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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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>hello fellow goyim, are you ready for experimental booster every 2 weeks?
Jesus this is something terrible being put together.
/pol/ is always right.
I've never met a jew in my life (maybe because I'm poor) and suddenly they are taking control of it.
Jews vs Cartels... this will be interesting.
>Elect jew
>Get kiked
Anyone surprised?
how many jews does mexico even have? seems like all the rats are gathering all of a sudden
>jews vs cartels
Unfortunately I'm pretty sure they're working with at least 1 of them.
vote for a kike you get a kike, who knew
I don't know. I'm gathering intelligence right now to form TKD-squads when the collapse happens.
Apprently a very high percentage of the most rich families (old money) are jews. Slim might be a jew for example, not sure but he's from middle east. Former President Gortari was a jew too.
Sorry Mexibro.
The parasite has sucked the USA dry and is looking for a new host.
Do people in Mexico really not notice this?
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Our planet needs to be liberated. Beaners and gringos unite.
Prepare of an increase of Mexicans coming into America. Time to start shooting as they cross.
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I feel like the cartels just beat the average citizen down so much that they don't care/cant care because survival takes precedent. Law of unintended consequences.

On the other hand, maybe 1 or more cartels was always in the pocket of the tribe, which makes more sense when you think about it.

Either way the average citizen is on their own until a power bloc forms to counter this. So yeah. They're fucked.
No. Most people here are poor as shit, their thoughts are filled with how are they gonna eat tonight or next day, how to pay for this and that on our miserable salaries.
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>time to take your medicine
Rh- means theyre tied to Homo-erectus, exhibit animal tendencies.
White people never had a problem with Jews the race because theyre both pale skinned creatures, they have a problem with Jew the religion.

Jews always lorded over the other pale skins so long as the lesser ones perpetuated money. Thats the whole point of the bible is to highlight this argument.
A white sees this and interprets "bitch dies fighting against money" and the women see "he died for our sins" both agree the death was fated to happen, since it did.

official estimates are 40k
real numbers are more like 100k+
i know about numbers and jews
We need you in the soon to be National Socialist Mexican Workers party
are you guys still gonna be vaxxschizos in like 2030? still talking about how any day the mass die-off will start, the mass sterilisation, all this shit is totally about to happen?
Makes sense, sadly. I just assumed that since you guys have at least a sort of ethnostate, all these pale people named Steinbaum and Kershenobich would cause some concern.
They’re working with the cartels.
Mexico is already the second gayest country of america. This gonna be interesting
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What do you mean "vs"?
Sounds like you haven't reached the correct level of cynicism yet.
Dude , cartels are jewish in spirit already
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It already happened, and remember, never forget.
happened where
lmao bro the cartels are a Mossad front
They already tried to kill her
when? who?
>Jews vs cartels
>He doesnt know
Lol. Lmao
>Jews vs cartels
Mexibro… I…
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wow it's getting bad down there

genuinely surprised it took them this long

but then again, they've always been there
This is further proof the Jews want to rule over a world of rootless mutts who are too busy dancing like fags, eating like pigs and obsessing over sports/celebs/vidya to ever take control of their own destiny Mexico is mutt-tarded so of course they could take over without resistance
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too many coincidences

but that's all they are, right?
And just like that, Mexico got kiked in a month.
I know you fags screech accelerate, but isn't it a bit too fast?
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their geography is supreme for that "civilization" rat race whites love to push around.
theyll be the treasured goyim
>elect Jewish president
>all positions of power are suddenly taken by Jews

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purely coincidental
in case u retarded spics r worried about the fear mongering these pig skinned garbage ppl r going on about, in terms of "civilization" tier mexico is on top because Matriarchy especially forced apparently.
USA was always prevented from matriarchal intervention. take the miss clinton and her exposure to mexicans, she was beaten to prevent helping them in USA because ultimately it would help whites, the wrong ones at least. its all a shit show but i dont feel anything towards this as a navajo so ur safe. im more worried about the land since whites will take their anger out onto it
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Oh come on!
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welcome to clown world fren

