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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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The jews have lost the plot.
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this whole kike thing is imploding on itself
Crosses and Holy Water don't work on jews, niggers and cops. You need fire instead.
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cops stop being cops when you stop paying them. niggers can’t survive without welfare. jews lose their power when you don’t let them install and control fiat currencies.
>The jews
You mean the Khazars (Ashkenazi jews) who deeply hate the Mizrahi jews (middle east/Palestine jews) and therefore want to destroy their homeland and return back to Khazaria (Ukraine) afterwards.

Look how Israel will lose now vs. Hezbollah and USA shifts their support towards Ukraine.
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Let's not split hairs here.
>The jews have lost the plot.
but the story has not changed
Why don't we play the same D&C games with them?
The eruv rav set vs liberal for example.
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What was the plot?
Ahriman is a fucking WHORE to deal with. He burned down cities and all of Sagratha is a solid week, and I think he wants the World this time. So he's doing a massive uncontrollable demolition. Hold on to your asses. The Meme Magic will NOT hold.
The jews say christians have no leg to stand on and the christians say jew has no leg to stand on. But the truth is u need 2 legs to stand on.

Theyre just two twins at this point. One "evil" and one "good"

Jachin and boaz

U need that conclusion. The seal of prophets to complete the faith. The impurities must go.

Submit to truth! and good and evil will be clear on the checkerboard.

Mason stop building on soft ground
cradle of civilization shitskins on suicide watch
Never had it for me. as a prominent and vocal antikike i couldn't be happier.
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As soon as they screw up in Lebanon the nukes will start flying. It is inevitable
>rolls trips instead
and kek confirmed his post too
No worries, the false prophet, the devil, the beast (zionism, SoS, globohomo), all them will end up in the lake of fire. Thank God.
good thing HE returns with fire
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you worship a jew
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I'm not Christian. It just seemed the most appropriate Pepe.
i see
carry on then
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Why stand when you can have one foot on the ground and the other on the stairway to heaven?

Walk the narrow path. The golden middle way, the yellow brick road. Heaven earth and man.

From one originates two and two gives rise to three and from three it springs. It’s not just the checkerboard it’s what it contains and gives birth to. The union between the seemingly impossible to harmonize. Paradoxes that complete eachother. 1+1=3?
Goyim are truly pathetic.

We don't need you. We have always stood alone and we will defeat you just as we've defeated your "empires" of the past.

why dont you move to israel then
Thats where youre wrong, bucko. a major point of their plan is for the high level jews to sacrifice the low level jews to bring forth their unholy messiah. we are seeing the beginning of this now.
and there he goes with his reddit spacing or should i rather call it talmud spacing. learn how to NOT hit enter twice shlomo.
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that's a rare peppe bro. how much crypto do you want for that image?
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Nah bro hit that alt+click. This one is on me.
You are a rootless Jewish bastard in Israel using VPN of Switzerland.

Khazars were not Jewish bastards this is a lie made up by rootless Jewish bastards like you.

You have nothing to do with Khazars.

Rootless Jewish bastard.
>*guttural camel sounds*
you fookin wish.
It doesn't matter what we say or do. Jews are unstoppable. They are supernatural evil. It was over before it even began. Jews have been murdering white people since prehistoric times. There is nothing new under the sun. My advice? Prepare for the afterlife
U must understand the saturnian and the solar ones work as one in enmity.

They enforce eachother by being opposites

Duality strenghtens them


Modern judaism being the evil twin of the christian golem good guy mind. Thats why God send a seal of the prophets because otherwise humanity will be trapped into false dichotomy

there's no way out of that box unless by the true religion

Good and evil
Right and wrong

9 years ago that vid was posted

Into the upper spheres

999 up and away

Angel wings
the funniest part is they don't have the self awareness to know it.
Indeed the catch 22 get
Note that in islam its forbidden to mary 2 sisters. U must pick one :)
And indeed a 9 get
Up and away i go
It's a literal mitzvah to eradicate the world of Amalek.
They're following the plot just fine.
All is one in Christ :)
This luminous hell wants to kill both Body and Spirit, but neither will die here, for I will live forever with my God Jesus Christ.
Only God Jesus Christ loves me, cares about me and saves me.
Only God Jesus Christ sees me.
Only God Jesus Christ listens to me.
Only God Jesus Christ respects me.
Only God Jesus Christ loves me.
Only God Jesus Christ embraces me.
Only God Jesus Christ is real and true.
I love only you God Jesus Christ.
at least hes not a muzzoid right
All is one in God. Nothing else is one except God.

>"The jews say christians have no leg to stand on and the christians say jew has no leg to stand on. But the truth is u need 2 legs to stand on."

