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from total VIKTORY to
>m-muh losses
Pretending they were winning was their whole strategy for winning.
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>b-b-but slurpa oinkraina!!111
bold strategy, Cottyyyyyn.
lets see if it works out for them.
I've never heard 'surrender' be pronounced 'settlement plan' before.
Must have gotten some intel on a coup plan that actually has steam behind it
I can't wait to see that faggot Zelensky hanging by a streetlamp in Kiev.
Why would russia accept any kind of peace deal? Russia is winning bigly, they can demand unconditional surrender
Based peacemaker. vaniggers on suicide watch.
Its not since Russia is desperate for a settlement too
Corruption had a chance long ago to reach accords instead he put on his stilettos and told the nation if we're going to wear these pumps we got to learn to run in them. Now feet are gone. A tale as old as time.
Russians still view Oinkrainians like retarded little brothers and don't relish having to kill more of them
special operations and settlement plans
war didn't happen, nothing to see here
please, please let this be NAFO's pivot, it will be hilarious
>completion of the combat mission of the defenders of Azovstal
>settlement plan
Jew settlement plan.
>Pretending they were winning was their whole strategy for winning
I've been wondering for a couple years now how lying about winning was supposed to translate into actual on the ground victories for them - I guess it was supposed to encourage people to sign up in merc / volunteer brigades maybe?
No one wants to sign up and fight in a confict that's hopeless from the get.
what happen hohol sisters? I thought Ukraine was winning Bigly??
USA leftoids on suicide watch
Kekfuel if this is unironic
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That's gonna be a 'kek' from me, boss
>USA leftoids on suicide watch
and their neocon buddies, lol

No but for real. Why would russia accept anything but unconditional surrender? Zelekike is obviously delusional
I believe they unironically thought that if they held for long enough they would eventually hear US jets flying overhead to defeat putler
fast forward 3 months:
The nafo troons are hilarious.
lol just as i thought, vatniggers never cared about peace, they just want putin humiliation to end
unfortunately, the humiliation has only just begun
Jews see propaganda and successfully fooling people as a way to win, they can just alter reality if they get people to believe it, after all it's worked for quite some time for them. Of course that falls apart when competing with near peer powers.
>in a few months
Imagine being a conscript dragged from the street to the front lines knowing you're going to die for nothing

For you https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=vSjLCWcnDT8&pp=ygUjc2lsbWllbiB2w6RsbGlpbiByeXNzacOkIHTDpGh0w6TDpG4%3D
Ukraine took the “fake it ‘til you make it” to the opposite end of the extreme
I remember that counteroffensive trailer and when it was time nothing happened, still makes me laugh
>within a few months
No hurry, right? It’s only a fuckin war
like a fucking avengers movie.
lmao Hollywood has brain-broken most of the population of this world.
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Zelenksy last week
“If we don't make progress this year, then we will try again next year,” Zelensky privately told a European counterpart recently, according to the Times, “And if we don't make progress next year, we will try again the following year, and the one after that.”

Zelensky today
"We ust put a settlement plan on the table within a few months"
who the fuck releases a trailer for a military operation
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Everything we said that /k/opers blissfully glossed over turned out to be true. So all those people that died after Zelensky betrayed the peace treaty did die for nothing after all. That stings, hopefully the Ukrainians can find justice against the Ukrainian administration that carelessly prolonged the war

It's going to be an unconditional surrender. Capitulation is nearing and there is going to be no reneging of treaties this time. NATO isn't going to directly intervene as Ukraine supposedly hoped. The politicians of Ukraine are most likely going to flee to Israel or Switzerland to avoid being hunted by conscripts or family members of killed conscripts
Zigger bros we win in few more months.
yes, and I understand how such a line of thinking would take root - Bulgaria's role in the cold war was to delay t*rks by 48 hours. Ukrainians thought bloodthirsty greedy jews would actually come to their defense as if they're brothers
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>from total VIKTORY to
>>m-muh losses

This entire "war" was another fake war, for no other point, but to get billions in "aid" from the US politicians, for the Ukraine elite to take and increase their personal wealth with.

And the US population keeps falling for this gimmick every time, for every "war" for the past 100 years.

We deserve to be subverted by another country for how many times we've fallen for these "wars".

Jokes aside, it's a shame, I really thought this was going to be a forever war. Anyway, I guess Zelensky will quickly escape to Israel (like it was intended).

Also, this mean PUTANG will stay in power until the cancer kill him (10 years maybe). Russia will start a civil war in that frametime.

No refunds (for both sides).
won't happen before US election
maybe after
It's a way to keep up foreign money and support.
People like to support winning causes, they don't back losers.
It's a very practical strategy, it makes sense for Ukraine to employ it. The only retards are the ones who fall for it.
I know this is a meme post but they're going to go fucking bonkers if Ukraine loses. These people do not take L's well.
They're still seething about a game show host beating Jeffrey Epstein's bff in '16.
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>but then pootin dies civil war and we break up rassah
Keep dreaming
that's the jewish influence
>reminder that Trump is supposed to win
>Ukraine agrees a peace, losing the war
>the loss is blamed on Trump and populism

But they're getting F16s soon right? And another $50 billion? Russia gets separatist regions and land bridge to Crimea. War has been over for almost two years now. They're just waiting for Trump to take the blame.
>north koreans plan to show up
We will still be going to war
man imagine getting meme'd into a meat grinder by transsexuals sitting in air conditioned offices 7000 miles away lmao
They've had a settlement plan since March 2022
It involves getting back all of their land. No withdrawl, no settlement.
"fake it until you make it" didn't turned out as he was hoping
funny how this does have ads
I guess they made it to the last Ukrainian

slava on my nobba
Checked. And yeah, it is pretty sad. To the last Ukrainian.
lol who is "we"?
If only Putin had offered a deal
Big secret:
To defeat America, you only need to last long enough to film their war crimes and post it online for all common people to see, once enough people reject the savage violence, America has to back out or their politicians lose a few points in the polls.
Do you not remember covid? Years of absolute shite and the public lapped it up and begged for more while their quality of life went to shit and the richest people in earth got even richer.

