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there's always a third option
80% of anons don't even know that movie nowadays
they named one of my brothers after Willem Dafoe's character.
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Elias was a good guy, but Barnes did nothing wrong.
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death to ameriKKKa
Elias because Barnes was totally ruined by whomever wrote the script.
There's no way he would've shot Elias but not Chris.
One man gave into madness the other didn't, it's a matter of discipline and how they handle their fear. Barnes was plagued by cowardice.
Maaaha maaha mmahamaaa maaaaa

Ofc Barnes, Elias was a faxtnhag and a hippie.
My dad was infantry in Vietnam (same division as Stone) and always said Elias was better. Only retarded ass ZOGbots who want to die for kikes would pick Barnes.
It wasn't madness that motivated Barnes, but reality. Barnes WAS reality.
Elias was an ideologue living in a hippy fantasy.
always willem
doesn't matter if he's the hero or the villain
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There was only one true King
death to kkkikes and shitskins and niggers
I remember them showing "Platoon" to us in ROTC when it first hit video (am an oldfag). It was used as a morality/leadership tale.

> "This is how an officer loses control of his men."
> Elias has a moral compass blahblahblah.
> Barnes commits war crimes.
> Lecture, lecture.

Meanwhile several of us are sitting in the back row laughing about who in our class will be the platoon leader that gets beaten in the head with a hand mike for fucking up a fire mission by his SSG Barnes and how we could score Jack Daniels for the next field problem.

this - if any of these faggots knew what modern SF are really like they are not angels like joe rogan navy seal guests

the amount of drugs the soldiers were allowed to have in that war was insane
The edge lords are unwilling to not that Elias did not crack under pressure but Barnes was gone, hence him getting smoked at the end
well since elias was normal people and barnes was the military industrial complex take a guess.
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He was based at the beginning but started acting like a nigger half way through
Dafoe was a fag the entire film tho so still better then Dafoe
>but Barnes did nothing wrong.
he killed Elias
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>implying if Barnes-types were in charge they wouldn't firebomb the entirety of north vietnam within a week of the conflict going hot
If Barnes was just some dumb zogbot, why did he get enraged over Manny getting killed, taking it out on the village.
with really good movies.
Barnes if you have a brain
Elias if you have a soul

Fyi i live close to the locations this movie was filmed at
Neither; the movie wasn't made in good faith. Admire some of the imagery, sure; but never the characters - they are not made to inspire a good movement.
Chris had already left for the LZ when Barnes shot Elias.
and this
nowadays things have come to light about US involvement abroad and... we suck
>My dad says
VC>Barnes>Elias>Michael J Fox
No, the nva killed him, as a kid I agreed with Elias, as an adult I agree with Barnes, when the machine breaks down, we all break down.
This is this Michael, what a stupid thing to say, what the fuck does that even mean, this is this!
Always was a barnes man myself. Should have done the whole fucking village.
My dad was a cap marine and had to live with the gooks, he told he they ate lots of ginger so he could always smell them in the bush.
The fat kid that dies
They were the motherfuckers with the guns that guarded everyone when they slept and went places most officers wouldn't
They did what they wanted because they could
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I need infographs detailing how and why the christchurch psyop was carried out ASAP
You need to watch it again.
They meet halfway between the murder site and the LZ, then the faggot writer has him say to Chris "Elias is dead. His body is over there about 100 meters"
Then they go, and Elias is seen running for his life away from the enemy.
Then at base Chris wants to murder Elias, and his dope friends say he doesn't have proof and the idiot writer says "I saw him in his eyes, when you know you know" never mentioning the self-incriminatory sentence Barnes tells him that Elias was dead (he wasn't) shot by the enemy.

If it was realistic, Barnes would have smoked Chris as soon as he saw him.

