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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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>China about to invade Taiwan
>Letter says You have been drafted by the US military

How do you respond?
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i'm a nigger and i can't read
>china about to invade taiwan
so that letter will never come
Literally won't happen, even in case it does I will act as if it didn't and will suffer no consequence to my (in)actions
>let my supervisor know so I can leave in good terms
>inform my family and friends
>gather up my camping gear for four seasons
>gather a few more supplies: garden lye, pallets, a shovel, more rope, a few weeks of perishable food, etc.
>head down one of the abandoned forest service roads I’ve scoured over the past two years
>set up camp, dig a pit toilet, pitch my tent and tarp
>head to the nearest Walmart when I run out of supplies
>stay out of sight until the entire thing blows over
If you’re not ready now and don’t have a few places you’ve found then you need to get on it. Pic rel: me larping in the woods as a draft dodger.
The aggressive nature of Nazi Germany was caused by an unjust world order. The German emperor wanted "land under the sun", but the old world had already been divided by Western European colonial empires. The essence of the two world wars was that Germany, Japan and other newly industrialized countries tried to break through the old imperial system.

The fierce means of war was chosen because a medium-sized country like Germany could not actually prevail in the struggle against the old colonial empire such as Britain. So they chose a big bet, the World War.

China is different. I candidly say that the purpose of China is the same as that of Germany. Our appeal is to reshape the old world. The ancient empire has recovered, and she must have a greater say. But we don't need to go to war. Because although the current international system was created by the United States, China still has the upper hand. It is not necessary for us to seize greater power through war.

China is a giant country, and her scale is enough to enable her to gain sufficient competitive advantage, especially economic advantage. For us, the ultimate goal of maintaining military is to avoid using military.

On the contrary, the United States is more likely to control China's rising trend by provoking military adventures as it has no other choice.
wipe my ass with it and go back to masturbating and drinking. maybe coom on it and post the picture on reddit for those sweet sweet upvotes
Draw a dickbutt on it and send it back.
Thanks for the fire starter I guess, could be useful for winter when starting a fire.
I can't see any other use for it though
idk but I need to take a piss
Come and catch me faggots and leave the country
claim to be trans-chinese so I get put in a comfy internment camp for the duration. then give years after its all over I claim it was a "concentration camp" and REALLY get on the gravy train
I'll gladly answer the duty and slaughter as many subhuman chinks as i can. God bless America and no subhuman non-whites stands above White Europeans
chink forgot to turn off his vpn

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