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well... can someone be her white knight now she's DYING out here
There is plenty of shit jobs to work, drop the ego sweetie
>Gaps in my resume

Just lie bitch, women evolved to be way better liars than men lol....
My sister is a software dev and when she couldn't get software work she worked in a coffee shop for a year until she got a software job again.
She must be fucking retarded.
We hire boot camp grads and can't even keep up with demand.
Her emails right there.
>why doesn’t anyone hire me
>don’t they know how awesome I am?
>they should because I’m always telling everyone
Lol she's gonna need to make a new one
>sales rep
Always. Sales and marketing exist to give women meaningless jobs. I hope she turns to Onlyfans
IT jobs here in Europe have gone down in general.
Why did she get fired from Cloudflare?
So they could replace her with a foreigner because the federal government subsidises the wages when a company "can't find workers" domestically
What’s the lore on her being fired? missed this
Ah, Europe. That makes more sense.
didn't meet her sales quota, proceeds to blame it on her being on vacation
who gives a fuck
tell this bitch UPS is hiring. or get your ass a pink dildo and a camera
She is a strong, independent woman who don't need no man. I have every confidence that she'll be just fine.
You are jewish. Get the fuck off my board you nigger
If she's under any impression that she hasn't been quietly blacklisted, she'll realize it, sooner or later.
This bitch knows all she has to do is sucker a well off beta white man and she wins. However, her ego and ambitions to be a "on my own" boss cunt compels her to hold the course. When it becomes absolutely dire, and as she continues to age away, she will pull the marriage card and play that hand.
Time to hop on the pole and suck dick.
A lot of companies won't hire people who have had 10 jobs in 10 years, no matter how much of a flex putting, google, microsoft, meta, tesla on your last 10 jobs list is, oracle and other tech companies etc won't hire you if you bail on jobs every 10-12 months, it's a bad sign.

I've had three jobs in the past 15 years, and that's only because I got severance from the first two, everybody got let go. Leaving jobs instead of changing roles within a company is seen as highly negative for hiring.
>remember that hoe who livestreamed her own firing from cloudflare?
>literally be our slave and never think about changing your position in life or else.

This is an act of war on their own citizens.
Here you go, sweetie.
Maybe she should sell her holes. She's a solid 7 and could make six figures ez.
she's never working again in this field, she broke a cardinal rule of managerialism.

she got laid off for no reason, recorded the call where a fag and old woman from HR (not her boss) laid her off, she asked why, they couldn't answer and just recited lines over and over like a malfunctioning robot in the movies.
its the truth though

so, now that you know that, are you still going to change jobs every year despite that it will fuck you up in the long run?
>Implying I have a job
if you did though, so you werent on welfare or whatever the situation is, that would be stupid, right?
It’s not just her though, it’s rough for white collar right now. It’s basically a white collar recession.
>I "work" in business
This is and always has been a joke. It's the modern day pyramid. Shit slides down, money goes up. Fuckin dogs in collars and bitches in formal skirts. Doin what? Pushin papers? Fuck outta here. Go have some kids sweetheart you'll be happier for it.
I do so enjoy watching the do-nothing useless class that got artificially propped up over the past decade realize that they actually have nothing to offer in a world where monopoly money doesn't fall from the sky into their laps.

I hope she has to resort to prostitution. I hate women so much it's unreal.
Sales is the lifeblood of business. No sales = no revenue = no profit.
Slaving for corporations is stupid, moving yourself up the economic ladder just far enough to incur debt forcing you to never be able to quit or go do something else is even dumber. But different strokes for different folks.

She got laid off because she wasn't worth what she was being paid. People don't get laid off for "no reason" she even said on the call that she hadn't closed any deals while she was there. She sucked at her job.

Of course the HR couldn't tell her why she was let got, it was not their decision and they literally don't know. Why is this so fucking hard for morons to understand?
just emailed her to ask if she drinks piss
Not a popular opinion but I feel bad for the girl. She had parents who told her to go to school and get a job. She had all of the adults in her high school telling her to go to college and get a job. She even went for a "good field" for that job. She's played by all the rules, as far as she knows. And she's still playing by the rules. She thinks if she just keeps trying, she'll be rewarded just like everybody told her all of her life. The harsh reality is these companies are posting these jobs, over and over again, not because they want her. Maybe they're posting these jobs to claim they can't fill them to go beg for foreign work visas. Or maybe these jobs don't exist at all, but they keep posting them to create the illusion of a growing company to attract new investors. The girl is going to have to swallow her pride and go flash that smile waiting tables, or slinging drinks at a bar, or just move back home to live with her parents. There just aren't any jobs if she's been searching for six months.
>I may have short stints at my previous companies and I will air your dirty laundry but I’m actually amazing
Idk lady….
she literally voted to be replaced by indians lmao
She's a ticking bomb resulting in a PR nightmare.

