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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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>How to make socialists seethe
waiting for the apologies to him with all the shit talk people gave him without giving him enough time to get the ball rolling in the right direction.
hes a jew retard
>be United States
>change President and policies every 4-8 years
>muh two more weeks
>Racks up inflation to 200 percent
>Has less than that for an arbitrary amount of time
>That somehow justifies the inflation spike
Checkmate libruls
he also knew exactly what he was doing with his country and people jumped the gun on him talking mad shit about "lolbertarians" where are you fucks now?
I never doubted him
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This is your hero really nigga?
I don't give a shit about the "muh joooos" socialist meme
post the compilation of him taking photos with people and he looks like he’s ready to receive a huge cum shot to the face in every one
that's because nobody can afford food anymore. like 70% of the population is below poverty level
you can't just wave a wand and unfuck a country overnight gypsy anon
Inflation was rising before him and the spike was a result of him stop masking the true numbers
>nobody can afford food anymore
Socialism always ends only when the money then food run out.
>no inflation for 5 seconds
>checkmate libtards
just gonna move the goalposts "wow he didn't flip the country from near collapse to economically prosperous overnight what a hack" what exactly do you think anyone else could have done better exactly.
No food = no food price inflation
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most of the population was below the poverty line before him taking office, the fall of inflation is due him stop printing money and cut government spending
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They measure food in their inflation and have weekly logs?
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Socialist seethe is the best seethe.
>hes a jew retard
jews are based
Inflation is measured in many different sector, and it is be measured weekly when it cause noticeable changes in prices weekly
He's only made it worse, amerinigger. We've been through the same kike shock therapy bullshit and it stole 15y of development.
When will you tards internalize the 4 words
>with jews you lose
Nice cope.

Before Milei, Market liberals were in charge and yes, inflation went up quite a bit, but when he took over, it went into overdrive. This started in 2015, when the last Kirchner lost office.

Up until 2015, when Mileis predecessors took office, inflation was manageable. But I guess the statistics were faked for decades with no one finding out, not even the people buying food. You would think they'd notice food price inflation, but i guess everyne before milei could keep them from seeing prices increase. They possibly employed the most dastardly scheme possible: actually keeping prices from increasing too quickly.

But you know, for all the talk of giving him time to properly implement whatever he has in mind, I'd say let's wait for a bit. Maybe he achieves zero inflation or moderate deflation for the rest of his term.
This guy is a neoliberal fag. Argentina needs a strong nationalist dictator.
That's an illusion based on the official prices that were controlled by the government to keep them artificially low, meanwhile the true prices were much higher
All Millei did was stop masking shit up like the kirshinerists did
For you VPN op. All the politicians are in bed togheter.
Consume goes down a 14.5%
Water goes up by 50%
>B-but inflation in food is zero!
That's not a good sign idiot!
They can not raise the price because nobody is buying, you know what a heavy recession is?
We lived the same shit with Menem.
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Que desilucion, parece que te mandaron a vos solo...
Que VPN estas usando?
thugs & goyim
>An entire week
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defends milei checked
defends jews checked
The real question is whether there was actually no inflation or is he just doing the data manipulation that our government does?
Yeah well lets see how long the ball rolls in the right direction first
>But you know, for all the talk of giving him time to properly implement whatever he has in mind, I'd say let's wait for a bit. Maybe he achieves zero inflation or moderate deflation for the rest of his term.
1/8 of his term just flew over my house and shit aint pretty on the grown anon.
You realize that Milei is only enjoying the success of Massa's policies right? It takes 4-8 years for the last president's policies to take effect.
He wasn't the one who suddenly announcd the 800:1 exchange rate. That was the central bank, and they did it BEFORE he was sworn into office, and all they were really doing was recognizing that their "official government rate" was fake and gay anyway. They just matched the rate that everyone outside of the government was stuck with.

See also the USD-RUB (russian rubble) exchange rate. IDGAF if the Russian central bank claims it's 85:1, you can't walk into a bank in Moscow and hand the bank teller 85 rubles (or even 90, or even 100) and get a dollar in return. The "exchange rate" is pure fiction with almost zero trading going on at that rate. The rates people are getting when they do trade are over 120:1 and getting worse fast as the Russian economy continues to implode. Gazprom couldn't even afford to pay its latest dividend.
what kind of retarded argument is that? do you know how LELICS work?
That's what the Dems always say when they lose and the economy recovers. Funny how when they take office and it implodes, it's all on their predecessor too.
Speaking of cope, did you know that Argentinians couldn't exchange dollars at the 250:1 official rate? The best rate they could get was 800:1. Which happens to be what the currency magically "devalued" to when Milei won.

