesn't exist? I don't get it, but I think you're retarded.
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Capitalism doesn't have the moral high ground. Not that it matters because moralistic arguments are extremely weak
the rare legit memeflag, ladies and gents.
>Capitalism doesn't have the moral high ground. Not that it matters because moralistic arguments are extremely weak
That's why we're National Socialists, Jew.
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>Capitalism doesn't have the moral high ground
But national socialism does
Natsoc is capitalism kek
>Natsoc is capitalism kek
But you're a lying Jew that thinks the holocaust happened so why would we trust you?
capitalizing on your own kind is bad. this is why kikes exploit protestants.
nationlist socialism is working with your own people, as opposed to communism which is working with [[[leaders]]] of a country.
Is capitalism putting you into a gulag to be raped and murdered?
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Do NOT look up rates of incarceration in the US
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>t. jew with a memeflag
Capitalism means you don't have a nation.
Capitalism is the rule of the capitalist class.
And when they call the shots, they create States that are anti-nationalist in nature.
"America" was created by Nigger Lovers who didn't want to pay their taxes on their imported nigger-cattle.
"America" split our --real-- nation into two, in order to create a fictional State.
In order to instill a fictional --identity-- into our children.
That is the secret of the control of the capitalist --State--, control over national identity.
They create hollow, pseudo-identities to put into our people,
in order to control them.
To drag our people "Left" or "Right," which ever way benefits the capitalists at the moment.
And then put faggots like OP in charge of the unions.
They have been doing this for over 200 years now.
The capitalists figured out how to control the labor movement long before anyone else.
They buy off the labor leaders.
All so-called "Marxist" organizations have basically been competing for those $250,000 a year labor CEO jobs.
This is not a new phenomenon either.
The Bolsheviks figured it out after the Germans,
who figured it out from reading about the "American" labor movement.
The capitalists perfected their control over the labor movement in "America" first.
The capitalist is in a constant war with his own people,
with the people of his own nation and race.
He seeks to push their wages down anyway he can,
up to and including importing in horde and hordes of non-white,
then hiring people to screech "Race isn't real!" at the top of their lungs.
In order to try to influence the stupid whites to go along with it.
But they never have, and never will.
The white working class has ALWAYS hated the "Marxist" liberal stooges that control the labor movement.
And they always will.
"America" is forced integration with niggers.
And "American" unionism is nigger-worship in the service of the capitalists.
oh no, another screeching memeflag
>le bad
hahaha show flag
fresh herbs
>Do NOT look up rates of incarceration in the US
blacks are in prison more because blacks are a more criminal race.
In capitalist countries, murderers, rapists etc. are jailed. In a communist country a homosexual/sexual deviant like you would be sent to the gulag for no other reason than your degeneracy.
Both happened under capitalist countries and the USSR. I'm pretty sure you don't even know what point you're trying to make anymore
this thread is full of datamining kikes. hopefully, 10% of anons here are not larpers or bots
You're anti-White. That's the point we're making.
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>raec idnt reel!!
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Natsoc is not capitalism.
Communismcon the other hand, is a failed system. We can say that with certainty since we've seen it play out multiple times
>b-but the nazeehs heck'n lost
They lost a war where everyone else had to gang up on them in order to defeat Germany. A war that the soviet union was incapable of fighting without western aid >>472356295
And the west was incapable of winning without meat waves of communist scum.
National Socialism was extremely successful. Reversing a hyperinflation death spiral and experiencing massive growth both economically and socially in just a few years.
To your OP point;
Race is real.
Everyone can see it plan as day.
All the other "minorities" as they're called are allowed act in their races best interests, to the detriment of our own.
Whites deserve to be allowed to make improvements to their situation for the good of their people.
You cannot disagree with this last point and claim the moral "high ground"
Natsoc still uses capital. You are dumb.
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Subhuman very low Iq leftypol thread
Remember, communism is a total failure and you will never be a women
>Natsoc still uses capital. You are dumb.
Communism is unnatural. That's why it can't work.
Motherfucker, talk about a low effort bait thread. You win you sack of shit pat yourself on the back.
malicious disinfo shills like this deserve to be publicly executed.
they are promoting protestant machismo through cowboys, guys. country people stole the culture from catholic spaniards
People were not sent to the gulag for being fags in the West, no. Rapists, sure, but normal gays were left alone, while in the Soviet Union they were hunted down.
As for today, fags are basically deified in capitalist countries, while they are reviled everywhere else including in the few remaining communist countries.
You are propagandizing for an ideology that very clearly wants you to disappear.
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>b-but people were allowed to own things, which is capital
>this means National Socialist Germany was heck'n capitalism
Yes, dipshit, property rights are the foundation of capital
My race is as real as my ethnicity, I descend from the Celtic and Germanic tribes of Europe.

I have my roots and culture, not only are they real, I preserve and treasure my heritage.