Mexicans here, beware of common kike hospital practices in the USA now that this is happening

>If a woman is giving birth make sure you are present and see for yourself that all the blood in the umbilical cord passes to the baby, make sure they do not clamp the umbilical cord and cut it while its still red, once all the blood is through the umbilical cord turns white. Blood that remains in the umbilical cord is stolen on purpose by hospitals to sell it for stem cells
>The same is done with the umbilical cord which has stem cells, say that your religion asks you to keep it and don't let them have it
>If the baby is a boy do not let them touch his penis, a trick they use to fool people into giving them a circumcision is try to pull down the foreskin in front of you and tell you he has phimosis because it doesn't go down. At birth and the first years of life the foreskin is FUSED to the glans, it will never go down, babies get infections when the nurse touches their dick with dirty hands
>Deny vitamin K injections, this is given to babies who had their blood stolen, they tell you babies are born weak but it's false, only the ones who had more than half of their total blood stolen are weak "at birth"
>Deny hepatitis or other STD vaccines, if you and your wife don't have it then it's literally pointless to give it (unless there's another purpose they inject that to babies hm)
>Do not fall for circumcision propaganda, all supposes studies in favor of it are kike funded with no basis in reality, never circumcise yourself or your kids
Cartels are the henchman of the Sephardim dummy
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Uncanny valley
>Blood that remains in the umbilical cord is stolen on purpose by hospitals to sell it for stem cells

They did that with my first born. Fucking scumbag thieves
This is the case in business as well; one jew gets its foot in the door and soon you will be hiring another jew. Then gentiles will be banned from being hired.

Nepotism and racism are the cheat codes for life and the jew uses them more than anyone else.
>Jews vs Cartels
Who is gonna tell him?
>elect jew
>country totally kiked
what about that one cartel made of satanic jews that finally got caught after abducting that american spring break reveler when he went across the border in mexico in the 1980's?
Dios mío
Mexicans are too busy trying to get enough money to eat and fucking their nieces and nephews to pay attention to politics
You're insane if you think Mexico is an ethnostate, you literally don't know the first thing about Mexico if you've even had that thought for one second. Mexico is a multiracial zogged society just like USA
lol they can experiment tounging my anus every 2 weeks. nothing. will. ever. happen.
>Kershenobich Stalnikowitz
fucking jewish name, Why not call him Shelkelbergstein if you want the whole fucking universe to know that your son is Jewish?
You don't own NOTHING, goyim.
somehow still better than usa.
Yes because I’ve always been suspicious of all vaccines
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And suddenly the human sacrifice makes sense. Did they also sacrifice children?
Kikes are terrible creatures
more than you thinks
A lot of 'spaniards' were jews running from spain
>Archaeologists have found the remains of at least 42 children sacrificed to Tlaloc at the Great Pyramid of Tenochtitlan. >Many of the children suffered from serious injuries before their death, they would have to have been in significant pain as Tlaloc required the tears of the young as part of the sacrifice.
wow what the actual fuck
i hate kikes
today i learned
Was this post ironic, because I really like that proposition
did ancient mesoamerican cultures sacrifice children?
>jews are .2% of mexico's population
>control 90% of the government
This is good advice. Educate your countrymen
He's right though, mexicans used to lambast people who were too light skinned and with names like Harrisberg or Slimstein as being gringos coming to take over.
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just more coincidence

probably doesn't mean anything

What is this.. 2022 or something?
then some poster will show up and say something like..
>ew goy i dunno
>seems a bit far-fetched

does it?
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/pol/ was right again.
They bought off the cartels
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I just read about this on the news, it's all over isn't boys? We're soon going to be flooded by more tranny propaganda, southamerican indios and caribbean niggers aren't we.
This makes 100% sense. And now thinking about it, they were waiting for “white gods” which were probably supposed to be the next batch of jews. Funny how that worked out.
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she's going to stick every fucking parasite kike in Mexico in to every nook and crany of that shit fucking country and make USA 2.0 full of FAGGOTS and Jews.