Ok, so you hire her, she makes demands, unreasonable ones cause these bitches have unreasonable expectations, you don't comply, she starts filming her displeasure and you end up with a disaster you don't need. Of course nobody in their right mind is gonna hire her.
>She sucked at her job.
She had just started and was going through the training and acclimation process. Nobody starts a job going 100mph day one.

>Of course the HR couldn't tell her why she was let got, it was not their decision and they literally don't know.

Yes, this is the problem with managerialism. Instead of your manager going to you and saying, "we are letting you go because <xyz>", they diffuse the responsibility into "the organization" and let some weird sociopathic fag in HR do it.
This is the truth. I'm seriously considering quitting my office job to work for Walmart. The raises are more consistent, I'd get stock options, an employee discount... I know several people who went to work for Walmart after I got my office job, they're all just regular employees not in management or with any special title or training, and they all get paid more than I do.
>Why won't anyone hire me?
>All I did at my last job was drop a PR grenade at my exit interview and create a public backlash against my former employer that likely far exceeded any revenue I made during my short time there.
>It's probably the men's fault.
>Or maybe these jobs don't exist at all, but they keep posting them to create the illusion of a growing company to attract new investors.

its this. and also, in the corporate world connections get you in, value that you bring from your connections get you in. shes a woman with nothing but experience in a job that she can easily be replaced in
the chicken factory is always hiring.
Kys jew
Holy fucking shit these women are entitled
>4 interviews! Can you believe that?
We need to bring back physical correction ASAP.
how much do you want to bet she is only interested in jobs that pay some even higher ridiculous salary? bitch probably refuses to job down just like she refuses to date down to her own level
Yes, yes.
lmfao absolutely not. The whole industry is in the shitter with wave after wave of pajeets coming in knocking down salaries.
fuck quotas, though. they're an evil scourge that need to die and disappear for all times.
>being completely honest on resumes.

Lol, literally lmao.
Wouldn't she get unemployment?
She could've found a job to pay the bills in 6 months, satan. She didn't, because she feels above it. Fuck her and fuck you, where apologist.
She said "rounds of interviews." You no longer just walk in, give a firm handshake, and get the job after one interview. They bring you in for a series of time-wasting interviews, personality quizzes, all sorts of nonsense. She's fortunate (ha) that they're at least giving her some bullshit excuse. Many of these companies just ghost people after wasting their time in multiple interviews.
Likely this. Sales jobs were paying insane amounts to girls like her before. Now that people and businesses don't have as much funny money to toss around, sales can't pay what it used to. She's likely expecting $120-150k and no one has that for a new rep. Also just being a woman isn't "diverse" enough anymore, so those opportunities for her no longer exist.
so? fuck em. those fucks always think they're so much better than lowly labourers.
these tech companies killed America by sucking up all the investment, overpaying shitty people, and the end result was to just serve up various types of internet porn to children.
Truly going to be legendary to see the historical destruction of this country because they thought trying to be a software service economy was a good idea.
I already sent her a job application and she never applied for it LMAO.
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The replies are golden
>when the video went viral, I received literally thousands of "I would hire you in a heartbeat" messages... it has been the opposite.
she has learned just how empty and worthless social media and CringedIn virtue signaling is.
It's the times; she's smart enough but she doesn't have a real valuable skill.