Or Chris would have put 2 n 2 together and go to Captain Ahab and tell him what happened, then as Barnes was being escorted to military jail, the NVA attacks and all hell lets loose, giving Barnes the oportunity to escape to try and kill Chris now that he has nothing to lose. Would have been a nice subplot at the end, kind of like a slasher kind of thing among the chaos of a battle.
I think they're both wrong. Elias was too soft, too trusting, too confident in himself. It got him killed. Barnes was a maniac. He made enemies of his own men. It got him killed. I remember watching this for the first time as a young marine infantryman about to invade Afghanistan. The lesson was what not to do if you want to come back alive.
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Barnes was getting court martialed and Sgt Elias was a witness. If you watch every scene, you see Barnes suffering from his soldiers deaths, and you also see gooks running the village. He isn't a cartoon villain.
>Doesn't remember his brother's name
based family
They named him green goblin, his name is goro because his dad loved mortal kombat.
Exactly, that's why he should have shot Chris too.
lol it goes without saying, it's already mentioned in OP's post.

no they named me Buckaroo Bonzai.
it's one thing to assume someone is dead and another to have physically shot him. He said he saw his body not that he made him a body.
i just checked, platoon was made in 1986?? almost 40 YEARS AGO? what the actual fuck.
The Americans. They are always Whiter than subhuman vietcongs.
Always defend White people to the last breath.
>She don't read too good no how
Tom Berenger, I’ve always loved that guy.
I detest globohomo though, so deal with it.
What are your thoughts on the Ukrainian war memeflag? How about Gaza? Since we’re talking about who does and doesn’t stand for Whites.
>No, the nva killed him
Barnes literally shoots Elias
If he said he saw a body...then said body goes around running away from the NVA... wouldn't you think that was a little odd?
Younger me loved Elias but older me understands Barnes.
>No, the nva killed him
The man in me knows both are creatures of reason and fallible.
With the green goblin of course
He's extremely based in "Betrayed", the movie literally starts by him killing a tranny promoting kike
Yes see how he dies being shot by nva, Barnes wounded him, but didn’t kill him. If Barnes killed him, how come he’s running away from the nva, who is shooting him.
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well believe it or not fellas, Im gen x, and I saw this movie the summer it came out. I was 12 at the time. It was a huge thing. All my brothers watched it. I watched it.

In the begining, I never understood anything about the movie, it was just another "action-war movie". It was only as time went by that I began to understand the deeper questions being raised. I have re-watched the movie now dozens of times, and had years to consider its statements.

In the begining I of course sided with Elias. But as time went by I relaized that he is in fact the ideologue, and that Chris "was wrong about everything" (as Francisco Quinn "Rhah" points out).

Barnes is the good guy. Barnes is reality. Barnes understands the reality these men are up against. The whole village is NVA.

Obviously I dont agree with killing children, but Barnes never actually killed the little girl, he merely threatened to do so. he did grease the gook bitch, but she had it coming, and shes NVA. Every adult in that village is an NVA. Not all soldiers wear uniforms and carry weapons. You cant fight a war with one hand tied around your balls.

Chris is no better morally then Barnes in the end. He does a murder too. thats an important fact. he pulls the trigger.

over time and much consideration, my favourite character is Bunny (Kevin Dillon). Hes a great actor.

TLDR: Barnes, Elias and Chris are all "good guys" .... but Barnes understands reality, Elias is an ideologue, and Chris is confused.
it happened a lot more than people think. There 100s if not thousands lost in the jungles of vietnam towards the end of the war. They would evac and leave behind wounded people or people they lost track of they assumed just died and evac without them.
I like this take the most. It's the three perspectives on a terrible thing.
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Both men were necessary to the survival of the group. People like Barnes have the uncompromising madman energy that inspires the rest to be brutal when it calls for it. Elias was the heart that could pull men back from losing themselves to Barnes' way of thinking.
Thats actually true. It could be argued the only person who committed murder was in fact Chris.

But I would argue barnes killed Elias. Barnes mortally wounded him, he certainly attempted to kill him, and Barnes actions ultimately led to his death. Barnes actions are completely formative in Elias' death. In any court, Barnes would be charged with murder, and rightfully convicted.
>In any court
What a war court lmao
do you think O'Neill turned into a "new" barnes? i always wondered what would happen in a real situation like that.
>Since we’re talking about who does and doesn’t stand for Whites.
no non-whites ever stand for Whites! They all want White people die! There is no mercy, compassion for subhuman non-whites. Our ancestors once ruled the world, civilized & educated non-whites under mercy & benevolence of White exceptionalism and they paid us back with envy, seething, malice; without even a single word of thanks.
Divide & conquer on non-whites is justified. The existence of White people won't be safe until all non-whites perish from this earth, leaving no trace of such filth.

