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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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I don’t get it.
The electrical debate is highly compelling if you're wealthy.

Electric vehicles will contain pollution in poor regions and the poor will suffer while the rich can get expensive cancer diagnostics and early treatment, the poor will die from the pollution.
People are stupid and think lithium is harder to get than cobalt.
In america we de facto make lithium mining illegal because thorium is considered nuclear waste. We have to buy opur lithium from china who just pile lithium into big piles near the entrances to their mines.
I like how everyone ignores how much silver is needed compared to how much is available
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I really don't understand the economics of lithium batteries. They act like it's some sort of precious resource and strip mine whole forests to get it, but then when your lithium battery stops working instead of recycling it, they just chuck it in the fucking landfill.

Someone is lying about something. Lithium can't be that rare and hard to find if they deliberately just chick lithium batteries into landfills.
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>when your lithium battery stops working instead of recycling it, they just chuck it in the fucking landfill.
How DARE they!? They should be chucking it into the ocean.
>still fucking around with lithium
>instead of ammonia fuel cells
All those batteries will still be there in the landfill when we need them.
oh. then you are stupid and no nothing about geopolitics.
>I really don't understand the economics of lithium

Its all fake. Politicians respond to money and only money. So these other countries scrape up as much cash as possible to pay lobbyist and congress buys are bunch of hookers and tells you you can't mine lithium yada yada yada. This is the whole point of Washington DC. They do nothing else (besides virtue signal).
The truth is, there is enough lithium in the US to last a very very long time. Google it up of you don't believe me. Assuming they haven't deleted all the stories about the ginourmous lithium deposit they found out west.
steve jobs
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Lithium batteries float, then catch on fire, then dissolve away. It's very unsatisfying to the part time mechanic / full time artificial reef engineer.

>All those batteries will still be there in the landfill when we need them.
So will every one of my "cum socks" from ages 12 to 22.
Aren't the Chinks already making sodium ion batteries? Lithium a shit.

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