The propoganda helped increase military spending and gain two new NATO members. But most important of all it will save face of those who provoked the war. When Trump wins the election (the dems clearly don't want to win because they're fielding a corpse) Ukraine's loss will be blamed solely on Orange man.
non-jews call it lyinf
>Russia withdraws and recognizes Ukraine's independence in exchange for ending of sanctions
>Putin's three day war has resulted in far more unified NATO, complete destruction of Russia's image as strong military nation, unified Europe and several long term neutral nations joining NATO
>Vatniks wank themselves into coma about the awesome total victory Russia achieved
if russia is winning, and was winning the whole time, then why do they need north korean troops now? Why did their navy flee the black sea to perform fake exercises far away from their home waters? If russia has been winning all along, why does Putin keep making nuclear threats, which everyone knows is what losers do when they are losing? Why is Russia tricking blacks and indians into going to the front lines? Why? Because Russia isn't actually winning. They're losing massive numbers of troops and equipment fighting an expensive war that isn't popular at home. This war is only popular among elites on both sides. Most people, don't want it. The only satisfactory result is total zigger death and that isn't going to change.
We tried to warn them. They wouldn't listen!

Total Capitulation otherwise Ukraine will cease to exist as a country.
All Western resources are going towards the Middle East for the Gr.Isr.Project. Just in time before the election. If you can't see, yikes
If Ukraine is winning why are they begging for money and weapons while moving backwards?
>Years of absolute shite and the public lapped it up and begged for more while their quality of life went to shit and the richest people in earth got even richer.
I remember watching leftists decry the fact that Bezos et al were making so much money from Covid while simultaneously militantly evangelizing the very policies that led to it.
they are not serious people.
How fucked up is this loser?
>We have lost and will sign a peace deal. But lets wait a few months for no reason so more people can die.

What settlement btw? Jewish settlement? He waiting for ISR to get fucked up first?
You’re wrong about why Covid was accepted so enthusiastically by a large segment of the population.
>quality of life went to shit
Only for the people who were complaining about the lockdowns. For the libshits working office jobs, their quality of life massively improved. The “nonessential” workers got to stay home from their jobs for months, collected boosted guaranteed unemployment that was actually higher than their salary, AND got free rent, free utilities, and a student loan payment pause. They were literally bribed to pretend to give a shit and all they had to do in return was wear a mask and take a shot. Getting these same types of people to sign up for trench duty in a Russian battlefield is a completely different matter.
hoping he can guilt America in to swooping in out of portals like Le Heckin Marvel Movies showed
Another nothingburger but this time from Leader of the free world. War will keep going.
>then why do they need north korean troops now?
It's only the CIAniggers that have talked about that.
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Here it is, heres the nato/us/uk approved '10pt ukrainian peace plan":

"Russia can sit with its hands folded quietly, while nato and ukraine (the winners) decide its fate,
and when decided, Russia will accept the decision, bow, and exit the room in silence"
and now, for the decision:
>restoration of ukrain to 1991 borders
>Putin is arrested, tried, then executed at the hague for 'war crimes'
>Russia is de-militarized, balkanized and divided into small adminstrative zones under nato command
>assets of former Russian federation are redistributed across europe as reparations
>Russian people are collectively punished for 'voting for Putin"
this^ is the literal, actual (((10 step plan for peace))) ukraine and nato have stated are THE STARTING POINT for even considering the first word of negotiation with Russia

lol this
>then why do they need north korean troops now?
This is a show of trust and a diplomatic move. We don't know what capacity these troops would even be used for, though the rumors are engineering and other non-combatant, non-frontline postings. Also not sure if you realize this, but many of the troops Russia drafts aren't even sent to the front, they are sent to other postings to free up their volunteer troops instead.
>Why did their navy flee the black sea to perform fake exercises far away from their home waters?
No point in getting hit by random drones and missiles. Obviously Ukraine can still project force with their long range weapons
>If russia has been winning all along, why does Putin keep making nuclear threats,
The nuclear threats are hinged on direct Western involvement. Obviously Putin doesn't want US/NATO troops joining the conflict, no shit
>Why is Russia tricking blacks and indians into going to the front lines?
Because they care about managing public support for the war. Being careful with your core Russian citizenry while still winning the war is politically optimal.
>They're losing massive numbers of troops and equipment fighting an expensive war that isn't popular at home.
Estimates on losses are not reliable from either side. But there's no evidence the war is super unpopular or anything. Also estimated losses are heavy on both sides, but with the firepower and manpower differences, this is not favorable for Ukraine.

The reason why people think Russia is winning is because they have stuffed all Ukrainian counter-offensives, while being the only side still making territorial gains, no matter how slow, and they have way more troops and artillery and there is no reason to believe that Ukraine can overwhelm this disparity. Further slips by Ukraine and NATO officials has only served to re-enforce that things are not going as they hoped.

Hope that helped answer your questions.
well did it work? seems like the only thing that happened is a shitload of dead ukrainian men
Sometimes it's better to cut your losses
They were pretending they were winning so that they could beg for equipment and money for as long as possible, while waiting for some kind of miracle to save them.

It didn't work.
Because he is evil enough to keep fighting so more men die. This retard is going to end up hunted for the rest of his life by givi and motorola's boys.
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>Slaughter your entire male populace
>Give up
Oh boy champs what a one sided Russco victory

But hey I'm sorry you got mutilated by your Jewish leaders on the battlefield
>No one wants to sign up and fight in a confict that's hopeless from the get.

This, but you'd have to be LITERALLY retarded to have ever believed any of the propaganda that Jewkraine was supposedly "winning".

It was ALWAYS obvious from the get go that Russia was going to win.

Zelensky was probably so coked out of his mind he actually thought the entire rest of the world was going to declare war on Russia and attack them over some parts of Ukraine that voted to join Russia anyway.
A jew caring for human lives? WTF is going on someone translate this!
What are you talking about? Russia isn't desperate for a thing, they want this war to go on as long as possible.
Unless he's gets caught, he's still going to win. He's going to live on with all his foreign money he stole and coke and hookers.
Man I really hope someone strings that fucker up. He knows what he has been doing this entire time.
Well, first of all they need money and weapons to fight a war. And its not "moving backwards" its an intentional strategy. The side with fewer resources and people strategically gives up territory in order to inflict maximum damage on invaders, in the hopes of regaining the lost territory later.