The last recession when I was fresh faced out of school I would get ghosted by hiring managers for fucking supermarkets or dunkin donuts; it's hard to believe but there were old professionals let go from real jobs applying for that dogshit and I couldn't compete with them; I once saw a guy with a Masters applying to an open interview for a job worth 10/hr.
there's no way that was 6 months ago.
is time really flying by that fast, or did we just not see the video for 4 months after it happened?
Imagine even acknowledging a girl who has a job. Couldn't be me. I only fuck jobless teens.
lol now that war seems to be right over the horizon, the bitches want to become reasonable again......
no one wants to hire an infamous whiner who records being fired to garner likes and fake sympathy

fuck around and find out bitch
no big name company is hiring her because she his just gonna record again and post it on YouTube if something doesnt work out
Cloudflare is in a shit position for months they need enterprise sales but if she didnt basically blackmail her customers its hard sell for Cloudflare currently because they want a couple grand a month if they can scam you out of business tier to enterprise
their stock is just really overvalued for the amount of paying customers they have
this anon gets it
Retard if paying off a very expensive mortgage, nearly maxed credit line from daily nessesity expenses and FUCKING car payments its not going to cut it. A respectable reputation requires a lifestyle. This is fucking horrible for her, I would kill myself than reduce myself and fail in front of all my coworkers I spent years trying to mog and outdo. To live like a poor is hell on earth. I could not do it, I grew up in the upper middle class and all I see is UP.
kek i hate linkedin so much
some faggot working for a "business talent acquisition firm" makes her a spreadsheet. probably only wants to get into her pants instead of giving her a job
she doesn't look too shabby. get an onlyfans like everyone else.
>6 months of unemployment has put me in a scary financial situation
>I now have to ask my network for help
Translation: I am using beta males on tinder for free dinner every night, and my daddy is paying my rent.
>can't actually afford a single thing you "own"
>To live like a poor is hell on earth

You live worse off then a poor, you're a slave by choice stuck in a perpetual debt existence without no way out.
>short stints
That's a pretty bad sign
i can see that you are clearly a future suicide. you have my condolences.
They're trimming down the roastie bloat. No more bullshit jobs.
Pretty soon she'll have a gap in her asshole because she can't get a job due to being a dumb attention seeking whore
lol! now this bitch knows what's it like for at least half of male population
>Expensive mortgage
>Maxed credit
>All to keep up with the Joneses
You're massively retarded and I hope you die in agony
She fucked herself hard with the video, however she was laid off unfairly. Laid off after 3 months of being hired. I know absolute fucktards who do nothing for years. Most of them women.

It proves all these people are fake, all of them, but we knew that already. This Linkedin post is a huge blackpill.
I hate to say this but wouldn't any attractive woman NOT blast her ass with a dragon dildo every day for money? What's the worst that's going to happen, someone call her a sex worker?
She can just gape her ass and make a million dollars a month.
please tell me you sent this
She's not gonna fuck you Josh
Only reason men hire women for anything in business
>Laid off after 3 months of being hired
AT WILL WORK! Leftist democrats pushed for these laws, enjoy them! also, her blowing up with that video is why she isn't being hired because they all fear she gonna do the same to them and tank their company with negative exposure. her only path now is online sex work
Fucking kek, send Josh a link to this thread
>probably only wants to get into her pants
Not everythings about sex retard
It's literally this meme in real life lol
how often do you spend time working on something for a woman you're not sleeping with and don't even know?
No he isn't doing it for sex, worse, the LinkedIn "upcummies" he wants to be praised by his libtard bosses and for his super nerdy data science skills.
Joshua come on >>472363592
>What's the worst that's going to happen,
chances some marrying you drop to single digits. I think women can only get away with sex work from 18-21 then hope by the time they are 25 their profile/videos will be so diluted that she will be hard to find and relatively can hide her past and once found out can blame it on bein a stupid teen who succumbed to peer pressure. problem is women can't stop and will continue riding dragon dildos well into their late 20s thus creating a very large papertrail of their degeneracy
>Not everythings about sex retard
then why Josh ain't making same spreadsheets for men looking for work?
>copy and paste indeed job listings into boxes and call it a spread sheet
Who's he impressing? Computer illiterate boomers?
I know some corporate workplaces don't promote from within and the only way to move up is to bounce around.

It's all pretend work, anyways.
This is incredibly funny because you know she’s accurately describing women here while incorrectly thinking that she’s describing the Chad that rejected her.
Very sad that this isn’t a spreadsheet of fast food companies
I miss the old internet so much
>They don't lie to HR harpies that exist solely to keep you out
Lmao simps
Same, or those funny escort sites from back in the day. Simps like that are the reason she got hired in the first place
What a dumb bitch. Sign her up for all kinds of spam.
Same, I hope she says yes to both of us :D
>Zoomer who hates work culture and wants internet points from fellow anti-workers decides to reveal confidential meetings while getting laid-off
>shocked when other companies don't want to hire an attention whore who that can't keep things private.