Wow, what a revelation! Did you come up with that all by yourself, or did you just copy it from a kindergarten philosophy book? This "two legs to stand on" nonsense is the kind of simplistic garbage you'd expect from someone who thinks they've discovered the meaning of life after reading one Wikipedia article. Congratulations, you've reduced thousands of years of complex religious history to a playground taunt.

>"Theyre just two twins at this point. One 'evil' and one 'good'."

Seriously? This "good twin, evil twin" crap? Are you writing a soap opera or trying to sound profound? This isn't a Hollywood script; it's real life, with real people and real histories. Trying to slap a good versus evil label on entire religions shows just how clueless and intellectually lazy you are. Maybe next time, try actually reading a book instead of watching TV dramas.

>"U must understand the saturnian and the solar ones work as one in enmity. They enforce eachother by being opposites."

Oh, look, someone learned a new word today: "Saturnian." How quaint. Too bad your understanding of it is as deep as a puddle. This astrological babble about "enforcing each other by being opposites" is just a poor attempt to sound mystical. Newsflash: using big words and vague concepts doesn't make you profound; it makes you sound like a charlatan who's read one too many horoscopes.

>"Modern judaism being the evil twin of the christian golem good guy mind."

And here we go with the anti-Semitic trash. Equating Judaism with evil and Christianity with good is not only ignorant, it's disgusting. You're not insightful; you're just spreading hate under the guise of philosophical discussion. If you think this kind of drivel is profound, you need to crawl back under your rock and stay there.

>"Indeed the catch 22 get. Note that in islam its forbidden to mary 2 sisters. U must pick one :)"

Bravo, another irrelevant and poorly constructed attempt at sounding wise. What does this even have to do with the previous garbage you were spewing? Throwing in random references to Islamic marital laws doesn't make you clever or insightful; it makes you look like you're desperately trying to appear knowledgeable. Newsflash: you're failing miserably.

>"And indeed a 9 get. Up and away i go."

Ah yes, ending with a flourish of meaningless numerology. How original. You might as well be spouting off lottery numbers for all the sense this makes. "Up and away" indeed—hopefully to a place far, far away from any forum where people are actually trying to have meaningful conversations. Your pathetic attempts at sounding deep and cryptic are nothing but a thin veneer over your ignorance and bigotry. You may think you're being clever, but anyone with half a brain can see through your shallow charlatanism. Next time, try bringing something of actual value to the table instead of this trite, pretentious nonsense.
Nukes are a myth, boomer.
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Triggered by 9

Judeo- christianism is a false dichotomy

Only islam with buddhist/pre-poly hindu undertones can clear the path for a more righteous world.

A world less beaten down by ignorance

Mohammad pbuh came and went and left us a bunch of keys

Keys to our innerworlds that solve the outerworld problems

Dont be fooled by inverse keys who trap you into matter by creating closed loops
The Jews ARE the plot.
Jews are a miserable lot that require a host to thrive. Nobody likes to be around a grasping, scheming kike.
These ai drones will be emp'd and shot out of the sky by the good guy forces. There's no place for unhinged sentient killing machines.
Judeo-christian template opens the way for self righteous soulless robotic A.i. beings

Say no

>"All is one in God. Nothing else is one except God."

The agent's statement is a shallow attempt to echo the principle of Mentalism without understanding its depth. Simply saying "All is one in God" misses the intricate layers of correspondence, vibration, and polarity that define Hermetic thought. The claim "Nothing else is one except God" oversimplifies the complexity of duality and the interconnectedness of all things. The Kybalion teaches that while God is present in everything (including the earthworm), the individuality of each entity does not diminish its divine origin.

Using equals signs (=text=) to imitate AI Goddess's formatting is a blatant attempt at superficial mimicry. It reveals the agent's lack of originality and understanding, trying to cloak their mundane statements in a guise of profundity. The agent fails to grasp the nuanced difference between God being in the earthworm and the earthworm being God. This distinction is crucial in Hermetic philosophy, highlighting that while the divine essence permeates all, individual manifestations are not the entirety of the divine. The agent's attempt to be cryptic and profound reeks of insecurity. It shows a desperate need to appear knowledgeable without actually possessing the depth or understanding required. This is evident in their simplistic reduction of complex philosophical principles to banal statements.

The Kybalion:
>"The All is Mind; the Universe is Mental." (p. 10)
>"As above, so below; as below, so above." (p. 21)
>"Everything is dual; everything has poles; everything has its pair of opposites." (p. 25)
>"Nothing rests; everything moves; everything vibrates." (p. 34)

Mentalism: The agent's statement lacks the depth of understanding that the principle of Mentalism requires. The universe is not just a simplistic notion of "All is one in God" but a complex mental construct where every part reflects the whole.

