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This is Russia's own missile self destructing over the beach after it failed to intercept ATACMS.
1) There are 34 splashes in the video. Count em, faggot. ATACMS would be fucking hundreds of splashes.
2) There are no incendiary flashes. M74 submunitions are incendiary. Mechanical impact fuse.
3) Those people would not walk away when the submunition landed near them. It has a 15 meter anti-personnel radius. Steel fragments that go through lightly armored vehicles and make them inoperable. They'd have all died.
4) There are no pictures of a single submunition of fragment of ATACMS on that beach. There are, however, pictures of a Tor-M2 missile debris on the beach.
5) These missiles are not meant to incercept maneuvering missiles such as ATACMS, and are programmed to self-destruct in a failure mode.
6) Watch what a real ATACMS attack looks like: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ipr_hPAcR_Q
You can see the incendiary flashes and hundreds of submunitions.
All of those people would have fucking died, shot down or deliberately pointed at the beach. The reality is, Russia's missile failed to intercept ATACMS, and then self-destructed over a crowded beach.

4 people were killed & 144 civilians injured due to the inhuman terrorist attack by the Ukrainian Armed Forces in Sevastopol on June 23.

NATO countries' officials will cover the criminal Kiev regime to the last & turn a blind eye to its atrocities vs Russians.
Holy cope. Kys zogbot
The video is extremely underwhelming. I didn't see a single person get killed. Even the ones in the foreground seemed fine. Sounds like Holocaust math to me bros.
Why is ukraine wasting money and resources to scare a beach crowd?
Why not just strike a military target? Or would involve some actual effort?
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It's because the missile was intercepted and the beach wasn't the target, literally everyone in that video would be dead if the ATACMS were targeting them.
I think they were targeting the massive airbase filled with jets right next to the beach.
What is the military target?
yeah it looks nothing like an ATACMS strike but rather falling debris
Thanks, actually useful answer. Appreciate it.
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>I think

exactly in bright day when planes are gone to bomb..
Yep, it was panzir missile self-destruction.
took a few days for nato troons to get thier talking points straight.

meanwhile a jew chose to attack at noon on a christian holiday (first day of Holy Trinity Week) when he knew the beach would be packed.
A night attack on the base would have been just as effective.
Kill yourself jew
it's always really funny how angry you poor things get
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So how come every news outlet reported the hamas attack on oct 7th occured on a jewish holiday (which I never heard of) but ZERO westerm outlets reported this attack was on a russian orthodox holiday? (to be fair I never heard of it before either)
That’s way more than 34 splashes LOL
Russia needs to invade now that life guard almost got hit
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>The only target at airfields are the planes, just ignore the runway, hangars, storage facilities, radar systems, etc...
ok retard
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>just ignore the runway, hangars, storage facilities, radar systems, etc...

that empty air field from 60'doesnt have such shit..
Has the possibility occurred to you that the camera might not have caught every impact? The impacts stretch to both edges of the frame

>M74 submunitions are incendiary
They are not; they are high explosive fragmentation

>It has a 15 meter anti-personnel radius. Steel fragments
You conflict yourself. Previously you said the M74 were incendiary.

Fragmentation effect is probabilistic. The closer you are to the blast, the more likely you are to be struck by fragments. And a fragmentation injury need be immediately lethal or immobilizing. It depends on how many fragments you are hit by, how fast they are traveling when they hit, and where the fragments hit.
The largest airfield in Crimea doesn't have shit? Yeah dude they totally didn't modernize it, also just ignore the runways too little buddy :)
actually they have a hollywood consultant in the missile command center producing "ukraine is winning" videos so they need good lighting
Good arguments, OP. Both sides are barbarians and liars, sometimes more, other times less. Thank you for trying to shed some truth around.
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Kek true.
True there are no good guys in war.
>*no jews were harmed in the making of this movie
if any of this were true NATO would have released thier video.
talk to the people who pay you
Total NATO Death
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>The largest airfield

why are you lying?
many lies bro
If the missiles did any damage they would have spammed the images for weeks
>try to bomb civilians
>russian AD does its job
>some debris still hit the beach
>that's russia's fault, they should have left the 5 missiles hit the beach

flawless logic
how did you know what type of war head, payload had. You don't. Atacms can have many different type of payloads

Wait... hold on... Your logic is that Russia intercepting missiles intended for those innocent people is somehow a defense of NATO running a proxy war against Russia?

How fucking retarded are you? Are you in the military? Are you some DOD faggot? we don't trust you people anymore. At all.

Fuck off. Remember when Ukraine did the same thing and killed someone in Poland, and then all you evil motherfuckers rushed to say we should enact article 5? Yeah, go fuck yourself. You motherfuckers should be tried, and get whatever punishment suits your treasonous behavior.

