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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Make sure to live stream it
You won't do shit.
>4 pepe threads in less than 3 minutes
What are you sliding?
Do you have a plan?
don’t do it. only fags and holes use snap
can't believe that the UFC still employs joe rogan after this incident
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This shit needs to stop
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It's all about the he said she said bullshit.
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the world is an unnatural place bro, it is what it is tho

that's okay, the US government will put you in an internment/reeducation camp before then chuddie.
woman moment
Fawk yeah bro, snap your fingers, snap your neck faggot.

Sounds like you are not in a good state of mind. I would establish a sincere habit of daily prayer in order to still the waters of your soul.

I'm not.
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I am safe and sound with God Jesus Christ in his crib :)
Only God Jesus Christ loves me, cares about me and saves me.
Only God Jesus Christ sees me.
Only God Jesus Christ listens to me.
Only God Jesus Christ respects me.
Only God Jesus Christ loves me.
Only God Jesus Christ embraces me.
Only God Jesus Christ is real and true.
All is one in Christ.
I love only you God Jesus Christ.
Grow up nigger
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Im getting tiredd of pretending all this illegal immigration is good for our culture
who did this?
good, now go tell reddit
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Im aint blowin all my karma bro
I come here here to be real and get my boosties from there
That is what they are counting on.
If you do, make sure you have useful targets. Like any democrat in sight, every one has either committed treason or raped a child.
Same with illegals, even taking out ten of them would mean ten fewer people to be robbed, ten fewer young girls to be raped.
hello mr CIA. You are just tried to make a rare one
1PBTID, not AT ALL political. Wtf mods, do feds force you to keep this shit up so they can attempt to honeypot more schizos?
you should have sooner.
Is it today? Is it tomorrow?
Wow you caught one live and then I replied that's hilarious
what was it?
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I am incredibly racist and hate all black people.

Don't know how to fix this
Idk it was already deleted, could be someone LARPing as a fed and then intentionally deleting their comment to make it seem real. Happens all the time, you have to be prepared for every angle when it comes to this place.
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He really really deleted it? What a homosexual fag. Anyway, claimed to have made the FED pepe
i dont doubt him.
anyone can edit it with fixing it.
it doesnt mean he's a fed it just means he may be a
a fucking
do us all a favor and actually go after high-level celebrities or politicians this time. maybe whack a rothschild, or two? i'm dead tired of you fucking retards only ever whacking normie nobodies.
what do a couple grey pixels do? Did they encode something in it? You probably don't even know because you are a faggot.

welcome to 40, anon
I think you betta quit
talkin that shit
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No one's taking out your boss for you nudger faggot.
You and me both, bro.
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Understandable. Try to get one black friend at least and try to domesticate him and make him see. Pick a relatively smart one. My black nigger Tony is slowly becoming even more racist than me, its funny. He is a honorary negro if you ask me
you fuckface kill yourself, then, you useless fucking gimp.
Good, kill your superior officer when you do
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They are tracking bars, anon. Every image has a hash, if the pixels are changed so does the hash. There are (Outdated) programs that can track the hash, and realize origins and pathways from where and TO where that image goes.
Just like when you give someone your phone number, all of a sudden all the related phone numbers to both your's and the other person's...
Ya know what, nevermind....
Also similar to what printers do with the invisible dot-matrix
Yeah.. Made flyering a bit dicey for a while there.
There are ways around that.
You gotta 'member tho, all that shit is 10 years old, and they don't even need it anymoar.
you won't do shit you retarded amerifart shart, you won't do shit but larping as neo nazi online for CNN and MSNBC. Faggot frogposting 'research team' homo faggot, eat shit and die americanshartfart.
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Feels like I died several years ago and now just my body remains like a zombie I walk around and every day is like a blur, nothing is enjoyable anymore, no emotions, no highs, just waiting around to die. Without the prima materia my body has been slowly withering away and I can already feel my organs starting to fail. I also quit all stims last year and now there is this type of calm that's taken over me like when you know it's over and there is nothing left to say or do because the inevitable draws near.
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Yes, disgruntled fellow White Christian racist, I too am going to snap. Would you like to buy some fully semi automatic machine gun assault rifles with high-capacity magazines? Convicted felon? No problem!
sleep three days, you will be fine.
what is this schizo babble? is this real? whats the real name for it?
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Hang in there
Don't seethe at us because God cursed you to be a shitskin.
Oh I'm not debating any of that, just pointing out the similar method because that's the best way to spot their tools. They never really change the core methods.
no pussy no snap

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