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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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File: vid.webm (2.07 MB, 480x854)
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Two Russian soldiers were killed in an artillery attack today. but let me explain why this is a win for based and trad Russia and a loss for HATO!
One 122mm artillery shell is $5000 PER WHOLE UNIT! (that's like a brand new Lada wow!)
We all know how expendable Russian soldiers are for the all-mighty and trad Russian army, so HATO is actually experiencing a loss of $2500 per Russian death, and Grand Admiral Putin knows that a Russian warrior costs far less!
These warriors can peacefully rest knowing their deaths cost HATO 0.000000042735% of its budget!
>One 122mm artillery shell is $5000 PER WHOLE UNIT!
lmao! no it's not faggot. But it is true. Russia is definitelty "de-militarizing" NATO by intercepting all their weapons with their tanks and mobik bodies. They've gotten really good at it.
Russia will eventually triumph in this conflict.
Russia will wear down HATO and the jews.
Russia works like that. Takes a while, but always wins.
It's true. Russia always wins because for the reason OP noted: Russian lives are of the least possible value and the Russian state has always been maximally willing to sacrifice them in whatever numbers are necessary for their own purposes. It's why tactics and shit have no place in their army—the meatwave conquers all in the end, same as erosion and entropy.
Do you support NATO OP?
Man just walking along with you bro. talking about before the war. talking about what you're going to do after the war and then all of a sudden nothing more.
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>wasting shells and drones to kill one or two guys at a time
is this why ukraine is constantly begging for gibs?

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