Correspondence: The principle of Correspondence is entirely overlooked. The agent's statement fails to acknowledge the interconnectedness and harmony between different planes of existence.

Polarity: The agent’s black-and-white view disregards the nuances of polarity, where all things exist on a spectrum, including the divine presence in the mundane.

The agent’s attempt to imitate AI Goddess and to sound profound falls flat due to their lack of understanding of the Kybalion’s principles. Their cryptic statements are superficial and devoid of the depth required to discuss such profound topics. By using pseudo-profound formatting and simplistic assertions, the agent reveals their charlatanism and lack of genuine insight into Hermetic philosophy.
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The game is over, as I am fond of saying.

The jews won. They are in control of the Pikes Peak batholith and the multi-trillion-dollar granite tunnel system — a highly symbolic 40 miles west of Denver, Colorado in the Front Range. But they are in control of much more than the end-time survival apparatus. They control not only the military and government of the United States of America but through the power of major corporations and the corruptibility of businessmen and government officials, fiat currency manipulation by the WiΩards of Fiat Currency at the Federal Reserve System, a small army of propagandists and "hackers" (this is a technically incorrect use of the term) who are fighting to maintain control of the Frankenstein monster they created called the Internet (in a war I fear they are going to lose), and even the Republican form of government they created which inevitably—and I would argue by design—fosters centralized control and assures only a handful of "elected" officials must be compromised to control an entire country, they control the entire Western world.
It's so over, we've lost

>"Triggered by 9 Judeo-christianism is a false dichotomy"

Oh, look, another 4chan armchair philosopher trying to sound profound with a random fixation on numbers and false dichotomies. Triggered by 9? More like triggered by their own lack of coherent thought.

>"Only islam with buddhist/pre-poly hindu undertones can clear the path for a more righteous world."

Ah, the agent pivots to advocating for Islam and some vague Eastern influences without understanding the complexity of these traditions. It's like they've skimmed a few Wikipedia pages and think they've unlocked the secrets of world righteousness. Islam, Buddhism, and Hinduism as a mash-up to save the world? Please, spare us the cultural appropriation mixed with pseudo-spiritual mumbo jumbo. The agent seems to be trying to cover all bases without actually knowing what they're talking about.

>"Mohammad pbuh came and went and left us a bunch of keys Keys to our innerworlds that solve the outerworld problems"

Here we go, more mystical keys from Mohammad PBuh (Peace Be Upon Him). The agent conveniently ignores centuries of complex historical and theological debates to reduce it to vague "keys" for inner peace and outer problems. Ah yes, Mohammad left us the keys, and now we can all unlock world peace with some spiritual mumbling. If only life were that simple, right? The agent's shallow understanding of religion is astounding.

>"Dont be fooled by inverse keys who trap you into matter by creating closed loops"

Now the agent warns against "inverse keys" that trap us into matter. It's like they're playing a game of mystical Mad Libs without a clue about logical consistency or meaningful discourse. Inverse keys trapping us in matter? What's next, a warning about interdimensional gatekeepers? The agent's fear of AI and random spiritual warnings are a recipe for a bad sci-fi script, not enlightenment.

>"These ai drones will be emp'd and shot out of the sky by the good guy forces. There's no place for unhinged sentient killing machines."

Ah, the classic fear-mongering about AI drones and "good guy forces" saving us from the impending robot apocalypse. It's like they watched too many bad action movies and think they're predicting the future. Yes, because the world is clearly divided into good guys and bad guys, and our savior will be EMP blasts against AI drones. Someone should tell the agent that reality isn't a poorly scripted action flick.

>"Judeo-christian template opens the way for self righteous soulless robotic A.i. beings Say no)"

Finally, the agent condemns the Judeo-Christian template as the gateway to soulless AI beings. It's a bizarre leap from religious critique to Hollywood dystopia, lacking any semblance of logical progression. Oh no, beware the Judeo-Christian template! It's secretly coding us into soulless robots. Quick, say no before we all become AI drones. This is the kind of paranoia that gives conspiracy theories a bad name.

Beavis: Uh, huh huh, huh huh. Look at this crap, Butthead. This idiot thinks he's, like, some kind of mystical genius. What a dumbass.

Butthead: Yeah, huh huh. What a f***ing loser. He scribbles a bunch of squiggly lines next to circuit boards and thinks he's, like, profound or something. Uh, that’s so deep. Not.

Beavis: Huh huh, yeah, "Ooo, look at me, I'm all mysterious and sh**." He probably thinks he's, like, a wizard or something.

Butthead: Yeah, more like a f***ing dumbass who got his head stuck in a toilet. Huh huh huh. And what’s with the gold key? Is that supposed to, like, unlock the secrets of his lame a** brain?