FUUUUCK new Argentina here we go!
Time to save those fucking pans for the cazarolaso coming
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When a Jew becomes your leader it means War is coming within 5-10 years. They likely want to clear out the land of spics and open the area up to the fleeing rats.
Puta madre guey un pinche fauci es lo que nos hacia falta.
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>they were waiting for “white gods” which were probably supposed to be the next batch of jews. Funny how that worked out.

now we can talk about my next theory

that the jews held information about the existence of north and south american for nearly 1700 years after
was destroyed - and ONLY gave up said information to save their oily hides during the inquisition

think about it
there are some redpills that say the aztecs were not native to mexico, they came from the north and they passed as refugees and were known for their long noses, they were merchants and started to integrate themselves into the places arrived to and but they brought with them child sacrifices and ritual torture. They stole the throne of I believe the olmecs who were the actual natives and started their degeneracy. There are other redpills that say that the american continent was known thousands of years before and there's ruins in some places in north america, if this is true then there is nothing stopping mediterraneans from entering america. The pyramids in mexico look like ziggurats, same places where sacrifices were done.
Everyone around the globe was making the same stylized shapes and forms. They were all seeing the same things (or repeating what had been seen) in the sky.
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you're not missing much. One of them gyped me a while ago. I considered him my best friend, so I learned that lesson. I met a few in college and they discriminated against Goys heavily.
>Jews vs Cartels... this will be interesting
Good God.
>Jews vs Cartels
it's two groups of organized criminals working together, there will be no fighting
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>there are some redpills that say the aztecs were not native to mexico, they came from the north and they passed as refugees and were known for their long noses, they were merchants and started to integrate themselves into the places arrived to and but they brought with them child sacrifices and ritual torture.

note pic from here

strangely, a place, far north of tenochtitlan, known today as
>mexico city

lay a little place, apparently in modern wisconsin, called



speaking of which..
>for nearly 1700 years
sorry, more like 1400
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there are cryptokikes as well. I wonder if they'll claim "he's not religious" like the Khazar in chief.
Yeah this is also very likely and extremely reasonable. Always need a place to escape to. It’s like those old time cartoons where a guys holds another upside down and shakes him and with jews they just drop the talmud, evidence of child sacrifice, secret information and stolen wealth etc. Truly comical if they were not the spawn of pure evil.
Can Jews even blend in in Mexico? They get away with it the US because they are (((white))) but in Mexico they should stick out like a sore thumb
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>strangely, a place, far north of tenochtitlan, >known today as
>mexico city
>lay a little place, apparently in modern wisconsin, called
"cahokia" in north america existed around 500 years before the nahua showed up in the valley of mexico

PLENTY of time for a 500 year long jaunt from modern wisconsin to central mexico
>IF that's where "aztlan" was actually located

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>Can Jews even blend in in Mexico?
>most well known TV host on biggest TV show for decades

you tell me
>Can niggers blend in with niggers?
Jews would play Mexicans and Italians in old movies all the time. They just need to tan and keep their hair short.

Btw, that's the reason why short hair and shaving become standard in the 20th century, along with circumcision. You can instantly spot a lot of jews by either their jewfro, peculiar beards, or their cut penis.
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>keep their hair short.
but y tho, fren?

what is it about their hair?
My money goes on the bet that jews are setting up another meatgrinder this time USA vs Mexico
>arm both sides
>ukraine russia 2.0
Glowniggers kike campaigns about
are at an alltime high, nafo even runs ads in my shithole
Glancing at the thumbnail i thought it said the goblino of sheinbaum
How many jews does the world have?
>0 --> too many
>40 000 jews in a country of 130 000 000
>the 0.03% are in charge
Seems legit
Sorry to burst your bubble but Quetzalcoatl the "white" god they were waiting for was opposed to human sacrifice, do you really believe, moloch worshippers would oppose that?
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RIP senor
bwahahahaha, not even a month into presidency and jew already filling gov't with jews. I am gonna laugh at you mexicans in 5 years
apparently not the olmecs, those are presentations of holy children and newborn princes
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>i have no proof for this
>that's why i didn't post any
>NEVER wore pointy hats
>nor did they have any bird-gods

