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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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You cannot refute this.

"What was not known until now was any case of an individual who had received help, even if they could not return the favor, which would prove the existence of true altruism among Neanderthals. That is precisely what the discovery of 'Tina' means..."

I know more ugly homo sapiens women, so passable for me
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I would let her crush my pathetic homosapiens head between her superior neanderthal thighs if you know what I mean.
I would fuck the shit out of that strong female.
fuck I wish I could go back and bang some neanderthal girls
jewish isn't a thing, it's just what neanderthal mutts call themselves nowadays. they've always known they were inferior to homo sapiens but benefited from their existence so here we are

no, neanderthal has never meant "white person" not once in history, they were short little hobbit-like losers who ate their dead grandma when white men were hunting mammoths and farming. neanderthals were the smartest nomadic tribe for sure, but homo sapiens were intelligent enough to set up shop and stay there
This reminds me of Ayn Rand's objectivism.
She argued that every altrustic act was fundamentally selfish.
And to those who don't know Ayn Rand (Alisa Zinovyevna Rosenbaum) was a Jew.
Jews keep coming up with unhuman philosiphies.
that neanderthal girl would smoke the strongest nigger with ease

apparently neanderthals are white according to this study.
There is enough reason to be antisemetic, neanderthals arent one of them
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I want to homosap-pee-in her butt
You're very wrong on this subject and it shows in what you said and the condfidence in which you said it. Stop larping you retard
Got him. When you guys gonna purge all the various kinds of niggers from you homeland? I kind of want to help
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>H-h-homo sapien goys, am I accepted? Please accept me even though I'm different.
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>Am I accepted too? I'm her husband.
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This thread is fucking retarded, and I like it
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>I'm the captain NOW! Check my penis. It says I AM superior!
I bet you read the article and that's it. give me a bit and ill find the flaw in it all.
>Well well well, I see you guys fighting. Let me introduce to my new trick called central banking ;)
>Central banking you say?!?! I'm very interested t. giga chad superior seed aryan swede king.
Hey look, the article was about evidence of caregiving and you saw Spain,
>White people are from Spain and there were downie Neandertals there, so wyt pepo are the real Neanderthals not us Semetic folk.
fot those who care.
Still remember the days when genetics thread were fun in this place here.
Matrix here. Ok. Next reincarnation you get it. Dont complain for suffering, YOU asked for it. I have it in writing done deal. Enjoy one more round, mwuahahahaha
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>WHAT is happening ITT?!?! Why are you goys here out on the free?! You should be watching niggerball and placing bets!!

Captcha: HG0Y
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>Laughing out loud. The central banking scheme together with the 'free entertainment' worked like a charm. Lmao
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>tf are these posts..? Don't they know I am the master at trade and subversion..? Sigh
Ethnovirus prevention is cause of race mixing agenda.
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>QUI controls the goys and the world trade Xi?!! QUI controls the media?!! QUIII
Is this the new tomb raider ?
AYO IS THAT JERMA985?????????
AYO IS THAT JERMA985?????????
AYO IS THAT JERMA985?????????
AYO IS THAT JERMA985?????????
real talk now cmon what th heeeeelll
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>Ackhually it is the swedes who are the master race. Sorry, my uncle Adolf confirmed this, now check these 88 digits.
>white people are cavemen
i don't understand why this is a dunk on whites?
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>wdym!? My mother told me I'm handsome. I'm legit homo sapiens guys. Let me in!

