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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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last attempt, last 2 threads died too soon.

/pol/ thread to discuss books what else is there to say?
also wondering about the following: 1.) what are the powers that be planning to do w regard to dissident right books in the next few years? Outright ban? Monitor people’s purchases to see if they buy them then come up with some excuse to act? Soft censorship (deleting domain names for books that sell it etc without doing the previous)

2.) what do we do about it? Is it too risky to buy stuff now? or should I be frugal for a bit and mass buy everything I want to eventually read before censorship kicks in?

not actually from Latvia am a burgerfag on vacation if that means anything
Eurobros I’m thinking about moving over here someday, if I want to bring “revisionist” or other verboten lit into the country is it difficult? Do they check moving boxes etc.? or am I too paranoid
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>last attempt, last 2 threads died too soon.
>last attempt
This has been tried here before. 4chan is not a good format for that. Unironically try Reddit.
So, you're a CIA agent sent to do a job in Latvia?
darn you caught me
>Unironically try Reddit.
which subreddit do you recommend
Also, I don't frequent Reddit, so I don't know.

American in Latvia.. Seriously, what are you doing there?
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>Eurobros I’m thinking about moving over here someday, if I want to bring “revisionist” or other verboten lit into the country is it difficult? Do they check moving boxes etc.? or am I too paranoid

why even bother to move paper books at all these days, ssds are a boon to book hoarders
I'm bored by books and I can't care enough. I recommend finding some good web stuff on wordpress or substack. But if you're into this "rightist" stuff and sheit, the regime hardly cares. They only care when you start working against them I would say.
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damn burger, how do you make enough money to travel so much?
>Seriously, what are you doing there?
without getting too specific I have expat family who live here
Programmed to Kill - A book about CIA brainwashing

Eye of the Chickenhawk - A book about the elite's international child sex trafficking ring

Into the Cannibal's Pot: Lessons for America from Post-Apartheid South Africa - Self explanatory

The Unknown Warriors - Book about British WW2 vets who wish they hadn't fought
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because I need a nice shelf full of books to show how smart I am
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I downloaded thousands of old or suppressed book. I've saved them on various formats.
However for certain ones I buy them in hard copy as well or print them off.
It's important to have physical copies.
Pic is not mine but I do similar
if I already know Hitler was lied about Holohoax fake, etc should I still read these?
I think it’s important to have both, protect against EMPs and fires, makes me bummed when there are no pdfs of a book on libgen
Depending on what you're looking for, you won't learn anything too new most likely but there are interesting things to learn in them. Recommend Young Hitler I knew highly.
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What think about this one five fingers?
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You don’t need to always “get something out of” a book, tbf. what do you think of this?
Just get an e-reader and download the .epub books online. You can have a thousand book library in your pocket.
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Sorry, not in the mood. Have a bump.
never read it, but the Invisible Man was good
Then just use the digital books to home print new physical ones. Bind them together yourself.
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Hitler's National Socialism by Zitelmann is excellent and along with Hitler's Vienna by Brigitte Hamann is required reading.
I have the previous edition of Zitelmann which has a different title "The Policies of Seduction" but is otherwise the same.
Both of these books are very objectively written.
Another thing I'd recommend is "Hitler: Speeches and Proclamations 1932 to 1945" in 4 volumes by Max Domarus.
It's a chronological record of speeches and other material with commentary.
Domarus is very hostile but the books contain lots of interesting stuff I have never found elsewhere.
He also produced a one volume abridged edition of his speeches called "The Essential Hitler"
It's organised by theme rather than chronologically and is really interesting despite the authors attitude.

Some other recommended books in no particular order:

Beware the World to Come by Christopher Bjerknes (Jewish occult thinking)

Why We Fight by Guillaume Faye (Dictionary of right wing, nationalist, amd traditionalist ideas)

Facing the Abyss by A K Chesterton (Criticism of modern society by British fascist)

Who We Are by William Luther Pierce (Early origins of Europeans)

Theory of the Partisan by Carl Schmitt (Post World War Two book on guerilla warfare by the Third Reichs top legal mind)

War on Gold by Antony Sutton ( Money and banking)

Rockefeller: Controlling the Game by Jacob Nordangard (Banking, the green agenda, ine world government)
didn't read but seemed important, have a bump
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library dot fr3ns chan dot org.

change the 3 to an e
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Zlibrary and download everything, print it if you want a physical copy
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annasarchive as well is a good one
welcome, another bump.
Still didnt read, but later
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>what are the powers that be planning to do w regard to dissident right books in the next few years?
They will replace us with low IQ niggers and shitskins. That's pretty much it. Demand for books will crash. No need to ban anything.
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based glownigger wrote a book!
get a free trial here!
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Here you go buddy have fun.
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Moralization NOW!