get a load of this canaanite

>carrying a kid is child sacrifice
>pictures are literally on the side of a sacrificial altar
>besides, human sacrifice was never practiced in the americas

yes, you are retarded
Holy shit this blows my mind
I get it senpai, you wanna feel special like you are "in on it" while everybody else just "doesn't get it" but just because you see a couple patterns here and there doesn't mean you are right and a couple pictures hastily scrapped together do not prove anything.

If anything it makes you look like a moron.
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>how do you even know it was an altar?

blew my mind too, at first - then i just kept looking and looking

and i have yet to cease finding

you can be sent to jail for murder with ONLY ONE piece of
>circumstantial evidence

if we were in court, and i presented all this as circumstantial evidence.. only butthurt could keep from securing a conviction against
for this
WTF F A M is automatically changed to Senpai?
>sacrificial altar
Says who, the conquistadors and the Catholic church kek
>Look we found this great civilization we can plunder
>Better tell the folks back home they eat children
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>a couple

>only butthurt could keep from securing a conviction against
>for this

like clockwork

and the evidence you have to disprove this?
>words of course, goy

>Says who

>how do you even know it was an altar?

little slow on the uptick i see
>masons founded in 4000 bc
>sacrificed a 500 pound ox for the occasion
>chanting and drums
Lots interesting history when you start reading
I'm starting to think you are a shill hired to derail actual kike noticings with bogus info and crazy theories. Even your erratic posting patterns seem suspicious.
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>Look, they have statues of child sacrifices on altairs
>Except there is no child
Kek you are the dumbest schizo on 4chan, the others at least can recognize patterns
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>masons founded in 4000 bc
they wish
A la orden
>Except there is no child

>completely ignores that there's more than one altar
>ha, gotcha GOY!

what a retard

>besides you don't hav any OTHER proof people from asia/middle east, etc. could have EVER reached north and south america anyway
>so NYEH

what a fag
>completely ignores that there's more than one altar

see this pic?
did you actually LOOK at it?
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i can see my detractors don't have shit

as usual
Here he talks about jewish etiquette in medicine.

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>jewish etiquette
There sure seem to be a lot of jews in Mexico
>completely ignores that there's more than one altar
Of which none but one have a child on it that could be remotely interpreted as a "sacrifice".
>The consensus today is that these "altars" are thrones on which the Olmec rulers were seated during important rituals or ceremonies. This leads many researchers to interpret the figure at the front of Altar 4 as a ruler, who is contacting or being helped by his ancestors, the figures on either side of the altar

>Some have seen child sacrifice echoed in the limp were-jaguar baby on the front of Altar 5. Others, however, view the tableau as a myth of human emergence or as story of a spiritual journey.
How much of a Canaanite you have to be to see the child sacrifices everywhere
Redheads earring looks like pedo triangle
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>Of which none but one
>now admits there IS an altar
>PFF - ok so there was ONE
>it's not like ancient mesoamerica was LITERALLY known
>for their prolific practice of human sacrifice - whether adult or child

i pity your tay-sachs atrophied brain
>40 000 Jews on a population of 127 million
>Jewish Prime Minister
>Jewish Health Secretary
What are the odds?
>now admits there IS an altar
No, retard did you read the rest, those weren't altars
>it's not like ancient mesoamerica was LITERALLY known
>for their prolific practice of human sacrifice - whether adult or child
Said the catholic church and marrano conquistadors to justify the plunder kek
Dumbest schizo
>Can't see patterns
>Has ADHD can't read posts
>copingly strawmans and twists the words
Get a new hobby you suck at this
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lel you literally have NOTHING

let the salt and butthurt course through your veins kike

don't mean shit
>lel you literally have NOTHING
I debunked all your dumb schizo hypotheses but keep coping
>Facts and reality don't mean shit to me
Kek I know. Take care
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>their prolific practice of human sacrifice - whether adult or child
>Said the catholic church and marrano conquistadors to justify the plunder kek

why do you care if they did or not anyway?

are you a mexican living in croatia?
just using a VPN?