>ukraine war
subhuman slavs killing each other, good riddance. I sympathize the underdog hohols because vatniggers are bigger threat to the White European exceptionalism. Have hohols bleed vatniggers until rus*ia collapse like soviet union again. Once rus*ia destroyed for real, ukraine should be dissolved, turn it back into Lebensraum for White Europeans that Hitler failed to do.
subhuman arab-semite killing each other, good riddance. I side with Palestine because kikes are even bigger threat to White European civilization: parasite that infest White European realm (that you know). Having subhuman non-white palestine, yemen, lebanon weakening subhuman non-white kikes of israel is a Godsend for White European world. Especially with current momentum of anti-zionism as more White normies denounced the talmud. Once israel ceased to exist, all the remaining subhumans can be obliterated, bring back pic related.
And same as chi*a, Side with Taiwan to bleed china.

In the end, ukraine, palestine, taiwan are no more than expendable pawns against the bigger enemies to White race.
Only White European matters. and only White vs. non-white issue that matters. everything else: religion, ideology, law, etc. are meaningless abstraction that divide & conquer White Europeans.
Murdered, anon.
I vote for Bunny because he was my fakkin favourite.
Based, yankee go home!
>he pulls the trigger.
Barnes told him to do it.

In a civilian court, of actual rule of law principles, and based on knowledge that we as viewers have.

Barnes murders Elias man. Come on. He shoots him three times in the chest (if memory serves me) and leaves him for dead. Barnes' actions directly contribute to Elias' death. In a normal courtroom they woudl find him guilty. There is plenty of precedent for finding more then one person guilty of the same homicide.

If a jury had the knowledge, that we as viewers have, they would find Barnes "guilty" of homicide. Now of course you could debate that, but its not "lmao", it a serious and reasonable contention. Moreover, I would argue, that it was Stones intention, that we as viewers, see Barnes as directly repsonsible for Elias' death. The reason for allowing Elias' brief escape and being shot down in view of the platoon, is to make sure the viewer understands that the platoon KNOWS it was Barnes.

now Stone could have transmitted the knowledge of Elias' murder by other methods, but he deliberately makes it full and complete "public knowledge". For instance, he could have had Chris go back and fidn Elias, and have Elias die in his arms telling him that Barnes had shot him. This would have left Chris with "private knowledge" of Barnes culpability. But Stone doesnt do that, deliberately. He wants Elias' death to be public, everyone knows how he died, and ulitmately, who is responsible (Barnes).

And Barnes is conflicted here as well. His reason for killing Elias is self preservation, not the protection of his men (though this aspect to is argueable, since Elias' "dudly do it right" attitude is getting men killed!).

Its worth noting here as well. Elias is a RAT. He attacks a superior NCO. Barnes had only killed NVA at this point. Had Barnes shot the child, Elias would have been justified. But barnes did not shoot the little girl ( its argueable that the threat was real) and Elias attacked him. Elias commits the first crime
It's interesting how every film made about Vietnam doesn't feature communist terrorism like the indiscriminate mining and ieds blowing up civilians. You know, the textbook definition of terrorism

Instead Americans which were glorified military police sitting in the bush are portrayed as monsters
Ah yes, what we got ourselves here is a CRUSADAH!
Anybody want handfuls of 30mg of amphetamines?
Don't worry, the gooks near the LZ said that got premium uncut opium rolled Thai sticks if you need to come down
I always felt that Barnes knew he would die but America would win whereas Elias once felt the same without the deathwish and came to understand that the war was pointless which historically is true.
Weird way to spell Bunny
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Elias was a good man. He isn't some hippy, even though we can see those qualities in him as well. He's a warrior, and a damn good one at that. Even Barnes understood Elias wasn't to be trifled with. We can see that in the village confrontation. I always detected a slight hesitation to Barnes' delivery in
>"Stay outta this Elias, this isn't your show."
It's as if Barnes understood Elias, unlike the other men, was not afraid of him. Not to say Barnes was afraid of Elias because of this fact, but more so Barnes saw Elias as more of his equal than anyone else there. Which should really tell you something, as Barnes is thought of as unkillable by the other men.

With all that being said, Barnes did nothing wrong in the village. There is a 100% chance those villagers were dinks. The weapons alone should've been enough, but you also had disfigured/scarred men, stockpiled rice, boobytraps and VC acting in close proximity to the village, and that one dink that tried to run right before the platoon's arrival. IMO, Barnes probably wasn't going to kill the kid. IMO, that VC elder looked close to breaking and confessing before Elias arrived. That's all just a matter of my opinion, though. Barnes lost me halfway through, however, where he completely lost his mind. Ironically, it was Elias' murder that pushed him there.