The outcome isn't guaranteed, of course. It's a big gamble. But you can't argue that it isn't effective. Ukraine is dealing out massive amounts of damage, given their limited capabilities. And to me, that's all we can really hope for. Whether the borders change by a few hundred kilometers, it doesn't really matter. Sure, Russia will probably gain some additional territory. But they will have paid a massive price for it. They can only keep this up for so long. The closer the front gets to Kiev, the more NATO weapons (and probably troops) will show up. It's only going to get worse for Russia, and like I said, we all know this war isn't popular on either side. Defenders have home field advantage and powerful friends/allies. You're going to continue suffering extremely heavy losses to gain a kilometer of territory per week/month. There is no magical moment coming when the defenses will crumble and Russians will sweep through Kiev and raise the russian flag. Even if they get that far and raise the flag, an ATACMS would just land straight on it. This is your future so just turn around and go home.
Are they gonna bring Boris Johnson back to squash peace talks? Or will it be american jews like Nuland or Blinken who need more goyim death?
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The Russians will probably poison him with polonium shortly after the war ends.

Either that, or he'll have to flee to Israel, which I'd also chalk up as a loss... Imagine having to live in the gayest, most kike-infested "country" on Earr
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New cope just dropped!
lol back to /k/ with you
They're delusional. They need to put the coke away for a few months.
Well the war wasn’t that bad for US
>euro lost value
>no more gaz and soft influence from russia on your vassals
>vassals in east like poland wend from being anti globohomo to full yes massa america
>biden inflation act stole a ton of industry deals from europe
for the average american probably not that worth but meh you got something out of it. American contractors will probably also get all those rebuild contracts
>within a few months
Are they making him wait until the US election to negotiate? Man the US is evil.
Nothing short of his just death will satisfy me. And no "oh he's suffering a worst fate if we keep him alive or just imprison him."
No just kill fuckers, let God sort them out afterwards.
Sounds like either Russia says
and Ukraine runs out of men.

or Russia says
>okay, we'll end the war
and Ukraine joins NATO, and gets US nuclear bases.

The first option seems more likely.
He killed off a majority of ethnic slavs in the host country he was occupying and got billions of dollars for it. Mission complete.
What tomfoolery is this?
I'm so sick of this disgusting little kike walking around in his fucking pajamas, begging governments for more of the money they steal from the citizens they should be serving.
I'm really sick of jews period. It's time to expel them. Simple as.
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Masons and Jews actually believe in manifest destiny, that if they say it enough large enough long enough it will happen I am not kidding.
He's saying that Russia needs to settle. Because they're the ones that rolled in.
It's not that nothing happened. It's that what did happen was a complete embarrassment for the Ukrainian military. Imagine being completely thwarted by landmines in the year 2023.
That'll be billions of dollars in military aid, goyim.
No refunds.
He’ll be among his kind there
This little scumbag anglo zionist rat and all his traitorous scumbag azog supporters and traitorous politicians should serve life sentences for what they did to ukraine.Completely destroyed the whole country,sold it out to blackrock and sacrificed millions.I am disguisted by even looking at this traitorous disasterous clinton piece of shit 160cm tall little zionist pawn .Look at that rat jew face ,the face of cocaine addicted brokeback
be assured, the war will be over before trump gets a shot at office. they will not leave that war in his hands. exactly like the last break the war took
kek probably
In retrospect I think they expected that this war was gonna have an enormous amount of support for it. They've done anti Russian propaganda for a while and the Ukraine guys have so much nazi imagery that they assumed it would be a slam dunk.
The goal was to get rid of the left and the rights excess men. But reddit went hardcore support first and it was just so fucking gay it was hard to support them. And the "nazis" being lead by a Jew turned us off so we didn't go to die.
A few redditors did go to die but most stayed behind and posted from their keyboards. So they didn't wind up getting rid of the excess men.
Now they gotta keep ramping it up so they can. It's awful
Gunther is very autistic Austrian NATO sped that publishes all his autism very funny but realizing there’s people like that kinda grim he mostly fantasizes about partitioning russia
>New cope just dropped!
Lol. NATO is bleeding you dry slowly, and concurrently allowing you to believe that it is you and your people who are "winning"--as millions of slavs/russians/ukrainians die. Again, the cope is you believing any of this is "winning". I mean what even is your winning condition? An unpopular Russian government in Kiev that is subject to continual coups and sabotage for the next 20 years until another war breaks out and more slavs die? Great. Nice "win".
"Settlement plan," who tends to use that language once they genocide a native population? Hmmm...
>Ukraine's loss will be blamed solely on Orange man.
Very astute observation of you, because I agree that's the most probable course of events we're going to witness.
Idk if he'll immediately stop all aid though or attempt to use Ukraine as some kind of bargaining chip in negotions with Russia over their future ties to Iran though.
Even if he does try to do the latter I figure that at the latest if Ukraine hasn't collapsed on it's own by then by the time the next mid-terms starts approaching he'll probably just want to brush the whole thing under the rug in an expedient manner whether he got any concessions from the Kremlin or not.
>The side with fewer resources and people strategically gives up territory in order to inflict maximum damage on invaders, in the hopes of regaining the lost territory later.

Oh how you retards tie yourselves in knots. Ukraine had the exact opposite strategy for as long as they could, and only started falling back when manpower became an issue. You are so deluded I stopped reading right there. There's no gelling you. You're the type of fool who needs a helicopter out of Saigon.
ZOG will fight to the last ukrainian lol

Russians told them conditions on which they can start negotiations but they will not, next conditions from putin will be even harsher

i wonder how it will end lol
>An unpopular Russian government in Kiev that is subject to continual coups and sabotage

Even Rand admire there won't be ab insurgency due to the horrific losses and thoroughly beating. This isn't Iraq where we decapitate the leadership but leave the army alive. This is Ukraine where the army is systematically destroyed and then the subsequent fielded armies are also destroyed until the mancatcher squads in the street are attacked by civilians.