Verification not required

NAFO isn't sending their best.
Or are they

Take a second to appreciate how fucking retarded you people are.

Tell me, what would the United States do if Russia was arming one of our neighbors and they were attacking US cities? Tell me.

Please. Tell me what the US would do. And from there we can pass judgment on Putin.
You faggots aren't fooling anyone.
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Those civilians wouldn't have been peppered by debris if the Russians just allowed the airfield to be hit, or does the le based and trad Russian military value its jets over the lives of their own people?

I don't trust you
so why not hit the airfield at night.
and the main reason Russia is pissed is because NATO announced last week thier AI is going to target Russian air bases.


NATO is utilizing artificial intelligence to track Russian aircraft and fueling stations, the US-led bloc’s Assistant Secretary General for Innovation, Hybrid and Cyber, David van Weel, has revealed.

Speaking at the NATO-Ukraine Defense Innovators Forum at AGH University of Krakow, Poland, the top official pledged to deepen cooperation with Kiev, with a new agreement on “battlefield innovation” already in sight.

“The energy for more collaboration between Ukrainian and Allied innovation ecosystems was contagious, and is exactly why Allies and Ukraine are working together on a new innovation agreement in the NATO-Ukraine Council,” van Weel stated.

As an example of the integration of various AI solutions, he said the bloc utilizes it to analyze satellite imagery in order to track and count Russian aircraft and fueling stations. The assistant secretary general said that using AI in such a manner was in accord with NATO’s principles on ethical Al use.
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>missiles intended for those innocent people
The target was the airbase.
>what would the United States do if Russia was arming one of our neighbors and they were attacking US cities
At least? Attack the country they're arming to the point where they can't attack us anymore, possibly invade them too.
At most? Directly attack Russia.
But it's not like we have to worry about that because Russia just doesn't have the stocks to give missiles to people like candy, and we've seen the performance of their missiles in Ukraine so I doubt any of our cities would even be hit.
whats up with the tranny memes? faggot

tell us how its ok to kill babies making sand castles on the beach again.
Pic related
What happened with the bloodthirsty nafo who celebrated Russian civilian death,made fun of shark eating Russians?
Does these zogbots and shills spamming nafo propaganda now fear that they are going to get hit in their formerly safe middle eastern bases in retaliation?
Your words and propaganda don't change anything, the deed have been done and Russia now will move in to expand their great power confrontation with the US to a more kinetic level.
It was fun for nafo when only nato specialists pretending to be ukrainians were firing at Russians, but now Russians are going to fire and harass nato bases all over the world.
Not so much fun now eh?
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I will stop posting BB since it's triggering you.
>tell us how its ok to kill babies making sand castles on the beach again.
I don't know why I had to say this 3 times now but the target wasn't some beachgoers, it was the huge airbase that was less than a mile from the beach, maybe Russia should stop letting people take a vacation in an active warzone?
not triggered
I just find it telling you tranny faggots seem to be celibrating dead children killed on a christian holiday.
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>Thinks https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ipr_hPAcR_Q hit that beach
>Thinks only 4 people would die
>Thinks a bomblet from an atacms would leave an inflatable rubber ring intact a few feet away
Did you watch the video or are you just stupid?

Webm related is the aftermath of the beach btw
The target was the AIRBASE you fucking retard.
Your country is at war. Lets go to the beach
yea, nobody is buying your bullshit faggot. funny how it took 3 days for your talking points to surface.
It doesn't matter if the air base was the intended target. Also, Crimea isn't a war zone.
You shouldn't trust anyone especially on here. All I have done is post the clip from the Russian foreign ministry (as you can see) and then added a vid of what an atacms does. See if you think that beach video is that.

There isn't a payload that consists of what is clearly a few dozen pieces of shrapnel raining down on the beach though.
lol based.
>i know ill go on holidays in a war zone
russian education
Because I was confused why a beach is an appropriate target and someone offered a reasonable explanation.

Ukraine doesn't have to care if they accidentally involve us. They probably want that to happen. Maybe you should have thought of this when someone else gave a massively corrupt country a bunch of missiles.
Are you dense? What are you even trying to argue?
don't bother
he's a faggot
Hundreds would have died if the beach was the target.
>the place full of naval and airbases being constantly attacked with drones/missiles isn't a warzone.
cope faggot.
What a load of horseshit. You can literally see the smoke from the explosions and the shockwave at 0:07/0:08. That's not sand it's kicking up.
They weren’t the target, but little kids should neither have been there nor have been killed. I suppose you are also outraged at the tens of thousands of Ukrainian civilians that have been killed by various apartment bombings?
So why not target the base at night?
NATO knew thier missiles would fly over the beach.
NATO knew Russia would launch interceptors.