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I don't think it's risky, like if you buy a copy of mein kampf or the turner diaries the fbi isn't going to kick down your door, they might put you on a watchlist but then again you're probably already on one. I also don't think (at least in America) they'll ever outright ban the production of certain books, they wouldn't be able to even if they tried especially with how available those books are online and how cheap printers are lol.
rate my reading list:
>The Creature from Jekyll Island - G. Edward Griffin
>The Magic of Money - Hjalmar Schacht
>Hitler’s Revolution - Richard Tedor
>A History of Central Banking - Stephen Mitford Goodson
>Just and Unjust Wars - Michael Walzer
>The Tragedy of Great Power Politics - John Mearsheimer
>On War - Clausewitz
>The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy
* Odyssey
* Alexiad
* On War - Clausewitz
* Lost Victories: The War Memoirs of Hitler's Most Brilliant General - Erich von Manstein
* Theory of the Partisan - Carl Schmitt
* Why We Fight - Guillaume Faye
* Hitler's National Socialism - Zitelman
* The Six Million Swindle: Blackmailing the German People for Hard Marks with Fabricated Corpses - Austin Joseph App
* The Chemistry of Auschwitz - Germar Rudolf
* Put ‘Em Down, Take Em Out!
* Jewish History, Jewish Religion - Israel Shahak
* Freedom Betrayed - Herbert Hoover
* The Jews - Hillaire Belloc
* The Servile State - Hillaire Belloc
* Lee Kuan Yew: The Unofficial Biography - Ethan Ang
* The Jews - Maurice Fischberg
* Kitāb al-ʻIbar - Ibn Khaldun
>The Protestant Work Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism - Max Weber
* Hitler’s Social Revolution - David Schoenbaum
* Synthesis of the Doctrine of Race - Julius Evola
* Debating the Holocaust - Thomas Dalton
* Dissecting the Holocaust - Germar Rudolf
* La Scienza Nuova - Giambattista Vico
* The Myth of Blood: the Genesis of Racialism - Julius Evola
* Elements of Racial Education - Julius Evola
* Men Among the Ruins: Post-War Reflections of a Radical Traditionalist - Julius Evola
* Recognitions - Julius Evola
* Metaphysics of War - Julius Evola
* A Traditionalist Confronts Fascism - Julius Evola
* The Forgotten Soldier - Guy Sajer
* Propaganda: The Formation of Men's Attitudes - Jacques Ellul
* Imperium: The Philosophy of History and Politics - Francis Parker Yockey
* Breaking the Spell - Nicholas Kollerstrom
* The Races of Europe - Carleton S. Coon
* Living Races of Man - Carleton S. Coon
* The Origin of Races - Carleton S. Coon
* Human Races - Stanley Marion Garn
* The Decameron - Bocacchio
* A New Nobility of Blood and Soil - Richard Walther Darré
* Ludendorff’s Memoirs
* In Search of the Indo-Europeans: Language, Archaeology and Myth
* Making Sense of Race - Dutton
* The Annals - Tacitus
* The Analects - Confucius
* Bellum Gallicum
* Bellum Civile
* Democracy in America - Alexis De Tocquevile
* Democracy: the God that Failed
* Anabasis of Alexander - Arrian of Nicomedia
* Anabasis - Xenophon
* Back Door to War - Charles Callan Tansill
* International Jew - Henry Ford
* White Identity - Jared Taylor
* The Dispossessed Majority - Wilmot Robertson
* Why Liberalism Failed - Patrick Deenen
* Multiculturalism and the Politics of Guilt - Paul Gottfried
>Suicide of the West - James Burnham
* Crisis of the Modern World - Rene Guenon
* Traders and Heroes - Werner Sombart
* Technological Slavery - Kaczynski
* Rest of A Study of History (on vol 5 rn)
* Indica - Arrian of Nicomedia
* Histories - Herodotus
* History of the Peloponesian War - Thucydides
* Parallel Lives - Plutarch
* History of Rome - Livy
* Bibliotheca Historia - Diodorus Siculus
* La Vita Nuova - Dante
* The Divine Commedy - Dante
* Triumphs - Petrarch
* Il Canzoniere - Petrarch
* Aethiopica - Heliodorus
* Moralia - Plutarch
* Metamorphoses - Ovid
* The Jugurthine War - Sallust
* Against the Protestant Gnostics - Philip J. Lee
* Don Quixote - Miguel Cervantes
* The Twelve Caesars - Suetonius
* Biography of Frederick the Great - Carlyle
* The Histories - Polybius
* Sociology of the South
* Political Parties - Robert Michels
* Truth for Germany - Udo Walendy
* Otto Skorzeny’s Memoirs
* The Law of Civilization and Decline - Brooks Adams
* The Fate of Empires - Sir John Glubb
* The Crowd, A Study of the Popular Mind - Gustave Le Bon
* Orthodoxy - GK Chesterton
* The Everlasting Man - GK Chesterton
* The Protestant Work Ethic and The Spirit of Capitalism - Max Weber
* The Death of the West - Pat Buchannan
* The Rising Tide of Color
* The Passing of the Great Race
* Faust - Goethe
* The Foundations of the Nineteenth Century - Houston Stewart Chamberlain
* Meditations - Marcus Aurelius
* My Autobiography - Mussolini
* Prussian Socialism - Oswald Spengler
* Man and Technics - Oswald Spengler
* Political Romanticism - Carl Schmitt
* The Bell Curve
* You, Gentiles - Maurice Samuel
You're being paranoid, unless you're at the level of subversives who are to be zersetzung'd etc.

What gets erased are not the big things like Mein Kampf or 200 years together, but areas where the jews rewrite history, like observations of travellers, ethnographic descriptions, things that will go against the narrative.

I regret losing along the way a 1950s book on architecture that gave the full explanation of why Great Zimbabwe was a slave market based on the functions of the walls and spaces, the layout of the surrounding buildings, and its location in the landscape and related to the coast.

Of course, Wikipedia says its wuz a capital of "a kingdom".
what do you think of Carleton Coon’s work? Reading “The Origin of Races” rn
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fr*nschan library has the whole array of /pol/ associated lit
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pic related, a good portion came from there.

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