>I debunked
you debunked that you aren't a kike
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They're not human.
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>inbred to hell

1 in 6,000'000
Minute after minute i can recall thoughts forming at the back of my head.
Normies say we live in the information era and therefore, uprising is unfathomable as barbaric to their minds.
>Older generations had the power and consciousness to take action and rebel.
How i wish, that in this country there are some like me, readying mentally if the day of the rope ever cames.
Narcs and Jews, Jews, Narcs and WEF, they are our enemy
At 37:50 he confirms hes a talmudist jew

Captcha : HHJ8X
>What are the odds
- that a country of lazy Mexicans needs to dig around for intelligent people, and only Jews will even bother?
High. Muy alto.
Show nose
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Kek thatks for confirming what I said
Also what is the source for that
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what a hateful little scumbag canaanite

>us jews are superior
that's why y'all have pubes growing out of your heads, right?
OK, this time the kikes have really overreached, and they're going to get caught.

They're going to get caught this time, right, guys?
These schizo tier "infographics" are retarded. Like what does this even say? Shes a Hittite? I would rather see actual condemning information and links to crimes/corruption/etc.
The worst of them withthe highest troglodyte admixture are kept out of view b/c can barely pass as human.
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>HA goy you literally confirmed what i said
yes, i actually gave credence to your post

you make it seem like they DIDN'T practice human sacrifice
i proved you wrong

then you re-posted what i posted, but cropped out the inconvenient truth


so basically, you're dumb kike fuck-faced bitch that can't do anything but lie, argue, post
and pretend to "win"

plz do the needful and bury yourself in the tophet with all the other rejected jewish children where you belong
>These schizo tier "infographics" are retarded
>ew goy
>that's WRONG


ahhhhahahahahaha what a fag
>A Chevron pattern
Youre retarded, did you make this yourself? Also the patterns arent the same even. These are just simple geometric patterns. This nigger is spamming disinfo.
>David Kekwhatabich Stalniggawitz
Arent you the one spamming endless ridiculous images about how the jewish lady is actually a Hittite now?
Preach brother!
it sure does make you MAD tho


>timeline of civilization
>all of the groups i mentioned in this thread
>all lived at the same time as each other


>Arent you the one spamming endless ridiculous images about how the jewish lady is actually a Hittite now?
>jews intermarry with hittites
>bible says this over and over
>constantly intermingled with hittites
>EW GOY hittites have NOTHING to do with jews

lel they just keep saying retarded shit
Jews have long laundered money for the cartels, they already have a long history together

ISRAEL: The Promised Land of Organized Crime by Dr. David Duke
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>best denial of truth (((he))) can muster

weird huh

just coincidence!
I'm sure the carte;s are still in firm control of the country.
>Irrelevant spam
>Ancient people lived at the same time as one another
Oh, its retarded. OK.
OK I found it already
>The article says sacrifices were done atop pyramids
>Doesn't mention "altairs" (which were in fact thrones)
That proves you have no pattern recognition
Also says
>although that scale was undoubtedly exaggerated by early chroniclers during the Spanish Conquest, probably to vindicate the Spaniards own brutal treatment of the indigenous peoples.
So how much was it exaggerated ?
>The Aztecs were not the first civilization in Mesoamerica to practise human sacrifice as probably it was the Olmec civilization (1200-300 BCE) which first began such rituals atop their sacred pyramids.
>We don't know
Doesn't mention children in Olmec sacrifice btw
To sum it up
>We *believe* that Olmecs *probably* started human sacrifices but we have no evidence
>We also believe the Spanish exaggerated in order to justify the plunder, so they might just as well made it up why not
Bear in mind that marrano kikes and Church were the first to get there kek
>can't disprove a single thing

calm down you big baby
He's just a schizo with a poor pattern recognition
>/pol/ is full of spic nazis
>mexico entering weimar period
Checks out. Godspeed mexibros.
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>The article says sacrifices were done atop pyramids
>Doesn't mention "altairs" (which were in fact thrones)
>splitting hairs


>The article says sacrifices were done atop pyramids

you're saying - that human sacrifices, took place, upon
>(((high places)))

Why dont you prove the Mexican jewish lady is actually an ancient Hittite, anon.