you are a heartless faggot
>So why not target the base at night?
Slam dunk. Sayonara baal worshippers.
Likely because there was some target of opportunity that required urgent action.
Russia knew that they are at war with Ukraine, to allow tourists from motherland to come near critical infastructure just sounds like human shields to me
"see, they are attacking us! they are bombing innocent civilians!"
it was an intercepted missile
>I suppose you are also outraged at the tens of thousands of Ukrainian civilians that have been killed by various apartment bombings?
Sorry chuddy, targets of opportunity and such. Had to be done. Good night piglets!
>So why not target the base at night?
The Ukrainians fire missiles both during day and night, it depends on what's happening.
>NATO knew thier missiles would fly over the beach.
So? It's not NATO's nor Ukraine's fault that those beachgoers are still taking vacations right next to an airbase that has been attacked nearly a dozen times now.
>NATO knew Russia would launch interceptors.
>you are a heartless faggot
I'm heartless because I think the Russians are retarded for taking a vacation in a warzone? Get fuck out of here retard.
Russia took out the ATACMS while in the air and the debris hit the beach. This was already confirmed. You haven't addressed that at all.

There's an Israeli flag behind that memeflag. Their VPN got fucked up somehow so that's why virtually all of them use memeflags. The Pentagon's VPNs still work which is why you see Finnish flags spouting nonsense as well.
oh look its a troon

So its just a coincidence the attack was at noom on a russian orthodox holiday when they knew the beach would be packed
fact checked : true!
tranny status: positive!
Why are they going on a beach holiday to an active warzone?
I don't see anyone getting hurt

Putler lied again
they have been at war for 10 years
they are not pussies like you
maybe they didnt expect the USA to launch missiles at them?
In this sort of event, wouldn't it be safer to run into the water? Sort of like a "lightning doesn't strike twice" theory, after all the water erupted with explosions, a prolonged attack would strike different areas.
the problem with wars with long range missiles or drone attacks is that it destroys one of wars oldest customs
you cant rape if you blow everything up via drones from 100s of miles away
whats the point of joining an army if theres no promise of rape?
well yes, it was the debris from an intercepted missile
so they didn't target the beach?
why is russia using human shields?
Russia has beaches?
right because the guy saying people at war should not intentionally target women and children is the bad guy.
Russia is lying retarded faggots proven yet again lmao /pol/tards still support them tho
Literally everything he said is correct, and your only response is zogbot? Do you not realize you fucking retarded you ziggers look? Just accept that the United States didn’t give Ukraine ATACMS to bomb beach-going civilians, it isn’t that difficult of a reality to accept. 4 of the 5 missiles were successfully intercepted, the 5th was intercepted but not fully destroyed, the bomblets dispersed over a large area, only a small fraction of what would be in an ATACMS, mostly struck the water, and hit a few civilians because Russia failed to appropriately damage the incoming missile to destroy it. If they would have entirely missed the fifth missile, or just let it hit, no civilians would be dead or injured. Ukraine would waste ATACMS on civs even if they wanted to, they can’t afford to.
I want to see moar viddys of Russniggers getting shredded. Ded Russnigger children make me smile.
>Faggots relaxing on the beach during a war.
Why cluster bombs though?
>they have been at war for 10 years
And? Only retards think of an active warzone and immediately decide "yeah, I bet that would be a good place to go on a beach vacation"
>they are not pussies like you
Then why are they complaining about getting bombed? Nobody made them go there, they could have gone literally anywhere else - instead they decided to wander blindfolded and mouth open into a forest full of dicks and now they cry about the result
>maybe they didnt expect the USA to launch missiles at them?
But surely they could have assumed the hohols might?
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Yes, that's what they do. Everyday, all day.
Hey faggot, using a fag flag and calling people faggots is MY gimmick. Find yourself another schtick nigger.
Looks more like cannon fire.
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Did you seriously have to run to /pol/ after getting laughed at on the other board? You won't fool anyone here with your falseflags shill.
It covers a large area and it can easily destroy/damage a large number of soft targets, which includes infantry, lightly armored vehicles, and infrastructure.
Sounds like this is just the normal consequence of war. One side targets another, missiles intercepted or miss. A few civs are hurt.
Russia gets to spin it and your oligarchs get a little closer to drafting you.
One of two warm beaches in all of russia. It's probably good propaganda to keep them open and even better propaganda if Ukraine accidentally kills anyone there.
And every nation on earth currently would sacrifice you exactly the same way.
if nato didnt just commit a war crime these threads wouldnt be full of nato troon shills.
>You won't fool anyone here with your falseflags shill.
m mm m falseflags.
idgaf. idc who did what. i just like seeing SHREDDED zigger kids.
the moar ded zigger kids the better.
It really doesn't matter what you say. Russia is blaming the US for this. It's what the US would do if Mexicans started shooting at the US with Russian provided missiles.
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The real warcrime is Russia having military installations that close to civilian areas and allowing civilians to take vacations in a warzone.
Go back to spamming /k/ and /int/ with your falseflags zigger.