No refunds goy
So what's the end state, Russia keeps Crimea and the two eastern provinces and Ukraine joins NATO?
Russia gained more land than Ukraine during the counteroffensive per the nyt. Likewise Ukraine squandered most of its western armor and remaining veteran troops. They literally never recovered from it.
they cant get any oblast by fighting, only if ukraine surrenders and they wont you retardrd 5th kolonna home ryssä
It's something that some jew rat shat out onto a piece of paper back in 2023 when they really deluded themselves into believing they'd be in Crimea by now, and they're so dense and prideful that they still couldn't bring themselves to mess with it to suit the actual reality that they fucking lost already.
They're still in the denial phase of the grieving process.
jebem ti majku pedersku nafo smrade,jebali te transeksualci i pederi i lgbt agenda,jebao te mcdonalds i imigranti.Jebao te dolar i inflacija i 35 triliona dug.Majku ti jebem ocete da se prosipa slovenska krv.Da mi ginemo da bi jevreji u blackrock profitirali.Nabijem te na kurac i tebe i ostale rotsild olose novog svetskog poretka
Can you believe this piece of shit? He was LITERALLY a paid clown before this and then fumbled his way into the presidency having never even been inside a politicians office before.

He promptly starts ww3 but finds he doesn't have the testicles or spine to back it up, so he runs to America to get help.

After almost 3 years he has to face facts that he's destroyed his country, his people and his culture and now wants a peace deal.

He'll be hailed as a hero forever now when he's just a piece of shit grifter who thinks he's Che guevera.

Go write some jokes funny man.
Russia is never ever allowing Ukraine to join NATO.
They'll go ahead and drag this thing out for many more years to come if they have to if that's what it's going to take to achieve this.
You found yourself in the position of arguing for exterminating a population of mostly Slavic people for no real reason. First of all that's retarded. Second, it won't happen. Do you honestly believe NATO will accept that outcome? If by some stroke of luck, Russia is able to achieve total victory and raise the flag in Kiev, you think it just...stops? NATO throws up their hands and says "Oh well!?" LOL. More magical thinking from Russia shills. It'll just transition into another cold war, your cities and infrastructure will be sabotaged, interfered with, your territory will fill up with people who still don't want to be Russian or speak Russian. Your supposedly loyal Russian leaders will be corrupt just as they are elsewhere. They won't be safe either. Victory would just be a banner and a ceremonial flag raising, with maybe 1-2 years of calm before everything picking back up again. More Slavic people dying.
>even if we lose, we win
based retard
nice MS paint drawing.
Glad we printed $50 billion for those fags
how come ziggers don't want a peace deal?
why does peace make them so angry?
1.)Russia does not want all of ukraine. Most of ukraine is a worthless shithole and Russia now how the parts they want that have all the minerals in it.

Actually that's it. That's the list. Ukraine sucks why would he take over the whole thing? Now putin can avoid the economic costs of rebuilding ukraine (during a would be occupation) while achieve all of his strategic goals (taking the east and Crimea and stopping ukraine from getting into nato)

Seems like a total Russia victory
Makes sense to me. Native Ukranians have to be livid when they look around at everything they see.
Dude should have joined NATO from the start.
We're not arguing in favor of exterminating Ukraine.
We're just calmly explaining to you that as a matter of fact this is what is currently taking place and what will be achieved thoroughly by the end of this war if it doesn't end in a Ukrainian surrender soon because Russia has no other option and they also have man and material means needed to do so.
The only thing that NATO can do to intervene is to go to war directly with Russia and invade Russia.
Good luck.
When something like that happens China is almost certainly going to pounce as well since they'll likely never have a more golden opportunity with the West so preoccupied.
You'd be starting full blown WW3 over what's essentially now the Somalia of Europe which isn't and never was necessary in any way shape or form for the West to capture in order to safeguard it's own security concerns.
You've done fucked yourselves and the only way out now is face humiliation or kill yourselves in an apocalyptic war which nobody actually stands to win from.
they reigned him in real fast after that beach attack on civies wew lad
turns out having trannies say you are winning on the internet doesn't actually win wars
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LOL. US didn't stop after Russia invaded Afghanistan. We made sure the resistance movement had weapons and intelligence and eventually you were kicked out. It would be the same in Kiev. Any victory you achieve will only be able to be enjoyed for brief moments. So enjoy your kilometer per week territorial gains one drink at a time and don't think about the fact that on a decades long time scale Russia is a failed state and has never been able to conquer and hold territory effectively.

>inb4 "we learned from afghanistan"

no you fucking didn't. haha. you're making all the same mistakes again.
The important thing is that Ukraine won the moral victory.
Putler won't just accept that their land is given back to them, he wants to boss over ukraine too saying they can never join NATO like he think he can decide what a country can and can't do. Fuck putler
Do you retards expect him to say "we want this war of aggression in our own country to last for many years"? You'd all make for great statesmen, lmao.
imagine brics niggers going war against nato and not having common language.
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There a very large segment of humanity that now believes if you repeat something long enough it can actually change physical reality. It works online for shaping people's perceptions of reality but the physical world is unimpressed by up and down votes.
>Native Ukranians have to be livid when they look around at everything they see.
The 3 babushka that are left ?
Or the millions of roasties dancing on tiktok who can't wait for the migrants to come in ?
It will happen, burger. But western society will also be in chaos that it won't matter really. Good luck with the draft btw.
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KEK isn't a fan of satan so it doesn't work for them
>massive human and equipment losses
>over-extended in a huge territory
>troop morale at all time lows
>alienation from world community
>no plan for victory except dim hope the west "loses the will to fight" despite no historical precedent for that.
> weapons and money pouring into Ukraine and NATO getting stronger
>US economy best its ever been.
>US totally energy independent
>US on-shoring it's industrial base
>US less and less reliant on China
>US and NATO/EU alliances stronger than ever

