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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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>I'm going to take all of my wealth and hard-earned assets and use them so that my kids are spoiled and don't have to learn any character-building life lessons
Why does literally every parent do this?
only socialists seethe over inheritance
But I don't want the state to intervene, fag.
I want the parents of good times to stop making weak children who will grow up to make unnecessarily retarded times.
>Humans are bad at parenting

95% of humans have no clue about the critical teaching window with a child, from age 2 to age 7.
80% of a person's personality is derived from what they are taught during this time period.


Why are promoting bad parenting.
Generational weatlh has and always been fucking meme.
(You) just wanted wealthy parents so you can just sit on your ass and do nothing all day.
this is fake bs. 99% about genes.
Due to Caucasian demographic death blows from WW1 and WW2 the wisdom of families and parenting has left society adrift in the wake of war profiteering and democide.
inheritance as money if fucked and stupid. Inheritance should be given as 100 forested acres of land and some hand tools. That's a fuckin inheritance
At least the boomers could leave a less jewed world behind since every detail of it is nonsensical and designed to give (((them))) more gibs, thrills, control, ...
Not all of them do, and some end up providing fuck all. If you got spoiled you're actually better off than the ones that got nothing. You can always get less from more, but getting more from less is always a hassel. You got lucky. The tree that is born crooked struggles towards the light, despite of, not because of it's crookedness. The other trees just reach it good.
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imagine being a nigger

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