The real rate was widely discussed and tracked on websites tracking the Argentine economy.
Holy fuck, only an from an american mouth this can come out.
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leliqs, my bad. you clearly have no fucking idea. but basically:
>print money to fund deficit (and try to win election)
>need to take money off circulation to reduce inflation
>sell bonds to banks that expire within a month (some in a day if im not mistaken)
>banks cash out all the time so you need more pesos to pay interests
>print more money to pay off the banks
>repeat ad massismus until you win election (they lost)
that's how our economy was working and why inflation blew when milei got in power. the first big problem was getting rid of that time bomb which they did. now inflation goes down, no more money printed to fund political whoring.
>but muh jooooooos
brazilian evangelical who loves to suck some jew cock. I really don't know why the hell the crentalhada love jews so much.
Let me know when they get the cost for an average meal, for a single person, down to one hour of work at minimum wage.
Right now if you're making minimum wage a meal at a fast food restaurant is roughly 2 hours of work.
>you can't just wave a wand and unfuck a country overnight gypsy anon
Yes you can, you guys did it in the 1800s.
Chinese did in the late 20th century, Japan did in mid 20th century and so on.

You make lots of small regional banks (banks create money out of thin air) and regulate them with a strong bureaucracy in each region and a central plan to only make credit for productive activities and infrastructure, this balloons the GDP and untaps the potential of the population without inflation.

You Americans still have a massive amount of small banks across America and they have 0 regulations, meaning they can print infinite money for any end as long as people demand it.
Europe is killed, every single bank follows BASEL regulations which are low IQ and ruin small banks, forcing them to close in record number year by year.

Also Romania never used this technique, we only unleashed credit for bubbles in 2005-2008 in pace with you and banks gave everyone a consumption credit for homes or TVs, no questions asked.

We don't have enough regional public workers to manage the local economies, we do not have people that give a fuck in general either, to see the transparent activity done by those.
But the plan would work 100% - look at European funds which are akin to what a small bank would do in each region but very slow and they also only give credit to productive and infrastructure projects and it works so well. All recent business here have been done with EU credit since local banks do not give any credit for that and the interest rate is massive.
With Jews, you win!
>Born in Anillaco to a Syrian family, Menem was raised as a Muslim,[2] but later converted to Roman Catholicism to pursue a political career.[a] Menem became a Peronist during a visit to Buenos Aires. He led the party in his home province of La Rioja and was elected governor in 1973. He was deposed and detained during the 1976 Argentine coup d'état and was elected governor again in 1983. He defeated the Buenos Aires governor Antonio Cafiero in the primary elections for the 1989 presidential elections. Hyperinflation and riots forced outgoing president Raúl Alfonsín to resign early, shortening the presidential transition.
>Suck jew cock
>Jew helps you
>simping for a jew

Somebody should post that zeihan map with post global order collapse with Argentina being all blue(growing) in the sea of red countries.
Everyone thought that it's a joke. Not so funny now?
eat shit, kikes
The rate is still fake and being propped up. There will be another massive spike soon.
Wait , Argentina has food ?
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>Sell country to the jews for peanuts so magic graph stops going up

Argentina, Paraguay, Uruguay, and Ecuador are solidly in the hands of the Jews.
In Russia, Argentina or both?
>german kike pretending he knows what hes talking about
Incredible, you people are so delusional
Youre the exact kind of fucking retard that would vote for Kirchnerism after it got the country into heavy inflation nonstop for a decade
You're not as smart as you think
Nice vpn "brazilian" fren!
Another thing to add, when Milei won, the opposition while still in power before the administrative exhange ordered enormous amounts of money to be printed, this is called sabotage
So not only they were incompetent retards with years of economical decline on their resume, but they also purposefully screwed over their own people to spite political opponents
He's not Jewish you seething commi
Vocé retardado, boludo preto com QI de temperatura ambiente
he is now
Pff, try again faggot. Obviouly you are an argentinian using a vpn
>Youre the exact kind of fucking retard that would vote for Kirchnerism after it got the country into heavy inflation nonstop for a decade
You're not as smart as you think
You need to update your fucking manual!
The moron doesnt understand that jews will never truly accept him
Converts dont even get buried in the same place as born jews
hey thats a nice color pattern. 4chanX?
Yes. Plenty
It's the dark reader add-on
Lmao you dumb fucking cretin
Sempre é um corno lambedor de botas chupando as bolas do estado
Lembrete que mais da metade dos empregos registrados ai eram de serviço publico, quer dizer que a maioria vive de bico e o estado arrecada mais do que é gerado: literalmente insustentavel
To escrevendo em portugues p forçar o teu cerebro cm QI de digito unico a tacar no google tradutor
Agora chupa minha rola seu boiola
If you want to make it in government you got to hide behind a small hat and then go full 3rd Reich once the military has been purge of Jews.
Bukele show the blue print
Thank God the libtards are all vaxxed.
Keep crying bitch, your tears are delicious!
Sir, the goyim... they're paying the same for food this week as last week.