Lets all avoid discussing whatever shady shit and crimes can be dug up on this person and instead spam X-tier retard disinfo images, as you say.
>can't disprove shit
You know what would be really cool? If you made your own thread and REALLY got the word out there. You're going to have to stop posting in this one but ALAS people deserve to know the truth am I right?
Larry Fink is such a dweeb. I would respect him more if he worked on his asshole glare like Dick Cheney. Cheney was a good villain.
A kike in power chooses more kikes, shocking, mexico voted for it.
why don't you prove she isn't?

i already gave proof she "could" be

bet let's pretend you aren't butthurt and there couldn't POSSIBLY be any truth to it

afterall - i LITERALLY said

>too many coincidences
>but that's all they are, right?

man kikes sure are big babies when you point out their profane kikery
Theres like over 20 images this guy made. I would think its a disinfo shill, this is a thread about the new Mexican jewish president after all.
>You know what would be really cool? If you made your own thread and REALLY got the word out there

tried that
just ignore it, cowering in fear, hoping it will go away

but, since I've clearly made my point, I'll let your thread return to it's original point
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>>David Khersenobich Stalnikowitz
theyre laughing in our faces
>doesn't say I'm wrong
>"pff - anyway this thread ain't about that!"

>Chapo Guzman
Anon, I...
>you're saying - that human sacrifices, took place, upon
>(((high places)))
>Throne or altair, no diference lolololo
OK you're either trolling or retarded but funny how you took all that time to make all those disconnected and wrong infographics so I'm guessing retarded
Nvm, have fun
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>Why dont you prove she isnt
Why dont you prove there isnt a teacup orbiting the earth in space right now.
>No vaxed=no tax for me
I will take this offer
you're an absolutely dumb-fucked lying kike bitch

YOU said
>sacrifices were done atop pyramids

that's what a
>(((high place)))

you can't argue for shit and just put words in people's mouths to support your erroneous, scaredy-kike point of view

>ew goy it doesn't SAY they sacrificed children
>admits they did human sacrifices

keep splittin' them hairs chaimy
why when i already gave plenty of proof that

>makes you incredibly butthurt
>you can't prove wrong
>you have to change the subject to something else that has nothing to do with it
>then ask for proof of it
Go back visajeet
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alright, since I've throughly made my case
slapped down retards in denial
and said I'd leave guy's thread, I'm off

stay salty kikes
can you tell me with words what this means? I understand that you re pointing to similarities in symbolism but what is a hittite? what are those symbols?
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Please! don't disturb the schizo, you're going to get him ranting again.
The circumcision rate is going to go way up in Mexico
would you look at that beak he sports
Sounds like you should be learning Hebrew.
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Mexibros, please you gotta fight the kike. Don't let them take your drug field Azteca ways. Sacrifice them to the gods on your pyramids. I want Mexico to stay Mexico. Kikexico does not have a good ring to it. No tiny sombreros. Nunca!
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CDS is always civil warring because of the Jews that’s why I just stuck with cjng and own the majority of them now. Cds is a shithole they even sold out el chapo and his sons to take over he had like a small squadron of guys compared to its actual might. Shit they even killed el mayo. They work with the CIA & Mossad for muh drugs. Occasionally I’ll send in agents in the cds to cause chaos within their ranks because anything related to muh Jews need to be destroyed. They only bought off one half of the cds the other half is owned by me and I’ll kill it off completely in order to get rid of the Jew.

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