"we're winning"
Where will this kike dictator move to after the peace treaty with Russia? Will he move to NYC and work for Fox News?
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>US is doing g8!
USA will not let their investment go up in flames. They will force EU nations to deport eligible males within the conscription age to be send back to Ukraine. To the last Ukranian! Besides the Ukranians should be happy since all they do is tell us how inept and subhuman Russia is at war, a weak and demotivated foe.
I want this to end so that I don't have to see any more 60-IQ posts from nafo armchair general retards.
thats great!!. keep it on /k/ and /uhg/ :)
what you don't know is that amongst average americans, we're all generally in agreement that this Slavic war is idiotic. I mean, I'm a pretty conservative republican, and a christian. I think the war is fucking stupid and I know plenty of people that, while I probably disagree with them on most political points, we all still agree that Russia needs to be contained.
Biden will give russia the donbass/east ukraine or whatever and claim hes a master negotiator right before election as a hail marry
The settlement plan will be put on the table by Russia and after years of trouble caused to them it will be
>you will surrender everything east of the dniper + odessa
>you will not join nato or eu
>you will install a pro-russian government
>you will be given economic access to ports through odessa
>Russia is a failed state and has never been able to conquer and hold territory effectively.

I see... You have seen a map of the world before, yes? Such a claim is just divorced from reality. I miss when there were at least semi reasonable people who supported Ukraine. Now it's literally just trannies.
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oi shorty, wrap it up we got elections going
chop chop
His retarded idea of a settlement plan is to demand 1991 borders and reparations
Show your flag you hook nosed child rapist
is the ukraine a trans state
as soon as its over the gas will flow again, russia got even more simps
How are the /k/um brownies you transexual glownigger?
>escalate by hitting inside Russia
>this forces Russia to escalate too
>now wants peace
Honestly, I'm jealous how much bullshit he can pull off and possibly get away with it fo being a kike.
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well played
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Ok so now he is positioning for an agreement....
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>Seems like a total Russia victory
Just don't mind the plummeting birth rates, dead young russians and the ones who escaped during the mobilization
Unironically dying for YOUR country is how they are supposed to win wars.
There's no way that faggot is actually in Ukraine.
oвo јe нaјчyднији paт, ca јeднe cтpaнe тpaнџe кoјe жeлe дa пoбaцaјy бaш cвe yкpaјинцe нa pyce и pycи кoји жaлe штo cy их нaпoyбијaли тoликo иaкo би их peтapди yдaвили y чaши вoдe дa мoгy.
иcкpeнo, бoлe мe кypaц и дa их cвe пoбијy, дo јyчe cy иoнaкo тaпшaли Зeлeнкy и викaли Aмepинa cнaми кo их јeбe caдa
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There is no way after all of the endless claims by Ukraine, Zelensky, and NATO/West that Ukraine will never stop fighting Russia and that Russia has been destroyed propaganda that Ukraine/Zelensky is now going to stop. To the last Ukrainian

Russia's victory over Ukraine/NATO will be massive
Reminder to enjoy the easy targets in the /uhg/ cope extraordinaire threads. Those poor trannys entire existence is getting BTFO.


It boggles the mind
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Hohol pidors cant handle 31k dead? Pussies
How many lives did they waste and how many dollars in debt is Ukraine in?
they memory holed whole Afganistan what are you talking about lmao
they will blame it on Trump or something and like a switch, cover 24/7 some other event like Israel vs Lebanon
as if its first time they do shit like that
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uuuh actually the KyivPost is Kremlin propaganda, ok?
I dont think russia is interested in occupying the whole country and every extra month spent fighting them is just more time, money and manpower wasted. They could probably make some concessions they dont care about and hold on to what they want anyways

Um, but why is Cuba still unrecognized and under sanctions sweetie?
Bruv those aren't afghans, those are the people who believed that they would be rich if they joined the EU and wanted that easy life.

Ain't there gonna be no fucking Ukrainian insurgency, life will just go on for 99% of the annexed Ukrainians. The rest will either flee or be exterminated by the security services. Average level of "resistance" will be like those retards throwing dye at the ballot box during the Russian election.
>he wants to boss over ukraine too saying they can never join NATO like he think he can decide what a country can and can't do
Which America has been doing for well over a century now to a very wide assortment of nations.
They've been funding and plotting and executing regime change operations in foreign countries world wide for one reason or another (usually just plain old greed rather than any actual pressing national security matters) as well as just straight up invading foreign countries too in a similar manner to what Russia is doing now.
Literally just look up "monroe doctrine" in Google.
America quite publicly and openly has the exact same policy Russia has and used as it's justification for invading Ukraine.
Morgenthau Plan for Russia
>it was all real in my head
Tldr kys kike lmao
Sorry had to double check your post I thought you were talking about ukraine :p
Stupid retard stop demonizing Ukrainians they were deceived into a suicidal war. Their top brass should be executed the people should be left alone and respected.
In time Ukraine will get revenge against anglos and kikes.
Russia should continue to kill NATOniggers and punish jewkraine for its insolence.
Total Russian Victory
I’ve been saying this for a couple weeks now. I was very curious why no one was ever asking why the ethnic Ukrainians didn’t COUP their jew president and jew PM. Especially with all this globohomo bullshit and (((plans))) for the future of Ukraine and especially after those fucking hymies evacuated all the fighting age jewish men after the invasion, and yet they drag 14-70 year olds off the streets at gun point to go die at the front three days later.

I’d support Ukraine if they’d COUP theyre jew government and disavow globohomo. Simple as
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sounds like some dude during a mugging demanding the wallet of his angry mugger while having a knife to his throat.

>I'm willing to stop resisting if you give me all your clothes, your money and get down on your knees and blow me
>that's where the negotiations start
>Just don't mind the plummeting birth rates
Nowhere besides India and Africa is immune
>dead young russians
Had no choice
Russia couldn't afford to stand by and do nothing while their enemies encircled them.
Besides it's still not nearly enough to affect the nation in the long run all that much, it's not in the millions.
>the ones who escaped during the mobilization
Roughly one million of them, of which half have already returned to Russia and since they got multiple million surplus population from Eastern Ukraine this point is entirely mute.
Ukrainian loli's must be protected at all costs!
>people still think jewlensky ever intended to win
the whole point of this war has been to depopulate ukraine and kill off as many hohols and vatniks as possible while filling the pockets of the jews
who do you think is going to come and resettle the newly vacated ukrainian lands?
fuck that lying coke snoring stealing rat bastard faggot kike. ...