> Shut it down!
The entire problem lies in the fact that both sides are rotten with kikes
One is filled with kikes that prefer staying on the down low and changing their surnames
The other is unabashedly zionist and open about its allegiances
The choice there came down to
Economically incompetent kikes vs economically competent kikes
The ideal would be total revolt of the population and widespread hangings of polticians and local town administrations
But its Latin America, the people here only care about bread and circus
I accept your concession
>hide behind a small hat
LOL lmao even
this, it’s all rigged, (((their guy))) in power so the finances get turn on!
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and do those socialists wear kippahs?
The more I browse /pol/, the more I realized that "muh jews" comes from actual communists and mudslimes. Guess what, it goes hand in hand. Paleshitians are commies. Turns out, jews are unironically our bros
>actual communists
Why would jews speak out against jews?
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You should consider being more pro-Jewish, maybe than your country won't be such a shithole :)
Its going to take at least 2 years to get inflation under control and 3-5 more years to get it under 2%.
All these numbers mean nothing until then.
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What are you talking about? That's literally slander. Javier Milei is one of the most popular people in Israel.
>ignore that ever other stat like industry, farm, energy and consumption went down
>It takes 4-8 years for the last president's policies to take effect.
Then these are the results of Macri policies since he was president 4-8 years ago.
Killing demand is the only way to stop inflation. A 3 digit hyper inflation requires an even bigger sacrifice. Sad but true.
>the niggerlands flag
>bad shabbos goy take
as expected
it's not like you guys had a better option in Massa.. and adding that with the demoralization of sudacas, it's obvious that someone like Millei will thrive.
The problem was never having it or not, the main issue is mainly urbanite rats being able to afford it.
>you can't walk into a bank in Moscow and hand the bank teller 85 rubles and get a dollar in return
Actually yes, you can.
results are results. as long as he improves things for the argentine people without importing a bunch of niggers and jeets to replace them then he's good enough, jew or not.
Before asking that, ask yourself about pogroms, and why the communists killed more jews than anyone in history

I'm not saying any of it makes sense
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No, we know since ancient times what scum you are
antisemitism was punishable by death in the USSR
the bolchevk revolution was jewish lead even churchill agreed on that
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So you are saying that the Bolsheviki, the ones who did the holodomor, are not the real communists?
>Greek mutts align themselves with their mudslime overlords
Not surprising
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>brown sicilian with a law degree
>has a MASSIVE coke addiction, well known ties to drug trafficking, and a narcissistic cunt of a wife
>sends the country into the shitter in two years (like significantly worse than it already was)
>cryptojew with an economics degree
>schizo beliefs, no known or suspected ties to irregular or illegal dealings, and no wife
>disarms the biggest bombs left by the cokehead's administration and decimates inflation in six months
this country truly is bizarro world
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>if you don't like jews you must be muslim
or Christian, or Buddhist, or taoist or.... anything that isn't jewish
>The jew of europe sides with the original jew
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>>B-but inflation in food is zero!
>That's not a good sign idiot!
>cryptojew with an economics degree
Have all Macri people in power positions and stab your own vice-president in the back, oy vey!
>Bullrich: She is a terrorist who put bombs in kindergadens!
She became the security minister, oy vey!
And that's jus one example.
The economy is still shit anon and prepare yourself, this ride is just starting!
>Verification not required.
I'm not defending the extremist/orthodox jews, I dont like their behavior as much as anyone else. Doesnt mean they should be killed

But you have to wonder why Arafat and Abbas (fatah, PLO, PA, hamas) are proven to be KGB assets

It's revealed by multiple KGB defectors such as ion mihai pacepa, and to deny it is to basically cherrypick your own version of events.

But unlike /pol/ I've actually studied this subject

btw the primary goal of Hamas is to exterminate jews,
this is also the primary goal of the quran. And mentioned numerous times in mudslime hadiths. Including the most "correct" of "correct" hadiths, according to mudslimes.

again I'm not saying it makes sense

This game is played on levels that us goycattle cannot comprehend
They don't need to raise the price, they raise the price because supply kikes practice scummy retentions, abstinence even if it's from poverty is like testicular torsion for these motherfucking vermin lmao
btw arafat took all his KGB money and invested it in Western companies like Coca-cola

Maybe it will all start to make less sense to you too if you do any actual research instead of blindly following /pol/, which is infested with mudslimes as well as IDF/CIA/KGB/mossad shills
>the communists killed more jews
you know, i would have thought about the 8 million white people that the jewish Bolsheviki killed in 1930 or about the 30 million chinese.... but you instead think about how mean it was of Stalin to purge the Trotsky jews.
only Jesus Christ saves btw
Have a good day
You are defending the Bolsheviki who killed millions of Europeans.
You are the scum of the earth.
yes I get it, you like the rest of /pol/ want everything to be black & white so that you can have a world view where everything makes sense, when it really doesn't if you follow the facts
Admit it ahmed, you're a muslim. Only a mdslime arab can come to such an absolutely fake strawman conclusion. I literally slander the communists in my posts
>Mira kuka! los numeritos de mentira en la pantalla son buenos! Somos SUPER potencia galáctica!!
Toca pasto y concha, mileitardos impresentables
Who am I kidding he'll just taqiyya his way out of it
Did the jewish Bolsheviki kill Millions of Europeans? Yes or No.
There is no need to search for nuances here. They either did it or not. And if they did it, you can not excuse it, you filthy pahtetic subhuman.
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a based man and an old friend of ours
>if you don't want Europeans killed, you are a muslim
stop whining about fucking muslims, you subhuman

Being anti-any-race was punishable by death in the USSR. Sticking to your religion (Like Judaism) was also punishable ...Countless Jews chose to be martyred rather than profess to Communism.