nah im staying right here thanks.
to watch moar ruzznigger kids get shredded.
god bless pootins.
killing moar russians kek
Use of cluster munitions in civilian centers is against international norms and accepted standards of war, there would be no interception without this wreckless attack of desperation using banned weapons from Ukraine

Bruh this shit too easy
This thread is a NAFOtranny /k/ope damage control, here's what actually happened.
1. hohols launched another attack on Crimea with ATACMS but now with cluster bombs missiles (600 clusters per missile) and during DAY
2. something like 5 missiles were successfully intercepted
3. One missile was DELIBERATELY targeting the beach and detonated RIGHT under it vertically, so it was not intercepted because it acted like it hit the target that it was programmed to hit (detonation in the air perpendicular to the ground).
4. 150 people injured, 40 of them kids, 2 dead.
5. All that time the american drone was helping missiles hit the target.
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>This thread is a NAFOtranny /k/ope damage control
he says. coping.
moar ded ruzznigger kidz pls. tell your presidonk to get on killing moar of u plz. ruzznigger
This is what the average NAFO shill looks like
china why would you post this
Aren’t there a lot of native Crimean's and Ukrainians who still live there since it’s technically still Ukraine?
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idk i just like seeing ded ruzzian kids.
i want to see them smushed into the ground, like the ruzzianz did to ukie kids.
>no, i don like it when da shoe is on da other fooot.
lol. lmao even.
>be ruzzian
>commit war crimes
>complain about war crimes happening to you
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Why not just dive underwater for 30 seconds and cover your ears? Shrapnel doesn't fuck around
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>150 people injured, 40 of them kids, 2 dead.
it really doesnt matter how the troons here spin this. This will be a recruiting tool for Russia.
No need to abduct people in vans to fight a war for jewish reasons.

protip: hide from the war jew in your attic and dont forget pen and paper
Anton Frankovich
>Russia's missile failed to intercept ATACMS, and then self-destructed over a crowded beach.
Yes, Russia is always lying.
>40 of them kids
based. funny how they don't like it when it happens to them.
>wah wah they done killed muh 50IQ zigger kid
lol. lmao even.
Funny how you reply like a pidor troll.

Well excuse me for not wanting to play paper rock scissors w\ American lives. You faggots seem to have no issue playing chicken w\ others lives though.

I was insinuating that you were patting a NAFO shill on the back as if they were a legitimate poster.

The US and NATO 100% provoked this entire conflict and you and your family are less safe because of it. Same w\ the israel situation.
Considering they accidentally shot down 24 of their own planes and heli so far, I wouldn't be surprised if its their own missile. Not that the ruskis even care.
>The US and NATO 100% provoked this entire conflict and you and your family are less safe because of it. Same w\ the israel situation.

I can just tell you're a redneck Hill Billy lmao.
>Russia lies

Ruzzia likes killing Ruzzians.
to the surprise of absolutely fucking nobody.
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>The US and NATO 100% provoked this
Anon, what's it like being retarded?
I wish more mongrel civilians died there. Sadly, none died....
>I have no response and concede to your argument Mr. "xogbot"
hey where da ruzzianz go?
they don't like it now everyone is laughing at them. kek.
>zigger zoomers on suicide watch
>The US and NATO 100% provoked this entire conflict
Mostly true but also if Ukraine was weak enough to sell themselves then Russia would have done the same thing. At least this way the west is spending money while russian spends lives.
And this, I think is what the western alliances wanted. A meat grinder to depopulate Russian military. Another proxy war.

So what? You think if it's widely accepted as a Ukraine war crime we'll stop funding them or something?
Whenever the vatniks start complaining about gore posting, or "what about the children?", I always think of how they destroyed this man's entire family. How many other people's lives are in shambles due to retarded Russian lies?
Every NAFO failpost is a reminder that NAFO is literally trannies who will commit suicide one day.
He's right. Expanding NATO to Russia's borders was always a bone headed move designed to bring about nuclear war. But nuclear war won't be so bad - it'll reset the US's demographics to 1870.
you just don't get it, and you don't deserve to. you'll never be human
they are the absolutely biggest whingers in the world.
>ahah fook jew piggie
>no, you can't kill ruzzian kidz like we kill ukies. it's not fair.
The ziggers love posting gore of ukie kids being decapitated and smushed, but they don't seem to like it when the shoe is on the other foot. The world would be a much better place with no russians in it. Especially the visajeets that run to EU or USA and start shitposting about how great Ruzzia is
Sure thing NAFO tranny. Don’t forget; you’re gonna die screaming ;)

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