I mean Zelensky, not Hunter.
You suck at shilling, nigger bitch
This is dry typically Jewish, which is to say a focus on style over substance.
kind of funny you posted nasty curly haired mutt with a revolting smile as your reaction pic
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Jewkraine is transwinning you fucking chud bigot
Cowardice. The Russoids are losing so many men they have to supplemented by Norks, yet he refuses to stomach Ukraine's much fewer losses? Why do democracies always do this? They are always ALWAYS more tactically adept and butcher autocrat mooks easily but demand it be done at effectively no cost to themselves or they surrender. We're going to lose WW3. We cpuld kill half a million Chinks in a month but the minute the Americans lose 10k men, no matter how badly the enemy is beaten, theyll give up. Worthless, cowardly fucking society. Zaluzhny needs to coup Zelensky if he tries it and keep the war going at all costs.
You're the dipshits who tried to recruit the whole world into Ukraine. There's tons of foreign fighters there fighting for the Jews. Meanwhile, it couldn't be more obvious that North Korea is looking for some war-time experience before WW3 begins, and why wouldn't Putin agree to that? Free troops and a stronger ally. You're just mad about it.
Kikes sure. But we (Anglos) had fuck all to do with this. But yeah bunch of poor silly sods it's like blaming the rape victim
Lmao this retard believes the casualty ratio is anything but close to 1:1.
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put that meme in the bag
Same. I would say we are reaching an inflection point there obviously because they're ahead of us in the pre-planned stages but it's certainly possible we can reach that point domestically. Compounding and increasing pressure rarely works out well.
He has a 2 year long cocaine binge face
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I'm gonna counter offensiiii-ACK
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ukrainians are trash scum

>the people should be left alone and respected
lol if you don't hate them by now you should be paying more attention
It's not, and anyone who suggests otherwise is an enemy asset who should be immediately hunted down and executed without trial for treason. At least 3 Rusisans die for every Ukrainian, anyone who disputes this is an orc and should be killed along with their entire extended family.
Hell yeah, forcing those dumb Ziggers to accept 25% Ukraine I knew Kikelensky would get the last laugh.
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The question I hope Ukrainian civilians are asking;
Why didn't he do this from the start? Was all dead Ukrainians worth it?
Lol NAFO furfags never cease to amuse me with their new copes.
>Now putin can avoid the economic costs of rebuilding ukraine
Mein nigger, he's not even rebuilding the third world shit 30km away from Moscow and Peter
based Russia giving based North Korean army battlefield experience.
Never underestimate what propaganda does to a normiebrain, anon.
Lots of talk of the draft and national service across many western nations, dropped during the same news cycle in your respective jew run country. Talk of nato peacekeeping forces being sent in lol whatever the fuck that means. Jew is now saying its unwinnable which is unacceptable for the cuntoid EU politicians who couldn't run a nursery like kallas and von der leyen, unacceptable to the isra.... I mean the us. Yeah I'm thinking its pretty easy to see where this is headed. My money is europe will be completely obliterated or a good chunk of it especially the more homogenous eastern parts and that was the plan all along imo to put the final nail in the coffin its no shock to anyone with eyes to see that for the past 20 years its been disaster after disaster from the financial crisis then terrorism to migrant crisis to covid memeflu bullshit and europe has been the most fucked by each and every one. US might be run by kikes but it always seems to me they skate by all these disasters caused by them relatively unscathed.
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The counteroffenciyyyyyyyvv exists in our hearts
luma is so close to being very good
it was the biggest assortiment of weastern weapons and hardware, worth approx 100B, together 10s of thousands of NATO trained troops and they were defeated basically on the first day of the counteroink right in the grey zone, followed by suicidal charges on foot for months to capture some treelines and robot town. One of the worst failed military failures in modern history for sure
>nothing happened
Russia obliterated the Ukrianian NATO trained army, that's what happened lol
they were never supposed to win.
Actual war objectives:
1. Funnel money into the pockets of politicians and MIC
2. Use Ukraine as a jumping off point to arm US friendly partisan groups in ME and Asia
3. Create a bunch of destruction so blackrock can buy it up and rebuild using US loans that will quietly be forgiven
4. Depopulate Ukraine of fighting age men
Why didn't they just drive around the mines, like uber NATO instructors told them to?
>they were never supposed to win.
mutt pussy shitskin cope lmao. Nothing worse than a sore loser
>nothing happened
They're all dead
To kill ziggers more efficiently
>Why would russia accept anything but unconditional surrender?
They don't want or need much beyond what they've currently taken. Integrating a hostile country has limited benefits
I recognize you as the retard portunigger with the consistently terrible comments. At no time did I ever think the globohomo kikes had a shot at defeating Russia.
the person who will broker peace will be the antichrist
Lol is like if NATO take the air suppremacy as granted lol
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>And its not "moving backwards" its an intentional strategy.
>Ukraine is dealing out massive amounts of damage, given their limited capabilities.
>greater Israel
No, we can't have that happen. More cookies?
Who actually wanted to prolong war exactly? Putin sure as hell didn't want it to last years either.
Ukraine is ready for a peace settlement. All they want is for Russia to completely remove their forces from pre-2014 Ukraine territory and to pay $5 trillion in reparations for the damages caused by the war. If Russia does not agree to these terms, they show that they do not want peace. Ukraine wants peace.
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> russia hasn't won a decisive war against a corrupt third world shithole
> in over three years
> lost so many men they have to send in north korean slaves
>within a few months
>losing tens of thousands of people every month, if not a straight up 100.
Total fucking psychopath that can’t even get dethroned because CIA. Wow. The ukies really fucked up here. This is basically going to be the only white country in the world with Africa tier corruption.
All the former Soviet nations are insanely corrupt beyond your imagining. E.U. paid 12 billion euros for a rail line thru the Baltics and the money is "gone" and Latvia only bought 7% of the land needed to build it. And laid no track. And built no stations or bridges. Only a half built station at the airport and center of the capital city - and neither of these were even in the E.U. plan at all. And they're less than half finished I'm being generous.
This makes Poland look half competent. Before the pro-EU government got into power, CPK, the nuclear powerpoo and some other industrial projects were actually moving along. Of course the other half fixed that.
The USSR was an empire held up entirely by corruption and forced labor, there’s no surprise there.
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>depopulated the country
>deindustrialised the country
>killed and wounded millions of his people
>down to the last few military age men, quite literally.
>siphoned off a couple billion dollars for himself.
>hasn't won a single battle victory for over two years now, launches terror attacks on civilians because he can't target military groupings.