Would you say to a Cherokee or Igbo person that their race is not real?

No, the truth is that we all descend from different tribes of people.

Doesn't mean you have to be hateful and racist to others.
We need to sage the other threads on /pol/.
See how this schizo speaks of his mythical connection to some foreign land? Look at this and tell me sincerely he isn't as delusional as the average christtard
Taking ownership of the sweat of one's own brow is the foundation of nature.
There's more to be a capitalist system than just people fucking owning things. Saying otherwise is armchair theoryfagging. Like your hero (((marx))) it's all you communist faggots are good for.
>gaining more power is... Le bad
at least they won't let in more immigrants.
This is the worst bait thread I've ever seen
It's not all bad.
Look on the bright side.
A communist memeflaggot is getting BTFO'd
>the sun is peering over the horizon today.
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/pol/ kiddies had a meltdown over the assertion of an obvious fact. new low, /pol/.
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>AI generated chud
Kikes can't meme or art.
I accept your concession
kikes are targeting the left for not being protestant enough. they need more cuck slaves!
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Guess we're just posting whatever now
>Yes, dipshit, property rights are the foundation of capital
and like all jews, you don't want the goyim owning anything
You're an anti-White Jew.
race isn't real
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If you think you've won this "debate" so handily then put in the tiniest effort and actually address my points here >>472360363 and here >>472361537
>muh capital tho
Is not a complete argument and does not address my other points. If left unaddressed you will cede these points to me. For which I will accept.
Did you ever consider that I simply don't take your opinions seriously?
Niggers are a different species.
>65 posts deeps
>sperging since 2 hour and a half
imagine the face of the pedo 4chan mod who protect that kind of shit thread
picture the more disgusting dysmorphic freak you can imagine and it's probably twice worst
I accept your concession
shut your stupid mouth underage faggot
call the pedo grooming you on your discord (Vaush) a fucking failure at life
>same post twice
yes, im being a real faggot.
then affirmative action isnt necessary
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If race isn't real, then why am I subscribed to BLACKED?
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I accept your concession on the following points
>Natsoc is not capitalism
>communism is a failed system
>the soviet union was incapable of fighting (WWII) without western aid
>the west was incapable of winning (WWII) without meat waves of communist scum.
>National Socialism was extremely successful both economically and socially
>Race is real
>All the other "minorities" as they're called are allowed act in their races best interests, to the detriment of our own.
>Whites deserve to be allowed to make improvements to their situation for the good of their people
>Taking ownership of the sweat of one's own brow is the foundation of nature.
>race isn't real
Race is real and race is the basis of civilization.
You're supporting White Genocide.
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You are wrong.
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Lol all "based" nazis rape kids or are closet homos or even jews. These weirdos are sick. They should never have gotten this much attention.
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Why do chuds hate naggers soo much? Do their sexual prowess and big cocks make you cucks seethe?
get out jew
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Good morning sar!
Stop copying muh posts!

Go call a nigger that to their face and find out how not real race is.
>entire thread is jewish memeflags acting like Shitskins

*close thread*
Explain to me why niggers look different to me then? Race is real.
just say
>race isn't real, nigger.
gg 2 eazy

Surely the swarthy gentleman of the basketball persuasion will engage him in a lively discussion about the folly of his opinion.
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This. Anybody who thinks otherwise should be publicly executed or at least put away.
>Homosexuals were rounded up, sent to the gulag, tortured and murdered under Stalin.
Mostly Nazis.
Everything shit colored is subhuman
>67 posts by this id

Jesus christ what political organization sends these fucking retards here?

You can keep repeating a lie as much as you want its not going to change the truth. Race clearly is real on some level which is why it will never go away.
The memeflags are Zionists. Either in Israel or Virginia I assume

>Race clearly is real on some level which is why it will never go away.

Oh, they know race is real, that's why they're pushing miscegenation so hard, because once we're all the same shade of shit, then race won't exist any more.
You're right. But you're also insulting an immutable characteristic (height) in order to defend another immutable characteristic (skin).

Fuck off.
Yes it is. Ethncity is real. Culture and nationality are not real
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Race is real.
Sex is real.
You will never be a woman.
You will always be a jew.
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>tfw communist memeflaggots are incapable of defending their dogshit ideology
based, only jews will seethe
lmao if you think we believe what the govt says if all it does is defend Israel and support shitksins, you can present any govt conviction you want, it doesn't prove shit, the only proof I'm willing to accept is from the Nazi German govt in ww2
>Race isn't real
Incorrect. If race wasn't real, we wouldn't have niggers, muzzies, jews, etc. We would all have the same bone structure and brain capacity.
>gender isn't real
The only thing you got right so far. This feels like a self own on your side of the court. There are only sexes, the term gender was made up during the mid 1900's John money was a big supporter of gender bullshit.
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Just one defense of race, /pol/, please I believe you can come up with an actual argument if you try really hard
>Also it will only be a matter of time before kikes are shoot on site.
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Daily reminder that most shills on this site are professional Israeli.