Only one word, RECESSION.
You first shitskin.

Is jesus christ a better man than mohammed?

Then I will answer your post because I am not a lying mudslime like it seems you are
Did the jewish Bolsheviki kill Millions of Europeans? Yes or No.
>Is jesus christ a better man than mohammed?
Is mohammed a pedophile?

then I will answer

Answer now you subhuman.
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>Muh socialism is bad
Argentina economy isn't fucked up because of socialism.
Of course socialist policies didn't help, but that's not the core issue to Argentina's shitty situation.
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>Kirchner ?
Yes they did murder millions of europeans you fucking retard. And the nazis did too.

They (communists) killed anyone they could get their hands on and they play both sides just like the jews you hate so much. Again this becomes evident if you read history, which you are not interested in

I never defend communism in my posts, in fact I speak against it. maybe you should learn to read. You are brainwashed by this dumb board
I wish you were correct, but no.
Now it's your turn to explain to me why COMMUNIST russia - i repeat - COMMUNIST RUSSIA.... literally propped up a palestinian state from the 1960s whose #1 idea is to expel all jews, christians and unbelievers from arabia and genocide them
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kill commies

Define Orthodox Jews? It's a huge umbrella term. It includes the:

Haredi Jews - The guys whom are usually depicted in /Pol stereotypes.

Hassidic Jews - Can vary wildly, generally centered around a personality cult of a rabbi or dynasty of rabbis.

Modern Orthodox Jews - Basically dress normally but are still fully religious in private life, IE Ben Shapiro.

Dati Leumi/Religious Zionists - In itself an umbrella term, generally what you see as settlers on the news.

And there are other smaller groups in that term too ...
>Yes they did murder millions of europeans
Good that you admit it.
So you know what happens now when you let jews rule over you.
And you know who the real communists were: The Jewish Bolsheviki.
>And the nazis did too.
No, you fucking nigger, fighting for your own independence is somthing different from the genocide that Bolsheviki jews did.
Don't try to relativate it.
You somehow don't do this when you whine about the poor poor jews getting killed.

>I never defend communism in my posts
Of course you did!
You claimed that the Bolsheviki aren't the real communists and that the real communists are the ones who kicked out the jews (so post Stalin).
While all the mass murders happened before that, done by the jews.
You defend your jews so hard that you want to remove that guilt from them.
You have no answer because like I said none of it makes sense and it's beyond our comprehension. Literally the only way out of this gigantic mess is to follow Jesus Christ
volvete a tu pais sudaka muerto de hambre lavaplatos pitiyanqui esclavo del imperio opresor traidor de marrones servil pusilanime votante de democratas amansado
> politic jew gets into power
> banker jews play ball and inflation stops
Hmmm. I bet it was the previous government.
Am always amazed by this communist kills, you people never kept count or something, the leftists in general try to keep track of everyone, sort of matters, they are people not a fascist kill count
you're deluded man
>NOOO these are the real communists, NONO these are
Theyre all communists and it's all fucking kayfabe from top to bottom
I'm just generalizing for the sake of /pol/brains. Unsurprisingly, someone who is actually from the region (You) can bring nuance
>this dumb board
>muh /pol/
>but unlike /pol/, i am smart
Then fuck off.
What are you doing here, you servile slave?
You don't want to be here and we don't need you braindead NPC here either.
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Woah there my big nosed fella your nigger inner self is showing.
>volvete a tu pais sudaka muerto de hambre lavaplatos pitiyanqui esclavo del imperio opresor traidor de marrones servil pusilanime votante de democratas amansado
oh look,it's the rabid little kid who has a meltdown whenever somebody disagrees with his blind worship of king faggot peluca.
Tenes energia de bolas tristes jajajaja, infeliz amargado maladaptado
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the reverse Liz Truss
>less inflation=deflation
god bless Israel
Communists killed a lot of jews because communists indiscriminately killed a hundred million people.

Pogroms were happening in Russia throughout all of its history: before, during and after the Soviets. Admittedly less after the civil war ended, but still.

We know
Oh I see, now the discussion is about why I'm here, because I don't venerate and blindly accept what I read in these borderline one-liners posted by shills from all over the world.
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fags were talking so much shit too
Nobody still has an answer to this btw
>they are all communists
Suddenly they are?
The ones who killed millions of Europeans (jewish Bolsheviki) are not the same that kicked out jews (Trotsky purge).
They didn't even kill those jews, they just made them leave and all the Bolshevikis are in the US now. Nuland is one of them. Blinken is another.