"Well...I guess we can go to the table now".

Needs to be publicly executed on Maidan square. Absolute cunt.
>nothing happened
Did you forget about the follow-up video right after the Russians mentioned they wiped out a bunch of armor heading towards their lines and western journalists started asking the ukies if the offensive had failed?
This is your brain on TRT
Oy vey, cool it with the antisemitism.
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you guys are so stupid it unironically pisses me off.


Do you think it's a "coincidence" Ukraine was used for money laundering, child porn, drugs, etc. before the war? That it was a coincidence the company that receives the USA money is the same one Biden's son works at?

> We're gonna send 6 billion to Ukraine!
Those 6 billions are sent there and distributed to RICH POLITICIANS YOU DUMB FUCK. Even Nancy Pelosi husband is on it. Even the Clintons are on it. Even Trump wanted in on the money laundering



bullshit, if you stole that money in the ussr you were a goner
>Russia is a failed state and has never been able to conquer and hold territory effectively.
I mean...they're the biggest country ever. Still. Today. Seems like they're holding territory.
God please let it be over soon
USSR you didn't steal money. There wasn't any to steal anyway. You stole stuff. Anything. Paint. Office supplies. Building supplies. Anything. To trade with other thieves.
It was a victory in that they got tens of thousands of their native populace killed instead of simply surrendering.
Not if you hacked it up with the commissars after
The strategy from the start was to sell the country to (((foreign investment))) and kill the men who could have prevented it
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I'm bleeding,making me the victor.
why do they still call him president? his term is over and they cancelled elections.
So what was it the last 10 times Putin was begging for a ceasefire?
Oh right
>Putin wanting end to the war means Russia is winning
>Zelensky wanting end to the war also means Russia is winning
>we do not want it to last for years
He says, years later
Biden will want it done so he can claim he ended it.
You live outside of reality, no wonder that you support the kekraine
>ukraine suddenly wants to surrender
>s(election) year
>trump will probably win
Something big will happen soon. Remember, their ultimate goal is to fulfill New Khazaria.
>stop demonizing Ukrainians
but they demonized themselves?
They can't help it. All Jews and glowies know is how to commoditize everything and use it to shill bullshit.
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>russian re-unification is a good thing because the russian system of government produces more net happiness and net improvement of the planet and humanity than competing forms of government

the improvement
Why hasn't this cocksucker been killed yet?

No he's on the run. All that money he got from other countries, he didn't spend on military and ended up taking the money and ran with it and left Ukraine. Ukraine's government are planning on arresting him if he ever steps back into Ukraine.
I'm not a religious man, but I'd say a small prayer if someone shot him.

They are afraid bcause more and more people write they dont go to die for jews and that zelensky is a jew who sends little teens to death. And also all the videos coming out, people talking about blackrock. Most are anti-US and Anti-Israel secret cabal. Every reel every short i get it has to do with right wing politics but entirely anti-jew, anti-globalists, anti-war, anti-massimigration with millions of likes and thousands of comments, pro-europe, pro-white, anti-finance etc. All the jews fear basically
honestly, up until very recently, he was right, rusniks (or at least, putin) did view hohols as their little brothers
after the string of recent events though, putin has finally been redpilled on the hohol question
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As opposed to this improvement?
>For the libshits working office jobs, their quality of life massively improved.
This is what made me crazy. I saw too many businesses in my town gone forever while journalists, actors, teachers and politicians were getting paid to do nothing from home.
Pray to God there is no civil war here because I got some lists.
The fact this kike isn't hanging in a public square right now is proof mankind has chosen death. Don't beg when the reaper comes. You signed the papers.
ok but ukranians demonize russians all day long, look at /uhg/ or /k/
you are kikes
who gives a shit. a satanic symbol on a street doesn't hurt me or my family. If anything all this pride shit in the US just makes it even easier to teach my children about Jesus. Christ is King and its really obvious lately.

If the news stories were "Russia pardons dissidents and reverses course on suppression of dissent, peaceful protests allowed" I'd be all on board with y'all.

Too bad, really, since we're all christians.
>>472353752 The Russian told them that when the globo homos had their little surrender conference without him... They ignored them
>Russia can sit with its hands folded quietly, while nato and ukraine (the winners) decide its fate,
>and when decided, Russia will accept the decision, bow, and exit the room in silence
that's some premium copium the gayto troons are huffing
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>when you agree to surrender you win

Hohol Pottery
>you'd have to be LITERALLY retarded to have ever believed any of the propaganda that Jewkraine was supposedly "winning
have you ever looked around yourself? most "people" are blathering drooling mouthbreathing lipsmacking lowdown good for nothing nigger RETARDS, actual downies are unironically smarter and more cognizant than them
>globohomo sux
>lets ban it with state power
>lets go to war with the west over it
>get millions of slavs killed
>jew oligarchs get more billions
>globohomo gets stronger
>we're "winning"