Only messes with the emergence rate (read as ... bad, humanity as a species is crippled enough as it is by now). Would be interesting btw to study if the mixed results even propagate efficiently. Some variants do weed themselves out all by themselves.
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> Master race? How come you can't even get anything for free from your neighbours?
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Doubles confirm, haha! I'm the captain now. Sorry chuds and aryans, haha.
Thanks senpai
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>*krhm* you failed at simple green texting. It seems we superior swedes STILL are the master race. Sorry not sorry. 88 heil hitler!
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reminder that if your forehead is not at least four fingers tall you are a retard and probably also a nigger.
looks swedish
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>Free? What are you, a poorfag? I invested into the capitalist system and look at me now. Chocolate chip cookie Ice cream. The call me Aryan Joe and my dick is at least the size of niggers thigh.
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>I agree with this sentiment. You could land a plane to my forehead. I'm the true master race. Jew-Slav hybrid. They call me Putina.
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> Dick the size of a nigger's thigh? Anyway ice cream is for kids, call me when you can cum so hard you put out a menorah and trigger every single jew in the country with one stroke.
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>You really want to compare foreheads little girl? IM the true aryan warlord from the master race. It is MY SEED and MY IDEOLOGY that should be spreading!
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>Daaaad!!! This thread is getting out of claws (hands in human speak)!! This is clearly anti-semitic?! Throw that pole in to the meat grinder.

>My book told me I AM THE CHOSEN ONE. I should own at least 9000 goy slaves, it is my birth right!
>Worry not kid ;^) I'm monitoring everything and making sure you get what you deserve.
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> First of all, that's just like your opinion, maaaan. Second of all, I really don't know about that chosen stuff but considering your history the only thing god chose you for was suffering
>ai slop
opinion discarded
>Careful boy! Your rent might increase suddenly 2000% if you continue that path ;) ;)
>t. your rent lord. Pay your rent btw, it's late.
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>Guys, can we stop this hate? We're all humans here, it doesn't matter who's seed gets to impregnate the uterus. All that matters is equality or something that I've been told in my formative years.
>Look mom!!! I finally won something! I am the bestest at stuffing hot dogs to my face in 60 seconds! I am the bestest in the world at this sport! I AM the gigachad hahaaaa
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>achkually I am the winner and this thread is disgusting. My superior genes will spread to the solar system and there is nothing you can do about it.
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> You crackas be wilin', yunahwhaimsayin
>you spread your genes wherever you want hon(ey). I'm comfy and fine just here where I am. No need to move to the outer space.
>Sorry lady but I don't understand you. I am the superior gentleman of the European continent and fail to follow your train of thought. New world monkey. Also my ancestors owned you as slaves so stfu.
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>We aryan neanderthals have been fishing and hunting in these lands tens of thousands of years before you semitic nomad tribes arrived. So stfu you jew, WE rule here.
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>Das rite fellow aryan. Doubles confirm. Do not make me raise from my squat position and unleash my swedish might.
Neanderthal were unironically overmen, but were unfortunately breeded out. They were likely more intelligent on average than homo sapien sapien.
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>This thread and all these westerners suck. Lets go "communist" and enjoy the slave labor beneath us, shall we? Deal.
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Fuck intelligence. Only violence matters when it comes to human species. It is the only, and reasonable way forward.
don't care, would a neanderthal muscle mummy
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> ay shit das rite, I got mad bitches and I smack you honkies, don't even be tryna stop me from creepin' on da comeup. bitches sippin my genes like lean
Dont listen to the cro-mag here, the neanderthals are the original white. Cro-mags are a degenerate eastern european firm that is always seething.
Neanderthals were the original gingers.
Prime rape targets for invading homos.
Magnon had red hair
They got from taping Neanderthals faggot
that's one rough-looking neanderthal chick.
Magnon arrived first then spread his seed everywhere including north africa
Whites are Neanderthal Asians are denisovians blacks are probably homo erectus or homo habalis but I doubt habalis because he was a handy man and well niggers couldn’t invent stairs.
Ive been trying to tell retards for years now
neanderthals are not fucking kikes
europeans have more neanderthal DNA than other races.
Butthurt neanderthall slopehead kikes made this thread
All the dna places are scams and data mining us for our sweet genomic sequences for cataloging, surveillance, and eventually careful extermination of whatever is deemed inferior. Source: I made it up.
Holy shit it's Jerma
ALL races are descended from Adam and Eve but only Homo sapiens
It looks like they were also trannies?
> is a mystery
Yeah if you view it through the prism of homo sapiens + admixture instead of them actually being those proto-humans.

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