For you, expelling jews is worse than systematically killing 8 million of your native population.
Yes, argentinian history is fucking ridiculous.

I've been here before you low IQ shitskins, Zoomers & shills started to flood this website. The real question is what YOU FAGGOTS are doing here in MY board?
You made the discussion about MUH POL, so of course that is a part of it.
Was in the UK at that time and only thing I remember was that she bounced after 45 days, don't remember a single reason for her actually bouncing what with there basically being a string of unelected buffoons preceding her that fucked shit up slightly slower. What was her fucking problem?
>moving the goalposts
Great post again. I thought your country had a high average IQ. I've sufficiently humiliated you in this discourse. Have a good day and repent in Jesus Christ
>i have been here before /pol/
nice, so you are a /new/ NatSoc who knows that the holocaust is fake
let me debunk the retarded pic:
>cuts social programs instead of bureaucracy: false, the only minister allowed to spend is human capital that includes social programs. removed ministries and fired superfluous public employees
>cant explain dolarization: yer he can, people will choose w/e currency they want
>becomes the state: only way to change things that doesn't involve bombs
>prints more money: see my post above explaining LELIQs
>restrict personal freedoms and the rest: ? perontard "arguments"
Nobody moves the goalposts.
You whined about MUH POL on four seperate occasions.

So go ahead and tell us what you, as a braindead sheeple, are doing here.
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Exactly. God bless the Jews.

I hope they believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and rightly divide the King James Bible.

It's so high that it can't inflate further lmao

(1)If you read Marxist/Neo-Marxists literature you'd come up with the concept of "alliance with the barbarians". Since the goal of Communism is to destroy civilization (And than somehow magically rebuild it in their image), they need barbarian allies to help them wipe it out. Muslims make PERFECT barbarian allies, all too willing to destroy Western civilization.

(2)The other explanation is that they are all different legions of Satan which is why the cognitive dissonance of their contradicting ideologies matter not. They simply unite as one army when commanded.
thats 3d chess.
he says he is almost jewish so people believe he has the financial connections to try to turn the economy around.
guess it worked somewhat.
this post made an actual argument
this post includes no argument, is not addressing the subject and is just shouting "I WON, OK?!"
Lol go ahead and tell me why COMMUNIST RUSSIA propped up a state in the 1960s whose aims are to genocide all jews, christians and unbelievers. I've asked you multiple times, but you dodge the question in favor of bullshit like why I'm on /pol.
A few months ago I heard her say something on the lines of
>Until I became the PM I thought the PM got to fire bankers not the other way around
Because it was the post Trotsky purge USSR.

The Communists before the Trotsky purge.. the ones who killed 8 million Europeans systematically, were jewish Bolsheviki and they moved into the USA.
Everything is still expensive as fuck
1. You said it was too early to judge him when his policies seemed to fail, well, i say it's too early to praise him now.
2. Even if he does ultimately succeed the ways by which he did it still makes him a detestable Kike
3. Bettering the economy doesn't make him right at all topics, nor that there wasn't a figure who couldn't perform better

sage this Kike thread
indeed, may they be saved.

You know that early /Pol didn't have you retards either? You guys didn't come here till e-celeb faggots on Youtube started to talk about /Pol as their source of info. That was like 2015 onwards. Meanwhile Zoomers were still in 2011 (AKA early /Pol).
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Thanks for the laughter
>>cant explain dolarization: yer he can, people will choose w/e currency they want
whats that? oh you dont have enough pesos to eat? well I guess you have the choice of buying dollars now huh HUH?
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Who are the retards supporting Milei?

Is it jews?
Is it underage woketards who think he's "based capitalist" while previous presidents were "woke leftists"?
You've been strawmanning me since your first post, saying I condone communism and other bullshit while I literally condemn it
>early /pol/
i am writing about /new/, which was the predecessor of /pol/, before /pol/ even existed.
It was full on NatSoc.

Since you don't know that, i conclude that you lie. No idea why you did that. "I am here longer than you" was always a very dumb low-IQ argument.
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Are you saved?

where did i use a strawman?