ONLY FANS is hiring
>I feel bad for the girl.
you feel bad for someone who filmed a private workplace meeting just for attention?
she's hearing this from people who don't have jobs that involve hiring people, and of course they never will get those jobs with that attitude.
work = gay
simple axiom
Don’t ever fuck up around me I will absolutely destroy you
They were born cold blooded liars.
yo, you made the bonus round lol
this is the modern dating and romantic delusion
Good, it will be easier for broke musicians like me to get rich cunts to fuck around on their men and spend money on me
White collar men excel at supplying me with pussy because they’re too busy to go out with their women who were already trying to fuck the drummer anyway, now I smell blood and will be more aggressive than ever especially if I see a fat rock on her hand
Okay which one of you anons is Josh
That's a real fancy way to describe panhandling.
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I desperately want to see how all the other retards who filmed their "day in the life of" videos and got laid off are doing. I hope they're all doing just as bad
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You're as retarded as she is, niggerfaggot
>account executive
You've failed every time you've done this, thoughever.

She needs 1 year of solid, proven sales experience banked before she tries to get a cushy lazy girl account exec job again.
wow, that sucks
>*47 seconds in*
>yeah I'm gonna stop you right there
I wouldn't hire this woman after watching that.
This, and she sound like an entitled cunt and probably asked for 10x what they can pay a jeet to also not sell anything.
A lot of them are probably self-employed at the oldest profession
>sales rep
AKA professional liar and honorary jew.
Can't say I'm too upset. There's always suckin dick!
I had a job wait literally 8 fucking months to contact me after doing 2 interviews with them, then get mad when I said no, I'm busy now.
>put your old company on blast
>think anyone wants anything to do with you
she's a psycho that can't stop talking about her ex. who wants that?
beaners control all the mcdonalds jobs.
Learn to code
The tech market is in the shitter right now due to high interest rates. Tech companies usually rely on low rates for cheap loans to fuel growth and hiring. Hundreds of thousands have been laid off in the past two years https://layoffs.fyi/
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i really hope all those urls he embedded are keyloggers lmao
and yet they'll drop you without a second thought if they think that's more profitable in the short term, but still expect people to be loyal to their employers.

fuck em all. When dealing with parasites, you have to be selfish
.>don't have GAPS in your resume, goy
>slave literally every second of your life or else starve and die, goy
>where apologist.

werewolf apologist, awooo?
there castle
Let the chords of Sheol take you.
I agree, anon. many such cases. people who have been lied to by every authority figure, moral guide, and role model in their lives. led astray by charismatic parasites who everyone, even her teachers and parents said were truth worthy and good. not just women either, it happens plenty to men as well, though in different ways.
This is normal American culture. Look at Trump and his tireless self promotion.
America is not a land for humble people.
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Anon, she is obviously searching for sinecure for sex. Me too has made it much harder for roasties
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how many Trumps do you see in this inkblot?
You mean they canned expensive whites in favor of an army of poos.
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>don't ever change jobs if you want to change your job
Anon, I...
I think I see your mother's vaginal fistula
Meet lots of humble women over there in your 3rd world country do ya?
Wall oder text, fuck off
isn't sales a pretty horrible job?
Yea this.
Nobody told her to fall in love with a boy in high school and get married and have babies. Because that's not American culture. People who do that are "trash." So she did the things she was told to do. School. Drugs. Sex. Broke her ability to love a man. Career Uber alles

Many such cases. All over the West. Because it's a nihilistic materialistic culture that doesn't value human life at all.
What do you mean?
Yikes, she should work on her personality and take more showers. Go to a job fair for once.
>So they could replace her with a foreigner because the federal government subsidises the wages when a company "can't find workers" domestically
and they do it to drive wages down so everyone is paid less btw. Cause you don't have to wage negotiate when they can keep bringing in more workers non stop.