The real thing to take away from this long ass post is this: We should've never moved on from the M14.
No, I doubt it. ONeill is an interesting character too. but I think he represents a man more given to situational reality rather then overall reality. And what i mena by that is that ONeill is in fact a veteran, and not really a coward either, and he is a good fighter (he has survived as long as he has). But he lacks the "grit" of Barnes.

ONeill is intelligent enough to not return for a second tour. He doesnt want to be there.

>Barnes told him to do it.

this is really a key point, but not the way you think. Firstly, in any reasonable court, soemone tellign you to "do it" doesnt absolve you of the murder. So as a defence, its irrelevant.

But its a really important point in the movie. Barnes does not fear death. He welcomes it. Perhaps he knows what he has become and that he can never be normal again. One has to assume that there was a time when Barnes was not "Barnes", he was just a normal guy, signing up for the Army, a normal everyday patriotic american going off to fight a honourable war. And the new barnes knows the old barnes is dead, and can never return. That this war has destroyed his soul. That he (out of pratical military neccesity no less) killed the last truly good man in his platoon, the only man (Elias) who stood on his principles.

This movie is as much about the death of Barnes as it about the death of Elias! Barnes' soul is killed, before his body, whereas Elias body is killed before his soul. But both men suffer the same fate, and I think that part of what Oliver stone is pointing out. There is no easy way out. They are all doomed men.

I cant imagine the horrors men faced in Vietnam. It was a really really nasty war.
Total plausible deniability. Elias is running with blood streaming from a gun shot
>He wasn't moving when I saw him and he was shot up real bad, I made the call
And that would be that
But I like your version bwttert
There are too many Vietnam films imo half of them were shit
I get the feeling that most itt would choose Barnes but only because his scenes are better than Elias' but if you had to share a foxhole with one? Fuck Barnes
Easy, You just don't lead as much
Oddly enough, good morning Vietnam, a robin Williams comedy, shows some of the terror bombings the VC were up to in Hanoi,
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This is hard to argue against. Also this dude.
yeah, but thats jewywood for ya. they will never show the true nature of communism.
The Vietnamese
Yeah Rhah was cool but King seemed like a decent guy he was always laughing and took Chris in and looked out for him when he was emulating Barnes/Elias gung ho behaviour when they approached the bunkers. Like anon said earlier about O'Neill you can guarantee he got Rhah killed.
Surprisingly quality posts in this here slide thread
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Rhah is also a very interesting character.

Firstly, the name "Rhah" refers to an egyptian god of the sun, the principle god, but it also has a jew meaning of the holy spirit, "the breath of god", and of course it has a christian and islamic meaning as well.

Rhah is a survivor. He is also a warrior, he is no coward, and he is a thinker. He is one of the few reasonable men in the platoon, not given to depravity, he commits no crimes.

Rhah is left to fight on, after all the others have suffered their fates, he continues the legacy of the platoon.

I dont think you millenials and zoomies understadn how important the vietnam war was to genx. It wasnt like Iraq or afghanistan. Vietnam was no cakewalk, it was a nasty brutish jungle war, with alot of casualties, and a draft. Lots of death, and no glory. Vietnam was a nasty nasty shithole war. And the vets coming home told the stories to us genxers about vietnam. It was bad man.
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Ultimately the war killed Barnes, but Barnes had to kill the naive 'cherry' Barnes for him to live that long. I have to wonder though if his character was also a Korean War vet, like so many others.
true, i was born in the 80s and just have never seen it, never knew dafoe was even in it
I'll have to rewatch it, but I think the first guy is evil.
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>just have never seen it,
you have got to be kidding. it is (imo) one of the best top ten movies of all time.

download it right now. get some popcorn. sit in a darkened room. watch and carefully consider everything. every fuckign line in this movie is important. there is no "fluff" in this movie. every little detail matters. this movie is a masterpiece.
Barnes knew how to win the war.
Elias knew we shouldn't have been there to begin with.
Neither because they're both Jewish caricatures.
>if you're not a pot-smoking degenerate weirdo you're a beer-drinking sociopath who likes to kill people
The war should never have happened and I'm willing to guess it was literally just a culling of a generation of young White men who would've been here at home shooting Weather Underground kikes.
I liked the part where he said "so you have been the foe all this time!" And then he democracied all over vietnam.
>I have to wonder though if his character was also a Korean War vet, like so many others.
You can see from his fucked up face that'd he'd already been wounded, and was consequently wound up like a fuckin' spring. People who get maimed in combat become hard in a hurry. Your outlook hardens, your hatred becomes solid and focused.
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>Barnes had to kill the naive 'cherry' Barnes for him to live that long.
Amen to that borther.