If you are now doing the logical fallacy search, then go ahead and list all fallacies in this one post >>472371126 i count three. Arguments i find 0.
>saying I condone communism
btw. you condone communism because you reduce it on post-Trotsky purge USSR.
It took you 10 posts to even acknowledge that Bolsheviki existed!
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>milei invented recession
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just playing your own game. anyone who reads our discussion is witness to this fact
>Who are the retards supporting Milei?
People that got tired of corruption and useless parties which were their only alternatives.
Pull the chickens feathers long enough it will love you when you stop or something I believe was the communist expression
>haha, yes, i use logical fallacies
>haha, yes, i accuse you of using fallacies even when you don't
>that is because i am only playing your game
maybe you should write ten more times that you are super smart... maybe if you repeat it often enough, you stop looking like a shizo low-iq retard.
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M-maybe he's playing the long con? That's what many claimed about Don for a while before MIGA kicked into overdrive. Milei is playing the role to such a theatric degree that it seems almost plausible. Statistically, at least a handfull of politicians when learning who calls the shots must have gone down that road. In some sense it's a pre-requisite for making drastic positive change if you don't want to get assassinated immediately.
But pol told me Jews are born and can't be converts.
that is true >>472364682
Your quotation marks do not contain quotes, lying Jew.
>John 8:44
>You are of your father the devil, and your will is to do your father's desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, and has nothing to do with the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks according to his own nature, for he is a liar and the father of lies.
She found out that the Prime Minister has no power and it's all lobbyists/rich people using them as a fall guy. Naturally the ideal fall guy desperate to appear powerful is an Indian.
>"I am here longer than you" was always a very dumb low-IQ argument.

Been here before you faggot. You asked why I am here. I am asking why you newfags are here? None of the oldfags want you - You are no different than Islamic migrants in Europe.
And i was here during /new/ which was NatSoc. Meanwhile you didn't even know that /new/ was a thing. You never heared about it.

Fuck off, newfag, this is a stormfront board.
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the UK already had quite a lot of debt and she want to cut taxes, which would have created even more debt
the markets didnt like that and it all imploded
I think she is a little bit dumb, too
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So she was like a female Mosley except being female she bitched out instead of doing anything?
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>Talks about /New/ being Nazi

LMAO. /New/ was literally CLOSED because you stormfags begun to spam it. Early 4chan was Libertarian and you guys are literally an infection here.
all that effort posting lies to debunk a ai meme.
what a lazy zoomer, it took me less than 3 minutes
as much as jews fucked it up to begin with you still got to give the man some credit.
he said he would go after the economy and thats what he does.
a man who respects his word, deserves some credit.
>stop printing money
>inflations stops
Who could have forsee this? What a genius!
more bullshit
americans HAVE to pay for healthcare + tip
Euros have ALREADY paid for healthcare, and tips are not given

Americans have more money, more expenses. euros less money, LESS EXPENSES

do you now get the bullshit sold by your chart? (also americans have less than half the vacation days of euros, so apply the same principle again)

Inflation in terms of price increase takes YEARS to settle after large amounts of money has been dumped into the economy.

Not only Argentina had been printing excessive money for quite a while, they printed a SHIT TON right before they gave presidential seat to Milei.

Additionally, they had stopped paying debt, and they didn't send any money to public works. They halted everything, so all the inflation and all the cost would fall on Milei's government.

Milei had to cut many expenses to palliate these 'time bombs' set by previous government. Everything is being audited and there's corruption in every single government program, including but not limited prostitution in exchange for welfare, and forcing the poor to do many political party work, such going to protests, in exchange for the welfare food. On interviews, the 'protesters' aren't even able to answer why they are there, or why they are protesting.

The fact skyrocketing inflation began dropping is quite the feat. But it's hardly enough to fix the economy, the REAL economy, made of industry and commerce and real jobs, not the fake government economy, that produces nothing of value, and is based on deficit and cannibalizing the shrinking and debilitating working class.
some countries are more suited for high taxes and some are more suited for no taxes.

for example in france, taxes should be much lower since there are too many parasites good for nothings who leech on the blood of the taxpayers who never pay taxes and talk shit about the host country and know no bounds nor laws.

in an ethnostate, you can have higher taxes assuming everyone respects the laws and finds it fair. I have a harder time finding examples of this for every year that passes
Milei the libertarian dismantled the anti child traficking unit while himself being for the free trade of children.
>Inflation in terms of price increase takes YEARS to settle after large amounts of money has been dumped into the economy.
Bullshit. Look at Trump and it's Covid stimulus. That shit inflated the prices over 100% OVERNIGHT.
Does it give any satisfaction making stuff up?

Trade of children goes against Libertarianism. You don't have the freedom to step over other people's rights, including children.

Expanding money supply is only one factor that increases prices. The OTHER thing that can increase prices is reduced supply. Just so it happens, lockdowns halted production of many things overnight.