WAS IT WORTH IT? WAS IT WORTH IT AMERISHART? larping as a neo nazis, a fascist a 'supremacist' and trying to associate that with being against mass immigration? which is racial warfare and invasion and the big companies also want it cause they can fire you and hire another if you want wage increase.
WAS IT WORTH IT RETARDED AMERIFAGGOTS. cause you spent 15 years on it so i fucking hope it was.
If I have to interview with more than 2 rounds I tell them to fuck off. I'll talk to the childless HR lesbian only long enough to get to talk to the man who I'll actually work for and that's all.
America is a Jewish nation with a Jewish culture so everyone is trying to outjew everyone else. This means lying ALL the time. All. Huge lies. She's not lying enough.
Based. I wish I were you.
don't people know you can't talk your way out of a lay off or firing you just shut up and say yep thanks and fuck all you retards
nobody drops you within a year unless you are a terrible employee
I am only a citizen of one country and it is a nigger infested shithole indeed, the United States of America.
Women being rejected at job interviews is probably the closest they'll ever come to understanding what dating is like for a man.
>you have to reveal your grades from school to get a McJob

Do mutts really?
>self awareness
Nobody cares about GPA.
By job hoppers make more money then sla- I mean lifers.
>It’s basically a white collar recession.
it's not a 'recession' it's permanent. see what most retarded Americans fail to grasp is that this is the third stage of replacing American jobs to globalism. It took awhile to get there from first replacing manufacturing, then supply, etc. but we are at the phase where it's cheaper for companies to offshore even white collar jobs now to foreigners for way less and make themselves way bigger profits. Most white collar people didn't even care when it was the lower rung people having their jobs shipped overseas. In fact many loved it as they got cooshy what are really just 'service/sales' tier jobs and lived good buying all the once cheap products now flooding in from overseas. now however, even all those foreign nations who now have master manufacturers have developed their own servile classes and in many cases taught them English so the next step in destroying the west can take place. Turns out there isn't enough jobs for everyone to work in a service/sales/tech industry capacity in the U.S. and with AI developments it's only going to accelerate worse from here on out. These people shouldn't have laughed at coal miners they should have stood with them then and put their foot down over offshoring any American job
she doesn't want to work hog control or clean septic tanks and get Delta-Pooed like the baby alien in alien resurrection but in an industrial septic tank.

Sad. you got lucky and found your first job in a month, then lost it and had no idea how hard the struggle really is. Maybe there would be some capital in being willing to dive into the abyss of shit. but you thought... what? your position had value to anybody? selling cloudflare services to people looking for cloudflare services? yikes idk.

oh no my by corporate company did a big corporate action that I didn't like for self-serving reasons let me debase myself and demonstrate my inability to adapt to corporate actions publicly not as some sort of anti-corporate martyr for the benefit of mankind or dignity of the drones but purely so I can get likes and kudos.

you sold your ass like a common whore instead of simply selling your soul. you got green grass fomo a day into the dry season and so you got hosed.
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>begging some corporation to take you on as their next wageslave
I can't even imagine.
And yes they do in this shitbag country, eurofriends.
Whenever a guy gets dumped, every girl he knows will always say "you're a great guy, any woman will be happy to date you".
Reverse the roles. You go through the time and effort to find a good candidate, get them trained and halfway competent at their job, and then they bail because of reasons.

After a while you'll discard the job hoppers too.

I wish joblessness on no one.
Plenty of folks are out here working at $40K/year jobs. I'm one of them. These are the jobs that are the easiest to get, aside from fast-food. This bitch needs to set her expectations lower and abandon all notions of making $100K+ a year to answer emails lol.
She recorded herself getting laid off from her lazy girl job. Of fucking course no one wants to hire her because she'll probably just pull another stunt like this.
Elon firing half of twitter taught tech they could do that and be fine and then the covid WFH taught them… well employees can work from anywhere why not just hire cheap people around the world.
nobody wants to hire her because she broke rules about filming and posting a private meeting on social media for internet attention.
>So she did the things she was told to do. School. Drugs. Sex. Broke her ability to love a man
nobody told her to do drugs and sex you fucking retard. if she did all of that it's because she WANTED to, and society wouldnt shame her for it
you simps will do anything to excuse female bad behavior
Lmao, no.
Companies that offshore to pajeets come begging my company to clean up the mess with our white and asian men. I intergiew 10-15 people a week and hirenusually 3-5 of them.
If you're a software engineer who first tgets replaced bt a pajeet and then can't find another job you're literally trash.
If she's such a bad ass she can start here own start up.

Good sales people create jobs, they don't ask.
If she's such a bad ass she can start here own start up.

Good sales people create jobs, they don't ask.

I'll white knight here. How do I contact her?

I'll propose she starts a new company a search engine for food called Tastier.com "I own it" and then she can raise money "Blow jobs" and then techcrunch will cover her "Blowjobs".

The future is bright Lambright 24.

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