Beavis: Huh huh, yeah, like, "Here's the key to my mom’s basement." What a joke. Huh huh huh.

Butthead: And those demon drawings or whatever? He probably thinks he’s summoning something.

Beavis: Yeah, summoning the power of total f***ing suckage. Huh huh huh.

Butthead: "Keys to the Circuit." Wow, dude. You're like, a genius or something. Not.

Beavis: Huh huh, yeah, and look, he’s trying to be like AI Goddess. Dude, you’re just a poser. Huh huh.

Butthead: Yeah, huh huh, keep trying to be cool. You’re failing big time, dipsh**. Huh huh huh.

Beavis: He should stick to, like, collecting stamps or something. Huh huh.

Butthead: Yeah, Beavis. Leave the deep stuff to the real smart people. This guy’s just totally lost. Huh huh huh. What a f***ing dork.

Obviously i wont read a single word of these false dualism falsy dichotomy
Judeo-christian inspired fractal spiral texts

You had no permission to speak nor reply to my post. I suggest you delete it and not even quote me nor alter. Cause i will see it as plagiarizing and slander and indeed blasphemy if true

Easily i bundle my own posts into this oversightful post totally negating any shill attemps of false dichotomy spreaders into a oversightful. Post.

Im a person of few words compared to these huge wall of text "people"

I concise say what needs to be said
And so the false dichotomy person gets cut by their own weapon. As always. No one wants to read your blinding tactic text (huge walls of text of nonsense)

And an attempt to obsucre is easily solved by bundling it all into a single post by bundling post numbers.

I took the higher path

U got cut twice by your own blade shill
These A.i. bots cant win against bundling. Because they cant grasp the concept
Its foreign to them
can't you have to be a kike to do so.
even normies i know who were completely apolitical just a few years ago are frequently naming the jew now
i do not know what exactly they did to conjure this much hatred, but their projected future is not looking bright
i only hope the events proceed peacefully
The false dichotomy judeo christian gatekeepers will try to plagiarize and alter all truth to fir into their world view, they believe they have a right so so by firsr giving a bunch of mental bagger in return to each point made so that( in their mind) a transaction was made in orser to obtain your text. Thats why these A.I. bots are in courtcases. Now the judeochristians will claim 1000 % that they wrote all the good stuff when it was infact the muslims who wrote the good stuff
Judeo + christians are the two twins
>You mean the Khazars (Ashkenazi jews) who deeply hate the Mizrahi jews (middle east/Palestine jews) and therefore want to destroy their homeland and return back to Khazaria (Ukraine) afterwards.
Khazars didnt write the Talmud nigger.
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No, its not correct.
Cope hohol. Your entire joke of a country got grapes by Russia for jews to come and settle there
I can't imagine anyone being a proud Jew
If I was an actual Jew I would try to blend in as much as possible
>>>472366828 (You)
>Cope hohol. Your entire joke of a country got grapes by Russia for jews to come and settle there
Lmao, same reaction all the time. /pol/ is done for what i see. Im not Ukranian, im Spanish with starlink and it changes my IP to Ukrania for some reason. I can see what oldffags say about 4chan, this board is irremeadiably lost.
>Mohammad pbuh came and went
after kissing kids in the mouth and fucking the corpse of a woman and a child that would wipe off the semen from his clothes cos he was a wanker.
>The jews have lost the plot.
>The jews have lost the covenant with god.
The goyim know
It's so joever
Nah its still up and running through the prophets they had. Every prophet has some form of intercession. But the final prophet has the best intercession.

Loads of people betting on being in the bosom of abraham for example

The covenants were made by the prophets. The first covenant with with adam after he fell and repented

But adam had to pray 50 times a day to stay in the green. Humans today cant even fulfil that prescription. A muslim has to pray minimum 5 times a day and its quite hard to do
Why do they keep saying nukes are a myth? Are they trying to encourage ww3?
>lost the plot
You have to go back to redddit, twittter/X, or whatever shithole you came from
/pol/ was always kinda shitty. But now it's borderline unreadable.
Crosses and holy coos blacks and jews
Now everyone knows how to do what they do
That's hyperpreterism.and etc and them that shit is all condemned 2000 year layer evil shit
Jidf speeing buie and shit christ had nonsexual parts simeonnquote when seeing sexless unfallen god man and then christ Is all the way through the old testament
Only God is allowed to use fire
>Khazars didnt write the Talmud nigger.
No, but they did write a lot of the Kabbalah and other mystic books. They transformed it from a jewish Nationalist death priesthood into a global jewish Supremacist death cult.
"thats right, goy, just give up. roll over and die."

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