Scarcity is a huge driver of price increases.
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>>472355400 >>472359729
>>Racks up inflation to 200 percent
The previous administrations did that.
Milei simply removed the damaging price controls so the true rate of inflation would be visible and able to be dealt with.
You people literally can not stop lying.
>Market liberals were in charge
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>inflation looks like it's stopped
Yeah, it looks okay now. It's only one metric, by the way. I want to see other metrics on employment, workforce participation, poverty rate, purchasing power, etc
Let's see how long until this economic restructuring leads to another financial crisis, civil unrest, and political instability.
Once political instability kicks in, forget it.
Your "bolsheviks," "commies," and "leftists" are returning to power. Hopefully, Milei can sell off what's left of Argentina to international Jewish bankers before the "leftists" return to power.
>The more I browse /pol/, the more I realized that "muh jews" comes from actual communists and mudslimes. Guess what, it goes hand in hand. Paleshitians are commies. Turns out, jews are unironically our bros
wtf the palistinians are not communist at all are you fucking retarded? show your real flag rabbi.
the only thing which matters is inflation and purchasing power.

with a higher purchasing power, businesses can create employment which will lower the poverty rate and obviously increase "worker participation" (whatever that means)
the currency needs to be aligned with the needs of the country.
the criteria are based on import and export balance.
people are not stupid and when they have good conditions, things tend to go well in the end.
this does not only apply to the economy but the reality is that everything is intertwined
Inflation 0 =/= we are better economically
The faggot kike needs to end the gibs, before we turn into something worse than Venezuela
>the criteria are based on import and export balance.
(not) cheep Chinese electronics is not worth this shit anon.
Benjamin Netanyahu publically spoke about financing Hamas, its a MOSSAD puppet
Black Americans own more cars, live in larger houses, own more houses, and make higher salaries than the majority of Europeans. They also get free healthcare from the government and preferential treatment in college admissions and scholarships. In almost every measurable way, Black Americans have a higher quality of living than the average European. American Blacks find this condition so unbearable they routinely burn down their neighborhoods.
You're arrogance is hilliarous.
You can buy 10 cheap chink electronics or 1 cheap Chinese electric sold by kikes at the same price.
Kikes and amerimutts produce jack and shit. Everything we have is either chink or indian, it's over

I think you're forgetting that Bibi is very very stupid, and that to a stupid man funding hamas to weaken the PLO sounds like a real smart thing to do. Hamas has played him like a fiddle for the last 9 months
Yeah as if bankers werent profitting from it before
Milei is doing everything he's supposed to be doing, all the way down to his eccentric personality that distracts from how he's destroying Argentina's sovereignty as a nation. But, hey, who cares? All that matters is that he whores out what's left of his country to (((international bankers))) so that GDP technically goes up, even if employment and workforce participation are unimpressive
>price rises 300%
>price goes down 1%
>argentinians should be forced into poverty because muh socialism
The policies Milei supports are the ones that created prosperity for countries like Switzerland and Taiwan.
Why do you hate the working class so much?
if one business can hire one person next year, that is a lot when you multiply by the number of businesses.
a huge chunk of taxes need to be removed for businesses to be able to do that.
i'm talking about small business and small shops.
they are the most numerous and only when they are able to thrive with all the positive consequences can you have a robust economy. real improvement must come from the ground up.

if done well, things should last longer too so less political chaos in the long run
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>the only thing which matters is inflation and purchasing power.
Reductionist take on economics, huh? I guess I found the libertarian Milei simp.
>businesses can create employment which will lower the poverty rate
Elementary take on economics, huh? Come on! Even libertarians and Milei simps have to know that AI and automation are going to limit job creation. You can't be that stupid. Y'all are dumb, but you can't be that stupid.
Kek it reminds me of this video, what's the lore of the kike's nickname?
still waiting for him to abolish the central bank but good job

Hell if I know, his real name's Mileikowsky though and--
uh oh.
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>you disagree with me, therefore I can only conclude that you promote socialism
I'm a civic nationalist. I believe in strong nation-states and protectionism, not internationalism. The policies that Milei supports are not going to fix what's wrong with Argentina. They might improve things for certain investors, certain business interests, and definitely for American and other Western-based companies doing business there. But this shit won't improve the lives of the working class. No guy who sets up a meeting with Bill Clinton after getting elected is doing anything good for his people.
ai and automation are a major force which affects all countries at once or almost at once.
the effects are global.
this is about one countries economy, something where there is some room to decide something.
yes, export and import decide alot.
your geographical situation, resources, skills etc.
argentina has everything except an economy.
Hysterical 7 decades of jewishness
We know a crypto jew propaganda and chemo poison
>it's real
>You should consider being more pro-Jewish, maybe than your country won't be such a shithole :)