I think one of the questions Stone is posing to the viewers, is was it worth it? Consider this, the common idea amongst the men was "its better to get it in the first few days, that way you dont suffer as much".

what makes this movie great?

well on thing, is like I said above. this movie asks YOU (the viewer) questions. It doesnt give you answers. it asks questions. nowadays, all the movies are full of propaganda, TELLING you what you must think. but a good movie doesnt tell you what to think, it MAKES YOU THINK. All the woke bullshti is just like that ... DEMANDING you see one point of view. but great art, whether its film or literature or painting or music, doesnt force you into a mode of thinking, it asks questions ... questions which may or may not have a "correct" answer.

with all the "modern" woke art .... there is only one way to see it.

but with great art, the modes of seeing it are as many as the eyes which view it, because every person will interpret it slightly differently, based on their own lived experiences. and this makes it great. we are forced to answer very difficult questions in Platoon, questions which dont always have a right or wrong answer.
if im actually there? above
when i was in ranger school this old master sergeant was in my squad and he called me Elias.
but thats not entirely true.
there are other characters who are well outside that limitation.
Rhah -- pot smoking level headed sensible kind honourable warrior
LT -- a good man, but unwise, naive, and morally a coward
King -- pot smoking good guy
Junior - the eighties version of a "woke" nigger

I could go on. And while I agree with you in principle, and in general about hollywood, I dont think Platoon easily falls into that category, though we can see the obvious jewish influence.
Elias. I understand Barnes need to keep organization high but bullheads shit up the military. Elias was right to smoke weed and call it a doomed unit. Had Barnes lived and been around he would have kept fragging his own men and cost the Army more in the long run. The truth is the unit broke when he covered the rape and killing of innocents. Barnes had control of the unit even if the LT or Captain would have taken the fall. Barnes and his goons are the enemy, hence why it would be safer to smoke up with niggers and spics.
Im more like elias but I like barnes more
>Operation rolling thunder was a peaceful action
>Terrorism is le bad
Either way the movies were meant to be anti war propaganda but backfired and were accidentally based.
Neither of them, this is the guy who I identified with. I freely replace zips with nigs, beaners, kikes, fags, etc.. as the situation warrants.
Elias did nothing wrong, but Barnes was a piece of shit because the war made him a piece of shit. Ultimately, though, it's less about the war crimes Barnes committed (still bad) and more about what it did to his men and how it changed their perception of him, which is why he ultimately isn't rewarded for his barbarity.
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That’s Lee Ving from FEAR.
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None. It is a stupid movie and Oliver Stone is a lying slandering piece of shit. Worst of all, Oliver Stone is not just some normal lying slandering shitlib... oh no, Oliver Stone was actually in the US Army and a Vietnam Veteran, so he should have known better.
My dad was also in the US Army and a Vietnam Veteran. My dad always said if he ever seen Oliver Stone or Jane Fonda, then he was going to go to prison, because he would ....
My dad died 4 years ago. Sadly, the old man never got to take a shot at Oliver Stone, Jane Fonda and a few other total shitbag subhumans.
BTW, Eurotrash and Australi9ans need to be range banned for /pol/. Useless trash make the worst threads
clean up this place
we could use the space
>DaNang Dick
Both were right. That's why they call it yin/yang. And why Chris said at the end they're wrestling for possession of his soul.
Stone wrote and directed it and was a combat vet from that theater. And Barnes DID try to kill Chris with a shovel or whatever it was.

Be informed, then post.
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pic related

LOL. Sounds like a guy I knew, went to Ranger as an E-8. You remember his name by any chance?
>Both were right.
one turned to murder of his own
there's no right in that, defoe's character was the right one hands down
>The lesson was what not to do if you want to come back alive
you failed when you trusted the jew instead of what God put in your face
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>the third way

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