===[ Current alert ]===
Sweet Baby Inc. and Department of Defense >>460928219 >>460929442 >>460929116
Some guy self-immolated and the kikes keep kvetching: >>460168677
In a twist of divine humor, jews became CHUD: >>455104011 >>457346889

=====[ /vault/ ]=====

1. It's the jews [ 6 million cookies, Anne Frank ballpoint, holocoaster, Chabad tunnel, Saturn black cube, GoyimTV ]
2. COVID plandemic | ID2020 [ 1dsghi.pdf, c19ivm, hereistheevidence, SCOTUS DNA patent, Deagle, VAIDS, Bluetooth MAC, Terrain theory, Etymology ]
3. Pornography is a weapon [ Mindgeek, McGill: MK-ULTRA, CERN: Chapleau, /pol/457656749 ]
4. Pizzagate [ Pentagram map, John, Riekermann, ComfyGate ]
5. School shootings are glowop [ Sandyhook laugh ]
6. Fungus and Parasitepill [ q4agf7.pdf ]
7. Mememagick [ chaos magic, Egregore ]
8. Cancer and AIDS have cure
9. God gene [ VMAT2, Signature in the Cell, spw5nmUrpWA ]
10. Pharmakeia, Stem cell [ Foreskin in cosmetics, Finkelstein: human DNA in hotdog, HEK293: fetus cells in vaccine and products like Pepsi (tumorigenic) ]
11. Meat is incredibly important for your diet, avoid seed oil and corn syrup poison [ Dr. Chris Knobbe - Diseases of Civilization ]
12. Hunter bidens Finger Lakes tattoo [ Silent hill, Oz, Mormon origin, pedo symbol, missing people, military bunkers, anomalies research buoy, Ghislaine Maxwell submersible: tunnel to canada ]
13. CERN ritual and tunnel ceremony
14. Encryption | Hardware backdoor [ IntelME, AMD PSP, ARM Trustzone, rsabd.py, NSA SELinux, iOS pegasus ]
15. Antarctica [ Fitbit leak, Antarctic treaty, Admiral Byrd, 15th century map, /x/32364917 ]
16. Moon [ Lost footage, 1962 laser beam, Nixon phone call, AMERICAN MOON(2007), lux ]
17. Psionic [ Gateway, RV, AP, CIA-RDP96, Edward Riordan 2017 ]
Finally. Welcome to the psych ward, you don't seem to be enjoying your stay.
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I did and you already consneeded
Meds. You made a bunch of unrelated schizo posts and I ignored you
Sure pine cones are not real dirt is not real ponzi schemes are not real squirrels are not real trees are not real ohh
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I accept your concession.
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>253+ posts
>not even 1 serious attempt at proving race real

You guys do understand this is like the entire underpinning of your worldview, yes? How have you never bothered to question your logic before?
>Also gender isn't real lmao
Gender is perfectly as a grammatical term; it, however, has nothing to do with biology nor, evidently, do you.
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I hate communists, but literally. Nationalism + Individual freedom is more what I want Anons
Species categorization is a social construct, read the thread newfag before posting the same lazy nonsense
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/pol/ loses again
>each of the major groupings into which humankind is considered (((in various theories or contexts))) to be divided on the basis of physical characteristics or shared ancestry
We can clearly see behavioral, physical and DNA differences in different breeds of dog
Just like we can clearly see behavioral, physical and DNA differences between different races of homo sapien
I would say the difference in indivduals is far greater than the difference in race. Even though niggers look retarded, and i hate somalis.
And yet we define boundaries which themselves are nebulous and transform over time. A "race" and "species" only exist within a specific context
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I am the aryan race.
Only burger use the word race, but then again they are alike. I would insert a broccoli dance here.
>A "race" and "species" only exist within a specific context
And that specific context is niggers are ugly, dumb, ruin societies and have the skin color of poop.
Thanks for playing.
>Only burger use the word race
Pic related here >>472359162
I believe that man was German...
I accept your concession (again)
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>muh nebulous boundaries
>muh specific context
There are clear differences between the races of man.
Those differences make clear groupings.
Those groupings are called race.
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Anyone posting below this post is a jew
Repeating my argument back to me is not a counter-argument lmao

How do you think I knew not to take you seriously?
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The boundaries between races are anything but nebulous, you lying kike.
They're very clear.
Crystal even.
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Daily reminder that all pro-Israeli threads are made by bunkerchan trannies in cooperation with Valent Projects and iDrama fags, a group of pseudo-academic leftist losers who advertise themselves as "researchers" although they're actually paid shills that hold janny positions, raid /pol/ and spam BBC, trannies, pro-vaxx, feminist threads and retarded globohomo generals like /cvg/ and /uhg/.

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