Sweden is pretty much shithole, my dear Elder. What are they doing wrong?
lmao why do you want to live in poverty?
argentina is the 2nd biggest country in south america with a sparce population, they have the potential to live very, very well.
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Argentina possesses definite comparative advantages in agriculture because the country is endowed with a vast amount of highly fertile land.[2] Between 1860 and 1930, exploitation of the rich land of the pampas strongly pushed economic growth.[3] During the first three decades of the 20th century, Argentina outgrew Canada and Australia in population, total income, and per capita income.[3] By 1913, Argentina was among the world's ten wealthiest states per capita.[4]
So that's why food prices in the West have surged. Huh.
He's not a jew you cum guzzling pajeet.
That nigga Bukele is getting results...
leaving for argentina in a submarine in 1945 would probably be like retiring in switzerland but better and with more space.
I wouldn't want rootless internationalist interests profiting off of my country's resources and labor while providing nothing of value in return to my country for the profit that they enjoy while having the power to escape the rule-of-law in my country. Simple as.
Now reverse it.
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nice so it's stabilizing at 250% overall inflation
My point is you can't reverse it with economic policies, it would take decades. You would need an economic boom.
thats the problem with people, most view argentina as a 3rd world country. but through most of 20th century it has been a 1st world level country economically at times it was three times richer than brazil and twice as richer as mexico, country was well industrialized until the 90's. if they have political problems its because of factors that simply must be completely absurd. they have all the means to live a good life.
it goes much deeper than the subject of milei, it must be argentinas destiny regardless of politician
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Did someone say Argentina logs?
its like a guy who has a 50 acre farm and says he cant eat? its fucking absurd if you ask me.
this should not be happening
if you're trying to imply milei, who came into office december 2023, is responsible for the cumulative 250% inflation that took place from 2018 until the january 2024, that would be very disingenious
>Trade of children goes against Libertarianism. You don't have the freedom to step over other people's rights, including children.
A deceiver
No te molestes que es literal un retrasado peronigger que vende su orto a drogadictos en yankeelandia.
Peroniggers voted against the creation of a effective task force against people trafficking.
If you are just passing the ball. Peroniggers always have it worse.
It's a country that voted a crazy fat man who fucks his dogs lol
>Trade of children goes against Libertarianism. You don't have the freedom to step over other people's rights, including children.
That's the utopia version of libertarianism. Just like how communism is supposed to feed everyone yet fails at that. A true libertarian government will eventually be powerless to stop the rich from committing whatever crimes they desire. Only money matters in libertarianism. Morality and law is completely irrelevant.
>Milei fixes shit.
>But mu-uh he... he fucks his dogss!1!
You know peroniggers are absolutely destroyed when they can't think of anything except lies. Well, lies is all they can make.
mainstream but interesting article. goes into the intricacies of living with that sort of inflation.


its really crazy
imagine you buy everything you can to preserve the value of your labor.

in a normal economy you could buy gold but there its crazy expensive because who the fuck would want to exchange gold for pesos anyway??

its just surreal.
Alright man maybe dial it back a notch. Could’ve just stopped at “‘da jooz’ is a meme”
every price is set with a extremely high premium to give the seller receiving the payment some time to switch it to dollars or more things and so the problem just switches hands in a never ending cycle.

its like the hot potato game taken to the extreme. no one wants to hold it.
when it has come to this point, just get paid in us dollars directly. it would solve the constant need to run around everywhere.
pay taxes in usd and lower them at the same time to boost because of the lowered buying pressure (since inflation is no longer a reason to buy things)
it makes sense in the short term until you can peg the peso on silver or something. besides, I can bet my front tooth that many argentinians already have silver so it would make sense.
>write down "no inflation"
>jews news counts it
>meanwhile argentinians are knifing their neighbors for cans of dog food
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>WEF puppet
>also a kike
nothing to see here
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Every major evangelicuck religion here were founded by american evangelical christcucks missionaries representing one of the hundreds of cults americans have.
Assembly of god, YHWH witness, SDA to name a few.
I have to get out of America as soon as possible.
What kind of life can someone have in Argentina on $5,000 USD monthly salary?
Is the internet stable enough for someone who works from home to do their job?
Am I going to end up on WPD having dogs chew my dick off while having someone peel my face off like a potato?
if they can reverse the inflation, they shouldnt even need to dollarize, if a trend lower would persist, the peso would be boosted by speculators as much as people, the need to get rid of them asap would hopefully be removed.

the second best remains the dollar or something else. still, dollarisation is not perfect.
at this point though, not much is perfect.
those who voted must have felt like they dont have much left at stake, i dont know. there are never enough argentinians on 4chan to explain.
Fuck off we are full.
>those who voted must have felt like they dont have much left at stake
Yeah. I also have hope on Milei. But i felt that if Massa won, we would never become a country better than mediocre, and probably we would be a really big shithole.
Massa had some dictatorial tendencies, and it's one of the biggest liables of the current economic crisis.
I literally felt that if massa would have won, the country would have sinked to being a Africa nigger tier country with 50 iq people. I'm very patriotic. But if my compatriots were literally fucking niggers that don't see anything past "muh plan social" then i would have lost the hope for my country.
It was literally a really dire situation. And almost every educated person felt the same.
Palestinians don't expel Christians, one of the world's most ancient orthodox church was in Gaza until Israel bombed it with people inside.

A fucking marsh german lmao
problem is, peso is not even open for trade in the market.
this was aparently a measure by some previous central bank to "prevent" further drop in value.
naturally none of those types of measures ever worked because they never work when there is no fundamental trust in the currency. the money printer has been on full speed for years upon years.

all in all, i really believe they will manage this in the end.
Their genetic stock is Italians mixed with Spaniards and fucking blowdart spitting indios.
That's the problem.

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