I fucking hate globohomo but Jesus said to give to Caesar what is Caesar's. Wouldn't Russia be much better off flying under the radar, fighting the war against globohomo by turning out more influential art, science, and industrial output? Instead they are wasting away their resources getting slavs killed.
yyyyyep, this one's going in my gayfoid cope collection, cheers xir
The poor ukrainians got the faggiest version of Tokyo Rose. The poor fuckers. I dearly hope they start lynching their elites.
>We must have a settlement plan!
>But it must include Russia giving us everything and getting nothing but empty promises in return
>(We will break the promises within a few years)
I don't think Big Vlad is going to take the deals that Lil' Vlad will offer.
lmao kino aislop, also saved
based Russia arresting libshits
>Who cares that our government is Satanic, I support them enslaving us anyway
You are not even a Christian.
true, i work in IT and covid gave me work from home. Never went back to the office since, except a few days. Really comfy. Still didnt take the vaccine
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for once and since that's all that matters I hope russia doesn't stop POUNDING them and ultimately every dream where I died suffered and felt the effects of an atomic weapon. hope they fucking eat it first hand because it's only satisfying knowing from experience what bastards will endure.
the election is more than a few months away, the plan is to ceasefire 3 months before it so that biden gets overwhelming support for stopping the fighting and maybe the kikes won't risk rigging it for trump
it's a hail mary and i don't think it'll work, but the thing is, if the shit kicks off right after zognald is hoisted up then it'll be on him and hopefully hinder the kikes plans of drafting white american men
do you feel me nigger?
Can we get a cope classic?
Putin is lying and so is Zelensky, neither of them want a peace deal because accepting it would be the literal death of said country.
>expel and not eliminate
kikestain detected, your opinion is nonexistent, you worship kikes, you are a fucking golem
nah, hoholistan deserved it, and still deserves more liquidation TO THE LAST HOHOL
This one is for you. the vile rat mole digging up the garden where death is the only solution.
the fruit on my trees says otherwise, larp fag.

>see evidence of sin everywhere
>must mean whatever russia does is correct

is your brain broken?
all the best laid plans of mice and men, mein neger
Is yours? You are on the same side as Satanists and you even admit it openly and proudly. I do not see you as my brother, sorry. But carry on.
my winning condition is total kike death
all hohols are kikes, simple as
>jesus returns to earth
>he'd probably go to Kiev and help raise the russian flag

if you believe this, you've reached meta cope levels. I think we have a term for this....let me see here...oh yea, JEW.
Just look what happened in Iraq. We bombed and and then had to fix it.

Same would happen to ruskies
putin will not give out any more conditions, no surrender will be accepted, a ceasefire will be metted out in 3 months from now, and then after the election the die wil be cast and hoholistan will be flattened, and that's just the beginning, israel is next, then zogistan, in quick succession, i have made my decision and my will is LAW
so when I'm watching sermons with my kids and teaching them why globohomo is satans plan, that's me being on the same side as satan? do i have it correct?

>to be christian you have to agree with vladimir putin's military decisions

lmao. peak self delusion. you might as well be muslim at this point.
of words could kill I would leave you with an inch of life just so you could suffer longer with hope coming only to get crushed again & again

slit your fucking neck faggit
gayto won't exist in 2 years
Yes. You are in fact a Satanist. You are standing shoulder to shoulder with them. You are promoting their cause. You are them. Repent and do better.
In his name, I pray, for your repentance. You'll come to regret those words and any actions you've taken in support of them. But not by my hands.
Christ's work is done my friend. He's already been defeated. That's the good news and I invite you to hear it.
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>for no real reason
do they still get the money if they surrender?
It's not about winning. It's about White Goy Slaughter for Jews and this piece of shit was successful.
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“When you hear of wars and rumors of wars, do not be alarmed; this must take place, but the end is still to come” (Mark 13:7, Matt. 24:6, Luke 21:9)
>We're not arguing in favor of exterminating Ukraine
i'm not arguing, i'm ordering, i am forcing, i will not tolerate kikes on my earth any longer
Isn't it funny how as soon as someone starts talking about Jesus, russian shills get all triggered and angry?

>you have to agree with vladimir putin's military decisions in order to be a christian

Oh fucking really? Thanks for letting me know that.
That’s exactly what’s going to happen. Neither side will accept the peace terms of the other and it will cost Biden his reelection because the war keeps escalating and Americans fear getting thrown into WW3.
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I was arguing in favor of exterminating the ukraine.
Holy cope
no, what's stupid is worshipping kikes and protecting kikes from total kike death, which you are sacrificing your life to stand in the way of, pointlessly, you cannot stop me, no one can, you are all beneath me, yet you think you can oppose me, you will only finally learn when it is already far too late, because too late was years ago, i warned you, you didn't listen
>Why hasn't this cocksucker been killed yet?
Because mankind has chosen death.
Translation: they've completely run out of meat & metal to grind under the relentless Russian juggernaut, and total collapse is not only certain, but imminent; this is sad, not only for the sake of so many fine folks slain in this merciless war, but because it means Ukraine is getting ended by the Sovi-ahem-Russians yet again -- get ready for Holodomor 2.0: Robot Edition.
hoholistan will surrender everything and be buried in mass graves, and if eurostanis don't want the same to happen to them then they need to eradicate all nonwhites in their lands and then bow down to me
99% of the posters in jewkraine threads are glowniggers. Most of this is made up drama bullshit.
they were not deceived you fucking retard argie, they knew full well what the fuck they were doing, what they didn't know is that they would suffer the consequences of their actions and their cursed jewish genetics, because they are retards, if they had a single braincell among them then they wouldn't have participated or tolerated soroskike's cia color revolution courtesy of victoria judeland, they have no one to blame or cry to
>to be a christian you must agree with vladimir putin's military decisions

>to be a roman you must believe caesar is god

eastern orthodoxy is NOT christianity. it's idolatry and phariseeism.
all russian shill activity on 4chan comes from basement dwelling incels who lacked strong father figures, never reproduced, and are looking for a cause to believe in. and because it comes wrapped in a christian coating, they attach on to the russian propaganda because it sounds "fatherly" which is exactly what they are missing.
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>And to me, that's all we can really hope for.
>that's all we can

Where do you think you are?
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cope russoids
>kikestain is a globohomo shill pretending to not to be a globohomo shill
you golems have 0 self awareness (which is why you are golems), or survival instinct, i am coming for you, there is nothing you can do to prepare yourself, i shall cleanse this clown world ONCE AND FOR ALL, OF ALL KIKES AND ALL KIKESERVANTS
Ukraine was always going to lose
Russia was always going to win
The pro ukranian shills have never been correct
The anti Ukraine chads have always been right
>its joever
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>who gives a shit. a satanic symbol on a street doesn't hurt me or my family.
of course, like pottery, every single FUCKING time
where is your dad incel?

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